This document refers to UGLDs (ultrasonic gas leak detectors) that work in a frequency beyond the audible range. This document is applicable to fixed ultrasonic gas leak detection equipment intended to provide an indication, alarm or other output function for the purpose of initiating automatic or manual protective action(s). This document specifies general requirements for design, testing and performance, and describes test methods that apply to UGLD. The following items are considered in this document: - Leak rates to be used to verify the detection range of UGLD, - Test gas to be used (nitrogen or compressed air), - Nozzle shape and size used at all tests leak rate tests, - Gas pressure used at all leak rate tests, - Time duration of each leak rate test, - Test leak nozzle height from solid ground, - Test leak nozzle angling relative to test UGLD, - UGLD angle relative to the leak (field of coverage of the UGLD), - Wind speed and direction, air temperature and humidity at day of test, - Minimum distance to solid structures (walls, etc.) at test site, - Installation height relative to the ground, - Texture of solid ground between leak and UGLD, - Background noise sources, known to interfere with UGLDs, - Specification of detection radius in 3 dimensions, - Operational requirements such as temperature, vibration, etc. This document is also applicable when an equipment manufacturer makes any claims regarding any special features of construction or superior performance that exceed the minimum requirements of this document. This document prescribes that all such claims are verified, and that the test procedures are extended or supplemented, where necessary, to verify the claimed performance. The additional tests are agreed between the manufacturer and test laboratory and identified and described in the test report. This document does not apply to portable gas detectors using ultrasonic measurements nor to gas detectors using non-ultrasonic measurements to detect a gas leak.

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This document specifies general requirements for design, testing and performance, and describes the test methods that apply to portable, transportable and fixed equipment for the measurement of the oxygen concentration in gas mixtures indicating up to 25 % (v/v).

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This part of IEC 62990 specifies general requirements for design, function and performance, and describes the test methods that apply to portable, transportable, and fixed equipment for the detection and concentration measurement of toxic gases and vapours in workplace atmospheres and other industrial and commercial applications. This document is applicable to continuously sensing equipment whose primary purpose is to provide an indication, alarm and/or other output function the purpose of which is to indicate the presence of a toxic gas or vapour in the atmosphere and in some cases to initiate automatic or manual protective action(s). It is applicable to equipment in which the sensor generates an electrical signal when gas is present. This document applies to two types of equipment: • Type HM (Health Monitoring) ‘occupational exposure’ equipment: For occupational exposure measurement, the performance requirements are focused on uncertainty of measurement of gas concentrations in the region of Occupational Exposure Limit Values (OELV). The upper limit of measurement will be defined by the manufacturer in accordance with 4.2.1. • Type SM (Safety Monitoring) ‘general gas detection’ equipment: For general gas detection applications (e.g. safety warning, leak detection), the performance requirements are focused on alarm signalling. The upper limit of measurement will be defined by the manufacturer according to the intended use of the equipment. In general, the requirements for accuracy will be higher for Type HM equipment than for Type SM equipment. The same equipment may meet the requirements of both Type HM and Type SM. For equipment used for sensing the presence of multiple gases this document applies only to the detection of toxic gas or vapour. This document is not applicable to equipment: - with samplers and concentrators such as sorbents or paper tape having an irreversible indication; - used for the measurement of gases and vapours related to the risk of explosion; - used for the measurement of oxygen; – used only in laboratories for analysis or measurement; - used only for process measurement purposes; - used in the domestic environment; - used in environmental air pollution monitoring; - used for open-path (line of sight) area gas measurement; - used for ventilation control in car parks or tunnels.

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This part of IEC 62990 specifies general requirements for design, function and performance, and describes the test methods that apply to portable, transportable, and fixed equipment for the detection and concentration measurement of toxic gases and vapours in workplace atmospheres and other industrial and commercial applications. This document is applicable to continuously sensing equipment whose primary purpose is to provide an indication, alarm and/or other output function the purpose of which is to indicate the presence of a toxic gas or vapour in the atmosphere and in some cases to initiate automatic or manual protective action(s). It is applicable to equipment in which the sensor generates an electrical signal when gas is present. This document applies to two types of equipment: - Type HM (Health Monitoring) ‘occupational exposure’ equipment: For occupational exposure measurement, the performance requirements are focused on uncertainty of measurement of gas concentrations in the region of Occupational Exposure Limit Values (OELV). The upper limit of measurement will be defined by the manufacturer in accordance with 4.2.1. - Type SM (Safety Monitoring) ‘general gas detection’ equipment: For general gas detection applications (e.g. safety warning, leak detection), the performance requirements are focused on alarm signalling. The upper limit of measurement will be defined by the manufacturer according to the intended use of the equipment. In general, the requirements for accuracy will be higher for Type HM equipment than for Type SM equipment. The same equipment may meet the requirements of both Type HM and Type SM. For equipment used for sensing the presence of multiple gases this document applies only to the detection of toxic gas or vapour. This document is not applicable to equipment: - with samplers and concentrators such as sorbents or paper tape having an irreversible indication; - used for the measurement of gases and vapours related to the risk of explosion; - used for the measurement of oxygen; – used only in laboratories for analysis or measurement; - used only for process measurement purposes; - used in the domestic environment; - used in environmental air pollution monitoring; - used for open-path (line of sight) area gas measurement; - used for ventilation control in car parks or tunnels.

