ISO 1182:1979
(Main)Title missing - Legacy paper document
Title missing - Legacy paper document
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Fire tests - Building materials - Non-combustibility test
Essais au feu - Matériaux de bâtiment - Essai de non-combustibilité
First edition - 1975-04-15
UDC 699.81 : 691 : 620.1
1 Ref. No. IS0 1182-1979 (El
P Descriptors : construction materials, fire tests, flammability testing, test equipment, test specimens
Price based on 10 pages
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IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation
of national standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing
International Standards is carried out through IS0 technical committees. Every
member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set
up has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations,
governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated
to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International
Standards by the IS0 Council.
International Standard IS0 1182 was developed by Technical Committee
ISOfTC 92, Fire tests on building materials, components and structures, and was
circulated to the member bodies in November 1976.
It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :
Australia Finland Norway
Hungary Poland
India Romania
Italy South Africa, Rep. of
Japan Sweden
Korea, Rep. of Turkey
Mexico USA
New Zealand USSR
Egypt, Arab Rep. of
The member bodies of the following countries expressed disapproval of the
document on technical grounds :
United Kingdom
This International Standard cancels and replaces IS0 Recommendation R 1182-1970,
of which it constitutes a technical revision.
O International Organization for Standardization, 1979
Printed in Switzerland
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Fire tests - Building materials - Non-combustibility test
0.1 It may be important to ascertain whether a material
This International Standard specifies a method for testing
will or will not contribute directly to fire development and one aspect of reaction to fire of a material with a view to
this test has been designed to allow this to be done. Its evaluating the tendency of that material to release more
results will provide information from which regulating than a certain amount of heat or to flame in the circum-
authorities will be assisted in deciding whether the material stances of the test.
in question may be used without undue hazard in certain
L SAFETY WARNING : So that suitable precautions are
locations in buildings, for example access routes and escape
taken to safeguard health, the attention of all persons
ways. (See also A.l.)
concerned in fire tests is drawn to the possibility that toxic
or harmful gases may be evolved in combustion of test
0.2 From a technical point of view the test gives no
absolute statement concerning "non-combustibility". For
regulatory purposes it may be necessary to carry out
additional tests. A statement on the relationship of
combustibility/non-combustibility tests to reaction to fire
This test is intended for building materials or products
tests is given in clause 1 of ISO/TR 3814.
whether coated or uncoated, but it is not intended to apply
to the coating alone.
NOTE - This test may also be used for materials or products for
0.3 The method of test is closely in line with the test used
other forms of construction, for example in ships.
by the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organiza-
tion (the IMCO test), but at present it is not identical with
The sample shall be sufficiently large to be representative
of the material, particularly in the case of non-homogeneous
0.4 This specification supersedes ISO/R 1182. The basic
principles of the test are however unchanged and any
material may be considered, for regulatory and other
purposes, to enjoy in general the same performance in
relation to the tested quality of reaction to fire as those
materials which would have passed the superseded
4.1 General description
ISO/R 11 82 test.
4.1.1 The apparatus of which an illustration is shown at
figure 1 shall essentially comprise :
0.5 The specification is provided with a commentary
which is at annex B. This annex is not a mandatory part of a) a refractory tube (the "tube"), surrounded by
the specification, but all who use the test are strongly heating coils and insulation (this whole assembly is the
recommended to read the commentary before doing so.
1) IMPORTANT NOTE : This standard method of test and its results should be used solely to describe the combustibility or non-combustibility
of a material in response to heat under controlled laboratory conditions. It should not by itself be used for describing or appraising the fire
hazard of materials under actual fire conditions or as a sole source on which a valid assessment of hazard pertaining to combustibility can be
2) Working drawings and other details of an apparatus known to conform to the requirements of this standard will be made available, at a date
of lSO/TC 92 or by the national standards body of the following countries : Belgium, Denmark,
to be announced later, by the Secretariat
France, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom and U.S.A.
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IS0 1182-1979 (E)
4.2.5 When tests are in progress air flow shields shall be
b) an air flow stabilizer, at the base of the tube;
fixed to the stand to enclose the space below the air flow
c) a draught shield, at the open top of the tube;
stabilizer up to a height of approximately 550 mm above
the floor (see figure 1).
d) a specimen holder (see figure3) equipped with a
suitable insertion device for lowering and raising it on
the axis of the tube;
4.3 Air flow stabilizer
e) three thermocouples (see figure 2) :
4.3.1 At the base of the tube an open-ended conical air
flow stabilizer, as shown in figure 1, shall be attached. The
1) furnace thermocouple,
joint between the air flow stabilizer and the tube shall be
2) specimen centre thermocouple (centre thermo-
smooth and airtight under all conditions and shall be
provided with a seal. The stabilizer shall have a smooth
inside face and its upper half shall be insulated on the
3) specimen surface thermocouple (surface thermo-
external face. Below the stabilizer there shall be a gap of
approximately 250 mm which shall be protected against
disturbance by air currents.
f) a temperature recorder;
g) a stand for the furnace;
4.3.2 The stabilizer shall be 500 mm long. Its internal
diameter at the top shall be 75 mm and shall redüce
h) air flow shields (see figure 1).
uniformly to an internal diameter at the bottom of 10 mm.
