ISO 1543:1981
(Main)Benzole industry — Vocabulary
Benzole industry — Vocabulary
The document gives equivalent terms and defines some of the relevant terms used in the chemical technology of this product. - Cancels and replaces ISO Recommendations R 1542-1971 and R 1543-1971 and constitutes their technical revision.
Industrie du benzole — Vocabulaire
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
~-- ~ ~-
Benzole industry - Vocabulary
First edition - 1981-10-01
Industrie du benzol - Vocabulaire
Premiere Edition - 1981-10-01
6eH30JlbHaFl I’lpOMbllUJleHHOCTb - CJlOBapb
nepeoe wgawe - 1981-10-01
UDWCDUIY~K 66 : 547.53 : 001.4 Ref. No./RGf. no : ISO 1543-1981 (E/F/R)
CCbUlKa No: MC0 1543-1981 (A/@/P)
vocabulaire. /
Descriptors : aromatic hydrocarbons, benzene, vocabulary. / Descripteurs : hydrocarbure aromatique, benzene,
~eCKfNlflTOpbl : yrneBoflopoAbi apoMaTwecwe, 6eWofl, cnot3apb.
Price based on 6 pages/Prix base sur 6 pages/&Ha paccwTaHa Ha 6 CTP.
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national
Standards institutes (ISO member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is car-
ried out through ISO technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which
a technical committee has been set up has the right to be represented on that committee. Interna-
tional organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in
the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member
bodies for approval before their accep tance as International Standards by the IS 0 Council.
tandard ISO 1543 was
International S developed by Techn ical Committee ISO/TC 78, Aroma tic
and was circulated to the member bodies i
h ydrocarbons, n March 1980.
lt has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :
Australia Germany, F.R. Poland
Bulgaria Hungary South Africa, Rep. of
Czechoslovakia India USSR
Egypt, Arab Rep. of Italy
France Korea, Rep. of
No member body expressed disapproval of the document.
This International Standard cancels
and repla ces ISO Recommendations R 1542-1971 and
R 15431971, of which it constitutes a technical revision.
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale d’organismes
nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de I’ISO). L’elaboration des Normes internationa-
les est confiee aux comites techniques de I’ISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une etude
a Ie droit de faire Partie du comite technique correspondant. Les organisations internationales,
gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec I’ISO, participent egalement aux tra-
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptes par les comites techniques sont soumis aux comi-
tes membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes internationales par Ie
Conseil de I’ISO.
La No irrne internationa ISO 1543 a etc elaboree par Ie comite technique ISO /TC 78,
bures aroma tiques, et etc soumise aux comites membres en mars 1980.
Les comites membres des pays suivants I’ont approuvee :
Afrique du Sud, Rep. d’ Egypte, Rep. arabe d’ Pologne
Allemagne, R. F. France Tchecoslovaquie
Australie Hongrie URSS
Bulgarie Inde
Corde, Rep. de Italie
Aucun comite membre ne I’a desapprouvee.
Cette Norme internationale annule et remplace les Recommandations ISO/R 1542-1971 et
une revision technique.
ISO/R 1543-1 971, dont elle constitue
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MC0 (MemCJyHapoAHaR OpratiM3aQm no CTaHAapAMsaqm) - BceMtipkiafl @eRepaqm HaqMo-
HanbHblX OpraHOB n0 CTaH~apflVl3a~VWl (KOMMTeTOB-WeHOB MCO). PaJpa6OTKa hde>KflyHapO/JHblX
CTaHplapTOB npOBOfli4TCfl B TeXHLlqeCKMX KOMMTeTaX MCO. Ka>KCiblti KOMMTeT-WleH, 3aMHTepeCO-
BaHHblti B TeMaTMKe, AflFi pa3pa60TKM KOTOpOfi TeXHMqeCKMti KOMMTeT 6btn C03AaH, MMeeT flpaB0
6blTb npeflCTaBneHHblM B COOTBeTCTBy0~eM TeXHMqeCKOM KOMMTeTe. Me~yHapO~Hble npaBW
TenbCTBeHHble OpraHM3a~MM, CBfl3aHHble C klco, TaKxe iIpMHMMalOT yraCTMe B ee pa6OTe.
npOeKTbl MexflyHapOAHblX CTaHflapTOB, npMHRTble TeXHMqeCKlAMM KOMMTeTaMM, AO MX yTBep-
MewyHapOAHblti CTaHJJapT l4CO 1543 paspa6o-rati TexHmecKm KOMM TeTOM MCO/TK 78, Apo-
hfamuvecwe yznesodopodbl, M pa3ocnaH qnetiaM opratiM3aqMu B MapTe 1980 roAa.
