Methods of measurement on receiving antennas for satellite broadcast transmission in the 11/12 GHz band - Part 2: Mechanical and environmental tests on individual and collective receiving antennas

Applies to receiving antennas for satellite broadcast transmissions in the 11/12 GHz band.

Meßverfahren für Empfangsantennen für Satelliten-Rundfunkübertragung im 11/12 GHz-Bereich - Teil 2: Mechanische und klimatische Prüfungen an Antennen für Einzel- und Gemeinschaftsempfang

Méthodes de mesure pour les antennes de réception des émissions de radiodiffusion par satellite dans la bande 11/12 GHz - Partie 2: Essais mécaniques et climatiques sur les antennes de réception à usage individuel ou collectif

S'applique aux antennes de réception des émissions de radiodiffusion par satellite dans la bande 11/12 GHz.

Methods of measurement on receiving antennas for satellite broadcast transmission in the 11/12 GHz band -- Part 2: Mechanical and environmental tests on individual and collective receiving antennas (IEC 61114-2:1996)

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Methods of measurement on receiving antennas for satellite broadcast
transmission in the 11/12 GHz band -- Part 2: Mechanical and environmental tests
on individual and collective receiving antennas (IEC 61114-2:1996)
Methods of measurement on receiving antennas for satellite broadcast transmission in
the 11/12 GHz band -- Part 2: Mechanical and environmental tests on individual and
collective receiving antennas
Meßverfahren für Empfangsantennen für Satelliten-Rundfunkübertragung im 11/12 GHz-
Bereich -- Teil 2: Mechanische und klimatische Prüfungen an Antennen für Einzel- und
Méthodes de mesure pour les antennes de réception des émissions de radiodiffusion par
satellite dans la bande 11/12 GHz -- Partie 2: Essais mécaniques et climatiques sur les
antennes de réception à usage individuel ou collectif
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 61114-2:1996
33.120.40 Antene Aerials
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

Première édition
First edition
Méthodes de mesure pour les antennes
de réception des émissions de radiodiffusion
par satellite dans la bande 11/12 GHz —
Partie 2:
Essais mécaniques et climatiques sur les antennes
usage individuel ou collectif
de réception à
Methods of measurement on receiving antennas
for satellite broadcast transmission in the
11/12 GHz band —
Part 2:
Mechanical and environmental tests on
individual and collective receiving antennas
© CEI 1996 Droits de reproduction réservés — Copyright — all rights reserved
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1114-2 © IEC:1996 – 3 –
1 Scope 7
2 Normative references 7
3 General explanation of terms 9
4 General notes on measurements 11
5 Methods of measurement 13
A Measurement method for the r.f. reflection coefficient of the reflecting su rface 49
B Bibliography 55
1114-2 ©IEC:1996 – 5 –
Part 2: Mechanical and environmental tests on individual
and collective receiving antennas
1) The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a worldwide organization for standardization
comprising all national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of the IEC is to
promote international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic
fields. To this end and in addition to other activities, the IEC publishes International Standards. Their
preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt
with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations
liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. The IEC collaborates closely with the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by agreement between the
two organizations.
2) The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters, express as nearly as possible, an
international consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation
from all interested National Committees.
The documents produced have the form of recommendations for international use and are published in the
form of standards, technical repo rts or guides and they are accepted by the National Committees in that
4) In order to promote international unification, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC International
Standards transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional standards. Any
divergence between the IEC Standard and the corresponding national or regional standard shall be clearly
indicated in the latter.
The IEC provides no marking procedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for any
equipment declared to be in conformity with one of its standards.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the
subject of patent rights. IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard IEC 1114-2 has been prepared by sub-committee 12A: Receiving
equipment, of IEC technical committee 12: Radiocommunications.
The text of this standard is based on the following documents:
FDIS Repo rt on voting
12A/410/FDIS 100A/3/RVD
Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on
voting indicated in the above table.
Annexes A and B are for information only.

