IEC 61196-1-108:2025 applies to coaxial communications cables. It specifies test methods for determining the phase, phase constant, phase and group delay, propagation velocity, electrical length, and mean characteristic impedance of coaxial cables for use in communications systems.
A procedure to measure phase dispersion of coaxial cable is included as Annex A.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Change of title, "phase and phase constant" was added.
b) Clause 6, "Preparation of test sample (TS)" was added.
c) Clause 7, "Test procedure" was added.
d) Clause 8, "Failure criterion" was added.
e) Clause 9, "Information to be given in the relevant specification" was added.

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    18 pages
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IEC 61196-1-113:2024 applies to coaxial communications cables. It specifies a test method for determining the attenuation constant of coaxial cables for use in communications systems. The test is applicable preferably at frequencies ≥5 MHz but also for lower frequencies if the magnitude of the complex characteristic impedance is approximately equal to the nominal characteristic impedance of the test sample (TS) or if a form fitting function is applied.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2018. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) add Clause 3 "Terms and definitions";
b) add Clause 4 "Test environment";
c) add Clause 5 "Preconditioning";
d) add Subclause 7.1 "General";
e) add detail test methods including 7.2 "long cable methods" and 7.3 "double-cable method";
f) add "Annex A Stability of attenuation constant at different temperatures";
g) add "Annex B Test examples of stability of attenuation constants at different temperature".

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    16 pages
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IEC 61196-1-111:2024 provides test methods to determine the stability of phase of coaxial communication cables. This document is applicable to RF coaxial cables. RF coaxial cable assemblies can also use this document for reference. This part of IEC 61196 comprises following test methods:
a) phase variation with temperature (Clause 4);
b) phase constant variation with temperature (Clause 5);
c) phase stability with bending (Clause 6);
d) phase stability with twisting (Clause 7);
e) phase consistency test for two or more cables (Annex A);
f) phase variation with temperature test between two cables (Annex B).
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2014. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) addition of the list of test methods in the Scope;
b) addition of "the number of scanning points" in every test method;
c) addition of Annex A, Phase consistency test for two or more cables;
d) addition of Annex B, Phase variation with temperature test between two cables.

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    27 pages
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  • Standard
    54 pages
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IEC 61196-1-105:2024 applies to coaxial communication cables. It specifies test methods for determining the withstand voltage of the dielectric of coaxial cables. It is intended to detect the flaws in the dielectric of finished coaxial cables. The test procedures for the cables with special structure are specified in Annex A.

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    8 pages
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  • Standard
    16 pages
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IEC 61196-12:2024 defines general requirements for spacer clamps for radiating cables, including terms and definitions, design and construction, IEC type designation, requirements and test procedures and type tests.
The contents of this document are suitable for spacer clamps for installation of radiating cables. These cables and their spacer clamps are widely used in tunnels, subways, underpasses, and shafts. Their intended application is in weather-protected environments and, optionally, outdoors.

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IEC 61196-1-127:2024 applies to radiating cables. It specifies a test method for determining the link loss of radiating cables for use in communication systems.

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IEC 61196-13-1:2024 applies to coaxial communication cables described in IEC 61196-13. It specifies the requirements of semi-rigid coaxial communication cables with silicon dioxide dielectric and tubular outer conductor. These cables are intended for use in applications demanding the extreme environments as well as the nuclear power plant, oil rig and aircraft engine.
This document determines the layout and style for detail specifications. Detail specifications (DS) can be prepared by a national organization, a manufacturer or a user by entering the details in the blank detail specification.

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    9 pages
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IEC 61196-9-1:2023 applies to coaxial communication cables described in IEC 61196-9. It specifies the requirements of flexible coaxial communication cables with solid or semi-air-spaced dielectric and wrap or/and braid outer conductor. These cables are widely used in mobile communication systems, microwave test equipment, consumer electronics and other fields.
This document determines the layout and style for detail specifications. Detail specifications (DS) can be prepared by a national organization, a manufacturer or a user by entering the details in the blank detail specification.

