IEC PAS 62443-2-2: 2025 provides guidance on the development, validation, operation, and maintenance of a set of technical, physical, and process security measures called Security Protection Scheme (SPS). The document’s goal is to provide the asset owner implementing an IACS Security Program (SP) with mechanisms and procedures to ensure that the design, implementation and operation of an SPS manage the risks resulting from cyberthreats to each of the IACS included in its operating facility.
The document is based on contents specified in other documents of the IEC 62443 series and explains how these contents can be used to support the development of technical, physical, and process security measures addressing the risks to the IACS during the operation phase.

  • Technical specification
    44 pages
    English language
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IEC TS 62453-53-31:2025 provides information for integrating the PROFIBUS[1] technology into the CLI-based implementation of FDT interface specification (IEC TS 62453-43).
This document specifies implementation of communication and other services based on IEC 62453‑303-1.
This document neither contains the FDT specification nor modifies it.
[1] PROFIBUS™ is a trade name of the non-profit organization PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. (PNO). This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of the trade name holder or any of its products. Compliance to this document does not require use of the registered logos for PROFIBUS™. Use of the registered logos for PROFIBUS™ requires permission of PNO.

  • Technical specification
    68 pages
    English language
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IEC 62541-15:2025 describes a safety communication layer (services and a protocol) for the exchange of SafetyData using IEC 62541 mechanisms. It identifies the principles for functional safety communications defined in IEC 61784‑3 that are relevant for this safety communication layer. This safety communication layer is intended for implementation in safety devices only.
NOTE 1 This document targets controller-to-controller communication. However, easy expandability to other use-cases (e.g. OPC UA field level communication) has already been considered in the design of this document.
NOTE 2 This document does not cover electrical safety and intrinsic safety aspects. Electrical safety relates to hazards such as electrical shock. Intrinsic safety relates to hazards associated with potentially explosive atmospheres.
This document defines mechanisms for the transmission of safety-relevant messages among participants within a network using OPC UA technology in accordance with the requirements of the IEC 61508 series and IEC 61784-3 for functional safety. These mechanisms can be used in various industrial applications such as process control, manufacturing, automation, and machinery.
This document provides guidelines for both developers and assessors of compliant devices and systems.
NOTE 3 The resulting SIL claim of a system depends on the implementation of this document within the system – implementation of this document in a standard device is not sufficient to qualify it as a safety device.

  • Standard
    206 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62657-4:2025 specifies a concept and methods for central coordination (CC) of automation applications using wireless communications to extend the coexistence management according to IEC 62657-2. It establishes system elements, interfaces and relationships for a central coordination. Functions, data, and data exchange for assessing and maintaining the coexistence state are specified.
This document specifies the central coordination point (CCP) approach as one example of the usage of the formal description given in IEC 62657-3. This document is applicable to develop, implement, or modify procedures or solutions.
This document provides requirements for automated coexistence management systems.
This document provides requirements for:
– determination of the coexistence state,
– automated coexistence management procedures,
– CC amendments for existing wireless communication solutions,
– CC functions that coordinate legacy and new wireless communication systems,
– CC sequences and message formats for data exchange.
This document is not restricted to a specific radio frequency range nor is it restricted to a specific wireless communication technology.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) The data item (parameter) to be exchanged between CCP and CMWCA and CMWD to ensure interoperability between CCP providers and device providers.
b) The sequence of services conducted between CCP and CMWCA and CMWD are now defined. When the CCP providers and the device providers implement similar process, clearly defined sequence and unified execution specifications ensure interoperability as expected.
c) The message formats of sequence diagram to be exchanged between CCP and CMWCA and CMWD are defined. By defining the message formats, the hierarchical structure of each data (parameter), and implementing the same message format by the CCP provider and the device provider, enables to exchange data correctly and ensure interoperability.

