This part of IEC 60079 specifies the construction and testing of intrinsically safe apparatus intended for use in an explosive atmosphere, and for associated apparatus which is intended for connection to intrinsically safe circuits which enter such atmospheres. This Type of Protection is applicable to electrical equipment in which the electrical circuits themselves are incapable of causing ignition of a surrounding explosive atmosphere. This includes electrical equipment which contains circuits that are intrinsically safe only under certain conditions, for example under battery supply with mains supply removed. This standard is also applicable to electrical equipment or parts of electrical equipment located outside the explosive atmosphere or protected by another Type of Protection listed in IEC 60079-0, where the intrinsic safety of the electrical circuits in the explosive atmosphere may depend upon the design and construction of such electrical equipment or parts of such electrical equipment. The electrical circuits exposed to the explosive atmosphere are assessed for use in such an atmosphere by applying this standard. This standard applies to sensors connected to intrinsically safe circuits but does not apply to the protection of catalytic elements for Group IIC or Group IIB + H2. The requirements for intrinsically safe systems are provided in IEC 60079-25. This standard supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0, except as indicated in Table 1. Where a requirement of this standard conflicts with a requirement of IEC 60079-0, the requirement of this standard takes precedence. Unless otherwise stated, the requirements in this standard are applicable to both intrinsically safe apparatus and associated apparatus, and the generic term "apparatus" is used throughout the standard. As this standard applies only to electrical equipment, the term "equipment" used in the standard always means “electrical equipment”. This standard applies to apparatus for use under the atmospheric conditions of IEC 60079-0 with additional requirements for for use at lower atmospheric pressures in the range from 60 kPa (0,6 bar), up to 110 kPa (1,1 bar). [...]

  • Draft
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IEC 60079:2024 contains the specific requirements for the design of electrical systems, selection, installation and the required initial inspection of electrical installations of Ex Equipment in, or associated with, explosive atmospheres including requirements for documentation and personnel competency. These requirements are in addition to the requirements for installations in non-hazardous areas. This document applies to all electrical Ex Equipment including fixed, transportable, portable and personal, and installations, permanent or temporary. This document does not apply to: • electrical installations in mines susceptible to firedamp; • inherently explosive situations and dust from explosives or pyrophoric substances (for example explosives manufacturing and processing); • rooms used for medical purposes; • electrical installations in areas where the hazard is due to flammable mist; and • installation of non-electrical Ex Equipment (unless being part of an equipment assembly according IEC TS 60079-46). No account is taken in this document of the toxic hazards that are associated with flammable gases, liquids and dusts in concentrations that are usually very much less than the lower flammable limit. In locations where personnel could be exposed to potentially toxic concentrations of flammable material, appropriate precautions are necessary. Such precautions are outside the scope of this document. This sixth edition cancels and replaces the fifth edition published in 2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision. Edition 6 is a major restructure and introduces a number of technical changes from the previous edition (2013), see Table 1 of the foreword for detailed information.

  • Standard
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This part of the IEC 60079 series applies to users and covers only those factors directly related to the inspection and maintenance of electrical installations specifically designed for hazardous areas, where the hazard may be caused by explosive gas or explosive dust atmospheres. It does not include: - other fundamental installation and inspection requirements for electrical installations; - the verification of electrical equipment; - protection or ventilation of rooms; - gas detection systems; - the repair and overhaul of explosion protected equipment (see IEC 60079-19). While this standard does not include inspection of safety devices such as used in ventilated rooms (see 60079-13), this standard does include the requirements for inspection and maintenance of individual items of equipment that will be part of such systems, for example motors or sensors. This standard supplements the requirements for inspection and testing in non-hazardous areas in IEC 60364-6. NOTE 1 Standards applied at the date of installation might not have been IEC standards. This standard is intended to be applied where there can be a risk due to the presence of explosive gas or dust mixtures with air or combustible dust layers under normal atmospheric conditions. It does not apply to: - underground mining areas, - dusts of explosives, - pyrophoric substances.

  • Standard
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IEC 60079-19:2019 gives instructions, principally of a technical nature, on the repair, overhaul, reclamation and modification of equipment designed for use in explosive atmospheres; it is not applicable to maintenance, other than when repair and overhaul cannot be disassociated from maintenance, neither does it give advice on cable entry systems which may require a renewal when the equipment is re-installed. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2010 together with Amendment 1:2015. This edition constitutes a technical revision. The significance of the changes between IEC 60079-19, Edition 3 (2010), including Amendment 1 (2015), and IEC 60079-19, Edition 4 (2019) are defined in the foreword and cover minor and editorial changes, extension, and major technical changes.

  • Standard
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IEC 60079-25:2020 contains the specific requirements for design, construction and assessment of intrinsically safe systems, Type of Protection “i”, intended for use, as a whole or in part, in locations in which the use of Group I, II or III Ex Equipment is required. This document supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0 and the intrinsic safety standard IEC 60079-11. Where a requirement of this standard conflicts with a requirement of IEC 60079-0 or IEC 60079-11, the requirement of this standard takes precedence. The installation requirements of Group II or Group III systems designed in accordance with this standard are specified in IEC 60079-14. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2010 and constitutes a technical revision.

  • Standard
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IEC 60079-31:2022 is available as IEC 60079-31:2022 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 60079-31:2022 is applicable to equipment protected by enclosure and surface temperature limitation for use in explosive dust atmospheres. It specifies requirements for design, construction and testing of Ex Equipment and Ex Components. This document supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0. Where a requirement of this document conflicts with a requirement of IEC 60079-0, the requirement of this document takes precedence. This document does not apply to dusts of explosives, which do not require atmospheric oxygen for combustion, or to pyrophoric substances. This document does not apply to Ex Equipment or Ex Components intended for use in underground parts of mines as well as those parts of surface installations of such mines endangered by firedamp and/or combustible dust. This document does not take account of any risk due to an emission of flammable or toxic gas from the dust. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision. Main significant changes from the previous edition are: 1) Document has been restructured from edition 2 2) Fault current rating of interrupting contacts in clauses 4.3.1 and 4.4.1, major change type C1 3) Cells and batteries in clauses and, major change type C2 4) Overload or malfunction condition for the determination of temperature class for "tb" converter fed rotating electric machines, major change type C3 5) Additional requirements for entry devices with dust ignition protection by enclosure "t", major change type C4 Information about the background of ‘Major Technical Changes’ C1 – Ex Equipment having Level of Protection "ta" shall be rated for connection to a circuit with a prospective short circuit current of not greater than 1.5 kA. For Ex Equipment having Level of Protection "tb" or "tc" which is intended for mains connection and intended to interrupt fault current above 10kA, the equipment shall have a rated maximum short circuit withstand current, be tested according to, and be marked according to Clause 7. C2 – For Ex Equipment having Level of Protection "ta" which contains a cell or battery, only a sealed cell or battery shall be used. For Ex Equipment having Level of Protection "tb" and "tc" where there are sparking contacts or hot surfaces, and which contains a cell or battery, only a sealed cell or battery shall be used. C3 – Table 2 now includes malfunction conditions for temperature class determination of Level of Protection "tb" converter-fed electric machines. C4 – Annex A added for entry devices with Type of Protection "t" including cable transit devices.