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    10 pages
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IEC 61196-8-1:2023 applies to coaxial communication cables described in IEC 61196-8. It specifies the requirements of semi-flexible coaxial communication cables with fluoropolymer dielectric and tin soaked copper wire braid outer conductor. These cables are intended for use in mobile communication base station antenna systems, terrestrial microwave communication, radar systems and wireless equipment or other signal transmission equipment or units.
This document determines the layout and style for detail specifications. Detail specifications (DS) can be prepared by a national organization, a manufacturer or a user by entering the details in the blank detail specification.

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    10 pages
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IEC 61196-13:2023 specifies the materials and cable construction for semi-rigid coaxial communication cables with silicon dioxide dielectric, IEC type designation, identification, marking and labelling, standard rating and characteristics, requirements of finished cables, quality assessment, delivery and storage, etc.
This part of IEC 61196 applies to semi-rigid coaxial communication cables with silicon dioxide dielectric and tubular outer conductor. These cables are intended for use in applications requiring extreme environments as well as in nuclear power plants, oil rigs and aircraft engines.

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    26 pages
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IEC 61196-1-119:2023 provides test methods for RF power rating and power withstanding of RF coaxial cables and cable assemblies at specified frequency, temperature and altitude.
This document is applicable to RF coaxial cables and cable assemblies.

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    24 pages
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IEC 61196-8:2023 specifies the materials and cable construction for semi-flexible coaxial communication cables with fluoropolymer dielectric, IEC type designation, identification, marking and labelling, standard rating and characteristics, requirements of finished cables, quality assessment, delivery and storage, etc.
This document applies to semi-flexible coaxial communication cables with fluoropolymer dielectric and tin soaked copper wire braid outer conductor. These cables are intended for use in mobile communication base station antenna systems, terrestrial microwave communication, radar systems and wireless equipment or other signal transmission equipment or units. It is read in conjunction with IEC 61196-1:2005.

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    19 pages
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IEC 61196-9:2023 specifies the materials and cable construction for RF flexible coaxial communication cables with solid or with semi-air-spaced dielectric, IEC type designation, identification, marking and labelling, standard rating and characteristics, requirements of finished cables, quality assessment, delivery and storage, etc.
This document applies to RF flexible coaxial communication cables for use in mobile communication systems, microwave test equipment and other fields. It is read in conjunction with IEC 61196-1:2005.

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    18 pages
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IEC 61196-1-123:2023 defines the test method to determine the attenuation constant of radiating coaxial communication cables that are intended for use in wireless communication systems such as tunnels, railways, highways, subways, elevators and other confined areas in which conventional antenna transmission is not satisfactory or even impossible.

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    10 pages
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IEC 61196-5:2022, which is a sectional specification, applies to coaxial cables for analogue and digital one- and two-way signal transmission, for example for cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services in accordance with IEC 60728-1, IEC 60728-1-1, IEC 60728-101, IEC 60728-10, ISO/IEC 11801-1 and ISO/IEC 11801-4. This includes also the transmission of BCT signals provided by a CATV, MATV or SMATV cable networks.
This document specifies the test procedures and requirements for trunk and distribution cables for temperatures between −40 °C and +65 °C and in the frequency range of 5 MHz to 2 000 MHz.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2018. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a. complete revision; b. cable identification and marking has been added; c. Table B.1, cable types have been added.

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    19 pages
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  • Standard
    39 pages
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IEC 61196-10:2022 specifies the materials and cable construction for semi-rigid coaxial communication cables with fluoropolymer dielectric, IEC type designation, identification, marking and labelling, standard rating and characteristics, requirements of finished cables, quality assessment, delivery and storage, etc. This part of IEC 61196 applies to semi-rigid coaxial communication cables with fluoropolymer dielectric and tubular outer conductor. Semi-rigid coaxial communication cables with fluoropolymer dielectric are widely used in mobile communication systems, microwave test equipment, radar, aerospace and other fields.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2014. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a. Title was changed to: Sectional specification for semi-rigid cables with fluoropolymer dielectric b. Dielectric: other fluoropolymer materials (such as FEP, PFA) were added c. Table 1 – Distinguishing number was added d. Table 2 – Rated temperature was added e. 7.4.8, Thermal cycling was deleted f. Annex A: Performance requirements of typical cables was added g. Annex B: Requirements for thermal shock was added

