Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 3: Measurements on satellite earth stations - Section 2: Antenna

Gives definitions and methods of measurement of the electrical characteristics of satellite earth-station antennas for frequencies above about 1 GHz. The methods are applicable to reflector type antennas for digital and analog signal transmission.

Meßverfahren für Geräte in digitalen Mikrowellen-Funkübertragungssystemen - Teil 3: Messungen an Satelliten-Erdfunkstellen - Hauptabschnitt 2: Antenne

Méthodes de mesure applicables au matériel utilisé pour les systèmes de transmission numérique en hyperfréquence - Partie 3: Mesures applicables aux stations terriennes de télécommunications par satellite - Section 2: Antenne

Traite des définitions et des méthodes de mesure applicables aux caractéristiques électriques des antennes des stations terriennes de liaison par satellite dans les gammes de fréquences au-dessus d'environ 1 GHz. Ces méthodes s'appliquent aux antennes de type réflecteur assurant la transmission de signaux analogues et numériques.

Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission systems - Part 3: Measurements on satellite earth stations - Section 2: Antenna (IEC 60835-3-2:1995)

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Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio
transmission systems - Part 3: Measurements on satellite earth stations - Section
2: Antenna (IEC 60835-3-2:1995)
Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave radio transmission
systems -- Part 3: Measurements on satellite earth stations -- Section 2: Antenna
Meßverfahren für Geräte in digitalen Mikrowellen-Funkübertragungssystemen -- Teil 3:
Messungen an Satelliten-Erdfunkstellen -- Hauptabschnitt 2: Antenne
Méthodes de mesure applicables au matériel utilisé pour les systèmes de transmission
numérique en hyperfréquence -- Partie 3: Mesures applicables aux stations terriennes de
télécommunications par satellite -- Section 2: Antenne
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 60835-3-2:1996
33.060.30 Radiorelejni in fiksni satelitski Radio relay and fixed satellite
komunikacijski sistemi communications systems
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

Première édition
First edition
Méthodes de mesure applicables au matériel
utilisé pour les systèmes de transmission
numérique en hyperfréquence
Partie 3:
Mesures applicables aux stations terriennes
de télécommunications par satellite
Section 2: Antenne
Methods of measurement for equipment used in
digital microwave radio transmission systems
Part 3:
Measurements on satellite earth stations
Section 2: Antenna
© IEC 1995 Droits de reproduction réservés — Copyright - all rights reserved
Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in
utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
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International Electrotechnical Commission
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835-3-2 © IEC:1995 - 3 -
1 Scope 7
2 Normative references 7
3 Definitions 9
4 Conditions of measurement 19
5 Antenna gain 21
5.1 General considerations 21
5.2 Method of measurement 21
5.3 Presentation of results 31
5.4 Details to be specified 33
6 Antenna pattern 33
6.1 General considerations 33
6.2 Terrestrial bore-sight pattern measurements 35
6.3 Measurement of antenna pattern via satellite 39
6.4 Antenna monopulse pattern 43
6.5 Measurement accuracy 45
6.6 Presentation of results 45
6.7 Details to be specified 47
7 Polarization 47
7.1 Calculation of the polarization efficiency 47
7.2 Cross-polarization discrimination (XPD) 49
7.3 Two-port discrimination of dual polarized frequency re-use antennas 57
7.4 Presentation of results 67
7.5 Details to be specified 67
8 Receive figure of merit (G/T) 67
9 Antenna noise temperature 67
9.1 General considerations 67
9.2 Method of measurement 69
9.3 Presentation of results 71
9.4 Details to be specified 71
10 Antenna return loss 71
10.1 Method of measurement 71
10.2 Presentation of results 71
10.3 Details to be specified 71
11 Transmit-receive isolation 71
11.1 Method of measurement 71
11.2 Presentation of results 73
11.3 Details to be specified 73
Figures 75
Annex A - Bibliography 105
835-3-2 ©
IEC:1995 - 5 -
Part 3: Measurements on satellite earth stations -
Section 2: Antenna
The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a worldwide organization for standardization
comprising all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of the IEC is to
promote international cooperation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and
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Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in
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conditions determined by agreement between the two organizations.
The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters, express as nearly as possible an
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representation from all interested National Committees.
The documents produced have the form of recommendations for international use and are published in the
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In order to promote international unification, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC International
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The IEC provides no marking procedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for any
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Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the
subject of patent rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard IEC 835-3-2 has been prepared by sub-committee 12E: Radio
relay and satellite communication systems, of IEC technical committee 12: Radio-
The text of this standard is based on the following documents:
FDIS Report on voting
Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report
on voting indicated in the above table.
Annex A is for information only.

