Flanges and their joints - Design rules for gasketed circular flange connections - Part 4: Qualification of personnel competency in the assembly of bolted joints fitted to equipment subject to the Pressure Equipment Directive

1.1   General
This European Technical Specification establishes a process for training and competency assessment of per-sonnel who disassemble, assemble and tighten bolted joints such as fitted to equipment subject to the Pres-sure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC (PED), in the content of this Technical Specification named "PED".
1.2   Requirement for competency
Training and competence, experience and knowledge are often confused with each other. Training is no guar-antor of competence, nor is experience a guarantor of knowledge and understanding. Training, experience, and assessment of knowledge are all required to achieve competence.
Design codes for mechanical joints (see for example EN 1591-1 or CEN/TS 1591-3) increasingly require con-trolled bolt tightening in order to meet the specified bolt load tolerances.
The intent of this Technical Specification is to ensure personnel are competent to assemble and tighten bolted joints using the design bolt load and documented work instructions, thereby establishing a joint capable of maintaining a leak-free status throughout its’ service life.
Competency in the analysis of joint failure is not required beyond use of knowledge gained during training. A correctly assembled and tightened joint that fails in service requires specialist knowledge and is out with the scope of this Technical Specification.
1.3   Validity
This Technical Specification is applicable for bolted joints included on mechanical equipment subject to the PED, or any joint where failure would endanger personnel, plant or the environment. Such joints may or may not be fitted with a gasket.
The validity includes all bolting arrangements, both circular and non-circular, and fluids (gas or liquid) with the exception of:
_   joints having less than 4 bolts, or bolt diameters less than M16;
_   potable or fire water, sewage systems.
This Specification excludes:
_   craft personnel who are trained, examined and verified as competent in their craft training or nor

Flansche und ihre Verbindungen - Regeln für die Auslegung von Flanschverbindungen mit runden Flanschen und Dichtung - Teil 4: Qualifizierung der Kompetenz von Personal zur Montage von Schraubverbindungen im Geltungsbereich der Druckgeräterichtlinie

Brides et leurs assemblages - Règles de calcul des assemblages à brides circulaires avec joint - Partie 4 : Qualification des compétences du personnel en charge du montage des assemblages boulonnés sur des équipements relevant de la Directive Équipements sous pression

Prirobnice in prirobnični spoji - Pravila za konstruiranje prirobničnih spojev, sestavljenih iz okroglih prirobnic in tesnil - 4. del: Postopek usposabljanja in preverjanje usposobljenosti osebja za montažo vijačnih spojev na opremi, ki je v skladu z Direktivo o tlačni opremi

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TS CEN/TS 1591-4:2007
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Standards Content (Sample)

Flanges and their joints - Design rules for gasketed circular flange connections - Part 4:
Qualification of personnel competency in the assembly of bolted joints fitted to equipment
subject to the Pressure Equipment Directive
Flansche und ihre Verbindungen - Regeln für die Auslegung von Flanschverbindungen
mit runden Flanschen und Dichtung - Teil 4: Qualifizierung der Kompetenz von Personal
zur Montage von Schraubverbindungen im Geltungsbereich der Druckgeräterichtlinie
Brides et leurs assemblages - Regles de calcul des assemblages a brides circulaires
avec joint - Partie 4 : Qualification des compétences du personnel en charge du montage
des assemblages boulonnés sur des équipements relevant de la Directive Équipements
sous pression
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TS 1591-4:2007
03.100.30 Vodenje ljudi Management of human
23.040.60 Prirobnice, oglavki in spojni Flanges, couplings and joints
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TS 1591-4
August 2007
ICS 23.040.60
English Version
Flanges and their joints - Design rules for gasketed circular
flange connections - Part 4: Qualification of personnel
competency in the assembly of bolted joints fitted to equipment
subject to the Pressure Equipment Directive
Brides et leurs assemblages - Règles de calcul des Flansche und ihre Verbindungen - Regeln für die
assemblages à brides circulaires avec joint - Partie 4 : Auslegung von Flanschverbindungen mit runden Flanschen
Qualification des compétences du personnel en charge du und Dichtung - Teil 4: Qualifizierung der Kompetenz von
montage des assemblages boulonnés sur des équipements Personal zur Montage von Schraubverbindungen im
relevant de la Directive Équipements sous pression Geltungsbereich der Druckgeräterichtlinie
This Technical Specification (CEN/TS) was approved by CEN on 26 May 2007 for provisional application.
The period of validity of this CEN/TS is limited initially to three years. After two years the members of CEN will be requested to submit their
comments, particularly on the question whether the CEN/TS can be converted into a European Standard.
CEN members are required to announce the existence of this CEN/TS in the same way as for an EN and to make the CEN/TS available
promptly at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force (in parallel to the CEN/TS)
until the final decision about the possible conversion of the CEN/TS into an EN is reached.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2007 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TS 1591-4:2007: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
1 Scope .4
1.1 General.4
1.2 Requirement for competency.4
1.3 Validity .4
1.4 Quality management system.4
2 Normative references .5
3 Terms and definitions .5
4 Objective.5
5 Training location.5
6 Training curriculum .6
6.1 General.6
6.2 General knowledge.6
6.3 Specific knowledge.7
7 Format of training .7
8 Suitability of procedures and work instructions .8
9 Effectiveness of training .8
10 Work-site experience.8
11 Competence assessment.9
11.1 General.9
11.2 Method of assessment .9
12 Qualification of assessor .9
13 Competence management.9
Bibliography .10