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    25 pages
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IEC 61196-10-1:2022 applies to coaxial communication cables described in IEC 61196-10, which specifies the requirements of semi-rigid coaxial communication cables with fluoropolymer dielectric and tubular outer conductors. Semi-rigid coaxial communication cables with fluoropolymer dielectric are widely used in mobile communication systems, microwave test equipment, radar, aerospace, electronic countermeasures and other fields.
This part of IEC 61196 is used in conjunction with IEC 61196-1 and IEC 61196-10, which determines the layout and style for detail specifications, based on the blank detail specification, that can be prepared by a national organization, a manufacturer, or a user.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2014. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a. Title was changed to: Blank detail specification for semi-rigid cables with fluoropolymer dielectric.
b. Further changes in accordance with IEC 61196-10.

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    11 pages
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IEC 61196-1-326:2022 describes the test methods to evaluate the suitability of hangers to support a cable on an antenna tower, or on other constructions. This document also provides generic criteria to evaluate performance.

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IEC 61196-4:2022 applies to radiating coaxial communication cables, and specifies the terms and definitions, material and construction, IEC type designation, standard rating and characteristics, identification, marking and labelling, requirements of finished cables, quality assessment, delivery and storage, etc.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2015 This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a. rewrote "1 Scope" to be consistent with other blank detail specifications of coaxial cables; b. updated different standards in "Clause 2 Normative references"; c. added the definitions of uniformly radiating type cable, stop frequency band and link loss; d. added different materials and constructions in 4.2 to 4.5; e. added "Clause 5 IEC type designation"; f. added a detailed rated temperature range of different materials in "6.2 Rated temperature range"; g. added detailed frequencies in "6.3 Operating frequency range"; h. added "6.4 Stop frequency band" and "6.5 Radiating characteristics"; i. added different detail requirements or typical values in 8.2.4, 8.2.7, 8.2.8, 8.4.3 to 8.4.8; j. deleted "7.4.4 Ovality of outer conductor"; k. added "8.2.11 Link loss", "8.4.9 Adhesion of dielectric", "8.4.10 Shrinkage for insulations", "8.4.11 Maximum pulling force of cable";
i. used IEC 61196-1-123 and IEC 61196-1-124 in the electrical requirements to replace Annex A and Annex B respectively and deleted Annex A and Annex B; m. added "Figure A.1 Example of testing coupling loss around circumferential orientation of radiating cable (Y-Z)" in Annex A.

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    83 pages
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  • Standard
    48 pages
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IEC 61196-4-1:2022 applies to radiating coaxial communication cables. These cables are intended for use in wireless communication system in long, narrow, semi-closed and indoor environment, such as tunnels, railways, highways, subways, elevators and other installations. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2016. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a. rewrote "1 Scope" to be consistent with other blank detail specifications of coaxial cables;
b. added detail construction requirements of inner and outer conductor in "[7] Cable construction";
c. added "Storage temperature range", "Installation temperature range" and "Stop frequency band" in "[8] Engineering information (reference only)";
d. added "8.2.11 Link loss", "8.4.9 Adhesion of dielectric", "8.4.10 Shrinkage for insulations", "8.4.11 Maximum pulling force of cable";
e. added different detail requirements or typical values in 8.2.4, 8.2.6 to 8.2.8, 8.3.1 to 8.3.4, 8.4.1, 8.4.3 to 8.4.8;
f. deleted "7.4.4 Ovality of outer conductor".

  • Standard
    33 pages
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  • Standard
    20 pages
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IEC 61196-1-126:2022 provides the test method for the corona (partial discharge) extinction voltage of coaxial communication cables under specified environmental conditions.

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IEC 61196-1-125:2022 specifies the test method to determine the equivalent relative permittivity and dissipation factor of dielectric for coaxial cables. It is intended to provide the dielectric properties of finished cables.

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IEC 61196-1-124:2022 defines the test method to determine the coupling loss of radiating coaxial communication cables that are intended for use in wireless communication systems such as tunnels, railways, highways, subways, elevators and other confined areas in which conventional antenna transmission is not satisfactory or even impossible.