  • Standard
    561 pages
    English language
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IEC 62657-2:2025 specifies:
– the fundamental assumptions, concepts, parameters, and procedures for wireless communication coexistence;
– specifies coexistence parameters and how they are used in an application requiring wireless coexistence;
– provides guidelines, requirements, and best practices for wireless communication's availability and performance in an industrial automation plant; it covers the life‑cycle of wireless communication coexistence;
– helps the work of all persons involved with the relevant responsibilities to cope with the critical aspects at each phase of life-cycle of the wireless communication coexistence management in an industrial automation plant. Life-cycle aspects include: planning, design, installation, implementation, operation, maintenance, administration and training;
– provides a common point of reference for wireless communication coexistence for industrial automation sites as a homogeneous guideline to help the users assess and gauge their plant efforts;
– deals with the operational aspects of wireless communication coexistence regarding both the static human/tool-organization and the dynamic network self-organization.
This document provides a major contribution to national and regional regulations by supporting to fulfil the requirements using coexistence management.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) alignment of some definitions and specifications of coexistence parameters in order to facilitate their future inclusion in the IEC Common Data Dictionary (IEC CDD) maintained by the IEC;
b) alignment of some definitions and specifications to be consistent with the new IEC 62657-3 and IEC 62657-4;
c) edition 3 of this document was published in June 2022. Some comments were made in the last development stages of this document asking for explanations on how the parts of the IEC 62657 series were structured and how they were related to each other. Resolution of these comments was deferred until a next edition, which means this edition.

  • Standard
    235 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61987-100:2025 provides the semantics of the data needed for the area of process automation, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and smart manufacturing. Classification and description of products with classes and properties for future objects within the scope of TC 65 (Industrial-process measurement, control and automation) will be developed as IEC 61987 DB standard and published via IEC CDD data dictionary IEC 61987.

  • Standard
    17 pages
    English and French language
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IEC TS 63165:2024 applies to the industrial water quality analyzer system that uses a photometric method to determine the concentration of one or more chemical components in industrial water (water used in manufacturing, processing, cooling, washing, boiler, etc).
The objective of this document is to:
- specify the terminology and definitions related to the performance characteristics of a photometric industrial water quality analyzer system;
- unify the performance expression and verifying methods of such an analyzer system;
- specify the test procedures to be used in making statements on the performance characteristics of a photometric industrial water quality analyzer system.

  • Technical specification
    26 pages
    English language
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IEC TS 62453-43:2024 specifies how the common FDT principles are implemented based on the CLI technology and web technologies for graphical user interfaces. The specification includes the object behaviour and object interaction via. NET Standard interfaces and JavaScript APIs. Emphasis has been placed on support of distributed Frame Application architectures.
This document specifies FDT version 3.0.

  • Technical specification
    361 pages
    English language
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IEC TR 63283-5:2024 describes the market and innovation trend analysis affecting smart manufacturing (SM). The market and innovation trends will influence the evolution of smart manufacturing and it will be important to have good insights on these trends. Specific aspects of the market trends are the evolution of the business cases that is assumed to highlight new supplier chain models, new revenue streams, new customer services, and/or new customer segments.
The document will address the following topics:
• Market watch: Identify the important, likely, and/or disruptive market trends (e.g. mass customization) from an end-to-end perspective, which impact smart manufacturing topics/aspects. This includes the end-user, producers, supply chain, regulators, etc.
• Business model watch: Identify the new business model trends from an end-to-end perspective, which impact smart manufacturing.
• Technological watch: Identify the important, likely, and/or disruptive innovations (AI chipsets, 6G, quantum computing, etc.) describing the impacted smart manufacturing topics/aspects; this topic will focus on those technologies that are still under development but is assumed to influence (or is assumed to be influenced by) smart manufacturing.
There are many more new trends which are used in SM. In this document, only some frequently discussed trends are presented. Some technologies are considered to have priority according to their maturity.
This work will focus on how they can be used in SM.

  • Technical report
    67 pages
    English language
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IEC 63261:2024 provides requirements for the E&I objects of a digital 3D plant model, used in the engineering phase to design and construct a process plant and its instrumentation. It provides guidance how to model plants and their electrical and instrumentation equipment.
This document also specifies the content and the possible output of the 3D plant model at project milestones.
This document can be used by the contractual partners to agree upon the content of the 3D plant model to be delivered at specified milestones.
This document does not specify the transfer and format of digital 3D plant models.
This document does not specify definitions or instructions to equipment representations and details of elements in the 3D plant model not belonging to electrical and instrumentation domains.

