Flexible cellular polymeric materials - Laboratory assessment of horizontal burning characteristics of small specimens subjected to a small flame (ISO 3582:2000)

Cette norme internationale spécifie une méthode d'essai à petite échelle en laboratoire, permettant une première comparaison des caractéristiques relatives de combustion de petites éprouvettes de matériaux polymères alvéolaires souples, lorsqu'elles sont soumises, en position horizontale, à une source de chaleur de faible énergie. Elle est prévue uniquement pour l'estimation rapide et simple des caractéristiques de combustion des petites éprouvettes de matériaux, considérés sans référence aux conditions d'environnement sous lesquelles le matériau, ou les produits qui en découlent peuvent être utilisés. En conséquence, il n'est pas possible d'établir une corrélation entre les résultats de cet essai et la performance de tels matériaux ou produits dans des conditions réelles d'utilisation. L'essai est réduit aux éprouvettes d'essai d'une épaisseur supérieure à 5 mm. Les résultats des essais sur les éprouvettes d'essai de différentes épaisseurs ne sont pas comparables.  Cette méthode d'essai ne doit pas être utilisée pour estimer le risque potentiel de feu dans les conditions réelles d'emploi.

Schaumstoffe und Schaumgummi - Laborverfahren zur Bestimmung des horizontalen Brennverhaltens kleiner Probekörper bei Einwirkung einer kleinen Flamme (ISO 3582:2000)

Diese Internationale Norm legt ein Durchmusterungsverfahren für kleine Laboratorien zum Vergleich des relativen horizontalen Brennverhaltens von kleinen Probekörpern aus weich-eleastischen Schaumstoffwerkstoffen bei Einwirkung einer kleinen Flamme fest. Es ist nur zur schnellen und einfachen Beurteilung des horizontalen Brennverhaltens von kleinen Probekörpern des betreffenden Werkstoffes selbst vorgesehen, d.h. ohne Berücksichtigung der Umweltbedingungen, unter denen die Werkstoffe oder Produkte, die aus diesen Werkstoffen herstellt werden, angewendet werden können.

Matières alvéolaires polymères souples - Méthode de laboratoire pour la détermination des caractéristiques de combustion de petites éprouvettes soumises, en position horizontale, à une petite flamme (ISO 3582:2000)

L'ISO 3582:2000 spécifie une méthode d'essai à petite échelle en laboratoire, permettant une première comparaison des caractéristiques relatives de combustion de petites éprouvettes de matériaux polymères alvéolaires souples, lorsqu'elles sont soumises, en position horizontale, à une source de chaleur de faible énergie. Elle est prévue uniquement pour l'estimation rapide et simple des caractéristiques de combustion des petites éprouvettes de matériaux, sans référence aux conditions d'environnement dans lesquelles le matériau, ou les produits qui en découlent, peuvent être utilisés. En conséquence, il n'est pas possible d'établir une corrélation entre les résultats de cet essai et la performance de tels matériaux ou produits dans des conditions réelles d'utilisation. L'essai est limité aux éprouvettes d'une épaisseur supérieure à 5 mm. Les résultats des essais sur des éprouvettes d'épaisseur différente ne sont pas comparables.
Cette méthode d'essai ne doit pas être utilisée pour estimer le risque potentiel de feu dans les conditions réelles d'emploi.

Penjeni polimerni materiali - Mehke pene - Laboratorijska metoda za ocenjevanje gorilnih lastnosti majhnih preskušancev pri vžigu z majhnim plamenom s horizontalno metodo (ISO 3582:2000)

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Penjeni polimerni materiali - Mehke pene - Laboratorijska metoda za ocenjevanje
gorilnih lastnosti majhnih preskušancev pri vžigu z majhnim plamenom s
horizontalno metodo (ISO 3582:2000)
Flexible cellular polymeric materials - Laboratory assessment of horizontal burning
characteristics of small specimens subjected to a small flame (ISO 3582:2000)
Schaumstoffe und Schaumgummi - Laborverfahren zur Bestimmung des horizontalen
Brennverhaltens kleiner Probekörper bei Einwirkung einer kleinen Flamme (ISO

Matieres alvéolaires polymeres souples - Méthode de laboratoire pour la détermination
des caractéristiques de combustion de petites éprouvettes soumises, en position
horizontale, a une petite flamme (ISO 3582:2000)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 3582:2000
13.220.40 Sposobnost vžiga in Ignitability and burning
obnašanje materialov in behaviour of materials and
proizvodov pri gorenju products
83.100 Penjeni polimeri Cellular materials
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

Second edition
Corrected version
Flexible cellular polymeric materials —
Laboratory assessment of horizontal
burning characteristics of small specimens
subjected to a small flame
Matières alvéolaires polymères souples — Méthode de laboratoire pour la
détermination des caractéristiques de combustion de petites éprouvettes
soumises, en position horizontale, à une petite flamme

Reference number
ISO 3582:2000(E)
ISO 2000
ISO 3582:2000(E)
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ii © ISO 2000 – All rights reserved

ISO 3582:2000(E)
Contents Page
1 Scope. 1
2 Normative reference. 1
3 Significance of test . 1
4 General. 2
5 Apparatus. 2
6 Number, size, marking and weighing of test pieces. 6
7 Conditioning of test pieces . 6
8 Test procedure. 7
9 Calculations. 8
10 Test report. 9

ISO 3582:2000(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard ISO 3582 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 45, Rubber and rubber products,
Subcommittee SC 4, Products (other than hoses).
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 3582:1978), which has been technically revised.
In this corrected version of ISO 3582:2000, Figure 1 has been amended so that the arrow indicating the dimension
380 ± 10 on the left-hand side of the figure extends only to the top of the door, not to the top of the cabinet.

