Installation rules of fibrous (gypsum) plaster works

This Technical Report provides details on the rules and recommendations for the installation of works carried
out using fibrous (gypsum) plaster casts as defined in European Standard EN 13815, with instructions and
details about construction.
Fibrous (gypsum) plaster casts from the three categories of production below (see 4.1 of EN 13815:2006)
should be involved in this Technical Report:
a) "cpp" allowing regulatory marking CE,
b) "cppv" allowing regulatory marking CE,
c) "ipp" either when CE marking is required or without CE marking (see Annex D, note 2 of EN 13815:2006).
There are three products:
- traditional fibrous (gypsum) plaster casts, and two specific products:
- GRG casts,
- PMGRG casts.
NOTE 1 Construction of traditional gypsum plaster works using screwed system, showing similar provisions with GRG
works screwed construction, is not dealt in this Technical Report.
NOTE 2 PMGRG works are not dealt in this Technical Report.
There are three ranges of casts, defined by their principal functions shapes and configurations (see 4.2 of
EN 13815:2006):
- casts for interior architecture,
- casts for technical functions and
- units.
The equipment, accessories and devices are defined in this document.
This Technical Report applies to both new construction and to the refurbishment, restructuring or conversion
of existing buildings.
Fibrous plastering work should be capable of having the usual finishes applied directly to them (e.g. paint,
wallpaper), subject to the normal preparatory work applicable for the finish.
This Technical Report should not apply to:
- works consisting of various boards, elements or casts when they are not fibrous (gypsum) plaster casts or
fibrous plaster works which, by their nature, do not form an integral part of the structure by the use of
permanent fixing (see the scope of EN 15319:2007).
- fibrous plaster works consisting of casts and embellishments, when they are to be applied directly to
either new or existing wall or ceiling surfaces, for purely decorative applications (see Figures 3 and 4 of
EN 15319:2007); works of these types should be carried out in accordance with standard practice.
This Technical Report does not contain the regulatory requirements with which fibrous plaster works (e.g.
ceiling) must comply in certain buildings.
FprCEN/TR 16239:2011 (E)
NOTE 3 In the field of safety, most regulations relate to certain types of building for example:
- public buildings (PB),
- high rise buildings (HRB),
- buildings for educational purposes,
- buildings for sanitary purposes.
This Technical Report does not deal with the ability of fibrous plastering works to comply with particular
technical requirements (e.g. fire behaviour, protection against noise, energy economy, etc) needed for the
works to comply with the requirements of the particular building contract.