  • Standard
    24 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61010-2-201:2024 supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses in IEC 61010-1 so as to convert that publication into the IEC standard: Particular requirements for control equipment. This document is to be used in conjunction with IEC 61010-1:2010, and IEC 61010 1:2010/AMD1:2016. Where a particular subclause of IEC 61010-1 is not mentioned in this document, that subclause applies as far as is reasonable. Where this document states "addition", "modification", "replacement", or "deletion", the relevant requirement, test specification or note in IEC 61010 1 should be adapted accordingly.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) 1.1.1: the related equipment included in the Scope has been clarified;
b) the optical fibre module has been deleted;
c) 5.4.3: equipment installation has been clarified;
d) revision of the figure representing insulation between separate circuits has been included;
e) 6.7.101: the subclause relating to insulation for FIELD WIRING TERMINALS of OVERVOLTAGE CATEGORY ll with a nominal voltage up to 1 000 V has been deleted;
f) a new subclause relating to insulation for SELV/PELV CIRCUITS has been included;
g) 6.8.3: specification of voltage tester has been added;
h) 6.9.3: an additional exception relating to colour coding has been included;
i) 6.9.101: a new subclause relating to wiring for secondary circuits e.g. SELV/PELV has been included;
j) additional requirements for glass displays have been included;
k) 8.3: the subclause relating to the drop test has been removed;
l) 9.3.2: additional requirements for material of connectors and insulating material have been included;
m) The particular requirements for non-metallic material have been clarified;
n) Clause 11: the particular requirements for protection against HAZARDS from fluid and solid foreign objects have been removed;
o) 12.4: an additional subclause relating to microwave radiation has been included;
p) 14.102: the description of switching devices has been clarified;

  • Standard
    165 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61987-1:2024 defines a generic structure in which product features of industrial process measurement devices shall be arranged, in order to facilitate the understanding of product descriptions when they are transferred from one party to another. It applies to the production of catalogues supplied by the manufacturer of such devices and helps the user to formulate their requirements. This document will also serve as a reference document for all future standards which are concerned with process measuring equipment.
In addition, this document also provides a basic structure for the production of further standards listing the properties of process control equipment, for example, for actuators and infrastructure devices.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Addition of a subclause “Digital communication” in Clause 5, in order to allow a more comprehensive description of the properties of such an interface;
b) Alignment of clause headings, as described in the introduction, to correspond with those of the IEC CDD.

  • Standard
    118 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61784-3-19:2024 specifies a safety communication layer (services and protocol) based on IEC 61784‑1-19, IEC 61784-2-19 and the IEC 61158 series (Type 24 and Type 27). It identifies the principles for functional safety communications defined in IEC 61784‑3 that are relevant for this safety communication layer. This safety communication layer is intended for implementation in safety devices only.
NOTE 1 It does not cover electrical safety and intrinsic safety aspects. Electrical safety relates to hazards such as electrical shock. Intrinsic safety relates to hazards associated with potentially explosive atmospheres.
This document defines mechanisms for the transmission of safety-relevant messages among participants within a distributed network using fieldbus technology in accordance with the requirements of the IEC 61508 series for functional safety. These mechanisms can be used in various industrial applications such as process control, manufacturing automation and machinery.
This document provides guidelines for both developers and assessors of compliant devices and systems.
NOTE 2 The resulting SIL claim of a system depends on the implementation of the selected functional safety communication profile within this system – implementation of a functional safety communication profile according to this document in a standard device is not sufficient to qualify it as a safety device.

  • Standard
    155 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 63339:2024 specifies the unified reference model for smart manufacturing (URMSM) using a terminology and structure, and establishes criteria for creating reference models, as specializations, that support smart manufacturing. The terminology and structure comprise a set of common modelling elements, their associations, and conformance criteria. These common modelling elements address aspects and perspectives of products and production and their lifecycle considerations.
The URMSM enables an approach for creating multiple models based upon a reference model that is sufficient for understanding significant relationships among entities involved in smart manufacturing (SM) and for the development of standards and other specifications.
The URMSM specifications in this document accommodate consistent, coherent, compatible specializations for relevant aspects of manufacturing systems consisting of equipment, products, and services within the domain of manufacturing. Provisions of this document are applicable for a new smart manufacturing reference model (SMRM) or elaboration of existing SMRM capabilities, for example, improving capabilities for analysis of opportunities and synthesis of technological advances, and improving interoperability of new and existing systems.
This document is not intended to prescribe interoperability considerations or data schemas of models. Standardization of content relative to models will be the subject of other standards and texts specific to those model domains.