1114-2 © IEC:1996 – 7 –
Part 2: Mechanical and environmental tests on individual
and collective receiving antennas
1 Scope
This part of IEC 1114 applies to receiving antennas for satellite broadcast transmissions in
the 11/12 GHz
band. The frequency ranges of the band are those defined by WARC BS-77 and
The object of this part is to define the conditions and methods of measurement to be applied.
This part does not specify performance requirements.
The receiving antenna, together with an SHF converter, constitutes an outdoor unit of a
satellite receiver. Methods of measurement on the SHF converter are described in IEC 1079-1.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text,
constitute provisions of this part of IEC 1114. At the time of publication, the editions indicated
were valid. All normative documents are subject to revision, and pa rties to agreement based on
this part of IEC 1114 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent
editions of the normative documents listed below. Members of ISO and IEC maintain registers
of currently valid International Standards.
IEV 50(712): 1992, International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (lEV) – Chapter 712: Antennas
IEC 68-1: 1988, Environmental testing – Pa rt 1: General and guidance
IEC 68-2-11: 1981, Environmental testing – Part 2: Tests – Test Ka: Salt mist
IEC 68-2-14: 1984, Environmental testing – Part 2: Tests – Test N: Change of temperature
IEC 68-2-52: 1984, Environmental testing – Part 2: Tests – Test Kb: Salt mist, cyclic (sodium
chloride solution)
IEC 1114-1: 1992, Methods of measurement on receiving antennas for satellite broadcast
transmissions in the 12 GHz band – Part 1: Electrical measurements on DBS receiving
1114-2 ©IEC:1996 - 9 -
3 General explanation of terms
For the purpose of this part of IEC 1114, the following general definitions of terms apply.
3.1 receiving antenna: An SHF antenna intended for use in individual and collective reception
of satellite broadcast signals.
This standard mainly applies to paraboloidal reflector antennas, which include offset
paraboloidal reflector antennas, Cassegrain reflector antennas and other equivalent types.
However, it may also apply to planar array antennas.
A paraboloidal reflector antenna usually comprises a main reflector, a primary (and sometimes
a secondary) radiator, a circular polarizer, an SHF converter, supporting structures for a
primary radiator or subreflector, pointing structures and an antenna fixture to a supporting
mast. The supporting mast, however, is not included in this standard. A radome is also
mechanical characteristics: The characteristics selected concern the ability of the
antenna under test to withstand mechanical forces (wind load, vibration etc.) with acceptable
degradation of the electrical performance.
3.3 environmental characteristics: These characteristics concern the durability of the
antenna under test when exposed to various adverse climatic conditions over a long period.
3.4 wind velocity: The wind velocity is defined as the maximum instantaneous wind velocity.
operating wind velocity: The specified velocity at which the electrical characteristics of
the antenna under test shall not degrade by more than specified values, without readjustment
of the antenna direction. A typical value for the antenna gain reduction is 1 dB.
3.6 survival wind velocity: The specified velocity at which no permanent degradation of the
antenna under test may occur, but re-adjustment of the antenna is required to restore the
electrical performance characteristics of the antenna.
3.7 destructive wind velocity: The specified velocity at which permanent degradation of the
electrical characteristics of the antenna under test may occur. But, for safety reasons, no pa rt
of the antenna shall mechanically disintegrate at this specified wind velocity.
3.8 illustrative definitions and typical values of the three kinds of wind velocities: An
illustration of the definitions of the three wind velocity values is shown below:
wind velocity
Survival Destructive
(3.5) (3.6)
1114-2 © I EC:1996 –
11 –
The three values of wind velocities shall be as specified in the standard of the count ry for
which the antenna is designed. Typical wind velocities are as follows:
– operating wind velocity 20 m/s
– survival wind velocity 40 m/s
– destructive wind velocity 60 m/s
3.9 maximum wind exposure area: The maximum wind exposure area for a device under test
is the maximum projected area for the device. It may not coincide with the projected area in the
direction of the applied force, but it represents the worst case.
4 General notes on measurements
4.1 General conditions
4.1.1 Introduction
Measurements shall be carried out in accordance with the following conditions, to ensure
repeatable results.
4.1.2 Environmental conditions
Unless otherwise specified, the general ranges of ambient atmospheric conditions for
measurement are those shown in table 1.
Table 1 – Environmental conditions
Temperature range 20 °Ct15 °C
Relative humidity 55 %t 30 %
Air pressure 86 kPa to 106 kPa
4.1.3 Number of test samples
One antenna should be prepared for each test item. If an antenna has to be tested for more
than two test items, the test order shall follow the procedure given in IEC 68-1.
4.1.4 Accuracy of measuring instruments
Under consideration.
4.1.5 Stabilization period
Measurements should be started after the characteristics have had time to stabilize.
4.2 Measuring instruments
4.2.1 Vibration generator
The vibration generator shall be able to generate sinusoidal vibrations over a range of
frequencies from at least 5 Hz to 55 Hz and have amplitudes that can be adjusted easily.

