IEC 61076-8-112:2025 describes 2-pole snap locking rectangular power connectors with IP65/IP67 plastic housing, for rated current of 50 A. It includes overall dimensions, interface dimensions, technical characteristics, performance requirements, test methods.
The products covered by this detail specification are connectors with breaking capacity (CBC) according to IEC 61984 which are mainly used in DC power conduction, in the field of electrical and electronic equipment.

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IEC 61076-8-111:2025 describes 3-pole snap locking rectangular power connectors with IP65/IP67 plastic housing, for rated current of 20 A. It includes overall dimensions, interface dimensions, technical characteristics, performance requirements, and test methods.
The products covered by this detail specification are connectors with breaking capacity (CBC) according to IEC 61984 which are mainly used in AC power conduction, in the field of electrical and electronic equipment.

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IEC 61076-2-101:2024 describes M12 screw-locking circular connectors with 2-way up to 17‑way, for data transmission with frequencies up to 100 MHz and signal and power transmission at up to 250 V rated voltage and up to 4 A rated current per contact.
These connectors consist of fixed and free connectors, either rewirable or non-rewirable.
Male connectors have round contacts, Ø 0,6 mm, Ø 0,76 mm, Ø 0,8 mm or Ø 1,0 mm according to number of ways and coding, all contacts with the same size.
The different codings prevent the mating of differently coded male and female connectors.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2012. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Technical specifications regarding dimensional information (Clause 5) and characteristics (Clause 6) have been updated, and new subclauses have been added.
b) New style NF (free connectors) has been added.
c) Fixed connectors with glass to metal seals (former styles WM, XM, YM, ZM and WF, XF, TF and ZF) are no longer covered by this document: relevant definitions and requirements have been removed.
d) The P-coding has been eliminated.
e) Annex B (informative) Steel conduit thread, sizes has been deleted and a new Annex B (informative) Orientation of cable outlet in relation to coding has been added.
f) The dimension specification of former styles AM and BM have been moved into a new Annex C (normative).

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IEC 60352-2:2024 is applicable to solderless crimped connections made with:
- appropriately designed uninsulated or pre-insulated crimp barrels as parts of crimp contacts, terminal ends or splices, and
- stranded wires of 0,05 mm2 to 10 mm2 cross-section or
- solid wires of 0,25 mm to 3,6 mm diameter;
for use in electrical and electronic equipment.
Information on the materials and data from industrial experience is included in addition to the test procedures to provide electrically stable connections under prescribed environmental conditions.
This part of IEC 60352 is not applicable to crimping of coaxial cables.
This part of IEC 60352 determines the suitability of solderless crimped connections as described above, under specified mechanical, electrical and atmospheric conditions and provides a means of comparing test results when the tools used to make the connections are of different designs or manufacture.

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IEC 60512-28-100:2024 specifies the test methods for signal integrity and transmission performance for connectors specified in respective parts of IEC 60603-7, IEC61076-1, IEC 61076-2, IEC 61076-3 and IEC 63171 series of standards for connecting hardware applications from 0,1 MHz up to 2 000 MHz, with reference to this document.
Note: This document is also suitable for testing signal integrity and transmission performance of connectors up to a lower value of maximum frequency; however, the test methodology specified in the detail specification for any given connector remains the reference conformance test for that connector.
The list of connector series of standards does not preclude referencing this document in other connector manufacturer’s specifications or published standards.
Test procedures provided herein are:
- insertion loss, test 28a;
- return loss, test 28b;
- near-end crosstalk (NEXT) test 28c;
- far-end crosstalk (FEXT), test 28d;
- transverse conversion loss (TCL), test 28f;
- transverse conversion transfer loss (TCTL), test 28g.
Other test procedures referenced herein are:
- shield transfer impedance (ZT), see IEC 60512‑26‑100, test 26e.
- coupling attenuation (aC), see IEC 62153-4-7 and IEC 62153‑4‑12.
- low frequency coupling attenuation (aCLF) see IEC 62153-4-7 and IEC 62153-4-15
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
-The frequency range has been modified to start at 0,1 MHz instead of 1 MHz, to include single-pair connectors.
-All tables and requirements have been revised down to 0,1 MHz, and partially improved to reduce the impact of the test fixture.
-Formulae to calculate the S-parameters from single-ended parameters have been added.
-A note was added for those parameters which are not applicable to single-pair connectors.

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IEC 63171-1:2024 is part of the IEC 63171 series which is a set of International Standards covering shielded or unshielded free and fixed connectors for balanced single-pair data transmission with current carrying capacity.
IEC 63171 is the general requirements and tests part (general specifications) of the whole series. Subsequent parts, such as this Part 1, are product detail specifications of the series IEC 63171 and do not duplicate information given in IEC 63171, but list only additional requirements. Each subsequent part is identified by a type of connector covered with the same number identifying the part. Some parts can describe more embodiments, with different connectors geometries (rectangular, circular), sharing the core element and the relevant features.
This part of IEC 63171 covers two-way, shielded or unshielded, free and fixed connectors known as Type 1, for balanced single-pair data transmission with frequencies up to 600 MHz and with current carrying capacity up to 2,0 A at 60 °C.
It specifies the common dimensions, and provides the mechanical, electrical, signal integrity, and environmental characteristics, the reliability specifications and corresponding tests for these connectors.
For the complete specifications regarding a connector of this series, both the general specification and the relevant detail specification are therefore required.
For the qualification of a connector of this series, both the general specification and the relevant detail specification shall be met.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2020. This edition constitutes a technical revision and includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
* Information on obtaining a license agreement was updated.
* Connector characteristics and test requirements were aligned with IEC 63171:2021 where applicable.
* Added requirements for Polarizing method (5.6.4) and Dynamic stress (5.6.5) to align with IEC 63171:2021.
* Added test group BP - Moisture ( to align with IEC 63171:2021.