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    20 pages
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IEC 61196-11-1:2022 applies to coaxial communication cables described in IEC 61196-11. It specifies the layout and style for detail specifications for semi-rigid coaxial communication cables with polyethylene (PE) dielectric. Semi-rigid coaxial communication cables with polyethylene (PE) dielectric are widely used in the interconnection between wireless communication equipment and antenna, as well as RF and microwave electronic equipment, broadcast television, microwave relay, navigation, etc.
This part of IEC 61196 is used in conjunction with IEC 61196-1 and IEC 61196-11, which determines the layout and style for detail specifications, based on the blank detail specification. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2016.This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a. engineering information: Maximum tensile force and average power introduced, b. electrical, environmental and mechanical characteristics more detailed,
c. requirements for “Content of toxic and harmful substances” introduced.

  • Standard
    11 pages
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IEC 61196-11:2022 specifies the general requirements of semi-rigid coaxial communication cables with polyethylene (PE) dielectric, including material and construction, IEC type designation, identification, marking and labelling, standard ratings and characteristics, requirements of finished cables, quality assessment, delivery and storage, etc.
This part of IEC 61196 applies to semi-rigid coaxial communication cables with polyethylene (PE) dielectric and tubular outer conductor. These cables are widely used in the interconnection between wireless communication equipment and antenna, as well as RF and microwave electronic equipment, broadcast television, microwave relay, navigation, etc.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2016. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a. The scope is more detailed.
b. Outer diameter ratings of the inner conductor recommended.
c. Dielectric: outer diameter ratings of the dielectric recommended.
d. IEC type designation introduced.
e. Standard ratings and characteristics: completely revised.
f. Requirements of finished cables: completely revised.

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    16 pages
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IEC 61196-9-2:2022 applies to coaxial communication cables described in IEC 61196-9. It specifies the requirements for 50-0,4 type RF flexible cables. These cables are used in routers, notebook computers, mobile phones or other electronics. The operating frequency is from 5 MHz to 6 000 MHz.

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    12 pages
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IEC 61196-1-200:2022 gives the general requirements and conditions for environmental tests to be performed on coaxial communication cables and applies to the IEC 61196-1-2xx series, which specifies environmental test methods for coaxial communication cables. Further test details (e.g. temperature, duration) and/or test requirements can be given in the relevant test procedure and/or the relevant sectional or detail specification. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2014. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a. Update of Annex A.

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    20 pages
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  • Standard
    13 pages
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IEC 61196-1-100:2022 gives the general requirements and conditions for electrical tests to be performed on coaxial communication cables and applies to IEC 61196-1-1xx (all parts), which specifies electrical test methods for coaxial communication cables. Further test details (for example, temperature, duration) and/or test requirements are given in the relevant test procedure and/or the relevant sectional or detail specification. A table with electrical test methods of the IEC 61196-1-1xx series is given in Annex A. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2015. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- update of Annex A, Electrical test methods of the IEC 61196-1-1xx series.

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    8 pages
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  • Standard
    17 pages
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IEC 61196-6-1:2021 applies to coaxial communication cables as described in IEC 61196-6. It specifies the requirements for drop cables for use in cabled television distribution networks operating at temperatures between −40 °C and +70 °C and in the frequency range from 5 MHz to 1 000 MHz or from 5 MHz to 3 000 MHz. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2009. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- Annex A, Cable identification and marking was added.

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    13 pages
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  • Standard
    26 pages
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IEC 61196-6:2021 applies to coaxial communications cables. It specifies the requirements for CATV drop cables for analogue and digital one and two way signal transmission, e.g. for cable networks for television signals, sound signals, interactive services, surveillance & control systems, and satellite television receiving systems according to the requirements of IEC 60728-1, IEC 60728-1-1, IEC 60728-101, IEC 60728-10, ISO/IEC 11801-1 and ISO/IEC 11801-4. This also includes the transmission of BCT signals provided by a CATV, MATV or SMATV cable network. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2009. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- extended scope,
- revised sheath marking and labelling.