4.1.2 In addition, means shall normally be provided for
4.3.3 The stabilizer shall be made of sheet steel
checking the temperature of the inner wall of the tube to
approximately 1 mm thick and finished smooth on the
assist calibration. Either :
inside. Its upper half shall be insulated on the outside with
a) a sheathed thermocouple scanning device,
a layer of fibrous insulating material 25 f 2 mm thick and
of density between 40 and 120 kg/m3.
b) an optical micropyrometer
4.4 Draught shield
shall normally be provided for this purpose.
4.4.1 At the open top of the tube a draught shield shall
be provided conforming to figure 1. It shall have a smooth
4.2 Furnace, stand and air flow shields
and airtight joint with the tube and shall be insulated on
the external face.
4.2.1 The tube shall be made of alumina refractory
2 700 t 500 kg/m3) and shall be
material (density
4.4.2 The draught shield shall be made of the same
150 I 1 mm high with an inner diameter of 75 f 1 mm and
a wall thickness of 10 I 1 mm. The overall wall thickness, material as the air flow stabilizer (see 4.3.3) and shall have
with applied refractory cement to retain the electrical an internal diameter of 75 mm and a height of 50 mm. It
shall be insulated on the outside with a layer of fibrous
winding, shall not exceed 15 mm.
material 25 I 2 mm thick.
4.2.2 The tube shall be provided with one or more
electrical heating coils so that the temperature of the tube
4.5 Specimen holder and insertion device')
can be raised to the requirements specified in 6.2.
4.5.1 The specimen holder (see figure 3) shall be provided
4.2.3 The tube shall be well insulated within an insulating
with a suitable insertion device for lowering it precisely
surround consisting of magnesium oxide powder of bulk
down the axis of the tube and for rapidly raising it again
density 140 kg/m3 t 15 % contained by a cover made of
on the same axis without shock. They shall be made in such
asbestos cement or similar material and completed with a a way as to ensure that the specimen when in position for
top and bottom plate of insulating board having a thickness the test occupies a position in the middle of the controlled
of IO+ 1 mm. temperature zone of the furnace (see 6.3) and is equidistant
from the walls of the tube.
4.2.4 The furnace shall be provided with a firm stand to
ensure that the bottom of the furnace is held steady at least 4.5.2 The specimen holder, which is basically cylindrical,
shall conform to the dimensions given in figures 1 and 3,
750 mm above floor level. The stand shall be made of steel
and shall have a mass between 15g and 20g. It shall be
or other suitable material adequate to provide a firm base
capable of holding a specimen which conforms to 5.2.
for the furnace and air flow stabilizer.
1) To facilitate observation of sustained flaming, it is recommended that a mirror be installed above the apparatus. It should be of such size
and at such a distance from the furnace as not to affect the test results. A mirror (300 mm X 300 mm) at an angle of 30" to the horizontal
and 1 O00 mm above the furnace has been found suitable.
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IS0 1182-1979 (E)
4.5.3 The holder and the insertion device shall be designed 4.7.2 The temperature measuring equipment shall have an
accuracy of at least 0.5 %.
in such a way as to permit the attachment of the two
specimen thermocouples (see 4.6.2, 4.6.3 and figure 3).
4.5.4 The frame of the holder shall be made of rods of
nickel-chromium alloy or of heat resisting steel and shall be
suspended from the lower end of a tube of heat resisting
steel having an outside diameter of approximately 6 mm
5.1 Preparation
and a bore of 4 mm. The bottom of the holder shall be
The specimens shall be as representative as possible of the
formed using a fine gauze of heat resisting steel. It shall be
average properties of the sample and shall be prepared to
made so that the lower part can be unhooked from the
the size defined in 5.2.
uppermost ring to permit insertion of the specimen.
If the thickness of the material is less than 50 mm, the
4.5.5 The insertion device shall be a metallic sliding rod
specimen shall be made of sufficient layers to achieve the
moving freely within a vertical guide fitted to the side of
thickness required in 5.2. The layers shall occupy a
the furnace (as shown in figure 1). The heat resisting steel
horizontal position and shall be held together firmly by
tube, from which the specimen holder is suspended (4.5.4).
means of fine wire to minimize air gaps between layers.
shall be fixed by a space bar to the sliding rod.
The density of the specimens shall be representative of the
density of the material.
4.6 Thermocouples
For composite materials of a thickness such that a number
give a specimen of the
4.6.1 The furnace thermocouple shall be located with its of layers cannot be put together to
hot junction 10 * 0,5 mm from the tube wall and at specified size as required in 5.2, the specimen shall be
mid-height of the controlled temperature zone (see 6.3) prepared to the required thickness by adjusting the
as defined by the wall temperature. The correct distance thickness of the different components. The top and bottom
from the wall shall be maintained by use of a guide
faces of the specimen shall be the finished faces of the
attached to the draught shield.
material. If it is not possible to follow this procedure to
prepare the specimen, tests shall be performed on the
individual components and reported accordingly.
4.6.2 The surface thermocouple shall have its hot junction
in contact with the specimen at mid-height of the specimen
at the start of the test and shall be located diametrically
opposite the furnace thermocouple (see figures 2 and 3).
5.2 Number and size
For test purposes, five cylindrical specimens shall be
4.6.3 The centre thermocouple shall normall
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