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IEC 60352-9:2024 provides guidelines for welding and testing of ultrasonically welded connections and includes requirements, tests and practical guidance information.
Ultrasonic welding is a form of cold friction welding that is becoming increasingly popular in many industries. This type of welding uses ultrasonic vibration to join materials together, creating a bond that is both strong and reliable. Ultrasonic welding has been identified as a process in ISO 4063-41 by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
The process of ultrasonic welding relies on high frequency ultrasound waves being used to create frictional heat at the connection point. High temperature is not required for this special method of welding, making it one of the most cost-effective ways to join two materials together.
It also requires fewer steps than traditional methods, meaning it can be completed quickly and with minimal resources.
Ultrasonic welding has been around for decades but only recently has become more widely utilized due to advances in technology and its availability at lower cost. It can be used on many different materials including plastics, rubbers, metals, textiles, and composites. Due to its precision and strong bonds it creates, it has become extremely popular in manufacturing processes such as automotive industry, electronics industry, furniture production and even medical device production.
This document covers ultrasonically welded connections made with stranded or flexible wires (class 2, 5 or 6 per IEC 60228) of copper or copper alloy, as well as of aluminium or aluminium alloy. These welded metal-to-metal connections shall employ wires with cross-sectional area of 0,08 mm2 to 160 mm2 and shall not exceed a total cross-sectional area, in case of wire bundle, of 200 mm2. For aluminium or aluminium alloy wires, the minimum required cross-sectional area is 2,5 mm2.
Additionally, information on materials, data from industrial experience and test procedures are included to ensure electrically stable connections under prescribed environmental conditions.
Lastly, this document aims to achieve comparable results when using ultrasonic welding equipment with similar performance and specifications as specified by the termination manufacturer.

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IEC 61969-3:2023 specifies a set of basic environmental requirements and tests, as well as safety aspects for outdoor enclosures for electrical and electronic equipment, under conditions of non-weatherprotected locations above ground. The purpose of this document is to define a minimum level of environmental performance in order to meet requirements of storage, transport and final installation. The intention is to establish basic environmental performance criteria for outdoor enclosure compliance.

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IEC 60512-99-003:2023 is used for the assessment of connectors within the scope of SC 48B that are used in balanced single-pair communication cabling with remote power, in support of e.g., IEEE 802.3 remote powering applications for point-to-point connections.
The object of this document is to detail a test schedule to determine the ability of sets of single-pair connectors as defined in the IEC 63171 series to withstand a minimum of 100 mechanical operations with electrical load, where an electrical current is being passed through the connector in accordance with IEC 60512-9-3 during the separation (unmating) step.
This document does not cover multidrop powering applications of single-pair connectors.

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IEC 61076-8-105:2023 applies to free and fixed 2-pole snap locking rectangular power connectors with plastic housing with rated current 63 A and rated voltage up to 400 V. It includes overall dimensions, interface dimensions, technical characteristics, performance requirements, test methods.

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IEC 61076-3-106:2023 constitutes a detail product specification for 8-way connectors for data transmission with frequencies up to 600 MHz.
It covers protective housings for upgrading existing 8-way shielded and unshielded connectors utilizing the interface described in the IEC 60603-7 series to IP65/IP67 rating according to IEC 60529, for use in industrial environments.
The housings cover a variety of different locking mechanisms according to this document and a variety of different mounting configurations and termination types which are detailed in the IEC 60603-7 series.
Common mating configurations for all variants are defined in IEC 60603-7. The mating dimensions for the housings under Clause 3 allow the mating conditions under IEC 60603-7 to be fulfilled.
The fully assembled variants (connectors) described in this document incorporate fully compliant IEC 60603-7 series fixed and free connectors.

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IEC 61076-8-106: 2023 applies to free and fixed, 2-pole push-pull and snap locking power rectangular connectors with fuses, with rated voltage of 400 V DC and rated current of 16 A. It includes overall dimensions, interface dimensions, technical characteristics, performance requirements, and test methods.
Connectors according to this document are connectors with breaking capacity (CBC) according to IEC 61984 which are mainly used in DC power conduction, in the field of electrical and electronic equipment.