  • Standard
    18 pages
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  • Standard
    36 pages
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IEC 61196-7:2021 applies to coaxial communications cables. It specifies the requirements for cables for broadcast and communications technologies (BCT) cabling in accordance with ISO/IEC 11801-4 for use in cabled television distribution networks operating at temperature between −40 °C and +70 °C and in the frequency range from 5 MHz to 6 000 MHz.This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2011. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- extension of frequency range up to 6 GHz,
- revised sheath marking and labelling,
- a table with typical cable characteristics was added as annex B.

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    17 pages
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  • Standard
    35 pages
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IEC 61196-1-212:2021 describes three methods to determine the UV resistance of sheath materials for electric and optical fibre cables. These tests apply for outdoor and indoor cable applications according to the product standard. The samples of sheath are taken from the finished cables. Although this test method is written principally for communication cables, it can be used for energy cables if called up by the relevant product standard.

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IEC 61196-6-5:2020 applies to coaxial communication cables described in IEC 61196-6. It specifies the requirements for type A quad-shield CATV drop cables with screening class A++. These cables are used in CATV distribution systems, surveillance and control systems, satellite television receiving systems and bidirectional hybrid fibre coaxes (HFC). The operating frequency is up to 3000 MHz.
This part of IEC 61196 is to be used in conjunction with IEC 61196-1 and IEC 61196-6:2009.

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    15 pages
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IEC 61196-6-4:2020 applies to coaxial communication cables described in IEC 61196-6. It specifies the requirements for 75-7 type CATV drop cables. These cables are used in CATV distribution systems, surveillance & control systems, satellite television receiving systems and as bidirectional hybrid fibre coaxes (HFC). The operating frequency is from 5 MHz to 3 000 MHz. This part of IEC 61196 is to be used in conjunction with IEC 61196-1:2005 and IEC 61196‑6:2009. It determines the layout and style with respect to the model and type. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2018. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- designation of variants including construction details;
- consistent screening classes;
- bending test only for flexible cables.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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  • Standard
    27 pages
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IEC 61196-6-2:2020 applies to coaxial communication cables described in IEC 61196-6. It specifies the requirements for 75-4 type CATV drop cables. These cables are used in CATV distribution systems, surveillance & control systems, satellite television receiving systems and as bidirectional hybrid fibre coaxes (HFC). The operating frequency is from 5 MHz to 3 000 MHz. This document is to be used in conjunction with IEC 61196-1 and IEC 61196‑6. It determines the layout and style with respect to the model and type. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2018. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- designation of variants including construction details
- consistent screening classes,
- bending test only for flexible cables.

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    13 pages
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  • Standard
    27 pages
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IEC 61196-6-3:2020 applies to coaxial communication cables described in IEC 61196-6. It specifies the requirements for 75-5 type CATV drop cables. These cables are used in CATV distribution systems, surveillance & control systems, satellite television receiving systems and as bidirectional hybrid fibre coaxes (HFC). The operating frequency is from 5 MHz to 3 000 MHz. This part of IEC 61196 is to be used in conjunction with IEC 61196-1:2005 and IEC 61196‑6:2009. It determines the layout and style with respect to the model and type. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2018. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- designation of variants including construction details,
- consistent screening classes,
- bending test only for flexible cables.

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    13 pages
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  • Standard
    26 pages
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IEC 61196-1-119:2020 defines the requirements to determine the average power handling capability of a coaxial cable at specified frequencies at ambient temperatures. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2012. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- title was changed from: RF power rating to: RF average power rating;
- a test method to determine sufficient duration is included as annex
- the equations used for calculating cable coefficients and RF average power rating are corrected;
- the clauses and subclauses are rearranged.

  • Standard
    14 pages
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  • Standard
    28 pages
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IEC 61196-1-113:2018(E) applies to coaxial communications cables. It specifies a test method for determining the attenuation constant of coaxial cables for use in communications systems. The test is applicable preferably at frequencies ≥ 5 MHz, but also for lower frequencies if the magnitude of the complex characteristic impedance is approximately equal to the nominal characteristic impedance of the specimen or if a form fitting function is applied.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2009. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: diverse form fitting equations are provided.