  • Standard
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This document specifies general requirements for design, testing and performance, and describes the test methods that apply to portable, transportable and fixed equipment for the measurement of the oxygen concentration in gas mixtures indicating up to 25 % (v/v). The equipment, or parts thereof, may be intended for use in explosive atmospheres (see 4.1) and in mines susceptible to firedamp. This document applies to equipment intended for monitoring oxygen deficiency and enrichment. EXAMPLE Monitoring oxygen deficiency and/or enrichment includes: - protection of human health and safety in potentially oxygen deficient atmospheres; - fire protection by monitoring areas with reduced oxygen concentration; - fire protection by monitoring oxygen concentrations exceeding that of normal ambient air. This document also applies to equipment with an oxygen measuring function for explosion protection in the case of monitoring inertisation. NOTE 1 Inertisation is an explosion protection technique where a potentially explosive atmosphere is purged with inert gas. NOTE 2 Commonly used oxygen sensors in commercial equipment for industrial application are: - electrochemical sensors (aqueous and solid electrolytes); - paramagnetic sensors; - zirconium dioxide sensors; - tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy sensors (TDLAS). This document is applicable to equipment intended to measure reliably the oxygen concentration, to provide an indication, alarm or other output function, the purpose of which is to give a warning of a potential hazard and, in some cases, to initiate automatic or manual protective action(s), whenever the level exceeds or falls below an alarm set point. This document is applicable to equipment, including integral sampling systems of aspirated equipment, intended to be used for commercial, industrial and non-residential safety applications. This document does not apply to external sampling systems, or to equipment of laboratory or scientific type, or to medical equipment, or to equipment used only for process monitoring and/or control purposes. For equipment used for sensing the presence of multiple gases, this document applies only to the measurement of oxygen. This document is also applicable to equipment using optical principles (e.g. TDLAS), where the optical transmitter and receiver or the optical transceiver (i.e. combined transmitter and receiver) and a suitable reflector are not located in a common enclosure. However, in this case it will be necessary to modify the test conditions described in Clause 5.3 and to introduce supplementary tests to Clause 5.4 of this document. Such supplementary tests will include alignment, beam block fault, long range operation. Guidance to appropriate modification of the test conditions and supplementary tests can be taken from EN 60079 29 4. Modifications of the test conditions as well as modified and supplementary tests are expected to be agreed between the manufacturer and test laboratory and identified and described in the test report.

  • Standard
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NEXT ACTION: TB ACTION BY 2020-01-31 (prep doc for BT meeting - Feb2021)
BT CONSULTATION FAILED (addition of Annex ZZ) ON 2020-11-10
HAS CONSULTANT ASSESSMENT BY 2020-09-24 (PUB assessment) - Compliant assessment on 2020-09-22
2020-04-8 mah: Consultant assessment at FV missing, Annex ZZ did not go to FV.

  • Amendment
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EN 60079-29-1 specifies general requirements for construction, testing and performance, and describes the test methods that apply to portable, transportable and fixed equipment for the detection and measurement of flammable gas or vapour concentrations with air. The equipment, or parts thereof, is intended for use in explosive atmospheres and in mines susceptible to firedamp. EN 60079-29-1 is applicable to flammable gas detection equipment with a measuring range up to any volume fraction as declared by the manufacturer, and which is intended to provide an indication, alarm or other output function; the purpose of which is to indicate a potential explosion hazard and in some cases, to initiate automatic or manual protective action(s).

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IEC 62990-2:2021 gives guidance on the selection, installation, use and maintenance of electrical equipment used for the measurement of toxic gases and vapours in workplace atmospheres. The primary purpose of such equipment is to ensure safety of personnel and property by providing an indication of the concentration of a toxic gas or vapour and warning of its presence. This document is applicable to equipment whose purpose is to provide an indication, alarm or other output function to give a warning of the presence of a toxic gas or vapour in the atmosphere and in some cases to initiate automatic or manual protective actions. It is applicable to equipment in which the sensor automatically generates an electrical signal when gas is present. For the purposes of this document, equipment includes: a) fixed equipment; b) transportable equipment, and c) portable equipment. This document is intended to cover equipment defined within IEC 62990-1, but can provide useful information for equipment not covered by that document.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies minimum requirements and tests for electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic gases or oxygen using software and/or digital technologies. This European Standard is applicable to fixed, transportable and portable apparatus intended for use in domestic premises as well as commercial and industrial applications. This European Standard does not apply to external sampling systems, or to apparatus of laboratory or scientific type, or to apparatus used only for process control purposes. This European Standard supplements the requirements of the European Standards for the detection and measurement of flammable gases and vapours (e.g. EN 60079 29 1, EN 60079-29-4, EN 50194 1, EN 50194 2), toxic gases (e.g. EN 45544 series, EN 50291 1, EN 50291 2) or oxygen (e.g. EN 50104). NOTE 1 These European Standards will be mentioned in this European Standard as "metrological standards". NOTE 2 The examples above show the state of the standardisation for gas detection apparatus at the time of publishing this European Standard. There may be other metrological standards for which this European Standard is also applicable. This European Standard is a product standard which is based on EN 61508 series. It covers part of the phase 10 "realisation" of the overall safety life cycle defined in EN 61508 1. Additional requirements are specified if compliance with safety integrity level 1 (SIL 1) according to EN 61508 series is claimed for fixed or transportable apparatus for low demand mode of operation. NOTE 3 Compliance with safety integrity level 1 (SIL 1) for portable apparatus is not considered because portable apparatus cannot make an automatic executive action. It is recommended to apply this European Standard for apparatus used for safety applications with SIL-requirement 1 instead of EN 50402. However, the technical requirements of EN 50271 and EN 50402 are the same for SIL 1. NOTE 4 For apparatus used for safety applications with SIL-requirements higher than 1 EN 50402 is applicable.