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IEC 63171-7:2023 covers shielded free and fixed circular connectors with 4 ways up to 7 ways for power and data transmission and specifies the common dimensions, mechanical, electrical and transmission characteristics and environmental requirements as well as test specifications respectively.
The connectors described in this document are either equipped with an M12 screw-locking mechanism (styles with M12 in the name) or a quick-locking push-pull mechanism with a size derived from that (styles with P12 in the name) or both mechanisms combined (styles with C12 in the name). For the sake of simplicity, the connectors' size is denoted as "size 12" in this document.
This document provides multiple mating interfaces each of which is associated with a coding preventing the mating of incompatible male and female connectors. These codings are referred to as "Type x", where "x" is represented by a Roman numeral.
For all codings, two ways and the additional shield pin, which is intended to be connected to the cable screen, support differential data transmission with frequencies up to 600 MHz by meeting the requirements of Category B, as defined in IEC 63171.

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IEC 61076-2-115:2023 describes free and fixed 12P shielded circular connectors with 2 A rated current, rated voltage up to and including 50 V AC/DC, IP65/IP67 metal housing with push-pull locking (hereinafter referred to as a connectors) for use in electrical and electronic equipment. It includes overall dimensions, interface dimensions, technical characteristics, performance requirements and test methods.

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IEC 61076-8-109:2023 describes free and fixed rectangular connectors with:
- 2P power plus 2P signal contacts;
- plastic housing with locking lever and four possible codings;
- 130 A rated current, 1 000 V DC rated voltage on the power section;
- 5 A rated current, 50 V DC rated voltage on the signal section;
- individual shielding around each power contact with relevant shielding termination;
- IP65/IP68 degree of protection when mated and locked and IPXXB on both plug, and receptacle parts when unmated;
- hereinafter referred to as a connector, for use in electrical and electronic equipment, including overall dimensions, interface dimensions, technical characteristics, performance requirements and test methods.

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IEC 61076-8-107:2023 describes free and fixed rectangular connectors with:
- 2P power plus 2P signal contacts;
- plastic housing with locking lever and four possible codings;
- 200 A rated current, 1 000 V DC rated voltage on the power section;
- 5 A rated current, 50 V DC rated voltage on the signal section;
- individual shielding around each power contact with relevant shielding termination;
- IP65/IP68 degree of protection when mated and locked, and IPXXB on both plug and receptacle parts when unmated;
- hereinafter referred to as a connector, for use in electrical and electronic equipment, including overall dimensions, interface dimensions, technical characteristics, performance requirements and test methods.

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IEC 61076-8-108:2023 describes free and fixed rectangular connectors with:
- 2P power plus 2P signal contacts;
- plastic housing with locking lever and four possible codings;
- 250 A rated current, 1 000 V DC rated voltage on the power section;
- 5 A rated current, 50 V DC rated voltage on the signal section;
- individual shielding around each power contact with relevant shielding termination;
- IP65/IP68 degree of protection when mated and locked, and IPXXB on both plug and receptacle parts when unmated, hereinafter referred to as a connector, for use in electrical and electronic equipment, including overall dimensions, interface dimensions, technical characteristics, performance requirements and test methods.

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IEC 61076-8-103:2023 describes free and fixed 2-pole power (1P+N) plus PE circular connectors with 20 A rated current, rated voltage up to and including 300 V AC, IP65/IP67 metal housing with push-pull locking (hereinafter referred to as a connectors) for use in electrical and electronic equipment. It includes overall dimensions, interface dimensions, technical characteristics, performance requirements and test methods.

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IEC 61076-8-104:2023 describes free and fixed 2-pole circular power connectors with 40 A rated current, rated voltage up to and including 50 V AC/DC, and push-pull locking IP65/IP67 metal housings (hereinafter referred to as connectors) for use in electrical and electronic equipment. It includes overall dimensions, interface dimensions, technical characteristics, performance requirements and test methods.

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IEC 61969-1:2023 contains design guidelines for outdoor enclosures for electrical and electronic equipment and is applicable over a wide field of mechanical, electromechanical and electronic equipment and its installation where a modular design is used. The objectives of this document are:
- to provide an overview of specifications for enclosures focused on requirements for outdoor applications for stationary use at non-weatherprotected locations, and
- to achieve product integrity under outdoor conditions and to ease product selection for the sourcing of outdoor enclosures from different vendors.

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IEC 60297-3-1:2023 provides information on the technological schemes of the IEC 60297 series and shows how to apply the 19-inch series standards for the mechanical structure practices for electrical and electronic equipment.

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IEC 61076-3-126:2023 covers 5-pole rectangular connectors for electric power supply up to 16 A per pole. These connectors consist of fixed and free connectors, both either rewirable or non-rewirable. This document employs the general function principles of the push-pull connector housing system described in IEC 61076‑3‑117 with IP65/IP67 degree of protection according to IEC 60529 for harsh applications.
Male connectors have pin contacts with square cross-section with 1 mm side. Connectors according to this document are without breaking capacity COC according to IEC 61984, therefore they are not intended to be engaged or disengaged in normal use when live or under load.

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IEC 61076-2-116:2022 specifies circular connectors size 15 with bayonet-locking, with up to 3 power contacts with rated insulation voltage up to 630 V AC/DC and rated current up to 20 A, plus PE, and up to 3 auxiliary contacts with rated insulation voltage up to 63 V AC/DC and rated current up to 10 A, that are typically used for industrial power supply and power applications, such as the feeding and control of 3-phase asynchronous motors. These connectors consist of both fixed and free connectors either rewireable or non-rewireable, with bayonet-locking. Male connectors have round contacts, either power or signal, Ø1,6 mm.