  • Standard
    25 pages
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NEW!IEC 60079-15:2017 is available as IEC 60079-15:2017 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 60079-15:2017 specifies requirements for the construction, testing and marking for Group II electrical equipment with type of protection “n” which includes; sealed devices “nC”, hermetically sealed devices “nC”, non-incendive components “nC” and restricted breathing enclosures “nR” intended for use in explosive gas atmospheres. This part of IEC 60079 applies to electrical equipment where the rated input voltage does not exceed 15 kV r.m.s. AC or DC including where the internal working voltages of the Ex product exceeds 15 kV, for example starters for HID luminaires. This part of IEC 60079 supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0, except as indicated in Table 1 (Clause 1). Where a requirement of this part of IEC 60079 conflicts with a requirement of IEC 60079-0, the requirement of this part of IEC 60079 takes precedence. This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition, published in 2010, and constitutes a technical revision. Refer to the Forward of the document for a complete listing of the technical changes between edition 5.0 and the previous edition of the document. Keywords: Group II electrical equipment with type of protection “n”

  • Standard
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IEC 60079-26:2021 specifies requirements for construction, testing and marking for Ex Equipment that contains parts of the equipment with different Equipment Protection Levels (EPLs) and a separation element. This equipment is mounted across a boundary where different EPLs are required, for example between different gas hazardous areas, dust hazardous areas or gas hazardous areas adjacent to dust hazardous areas. Separation elements are considered for both electrical and non-electrical equipment. If mechanical energy can be transformed into a potential ignition source, additionally an ignition hazard assessment in accordance with ISO 80079-36 is performed and appropriate measures are undertaken. This document also specifies requirements for the combination of two Types of Protection, each with EPL Gb, to achieve EPL Ga. This document supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0. Where a requirement of this document conflicts with a requirement of IEC 60079-0, the requirement of this document takes precedence. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition and constitutes a technical revision. Please see the IEC 60079-26:2020 foreword for a description of the main changes with respect to the previous edition.

  • Standard
    26 pages
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This part of IEC 60079, which is a technical specification, specifies requirements for the construction, marking, and documenting of apparatus, systems and installations for use with the 2-Wire Intrinsically Safe Ethernet concept (2-WISE). The physical layer specification for 2-wire Ethernet 10BASE-T1L is defined in IEEE 802.3cg 2-WISE is the 2-Wire Intrinsically Safe Ethernet concept for advance physical layer (APL), designed to simplify the examination process for components and cable Entity Parameters within APL segments. This is achieved by defining universal Entity Parameter limits for APL ports, according to location and type of hazardous atmosphere, and listing a concise set of rules for the segment setup. The requirements for construction and installation of 2-WISE apparatus and systems are included in IEC 60079-11, IEC 60079-14, and IEC 60079-25, except as modified by this technical specification. Parts of a 2-WISE apparatus may be protected by any Type of Protection listed in IEC 60079-0 appropriate to the EPL for the intended use. In these circumstances, the requirements of this technical specification apply only to intrinsically safe circuits of the apparatus.

  • Technical specification
    17 pages
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NEW!IEC 60079-0:2017 is available as IEC 60079-0:2017 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 60079-0:2017 specifies the general requirements for construction, testing and marking of Ex Equipment and Ex Components intended for use in explosive atmospheres. The standard atmospheric conditions (relating to the explosion characteristics of the atmosphere) under which it may be assumed that Ex Equipment can be operated are: -temperature –20 °C to +60 °C; -pressure 80 kPa (0,8 bar) to 110 kPa (1,1 bar); and -air with normal oxygen content, typically 21 % v/v. This part of IEC 60079 and other standards supplementing this standard specify additional test requirements for Ex Equipment operating outside the standard temperature range, but further additional consideration and additional testing may be required for Ex Equipment operating outside the standard atmospheric pressure range and standard oxygen content. Such additional testing may be particularly relevant with respect to Types of Protection that depend on quenching of a flame such as ‘flameproof enclosures “d”’ (IEC 60079-1) or limitation of energy, ‘intrinsic safety “i”’ (IEC 60079-11). This seventh edition cancels and replaces the sixth edition, published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision. Refer to the Forward of the document for a complete listing of the technical changes between edition 7.0 and the previous edition of the document. Keywords: Ex Equipment and Ex Components intended for use in explosive atmospheres

  • Standard
    148 pages
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  • Standard
    148 pages
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IEC 60079-10-1:2020 is concerned with the classification of areas where flammable gas or vapour hazards may arise and may then be used as a basis to support the proper design, construction, operation and maintenance of equipment for use in hazardous areas. It is intended to be applied where there may be an ignition hazard due to the presence of flammable gas or vapour, mixed with air, but it does not apply to: a) mines susceptible to firedamp; b) the processing and manufacture of explosives; c) catastrophic failures or rare malfunctions which are beyond the concept of normality dealt with in this standard; d) rooms used for medical purposes; e) domestic premises; f) where a hazard may arise due to the presence of combustible dusts or combustible flyings but the principles may be used in assessment of a hybrid mixture. Flammable mists may form or be present at the same time as flammable vapour. In such case the strict application of the details in this document may not be appropriate. Flammable mists may also form when liquids not considered to be a hazard due to the high flash point are released under pressure. In these cases the classifications and details given in this document do not apply. For the purpose of this document, an area is a three-dimensional region or space. Atmospheric conditions include variations above and below reference levels of 101,3 kPa (1 013 mbar) and 20 °C (293 K), provided that the variations have a negligible effect on the explosion properties of the flammable substances. In any site, irrespective of size, there may be numerous sources of ignition apart from those associated with equipment. Appropriate precautions will be necessary to ensure safety in this context. This standard is applicable with judgement for other ignition sources but in some applications other safeguards may also need to be considered. E.g. larger distances may apply for naked flames when considering hot work permits. This document does not take into account the consequences of ignition of an explosive atmosphere except where a zone is so small that if ignition did occur it would have negligible consequences. This third edition of IEC 60079-10-1 cancels and replaces the second edition, published in 2015, and constitutes a technical revision, see foreword for further details.