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This European Standard is applicable to apparatus and systems for the detection and measurement of flammable or toxic gases or vapours or oxygen. This European Standard is a product standard which is based on EN 61508 (all parts) and for gas detection systems covers both low and high demand mode at SIL capabilities of 1, 2 or 3 only. Gas detection apparatus and gas detection systems are developed as generic products. This standard covers part of the phase 10 “realisation” of the overall safety lifecycle defined in Figure 2 of EN 61508-1:2010. Configuration and integration into specific applications is not covered by this standard. In the event of conflict between the requirements of this standard and those of EN 61508, EN 50402 will take precedence. NOTE 1 Applications requiring a SIL capability of 4 for a gas detection system are not practicable. NOTE 2 This European Standard is dedicated mainly to fixed apparatus. For portable gas detectors claiming a SIL higher than 1, this European Standard may be applied. This European Standard supplements the requirements of the European Standards for electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases, vapours (e.g. EN 60079-29-1 or EN 60079-29-4), toxic gases (e.g. EN 45544) or oxygen (e.g. EN 50104). NOTE 3 These European Standards are called in the text "metrological standards". The examples above show the state of the standardisation for industrial applications at the time of publishing this European Standard. There may be other metrological standards covering other application fields, for which this European Standard is also applicable. EN 50271 specifies minimum requirements for apparatus using software and/or digital components. It also defines additional optional requirements for compliance with SIL 1 in low demand mode operation. EN 50402 includes all requirements of EN 50271. EN 50402 is also dedicated to apparatus and gas detection systems and/or components and should be used instead of EN 50271 in the following cases: - At SIL 1 when the system contains components not covered by EN 50271; - At SIL 2 and SIL 3; - At all SILs when non-digital based apparatus is used. Applying the above-mentioned metrological standards will ensure the measuring performance is adequate in normal operation of a gas detection system. Additionally the requirements of this European Standard address the functional safety of gas detection systems and encompass criteria for reliability, fault tolerance and avoidance of systematic failures. The avoidance and control of systematic failures will be covered by the requirements for the development processes and techniques and diagnostic measures chosen in the design. This European Standard will lead to the characterisation of the gas detection system by a SIL-capability and related hardware failure rate representing a hierarchical order of safety levels. This will allow the user to incorporate the gas detection system into an overall safety system according to the safety integrity levels of EN 61508 (all parts). This European Standard is applicable for gas detection systems, which may consist of the following functional units: - gas-sampling; - sensor; - signal transmission; - input to control unit; - signal processing in control unit; - output from control unit. This European Standard does not specify requirements for the installation and maintenance of gas detection systems. It also does not specify the physical positioning of measuring points / locations. This European Standard does not specify which SIL-capability is sufficient for which application. NOTE 4 The SIL-capability required for an application will be specified by the user (see Clause 9 and Annex A ).

  • Standard
    98 pages
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IEC 60079-29-1:2016(E) specifies general requirements for construction, testing and performance, and describes the test methods that apply to portable, transportable and fixed equipment for the detection and measurement of flammable gas or vapour concentrations with air. The equipment, or parts thereof, is intended for use in explosive atmospheres and in mines susceptible to firedamp. This second edition of IEC 60079-29-1 cancels and replaces the first edition of IEC 60079-29-1:2007 series and constitutes a technical revision. Refer to the Forward of the document for a listing of the extensive changes between this edition and the previous edition. Keywords: detection and measurement of flammable gas or vapour concentrations with air, explosive atmospheres, mines susceptible to firedamp, explosion hazard

  • Standard
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  • Standard
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NEW! IEC 60079-29-2:2015 is available as IEC Standards+ 60079-29-2:2015 which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition. IEC 60079-29-2:2015 gives guidance on, and recommended practice for, the selection, installation, safe use and maintenance of electrically operated Group II equipment intended for use in industrial and commercial safety applications and Group I equipment in underground coal mines for the detection and measurement of flammable gases complying with the requirements of IEC 60079-29-1 or IEC 60079-29-4. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2007. This edition constitutes a technical revision. Please refer to the Foreword of the document for a listing of the changes from the previous edition. Keywords: gas detectors, flammable gases, vapours