  • Standard
    203 pages
    English and French language
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This document defines a set of environmental performance evaluation (EPE) data classes, including their properties.
It is applicable to entire manufacturing facilities or to parts of a manufacturing facility.
This document applies to manufacturing systems including discrete, batch and continuous control, which are defined in IEC 62264-1.
The following are outside the scope of this document:
- syntax of EPE data and data models;
- protocols to exchange EPE data;
- functions that can be enabled by the use of EPE data;
- product life cycle assessment;
- EPE data that are specific to a particular industry sector, manufacturer or machinery;
- acquisition of EPE data.

  • Standard
    90 pages
    English language
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IEC TS 61508-3-2:2024 covers the general assurance of dependable software used in critical operational-technology (OT) which is running on hardware devices which are specified as part of the OT application. It is particularly aimed at safety-related software which is being developed according to the E/E/PE software functional safety standard IEC 61508-3; in particular, the development of the software follows a Formal Safety Requirements Specification. Successful use of some or all of the assurance points specified in this document enhances the confidence that a particular piece of safety-related software meets the requirements of the SIL of the safety function which it (partially or fully) implements, and thereby increases the systematic capability of the software.

  • Technical specification
    27 pages
    English language
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IEC 62382:2024 defines procedures and specifications for loop check, which comprises the activities between the completion of the loop construction (including installation and point-to-point checks) and the beginning of cold commissioning. This document is applicable for the construction of new plants and for expansion or retrofits (i.e. revamping) of electrical and instrument (E&I) installations in existing plants (including PLC, DCS, panel-mounted and field instrumentation). It does not include a detailed checkout of power distribution systems, except as they relate to the loops being checked (i.e. a motor starter or a power supply to a four-wire transmitter). Loop checks can be performed throughout the lifecycle of the plant. This document is also applicable when loop checks are performed after commissioning. This document describes what is intended to be tested but not how the test is performed, due to the wide range of technologies and equipment available.
The intent of this document is to provide a means for all parties, including the owner, the installer and the vendor, to clearly establish and agree on the scope of activities and responsibilities involved in performing these tests in order to achieve a timely delivery and acceptance of the automation system. The activities described in this document can be taken as a guideline and adapted to the specific requirements of the process, plant or equipment.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) general re-organization of the content of the previous edition, moving informative content to the annexes;
b) replacing the forms based on I/O type in IEC 62382:2012, Annex A to Annex E with an example of a generic loop check form;
c) providing additional references to other applicable standards.

  • Standard
    54 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 63082-2:2024 specifies requirements and recommendations for establishing and maintaining intelligent device management (IDM) as outlined in IEC TR 63082-1 in an enterprise having one or more facilities.
The following topics are included in the scope of this document:
- optimizing functionality and performance of intelligent devices for their use;
- managing information related to IDM;
- integrating intelligent devices into industrial automation and control systems (IACS) in facilities;
- exchanging information between stakeholders that achieve and sustain IDM;
- coordinating multiple asynchronous IDM life cycles.
The following topics are outside the scope of this document:
- defining and determining the function and performance of intelligent devices;
- defining and specifying technologies and tools that provide, preserve and manage information related to IDM such as FDT, FDI, portable on-line and off-line tools, configuration tools, historians, and maintenance planning tools;
- defining and specifying technologies and tools that are used to design intelligent devices;
- defining and specifying communication network architecture, communication technologies, cybersecurity requirements, and network management requirements.

  • Standard
    209 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62443-2-1:2024 specifies asset owner security program (SP) policy and procedure requirements for an industrial automation and control system (IACS) in operation. This document uses the broad definition and scope of what constitutes an IACS as described in IEC TS 62443‑1‑1. In the context of this document, asset owner also includes the operator of the IACS.
This document recognizes that the lifespan of an IACS can exceed twenty years, and that many legacy systems contain hardware and software that are no longer supported. Therefore, the SP for most legacy systems addresses only a subset of the requirements defined in this document. For example, if IACS or component software is no longer supported, security patching requirements cannot be met. Similarly, backup software for many older systems is not available for all components of the IACS. This document does not specify that an IACS has these technical requirements. This document states that the asset owner needs to have policies and procedures around these types of requirements. In the case where an asset owner has legacy systems that do not have the native technical capabilities, compensating security measures can be part of the policies and procedures specified in this document.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) revised requirement structure into SP elements (SPEs),
b) revised requirements to eliminate duplication of an information security management system (ISMS), and
c) defined a maturity model for evaluating requirements.

