Plastics piping and ducting systems - Systems outside building structures for the conveyance of water or sewage - Practices for installation above and below ground

This prestandard is applicable to the installation of plastics piping systems to be used for the conveyance of water or sewage under gravity and pressure conditions above and below ground. It is intended to be used for pipes of nominal size up to and including DN 3000.
Where in this prestandard the term "pipe" is used then it serves also to cover any "fittings", "ancillary" products and "components".
NOTE 1    It is assumed that additional recommendations and/or requirements are detailed in the individual materials System Standards. Instances where this is expected to apply include those indicated in this prestandard as follows:
a) any special transportation requirements (see 4.2.6);
b) maximum storage height (see 4.4.3 and 4.4.4);
c) maximum storage period in direct sunlight (see 4.4.6);
d) any climatic conditions requiring special storage (see 4.4.7);
e) limiting initial and/or long-term deflections (see 5.1.1 and 5.1.2);
f) information on mole ploughing and boring (see and 5.2), if applicable;
g) longitudinal tensile modulus and strength (see;
h) coefficient of thermal linear expansion (see and Annex B);
i) suitability for use in areas exposed to sunlight (see 5.3.3);
j) selection of appropriate jointing system (see clause 6);
k) recommended radii of curvature for cold bending (see 7.1);
l) permitted rates of loss of water under test (see 8.2.1);
m) if applicable the relationship between SDR and stiffness.
NOTE 2   Guidance and instructions concerning commissioning of systems can be found in the standards prepared by CEN/TC 164 and by CEN/TC 165 and the relevant national and/or local regulations.
NOTE 3   Concerning the character of this document see Foreword and Introduction.

Kunststoff-Rohrleitungs- und Schutzrohr-Systeme - Systeme außerhalb der Gebäudestruktur zum Transport von Wasser oder Abwasser - Verfahren zur ober- und unterirdischen Verlegung

Diese Vornorm ist anwendbar auf die Verlegung von Kunststoff-Rohrleitungs-Systemen für den ober- und unterirdischen Transport von Wasser und Abwasser unter Gravitations- und Druckbedingungen.  Es ist vorgesehen, sie für Rohre mit Nennweiten bis einschließlich DN 3000 zu verwenden.
Wenn in dieser Vornorm der Begriff "Rohr" verwendet wird, dann gelten damit auch etwaige "Formstücke", "Zubehör" und andere "Komponenten" als abgedeckt.
ANMERKUNG 1   Es wird davon ausgegangen, daß zusätzliche Empfehlungen und/oder Anforderungen in den einzelnen werkstoffbezogenen Systemnormen festgelegt sind.  Fälle, bei denen dieses erwartet wird, sind die Folgenden, auf die in dieser Vornorm hingewiesen wird:
a) jegliche spezielle Anforderungen an den Transport (siehe 4.2.6);
b) maximale Stapelhöhe (siehe 4.4.3 und 4.4.4);
c) maximale Lagerdauer unter direkter Sonneneinstrahlung (siehe 4.4.6);
d) jegliche klimatische Bedingungen, die eine spezielle Lagerung erfordern (siehe 4.4.7);
e) Anfangs- und/oder Langzeit-Grenzverformungen (siehe 5.1.1 und 5.1.2);
f) Informationen über Rohrziehen und Rohrvortrieb (siehe 5.2), falls zutreffend;
g) Längszug-Elastizitätsmodul und -Festigkeit (siehe;
h) linearer Temperaturausdehnungskoeffizient (siehe und Anhang B);
i) Tauglichkeit für den Einsatz in Bereichen mit freier Sonneneinstrahlung (siehe 5.3.3);
j) Auswahl von geeigneten Verbindungssystemen (siehe Abschnitt 6);
k) empfohlene Krümmungsradien für die Kaltverformung (siehe 7.1);
l) zulässige Verlustraten für Wasser während der Prüfung (siehe 8.2.1);
m) falls zutreffend der Zusammenhang zwischen SDR und Steifigkeit.