  • Standard
    116 pages
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This European Standard specifies requirements for the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) for electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic gases or oxygen which are subject to the performance standards for gas detection apparatus, for example EN 45544 (all parts), EN 50104, EN 50194 (all parts), EN 50291, EN 50379 (all parts), EN 50543, EN 50545, EN 60079-29-1 or EN 60079-29-4. NOTE For the purpose of this standard the word ‘toxic’ covers ‘very toxic’, ‘toxic’, ‘harmful’, ‘corrosive‘, ‘irritating‘, ‘sensitising‘, ‘carcinogenic‘, ‘mutagenic‘ and ‘teratogenic‘. This European Standard applies to apparatus intended for use in residential, commercial and light-industrial environments as well as to apparatus intended for use in industrial environments. The apparatus may be AC-, DC- or battery powered. This European Standard is also applicable to apparatus which is intended for use in hazardous areas which may contain explosive or potentially explosive atmospheres. It covers only normal operation and does not cover safety requirements related to EMC phenomena. This standard is a product standard which is based on the product family standard EN 61326-1. This product standard takes precedence over the product family standard and over generic standards. This standard applies to electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic gases or oxygen that include functions specified by the manufacturer as being safety functions and can include functions specified as not being safety functions. All performance standards for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic gases or oxygen include the minimum requirements for functional safety specified in EN 50271. There are also gas detectors and gas detection systems which are intended to be used with safety integrity levels SIL 1 to SIL 3 according to EN 50402 and EN 61508. For functional safety in industrial applications, this standard has taken into account those aspects of EN 61326–3–2 relating to the measuring and warning function of the apparatus defined as safety function. Apparatus of type 1 where the manufacturer claims a safety integrity level should be considered as type 2 apparatus with regard to immunity requirements. This standard specifies requirements for immunity tests in relation to continuous and transient, conducted and radiated disturbances, including electrostatic discharges, and also for emission tests. The test requirements are specified for each port considered. Apparatus falling within the scope of this European Standard is classified as follows by the following types. Type 1: apparatus intended for use in residential, commercial and light-industrial environments, as described in EN 61000-6-1 and EN 61000-6-3. Type 2: apparatus intended for use in industrial environments, as described in EN 61000-6-2 and EN 61000-6-4. This European Standard does not apply to any of the following: apparatus intended for the detection of dusts or mists in air; scientific or laboratory based apparatus used only for analysis or measurement; apparatus used exclusively for process measurement purposes; apparatus for medical purposes; apparatus used for breath alcohol measurement apparatus intended for the direct measurement of automotive exhaust gases.

  • Standard
    19 pages
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IEC 60079-29-3:2014 gives guidance for the design and implementation of a fixed gas detection system, including associated and/or peripheral gas detection equipment, for the detection of flammable gases/vapours and oxygen when used in a safety-related application in accordance with IEC 61508 and IEC 61511. This International standard also applies to the detection of toxic gases. Other parts of this international standard and pertinent local, national and international standards separately specify the performance requirements of a gas detector and a gas detection control unit (logic solver). These standards are commonly known as Metrological Performance Standards and are concerned with the accuracy of the measured value, the overall system performance, but not the device or system integrity with respect to the safety function. This international standard applies to the integrity of the safety function. Keywords: fixed gas detection system, flammable gases/vapours and Oxygen, detection of toxic gases

  • Standard
    49 pages
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2018-04-12 - standard can be offered for EMC - D159/C07
TC- corrections needed to tables

  • Corrigendum
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IEC 60079-29-4:2009 specifies performance requirements of equipment for the detection and measuring of flammable gases or vapours in ambient air by measuring the spectral absorption by the gases or vapours over extended optical paths, ranging typically from one meter to a few kilometres. Such equipment measures the integral concentration of the absorbing gas over the optical path in units such as LFL.meter for flammable gases. This standard supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0. Where a requirement of this standard conflicts with a requirement of IEC 60079-0, the requirement of this standard shall take precedence.

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This document specifies requirements for the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) for electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic gases or oxygen which are subject to the performance standards for gas detection apparatus, for example EN 45544 (all parts), EN 50104, EN 50194 (all parts), EN 50291 (all parts), EN 50379 (all parts), EN 50543, EN 50545 1, EN 60079 29 1 or EN 60079 29 4. NOTE For the purpose of this standard, the word ‘toxic’ covers ‘very toxic’, ‘toxic’, ‘harmful’, ‘corrosive‘, ‘irritating‘, ‘sensitizing‘, ‘carcinogenic‘, ‘mutagenic‘ and ‘teratogenic‘. This document applies to apparatus intended for use in residential, commercial and light-industrial environments as well as to apparatus intended for use in industrial environments, and includes AC-, DC- or battery powered apparatus. This document is also applicable to apparatus which is intended for use in hazardous areas which could contain explosive or potentially explosive atmospheres. It covers only normal operation and does not cover safety requirements related to EMC phenomena. This document is a product standard which is based on the product family standard EN 61326 1. prEN 50270:2019 takes precedence over the product family standard and over generic standards. This document applies to electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic gases or oxygen that include functions specified by the manufacturer as being safety functions and can include functions specified as not being safety functions. All performance standards for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic gases or oxygen include the minimum requirements for functional safety specified in EN 50271. There are also gas detectors and gas detection systems which are intended to be used with safety integrity levels SIL 1 to SIL 3 according to EN 50402 and EN 61508 (all parts). For functional safety in industrial applications, this document has taken into account those aspects of EN 61326 3 2 relating to the measuring and warning function of the apparatus defined as safety function. This standard specifies requirements for immunity tests in relation to continuous and transient, conducted and radiated disturbances, including electrostatic discharges, and also for emission tests. The test requirements are specified for each port considered. Apparatus falling within the scope of this document are classified as follows by the following types. — Type 1: apparatus intended for use in residential, commercial and light-industrial environments, as described in EN 61000 6 1 and EN 61000 6 3. — Type 2: apparatus intended for use in industrial environments, as described in EN 61000 6 2 and EN 61000 6 4. Type 1 apparatus for which the manufacturer claims a safety integrity level should be considered as type 2 apparatus with regard to immunity requirements. This document does not apply to any of the following: — apparatus intended for the detection of dusts or mists in air; — scientific or laboratory based apparatus used only for analysis or measurement; — apparatus used exclusively for process measurement purposes; — apparatus for medical purposes; — apparatus used for breath alcohol measurement — apparatus intended for the direct measurement of automotive exhaust gases.