Regeln für den Einbau von Formteilen aus faserverstärktem Gips

Règles d'exécution des ouvrages en staff

Ce Rapport Technique fournit des détails sur les règles et les recommandations pour la mise en œuvre d'ouvrages en staff tels que définis dans la Norme européenne EN 13815, ainsi que des instructions et des détails relatifs à la construction.
Les moulages en staff des trois catégories de production indiquées ci-dessous (voir EN 13815:2006, paragraphe 4.1) sont concernés dans ce Rapport Technique :
a)   « cpp » justifiant le marquage réglementaire CE ;
b)   « cppv » justifiant le marquage réglementaire CE ;
c)   « ipp » lorsque le marquage CE est nécessaire ou sans marquage CE (voir EN 13815:2006, Annexe D, Note 2).
La gamme comporte trois produits :
-   les moulages en staff traditionnel et deux produits spécifiques :
-   les moulages en GRG ;
-   les moulages en PMGRG.
NOTE 1   La réalisation d'ouvrages en staff traditionnel à l'aide d'un système vissé, qui comporte des dispositions similaires à la réalisation d'ouvrages GRG vissés, n'est pas traitée dans ce Rapport Technique.
NOTE 2   Les ouvrages en PMGRG ne sont pas traités dans ce Rapport Technique.
Il existe trois types de moulages, définis par leurs principales fonctions, leurs formes et leur configuration (voir EN 13815:2006, paragraphe 4.2) :
-   les moulages pour architecture intérieure ;
-   les moulages pour fonctions techniques et ;
-   les plaques.
Le matériel, les accessoires et les dispositifs sont définis dans le présent document.
Le présent Rapport Technique s'applique à des ouvrages à réaliser dans des bâtiments neufs ou existants, en construction, réhabilitation, restructuration ou réaménagement.
Il convient que les ouvrages en staff puissent recevoir directement les finitions usuelles (par exemple, peinture, papier peint) sous réserve d'effectuer les travaux préparatoires propres au type de finition considéré.
Le présent Rapport Technique ne s'applique pas aux :
-   ouvrages consistant en diverses plaques, éléments ou moulages qui ne sont pas en staff, ni aux ouvrages en staff qui, par leur nature, ne forment pas une partie intégrante de la structure par utilisation d'une fixation permanente (voir le champ d'application de la norme EN 15319:2007) ;
-   ouvrages constitués de moulages et décors en staff, lorsqu'ils sont appliqués et fixés directement sur des surfaces — murs ou plafonds — existantes ou créées, pour des applications purement décoratives (voir EN 15319:2007, Figures 3 et 4) ; il convient d'exécuter ces ouvrages conformément aux règles de l'art.
Le présent Rapport Technique ne traite pas des exigences réglementaires auxquelles doivent satisfaire les ouvrages en staff (par exemple les plafonds) dans certaines situations.
NOTE 3   Dans le domaine de la sécurité, les principaux règlements concernent certains types de bâtiments, par exemple :
-   établissements recevant du public (ERP) ;
-   immeubles de grande hauteur (IGH) ;
-   immeubles à vocation éducative ;
-   immeubles à usage sanitaire.
Le présent Rapport Technique ne traite pas de l'aptitude des ouvrages en staff à répondre à des exigences techniques spécifiques (par exemple, comportement au feu, isolation acoustique, économies d'énergie, etc.) qui pourraient être requises dans certains marchés de travaux.

Pravila za vgradnjo mavčnih odlitkov, ojačenih z vlakni

To tehnično poročilo podaja podrobnosti pravil in priporočil za vgradnjo mavčnih odlitkov, ojačenih z vlakni, kot so opredeljeni v evropskem standardu EN 13815, z navodili in podrobnostmi o konstrukciji.
V to tehnično poročilo morajo biti vključeni tudi mavčni odlitki, ojačeni z vlakni, iz treh spodaj navedenih proizvodnih kategorij (glej 4.1 EN 13815:2006):
a) »cpp«, ki omogoča regulatorno oznako CE,
b) »cppv«, ki omogoča regulatorno oznako CE,
c) »ipp«, kadar je zahtevana oznaka CE ali brez oznake CE (glej dodatek D, opombo 2 EN 13815:2006).
Trije proizvodi so:
- tradicionalni mavčni odlitki, ojačeni z vlakni, in dvoje posebnih proizvodov:
- odlitki GRG,
- odlitki PMGRG.
OPOMBA 1: To tehnično poročilo ne obravnava konstrukcije tradicionalnih mavčnih odlitkov z uporabo vijačnega sistema, ki kaže podobne določbe kot vijačna konstrukcija odlitkov GRG.
OPOMBA 2: To tehnično poročilo ne obravnava odlitkov PMGRG.
Obstajajo trije razponi odlitkov, opredeljeni glede na njihove glavne funkcije, oblike in konfiguracije (glej 4.2 EN 13815:2006):
- odlitki za notranjo arhitekturo,
- odlitki za tehnične funkcije,
- enote.
Ta dokument opredeljuje opremo, dodatke in pripomočke.
To tehnično poročilo velja za nove konstrukcije in prenove, rekonstrukcije in preureditve obstoječih zgradb.
Mavčni odlitki, ojačeni z vlakni, morajo prenesti neposreden nanos običajnih apretur (npr. barve, tapet) v skladu z normalnim pripravljalnim delom, ki velja za apreture.
To tehnično poročilo se ne sme uporabljati za:
- izdelke, sestavljene iz različnih plošč, elementov ali ulitkov, če ti niso mavčni odlitki, ojačeni z vlakni, ali mavčni izdelki, ojačeni z vlakni, ki po svoji naravi niso sestavni del strukture z uporabo trajne opreme (glej področje uporabe EN 15319:2007),
- mavčne izdelke, ojačene z vlakni, sestavljene iz odlitkov in okrasja, kadar se nanesejo neposredno na novo ali obstoječo steno.

