EN IEC 60335-2-80:2024/A11:2024
(Amendment)Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-80: Particular requirements for fans
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-80: Particular requirements for fans
This European Standard deals with the safety of electric fans for household and similar purposes, their rated voltage being not more than 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances
Sicherheit elektrischer Geräte für den Hausgebrauch und ähnliche Zwecke - Teil 2-80: Besondere Anforderungen für Ventilatoren
Appareils électrodomestiques et analogues - Sécurité - Partie 2-80: Exigences particulières pour les ventilateurs
Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost - 2-80. del: Posebne zahteve za ventilatorje - Dopolnilo AA
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Gospodinjski in podobni električni aparati - Varnost - 2-80. del: Posebne zahteve
za ventilatorje - Dopolnilo AA
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-80: Particular requirements
for fans
Sicherheit elektrischer Geräte für den Hausgebrauch und ähnliche Zwecke - Teil 2-80:
Besondere Anforderungen für Ventilatoren
Appareils électrodomestiques et analogues - Sécurité - Partie 2-80: Règles particulières
pour les ventilateurs
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN IEC 60335-2-80:2024/A11:2024
13.120 Varnost na domu Domestic safety
23.120 Zračniki. Vetrniki. Klimatske Ventilators. Fans. Air-
naprave conditioners
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
EUROPEAN STANDARD EN IEC 60335-2-80:2024/A11
ICS 13.120; 23.120
English Version
Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-80:
Particular requirements for fans
Appareils électrodomestiques et analogues - Sécurité - Sicherheit elektrischer Geräte für den Hausgebrauch und
Partie 2-80: Exigences particulières pour les ventilateurs ähnliche Zwecke - Teil 2-80: Besondere Anforderungen für
This amendment A11 modifies the European Standard EN IEC 60335-2-80:2024; it was approved by CENELEC on 2024-08-07. CENELEC
members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this amendment the
status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
This amendment exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the
responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as
the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Türkiye and the United Kingdom.
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2024 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. EN IEC 60335-2-80:2024/A11:2024 E
Contents Page
European foreword . 3
1 Modification to the Introduction . 4
2 Modification to Clause 1, “Scope” . 4
3 Modification to Clause 3, “Terms and definitions” . 5
4 Modification to Clause 7, “Marking and instructions” . 5
5 Modification to Clause 8, “Protection against access to live parts” . 5
6 Modification to Clause 19, “Abnormal operation” . 6
7 Modification to Clause 20, “Stability and mechanical hazards” . 6
8 Modification to Clause 21, “Mechanical strength” . 6
9 Modification to Clause 22, “Construction” . 6
10 Modification to figures . 6
11 Modification to annexes . 6
Annex ZE (normative) Specific additional requirements for appliances and machines intended for commercial
use . 7
Annex ZAA (normative) Emission of acoustical noise . 9
12 Modification of Bibliography . 17
European foreword
This document (EN IEC 60335-2-80:2024/A11:2024) has been prepared by CLC/TC 61 “Safety of household
and similar electrical appliances”.
The following dates are fixed:
• latest date by which this document has (dop) 2025-05-15
to be implemented at national level by
publication of an identical national
standard or by endorsement
• latest date by which the national (dow) 2027-11-15
standards conflicting with this document
have to be withdrawn
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document is read in conjunction with EN IEC 60335-2-80:2024.
This document has been prepared under a standardization request addressed to CENELEC by the European
Commission. The Standing Committee of the EFTA States subsequently approves these requests for its
Member States.
Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users’ national committee. A complete
listing of these bodies can be found on the CENELEC website.
1 Modification to the Introduction
With European Amendment A11, EN 60335-2-80:2003+A1:2004+A2:2009 is superseded.
This European Amendment A11, supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses of the standards below:
— EN 60335-1:2012+A11:2014+A13:2017+A1:2019+A14:2019+A2:2019+A15:2021+A16:2023 (Part 1)
— EN IEC 60335-2-80:2023 (Part 2)
2 Modification to Clause 1, “Scope”
In the second paragraph starting with “This International Standard deals…”, replace “and similar purposes” with
“and commercial purposes”.
Before the NOTE 101, add the following NOTE Z101:
NOTE Z101 Battery-operated appliances and other d.c. supplied appliances are within the scope of this document. Dual
supply appliances, either mains-supplied or battery-operated, are regarded as battery-operated appliances when operated
in the battery mode.
Add the following after the sentence starting with “This standard also applies to separate controls…”:
NOTE Z102 Examples of appliances for household environment are appliances for typical housekeeping functions used
in the household environment that may also be used by non-expert users for typical household functions:
— in shops, offices and other similar working environments;
— in farm houses;
— by clients in hotels, motels and other residential type environments;
— in bed and breakfast type environments.
NOTE Z103 Household environment includes dwelling and its associated buildings, the garden, etc.