  • Draft
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2015-02-11: WI cancelled following 3-year timeframe * to be replaced by PR=58531.

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This European Standard specifies minimum requirements and tests for electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic gases or oxygen using software and/or digital technologies. Additional requirements are specified if compliance with safety integrity level 1 (SIL 1) according to EN 61508 series is required for low demand mode of operation. NOTE 1 It is recommended to apply this European Standard for apparatus used for safety applications with SIL-requirement 1 instead of EN 50402. However, the technical requirements of EN 50271 and EN 50402 are the same for SIL 1. NOTE 2 For fixed apparatus used for safety applications with SIL-requirements higher than 1 EN 50402 is applicable. This European Standard is applicable to fixed, transportable and portable apparatus intended for use in domestic premises as well as commercial and industrial applications. This European Standard does not apply to external sampling systems, or to apparatus of laboratory or scientific type, or to apparatus used only for process control purposes. This European Standard supplements the requirements of the European Standards for the detection and measurement of flammable gases and vapours (e.g. EN 60079 29 1, EN 50241 1, EN 50241 2, EN 50194 1, EN 50194 2), toxic gases (e.g. EN 45544 series, EN 50291 1, EN 50291 2) or oxygen (e.g. EN 50104). NOTE 3 These European Standards will be mentioned in this European Standard as "metrological standards". NOTE 4 The examples above show the state of the standardisation for gas detection apparatus at the time of publishing this European Standard. There may be other metrological standards for which this European Standard is also applicable. This European Standard is a product standard which is based on EN 61508 series. It covers part of the phase 9 "realisation" of the overall safety life cycle defined in EN 61508 1.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies general requirements for construction, testing and performance, and describes the test methods that apply to portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the measurement of the oxygen concentration in gas mixtures indicating up to 25 % (v/v). The apparatus, or parts thereof, may be intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres (see 4.1) and in mines susceptible to firedamp. In the case of inert gas purging (inertization), it applies also to apparatus with an oxygen measuring function for explosion protection. NOTE Commonly used oxygen sensors in commercial equipment for industrial application are: a) paramagnetic sensors; b) electrochemical sensors (aqueous and solid electrolytes); c) tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy sensors (TDLAS). This standard is also applicable when an apparatus manufacturer makes any claims regarding any special features of construction or superior performance that exceed the minimum requirements of this standard. All such claims shall be verified and the test procedures shall be extended or supplemented, where necessary, to verify the claimed performance. The additional tests shall be agreed between the manufacturer and test laboratory and identified and described in the test report. This European Standard is applicable to oxygen alarm apparatus intended to measure reliably the oxygen concentration, to provide an indication, alarm or other output function, the purpose of which is to give a warning of a potential hazard and, in some cases, to initiate automatic or manual protective action(s), whenever the level exceeds or falls below a preselected alarm concentration. This standard is applicable to apparatus, including integral sampling systems of aspirated apparatus, intended to be used for commercial, industrial and non-residential safety applications. This standard does not apply to external sampling systems, or to apparatus of laboratory or scientific type, or to medical equipment, or to apparatus used only for process control purposes. For apparatus used for sensing the presence of multiple gases, this standard applies only to the measurement of oxygen. This standard is also applicable to apparatus using optical principles (e.g. TDLAS), where the optical transmitter and receiver or the optical transceiver (i.e. combined transmitter and receiver) and a suitable reflector are not located in a common enclosure. However, in this case it will be necessary to modify the test conditions described in Clause 5 and to introduce supplementary tests to Clause 6 of this standard. Such supplementary tests will include alignment, beam block fault, long range operation. Guidance to appropriate modification of the test conditions and supplementary tests may be taken from EN 60079 29 4. Modifications of the test conditions as well as modified and supplementary tests shall be agreed between the manufacturer and test laboratory and identified and described in the test report.

  • Standard
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Specifies general requirements for construction, testing and performance, and describes the test methods that apply to portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gas or vapour concentrations with air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, are intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres and in mines susceptible to firedamp. This first edition of IEC 60079-29-1 cancels and replaces the first edition of IEC 61779-1 to IEC 61779-5:1998 series and constitutes a technical revision with numerous changes with respect to the previous edition.

  • Standard
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This part of IEC 60079-29 gives guidance on, and recommended practice for, the selection, installation, safe use and maintenance of electrically operated group II apparatus intended for use in industrial and commercial safety applications for the detection and measurement of flammable gases complying with the requirements of IEC 60079-29-1.This first edition of IEC 60079-29-2 cancels and replaces the first edition of IEC 61779-6:1999 and constitutes a technical revision with many changes with respect to the previous edition.