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IEC 60352-6:2022 This part of IEC 60352 is applicable to insulation piercing connections made with stranded wires and tinsel wires, insulated flat conductors and flat flexible circuitries for use in electrical and electronic equipment. Information on materials and data from industrial experience is included in addition to the test procedures to provide electrically stable connections under prescribed environmental conditions. The object of this document is to: determine the suitability of insulation piercing connections under specified mechanical, electrical, and atmospheric conditions; provide a means of comparing test results when the tools used to make the connections, if any, are of different designs or manufacture.

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IEC 63171-5:2022 refers to International Standards for test and measurement, environmental testing as well as solderless connections. This part of IEC 63171 describes 2-way shielded or unshielded circular connectors with IP65/IP67 M8 or M12 locking, typically used for balanced single-pair data transmission with frequencies up to 600 MHz and with current-carrying capacity up to 4 A, for use in areas with harsh environmental conditions. These connectors consist of fixed and free connectors, either rewirable or non-rewirable. Male connectors have square cross-section contacts.
The content of the corrigendum 1 (2024-11) has been included in this copy.

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L'IEC 60512-27-200:2022 est avant tout destiné à être utilisé pour les essais d’intégrité des signaux et de qualité de la transmission jusqu’à 2 000 MHz des types de connecteurs à 8 voies couverts par la série IEC 60603-7 (IEC 60603‑7‑81), conformément à la méthode d’essai des connecteurs de l’IEC 60512‑28‑100. Le présent document couvre les connecteurs d’essai ainsi que les dispositifs d’essai à référence indirecte utilisés pour mesurer l’intégrité des signaux et la qualité de la transmission selon les exigences de la série IEC 60603-7 concernant les types de connecteurs à 8 voies définis dans les normes publiées suivantes: - IEC 60603‑7‑2 - IEC 60603‑7‑3 - IEC 60603‑7‑4 - IEC 60603‑7‑5 - IEC 60603‑7‑41 - IEC 60603‑7‑51 - IEC 60603‑7‑81 Le présent document fournit des informations supplémentaires sur les connecteurs d’essai ainsi que sur les dispositifs d’essai utilisés pour les mesures de performance des connecteurs conformément aux normes de méthode d’essai qui concernent ces connecteurs: - IEC 60512‑26‑100 - IEC 60512‑27‑100 - IEC 60512‑28‑100 Cette première édition annule et la CEI/PAS 60512-27-200, parue en 2018.

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IEC 63171-4:2022 covers shielded and unshielded free and fixed multimedia connectors (MMC) for data transmission with frequencies up to and above 3 000 MHz for shielded and up to 600 MHz for unshielded connectors, both with current-carrying capacity with up to 8 ways. It specifies the common dimensions, mechanical, electrical and transmission characteristics and environmental requirements as well as test specifications, respectively. The form factor of these connectors allows their use for cable sharing with TOs (Telecommunications Outlet) for structured cabling. This document covers type 4 connectors. Each part of this series has the associated type number equal to the number of the part in the series. All connectors in the IEC 63171 series are deemed to provide the same functions as defined in IEC 63171, using different mechanical interfaces. The shielded and unshielded connectors are interoperable for their internal transmission performance and can be exchanged. The shielded version has improved EMC and coupling properties. The connectors are intended to be used for Single Pair Ethernet (SPE) according, but not restricted to the following IEEE standards: 10Base-T1 (IEEE 802.3cg), 100Base-T1 (IEEE 802.3bw), 1000Base-T1 (IEEE 802.3bp), Multi-Gig Base-T1 (IEEE 802.3ch) and optionally with Power over Data line (PoDL) power supply according to IEEE 802.3bu. The contents of the corrigendum 1 (2023-08) have been included in this copy.

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IEC 60512-99-002:2021 is used for the assessment of connectors within the scope of SC 48B that are used in twisted pair communication cabling with remote power, such as ISO;IEC 11801 1 Class D, or better, balanced cabling in support of IEEE 802.3btTM (Power over Ethernet, supporting up to 90 W from the power sourcing equipment).
The object of this document is to detail a test schedule to determine the ability of sets of connectors to withstand a minimum of 100 mechanical operations with electrical load, where an electrical current is being passed through the connectors in accordance with IEC 60512 9 3 during the separation (unmating) step. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2019. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: Test group UEL has been revised with respect to the order of the test phases, the test severities and the requirements.

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IEC 61587-1:2022 specifies environmental requirements, test set-ups, as well as safety aspects for empty enclosures, i.e. cabinets, racks, subracks, chassis, chassis integrated subracks and associated plug-in units under indoor condition use and transportation. It defines classifications (product performance levels) for these products, regarding and simulating the usually arising loads during their use. For mechanical static and dynamic load tests typical examples with dummy loads are used.
The purpose of this document is to establish defined levels of physical performance in order to meet certain requirements of manufacture, storage, transport and final location conditions.
This document applies in general only to the above cited mechanical structures.
This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition published in 2016. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Modification of title.
b) Revision of Clauses 6, 7 and 8 including new defined test setups.
c) Compatibility with IEC 61587-2, IEC 61587-3 and IEC 61587-5.