  • Standard
    115 pages
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  • Amendment
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  • Amendment
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NEXT ACTION: UNDER BT CONSULTATION SOON (finalization EN with revised Annex Z)
HAS CONSULTANT PUB ASSESSMENT BY 2020-09-24 -- non compliant assessment received
20200325: consultant assessment missing and Annex ZZ was not circulated at FV; document blocked until such a time as this can be resolved

  • Draft
    6 pages
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IEC 60079-13:2017(E) gives requirements for the design, construction, assessment, verification and marking of rooms used to protect internal equipment by pressurization or artificial ventilation or both as applicable when located in an explosive gas atmosphere or combustible dust atmosphere hazardous area with or without an internal source of a flammable gas or vapour. It also includes a room located in a non-hazardous area that has an internal source of release of a flammable gas or vapour. This document deals with rooms that are partially constructed in a manufacturer’s facility and intended to have the final installation completed on-site, as well as rooms that are constructed completely on-site. Rooms partially constructed in a manufacturer’s facility may include third-party verification. For rooms built on-site, this document can be used by plant operators as a guide for assessment of those facilities. This document represents a major technical revision of the requirements for equipment protection by pressurized room "p" and artificially ventilated room "v" and should be considered as introducing all new requirements. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2010. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - modification of the title of this document to include artificially ventilated room "v" in addition to pressurized room "p"; - addition of types of protection "pb", "pc", and "vc" and removal of types of protection "px", "py", "pz" and "pv"; - definition of the differences between pressurization and artificial ventilation types of protection; - removal of protection of rooms with an inert gas or a flammable gas from the scope of this document; - addition of an informative annex to include examples of applications where types of protection pressurization or artificial ventilation or pressurization and artificial ventilation can be used and associated guidelines. Additional information regarding the scope of this document can be found in Clause 1.

  • Standard
    38 pages
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2017-05-29 - Annex ZZ available - Ensure it is issued with //FDIS

  • Amendment
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IEC 60079-28:2015 is available as IEC 60079-28:2015 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition. IEC 60079-28:2015 specifies the requirements, testing and marking of equipment emitting optical radiation intended for use in explosive atmospheres. It also covers equipment located outside the explosive atmosphere or protected by a Type of Protection listed in IEC 60079-0, but which generates optical radiation that is intended to enter an explosive atmosphere. It covers Groups I, II and III, and EPLs Ga, Gb, Gc, Da, Db, Dc, Ma and Mb. This standard does not cover ignition by ultraviolet radiation and by absorption of the radiation in the explosive mixture itself. Explosive absorbers or absorbers that contain their own oxidizer as well as catalytic absorbers are also outside the scope of this standard. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2006, and constitutes a technical revision. Refer to the Foreword of the document for a complete listing of the technical changes between edition 2.0 and previous edition of the document. Keywords: equipment emitting optical radiation intended for use in explosive atmospheres

  • Standard
    42 pages
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IEC 60079-32-2:2015 describes test methods concerning the equipment, product and process properties necessary to avoid ignition and electrostatic shock hazards arising from static electricity. It is intended for use in a risk assessment of electrostatic hazards or for the preparation of product family or dedicated product standards for electrical or non-electrical machines or equipment. The purpose of this part of IEC 60079 is to provide standard test methods used for the control of static electricity, such as surface resistance, earth leakage resistance, powder resistivity, liquid conductivity, capacitance and evaluation of the incendivity of provoked discharges. It is especially intended for use with existing standards of the IEC 60079 series. This part of IEC 60079 presents the latest state of knowledge which may, however, slightly differ from requirements in other standards, especially concerning test climates. When a requirement of this standard conflicts with a requirement specified in IEC 60079-0, to avoid the possibility of re-testing previously approved equipment, the requirement in IEC 60079-0 applies only for equipment within the scope of IEC 60079-0. In all other cases, the statements in this part of IEC 60079 apply. Keywords: ignition and electrostatic shock hazards, static electricity

  • Standard
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IEC 60079-6:2015 specifies the requirements for the design, construction, testing and marking of Ex Equipment and Ex Components with type of protection liquid immersion "o" intended for use in explosive gas atmospheres. Ex Equipment and Ex Components of type of protection liquid immersion "o" are either: - Level of Protection "ob" (EPL "Mb" or "Gb") or - Level of Protection "oc" (EPL "Gc"). For Level of Protection "ob", this standard applies where the rated voltage does not exceed 11 kV r.m.s. a.c. or d.c. For Level of Protection "oc", this standard applies where the rated voltage does not exceed 15 kV r.m.s. a.c. or d.c. This standard supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0. Where a requirement of this standard conflicts with a requirement of IEC 60079-0, the requirement of this standard takes precedence. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition, published in 2007. This edition constitutes a technical revision. The significant changes with respect to the previous edition are: - Edition 4 represents a major technical revision of the requirements for oil immersion "o" and should be considered as introducing all new requirements. The normal "Table of Significant Changes" has not been included for this reason. In particular: - The requirements for oil immersion "o" have been redefined into liquid immersion, levels of protection "ob" and "oc" as recommended by the responses to 31/715/DC; - The ability to protect sparking contacts has been added to both "ob" and "oc". Additional requirements have been introduced for the protective liquid. Keywords: Ex Equipment and Ex Components with type of protection liquid immersion "o"

