Space engineering - Buckling of structures

This document recommends engineering practices for European programs and projects. It may be cited in contracts and program documents as a reference for guidance to meet specific program/project needs and constraints.
The target users of this handbook are engineers involved in design, analysis and verification of launchers and spacecraft in relation to structural stability issues. The current know‐how is documented in this handbook in order to make this expertise available to all European developers of space systems.
It is a guidelines document; therefore it includes advisory information rather than requirements.

Raumfahrttechnik - Handbuch Knicken und Beulen von Strukturen

Ingénierie spatiale - Flambement des structures

Vesoljska tehnika - Upogibanje konstrukcij

Ta dokument priporoča inženirske prakse za evropske programe in projekte. Lahko se navaja v pogodbah in programskih dokumentih kot referenca za smernice glede izpolnjevanja posebnih potreb in omejitev v okviru programa/projekta.
Ciljni uporabniki tega priročnika so inženirji, ki se ukvarjajo z načrtovanjem, analiziranjem in preverjanjem lansirnikov ter vesoljskih plovil v zvezi z vprašanji stabilnosti konstrukcije. Ta priročnik dokumentira dosedanje strokovno znanje, da se dostop do njega omogoči vsem evropskim razvijalcem vesoljskih sistemov.
Ker gre za dokument s smernicami, ne podaja zahtev, temveč vsebuje informacije svetovalne narave.

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Technical report
TP CEN/TR 17603-32-24:2022 - BARVE
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Standards Content (Sample)

Vesoljska tehnika - Upogibanje konstrukcij
Space engineering - Buckling of structures
Raumfahrttechnik - Handbuch Knicken und Beulen von Strukturen
Ingénierie spatiale - Flambement des structures
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 17603-32-24:2022
49.140 Vesoljski sistemi in operacije Space systems and
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.


June 2022
ICS 49.035; 49.140
English version
Space engineering - Buckling of structures
Ingénierie spatiale - Flambement des structures Raumfahrttechnik - Handbuch Knicken und Beulen von
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 13 April 2022. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/CLC/JTC 5.

CEN and CENELEC members are the national standards bodies and national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.

CEN-CENELEC Management Centre:
Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2022 CEN/CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means
Ref. No. CEN/TR 17603-32-24:2022 E
reserved worldwide for CEN national Members and for
CENELEC Members.
Table of contents
European Foreword . 14
Introduction . 15
1 Scope . 17
2 References . 18
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 19
3.1 Terms from other documents . 19
3.2 Terms specific to the present document . 20
3.3 Abbreviated terms. 21
Part 1: General . 22
4 Overview . 23
4.1 Instability of structures: concepts and definitions . 23
4.2 Stability of columns, beams and plates . 24
4.2.1 Buckling of beams . 24
4.2.2 Lateral torsional buckling. 24
4.2.3 Buckling of plates . 25
4.3 History of shell buckling . 25
4.3.1 Overview . 25
4.3.2 Boundary conditions and nonlinear pre-buckling behaviour . 27
4.3.3 Postbuckling of the perfect shell . 27
4.3.4 Buckling and postbuckling behaviour of imperfect shells . 29
4.4 Design load for thin-walled isotropic shells . 31
4.4.1 Overview . 31
4.4.2 Empirical knock-down factors . 31
4.4.3 The Southwell method . 32
4.4.4 Numerical analysis with realistic geometrical imperfections . 33
4.4.5 Numerical analysis with worst geometrical imperfection . 33
4.4.6 Numerical analysis with stimulating imperfections . 34
4.4.7 Physics based design load . 34
4.4.8 Overview of different approaches for modelling imperfections . 36
4.5 Influence of non-traditional imperfections . 37
4.6 External pressure and torsion on cylindrical shells . 38
4.7 Dynamic buckling. 38
4.8 Stiffened shells . 39
4.8.1 Overview . 39
4.8.2 Imperfection sensitivity . 40
4.8.3 Orthotropic shell approach . 41
4.8.4 Eccentricity of stringers . 42
4.8.5 Boundary conditions . 42
4.8.6 Load cases . 42
4.8.7 Optimization . 43
4.9 Plastic buckling . 43
4.10 Composite shells . 44
4.11 References . 47
4.12 Abbreviated Symbols . 62
5 Types of instability and failure behaviour of typical structural elements . 63
5.1 Introduction . 63
5.2 Elastic buckling of columns . 63
5.2.1 Overview . 63
5.2.2 Buckling of columns with compound cross-sections . 65
5.3 Buckling of thin plates . 68
5.3.1 Overview . 68
5.3.2 Buckling behaviour of stiffened panels . 71
5.3.3 Buckling behaviour of sandwich plates . 72
5.4 Instability of axially compressed cylindrical panels . 74
5.5 Structural behaviour of thin shells . 76
5.5.1 Overview . 76
5.5.2 Buckling of cylindrical shells . 76
5.5.3 Buckling of Shells of Revolution . 78
5.6 References . 84
6 Analysis Methods . 86
6.1 Introduction . 86
6.2 Static equilibrium and stability . 86
6.2.1 Overview . 86
6.2.2 Turning points and failure points . 87
6.2.3 Types of loadings . 88
6.2.4 Distinction between equilibrium and stability equations . 89
6.2.5 Static stability in the sense of Hadamard and Euler. 89
6.2.6 The non linear eigenvalue problem for Euler stability . 90
6.3 Static equilibrium and stability of conservative systems . 90
6.4 Solution of nonlinear equilibrium equations . 91
6.5 Finding critical points of the equilibrium path. 95
6.6 Stability at the critical points of a discrete conservative system. 96
6.7 Imperfection analysis . 100
6.8 Dynamic stability analysis . 103
6.9 References . 111
7 Material characteristics . 112
7.1 Overview . 112
7.2 Linear elasticity and elastic properties . 112
7.2.1 Overview . 112
7.2.2 Orthotropic elasticity . 113
7.2.3 Transversely-isotropic elasticity of UD materials . 114
7.2.4 Isotropic elasticity . 115
7.2.5 Viscoelasticity . 115
7.3 Strength properties and hygro-thermal properties . 115
7.3.1 Strength properties. 115
7.3.2 Hygro-thermal properties. 116
7.4 Elastic and inelastic material behaviour . 117
7.4.1 Overview . 117
7.4.2 Stress-strain curve of isotropic materials . 118
7.4.3 Special aspects with composites . 119
7.4.4 Mapping of a stress-strain curve . 120
7.4.5 Cyclic hardening behaviour . 120
7.5 Plasticity and damage . 121
7.6 Material testing methods, test data, and evaluation . 121
7.6.1 Overview . 121
7.6.2 Determination of a design allowable . 123
7.6.3 Sources for finding property data . 123
7.7 Some practical aspects for stability analyses . 123
7.7.1 Effect of yielding and damage on stiffness . 123
7.7.2 Effect of temperature and moisture on property values . 125
7.7.3 Visco-plasticity, strain rate and impact . 125
7.7.4 Miscellaneous . 125
7.8 References . 127
8 Design to stability and its verification by analysis . 129
8.1 Introduction . 129
8.2 Design development process . 129
8.3 Analysis pre-work and load input data . 130
8.3.1 Overview . 130
8.3.2 Load analysis, limit load, and design limit load . 131
8.4 Safety concept - Factors of safety (FoS) . 131
8.5 Dimensioning load cases selection .

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