CISPR 35:2016 applies to multimedia equipment (MME) having a rated AC or DC supply voltage not exceeding 600 V. The objectives of this document are:
- to establish requirements which provide an adequate level of intrinsic immunity so that the MME will operate as intended in its environment in the frequency range 0 kHz to 400 GHz; and
- to specify procedures to ensure the reproducibility of tests and the repeatability of results.

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    90 pages
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2020-10-13: BT D167/C020 to remove EMC and RED link and proceed with the project without link to legislation
2019-12-05: TC decision to carry on implementation as NON hEN - link EMC and RED removed
2019-12-03: NEXT ACTION: TC
2019:12-03: TC decided to set up AHG to look into aligning this AMD with EU regulatory requirements

  • Amendment
    49 pages
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CISPR 32:2015 is available as CISPR 32:2015 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.
CISPR 32:2015 applies to multimedia equipment (MME) as defined in 3.1.24 and having a rated r.m.s. AC or DC supply voltage not exceeding 600 V. This publication covers two classes of MME (Class A and Class B). The MME classes are specified in Clause 4. The objectives of this publication are:
1) to establish requirements which provide an adequate level of protection of the radio spectrum, allowing radio services to operate as intended in the frequency range 9 kHz to 400 GHz;
2) to specify procedures to ensure the reproducibility of measurement and the repeatability of results.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2012. This edition constitutes a technical revision. The contents of the corrigendum of June 2016 have been included in this copy.

  • Standard
    107 pages
    English language
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  • Standard – translation
    105 pages
    Slovenian language
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CISPR 32:2012 International Standard applies to multimedia equipment (MME) having a rated r.m.s. AC or DC supply voltage not exceeding 600 V. Equipment within the scope of CISPR 13 or CISPR 22 is within the scope of this publication. MME intended primarily for professional use is within the scope of this publication. The radiated emission requirements in this standard are not intended to be applicable to the intentional transmissions from a radio transmitter as defined by the ITU, nor to any spurious emissions related to these intentional transmissions. Equipment, for which emission requirements in the frequency range covered by this publication are explicitly formulated in other CISPR publications (except CISPR 13 and CISPR 22), are excluded from the scope of this publication. This document does not contain requirements for in-situ assessment. Such testing is outside the scope of this publication and may not be used to demonstrate compliance with it. This publication covers two classes of MME (Class A and Class B). The objectives of this publication are to establish requirements which provide an adequate level of protection of the radio spectrum, allowing radio services to operate as intended in the frequency range 9 kHz to 400 GHz and to specify procedures to ensure the reproducibility of measurement and the repeatability of results. The contents of corrigendum of March 2012 have been included in this copy.

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    85 pages
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CISPR 13:2009 applies to the generation of electromagnetic energy from sound and television receivers for the reception of broadcast and similar transmissions and from associated equipment. CISPR 13:2009 describes the methods of measurement applicable to sound and television receivers or associated equipment and specifies limits for the control of disturbance from such equipment. The frequency range covered extends from 9 kHz to 400 GHz. This fifth edition of CISPR 13 cancels and replaces the fourth edition published in 2001, its Amendment 1 (2003) and Amendment 2 (2006). This edition constitutes the introduction of the RMS-average detector as an alternative to quasi-peak and average detector for conducted and radiated emission measurements.

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    49 pages
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CISPR 22:2008 applies to information technology equipment (ITE). Procedures are given for the measurement of the levels of spurious signals generated by the ITE and limits are specified for the frequency range 9 kHz to 400 GHz for both class A and class B equipment. No measurements need be performed at frequencies where no limits are specified. The intention of this publication is to establish uniform requirements for the radio disturbance level of the equipment contained in the scope, to fix limits of disturbance, to describe methods of measurement and to standardize operating conditions and interpretation of results. This sixth edition of CISPR 22 cancels and replaces the fifth edition published in 2005, its Amendment 1 (2005) and Amendment 2 (2006). This edition constitutes a minor revision. NEW! CISPR 22:2008 is also available as IEC Standards+ CISPR 22:2008 which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.

  • Standard
    83 pages
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Defines the immunity test requirements for information technology equipment (ITE, as defined in CISPR 22) in relation to continuous and transient, conducted and radiated disturbances, including electrostatic discharges (ESD). Procedures are defined for the measurement of ITE and limits are specified which are developed for ITE and within the frequency range from 0 Hz to 400GHz.This publication establishes requirements which will provide an adequate level of intrinsic immunity so that the equipment will operate as intended in its environment. The test requirements are specified for each port considered.