  • Standard
    189 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 63303:2024 defines general structures and functions of HMI systems.
An HMI life cycle example for HMI systems is included.
This document specifies requirements and recommendations for activities in each stage of the life cycle including designing, using, and maintaining the HMI system.
It also provides requirements and recommendations for functions and performance of HMI systems.
The requirements and recommendations in this document are applicable to any controlled process using an HMI to interface to a control system. There can be differences in implementation to meet the specific needs based on the application and controlled process type.

  • Standard
    142 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62381:2024 defines requirements and checklists for the factory acceptance test (FAT), the factory integration test (FIT), the site acceptance test (SAT), and the site integration test (SIT). These tests are carried out to demonstrate that the automation system meets the requirements of the applicable specification. This document provides a means for all parties, including the owner, the buyer, and the vendor, to clearly establish and agree on the scope of activities and responsibilities involved in performing these tests in order to achieve a timely delivery and acceptance of the automation system. The activities specified in this document can be used to develop test plans adapted to the specific requirements of the process/plant/equipment. The annexes of this document contain checklists which are available for consideration when preparing specific test procedures and documentation for a specific automation system.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) General re-organization of the standard;
b) Current technology incorporated;
c) Optional factory integration test (FIT) added;
d) Replaced the forms in the annexes with detailed checklists of activities which can be used to develop project-specific test plans; and
e) Provided additional references to other applicable standards.

  • Standard
    83 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61987-32:2024 This part of IEC 61987 provides an operating list of properties (OLOP) for the description of the operating parameters and the collection of requirements for I/O modules and a device list of properties (DLOP) for the description of a range of I/O module types.
The structures of the OLOP and the DLOPs correspond to the general structures defined in IEC 61987-11 and agree with the fundamentals for the construction of LOPs defined in IEC 61987-10.
Aspects other than the OLOP, needed in different electronic data exchange processes and described in IEC 61987-10 and IEC 61987-11, are published in IEC 61987-92.
The locations of the libraries of properties and of blocks used in the LOPs concerned are listed in Annex C and Annex D.

  • Standard
    30 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61406-2:2024 complements IEC 61406-1 by providing additional requirements for those cases where data elements are encoded within the Structured Identification Link string with standardized syntax and semantics.
In addition, this document covers cases where the uniqueness relates to product types/models or lots/batches. The default assumption is that the Identification Link identifies unique objects such as unique serialized products, assets, persons or packages, unless otherwise identified.

  • Standard
    69 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61784-3:2021 explains some common principles that can be used in the transmission of safety-relevant messages among participants within a distributed network which use fieldbus technology in accordance with the requirements of IEC 61508 (all parts) for functional safety. These principles are based on the black channel approach. They can be used in various industrial applications such as process control, manufacturing automation and machinery.

  • Standard
    208 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    210 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61784-5-8:2024 specifies the installation profiles for CPF 8 (CC-LinkTM[1]). The installation profiles are specified in the annexes. These annexes are read in conjunction with IEC 61918:2018, IEC 61918:2018/AMD1:2022 and IEC 61918:2018/AMD2:2024.
[1] CC-Link™, CC-Link/LT™ and CC‑Link IE™ are trade names of Mitsubishi Electric Co., control of trade name use is given to CCLink Partner Association. This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of the trademark holder or any of its products. Compliance to this profile does not require use of the trade name. Use of the trade name requires permission of the trade name holder.

  • Standard
    259 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    173 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61784-5-19:2024 specifies the installation profile for CPF 19 (MECHATROLINKTM[1]). The installation profiles are specified in the annexes. These annexes are read in conjunction with IEC 61918:2018, IEC 61918:2018/AMD1:2022 and IEC 61918:2018/AMD2:2024.
[1] MECHATROLINKTM and Σ-LINKTM II are trade names of YASKAWA ELECTRIC CORPORATION. This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of the trade names holder or any of its products. Compliance to this profile does not require use of the trade names. Use of the trade name requires permission of the trade name holder.

  • Standard
    237 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    156 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61784-5-6:2024 specifies the installation profiles for CPF 6 (INTERBUSTM)[1]. The installation profiles are specified in the annexes. These annexes are read in conjunction with IEC 61918:2018, IEC 61918:2018/AMD1:2022 and IEC 61918:2018/AMD2:2024.
[1] INTERBUSTM is a trade name of INTERBUS Club, an independent organisation of users and vendors of INTERBUS products. This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of the trademark holder or any of its products. Compliance to this profile does not require use of the trade name INTERBUS. Use of the trade name INTERBUS requires permission of the trade name holder.