This document (CEN/TS 1591-4:2007) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 74 “Flanges and
their joints”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
The integrity of a bolted joint is key in any pressure containment system and should be subjected to personnel
competence. The aim of this document is to offer a procedure for training and competency assessment of
personnel who disassemble, assemble and tighten bolted joints under the Pressure Equipment Direc-
tive 97/23/EC.
EN / ENV / CEN/TS 1591 Flanges and their joints — Design rules for gasketed circular flange connections
consists of the following parts:
Part 1: Calculation method (EN)
Part 2: Gasket parameters (ENV)
Part 3: Calculation method for metal to metal contact type flanged joint (CEN/TS)
Part 4: Qualification of personnel competency in the assembly of bolted joints fitted to equipment subject to
the Pressure Equipment Directive (CEN/TS)
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to announce this CEN Technical Specification: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
1 Scope
1.1 General
This European Technical Specification establishes a process for training and competency assessment of per-
sonnel who disassemble, assemble and tighten bolted joints such as fitted to equipment subject to the Pres-
sure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC (PED), in the content of this Technical Specification named "PED".
1.2 Requirement for competency
Training and competence, experience and knowledge are often confused with each other. Training is no guar-
antor of competence, nor is experience a guarantor of knowledge and understanding. Training, experience,
and assessment of knowledge are all required to achieve competence.
Design codes for mechanical joints (see for example EN 1591-1 or CEN/TS 1591-3) increasingly require con-
trolled bolt tightening in order to meet the specified bolt load tolerances.
The intent of this Technical Specification is to ensure personnel are competent to assemble and tighten bolted
joints using the design bolt load and documented work instructions, thereby establishing a joint capable of
maintaining a leak-free status throughout its’ service life.
Competency in the analysis of joint failure is not required beyond use of knowledge gained during training. A
correctly assembled and tightened joint that fails in service requires specialist knowledge and is out with the
scope of this Technical Specification.
1.3 Validity
This Technical Specification is applicable for bolted joints included on mechanical equipment subject to the
PED, or any joint where failure would endanger personnel, plant or the environment. Such joints may or may
not be fitted with a gasket.
The validity includes all bolting arrangements, both circular and non-circular, and fluids (gas or liquid) with the
exception of:
 joints having less than 4 bolts, or bolt diameters less than M16;
 potable or fire water, sewage systems.
This Specification excludes:
 craft personnel who are trained, examined and verified as competent in their craft training or normal
course of work to assemble bolted joints, such as in the manufacture of equipment;
 professional persons, who by their professional training and experience and contemporary practices are
regularly concerned with bolted joints and their assembly.
1.4 Quality management system
Manufacturers or operators need to develop and include a procedural framework within their quality manage-
ment system to meet the requirements of this specification. Such a framework needs to address:
 identification of personnel requiring training;
 identification of a competent trainer or training provider, e.g. “Qualified Person for Pressure”;
 evaluation of the effectiveness of the training.
For examples, refer to EN ISO 9001:2000, 6.2.2.
2 Normative references
Not applicable.
3 Terms and definitions
organisation that manufactures equipment subject to the PED directive

organisation that is responsible for the operation and maintenance of equipment subject to the PED directive.
This includes suppliers or contractors employed to assemble the operator’s equipment joints

training provider
organisation with the capability to deliver the required training

individual assigned by the training provider to deliver the training
4 Objective
The objective of this Technical Specification is to set down a route for achieving competency in the skills re-
quired to safely and successfully disassemble, assemble and tighten bolted joints.
The essential elements to achieve competency are:
 classroom training followed by monitored workshop practice;
 written test to verify candidate has understood the classroom training;
 period of monitored work site experience under the supervision of a competent person;
 assessment by a qualified assessor to verify the training has been understood and applied.
These elements may be combined through perennial training including technical schooling, on-plant training,
and final examination.
5 Training location
Training may either take place at a suitable training centre or at the facility where the candidates normally
The location should include a suitable classroom and practical workshop where the possibility exists to train
with bolted joints that are representative of the candidate’s normal place of work.
6 Training curriculum
6.1 General
The curriculum should include all joint types that will be encountered by the candidates when they return to
their work site. For candidates who are expected to work on a variety of sites the content should be sufficiently
generic to cover all commonly encountered joints. As a minimum, this will at least include bolted joints that are
representative of the candidate’s normal place of work.
The manufacturer or operator requiring the training should ensure the above requirement is met by the or-
ganisation selected to provide the training.
The curriculum will include a number of key topics to ensure a comprehensive understanding and appreciation
of the bolted joint. The topics can be divided between topics that require awareness and those requiring an
in-depth understanding.
Awareness topics are required to ensure candidates appreciate the engineering principles that underpin the
topics requiring in-depth understanding. For example, candidates should be shown and understand how the
relationship between torque and bolt load is impacted by the coefficient of friction, before being taught torque
tightening a bolted joint.
The training prov

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