  • Standard
    49 pages
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2022-03-01: standard will be replaced by EN 55035:2017 on 2022-07-28 hence TC 210 will not undertake any action to solve the EC formal rejection
2020-11-24: EC formal rejection for citation under EMCD
2018-09-25: Not to be cited for EMCD, see Amendment A12 (PR=60553) and possible A13
D137/C019: Amendment to EN 55020 resulting from D137/C018 * To be implemented by all countries except CH

  • Amendment
    3 pages
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D143/C086: BT approved the CLC/TC 210 request to extend the DOW of EN 55032:2012 to DOR + 60 months, to read 2017-03-05

  • Corrigendum
    1 page
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Applies to television broadcast receivers, sound broadcast receivers and associated equipment intended for use in the residential, commercial and light industrial environment. Describes the methods of measurement and specified limits applicable to sound and television receivers and to associated equipment with regard to their immunity characteristics to disturbing signals. This standard is also applicable to the immunity of outdoor units of direct to home (DTH) satellite receiving systems for individual reception. Immunity requirements are given in the frequency range 0 Hz to 400 GHz. Radio-frequency tests outside the specified frequency bands or concerning other phenomena than given in this standard are not required. The objective of this standard is to define the immunity test requirements for equipment defined in the scope in relation to continuous and transient, conducted and radiated disturbances including electrostatic discharges. These test requirements represent essential electromagnetic immunity requirements. Test requirements are specified for each port (enclosure or connector) considered. The environments encompassed by this standard are residential, commercial and light-industrial locations, both indoor and outdoor. The following list, although not comprehensive, gives an indication of locations which are included: - residential properties, e.g. houses, apartments, etc.; - retail outlets, e.g. shops, supermarkets, etc.; - business premises, e.g. offices, banks, etc.; - areas of public entertainment, e.g. cinemas, public bars, dance halls, etc.; - outdoor locations, e.g. petrol stations, car parks, amusement and sports centres, etc.; - light-industrial locations e.g. workshops, laboratories, service centres, etc.; - car and boat. Locations which are characterized by their mains power being supplied directly at low voltage from the public mains are considered to be residential, commercial or light industrial.

  • Standard
    93 pages
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The intention of this standard is to establish uniform requirements for the radio disturbance level of the equipment contained in the scope, to fix limits of disturbance, to describe methods of measurement and to standardize operating conditions andinterpretation of results.

  • Standard
    81 pages
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D115/098: SC 210A disbanded * Corrigendum to EN/A2 issued September 2006 (new dow)

  • Amendment
    6 pages
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EN following parallel vote * D115/098: SC 210A disbanded * Corrigendum to EN/A1 issued September 2006 (new dow)

  • Amendment
    5 pages
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D115/098: SC 210A disbanded * Superseded by EN 55020:2007

  • Amendment
    10 pages
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The intention of this standard is to establish uniform requirements for the radio disturbance level of the equipment contained in the scope, to fix limits of disturbance, to describe methods of measurement and to standardize operating conditions and interpretation of results.

  • Standard
    58 pages
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Applies to television broadcast receivers, sound broadcast receivers and associated equipment intended for use in the residential, commercial and light industrial environment. Describes the methods of measurement and specified limits applicable to sound and television receivers and to associated equipment with regard to their immunity characteristics to disturbing signals. This standard is also applicable to the immunity of outdoor units of direct to home (DTH) satellite receiving systems for individual reception. Defines the immunity test requirements for equipment defined in the scope in relation to continuous and transient, conducted and radiated disturbances including electrostatic discharges. Immunity requirements are given in the frequency range 0 Hz to 400 GHz. Test requirements are specified for each port (enclosure or connector) considered.

  • Addendum
    1 page
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    1 day

Applies to television broadcast receivers, sound broadcast receivers and associated equipment intended for use in the residential, commercial and light industrial environment. Describes the methods of measurement and specified limits applicable to sound and television receivers and to associated equipment with regard to their immunity characteristics to disturbing signals. This standard is also applicable to the immunity of outdoor units of direct to home (DTH) satellite receiving systems for individual reception. Defines the immunity test requirements for equipment defined in the scope in relation to continuous and transient, conducted and radiated disturbances including electrostatic discharges. Immunity requirements are given in the frequency range 0 Hz to 400 GHz. Test requirements are specified for each port (enclosure or connector) considered.