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Installation rules of fibrous (gypsum) plaster works
Regeln für den Einbau von Formteilen aus faserverstärktem Gips
Règles d'exécution des ouvrages en staff
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 16239:2011
91.100.10 Cement. Mavec. Apno. Malta Cement. Gypsum. Lime.
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 16239
July 2011
ICS 91.180; 91.100.10
English Version
Installation rules of fibrous (gypsum) plaster works
Règles d'exécution des ouvrages en staff Regeln für den Einbau von Formteilen aus
faserverstärktem Gips
This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 28 May 2011. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 241.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2011 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 16239:2011: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword .3
Introduction .4
1 Scope .5
2 Normative references .6
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations .7
4 Technical requirements .7
5 Site installation .7
5.1 Conditions required prior to commencing the installation of fibrous plaster works .7
5.2 Equipments to be used for fixing to the backgrounds .7
5.2.1 Safe loads .7
5.2.2 Humidity and moisture conditions .8
5.3 Installation of traditional fibrous gypsum plaster works using sealed system . 12
5.3.1 Products and materials constituting this traditional fibrous plaster work itself . 12
5.3.2 Equipment to be used for fibrous plaster works with spaced fixing suitable for installation
by sealed system . 13
5.3.3 Construction of traditional gypsum fibrous plaster works using sealed system . 20
5.4 Installation of GRG works using screwed system . 26
5.4.1 Products and materials constituting this GRG work itself . 26
5.4.2 Equipment to be used for GRG works with spaced fixing suitable for installation by
screwed system . 27
5.4.3 Construction of GRG works using screwed system . 30
5.5 Installation of GRG works using sealed system . 38
5.5.1 Products and materials constituting GRG works itself . 38
5.5.2 Equipment to be used for GRG works with spaced fixing suitable for installation by
sealed system . 40
5.5.3 Construction of GRG works using sealed system . 40
6 Characteristics of the completed works . 46
6.1 Surface appearance of the works . 46
6.2 Flatness of work surfaces . 46
6.2.1 Local flatness . 46
6.2.2 General flatness . 47
6.3 Verticality of flat work surfaces . 47
Annex A (informative) Classes of corrosion protection of metal framework components . 48
Bibliography . 49