  • Standard
    105 pages
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This European Standard specifies requirements for the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) for electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic 1) gases or oxygen. This standard applies to apparatus intended for use in residential, commercial and light-industrial environments as well as to apparatus intended for use in industrial environments. The apparatus may be AC-, DC- or battery powered. This European Standard is also applicable to apparatus which is intended for use in hazardous areas which may contain explosive or potentially explosive atmospheres. It covers only normal operation and does not cover safety requirements related to EMC phenomena. This standard specifies requirements for immunity tests in relation to continuous and transient, conducted and radiated disturbances including electrostatic discharges and also for emission tests. The test requirements are specified for each port considered. These requirements have been selected to ensure an adequate level of compatibility for apparatus at the appropriate locations. The levels do not, however, cover extreme cases, which may occur at any location, but with an extremely low probability of occurrence. NOTE In special cases, situations will arise where the level of disturbances may exceed the levels specified in this standard, e.g. where an apparatus is installed in proximity to industrial, scientific or medical (ISM) equipment as specified in EN 55011 or where a hand-held transmitter is used in close proximity to an apparatus. In these instances special mitigation measures may have to be employed. Apparatus falling within the scope of this European Standard is classified as follows by the following types. – Type 1: apparatus intended for use in residential, commercial and light-industrial environments, as described in EN 61000-6-1 and EN 61000-6-3. – Type 2: apparatus intended for use in industrial environments, as described in EN 61000-6-2 and EN 61000-6-4. This European Standard does not apply to any of the following: – apparatus intended for the detection of dusts or mists in air; – scientific or laboratory based apparatus used only for analysis or measurement; – apparatus used exclusively for process measurement purposes; – apparatus for medical purposes; – apparatus intended for the direct measurement of automotive exhaust gases.

  • Standard
    14 pages
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This European Standard is applicable to fixed gas detection systems for the detection and measurement of flammable or toxic gases or vapours or oxygen. This European Standard supplements the requirements of the European Standards for electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases, vapours (e.g. EN 61779 or EN 50241), toxic gases (e.g. EN 45544) or oxygen (e.g. EN 50104). NOTE 1 These European Standards will be mentioned in the text as "metrological standards". NOTE 2 The examples above show the state of the standardisation for industrial applications at the time of publishing this European Standard. There may be other metrological standards covering other application fields, for which this standard is also applicable. NOTE 3 For fixed apparatus used for safety applications with a SIL requirement up to 1 and for portable apparatus the European Standard EN 50271 may be applied instead of this European Standard. Applying the above mentioned metrological standards will ensure the measuring performance is adequate in normal operation of a gas detection system. Additionally the requirements of this European Standard address the functional safety of gas detection systems and encompass criteria for reliability, fault tolerance and avoidance of systematic faults. This European Standard will lead to the characterisation of the gas detection system by a SIL-capability and related hardware failure rate representing a hierarchical order of safety levels. This will allow the user to incorporate the gas detection system into an overall safety system according to the safety integrity levels of EN 61508 or the categories of EN ISO 13849-1 (see Annex B). This European Standard is a product standard which is based on EN 61508 and includes additional requirements of EN ISO 13849-1. It covers part of the phase 9 “realisation” of the overall safety lifecycle defined in EN 61508-1. This European Standard is applicable for gas detection systems, which may consist of the following functional units: - gas-sampling; - sensor; - signal transmission; - input to control unit; - signal processing in control unit; - output from control unit. This European Standard does not specify requirements for the installation and maintenance of gas detection systems. It also does not specify the physical positioning of sensors.. This European Standard does not specify which SIL-capability is sufficient for which application. NOTE 4 The SIL-capability required for an application will be specified by the user (see Annexes A and B).

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Superseded by EN 50104:2010

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Specifies requirements for group I (as defined in part 1) portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and measurement of methane concentrations in mine air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, are intended for use in mines susceptible to firedamp. The requirements and test methods applicable to the apparatus covered by this standard are specified in part 1. This standard is restricted to apparatus intended for the detection and measurement of volume ratios of methane in air from a volume fraction of 0 % up to a volume fraction of 100 %.

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    10 pages
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Specifies general requirements for construction and testing and describes the test methods that apply to portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gas or vapour concentrations with air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, are intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres and in mines susceptible to firedamp.

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    62 pages
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Specifies requirements for group II (as defined in part 1) portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gas or vapour concentrations with air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, may be installed or used in potentially explosive atmospheres, other than mines susceptible to firedamp (i.e. group I). This standard is restricted to apparatus intended for the detection and measurement of volume ratios of combustible gas or vapour in air in volume fractions from 0% to 100%.

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Specifies requirements for group II (as defined in part 1) portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gas or vapour concentrations with air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, may be installed or used in potentially explosive atmospheres, other than mines susceptible to firedamp (i.e. group I). This standard is restricted to apparatus intended for the detection and measurement of combustible gas or vapour concentrations with air up to 100% lower explosive limit (LEL).

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Specifies requirements for group I (as defined in part 1) portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and measurement of methane concentrations in mine air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, are intended for use in mines susceptible to firedamp. The requirements and test methods applicable to the apparatus covered by this standard are specified in part 1. This standard is restricted to apparatus intended for the detection and measurement of volume ratios of methane in air from a volume fraction of 0 % up to, but not exceeding, a volume fraction of 5%.