  • Standard
    156 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    103 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61784-5-3:2018 specifies the installation profiles for CPF 3 (PROFIBUS/PROFINET).
This contribution contains a number of related files covering the communication profiles to be used in conjunction with IEC 61918.
This installation profile documents contained herewith provide the installation profiles of the communication profiles (CP) of a specific communication profile family (CPF) by stating which requirements of IEC 61918 fully apply and, where necessary, by supplementing, modifying, or replacing the other requirements. The installation profiles are specified in the annexes. These annexes are read in conjunction with IEC 61918. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) an addition of 4-pair cabling (see C. C.5.3.2);
b) an addition of the connector M12 X-Coding (see C.;
c) an addition of the definition of End-to-end links (see C.;
d) a revision of Table C.17 (see C.5.2.1);
e) a formula for the NEXT limits of End-to-end links (see C.

  • Standard
    115 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    233 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    241 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61784-5-X: 2023 (EN) is one of a series produced to facilitate the use of communication networks in industrial control systems.

  • Standard
    13 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61784-5-X: 2023 (EN) is one of a series produced to facilitate the use of communication networks in industrial control systems.

  • Standard
    13 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61784-5-21:2018 specifies the installation profiles for CPF 21 (FL-net).
This contribution contains a number of related files covering the communication profiles to be used with IEC 61918.
This installation profile documents contained herewith provide the installation profiles of the communication profiles (CP) of a specific communication profile family (CPF) by stating which requirements of IEC 61918 fully apply and, where necessary, by supplementing, modifying, or replacing the other requirements. The installation profiles are specified in Annex A. This annex is read in conjunction with IEC 61918.

  • Standard
    21 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    45 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    43 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61784-5-12:2024 specifies the installation profile for CPF 12 (EtherCAT™).
The installation profile is specified in Annex A. This annex is read in conjunction with IEC 61918:2018, IEC 61918:2018/AMD1:2022 and IEC 61918:2018/AMD2:2024.
EtherCAT™ is a trade name of Beckhoff, Verl. This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of the trademark holder or any of its products. Compliance to this profile does not require use of the trade name. Use of the trade name requires permission of the trade name holder.

  • Standard
    66 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    42 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61784-5-2:2018 specifies the installation profiles for CPF 2 (CIP™ ). This contribution contains a number of related files covering the communication profiles to be used in conjunction with IEC 61918. The installation profile documents contained herewith provide the installation profiles of the communication profiles (CP) of a specific communication profile family (CPF) by stating which requirements of IEC 61918 fully apply and, where necessary, by supplementing, modifying, or replacing the other requirements. The installation profiles are specified in the annexes. These annexes are read in conjunction with IEC 61918. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) references to ISO/IEC 24702 have been replaced with references to ISO/IEC 11801-3 in Table B.1;
b) errors have been corrected;
c) Tables B11 and B13 have been added in support of 1,000 Mb/s 4 Pair Ethernet;
d) Clarification of dual power supplies for Annex C.

  • Standard
    163 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    334 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    354 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61784-5-X: 2023 (EN) is one of a series produced to facilitate the use of communication networks in industrial control systems.

  • Standard
    25 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61918:2018 specifies basic requirements for the installation of media for communication networks in industrial premises and within and between the automation islands, of industrial sites. This standard covers balanced and optical fibre cabling. It also covers the cabling infrastructure for wireless media, but not the wireless media itself. Additional media are covered in the IEC 61784-5 series.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) the reference to ISO/IEC 24702 has been replaced with reference to the new ISO/IEC 11801-3; this affects Table 2;
b) some terms and abbreviated terms have been modified in Clause 3;
c) Subclauses 4.1.2,, and 5.7 have been updated;
d) Figure 2 and Figure 3 have been updated; Figure 13, Figure 16, Figure 30 and Figure 49 have been added;
e) Table 7 has been updated;
f) Annex D and Annex M have been extended to cover additional communication profile families; Annex H has been extended to cover the M12-8 X-coding connector use;
g) Annex O has been modified by including references to the new edition of the
ISO/IEC 11801 series, ISO/IEC TR 11801-9902 and ISO/IEC 14763-4;
h) Annex P has been added.
This standard is to be used in conjunction with the IEC 61784-5 series with regard to the installation of communication profiles (CPs).