AOKyMeHT 6bin OAO6peH KOMMTeTaMM-‘IneHaMM CneAylOqMX CTpaH :
ABCTpanMM MTanm4 @paHqMM
60nraptw KopeM, Pecn. 4exocnoBaKw
Betirptw rlonbl.ul4 CCCP
ErmTa @eAepaTMBHOti Pecny6nMKM OXHO-AC&M K. Pecn.
HaCToRqMM MexAyHapOAHblti CTaHAapT aHynl4pyeT M 3aMeHFleT PeKOMMeHAa~WO
MCO/P1542-1971 M vlco/P1543-1971.
@ International Organkation for Standardkation, 1981
@ Organisation internationale de normalisation, 1981
63 MemqyHapoRHaR OpraHwagHn no CratqapTwaqw, 1981
Printed in Switzerland / imprime en Suisse / MsAat+o B WeeMuapMM
. . .
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ISO 1543-1981 (E/F/R)
MC0 1543-1981 (A/@/P)
Benzole industry - Industrie du benzol - 6eH30JlbHaSl
Vocabulary Vocabulaire ~pOMblUlJleHHOCTb -
Scope and field of Objet et domaine
06’beKT Bö 06naCTb
application d’application flpl4MeHeHWl
This International Standard gives La presente Norme internationale indique
3TOT MemJJyHapO)qtibI ti CTaHaapT yCTa-
equivalent terms and defines some of les termes equivalents et donne les defini- HaBflMBaeT 3KBMBafleHTHble TepMMH bl ld
the terms used in the benzole industry. tions de quelques termes employes dans
AaeT Onpe~eJleHVlfI HeKOTOpbIX TepMMHOB,
I’industrie du benzol. llpl4MeHFieMblX B 6eH30nbHOh IlpOMblUJ-
Terms Termes Tepfvmi bl
1 Benzole production Production du benrol npOH3BO~CTBO 6eti3ona
debenzolage : Traitement des gaz prove-
1.1 benzole stripping : Treatment ynasna4BaHHe 6eH30na : 06pa60TKa KOK-
of gas from coal carbonization with the nant de Ia carbonisation de Ia houille en vue cof3oro ra3a c uenbio M3BneqeHm Bcex
Object of extracting all or a part of its d’en extraire tout ou Partie du benzol qu’ils MJIM claCTM COfiep~atO~MXCFi B HeM 6ei-b
benzole content. contiennent. 3OJl bH blX yrneBOfiOpOflOB.
1.2 benzole wash Oil; benzole ab- huile de debenzolage* : Huile utilisee
Macno AnR H3Bne’letiHA 6eH30na (a6cop6-
sorbing Oil* : Oil used for removing pour extraire les hydrocarbures aromati- Macno, Mcnonbsyehnoe
4HOHHOe Macno)* :
light aromatic hydrocarbons from gas ques Iegers du gaz provenant de Ia carboni- flnfl r43BneLleHMfl nerKMx apoMaTr4qeckMx
from coal carbonization or from coke- sation de Ia houille ou du gaz de fours a yrnef3oAopofios 143 ra30B, nonyL(aervrbix
oven gas. Coke. llpVl KOKCOBaHMM KaMeHHOrO yrnR
1.3 coal gas gaz de houille KaMeHHOyrOJl bH bl ii Ta3
gaz de cokeries KOKCOB bl ii l-a3
1.4 Coke-oven gas
1.5 carbonization : Operation con- carbonisation : Operation consistant a KOKCOBaHHe : flpoqecc, 3aknroL1ato~Wrcfl
sisting of the treatment of coal by heat traiter de Ia houille par Ia chaleur et en vase
B HarpeBaHmM yrm 6e3 flocTyna Bo3fiyxa,
in a closed vessel, usually with the ob- clos, habituellement en vue de Ia produc- 06blYHO c uenbto nonyqeHm KoKca M ra3a.
ject of producing coke or gas. tion de coke ou de gaz.
1.6 high temperature carboniza- carbonisation ZJ haute temperature : B blCOKOTMMlepaTypHOe KOKCOBaHHe : Ko-
tion : Carbonization carried out gener- Carbonisation generalement effectuee KCOBaHMe, npOBOflHMOe 06blWO llpl4 TeM-
au-dela de 900 OC.
ally above 900 OC. nepa-rype Bblue 900 OC.