  • Standard
    28 pages
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NEW! IEC 60079-5:2015 is available as IEC Standards+ 60079-5:2015 which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition. IEC 60079-5:2015 contains specific requirements for the construction, testing and marking of electrical equipment, parts of electrical equipment and Ex components in the type of protection powder filling "q", intended for use in explosive gas atmospheres. This standard supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0. Where a requirement of this standard conflicts with a requirement of IEC 60079-0, the requirement of this standard takes precedence. This standard applies to electrical equipment, parts of electrical equipment and Ex components with:
- a rated supply current less than or equal to 16 A; - a rated supply voltage less than or equal to 1 000 V; - a rated power consumption less than or equal to 1 000 W. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition, published in 2007, and constitutes a technical revision. Refer to the Foreword of the document for a complete listing of the technical changes between edition 4.0 and previous edition of the document. Keywords: electrical equipment and Ex components in the type of protection powder filling "q"

  • Standard
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NEW! IEC 60079-10-2:2015 is available as IEC Standards+ 60079-10-2:2015 which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition. IEC 60079-10-2:201 5 is concerned with the identification and classification of areas where explosive dust atmospheres and combustible dust layers are present, in order to permit the proper assessment of ignition sources in such areas. In this standard, explosive dust atmospheres and combustible dust layers are treated separately. In Clause 4, area classification for explosive dusts clouds is described, with dust layers acting as one of the possible sources of release. In Clause 7 other general considerations for dust layers are described. The examples in this standard are based on a system of effective housekeeping being implemented in the plant to prevent dust layers from accumulating. Where effective housekeeping is not present, the area classification includes the possible formation of explosive dust clouds from dust layers. The principles of this standard can also be followed when combustible fibres or flyings might cause a hazard. This standard is intended to be applied where there can be a risk due to the presence of explosive dust atmospheres or combustible dust layers under normal atmospher ic conditions. Please refer to the foreword of the document for a detailed listing of the significant technical changes from the previous edition. Keywords: explosive dust atmospheres, combustible dust layers, ignition hazards

  • Standard
    30 pages
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NEW! IEC 60079-18:2014 is available as IEC Standards+ 60079-18:2014 which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition. IEC 60079-18:2014 gives the specific requirements for the construction, testing and marking of electrical equipment, parts of electrical equipment and Ex components with the type of protection encapsulation "m" intended for use in explosive gas atmospheres or explosive dust atmospheres. This part applies only for encapsulated electrical equipment, encapsulated parts of electrical equipment and encapsulat ed Ex components (hereinafter always referred to as "m" equipment) where the rated voltage does not exceed 11 kV. The application of electrical equipment in atmospheres, which may contain explosive gas as well as combustible dust simultaneously, may require additional protective measures. This standard does not apply to dusts of explosives, which do not require atmospheric oxygen for combustion, or to pyrophoric substances. This standard does not take account of any risk due to an emission of flammable or toxic gas from the dust. This standard supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0. Where a requirement of this standard conflicts with a requirement of IEC 60079-0, the requireme nt of this standard takes precedence. This International Standard is to be used in conjunction with IEC 60079-0, Explosive atmospheres - Part 0: Equipment-General requirements.This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition of IEC 60079-18:2009, and constitutes a technical revision. Please refer to the foreword of the document for a listing of the technical changes with respect to the previous edition. Keywords: encapsulation "m", explosive gas atmospheres, explosive dust atmospheres

  • Standard
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NEW! IEC 60079-26:2014 is available as IEC Standards+ 60079-26:2014 which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition. IEC 60079-26:2014 specifies alternative requirements for construction, test and marking for electrical equipment that provides Equipment Protection Level (EPL) Ga when single standardised Types of Protection (e.g. Ex "ia", Ex "ma", Ex "da") cannot be applied. This standard also applies to equipment mounted across a boundary where different Equipment Protection Levels may be required. This electrical equipment, within the operational parameters specified by the manufacturer, ensures a very high Level of Protection that includes rare malfunctions related to the equipment or two malfunctions occurring independently of each other. This standard supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0. Where a requirement of this standard conflicts with a requirement of IEC 60079-0, the requirement of this standard takes precedence. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2006 and constitutes a technical revision. The numerous changes are identified in the Foreword of the document. Keywords: Equipment Protection Level (EPL) Ga

  • Standard
    22 pages
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NEW! IEC 60079-2:2014 is available as IEC Standards+ 60079-2:2014 which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition. IEC 60079-2:2014 contains the specific requirements for the construction and testing of electrical equipment with pressurized enclosures, of type of protection "p", intended for use in explosi ve gas atmospheres or explosive dust atmospheres. It also includes the requirements for pressurized enclosures containing a limited release of a flammable substance. This standard supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0. Where a requirement of this standard conflicts with a requirement of IEC 60079-0, the requirements of this standard take precedence. This standard does not include the requirements for: - pressurized enclosures where the containment system may release air with an oxygen content greater than normal, or oxygen in combination with inert gas where the oxygen is in a proportion greater than 21 %; - pressurized rooms or analyser houses; see IEC 60079-13; - pressurized enclosures used where "explosives" or pyrotechnics are present; - pressurized enclosures used where hybrid mixtures of gas/vapour and combustible dust are present; - pressurized enclosures used where pyrophoric substances such as explosives or propellants containing their own oxidizers are present; - pressurized enclosures with an internal source of release of combustible dust. This sixth edition cancels and replaces the fifth edition published in 2007. This sixth edition cancels and replaces the first edition of IEC 61241-4 published in 2001. This sixth edition constitutes a technical revision. The significance of changes between IEC 60079-2, Edition 6.0, 2014 and IEC 60079-2, Edition 5.0, 2007 are as listed in the foreword of the document. Keywords: electrical equipment with pressurized enclosures, type of protection "p", explosive gas atmospheres, explosive dust atmospheres