Systèmes de canalisations et de gaines en plastique - Système d'adduction d'eau ou d'assainissement à l'extérieur de la structure des bâtiments - Pratiques pour la pose en aérien et en enterré

La présente prénorme européenne s'applique à la pose de systèmes de canalisations et de gaines en matières plastiques destinés à être utilisés pour l'adduction d'eau ou l'assainissement, gravitaire ou avec pression, en enterré et en aérien. Elle est destinée à être utilisée pour des tubes de dimension nominale allant jusqu'à DN 3000 inclus.
Lorsque le terme "tube" est utilisé dans la présente prénorme européenne, elle couvre également les "raccords", les produits "auxiliaires" et les "composants".
NOTE 1    Il est entendu que des recommandations et/ou des exigences supplémentaires sont détaillées dans les normes de systèmes individuelles concernant chaque matériau. Ceci peut s'appliquer aux cas suivants traités dans la présente prénorme européenne:
a)  les exigences particulières relatives au transport (voir 4.2.6);
b)  la hauteur maximale de stockage (voir 4.4.3 et 4.4.4);
c)  la durée maximale de stockage en plein soleil (voir 4.4.6);
d)  les conditions climatiques exigeant un stockage particulier (voir 4.4.7);
e)  la déformation limite initiale et/ou à long terme (voir 5.1.1 et 5.1.2);
f)  les informations concernant l'emploi de charrue-taupe et le forage (voir 5.2), le cas échéant;
g)  le module et la résistance en traction longitudinale (voir;
h)  le coefficient de dilatation thermique linéaire (voir et annexe B);
i)  l'aptitude à l'emploi dans des zones exposées au soleil (voir 5.3.3);
j)  le choix du système d'assemblage approprié (voir l'article 6);
k)  les rayons de flexion recommandés pour le cintrage à froid (voir 7.1);
l)  les taux admis de perte d'eau (ou de perte de pression) au cours de l'essai (voir 8.2.1);
m)  le cas échéant, la relation entre SDR et rigidité.

Cevni sistemi iz polimernih materialov - Sistemi zunaj stavb za transport vode ali kanalizacije - Postopki za vgradnjo nad zemljo in pod njo

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ENV 1046:2002
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Cevni sistemi iz polimernih materialov - Sistemi zunaj stavb za transport vode ali
kanalizacije - Postopki za vgradnjo nad zemljo in pod njo
Plastics piping and ducting systems - Systems outside building structures for the
conveyance of water or sewage - Practices for installation above and below ground
Kunststoff-Rohrleitungs- und Schutzrohr-Systeme - Systeme außerhalb der
Gebäudestruktur zum Transport von Wasser oder Abwasser - Verfahren zur ober- und
unterirdischen Verlegung
Systemes de canalisations et de gaines en plastique - Systeme d'adduction d'eau ou
d'assainissement a l'extérieur de la structure des bâtiments - Pratiques pour la pose en
aérien et en enterré
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ENV 1046:2001
23.040.20 Cevi iz polimernih materialov Plastics pipes
93.025 Zunanji sistemi za prevajanje External water conveyance
vode systems
93.030 Zunanji sistemi za odpadno External sewage systems
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