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    10 pages
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IEC 61196-6-3:2018(E) applies to coaxial communication cables described in IEC 61196-6. It specifies the requirements for 75-5 type CATV drop cables. These cables are used in CATV distribution systems, surveillance and control systems, satellite television receiving systems and as bidirectional hybrid fibre coax (HFC). The operating frequency is from 5 MHz to 3 000 MHz.
This part of IEC 61196 is to be used in conjunction with IEC 61196-1:2005 and IEC 61196 6:2009. It determines the layout and style with respect to the model and type.

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    12 pages
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IEC 61196-5:2018(E), which is a sectional specification, applies to coaxial cables for analogue and digital one- and two-way signal transmission, e.g. for cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services in accordance with IEC 60728-1, IEC 60728-1-1, IEC 60728-101, IEC 60728-10, ISO/IEC 11801-1 and ISO/IEC 11801-4. This includes also the transmission of BCT signals provided by a CATV, MATV or SMATV cable networks.
This document specifies the test procedures and requirements for trunk and distribution cables for temperatures between −40 °C and +65 °C and in the frequency range of 5 MHz to 2 000 MHz.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2012. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical change with respect to the previous edition:
a) 1 Scope: revised, frequency range extended to 2 000 MHz;
b) 4.3 Dielectric: life expectancy of the dielectric is proved by oxidative induction time (OIT) test before and after ageing according to IEC 60811-410;
c) Annex A: Table A.1, Cable types added.

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    14 pages
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IEC 61196-6-2:2018(E) applies to coaxial communication cables described in IEC 61196-6. It specifies the requirements for 75-4 type CATV drop cables. These cables are used in CATV distribution systems, surveillance and control systems, satellite television receiving systems and as bidirectional hybrid fibre coax (HFC). The operating frequency is from 5 MHz to 3 000 MHz.
This part of IEC 61196 is to be used in conjunction with IEC 61196-1:2005 and IEC 61196 6:2009. It determines the layout and style with respect to the model and type.

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    12 pages
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IEC 61196-6-4:2018(E) applies to coaxial communication cables described in IEC 61196-6. It specifies the requirements for 75-7 type CATV drop cables. These cables are used in CATV distribution systems, surveillance and control systems, satellite television receiving systems and as bidirectional hybrid fibre coax (HFC). The operating frequency is from 5 MHz to 3 000 MHz.
This part of IEC 61196 is to be used in conjunction with IEC 61196-1:2005 and IEC 61196 6:2009. It determines the layout and style with respect to the model and type.

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    13 pages
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IEC 61196-1-303:2018(E) defines the requirements for measuring the plating thickness for silver and tin conductors for coaxial cables used in analogue and digital communication systems.
This test method uses a procedure for determining the plating thickness of silver and tin coatings on conductors by galvanic removal (coulometric method).

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    9 pages
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IEC 61196-1-206:2017 specifies the method of test to determine the stability of transmission performance of a finished RF coaxial cable when subjected to a set of temperatures, temperature changes, and humidity stresses that would accelerate exposures observed in storage and transportation.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
It utilizes the test method of IEC 60068-2-61: Environmental Testing - Part 2-61: Test methods - Test Z/ABDM: Climatic sequence, which replaces the thermal cycle test.

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    13 pages
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IEC 61196-1-209:2016(E) specifies a test method to determine the ability of a coaxial cable to withstand the effects of temperature cycling on its transmission performance. The purpose of this procedure is to accelerate the effects of temperature cycling on a cable.

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IEC 61196-1-215:2016(E) defines a thermal ageing test to evaluate the transmission performance of coaxial cables under the effects of material temperature ageing. This procedure specifies a qualitative thermal ageing test that evaluates the performance degradation of the cable due to chemical and physical reactions that are accelerated by high temperature.

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IEC 61196-11:2016 applies to semi-rigid coaxial communication cables with polyethylene (PE) dielectric and tubular outer conductor. These cables are intended for use in microwave and wireless equipments or other signal transmission equipments or units at frequencies above 500 MHz.
This publication is to be read in conjunction with IEC 61196-1:2005.

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    13 pages
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IEC 61196-1-110:2016 specifies the test for electrical continuity of coaxial cables used in analogue and digital communication systems.
This publication is to be read in conjunction with IEC 61196-1:2005.

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    6 pages
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