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IEC 63171-6:2021 covers 2-way and 4-way (data/power), shielded, free and fixed connectors for data transmission with frequencies up to 600 MHz and specifies the common dimensions, mechanical, electrical and transmission characteristics and environmental requirements as well as test specifications. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2020. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Mating conditions changed, see Figure 2, Figure 4, Figure 13, Figure 15, Figure 19 and Figure 21. b) Voltage proof requirement added, 2 250 V DC, see 5.7.2. c) Mechanical shock requirement added, see 5.7.6 (the requirement itself already was specified indirectly by Ed1 due to the specification of the test EP3 of Table 14 which is still identical to Ed1). d) Styles added, 6P-M8CI and 6J-M8CI, see Table 1.

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    48 pages
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IEC 61076-2-011:2021 describes the bayonet coupling interface of circular connectors that are typically used for industrial process measurement and control. These connectors consist of fixed and free connectors either rewireable or non-rewireable, with bayonet-coupling. These connectors may have glass to metal seal inserts. They have male or female contacts and are deemed to be intermateable with corresponding free connectors produced according to this document. Male connectors have round contacts Ø 0,6 mm, Ø 0,76 mm, Ø 0,8 mm and Ø 1,0 mm.
Different codings prevent the mating of these individually coded fixed connectors (and consequently of individually coded free connectors deemed to couple with them) to other interfaces and cross-mating between the different codings. However, the styles and interface dimensions, except for the coupling mechanism, are as given in 4.3 of IEC 61076-2- 101:2012 and 4.3.1 of IEC 61076-2-109:2014.
The male type B12 circular connectors are interoperable with the female type B12 connector of the same coding and ways. The female type B12 connectors are interoperable with the male type B12 and M12 (threaded screw coupling) connector of the same coding and ways.

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IEC 63171-2:2021 covers 2-way, shielded or unshielded, free and fixed connectors for data transmission up to 600 MHz, with current-carrying capacity, known as Type 2. It specifies the common dimensions, mechanical, electrical and transmission characteristics and environmental requirements as well as test specifications respectively. The form factor of these connectors allows their use for cable sharing with already installed TO’s for structured cabling. The overall performance of the transmission channel in such case has to be evaluated. Intermateable and interoperable versions for circular connector for sealed applications including this connector are described in IEC 63171-5. The shielded and unshielded connectors are interoperable for their internal transmission performance and can be exchanged. The shielded version has improved alien crosstalk and coupling attenuation properties.

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IEC 61076-2-010:2021 specifies circular connectors with a push-pull locking mechanism of a size derived from, and thus being compatible with M12 screw-locking connectors (free connectors with screw-locking according to IEC 61076-2-101, IEC 61076-2-109, IEC 61076-2-111 or IEC 61076-2-113 are compatible with push‑pull fixed interfaces according to this document) and with mating interfaces according to IEC 61076-2-101, IEC 61076-2-109, IEC 61076-2-111 (except codings E in general and coding F for inner push-pull) or IEC 61076-2-113.
A fixed connector with push-pull locking according to this document is intermateable with a correspondingly coded free connector with M12 screw-locking according to any of the above mentioned standards.
M12 is the dimension of the thread of the screw-locking mechanism of circular connectors with M12 screw-locking.
IEC 61076-2-012 defines another inner push-pull for fixed female connectors which is however not compatible to the inner push-pull defined in this document. Annex C shows the different styles of female free connectors to extend male free connectors.
This document covers both:
a) power connectors with current ratings up to 16 A and voltage ratings up to 630 V, typically used for power supply and power applications in industrial premises, and
b) connectors for data and signal transmission with frequencies up to 500 MHz.
These connectors consist of both, fixed and free connectors, either rewirable or non-rewirable, with M12 push-pull locking as explained above. Male connectors have round contacts from Ø 0,6 mm up to Ø 1,5 mm. In addition, the push-pull mechanisms consist of 2 different push-pull designs:
c) An outer push-pull for male and female fixed connector, where the locking groove is placed onto the outer cylindric surface of the housing. The outer push-pull for female fixed connectors is made for 2 different types of male connectors. It has locking means for both types on its outer surface.
For design and dimensions see 5.3.2 and 5.3.3.
d) An inner push-pull for female fixed connectors and for male free connectors, where the locking means are placed onto the inner cylindric surface of the housing.
For design and dimensions see 5.3.4.
The different codings provided by IEC 61076-2 series detail specifications mentioned within this document prevent the mating of accordingly coded male or female connectors to any other similarly sized interfaces, covered by other standards and the cross-mating between the different codings provided by any other IEC 61076-2 series detail specification mentioned within this document.