* Definition adapted from ISO 1998, Petro- * Definition adaptke de I’ISO 1998, lndustrie * OnpeReneHMe 3aMMcTBoBaHo 143 MC0 1998,
p&roli&re - Vocabulaire. ~@‘il~Ha~ nPOMblWlEHHOCMb - CnOBapb.
leum industry - Vocabulary.
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ISO 1543-1981 (E/F/R)
MC0 1543-1981 (AIWP)
carbonisation a
1.7 medium temperature carbon- moyenne tempera- cpe~rieTenmnepaTyptioe KoKcosatiHe : KOK-
ture : Carbonisation generalement effec- COBaHVle, npOBOQVlMOe 06blilHo IlpM TeM-
ization : Carbonization carried out
generally between 600 and 900 OC. tuee entre 600 et 900 OC. nepa-rypax 600 - 900 OC.
extraction of desaromatisation ou extraction des
1.8 removal or yAaneHwe HOH 3KcTparuposaHHe apoMa=
Treatment of a hydrocar- aromatiques : Traitement d’une fraction THKH : 06pa6oTKa yrneBo~opojqHoti @Pa-
aromatics :
bon fraction with the aim of removing d’hydrocarbures en vue de separer partiel- K~MVI C qenbl0 ~aCTMCIHOr0 MJlM nonHor0
partially or totally the components lement ou totalement les composes dont Ia yAafleHWl KOMnOHeHTOB, PlMetO~lAX Mofle-
which have a molecule with at least one molecule possede au moins un noyau aro- Kyny, no KpailHeri Mepe, c O~HVIM apoMa-
aromatic nucleus. matique.
1.9 acid sludges : The residues ob- boues acides : Dechets obtenus au cours KHCna8l-cMOnKa-OTXOC1, H er0 @paKl@lH :
tained during the acid washing of crude du raffinage acide du benzol. OCTaTOK, IlOny’AaeMblti llpPl KMCnOTHOti
benzole. OCIMCTKe CbipOrO 6eH30na.
tetes de distillation : Premiere fraction ronoskiafl c@paKqHfi neperoHKH : llepeafl
1 .lO distillation fronts; forerun-
nings : The first fraction obtained obtenue lors de Ia distillation du benzol @paKuMR, nonyqaeMaR npr4 neperoHKe cbl-
from the distillation of crude benzole. brut. Cette fraction distille d’ordinaire poro 6eH30na. 3Ta @paKqkw 06btclHo ne-
au-dessous de 65 OC environ.
This fraction usually distils below peroHFieTcH 40 65 OC.
about 65 OC.
Elle contient Ia plupart des impuretes lege- B Heti CO~epxMTCfl60n blllaR qaCTb nertwx
lt contains the majority of the light im- res du benzol brut, telles que Ie sulfure de npr4Meceti cbrporo 6eH3ona, TaKMx, KaK ce-
purities from the crude benzole as well carbone et Ie cyclopentadiene. poyrnepoa M uMKnoneHraAr4et-r.
as carbon disulphide and cyclopenta-
queues de distillation; residu : Produits
1.11 distillation tails; residue : Prod- OCTaTKH neperoHKH : !-ipOAyKTbl, nony-
obtenus apres distillation des diverses frac- cleHHble nocne neperoHKr/r pa3nwHblx
ucts obtained after distilling off various
tions du benzol brut ou des huiles legeres @paKqW cblporo 6eH30na i4nM nerKi4x Ma-
fractions from crude benzole or from
de goudron de houille. Ils passent en gene-
light oils from coal tar. Generally they Cen KaMeHHOyrOnbHOlil CMOnbl. B OCHOB-
ral a Ia distillation au-dela de 200 OC.
distil above 200 OC. HOM, OHM neperoHwoTcR npi4 TeMnepaType
BblUJe 200 ‘c.