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    414 pages
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  • Standard
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  • Standard
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IEC TS 62443-6-1:2024 specifies the evaluation methodology to support interested parties (e.g. during conformity assessment activities) to achieve repeatable and reproducible evaluation results against IEC 62443-2-4 requirements. This document is intended for first-party, second-party or third-party conformity assessment activity, for example by product suppliers, service providers, asset owners and conformity assessment bodies.
NOTE 1 62443-2-4 specifies requirements for security capabilities of an IACS service provider. These security capabilities can be offered as a security program during integration and maintenance of an automation solution.
NOTE 2 The term “conformity assessment” and the terms first-party conformity assessment activity, second-party conformity assessment activity and third-party conformity assessment activity are defined in ISO/IEC 17000.

  • Technical specification
    132 pages
    English language
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IEC 61784-5-22:2024 specifies the installation profile for CPF 22 (AUTBUSTM [1]).
The installation profile is specified in Annex A. This annex is read in conjunction with IEC 61918:2018, IEC 61918:2018/AMD1:2022 and IEC 61918:2018/AMD2:2024.
[1] AUTBUSTM is the trade name of the Kyland Technology Co., Ltd. This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of the trademark holder or any of its products. Compliance does not require use of the trade name. Use of the trade name requires permission of Kyland Technology Co., Ltd.

  • Standard
    40 pages
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IEC 62443-2:2023 specifies a comprehensive set of requirements for security-related processes that IACS service providers can offer to the asset owner during integration and maintenance activities of an Automation Solution. Because not all requirements apply to all industry groups and organizations, Subclause 4.1.4 provides for the development of "profiles" that allow for the subsetting of these requirements. Profiles are used to adapt this document to specific environments, including environments not based on an IACS.
NOTE 1 The term "Automation Solution" is used as a proper noun (and therefore capitalized) in this document to prevent confusion with other uses of this term. Collectively, the security processes offered by an IACS service provider are referred to as its Security Program (SP) for IACS asset owners. In a related specification, IEC 62443-2-1 describes requirements for the Security Management System of the asset owner.
NOTE 2 In general, these security capabilities are policy, procedure, practice and personnel related. Figure 1 illustrates the integration and maintenance security processes of the asset owner, service provider(s), and product supplier(s) of an IACS and their relationships to each other and to the Automation Solution. Some of the requirements of this document relating to the safety program are associated with security requirements described in IEC 62443-3-3 and IEC 62443-4-2.
NOTE 3 The IACS is a combination of the Automation Solution and the organizational measures necessary for its design, deployment, operation, and maintenance.
NOTE 4 Maintenance of legacy system with insufficient security technical capabilities, implementation of policies, processes and procedures can be addressed through risk mitigation.

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    194 pages
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IEC 63278-1:2023 defines the structure of a standardized digital representation of an asset, called Asset Administration Shell (AAS). The Asset Administration Shell gives uniform access to information and services.
The purpose of the Asset Administration Shell is to enable two or more software applications to exchange information and to mutually use the information that has been exchanged in a trusted and secure way.
This document focuses on Asset Administration Shells representing assets of manufacturing enterprises including products produced by those enterprises and the full hierarchy of industrial equipment. It defines the related structures, information, and services.
The Asset Administration Shell applies to:
any type of industrial process (discrete manufacturing, continuous process, batch process, hybrid production);
any industrial sector applying industrial-process measurement, control and automation;
the entire life cycle of assets from idea to end of life treatment;
assets which are physical, digital, or intangible entities.

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    149 pages
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IEC TS 63444:2023 is applicable to process automation equipment using a 10BASE-T1L compliant (see IEEE Std 802.3-2022, Clause 146) Physical Layer (PHY). Ethernet-APL intrinsically safe profiles with different predefined entity or limitation parameters (for example voltage, current, power, capacitance, inductance, cable length) simplify the examination of the interconnection of different Ethernet-APL ports.
The following technical features are part of this document:
- topology with trunk/spur installation capability;
- 2-wire technology (full-duplex communication data rate of 10 Mbit/s);
- long distance (refers to cable lengths of several hundred meters, with spans up to 1 000 m);
- intrinsic safety (installation of Ethernet-capable field devices in hazardous areas);
- power supply to field devices over the same 2-wire cable used for data communication.

