IEC TR 62899-250:2025
(Main)Printed electronics - Part 250: Material technologies required in printed electronics for wearable smart devices
Printed electronics - Part 250: Material technologies required in printed electronics for wearable smart devices
IEC TR 62899-250:2025 explores a new technological field to establish standardization activities in TC 119 (Printed electronics) in particular, and to contribute to the development and market expansion of wearable smart device (WSD) technology.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) added classification of e-textile integrated type;
b) added Clause 5, “Verification of conclusions in IEC TR 62899-250:2016 (edition 1)”;
c) added explanation of 3D printed circuits;
d) introduced trends in standardization activities, especially those after the first edition publication;
e) added new issues that became clear after the first edition was published.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
IEC TR 62899-250 ®
Edition 2.0 2025-03
Printed electronics –
Part 250: Material technologies required in printed electronics for wearable
smart devices
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IEC TR 62899-250 ®
Edition 2.0 2025-03
Printed electronics –
Part 250: Material technologies required in printed electronics for wearable
smart devices
ICS 29.035.01; 31.180; 59.080.80 ISBN 978-2-8327-0257-4
– 2 – IEC TR 62899-250:2025 © IEC 2025
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 6
4 Wearable smart devices . 6
4.1 General . 6
4.2 Categorization . 6
4.3 Accessory type devices . 7
4.4 Textile integrated type . 8
4.5 Skin patchable type . 8
4.6 Body implantable type . 8
5 Verification of "conclusions" in IEC TR 62899-250:2016 (edition 1) . 9
5.1 Current state of the standardization needs proposed in
IEC TR 62899-250:2016 (edition 1) . 9
5.2 Circuits made with 3D printer . 12
5.3 3D printed circuit . 12
5.4 Printed stretchable circuit . 12
5.5 Extremely thin printed circuit . 12
5.6 Safety issues . 12
6 Current standardization activities for flexible electronics . 13
7 New challenges for printed electronics and needs for standardization. . 15
7.1 Multilayer printing on fabric . 15
7.2 Through-hole electrical connection without drilling . 15
7.3 Transfer printing . 15
8 Conclusion . 16
8.1 ED1 remaining issues . 16
8.2 New issues . 16
8.3 Overall view of standardization activities in the flexible electronics field . 16
Bibliography . 17
Figure 1 – Wearable smart devices technologies and market . 7
Figure 2 – Standardization activities from 2016 to 2018 . 14
Figure 3 – Standardization activities in 2024 . 15
Table 1 – Wearable technologies map . 10
Table 2 – Verification of "conclusions" in TR 62899-250:2016 (edition 1) . 13
Part 250: Material technologies required in printed
electronics for wearable smart devices
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IEC TR 62899-250 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 119: Printed electronics. It
is a Technical Report.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2016. This edition
constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous
a) added classification of e-textile integrated type;
b) added Clause 5, “Verification of conclusions in IEC TR 62899-250:2016 (edition 1)”;
c) added explanation of 3D printed circuits;
– 4 – IEC TR 62899-250:2025 © IEC 2025
d) introduced trends in standardization activities, especially those after the first edition
e) added new issues that became clear after the first edition was published.
The text of this Technical Report is based on the following documents:
Draft Report on voting
119/509/DTR 119/536/RVDTR
Full information on the voting for its approval can be found in the report on voting indicated in
the above table.
The language used for the development of this Technical Report is English.
This document was drafted in accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, and developed in
accordance with ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1 and ISO/IEC Directives, IEC Supplement, available
at The main document types developed by IEC are
described in greater detail at
A list of all parts in the IEC 62899 series, published under the general title Printed electronics,
can be found on the IEC website.
The committee has decided that the contents of this document will remain unchanged until the
stability date indicated on the IEC website under in the data related to the
specific document. At this date, the document will be
• reconfirmed,
• withdrawn, or
• revised.
IEC TR 62899-250 (edition 1), published in 2016, discussed and summarized the applicability
of printed electronics technology in the rapidly expanding area of wearable electronics and
the concomitant need for standardization of new measurement methods. Many of the issues
raised by the TR regarding the need for new standardization have actually been developed and
have already been published as international standards.
The establishment of IEC/TC 124 in 2017 is a particularly noteworthy event in this
standardization field. And multiple industrial organizations have progressed standardization
activities in flexible electronics field that span both wearable and printed electronics.
During this period, the evolution of this technology field has accelerated, and new technologies
are being introduced one after another. Therefore, there is no change in the situation where
there is an ongoing need for new standards.
The second edition of this document, following the first edition, aims to provide guidance for
future standardization work on wearable and printed electronic. And standardization activities
in the field of both printed and wearable electronics are reviewed from a global perspective,
in order to prevent standardization conflicts between different standardization organizations.
– 6 – IEC TR 62899-250:2025 ©
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