iv © ISO 2000 – All rights reserved


Flexible cellular polymeric materials — Laboratory assessment of
horizontal burning characteristics of small specimens subjected to
a small flame
WARNING — Persons using this International Standard should be familiar with normal laboratory practice.
This standard does not purport to address all of the safety problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to ensure compliance with
any national regulatory conditions.
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies a small-scale laboratory screening procedure for comparing the relative
horizontal burning characteristics of small test pieces of flexible cellular polymeric material exposed to a low-energy
source of heat. It is intended only for the purpose of assessing quickly and simply the horizontal burning
characteristics of small test pieces of the material as such, i.e. considered without reference to the environmental
conditions under which the material, or products made from it, may be used. As a consequence, it is not possible to
establish a correlation between the results of this test and the performance of such materials or products under
actual service conditions. The test is restricted to test pieces of thickness greater than 5 mm. Results of tests on
test pieces of different thicknesses are not comparable.
This test method is not intended to be used to assess the potential fire hazard in use.
NOTE For cellular plastics having a density less than 250 kg/m , another test method exists: ISO 9772:2001, Cellular
plastics — Determination of horizontal burning characteristics of small specimens subjected to a small flame. The test
equipment and procedures differ from those contained in this International Standard, and it should not therefore be assumed
that they will produce identical test results.
2 Normative reference
The following normative document contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these
publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the normative document indicated below. For
undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC
maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 1923:1981, Cellular plastics and rubbers — Determination of linear dimensions.
3 Significance of test
Tests made on a material under the conditions specified here can be of considerable value in comparing the
horizontal burning characteristics of different materials, in controlling manufacturing processes or in assessing any
change in horizontal burning characteristics prior to, or during, use. Correlation with performance under actual
service conditions is not implied, and the finished product should be tested in the form in which it will finally be used
by a test method appropriate to products fulfilling a similar purpose.
ISO 3582:2000(E)
It is essential to appreciate that this method of test is not intended, and cannot be used, to assess the potential fire
hazard of a material or product in use. Assessment of fire hazard would require consideration of factors such as
fuel contribution, intensity of burning and products of combustion, as well as environmental factors such as intensity
of source, orientation of exposed material and ventilation conditions.
4 General
4.1 Horizontal burning characteristics, as measured by this test procedure, are affected by factors such as
density, any anisotropy of the cellular material and the thickness of the test piece.
Certain materials may shrink from the applied flame without igniting. In this event, the test results are not valid and
additional test pieces may be required to obtain the ten sets of data necessary. If the test pieces continue to shrink
from the applied flame without igniting, the material is not suitable for evaluation by this method of test.
4.2 Inter-laboratory trials have shown that many variables influence the reproducibility of the results of this type
of test. For this reason, the procedure laid down shall be adhered to in all respects, especially as regards the use
and construction of the test chamber.
4.3 For certain materials which exhibit burning only along the upper surface of the test piece, the mass loss shall
be measured and reported, if required.
4.4 The horizontal burning characteristics of some flexible cellular polymeric materials may change with time. It
is accordingly advisable to make tests before and after ageing by an appropriate procedure, details of which shall
be given in the test report.
5 Apparatus
5.1 Test chamber, constructed of non-combustible materials, for example insulating board on a steel frame,
having inside dimensions of 600 mm ± 5 mm in length, 300 mm ± 5 mm in width and 760 mm ± 5 mm in height, and
being otherwise as shown in Figure 1. To allow easy access between tests, the chamber may be designed so that
the front panel containing the window is removable, but, if so constructed, provision shall be made for ensuring that
a draught-proof seal is obtained when the panel is in position. The chamber shall be used in a fume cupboard.
The chamber shall be draught-free, yet permit normal thermal circulation of air past the test piece during burning.
5.2 Burner, of internal diameter 9,5 mm ± 0,5 mm. A gaseous hydrocarbon fuel shall be used to provide the
standard flame shown in Figure 2. This flame shall maintain a temperature of 1 000 °C ± 100 °C at a height of
13 mm ± 1 mm above the burner top.
NOTE Propane, of at least 93 % purity, supplied through a jet of diameter 0,3 mm ± 0,1 mm, is suitable for provision of the
specified flame and temperature. This jet size is such that the propane pressure required to obtain the standard flame is less
than 7 kPa.
5.3 Wing top, having an opening of internal length 48 mm ± 1 mm and internal width 3,0 mm ± 0,2 mm, fitted to
the burner.
5.4 Support gauze, 215 mm long, 75 mm wide and having 13 mm of its length bent to form a right angle as
shown in Figure 3. It shall consist of 6,4 mm mesh gauze constructed from 0,8 mm diameter stainless-steel wire. A
minimum of four supports shall be available.
2 © ISO 2000 – All rights reserved

ISO 3582:2000(E)
Dimensions in millimetres
(the dimensions shown are internal)

1 Cabinet made from non-combustible material with draught-proof seal on lid and front panel
2 Toughened-glass sliding door with draught-proof seal
3 Ventilation slit
4 Ventilation chimney
It is recommended that the bottom of the window is approximately 25 mm below the normal position of the gauze during the
test (see Figure 4)
Figure 1 — Test chamber
ISO 3582:2000(E)
Dimensions in millimetres
1 Test piece, 13 mm thick
2 Test piece support gauze, 6,4 mm mesh
3 Blue flame
4 Profile of visible flame, 38 mm high
5 Profile of inner cone, 6 mm high
6 Burner wing top
Figure 2 — Details of flame an

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