  • Technical specification
    36 pages
    English language
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IEC 62453-302:2023 provides information for integrating the CIP™ technology into the FDT interface specification (IEC 62453‑2). Communication Profile Family 2 (commonly known as CIP™[1]) defines communication profiles based on IEC 61158-2 Type 2, IEC 61158-3-2, IEC 61158-4-2, IEC 61158-5-2, IEC 61158-6-2, and IEC 62026-3. The basic profiles CP 2/1 (ControlNet™[2]), CP 2/2 (EtherNet/IP™[3]), and CP 2/3 (DeviceNet™1) are defined in IEC 61784‑1 and IEC 61784‑2. An additional communication profile (CompoNet™1), also based on CIP™, is defined in IEC 62026-7. This part of IEC 62453 specifies communication and other services. This specification neither contains the FDT specification nor modifies it.
[1] CIP™ (Common Industrial Protocol), DeviceNet™ and CompoNet™ are trade names of Open DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc (ODVA). This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of the trade name holder or any of its products. Compliance to this standard does not require use of the trade names CIP™, DeviceNet™ or CompoNet™. Use of the trade names CIP™, DeviceNet™ or CompoNet™ requires permission of Open DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc.
[2] ControlNet™ is a trade name of ControlNet International, Ltd. This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of the trademark holder or any of its products. Compliance to this profile does not require use of the trade name ControlNet™. Use of the trade name ControlNet™ requires permission of ControlNet International, Ltd.
[3] EtherNet/IP™ is a trade name of ControlNet International, Ltd. and Open DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc. This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by IEC of the trademark holder or any of its products. Compliance to this profile does not require use of the trade name EtherNet/IP™. Use of the trade name EtherNet/IP™ requires permission of either ControlNet International, Ltd. or Open DeviceNet Vendor Association, Inc.

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    109 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    73 pages
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IEC 62453-71:2023 specifies an OPC UA Information Model to represent the device information based on FDT-defined device integration.

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    145 pages
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IEC 61139-3:2023 specifies a wireless single-drop digital communication interface (SDCI wireless).
This is an extension to the single-drop digital communication interface (SDCI) technology that is specified in IEC 61131-9.
This document specifies the wireless communication services and protocol (physical layer, data link layer and application layer in accordance with the ISO/OSI reference model) for W‑Masters and W‑Devices.
NOTE This document does not cover the integration into higher level systems such as fieldbuses.

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    807 pages
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IEC TS 62443-1-5:2023 specifies a scheme for defining (selecting, writing, drafting, creating) IEC 62443 security profiles.
This scheme and its specified requirements apply to IEC 62443 security profiles which are planned to be published as part of the upcoming IEC 62443 dedicated security profiles sub-series.
IEC 62443 security profiles can support interested parties (e.g. during conformity assessment activities) to achieve comparability of assessed IEC 62443 requirements.

  • Technical specification
    16 pages
    English language
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IEC 63376:2023 specifies the functions and the information flows of industrial Facility Energy Management System (FEMS). Generic functions are defined for the FEMS, to enable upgrading traditional Energy Management System (EMS) from visualization of the status of energy consumption to automation of energy management defining a closer relation with other management and control systems. A generic method to classify the FEMS functions will be explained. The information exchange between the FEMS and other systems such as Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM), Manufacturing Execution System (MES) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) will be outlined.

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    145 pages
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IEC 60534-1:2023 applies to all types of industrial-process control valves (hereinafter referred to as control valves). This document establishes a partial basic terminology list and provides guidance on the use of all other parts of IEC 60534.

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    44 pages
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  • Standard
    29 pages
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IEC 61784-2-12:2023 defines Communication Profile Family 12 (CPF 12). CPF 12 specifies a set of Real-Time Ethernet (RTE) communication profiles (CPs) and related network components based on the IEC 61158 series (Type 12), ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3 and other standards.
For each RTE communication profile, this document also specifies the relevant RTE performance indicators and the dependencies between these RTE performance indicators.
NOTE 1 All CPs are based on standards or draft standards or International Standards published by the IEC or on standards or International Standards established by other standards bodies or open standards processes.
NOTE 2 The RTE communication profiles use ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3 communication networks and its related network components and in some cases amend those standards to obtain RTE features.

  • Standard
    59 pages
    English and French language
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