  • Standard
    77 pages
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IEC 60079-14:2013 contains the specific requirements for the design, selection, erection and initial inspection of electrical installations in, or associated with, explosive atmospheres. Where the equipment is required to meet other environmental conditions, for example, protection against ingress of water and resistance to corrosion, additional protection requirements may be necessary. The requirements of this standard apply only to the use of equipment under standard atmospheric conditions as defined in IEC 60079-0. For other conditions, additional precautions may be necessary, and the equipment should be certified for these other conditions. For example, most flammable materials and many materials which are normally regarded as non-flammable might burn vigorously under conditions of oxygen enrichment. These requirements are in addition to the requirements for installations in non-hazardous areas. This standard applies to all electrical equipment including fixed, portable, transportable and personal, and installations, permanent or temporary. No account is taken in this Standard of the toxic risks that are associated with flammable gases, liquids and dusts in concentrations that are usually very much less than the lower explosive limit. In locations where personnel may be exposed to potentially toxic concentrations of flammable material, appropriate precautions should be taken. Such precautions are outside the scope of this Standard. This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition published in 2007. This edition constitutes a technical revision. Refer to the document's Foreward for a listing of the specific revisions and additional Notes. Key words: requirements for the design, selection, erection and initial inspection of electrical installations in explosive atmospheres

  • Standard
    144 pages
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IEC 60079-31:2013 is applicable to electrical equipment protected by enclosure and surface temperature limitation for use in explosive dust atmospheres. It specifies requirements for design, construction and testing of electrical equipment and Ex Components. This standard supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0. Where a requirement of this standard conflicts with a requirement of IEC 60079-0, the requirement of this standard takes precedence. This standard does not apply to dusts of explosives, which do not require atmospheric oxygen for combustion, or to pyrophoric substances. This standard does not apply to electrical equipment or Ex Components intended for use in underground parts of mines as well as those parts of surface installations of such mines endangered by firedamp and/or combustible dust. This standard does not take account of any risk due to an emission of flammable or toxic gas from the dust. Consideration of additional protective measures is required where the application of electrical equipment is in atmospheres, which can contain combustible dust as well as explosive gas, whether simultaneously or separately. Where the electrical equipment has to meet other environmental conditions, for example, protection against ingress of water and resistance to corrosion, additional measures can be necessary. The measures used should not adversely affect the integrity of the enclosure. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2008. This edition constitutes a technical revision. The major technical changes include: - The marked maximum surface temperature shall be measured on the external surfaces of the enclosure and the surfaces of the internal components for equipment with types of protection 'ta'; - Additional protection for arcing and sparking parts for 'ta'; - Test for internal enclosure for level 'ta' added. Keywords: explosive dust atmospheres

  • Standard
    20 pages
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  • Standard – translation
    20 pages
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IEC 60079-17:2013 applies to users and covers factors directly related to the inspection and maintenance of electrical installations within hazardous areas only, where the hazard may be caused by flammable gases, vapours, mists, dusts, fibres or flyings. It does not include: - other fundamental installation and inspection requirements for electrical installations; - the verification of electrical equipment; - the repair and reclamation of explosion protected equipment (see IEC 60079-19). This standard supplements the requirements of IEC 60364-6. In the case of dusts, fibres or flyings the level of housekeeping may influence the inspection and maintenance requirements. This standard is intended to be applied where there can be a risk due to the presence of explosive gas or dust mixtures with air or combustible dust layers under normal atmospheric conditions. It does not apply to: - underground mining areas, - dusts of explosives that do not require atmospheric oxygen for combustion, - pyrophoric substances. This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition published in 2007 and constitutes a technical revision. The significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition are as follows: - Equipment specific inspection tables for luminaires, heating systems and motors have been added into Annex A to supplement the general protection concept tables; - Document has been updated to complement the changes made to IEC 60079-14 for initial inspection. Keywords: inspection and maintenance of electrical installations within hazardous area, flammable gases, vapours, mists, dusts, fibres or flyings

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Equipment protection by special protection 's'

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IEC 60079-35-2:2011 details those performance and other safety features of caplights, including those with a point of connection for another equipment, not covered in IEC 60079-35-1, but which are important for the safety and working conditions of the user. It may also be applied to caplights for use in mines not likely to be endangered by firedamp. This first edition of IEC 60079-35-2 cancels and replaces the second edition (2005) of IEC 62013-2 published in 2005 and constitutes a full technical revision. The general revision and updating of Edition 2 of IEC 62013-2 has been necessitated by the advent of new technologies related to caplight design, in particular those related light-emitting diode (LED) light sources. It is intended that there should be a stronger link between Part 1 (Construction) and Part 2 (Performance) of this Standard by upgrading the reference in the Scope of part 1 from a note to a requirement. In addition as this Standard is now to become one of the IEC 60079 series, changes have been made to bring it more in line with others in the series by cross referencing. This has enabled there to be a reduction in the number and length of clauses in the Standard.

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This European Standard applies to apparatus for the detection and/or the measurement of carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) intended to control a ventilation system and/or to give an indication, alarm or any other signal to warn of a toxic hazard. These three gases are generically called “target gases” for the purpose of this European Standard. National and local regulations might not require detection of NO or NO2 and might require detection of other gases or vapours. This European Standard includes requirements for remote gas sensors (RGS) to be used in car parks and tunnels and requirements for the control unit (CU) to be used in car parks. This European Standard specifies general requirements for construction and testing and describes the test methods that apply to fixed apparatus for the detection and/or the measurement of the concentration of the target gases in car parks and tunnels. This European Standard may also be applied to similar applications where the concentration of the target gases could lead to a risk to health, for example loading areas for trucks and underground bus stations. This European Standard also applies when an apparatus manufacturer makes any claims regarding superior performance that exceeds these minimum requirements. This European Standard applies to apparatus, including the sampling system if applicable. This European Standard does not specify requirements for apparatus to be installed in hazardous areas. This European Standard does not apply for applications already covered by the following standards: – domestic premises, covered by EN 50291-1; – boats, craft, caravans or mobile homes, covered by EN 50291-2; – workplace atmospheres, covered by EN 45544 series; – emissions of heaters, covered by EN 50379 series; – motor vehicles emissions, covered by ISO/PAS 3930; – monitoring of the LEL level of combustible gases, covered by EN 60079-29-1. This European Standard does not apply for the following applications and technologies: – confined spaces not accessible to people; – laboratory or analytical equipment; – apparatus used to control industrial processes; – portable and transportable apparatus; – open path gas detection; – tunnel construction; – monitoring of particulates and dust; – monitoring of combustible gases; – CO monitoring for fire detection.

