Textiles and textile products - Textiles with integrated electronics and ICT - Definitions, categorisation, applications and standardisation needs

This document provides definitions in the field of electronic textiles (e-textiles) and electronic textile systems, as well as the categorization of different types of electronic textiles and electronic textile systems. It briefly describes the current stage of development of these products and their application potential and gives indications on preferential standardization needs.
This document will also provide guidelines to determine general verification of claimed performance, innocuousness, durability of properties, product information and environmental aspects of textile electronics.
This document is not intended for products which are placed inside or are (permanently) attached to the human body. It also does not specifically address the electronics information communication link between the textile with integrated electronics and external data processing. This document therefore also does not focus on the design of software to be implemented in electronic textiles of textile systems.

Textilien und textile Erzeugnisse - Textilien mit integrierter Elektronik und ICT - Definitionen, Klassifizierung, Anwendungen und Normungsbedarf

Textiles et produits textiles - Textiles à électronique et TIC intégrées - Définitions, catégorisation, applications et besoins de normalisation

Le présent document fournit des définitions liées au domaine des textiles électroniques (e-textiles) et des systèmes textiles électroniques, ainsi qu’une catégorisation des différents types de textiles électroniques et de systèmes textiles électroniques. Il décrit succinctement l’état actuel de développement de ces produits et leur application potentielle, et donne des indications sur les besoins de normalisation préférentiels.
Le présent document fournit des lignes directrices pour déterminer la vérification générale des performances revendiquées, de l’innocuité, de la durabilité des propriétés, des informations relatives aux produits et des aspects environnementaux de l’électronique textile.
Le présent document n’est pas destiné aux produits qui sont placés à l’intérieur ou fixés (en permanence) au corps humain. Il ne traite spécifiquement ni des liaisons utilisées pour communiquer des informations électroniques entre le textile et l’électronique intégrée, ni du traitement externe des données. Par conséquent, le présent document n’est pas non plus axé sur la conception des logiciels à mettre en oeuvre dans les textiles électroniques des systèmes textiles.

Tekstilije in tekstilni izdelki - Tekstilje z vgrajeno elektroniko in IKT - Opredelitve, kategorizacija, uporaba in potrebe po standardizaciji

Ta dokument vsebuje definicije na področju elektronskih tekstilij (e-tekstilij) in sistemov za elektronske tekstilije ter razvrstitev različnih vrst elektronskih tekstilij in sistemov za elektronske tekstilije. Na kratko opisuje trenutno stopnjo razvoja teh izdelkov in potencial za uporabo ter navaja prednostne standardizacijske potrebe.
Ta dokument zagotavlja tudi smernice za določanje splošnega preverjanja zatrjevane zmogljivosti, neškodljivosti, trajnosti lastnosti, informacij o izdelkih in okoljskih vidikov elektronskih tekstilij.
Ta dokument ni namenjen za izdelke, ki so vsajeni v človeško telo oziroma so nanj (trajno) pritrjeni. Prav tako ne obravnava posebej elektronske informacijsko-komunikacijske povezave med tekstilijo z vgrajeno elektroniko in zunanjo obdelavo podatkov. Ta dokument se tudi ne osredotoča na zasnovo programske opreme, ki se uporablja v sistemih za elektronske tekstilije.

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Standards Content (Sample)

Tekstilije in tekstilni izdelki - Tekstilje z vgrajeno elektroniko in IKT - Opredelitve,
kategorizacija, uporaba in potrebe po standardizaciji
Textiles and textile products - Textiles with integrated electronics and ICT - Definitions,
categorisation, applications and standardisation needs
Textilien und textile Erzeugnisse - Textilien mit integrierter Elektronik und ICT -
Definitionen, Klassifizierung, Anwendungen und Normungsbedarf
Textiles et produits textiles - Textiles à électronique et TIC intégrées - Définitions,
catégorisation, applications et besoins de normalisation
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 17945:2023
59.080.80 Inteligentne tekstilije Smart textiles
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 17945
May 2023
ICS 59.080.80
English Version
Textiles and textile products - Textiles with integrated
electronics and ICT - Definitions, categorisation,
applications and standardisation needs
Textiles et produits textiles - Textiles à électronique et Textilien und textile Erzeugnisse - Textilien mit
TIC intégrées - Définitions, catégorisation, applications integrierter Elektronik und ICT - Definitionen,
et besoins de normalisation Klassifizierung, Anwendungen und Normungsbedarf