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This European Standard specifies requirements for the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) for electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases, toxic gases or oxygen. This standard applies to apparatus intended for use in the residential, commercial and light-industrial environment as well as to apparatus intended for use in the industrial environment. The apparatus may be a.c.-, d.c.- or battery powered. This European Standard is also applicable to apparatus which is intended for use in hazardous areas which may contain explosive or potentially explosive atmospheres. This standard specifies requirements for immunity tests in relation to continuous and transient, conducted and radiated disturbances including electrostatic discharges and also for emission tests. The requirements are specified for each considered port. These requirements have been selected so as to ensure an adequate level of compatibility for apparatus at the appropriate locations. The levels do not however cover extreme cases which may occur in any location but with an extremely low probability of occurrence. NOTE: In special cases situations will arise where the level of disturbance may exceed the levels specified in this standard, e.g. where an apparatus is installed in proximity to industrial, scientific or medical (ISM) equipment as specified in EN 55011 or where a hand-held transmitter is used in close proximity to an apparatus. In these instances special mitigation measures may have to be employed. Apparatus falling within the scope of this European Standard is classified as follows by the following types. Type 1: apparatus intended for use in the residential, commercial and light-industrial environment, as described in EN 50081-1 and EN 50082-1. Type 2: apparatus intended for use in the industrial environment, as described in EN 50081-2 and EN 50082-2. This European Standard does not apply to any of the following: apparatus intended for the detection of dusts or mists in air; scientific or laboratory based apparatus used only for analysis or measurement; apparatus used exclusively for process measurement purposes; apparatus for medical purposes; apparatus intended for the direct measurement of automotive exhaust gases

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This document gives guidance on the selection, installation, use and maintenance of electrically operated Group II apparatus intended for use in industrial and commercial safety applications for the detection and measurement of: combustible gases, as described in EN 50054, EN 50057, EN 50058 or oxygen as described in EN 50104. This guide is a compilation of practical knowledge to assist the user. Combustible gas detection apparatus, fixed, transportable or portable, may be used whenever there is the possibility of a risk to life or property caused by the accumulation of a combustible gas-air mixture. Such apparatus can provide a means of reducing the risk by detecting the presence of the combustible gas and issuing suitable audible or visual warnings. It may also be used to initiate specific safety precautions (e.g. plant shutdown, evacuation, operation of fire extinguishing procedures). It is applicable to all new permanent installations and, where reasonably practicable, to existing permanent installations. It is also applicable to temporary installations, whether new or existing. This Guide is not intended, but may provide useful information, for the following apparatus intended for the measurement of oxygen deficiency which may affect human health, apparatus intended only for the detection of non-combustible toxic gases; apparatus of laboratory or scientific type intended only for analysis or measurement purposes; Apparatus intended for underground mining applications; apparatus intended only for process control applications; This Guide does not apply to the following: apparatus for the detection of explosives; apparatus intended for the detection of a potentially combustible atmosphere resulting from dust or mist in air; open path apparatus not used for point measurement

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This European Standard specifies general requirements for the construction and testing of apparatus for the detection and measuring of combustible or toxic gases or vapours in ambient air by measuring the spectral absorption by the gases or vapours over extended optical paths, ranging typically from one meter to a few kilometers. Such apparatus measures the integral concentration of the absorbing gas over the optical path in units such as LEL meter for combustible gases and ppm meter for toxic gases. NOTE 1: Actual values of concentration can only be deduced where it can be established that the concentration is uniform over the optical path, as for example in very short optical paths (<100 mm). In such cases, the apparatus is within the scope of EN 50054 - EN 50058 and prEN 45544-1 to prEN 45544-4. Apparatus falling within the scope of this European Standard is classified as follows by the following types. Type 1: an optical transmitter and receiver, located at either end of a path through the atmosphere to be monitored. Type 2: an optical transceiver (i.e. combined transmitter and receiver) and a suitable reflector, which may be a topographic feature or a retroreflector, located at either end of a path through the atmosphere to be monitored. This European Standard does not apply to any of the following: 1. Apparatus intended to provide range resolution of gas concentration (e.g. LIDAR), 2. Apparatus consisting of a passive optical receiver without a dedicated optical source, 3. Apparatus intended to measure the local volumetric concentration of gas (point sensors), 4. Apparatus intended for the detection of dusts or mists in air, 5. Apparatus for cross stack monitoring, 6. Apparatus intended for the detection of explosives and vapours, and 7. Apparatus intended for quantitative and simultaneous multicomponent analysis, e.g. FTIR. This European Standard covering general requirements and test methods is supplemented by the following European Standard concerning specific requirements of performance: EN 50241-2: Performance requirements for apparatus for the detection of combustible gases. This European Standard is applicable to apparatus which is intended for use in both hazardous and non hazardous areas. Apparatus for use in hazardous areas which may contain potentially combustible atmospheres is required to be designed for safe operation, see 4.1.2. This European Standard applies to transportable, and fixed apparatus intended for commercial and industrial applications. NOTE 2: This European Standard and EN 50241-2 as referenced above are intended to provide for the supply of apparatus giving a level of performance suitable for general purpose applications. However, for specific applications a prospective purchaser or an appropriate authority may additionally require apparatus to be submitted to particular tests or approval. Such tests or approval are to be regarded as additional to and separate from the provisions from the European Standards