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NEW! IEC 60079-11:2011 is now available as IEC Standards+ 60079-11:2011 which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition. IEC 60079-11:2011 specifies the construction and testing of intrinsically safe apparatus intended for use in an explosive atmosphere and for associated apparatus, which is intended for connection to intrinsically safe circuits which enter such atmospheres. This type of protection is applicable to electrical equipment in which the electrical circuits themselves are incapable of causing an explosion in the surrounding explosive atmospheres. This standard is also applicable to electrical equipment or parts of electrical equipment located outside the explosive atmosphere or protected by another Type of Protection listed in IEC 60079-0, where the intrinsic safety of the electrical circuits in the explosive atmosphere may depend upon the design and construction of such electrical equipment or parts of such electrical equipment. The electrical circuits exposed to the explosive atmosphere are evaluated for use in such an atmosphere by applying this standard. The requirements for intrinsically safe systems are provided in IEC 60079-25. This standard supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0, except as indicated in Table 1. Where a requirement of this standard conflicts with a requirement of IEC 60079-0, the requirements of this standard shall take precedence. This sixth edition cancels and replaces the fifth edition of IEC 60079-11 published in 2006, the first edition of IEC 61241-11 published in 2005, and partially replaces the second edition of IEC 60079-27 published in 2008 and constitutes a full technical revision. The significant changes with respect to the previous edition are listed below: - Inclusion of non-edition specific references to IEC 60079-0. - The merging of the apparatus requirements for FISCO from IEC 60079-27. - The merging of the requirements for combustible dust atmospheres from IEC 61241-11. - Clarification of the requirements for accessories connected to intrinsically safe apparatus; such as chargers and data loggers. - Addition of new test requirements for opto-isolators. - Introduction of Annex H about ignition testing of semiconductor limiting power supply circuits. The contents of the corrigendum of January 2012 have been included in this copy.

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IEC 60079-35-1:2011 specifies requirements for the construction, testing and marking of caplights, including caplights with a point of connection for other equipment, for use in mines susceptible to firedamp (Group I - electrical equipment for explosive gas atmospheres as defined in IEC 60079-0). It deals only with the risk of the caplight becoming a source of ignition. The requirements for performance are in IEC 60079-35-2. This standard supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0 except as indicated in Table 1. This first edition cancels and replaces the second edition of IEC 62013-1, published in 2005, and constitutes a full technical revision. The main technical differences with respect to the previious edition are: - the introduction of a means to achieve an equipment protection level (EPL) of Ma; - the introduction of a single clause relating to equipment construction replacing individual specific clauses for the headpiece, battery, cable and external charging contacts; - the deletion of statements relating to surface temperature, the rewording of statements relating to creepage and clearance and the addition of statements relating to thermal protection, electronic assemblies and additional circuitry; - specific referenc to lithium cells; - the addition of statements relating to battery recharging and protection against deep discharge.

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This European Standard specifies requirements for the construction, testing and performance of electronic portable and transportable apparatus for the detection and measurement of carbon dioxide (CO2) and/or carbon monoxide (CO) in indoor ambient air, which includes air entering mechanical ventilation systems in domestic residential, commercial and industrial premises and public buildings. This European Standard includes indoor air quality apparatus with CO and CO2 measuring capabilities. This European Standard excludes: • apparatus used in workplace atmospheres for the direct detection and direct concentration measurement of toxic gases and vapours (i.e. conforming to EN 45544 series); • electronic portable combustion gas analysers (i.e. conforming to EN 50379 series); • apparatus for the detection of carbon monoxide in domestic premises (i.e. conforming to EN 50291 series). NOTE 1 Examples of applications are monitoring indoor air quality, measuring CO and/or CO2 concentrations in commercial laundry and kitchen environments, assessing the safe operation of appliances installed in compartments. NOTE 2 When this apparatus is used in industrial premises national regulations may apply.

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IEC 60079-25:2010 contains the specific requirements for construction and assessment of intrinsically safe electrical systems, type of protection 'i', intended for use, as a whole or in part, in locations in which the use of Group I, II or III apparatus is required. This standard supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0 and the intrinsic safety standard IEC 60079-11. Where a requirement of this standard conflicts with a requirement of IEC 60079-0 or IEC 60079-11, the requirement of this standard takes precedence. This standard supplements IEC 60079-11, the requirements of which apply to electrical apparatus used in intrinsically safe electrical systems. The installation requirements of Group II or Group III systems designed in accordance with this standard are specified in IEC 60079-14. The significant changes with respect to the previous edition are: - extension of the scope from Group II to Groups I, II and III; - introduction of level of protection 'ic'; - addition of requirements for cables and multi-core cables; - reference to IEC 60079-11 regarding the termination of intrinsically safe circuits; - requirements for the assessment of an expanded and clarified intrinsically safe system regarding level of protection 'ic', simple apparatus and faults in multi-core cables; - introduction of predefined systems and merging of the system requirements for FISCO from IEC 60079-27; - addition of requirements for simple intrinsically safe systems containing both lumped inductance and lumped capacitance; - addition of a method for testing the electrical parameters of cables; - additional information for the use of simple apparatus in systems.

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IEC 60079-29-4:2009 specifies performance requirements of equipment for the detection and measuring of flammable gases or vapours in ambient air by measuring the spectral absorption by the gases or vapours over extended optical paths, ranging typically from one meter to a few kilometres. Such equipment measures the integral concentration of the absorbing gas over the optical path in units such as LFL.meter for flammable gases. This standard supplements and modifies the general requirements of IEC 60079-0. Where a requirement of this standard conflicts with a requirement of IEC 60079-0, the requirement of this standard shall take precedence.