This document (CEN/TR 16239:2011) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 241 “Gypsum and
gypsum based products”, the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.
This Technical Report is one of a series of European Standards including:
 construction products standards, concerning gypsum and gypsum based products;
 works design standards, providing general principles for the design of works to realize with these
 technical reports, providing rules and recommendations for installation of works on site realized with
these same products.
NOTE 1 The fibrous plaster products are the subject of the European Standard EN 13815 "Fibrous (gypsum) plaster
casts - Definitions, requirements and test methods".
NOTE 2 The principles of design of fibrous plaster works are the subject of the European Standard EN 15319 "General
principles of design of fibrous (gypsum) plaster works".
It has been assumed in the draft of this Technical Report that the application of its provisions is entrusted to
appropriately qualified and experienced professionals, for whose guidance it has been prepared.
This Technical Report applies to works carried out using fibrous (gypsum) plaster products-traditional and
GRG - made by the moulding of thin reinforced gypsum.
The fibrous plaster work is installed by positioning and fastening of these products to the appropriate part of
the building construction. Then they are sealed or screwed and jointed to form continuous surfaces without
apparent joints.
NOTE The figures used to illustrate this document are intended to make the text easier to understand. Therefore,
they shall be taken as indicative and non-restrictive examples of the works described in the text.
1 Scope
This Technical Report provides details on the rules and recommendations for the installation of works carried
out using fibrous (gypsum) plaster casts as defined in European Standard EN 13815, with instructions and
details about construction.
Fibrous (gypsum) plaster casts from the three categories of production below (see 4.1 of EN 13815:2006)
should be involved in this Technical Report:
a) “cpp” allowing regulatory marking CE,
b) “cppv” allowing regulatory marking CE,
c) “ipp” either when CE marking is required or without CE marking (see Annex D, note 2 of EN 13815:2006).
There are three products:
 traditional fibrous (gypsum) plaster casts, and two specific products:
 GRG casts,
 PMGRG casts.
NOTE 1 Construction of traditional gypsum plaster works using screwed system, showing similar provisions with GRG
works screwed construction, is not dealt in this Technical Report.
NOTE 2 PMGRG works are not dealt in this Technical Report.
There are three ranges of casts, defined by their principal functions shapes and configurations (see 4.2 of
EN 13815:2006):
 casts for interior architecture,
 casts for technical functions and
 units.
The equipment, accessories and devices are defined in this document.
This Technical Report applies to both new construction and to the refurbishment, restructuring or conversion
of existing buildings.
Fibrous plastering work should be capable of having the usual finishes applied directly to them (e.g. paint,
wallpaper), subject to the normal preparatory work applicable for the finish.
This Technical Report should not apply to:
 works consisting of various boards, elements or casts when they are not fibrous (gypsum) plaster casts or
fibrous plaster works which, by their nature, do not form an integral part of the structure by the use of
permanent fixing (see the scope of EN 15319:2007).
 fibrous plaster works consisting of casts and embellishments, when they are to be applied directly to
either new or existing wall or ceiling surfaces, for purely decorative applications (see Figures 3 and 4 of
EN 15319:2007); works of these types should be carried out in accordance with standard practice.
This Technical Report does not contain the regulatory requirements with which fibrous plaster works (e.g.
ceiling) must comply in certain buildings.
NOTE 3 In the field of safety, most regulations relate to certain types of building for example:
 public buildings (PB),
 high rise buildings (HRB),
 buildings for educational purposes,
 buildings for sanitary purposes.
This Technical Report does not deal with the ability of fibrous plastering works to comply with particular
technical requirements (e.g. fire behaviour, protection against noise, energy economy, etc) needed for the
works to comply with the requirements of the particular building contract.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 335 (all parts), Durability of wood and wood-based products — Definition of use classes.
EN 350 (all parts), Durability of wood and wood-based products — Natural durability of solid wood.
EN 351 (all parts), Durability of wood and wood-based products — Preservative-treated solid wood.
EN 460, Durability of wood and wood-based products — Natural durability of solid wood — Guide to the
durability requirements for wood to the used in hazard classes.
EN 573-3, Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Chemical composition and form of wrought products —
Part 3 : Chemical composition and form of products.
EN 599-2, Durability of wood and wood-based products — Performance of preventive wood preservatives as
determined by biological tests — Part 2 : Classification and labelling.
EN 1396, Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Coil coated sheet and strip for general applications —
EN 1611-1, Sawn timber — Appearance grading of softwoods — Part 1: European spruces, firs, pines and
Douglas firs.
EN 1912, Structural timber — Strength classes — Assignment of visual grades and species.
EN 1993-1-1, Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures — Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings.
EN 1995-1-1, Eurocode 5: Design of timber structures — Part 1-1: General — Common rules and rules for
EN 10143, Continuously hot-dip coated steel sheet and strip — Tolerances on dimensions and shape.
EN 10152, Electrolytically zinc coated cold rolled steel flat products for cold forming — Technical delivery
EN 10169, Continuously organic coated (coil coated) steel flat products - Technical delivery conditions.
EN 10244-2, Steel wire and wire products — Non-ferrous metallic coatings on steel wire — Part 2: Zinc or zinc
alloy coatings.
EN 10346, Continuously hot-dip coated steel flat products - Technical delivery conditions.
EN 13279-1, Gypsum binders and gypsum plasters — Part 1: Definitions and requirements.
EN 13815:2006, Fibrous gypsum plaster casts — Definitions, requirements and test methods.
EN 13963, Jointing materials for gypsum plasterboard — Definitions, requirements and test methods.
EN 14195:2005, Metal framing components for gypsum plasterboard systems — Definitions, requirements
and test methods.
EN 14566, Mechanical fasteners for gypsum plasterboard systems — Definitions, requirements and test
prEN 15303-1, Design and application of plasterboard systems on frames — Part 1: General principles of
EN 15319:2007, General principles of design of fibrous (gypsum) plaster works.
EN ISO 12944-3, Paints and varnishes — Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems
— Part 3: Design considerations (ISO 12944-3: 1998).
3 Terms, definitions, symbols and abbreviations
See Clause 3 and Figures 1 and 2 of EN 15319:2007.
4 Technical requirements
See Subclause 4.3 of EN 15319:2007.
5 Site ins

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