CLC/TR 50555:2010/AC:2011
(Corrigendum)Interruption indexes
Interruption indexes
D138/C037: Corrigendum to CLC/TR 50555:2010 (PR=22110) to add the words "in cooperation with CEER" in the foreword
Indicateurs d'interruption
Prekinitveni indeksi - Popravek AC
To tehnično poročilo podaja vodilo, kako izračunati neprekinjenost indeksov preskrbe. Priporočeni indeksi so natančneje navedeni za evropsko primerjalno analizo učinkovitosti distribucijskih omrežij. Za učinkovitost prenosnih omrežij se lahko uporabijo značilnejši indeksi.
– pregled praks v Evropi glede dolgo- in kratkotrajnih prekinitev,
– definicijo fizične prekinitve na usklajen način,
– filozofijo in merila za priporočanje indeksov,
– priporočen skupni pristop za indekse neprekinjenosti.
Ker so omrežja v različnih delih določene države zavezana različnim razmeram (npr. vremenskim razmeram in gostoti odjemalcev), ni smiselno uporabiti skupnih standardov učinkovitosti za vsa omrežja v eni državi ali skupini držav, ne da bi ti cilji postali tako nizki, da bi bili najverjetneje doseženi v vseh območjih.
Trenutna situacija, ko nacionalni regulativni organi postavljajo cilje učinkovitosti v svojih državah, v splošnem velja za najučinkovitejši mehanizem za doseganje optimalne družbenoekonomske učinkovitosti.
Zato to tehnično poročilo ne podaja skupnih ciljev za število in trajanje prekinitev, ki ne bi smeli biti preseženi.
To tehnično poročilo je prvi korak k primerjalni analizi prekinitvene učinkovitosti v evropskih državah.
To tehnično poročilo ne obravnava pravil za združevanje prekinitev, še zlasti kratkotrajnih, priznava pa se, da bo morda treba opisati pravila združevanja v drugi različici tehničnega poročila.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Prekinitveni indeksi - Popravek ACInterruption indexes29.240.01Power transmission and distribution networks in general27.010Prenos energije in toplote na splošnoEnergy and heat transfer engineering in generalICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:CLC/TR 5
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This Technical Report provides an overview of the technical contents and regulatory arrangements of some 32 of the many Smart Grid projects that are currently in operation, or under construction, within Europe ). This Technical Report is intended to provide useful information to those organisations and individuals that are currently engaged or about to become engaged in developing Smart Grids. It is also intended that this Technical Report will be used to support the development of relevant standards by presenting the key learning points from early Smart Grid projects – it is widely accepted that the publication of relevant standards will accelerate the development of Smart Grids. It is recognised that this Technical Report only covers a sample of the Smart Grid projects within Europe; it would be impractical to attempt to include every project. It is assessed that the 32 projects shown in this Technical Report are sufficiently representative to provide information and draw early conclusions. Clause 2 of this Technical Report provides a brief overview of all 32 projects, Annex A contains details of the 32 projects as supplied by the countries that participated in the drafting of this Technical Report. NOTE 1 In order to avoid losing potentially useful information, the details presented in Annex A are very close to the raw data provided by the different countries, with only minor editorial amendments made in the drafting of this Technical Report. One of the key objectives of this Technical Report is to identify the learning objectives for each of the Smart Grid projects, i.e. why is the project is being carried out and how the success of the project in meeting these objectives will be determined. NOTE 2 It is intended that the learning contained in this Technical Report, in particular the learning around what type of standards are required to support the development of Smart Grids, will provide useful input to the joint CEN/Cenelec/ETSI Smart Grid Co-ordination Group (SGCG). The SGCG has been established to support the requirements set out in the European Commission Smart Grid Mandate M/490, March 2011. NOTE 3 In drafting this Technical Report the working group were made aware of a report with a similar scope to this Technical Report that was being produced by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) ). The JRC report is now published and publically available. It is assessed that this Technical Report and the JRC report are complementary documents; the JRC report provides a high-level view on 220 projects that are being conducted across Europe whereas this Technical Report provides more detailed information on 32 projects. This Technical Report presents the situation for the 32 projects as they are at the time of writing; as time moves on, it might be necessary to update this Technical Report or to produce a second edition containing information on more recent projects and learning from existing projects, such as those documented in this Technical Report.