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IEC 61076-3-122:2021 covers 8-way, shielded, free and fixed rectangular connectors for I/O and data transmission with frequencies up to 500 MHz. It is intended to specify the common dimensions, mechanical, electrical and environmental characteristics and tests for this family of connectors.
Connectors complying with this document provide an ingress protection level of IP20; however, they are particularly suited for industrial environments with a high level of vibration.
There are two classes of connectors defined in this document, indicated by "class A" and "class B" which are distinguished by some electrical and mechanical characteristics to meet the particular sets of requirements of some industrial applications.
Class A meets the requirements defined in Ed.1 of this document.
With the two classes A and B, the two codings Type I and II, and the two sets of transmission requirements according to the component categories Cat 5 and Cat 6A as defined in ISO/IEC 11801-1, this document specifies 2 × 2 × 2 = 8 variants.
All connectors covered by this document feature a current-carrying capacity beyond the minimum requirement of 0,75 A per pin for an ambient temperature of 60° C as defined in ISO/IEC 11801 1.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2017. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Title modified.
b) Introduction of two sets of requirements for connectors of "class A" and "class B" where class A matches the requirements defined in the previous edition.
c) Definition of new performance requirements for frequencies up to 500 MHz in addition to the performance requirements up to 100 MHz provided with the previous edition.
d) Re-structuring to reflect the commonalities of and differences between connector Type I and Type II.
e) Revision of drawings to clarify some dimensions.
e) The derating diagram has been corrected to align it with the upper limiting temperature in the climatic category, with no reduction of performance for the target applications.

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    65 pages
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IEC 61587-6:2021 specifies security aspects and security performance levels of the mechanical construction of indoor cabinets in accordance with IEC 60917 (all parts) and IEC 60297 (all parts). This document does not address vandalism.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2017. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Revised and expanded terms and definitions.
b) Additional information in 4.2 Access security level of the cabinet.
c) Revised requirements for Security performance levels of cabinets and added additional levels in Table 2 – Security performance levels of cabinets.
d) Added a column for panel strength in Table 3 – Security performance levels of cabinet – mechanical.
e) Revised test for mechanical lock (and hinges added) in 5.2.2 Tests for strength of mechanical locks and hinges.
f) Added 5.2.4 Tests for panel strength.
g) Added additional description of Key function in Table 5 – Security performance levels of key.
h) Revised test method for handles in Annex A.

  • Standard
    37 pages
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IEC 63171:2021 couvre les fiches et les embases écrantées et non écrantées, circulaires ou rectangulaires, pour transmission de données sur une seule paire symétrique avec courant admissible. Il spécifie les caractéristiques mécaniques, électriques et de transmission communes et les exigences environnementales, ainsi que les spécifications d’essai exigées, issues de la série de normes IEC 63171. Le présent document ne décrit pas une interface d’accouplement spécifique. Des spécifications particulières d’interfaces d’accouplement conformes au présent document peuvent être trouvées dans la famille de normes de spécifications particulières IEC 63171-X (type X). Les connecteurs écrantés ou non d’un même type sont interopérables en ce qui concerne leurs performances de transmission et peuvent être échangés. La version écrantée présente des propriétés d’affaiblissement de couplage et de diaphonie exogène améliorées.

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    70 pages
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IEC TS 62966-3:2021 defines the requirements for operational and personal safety of aisle containments for IT cabinets.
The aim is to provide physical security for the IT equipment installed in the containment using the criteria “availability” and “safety”.
The requirements apply to all operational, working and maintenance procedures.
This document does not apply to ordinary persons, when using installations and equipment.
The requirements described herein are also intended to ensure that it is possible for authorized personnel to enter and remain in the containment (as accessible equipment) and to maintain or upgrade the systems installed in the containment without risk. It should also be possible to evacuate the containment quickly and safely at any time, especially in the event of a fire or any other hazardous situation, whilst reducing the health risk to personnel to a minimum.
Aspects relating to computing, data processing, data storage, building protection or the data centre itself do not fall within the scope of this document. Only those additional aspects arising from the integration of an aisle containment are considered.
The design and positioning of an aisle containment, which is integrated in the data centre, has influence on the following different aspects of operational safety:
a) escape and evacuation plans;
b) escape routes;
c) emergency exits;
d) functional aspects of escape doors;
e) lighting conditions
f) lighting and signposting of escape routes;
g) fire protection.
In this document, these operational safety requirements and recommendations are considered.
To achieve the highest effectiveness, all these requirements are considered as much as possible during the design of an aisle containment.
This document applies to normal operations, not to the initial installation of the containment.

  • Technical specification
    20 pages
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IEC 60352-7:2020 is applicable to spring clamp connections made with stripped wire without further preparation:
- stranded conductors of 0,08 mm2 to 10 mm2 cross-section, or
- flexible conductors of 0,08 mm2 to 10 mm2 cross-section,
according to IEC 60228 or IEC 60189-3 for use in electrical and electronic equipment and components.
Information on materials and data from industrial experience is included in addition to the test procedures to provide electrically stable connections under prescribed environmental conditions. The object of this document is to determine the suitability of spring clamp connections under specified mechanical, electrical and atmospheric conditions. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition of IEC 60352-7, published in 2002. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) correction of the two flow charts in Figure 6 and Figure 7,
b) split the content into more clauses for better separation between full test schedule and basic test schedule,
c) relocating the content of former Clause 6 Practical guidance into an informative Annex A, as now common in the IEC 60352 series for solderless connections,
d) clarification on conductor types with reference to classes defined in IEC 60228.