  • Standard
    26 pages
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This European Standard specifies performance requirements for Group II portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and measurement of integral concentrations of combustible gas or vapour in air over a defined open path. The apparatus, or parts thereof, may be installed or transported for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. The general requirements and test methods applicable to the apparatus covered by this European Standard are specified in Part 1. This European Standard concerns apparatus intended to provide measurement or warning of specific combustible gases in air which constitute a potential hazard by virtue of their flammability. Open path detection apparatus as covered by this European Standard measures the path integral concentration. It is not capable of resolving the spatial variation of concentration along the optical path

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This European Standard specifies performance requirements and test methods for portable, transportable and fixed electrical apparatus for the measurement of the oxygen concentration in gas mixtures indicating up to 25 % (v/v). This European Standard applies to apparatus intended for commercial and industrial safety applications, including integral sampling systems of aspirated apparatus. In the case of inert gas purging, this European Standard applies also to apparatus with an oxygen measuring function for explosion protection. It does not apply to external sampling systems, nor laboratory, scientific or medical equipment nor those which are used exclusively for process control. NOTE: The most commonly used oxygen sensors in commercial equipment for industrial application are: paramagnetic sensors; electrochemical sensors (aqueous and solid electrolytes)

  • Standard
    21 pages
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This European Standard specifies performance requirements for Group II (as defined in EN 50054) portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gas or vapour concentrations with air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, may be installed or used in potentially explosive atmospheres, other than mines susceptible to firedamp (i.e. Group I). The general requirements and test methods applicable to the apparatus covered by this European Standard are specified in EN 50054.This European Standard is restricted to apparatus intended for the detection and measurement of volume ratios of combustible gas or vapour in air from 0 % (v/v) to 100 % (v/v).NOTE 1: Apparatus covered by this European Standard will normally be intended to operate in volume ratios greater than 100 % LEL. NOTE 2: Although apparatus of the types covered by this European Standard may be suitable for detecting a wide range of combustible gases, particular gases (e.g. methane or propane) are specified in EN 50054 as the components of the test gases for the purpose of practical convenience. The performance requirements specified in this European Standard must therefore be regarded with caution when the apparatus is used to detect other combustible gases, as some parameters - such as time of response - will be modified

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This European Standard specifies performance requirements for Group I (as defined in EN 50054) portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and measurement of methane concentrations in mine air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, are intended for use in mines susceptible to firedamp and shall meet the general requirements and test methods specified in EN 50054. This European Standard is restricted to apparatus intended for the detection and measurement of volume ratios of methane in air from 0 % (v/v) up to 100 % (v/v). NOTE: Apparatus covered by this European Standard will normally be intended to operate in volume ratios greater than 5 % (v/v)

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This European Standard specifies performance requirements for Group I (as defined in European Standard EN 50054) portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and measurement of methane concentrations in mine air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, are intended for use in mines susceptible to firedamps and shall meet the general requirements and test methods specified in EN 50054.This European Standard is restricted to apparatus intended for the detection and measurement of methane volume ratios in air from 0 % (v/v) up to but not exceeding 5 % (v/v)

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    7 pages
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This European Standard specifies general requirements for construction and testing and describes the test methods that apply to portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gas or vapour concentrations with air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, is intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres and in mines susceptible to firedamp. This European standard is supplemented by the following European Standards, concerning the specific requirements for performance of the various types of apparatus:EN 50055: Performance requirements for Group I apparatus indicating up to 5 % (v/v) methane in air; EN 50056: Performance requirements for Group I apparatus indicating up to 100 % (v/v) methane EN 50057: Performance requirements for Group II apparatus indicating up to 100 % lower explosive limit; EN 50058: Performance requirements for Group II apparatus indicating up to 100 % (v/v) gas- NOTE 1: Group I apparatus indicating up to 100 % (v/v) methane and Group II apparatus indicating up to 100 % (v/v) gas are suitable for use only with the specific gases for which they have been calibrated. NOTE 2: For the purposes of this European Standard the term 'combustible gas' includes combustible vapours but excludes mist and dust, see 3.3 note 1. This European Standard is applicable to combustible gas detection apparatus intended to provide an indication) alarm and/or other output function, the purpose of which is to give a warning of potential explosion hazard and in some cases to initiate automatic or manual protective actions. This European Standard is applicable to apparatus, including the integral sampling systems of aspirated apparatus intended to be used for commercial and industrial safety applications. This European Standard does not apply to external sampling systems, or to apparatus of the laboratory or scientific types, or to apparatus used only for process control purposes

  • Standard
    37 pages
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This European Standard specifies performance requirements for Group II (as defined in EN 50054) portable, transportable and fixed apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gas or vapour concentrations with air. The apparatus, or parts thereof, may be installed or used in potentially explosive atmospheres, other than mines susceptible to firedamp (i.e. Group I). The general requirements and test methods applicable to the apparatus covered by this European Standard are specified in EN 50054. This European Standard is restricted to apparatus intended for the detection and measurement of combustible gas or vapour concentrations with air up to 100 % lower explosive limit (LEL). NOTE: Although apparatus of the types covered by this European Standard may be suitable for detecting a wide range of combustible gases, particular gases (e.g. methane or propane) are specified in EN 50054 as the components of the test gases for the purpose of practical convenience. The performance requirements specified in this European Standard must therefore be regarded with caution when the apparatus is used to detect other combustible gases, as some parameters - such as speed of response - will be modified

  • Standard
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