835-3-2 © IEC:1995 - 7 -
Part 3: Measurements on satellite earth stations -
Section 2: Antenna
1 Scope
This section of IEC 835-3 gives definitions and methods of measurement of the electrical
characteristics of satellite earth-station antennas for frequencies above about 1 GHz.
The methods are applicable to reflector type antennas for digital and analog signal
The purpose of the measurements is mainly to confirm that earth-station antenna
performance complies with the requirements generally given by the satellite system provider
based on the Radio Regulations and applicable international standards such as ITU-R
Recommendation S.733-1 and the CCIR Recommendations 465-4, 580-3, 731 and 732.
The measurement procedures are often prescribed by international satellite service
Measurements are performed under the condition that all antenna subsystem equipment is
connected unless otherwise stated.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this
text, constitute provisions of this section of IEC 835-3. At the time of publication, the
editions indicated were valid. All normative documents are subject to revision, and parties
to agreements based on this section of IEC 835-3 are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated
below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International
IEC 50(60): 1970, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (lEV) - Chapter 60: Radio-
IEC 50(712): 1992, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (lEV) - Chapter 712:
IEC 835-1-2: 1992,
Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave
radio transmission systems - Part 1: Measurements common to terrestrial radio-relay
systems and satellite earth stations - Section 2: Basic characteristics
IEC 835-3-4: 1993, Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave
radio transmission systems - Part 3: Measurements on satellite earth stations - Section 4:
Low noise amplifier
835-3-2 © IEC:1995 - 9 -
IEC 835-3-7: 1995,
Methods of measurement for equipment used in digital microwave
radio transmission systems - Pa rt
3: Measurements on satellite earth stations - Section 7:
Figure-of-merit of receiving system
ITU-R S.465-5: 1993,
Reference earth-station radiation pattern for use in coordination and
interference assessment in the frequency range from 2 to about 30 GHz
ITU-R S.580-4: 1993,
Radiation diagrams for use as design objectives for antennas of
earth stations operating with geostationary satellites
ITU-R S.731: 1992,
Reference earth-station cross-polarized radiation pattern for use in
frequency coordination and interference assessment in the frequency range from 2 to
about 30 GHz
ITU-R S.732: 1992,
Method for statistical processing of earth-station antenna side-lobe
ITU-R S.733-1: 1993,
Determination of the G/T ratio for earth stations operating in the
fixed-satellite service
3 Definitions
For the purpose of this section of IEC 835-3, the following definitions apply.
For definitions of the general terms used in this section, reference should be made to
IEC 60 and IEC 50(712). In case of conflict, the definition given here takes precedence.
3.1 Antenna subsystem
An antenna subsystem is that pa
rt of the earth-station communication equipment
which comprises the antenna and the feed network, as shown in figure 1. The antenna
considered in this section is a reflector antenna consisting of the main reflector, secondary
reflectors, if any, and the primary radiator. The feed network usually may contain
frequency diplexers, transmit reject filters, hybrids, and a polarization diplexer (orthomode
transducer) or a polarizer, to which are connected the waveguide feeders to the transmit
and receive multiplexing and switching equipment and to the tracking receiver. The
antenna subsystem may also include provisions for pointing the antenna. The terminals of
the antenna subsystem should be specified for a given measurement.
3.2 Antenna po (antenna terminal)
An antenna port may be defined at any interface of the feed network where r.f. measure-
ments are usually made. To separate antenna and feed network properties, sometimes the
feed horn waveguide flange is defined as the antenna po
rt, but in that case additional
measurements including the whole feed network may be important.

835-3-2 © IEC:1995 - 11 -
3.3 Antenna gain
The gain of a transmitting antenna is the ratio of the power flux density produced in the
far-field region, in a given direction and at a given distance from the antenna, to the power
flux density which would be produced at the same distance by a loss-free isotropic
antenna which accepts the same power from the same source as the antenna under test.
For receiving antennas, a definition of gain can be derived from that of effective area
(see 3.5) by the equation:
4It Ae
G- (3-1)
where ? is the wavelength.
For the same antenna used for transmitting and receiving on the same frequency and with
the same terminals, the gains defined above for transmitting and for receiving will be
equal, because of the reciprocity of the antenna.
Theoretically, gain does not include losses arising from polarization mismatches and from
impedance mismatches at the gain-reference plane of the feed system. However, in
practical measurements these effects normally are very small and may then be neglected.
of the antenna gain (pa rtial
Nevertheless it may sometimes be necessary to give that pa rt
gain as defined in IEV 712-02-44) corresponding to a specified polarization. In this
case the reference polarization should be indicated for example by "right-hand circular
ial gain is the gain
polarization gain" or "horizontal linear polarization gain". The pa rt
multiplied with the polarization efficiency corresponding to the specified polarization.
It may be measured, for example, with a bore-sight antenna radiating with the specified
polarization towards the antenna under test. If the antenna polarization is split into two
hogonal components (which is always possible), then the antenna gain is the sum of the
partial gains corresponding to the polarizations of the components.
NOTE – Unless otherwise specified, gain will be defined as the gain in bore-sight direction (maximum gain).
3.4 Antenna pattern
The antenna (radiation) pattern is an angular plot of the signal strength radiated from or
. It normally corresponds to co- or
received by the antenna with respect to a specified po rt
3.5 Effective area of an antenna
For a specified direction, the effective (active) area of an antenna is the ratio between the
power delivered to a matched load at the antenna terminals and the power flux density in
a polarization matched plane wave incident on the antenna.
NOTE – The effective area is normally determined by a gain measurement using equation (3-1).

835-3-2 © IEC:1995 - 13 -
3.6 Antenna efficiency
The antenna efficiency tt is the ratio of the maximum effective area to the projected area
A of the antenna in a plane perpendicular to the direction of maximum radiation. The
maximum effective area is related to the maximum gain G as defined in 3.3. So:

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