1114-2 © I EC:1996 – 13 –
Test chamber for thermal test
The thermal test chamber shall have sufficient capacity to contain the antenna under test
and be able to maintain the chosen test temperature at any portion of the antenna under test
within ±2 °C.
The test chamber shall comply with the requirements given in IEC 68-2-14.
4.2.3 Water tank for waterproof test
The water tank shall have sufficient capacity to permit the complete immersion of a primary
radiator and an SHF converter. Any air leaks from devices under test in the water tank shall be
readily observable.
4.2.4 Test instruments for salt mist test
The following instruments are necessary for the test:
a) test chamber;
b) salt solution tank;
c) atomizer;
d) thermal controller;
e) humidifier.
The test chamber shall comply with the requirements given in IEC 68-2-11.
The test chamber shall have a capacity that can contain the antenna under test or
substitutional specimens for the antenna components.
The salt mist shall flow horizontally.
The atomizer, air supply and salt solution shall comply with the requirements given in
IEC 68-2-11.
5 Methods of measurement
5.1 Wind load at operating wind velocity
5.1.1 Method of measurement
a) The antenna under test is installed on a rigid antenna test fixture, as shown in figure 1.
The centre part of the reflector is directly supported by the fixture and the periphery of the
reflector is connected to the fixture by means of springs at four points, that is at the upper
edge, the lower edge, the right side edge and the left side edge. There shall be an
apparatus to apply forces to a primary radiator in vertical and horizontal directions.
The antenna under test with its fixture is set up in a test site according to clause 4 of
IEC 1114-1, for the measurement of the antenna gain.
Measure the antenna gain or the figure of merit (G/T) with no wind load.
1 and W2 to the reflector and the primary radiator according to the
d) Apply forces W
procedure shown in table 2. The values of W1 and W2 are calculated from the following
1114-2 © IEC:1996
– 15 –
W1 = 0,86 x V2 x
A 1 (N) (1)
W2 = 0,61 x (2)
V2 x A2 (N)
A 1 is the maximum wind exposure area for the reflector (m2);
A2 is the maximum wind exposure area for the primary radiator, the SHF converter and
the supporting structures of the primary radiator (m2);
V= Vo is the operating wind velocity (m/s).
Table 2 – Test sequence
Sequence W1/4 W2
1 Push all Downward
2 Push all Sideward
3 Pull all Downward
4 Pull all Sideward
e) Measure the antenna gain or G/T, while applying the above forces.
NOTE – The following cross-polarization characteristics are measured in countries where cross-polarized
waves are used or interfering signals from other satellites may be received:
a) the gain or G/T for each polarization;
b) the radiation diagram for each polarization;
c) the cross-polarization discrimination.
5.1.2 Presentation of results
The results shall be listed in a table. An example of the table is shown in tab

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