They may contain such impurities as Ils peuvent contenir des impuretes telles
naphthalene, Phenol, pyridine bases que naphtalene, phenols, bases pyridiques, OHL/I MOryT COplepmaTb TaKMe npVlMeCM,
and also a small Proportion of benzole
et aussi une petite Proportion de I’huile de KaK Ha@TanPlH, @eHOn, WlpM~qMHOBble OC-
absorbing oil used for the extraction
debenzolage entrainee lors de I’extraction HOBaHMFI, a TaKxe He6OnbUJOe KOnMqeCTBO
of the crude benzole, and some resin- du benzol brut ainsi que des composes resi-
a6cop6uwoHriOro Macna ~3 cblporo 6eH-
forming products. They are often col-
nifiables. Ils sont souvent colores. 30na M HeKOTOpble CMOnOO6pa3Hble IlpO-
QyKTbl. qaCT0 OHM 6blBatOT OKpaUleH-
1.12 scrubbing tower tour de debenzolage 6eH30n bH bl ii cKpy66ep
1.13 yield of benzole rendement en benzol B blXO4 6eH3ona
1.14 catalytic refining raffinage catalytique
raffinage par hydrogenation
1.15 hydro-refining
2 List of products Enumeration des produits ilepecreti b npo~y~ros
2.1 benzene, nitration grade benzene qualite nitration 6eH3on flnfI HHTpalJblH
benzene qualite Synthese _ ~
2.2 benzene, Synthesis grade 6eH30n finfi cHtiTe3a
toluene qualite normale
2.3 pure toluene Tonyon WlCTblti
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ISO 15434981 (E/F/R)
MC0 1543-1981 (A/WP)
toluene qualite nitration
2.4 toluene, nitration grade Tonyon flnfl tiwTpa4kw
toluene qualite Synthese Tonyon Anfi cwiTe3a
2.5 toluene, Synthesis grade
2.6 xylene (mixed isomers) xylene (melange d’isomhs) KCHnOn (CMeC b H3OMepOB)
2.7 solvent naphtha 90/160 solvant naphta 90/160
COnbBeHT 90/160
2.8 solvent naphtha 90/180 solvant naphta 90/180 COnbBeHT 90/180
solvant naphta 90/200
2.9 solvent naphtha 90/200 COnbBeHT 90/200 (TRXenblih COnbBeHT)
(heavy solvent naphtha)
2.10 benzole and allied prod- produits benzeniques : Ensemble des 6eH30n bH ble flpOAyKTbl : COBOKyllHOCTb
hydrocarbures aromatiques (benzene et
ucts : Collection of aromatic hydro- apoMaTmecKi4x yrneBo~opo~o6 (6eH3On
homologues) purs ou commercialement M er0 roMonori4) wcTblx um4 TexHwecKM
carbons (benzene and its homologues)
pure or commercially pure, isolated purs, isoles ou en melanges, contenant ou YMCTblX, MH~MBM~yanbHblX VlnM B CMeCFIX,
or in mixtures, and whether or not con- non des impuretes en proportion notable a COJJep~allJVlX MnM HeT B 3HaqMTenbHOM
taining impurities in a substantial pro- condition que les produits de nature aro- KOnMYeCTBe npIlMeCl4 llpVl yCnOBWl, clT0 B
matique predominent en masse.
Portion provided that the aromatic type O~HOBHOM Macce cMew npeo6na&atoT
products predominate in the bulk of the npoayKTbl apoMaTwecKor0 Tma.
Toutefois, il n’est pas d’usage de compren-
dre, dans cette expression, certains hydro- B 3T0 Onpe,qeneHvIe 06blWiO He BKntOqatOT
lt is not usual to include in this ex- carbures purs de Ia Serie aromatique qui, HeKOTOpble qMCTble yrneBO~OpO/Jbl apO-
Pression certain pure hydrocarbons of bien qu’existant dans Ie benzol brut ou MaTMqeCKOrO pFI/Ja, KOTOpble XOTFI M MMe-
dans certaines fractions lourdes, sont obte- lOTCf4 B CblpOM 6eH30ne MnVI B HeKOTOpblX
the aromatic series which, although
they exist in crude benzole or in cer- nus essentiellement par Synthese (par er0 Tflmenblx QpaKqmx, ~0 nonyqa-rb MX
exemple I’isopropyl-benzene). llpVlXO/Jr/rTCFI llOCpeJ.JCTBOM CMHTe3a (Ha-
tain heavy fractions, are mainly ob-
npmep, VI3OnpOnWI6eH30n).
tained by Synthesis (for example iso-
benzol brut : Produit recueilli
2.11 crude benzole (UK) or crude deben- cblpoii 6eH3on : flp~~y~~, nonyqaeMbl1?1
light oil (USA) : The product recov- zolage du gaz de houille. nOCpeaCTBOM ynaBnMBaHm KaMeHHO-
ered by stripping coal gas. yrOnbHblM MaCnOM M3 KOKCOBOrO ra3a M
nocnegyioweti er0 fimTmnflqueGi
2.12 motor benzole : A mixture of benzol moteur : Melange d’hydrocarbu- MOTOpHblblii 6eti30n : CMeCb npeVlMywe-
predominantly aromatic hydrocarbons res a predominance aromatique, provenant CTBeHHO apOMaTMYeCKMX yrneBOAOpOAOB,
du raffinage du benzol brut et destine a etre
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