Appliances and machines intended to be used by experts or trained users in shops, in light industry, on
construction sites and on farms, and appliances and machines which are declared to be for commercial use by
lay persons are within the scope of this document.
Additional requirements for such appliances are given in Annex ZE.
NOTE Z104 The statement from the manufacturer in the product information concerning the specific product is considered
to determine the intended use of the appliance. The statement accurately reflects the reasonably foreseeable use of the
NOTE Z105 Examples of such appliances and machines are fans for drying purposes or the blower test on construction
NOTE Z106 Criteria applied for the allocation of products covered by standards in the EN 60335 series under either the
Low Voltage Directive (LVD) or the machinery Directive (MD) are given for information in Annex ZF of part 1.
NOTE Z107 Appliances built into building ventilation systems of dwellings and its associated buildings are also in the scope
of this document.
Replace the paragraph starting with “As far as is practicable…” up to “children playing with the appliance”,
excluding Note 102 and 103, with the following:
This document deals with the reasonably foreseeable hazards presented by appliances and machines that are
encountered by all persons.
However, in general, it does not take into account
— children playing with the appliances;
— the use of the appliances by very young children;
— the use of the appliances by young children without supervision.
It is recognized that very vulnerable people can have needs beyond the level addressed in this document.
In Note 102, in second dashed item, add the words “, the national water supply authorities” before “and similar
3 Modification to Clause 3, “Terms and definitions”
normal operation
In the fourth paragraph, put the term “partition fans” in bold.
duct fan
Add the following note below the definition:
Note 1 to entry: Movement of fan is not visible because of installation in a duct system thus causing a hazard during
maintenance work in case of uncontrolled restart / operation.
safety suspension system device
Replace the definition with:
“device which retains the motor assembly if the suspension system fails”.
Add following new definition:
partition fan
fan for installation as an airway in a partition between two separate air volume areas with free unducted inlet
and outlet or short ducted (duct length below 4 times the diameter of the fan) inlet and or outlet
Note Z101 to entry: Movement of fan is visible after removal of peripheral parts like filters or inlet or outlet covers.
4 Modification to Clause 7, “Marking and instructions”
This clause of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.
7.1 Addition:
Replace the first paragraph starting with “Fans for tropical climates…” with the following:
Fans for tropical climates shall be marked with the letter T, which shall be explained in the instructions.
5 Modification to Clause 8, “Protection against access to live parts”
8.2 Delete the addition
6 Modification to Clause 19, “Abnormal operation”
19.9 Modification
In Part 2, delete the sentence “19.9 Not applicable.”
7 Modification to Clause 20, “Stability and mechanical hazards”
20.1 Replace “Portable pedestal fans” with “Portable pedestal fans”.
8 Modification to Clause 21, “Mechanical strength”
21.101 Replace the clause with the following:
Fan guards are subjected to a push force and a pull force of 20 N applied along the direction of air flow. After
each test, it shall not be possible to touch dangerous moving parts with a test probe that is similar to test probe
B of EN 61032, but having a circular stop face with a diameter of 50 mm instead of the non-circular face. The
test probe is applied with a force not exceeding 5 N.
9 Modification to Clause 22, “Construction”
22.102.3 Replace the text of the clause with the following:
This clause is not applicable.
22.102.5 Replace the text of the clause with the following:
This clause is not applicable.
10 Modification to figures
In Figure 101, replace Key No. 3 description with the following:
“electrical safety device fixed on the motor unit to disconnect the power supply before failure of the connecting
In Figure 103, replace Key No. 3 description with the following:
“mechanical safety suspension system device that suspend the ceiling fan motor unit.”
Delete the Figures 104 and 106 and mark them “Not Applicable”
11 Modification to annexes
The annexes of Part 1 are applicable except as follows:
Annex ZE
Specific additional requirements for appliances and machines intended
for commercial use
Annex ZE of Part 1 is applicable except as follows.
2 Normative references
Add the following standards:
EN ISO 3744:2010, Acoustics – Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources
using sound pressure – Engineering methods for an essentially free field over a reflecting plane
(ISO 3744:2010)
EN ISO 4871:2009, Acoustics – Declaration and verification of noise emission values of machinery and
equipment (ISO 4871:1996)
EN ISO 11201:2010, Acoustics – Noise emitted by machinery and equipment – Determination of emission
sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions in an essentially free field over a
reflecting plane with negligible environmental corrections (ISO 11201:2010)
EN ISO 11203:2009 , Acoustics – Noise emitted by machinery and equipment – Determination of emission
sound pressure levels at a work station and at other specified positions from the sound power level
(ISO 11203:1995)
ISO 13347-1:2004 , Industrial fans — Determination of fan sound power levels under standardized laboratory
conditions — Part 1: General overview
ISO 13347-3:2004 , Industrial fans — Determination of fan sound power levels under standardized laboratory
conditions — Part 3: Enveloping surface methods
7 Marking
Add the f
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