  • Addendum
    1 page
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D115/098: SC 210A disbanded * Corrigendum to EN/A1 issued September 2005 (new dow) * Superseded by EN 55020:2007

  • Amendment
    13 pages
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Applies to television broadcast receivers, sound broadcast receivers and associated equipment intended for use in the residential, commercial and light industrial environment. Describes the methods of measurement and specified limits applicable to sound and television receivers and to associated equipment with regard to their immunity characteristics to disturbing signals. This standard is also applicable to the immunity of outdoor units of direct to home (DTH) satellite receiving systems for individual reception. Defines the immunity test requirements for equipment defined in the scope in relation to continuous and transient, conducted and radiated disturbances including electrostatic discharges. Immunity requirements are given in the frequency range 0 Hz to 400 GHz. Test requirements are specified for each port (enclosure or connector) considered.

  • Standard
    76 pages
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    1 day

D115/098: SC 210A disbanded * Superseded by EN 55024:2010

  • Amendment
    14 pages
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Incorporates work on PR 13726 & 13737 * EN following parallel vote * D115/098: SC 210A disbanded * Superseded by EN 55024:2010

  • Amendment
    6 pages
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Applies to the generation of electromagnetic energy from sound and television receivers for the reception of broadcast and similar transmissions and from associated equipment. Describes the methods of measurement applicable to sound and television receivers or associated equipment and specifies limits for the control of disturbance from such equipment. The frequency range covered extends from 9 kHz to 400 GHz.

  • Standard
    36 pages
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    1 day

Corrigendum to EN/A12 issued July 2001 (new dow) * Superseded by EN 55020:2002 * Published under SC 210A disbanded by D115/098

  • Amendment
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Superseded by EN 55020:2002 * Published under SC 210A disbanded by D115/098

  • Amendment
    3 pages
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Superseded by EN 55013:2001 * Published under SC 210A disbanded by D115/098

  • Amendment
    5 pages
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Superseded by EN 55020:2002 * Published under SC 210A disbanded by D115/098

  • Amendment
    7 pages
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Defines the immunity test requirements for information technology equipment (ITE, as defined in CISPR 22) in relation to continuous and transient, conducted and radiated disturbances, including electrostatic discharges (ESD). Procedures are defined for the measurement of ITE and limits are specified which are developed for ITE and within the frequency range from 0 Hz to 400GHz.This publication establishes requirements which will provide an adequate level of intrinsic immunity so that the equipment will operate as intended in its environment. The test requirements are specified for each port considered.

  • Standard
    39 pages
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    1 day

D91/163: New dow * Superseded by EN 55013:2001 * Published under SC 210A disbanded by D115/098

  • Amendment
    3 pages
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D91/163: New dow * Superseded by EN 55020:2002 * Published under SC 210A disbanded by D115/098

  • Amendment
    3 pages
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New dow * Published under SC 210A disbanded by D115/098 * Superseded by EN 55022:1998

  • Amendment
    19 pages
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EN following parallel vote * Corrigendum to EN/A1 issued August 1997 (new dow) * Superseded by EN 55022:1998 * Published under SC 210A disbanded by D115/098

  • Amendment
    6 pages
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This standard for immunity requirements applies to television broadcast receivers, sound broadcast receivers and associated equipment intended for use in the residential, commercial and light industrial environment. Immunity requirements are given in the frequency range 0 Hz to 400 GHz. Radio-frequency tests outside the specified frequency bands or concerning other phenomena than given in this standard are not required.

  • Standard
    66 pages
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Incorporates A11 * Corrigendum to EN/A12 issued December 1997 (deletion of certification clause) * Superseded by EN 55013:2001 * Published under SC 210A disbanded by D115/098

  • Amendment
    10 pages
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This standard applies to ITE as defined in 3.1. Procedures are given for the measurement of the levels of spurious signals generated by the lTE and limits are specified for the frequency range 9 kHz to 400 GHz for both Class A and Class B equipment. No measurements need be performed at frequencies where no limits are specified. The intention of this standard is to establish uniform requirements for the radio disturbance level of the equipment contained in the scope, to fix limits of disturbance, to describe methods of measurement and to standardize operating conditions and interpretation of results.

  • Standard
    31 pages
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This standard specifies limits and methods of measurement of electromagnetic disturbance caused by sound broadcast receivers, television receivers and associated equipment. Procedures are given for the measurement of electromagnetic disturbance and limits are laid down in the frequency range 9 kHz to 1000 MHz.

  • Standard
    50 pages
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