This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 3 April 2023. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 248.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2023 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 17945:2023 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 3
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 7
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms and definitions . 7
4 Categorization according to integration levels . 10
4.1 General. 10
4.2 Integration level 1 . 10
4.3 Integration level 2 . 10
4.4 Integration level 3 . 10
4.5 Integration level 4 . 11
5 Available standards for testing and evaluating textiles with integrated electronics and
ICT. 11
5.1 General. 11
5.2 Verification of claimed performances . 12
5.3 Durability of properties . 20
5.4 Wear (during use)/ mechanical stress (check military standard) . 22
5.5 Electromagnetic compatibility . 28
5.6 Exposure to electromagnetic fields . 28
5.7 Explosive atmospheres . 28
5.8 Innocuousness . 29
5.9 Product information . 29
5.10 Environmental aspects . 29
6 Risk assessment . 31
7 Data privacy/ (personal) data protection . 32
8 Examples . 33
8.1 Heated garment . 33
8.2 Garment with heart rate monitor . 35
8.3 Smart workwear, including personal protective equipment (PPE) . 36
9 Proposals for future work . 37
Bibliography . 38
European foreword
This document (CEN/TR 17945:2023) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 248 “Textiles
and textile products”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users’ national standards body.
A complete listing of these bodies can be found on the CEN website.
This document is intended to be complementary to CEN ISO/TR 23383 “Textiles and textile products -
Smart (Intelligent) textiles - Definitions, categorisation, applications and standardization needs”.
In the field of smart textiles with integrated electronics and ICT, different terms are being used which
don’t necessarily describe the same types of products. For example, there are the expressions “textile
electronics”, “electronic textile”, textronics or “e-textile”, connected textiles, i-textiles (interactive
textiles), which are used for anything from combinations of textile and electronics to electronic
components made of textile parts. Another example is the expression “wearable electronics”, which is
applicable for anything that is wearable, including also non-textile products. And then there is the term
“flexible and stretchable” electronics, which is used for novel electronics components, including circuit
boards, which can be deformed as compared to the rigid state-of-the art technology (see Figure 1). All of
these terms are being commonly used, but not always clearly defined. Also, clear categorizations are
missing, which could form the basis for standards developments. The purpose of the new CEN Technical
Report is therefore to provide guidance on how to approach standardization in the field of smart textiles
with integrated electronics and ICT.

Figure 1 — Relationships between textiles, (flexible) electronics and electronic textiles (e-
Textiles and electronics are two very different fields of technology, requiring a quite different type of
expertise. The terminology used and the approach to developing new technology is often very different.
Adding ICT makes this difference even greater. One important purpose of the new CEN Technical Report
will therefore be to provide a common basis for experts from Textile and Electronics (and ICT) to
understand each other (terminology and way of thinking) in order to be able to develop the technology
and products together, see Figure 2.
Important issues also include the testing, characterization and evaluation of textile electronics parts and
products. Experience has shown that these products cannot simply be seen as an additive combination of
textile and electronics, but due to the novel combination and implementation of materials and design of
components, completely new properties emerge which allow new applications.
Figure 2 — Positioning of E-textiles (electronic textiles) among the textiles, electronics and ICT
(Information and Communication Technology)
As a result, the currently existing standards both in textile and in electronics are not sufficient to describe
smart textiles with integrated electronics and ICT.
Factors currently not taken into account for electronics are for example:
— flexibility and stretchability, i.e. a change in dimensions during use;
— washing (combination of water, detergent and mechanical action) vs. immersion in water/ liquids;
— size and weight;
— the human body environment: temperature, perspiration, etc.
Factors currently not taken into account in many textile processes are:
— standardized dimensions for connectors, wires, etc.;
— printed circuit board design;
— batch processes for applying parts are not automated.
The information provided in this document can be of use to
in general:
— stakeholders from textile, electronics and ICT that want to work together on developing cross
sectorial products in order to have a basis for understanding each other’s sectors.
more specifically:
— manufacturers of textile electronics: to advise them on appropriate product development and testing,
on suitable ways to substantiate product claims and on what conformity assessment will be
— specification writers, as guidance to writing technical specifications and new specific standards for
electronic textiles;
— end users, in determining whether a product has indeed been fully assessed and that all information
necessary for proper use and care are available;
— conformity assessment bodies, as a guide towards assessing products according to the appropriate
— market surveillance authorities, to help in the assessment of product claims, product safety and
fitness for purpose.
Already for several years, demonstrators and prototypes of textile electronics have been developed, but
after the initial hype there was a lot of disappointment that no commercial products where reaching the
market. This was partially because of unrealistic design and wrong expectations. This was also due in
part to the lack of existing standards, not only towards testing and evaluation but also towards product
design. On the other hand, standards development is often only started if commercial products are
available or close to market introduction.
Currently, there are several areas of application where stakeholders are increasingly asking for standards
development. On the one hand, market introduction is being delayed due to the lack of standards. On the
other, products are being introduced but standards are lacking to prove the conformity of the products
with national and regional legislation. In some cases, even the legislation is not clear. The following areas
have been identified and will be highlighted in this document:
— personal protective clothing and equipment (PPE), intervention;
— medical;
— assisted living, including health care support;
— automotive/ aerospace;
— sports & leisure, including clothing and accessories;
— labels or tags (e.g. RFID) for tracking, theft protection.
For a general classification of technical textiles, based on a market approach, the definitions provided by
Techtextil are commonly used .

1 Scope
This document provides definitions in the field of electronic textiles (e-textiles) and electronic textile
systems, as well as the categorization of different types of electronic textiles and electronic textile
systems. It briefly describes the current stage of development of these products and their application
potential and gives indications on preferential standardization needs.
This document will also provide guidelines to determine general verification of claimed performance,
innocuousness, durability of properties, product information and environmental aspects of textile
This document is not intended for products which are placed inside or are (permanently) attached to the
human body. It also does not specifically address the electronics

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