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This Technical Report provides guidance on how to calculate continuity of supply indices. These recommended indices are more particularly given for European benchmarking of distribution network performance. For transmission network performance, more representative indices ) may be used. It presents – an overview of practices in Europe on long and short interruptions, – definition of physical interruptions in a harmonized way, – philosophy and criteria for recommending indices, – a suggested common approach to continuity indices. The fact that the networks in different parts of any particular country will be subject to different conditions (e.g. weather and customer density) mean that it is not viable to apply common performance standards to all networks within any one country or any group of countries without making these targets so weak that there is a good prospect of them being achieved in all areas. The present situation where national regulators set performance targets within their own countries is widely regarded as being the most effective mechanism for achieving optimal socio-economic performance. For these reasons this Technical Report does not provide common targets for the number and duration of interruptions that should not be exceeded. This Technical Report is designed to be a first step towards benchmarking the interruption performance of European countries. Rules on the aggregation of interruptions, in particular short interruptions, have not been considered in this Technical Report, however it is recognised that it might be necessary to describe aggregation rules in a second version of the Technical Report.
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IEC 60704-2-4:2025 applies to single unit electrical washing machines and the washing and spinning function of combined appliances for household and similar use and to spin extractors for household and similar use. For washer-dryers, see IEC 60704-2-16:2019. Requirements for the declaration of noise emission values are not within the scope of this standard. For determining and verifying noise emission values declared in product specifications, see IEC 60704-3:2019. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) alignment to IEC 60704-1:2021; b) alignment to Edition 6 of IEC 60456:2024, especially regarding test programme and detergent; c) considering multi-compartment washing machines; d) considering wall-mounted washing machines; e) definition of the drum speed measurement; f) adapting parts for standard test load and test programme. This document is intended to be used in conjunction with the fourth edition of IEC 60704-1:2021.
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This part of IEC 61558 deals with the safety of variable transformers for general applications and power supply units incorporating variable transformers for general applications. Variable transformers incorporating electronic circuits are also covered by this document. NOTE 1 Safety includes electrical, thermal, mechanical and chemical aspects. Unless otherwise specified, from here onward, the term transformer covers variable transformers for general applications and power supply units incorporating variable transformers for general applications. For power supply units (linear) this document is applicable. For switch mode power supply units, IEC 61558-2-16 is applicable together with this document. Where two requirements are in conflict, the most severe take precedence. This document does not apply to transformers covered by IEC 60076-11. This document is applicable to stationary or portable, single-phase or polyphase, air-cooled (natural or forced) independent or associated variable dry-type transformers. - variable auto-transformers; - variable separating transformers; - variable isolating transformers; - variable safety isolating transformers. The windings can be encapsulated or non-encapsulated. The rated supply voltage does not exceed 1 000 V AC and the rated supply frequency and the internal operational frequencies do not exceed 500 Hz. The rated output does not exceed: - 40 kVA for single-phase variable auto-transformers; - 200 kVA for poly-phase variable auto-transformers; - 1 kVA for single-phase variable separating transformers; - 5 kVA for poly-phase variable separating transformers; - 25 kVA for single-phase variable isolating transformers; - 40 kVA for poly-phase variable isolating transformers; - 10 kVA for single-phase variable safety isolating transformers; - 16 kVA for poly-phase variable safety isolating transformers. This document is applicable to variable transformers without limitation of the rated output subject to an agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer. NOTE 2 Transformers intended to supply distribution networks are not included in the scope. [...]
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