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This European Standard specifies the requirements of electrical safety devices, which are used to avoid potential ignition sources of equipment in explosive atmospheres. This also includes safety devices, which are operated outside areas with explosive atmospheres, to guarantee the safe function of equipment with respect to explosion hazards. NOTE 1 This European Standard can also be used to design and assess safety devices for protective systems. Electrical equipment, which is intended for use in explosive atmospheres, may rely on the correct operation of safety devices which for example maintain certain characteristics of the equipment within acceptable limits. Examples of such safety devices are motor protection devices (to limit temperature rise during stall conditions) and controlling devices for pressurisation protection. By means of control or monitoring devices, sources of ignition can be avoided. Therefore these devices shall execute the appropriate measures in the appropriate reaction time, for example the initiation of an alarm or an automatic shut down. NOTE 2 Some potential ignition sources might not be controllable by safety devices, e.g. electrostatic discharges, ignition sparks caused by mechanical impact. Also some protection measures might not be controllable by safety devices, e.g. flameproof enclosures. Safety devices, whose safety function can not adequately be specified under the existing EN 60079 or EN 61241 series of standards, shall additionally be designed according to the requirements of this standard. Generally for complex safety devices appropriate design requirements are not provided in the existing types of protection (see 3.13 for the definition of a complex device). NOTE 3 In general the levels of safety required by this standard are considered to be equivalent to those provided by conformity to EN 60079-0 or EN 61241-0. No increase or decrease of safety is intended or required. Similarly neither increase nor decrease of safety with respect to EN 61508 series is intended. Safety devices can be classified in 2 types: a) devices, which are included as component in the equipment under control (see 3.8). The combined apparatus is considered as equipment. EXAMPLES - thermal switch or thermistor to avoid overheating, - temperature monitoring devices to control the surface temperature. b) devices, which are installed separately from the equipment under control and considered as associated apparatus exclusively for a specific type of protection or specific equipment under control. The combined apparatus is considered as a system. EXAMPLES - external control devices or safety related parts of a control system for type of protection pressurisation, - overload protective device for electric motors of type of protection Ex e ‘Increased Safety’, - control devices for battery charging equipment (protection against overcharging or deep discharging), - level detectors for the control of submersible pumps. Exclusions from this standard: Safety devices, where the safety function is adequately covered in the existing standards of EN 60079 and EN 61241 series do not need any additional assessment according to this standard. EXAMPLES Intrinsically safe associated apparatus, fuses, electromechanical overload protection, simple thermal protection devices (e.g. thermal fuses, thermal switches). The standard does not include devices or systems to prevent the occurrence of explosive atmospheres, e.g. inerting systems, ventilation in workplaces and containers/vessels. Gas detectors, which are covered under EN 61779 series, EN 50271 or EN 50402 are also excluded from the scope of this standard. This standard does not deal with protection by control of ignition source ‘b’ for non-electrical equipment as defined in EN 13463-6.

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1.1 This European Standard specifies the requirements for stationary electrostatic application equipment for non-ignitable liquid coating materials which do not generate an explosive atmosphere inside the spraying area. A distinction is made between spraying systems corresponding to EN 50050 and spraying systems designed for higher discharge energies and/or currents. This European Standard also specifies the design-related requirements for a safe operation of the stationary equipment, including its electrical installations. 1.2 This European Standard considers two types of electrostatic spraying systems, see 5.1 for more details. 1.3 Noise has not been dealt with in this standard as it is not considered to be a significant hazard of stationary electrostatic application equipment for non-ignitable liquid coating material. For any other health protection, see EN 12215:2004, 5.5. For fire prevention and protection (e. g. fire hazards due to other sources), see also EN 12215:2004, 5.7.1. This European Standard deals with all significant hazards, hazardous situations and events, which are relevant for stationary electrostatic application equipment for non-ignitable liquid coating and cleaning materials which do not generate an explosive atmosphere inside the spraying area, provided they are used as intended by the manufacturer.

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1.1 This European Standard specifies the requirements for stationary electrostatic application equipment for ignitable coating powders to be used in explosive atmospheres generated by their own spray cloud. A distinction is made between spraying systems corresponding to EN 50050:2001 and spraying systems designed for higher discharge energies and/or currents. The charging of ignitable coating powder can be achieved by applying high voltage or triboelectrically. This European Standard also specifies the design-related requirements for a safe operation of the stationary equipment including its electrical installation. 1.2 This European Standard considers three types of electrostatic spraying systems; see 5.1 for more details. 1.3 This European Standard deals with all hazards significant for the electrostatic spraying of coating materials, which could also contain small quantities of added metal particles, if the work is carried out under conditions recommended by the manufacturer. In particular, this includes ignition hazards resulting from the generated explosive atmosphere, and the protection of persons from electric shocks. 1.4 This stationary equipment is classified as equipment of group II, category 2D or category 3D for use in potentially explosive areas of zone 21 or 22, respectively. NOTE For other safety aspects like – zone classification of the areas in and around spray booths, see EN 12981:2005,; – zone classification of other areas with explosive atmosphere, see EN 60079-10-2; – selection, erection and application of other electrical and non electrical equipment in areas with explosion hazard, see EN 60079 14 and EN 12981:2005,; – health protection (for instance, noise) see also EN 12981:2005, 5.4 and EN 14462; – cleaning of spraying areas, see instruction manual of the spraying equipment; – fire prevention and protection (for instance fire hazards due to other sources) see also EN 12981:2005, 5.6; – explosion protection system, see EN 12981:2005,; – dust hazards, see EN 12981:2005, 5.5. Design-related measures for reducing the generation of noise of the stationary equipment for electrostatic coating are given in EN ISO 11688 1. See also EN 14462.

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1.1 This European Standard specifies the requirements for stationary electrostatic application equipment for ignitable liquid coating materials and for hard to ignite liquid coating materials to be used in explosive atmospheres generated by their own spray cloud. A distinction is made between spraying systems corresponding to EN 50050 and spraying systems designed for higher discharge energies and/or currents. This European Standard also specifies the design-related requirements for a safe operation of the stationary equipment including its electrical installation. 1.2 This European Standard considers four types of electrostatic spraying systems; see 5.1 for more details. 1.3 This European Standard deals with all hazards significant for the electrostatic spraying of coating materials, which could also contain small quantities of added metal particles, if the work is carried out under conditions recommended by the manufacturer. In particular, this includes ignition hazards resulting from the generated explosive atmosphere, and the protection of persons from electric shocks. 1.4 This stationary equipment is classified as equipment of group II, category 2G or category 3G for use in potentially explosive areas of zone 1 or 2, respectively. NOTE For other safety aspects like – zone classification of the areas in and around spray booths, see EN 12215:2004,; – zone classification of other areas with explosive atmosphere, see EN 60079-10-1; – selection, installation and application of other electrical and non electrical equipment in areas with explosion hazard, see EN 60079-14 and EN 12215:2004,; – health protection (for instance, noise), see also EN 12215:2004, 5.5 and EN 14462; – cleaning of spraying areas, see instruction manual of the spraying equipment; – fire prevention and protection (for instance fire hazards due to other sources) see also EN 12215:2004, 5.7.1. Design-related measures for reducing the generation of noise of the stationary equipment for electrostatic coating are given in EN ISO 11688 1. See also EN 14462.