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    30 pages
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  • Standard
    66 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    65 pages
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IEC 60603-7:2020 covers 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed connectors and is intended to specify the common dimensions (interface dimensions), mechanical, electrical and environmental characteristics and tests for the family of IEC 60603-7-x connectors. These connectors are intermateable (according to IEC 61076-1 level 2) and interoperable with other IEC 60603-7 series connectors. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition, published in 2008, its Amendment 1:2011 and its Amendment 2:2019. It constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical change with respect to the previous edition:
- Revised the definitions for intermateability and interoperability; added new definitions.
- Corrected dimension line for dimension AZ2 in Figure 5.
- Corrected dimension line for dimension F1 in Figure A.1.
- Revised the reference to ISO;IEC 11801 to ISO;IEC 11801-1.
- Added lower limiting temperature and upper limiting temperature definitions.
- Revised Table 1 to Table 8 so the column order is Minimum-Nominal-Maximum dimensions (ascending order).
- Corrected Table 7: Climatic category and Upper temperature values to 90 °C (to be consistent with the graph in Figure 10 and Note 1 in Figure 10).
- Revised the wording in 8.2, contact resistance, for clarification.
- Revised Figure 11 and Figure 12 and the wording in the Key below for clarification.
- Removed the sentences under the figure in the Introduction.
- Added Annex E.

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    179 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    107 pages
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IEC 61076-2-114:2020 describes circular connectors with M8 screw locking typically used for data and power transmissions in industrial applications. These connectors consist of fixed and free connectors that are either rewireable or non-rewireable. Data transmission performance is for Category 5 up to 100 MHz.
Two coded versions, identified as D-coded and P-coded, are provided that differ by their pin size and optionally by number of poles, hence by the function provided for field applications.
Male connectors have round contacts Ø 0,8 mm for D-coded, and Ø 1 mm for P-coded connectors.
The coding provided by this document prevents the mating of accordingly coded male or female connectors to any other similarly sized interfaces covered by other standards.

  • Standard
    93 pages
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IEC 61076-2-012:2020 specifies circular connectors with an inner push‑pull locking mechanism of a size derived from and thus being compatible with M12 screw‑locking connectors and with mating interfaces according to IEC 61076‑2‑101, IEC 61076‑2‑109, IEC 61076‑2‑111 and IEC 61076‑2‑113.
A female fixed connector with inner push-pull locking according to this document is intermateable with a correspondingly coded male free connector with M12 screw-locking according to IEC 61076-2-101, IEC 61076-2-109, IEC 61076-2-111 or IEC 61076-2-113.
This document covers both:
a) power connectors with current ratings up to 16 A and voltage ratings up to 630 V, typically used for power supply of electrical equipment used in industrial premises, and
b) connectors for data and signal transmission with frequencies up to 500 MHz.
These connectors consist of both fixed and free connectors, either rewirable or non‑rewirable, with M12 inner push‑pull locking as explained above. Male connectors have round contacts from Ø0,6 mm up to Ø1,5 mm.
This document covers various types of connectors identified by their "codings" with different contact arrangement, not mutually interchangeable.
The design of the inner push‑pull mechanism prevents the unintended mating of the male inner push‑pull free connector with the female connector with M12 screw‑locking even for identical coding.
Some styles of free connectors with female contacts covered in this document are equipped with both inner and outer push-pull locking for intermateability also with correspondingly coded male fixed or free connectors according to IEC 61076-2-010.

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    121 pages
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IEC 60352-5:2020 s’applique aux connexions press-in sans soudure pour utilisation dans les équipements et composants électriques et électroniques. La connexion press-in consiste en une terminaison ayant une zone de press-in appropriée qui est insérée dans un trou d’une planche. Les informations sur les matériaux et les données provenant de l’expérience industrielle sont incluses en plus des procédures d’essai pour fournir des connexions électriques stables dans des conditions environnementales spécifiques. L’objet du présent document est de déterminer la pertinence des connexions de presse dans des conditions mécaniques, électriques et atmosphériques telles que spécifiées par le fabricant de la terminaison presse-in et de fournir un moyen de comparer les résultats des essais lorsque les outils utilisés pour effectuer les connexions sont de conceptions ou de fabrications différentes. Cette cinquième édition annule et remplace la quatrième édition publiée en 2012. Cette édition constitue une révision technique. Cette édition comprend les changements importants suivants par rapport à l’édition précédente : a) révision du domaine d’application en supprimant dans le premier alinéa l’expression "…dans les équipements de télécommunication et les systèmes électroniques employant des techniques similaires" et en la remplaçant par l’expression "…dans les équipements et composants électriques et électroniques"; b) ajout des termes "carte", "trou" et "carte métallique", et des définitions associées, pour stipuler que les bornes pour connexion insérée à force sont utilisées sur des cartes non imprimées fabriquées dans différents matériaux; c) modifications éditoriales clarifiant la différence entre le programme d’essais de qualification et le programme d’essais d’application; d) modification de la limite supérieure d’épaisseur de cuivre du trou métallisé, afin de refléter les tendances réelles du marché et les pratiques de fabrication; e) suppression de l’essai de courbure, celui-ci ciblant plus spécifiquement des applications de la technologie d’insertion à force qui ne sont plus très répandues; f) ajout de graphiques visant à documenter la force d’insertion et la force d’extraction, car cela constitue une pratique d’essai courante et donne des informations supplémentaires sur les performances mécaniques de la zone de contact; g) réduction du nombre de spécimens exigés, car un lot d’échantillons d’essai avait été ignoré dans le schéma d’essais précédent; h) nouvelle formulation en 4.5 pour les bornes fissurées ou pliées; i) ajout de la Figure 7b pour représenter les points de connexion pour la mesure de la tension et du courant lorsque la borne pour connexion insérée à force ne dépasse pas de la face inférieure de la carte.