ENV 1046
July 2001
ICS 23.040.01
English version
Plastics piping and ducting systems - Systems outside building
structures for the conveyance of water or sewage - Practices for
installation above and below ground
Systèmes de canalisations et de gaines en plastique - Kunststoff-Rohrleitungs- und Schutzrohr-Systeme -
Système d'adduction d'eau ou d'assainissement à Systeme außerhalb der Gebäudestruktur zum Transport
l'extérieur de la structure des bâtiments - Pratiques pour la von Wasser oder Abwasser - Verfahren zur ober- und
pose en aérien et en enterré unterirdischen Verlegung
This European Prestandard (ENV) was approved by CEN on 5 July 2001 as a prospective standard for provisional application.
The period of validity of this ENV is limited initially to three years. After two years the members of CEN will be requested to submit their
comments, particularly on the question whether the ENV can be converted into a European Standard.
CEN members are required to announce the existence of this ENV in the same way as for an EN and to make the ENV available promptly
at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force (in parallel to the ENV) until the final
decision about the possible conversion of the ENV into an EN is reached.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2001 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. ENV 1046:2001 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Foreword .3
Introduction .4
1 Scope.5
2 Normative references.5
3 Terms and definitions .5
3.1 Terminology.5
3.2 Symbols.6
4 Transport, handling and storage at depots and sites.9
4.1 General.9
4.2 Transport .9
4.3 Handling.9
4.4 Storage .9
5 Installation.10
5.1 Pipes in trenches .10
5.2 Special installation techniques.26
5.3 Laying of pipes above ground.26
6 Methods of assembly (jointing).30
6.1 General.30
6.2 Joints using an elastomeric seal.30
6.3 Mechanical compression joints .31
6.4 Other joints and jointing methods.32
7 Bends.33
7.1 Cold bending.33
7.2 Hot bending .33
8 Inspection and testing .33
8.1 Inspection .33
8.2 Testing.33
Annex A (normative) Classification of soils.34
Annex B (normative) Thermal considerations on laying of pipes above ground .36
B.1 General.36
B.2 L-shaped expansion joint.38
B.3 Z-shaped expansion joint .40
B.4 U-shaped expansion joints .42
Annex C Behaviour of buried flexible pipes.44
Annex D (normative) Joint and jointing examples .46
D.1 Joints capable of resisting end thrust .46
D.2 Mechanical threaded joints.52
Annex E (normative) Beam-column theory.53
E.1 Scope of the design procedure.53
E.2 Loads.54
E.3 Water column compression.57
E.4 Deflection.57
E.5 Stresses.58
E.6 Buckling .60
This European Prestandard has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 155 "Plastics piping
systems and ducting systems ", the secretariat of which is held by NEN.
This prestandard is based on the results of the work being undertaken in ISO/TC 138 "Plastics pipes,
fittings and valves for the transport of fluids", which is a Technical Committee of the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) (see bibliography), modified as necessary to be applicable to
piping systems of any plastics materials and any relevant application.
This prestandard is a guidance document only. It provides a set of guidelines which gives correct
practices for installation of plastics piping and ducting systems outside building structures above and
below ground.
It relates to standards on general functional requirements and codes of practice.
CEN/TC 164 and CEN/TC 165 are preparing standards covering pipe laying and pipe design. When
these standards are published this prestandard will be revised to take account of those standards.
It includes the following:
Annex A, which is normative, gives criteria for classification of soils;
Annex B, which is normative, details calculation procedures for assessing thermal effects on
piping designs and/or layouts above ground;
Annex C, which is informative, describes the behaviour of buried flexible pipes;
Annex D, which is normative, describes joints and examples thereof;
Annex E, which is normative, details calculation procedures for assessing the need to apply the
beam-column theory and determining the maximum deflection of above ground pipes;
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the
following countries are bound to announce this European Prestandard: Austria, Belgium, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

This prestandard contains guidance for installation procedures for plastics piping systems and their
components intended to be used above or below ground for pressure and non-pressure applications
outside building structures. It is intended to be used in conjunction with general standards for
installation recommendations, for example those issued by CEN/TC 164 "Water supply" and
CEN/TC 165 "Waste water engineering".
This prestandard includes recommendations for the pipe surround and backfilling procedures but not
road base and road sub-base details. Attention is drawn to any national regulations which may cover
these or other aspects of installation.
This prestandard does not cover matters relating to renovation of existing pipeline systems using lining
techniques, or replacement of existing pipeline systems using trenchless techniques.
This prestandard is intended to be used by authorities, design engineers, installation contractors and
In this prestandard, much of the guidance is expressed as requirements, e.g. by use of "shall" or by
instructions in the imperative. It is strongly recommended that these be followed whenever applicable.
Other guidance is presented for consideration as a matter of judgement in each case, e.g. by use of
1 Scope
This prestandard is applicable to the installation of plastics piping systems to be used for the
conveyance of water or sewage under gravity and pressure conditions above and below ground. It is
intended to be used for pipes of nominal size up to and including DN 3000.
Where in this prestandard the term "pipe" is used then it serves also to cover any "fittings", "ancillary"
products and "components".
NOTE 1 It is assumed that additional recommendations and/or requirements are detailed in the individual materials
System Standards. Instances where this is expected to apply include those indicated in this prestandard as follows:
a) any special transportation requirements (see 4.2.6);
b) maximum storage height (see 4.4.3 and 4.4.4);
c) maximum storage period in direct sunlight (see 4.4.6);
d) any climatic conditions requiring special storage (see 4.4.7);
e) limiting initial and/or long-term deflections (see 5.1.1 and 5.1.2);
f) information on mole ploughing and boring (see and 5.2), if applicable;
g) longitudinal tensile modulus and strength (see;
h) coefficient of thermal linear expansion (see and Annex B);
i) suitability for use in areas exposed to sunlight (see 5.3.3);
j) selection of appropriate jointing system (see clause 6);
k) recommended radii of curvature for cold bending (see 7.1);
l) permitted rates of loss of water under test (see 8.2.1);
m) if applicable the relationship between SDR and stiffness.
NOTE 2 Guidance and instructions concerning commissioning of systems can be found in the standards prepared by
CEN/TC 164 and by CEN/TC 165 and the relevant national and/or local regulations.
NOTE 3 Concerning the character of this document see Foreword and Introduction.
2  Normative references
This prestand

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