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This European Standard specifies general requirements for the construction, testing and performance of electrically operated apparatus for the detection of combustible gases, designed for continuous operation in a fixed installation in domestic premises. The apparatus may be mains or battery powered. Additional requirements for apparatus to be used in recreational vehicles and similar premises are specified in EN 50194-2. NOTE 1 For caravan holiday homes EN 50194-1 applies. This European Standard specifies two types of apparatus to operate in the event of an escape of town gas, natural gas or liquefied petroleum gas (LPG): - Type A apparatus - to provide a visual and audible alarm and an executive action in the form of an output signal that may actuate directly or indirectly a shut-off device and/or other ancillary device; - Type B apparatus - to provide a visual and audible alarm only. This European Standard excludes apparatus for the detection of toxic hazards of gases such as carbon monoxide (see EN 50291-1 and EN 50291-2). Apparatus complying with this standard is not considered suitable for industrial or commercial installations for which EN 60079-29-1 apply. NOTE 2 Apparatus tested in accordance with EN 60079-29-1 will not necessarily comply with this European Standard.

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1.1 This European Standard contains the specific requirements for the construction and testing of transportable ventilated rooms (TVR's), such as skid mounted analyser houses with type of protection 'v' intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. Transportable in this sense means manufactured in one location (the manufacturer's premises) for trade and transportation to another location (the user's premises) for installation and use. This European Standard supplements European Standard EN 50014 or where appropriate EN 50021, the requirements of which apply to electrical apparatus with type of protection 'v' except as modified within this standard. This standard does not contain the requirements for equipment group II, category 1 or equipment group I, category M1. This standard does not contain the requirements for equipment group I, category M2 where there exists a potential source of release. This standard does not contain the requirements for group II where there exists a potential hazard from combustible dusts. NOTE It is not the intention of this European Standard to cover stationary analyzer houses according to EN 61285. 1.2 This European Standard includes the requirements for the construction of the TVR and its associated components including, the inlet and outlet apertures for the ventilation gas supply and for the safety provisions and devices necessary for the type of protection 'v'. 1.3 This European Standard specifies the requirements for TVR's with or without an internal source of release of potentially flammable or toxic, gas, liquid or vapour (for example analyzers placed within the TVR). 1.4 Due to the safety factors incorporated in the type of protection, the uncertainty of measurement inherent in good quality, regularly calibrated measurement equipment is considered to have no significant detrimental effect and need not be taken into account when making the measurements necessary to verify compliance of the apparatus with the requirements of this standard.

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This standard provides guidance in assessing the potential ignition hazard from the inadvertent extraction of energy from electromagnetic fields, propagated from communication, radar or other transmitting aerials to plant where a potentially flammable atmosphere may be present. The standard is not concerned with similar hazards arising from electromagnetic fields generated by other means, such as electric storms, electricity generating installations or other radiating electrical equipment, nor is it concerned with any hazard arising within telecommunications or oter electronic equipment

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This standard provides guidance in assessing the possibility of inadvertent extraction of energy from an electromagnetic field propagated from communication, radar or other transmitter aerials and the coupling of this energy to an EED in a manner capable of causing initiation. It does not cover the similar hazard arising from electromagnetic fields generated by other means, for example electrical storms, electricity generating plant or power transmission lines, nor does it cover the potential hazards that may arise in oil and gas exploration and production operations

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1.1 This standard specifies the design, construction, testing and marking requirements for Group I, Category M1 equipment intended to remain functional in underground parts of mines, as well as those parts of surface installations of such mines endangered by firedamp and/or coal dust clouds under normal atmospheric conditions of pressures ranging from 0,8 bar to 1,1 bar and temperatures ranging from 20 °C to + 60 °C. 1.2 It applies to all electrical and non-electrical equipment capable of causing an explosion through its own potential source of ignition. 1.3 It also applies to cables, pipes and optical fibres, when such items are used to carry energy sources and form part of equipment intended to remain functional in an atmosphere endangered by firedamp and/or coal dust. 1.4 It does not apply to category M1 Miners' Caplights, which are dealt with in prEN 62013-1 (in preparation). NOTE 1 As the energy needed to ignite a coal dust /air cloud is in excess of 600 times* that needed to ignite a firedamp /air mixture, this standard assumes that provided intrinsically safe 'ia' circuits are constructed to be safe in an explosive atmosphere of firedamp /air, then such circuits are not capable of directly igniting an explosive atmosphere of coal dust/air. * Based on tests performed by several member state laboratories. Verified at the UK Health & Safety Laboratories, Buxton - Report by Dr P. Tolson, dated 9 August 1995 - "Ignition of coal dust/air mixtures using a modified IEC spark test apparatus". NOTE 2 In designing equipment for operation in explosive atmospheric conditions other than those given in 1.1 above, this standard may be used as a guide. In such cases, additional testing is recommended to allow the manufacturer to be able to demonstrate that the equipment is suitable for the exceptional conditions of use. NOTE 3 When an explosive firedamp atmosphere occurs in the underground workings of a mine, or at a surface installation, it is imperative that the ignition risk be kept to a minimum. Member State Governments may therefore prohibit the continued use of certain Category M1 equipment in an atmosphere endangered by firedamp and/or coal dust if it is not necessary for it to remain functional for the protection of workers**. ** This has its origin in clause 5.1 of the proposals to the Governments of members States adopted by the Safety and Health Commission for Mining and Other Extractive Industries (SHCMOEI) at its meeting on 29.10.1986. Document No 6374/13/82 - "Electrical apparatus and systems for use when the concentration of firedamp exceeds the statutory limit for electricity".

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