Generic Specification: Fibre optic branching devices

This specifiation is applicable to fibre optic brancing devices. These have all of the following general features: - they are passive in that they contain no optoelectronic or other transducing elements; - they have three or more ports for the ingress and/or egress of optical power and share optical power among these ports in a predetermined fashion; - the ports are optical fibres or optical fibre connectors. In this generic specification, fibre optic branching devices are classified by wavelength dependance into two sub-families; wavelength selective devices and non-wavelength selective devices, each of which will be covered by a seperate blank detail specification.

Fachgrundspezifikation: Faseroptische Verzweiger

Spécification générique: Coupleurs à fibres optiques

Generic Specification: Fibre optic branching devices

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EN 181000:1999
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Generic Specification: Fibre optic branching devicesFachgrundspezifikation: Faseroptische VerzweigerSpécification générique: Coupleurs à fibres optiquesGeneric Specification: Fibre optic branching devices33.180.20Fibre optic interconnecting devicesICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 181000:1994SIST EN 181000:1999en01-julij-1999SIST EN 181000:1999SLOVENSKI

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