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    34 pages
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  • Standard
    69 pages
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IEC 62966-2:2020 is dedicated to aisle containment techniques for information technology (IT) equipment typically used in data centres, describes the quantification of its air tightness, in particular the air loss ratio that describes the content of the volumetric flow not used for cooling the IT equipment. This ratio provides an index of efficiency, being inversely proportional to efficiency (the lower this ratio, the higher the efficiency). This document provides methods to measure an aisle containment air leakage rate and defines a classification system for aisle containment leakage.
This document defines:
- the measurement of the air leakage of the individual components of an aisle containment;
- a method for calculating the air leakage of an aisle containment based on its individual components;
- a method for calculating the air leakage rate of an aisle containment in relation to the utilised IT equipment;
- a classification system for aisle containment leakage.

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    50 pages
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IEC 60352-4:2020 is applicable to non-accessible ID connections for which the tests and measurements according to Clauses 6 through 8 are suitable and which are made with: – appropriately designed ID terminations; – wires having solid round conductors of 0,25 mm to 3,6 mm nominal diameter; – wires having stranded conductors of 0,05 mm2 to 10 mm2 cross-sectional area; for use in electrical and electronic equipment and components. Information on materials and data from industrial experience is included in addition to the test procedures to provide electrically stable connections under prescribed environmental conditions. There are different designs and materials for ID terminations in use. For this reason, only fundamental parameters of the termination are specified, while the performance requirements of the wire and the complete connection are specified in full detail. The purpose of this document is: – to determine the suitability of non-accessible ID connections under specified mechanical, electrical and atmospheric conditions; – to provide a means of comparing test results when the tools used to make the connections, if any, are of different designs or manufacture. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 1994, and its Amendment 1 (2000). This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Transferred Clauses 9 to 13 into Annex A (informative). b) The figures were re-drawn for clarity.

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    85 pages
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IEC 60512-9-5:2020 when required by the detail product specification, is used for testing connectors or solderless connections within the scope of technical committee 48. It may also be used for similar devices when specified in a detail product specification. The object of this document is to detail a standard method for subjecting solderless connections to thermal stress conditioning by cyclic current loading. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2010. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- added method B and renamed the former test method as method A, to provide an alternative with more adjustable time "ON" and "OFF" for products with larger thermal mass.
- added introduction to provide background of this revision.

  • Standard
    32 pages
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  • Standard
    21 pages
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IEC 61969-3:2020 specifies a set of basic environmental requirements and tests, as well as safety aspects for outdoor enclosures under conditions of non-weather protected locations above ground. The purpose of this document is to define a minimum level of environmental performance in order to meet requirements of storage, transport and final installation. The intention is to establish basic environmental performance criteria for outdoor enclosure compliance. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- alignment with the content of ETSI EN 300 019 and IEC 60721 series latest editions, particularly with the actualization of climate conditions;
- new requirements added to reflect market requirements on environmental issues;
- improvement on terminology and overall editorial improvement.

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    44 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    27 pages
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IEC 61969-1:2020 contains design guidelines for outdoor enclosures and is applicable over a wide field of mechanical, electromechanical and electronic equipment and its installation where a modular design is used. The objectives of this document are:
- to provide an overview of specifications for enclosures focused on requirements for outdoor applications for stationary use at non-weather protected locations, and
- to achieve product integrity under outdoor conditions and to ease product selection for the sourcing of outdoor enclosures from different vendors.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- alignment with the content of ETSI EN 300 019 and IEC 60721 series latest editions, particularly with the actualization of climate conditions;
- new requirements added to reflect market requirements on environmental issues;
- improvement on terminology and overall editorial improvement.

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    39 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    25 pages
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IEC 61076-8-102:2020 décrit les connecteurs blindés étanches à 2 pôles ou 3 pôles pour la transmission de puissance et à 2 pôles pour la transmission de données avec boîtier plastique (par la suite appelés connecteurs) pour équipements électriques et électroniques, et notamment leurs dimensions hors-tout, les dimensions des interfaces, les caractéristiques techniques, les exigences en matière de performances et les méthodes d’essai. Le présent document s’applique à tous les connecteurs dont les exigences en matière d’étanchéité et de blindage répondent au présent document pour une tension assignée inférieure ou égale à 750 V en courant alternatif ou 1 000 V en courant continu avec un courant assigné de 150 A, pour des applications dans le domaine des équipements électriques et électroniques.

  • Standard
    80 pages
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