• Amendment
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  • Amendment
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This document specifies reference's test methods for determining the properties of sunglasses given in ISO 12312 (all parts). It is applicable to all sunglasses and related eyewear.
Other test methods can be used if proven to be equivalent.

  • Standard
    22 pages
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This document is applicable to all afocal (plano power) sunglasses and clip-ons for general use, including road use and driving, intended for protection against solar radiation.
Information on the use of sunglass filters is given in Annex A. Requirements for unmounted filters used as replacement or alternative filters are given in Annex C.
This document is not applicable to:
a) eyewear for protection against radiation from artificial light sources;
b) eye protectors intended for specific sports (e.g. ski goggles or other types – see ISO18527 (all parts));
c) sunglasses that have been medically prescribed for attenuating solar radiation;
d) products intended for direct observation of the sun, such as for viewing a partial or annular solar eclipse, for which ISO12312-2 applies;
e) products intended for occupational eye protection – see, for example, ISO16321 (all parts).

  • Standard
    40 pages
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This document specifies the reference test methods for determining the physical and mechanical properties of eye and face protectors.
This document does not apply to any eye and face protection products for which the requirements standard(s) specifies other test methods.
Other test methods can be used if shown to be equivalent and include uncertainties of measurement no greater than those required of the reference method.

  • Standard
    61 pages
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This document specifies additional performance and marking requirements for mesh protectors designed to provide protection for the eyes and faces of persons against mechanical hazards such as impacts from flying particles and fragments. The other applicable requirements for mesh protectors and the frames/mountings to which they are intended to be fitted are given in ISO 16321‑1.
This document also applies to mesh protectors used in educational establishments.
This document also applies to those eye and face protectors used for occupational-type tasks that are performed similarly to an occupation, e.g. "do‑it‑yourself".
This document is not applicable to protectors for use against liquid splash (including molten metal), hot solid risks, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. For protection against these hazards suitable additional or alternative protectors according ISO 16321‑1 will be needed.
This document does not apply to mesh protectors used in sports such as fencing.

  • Standard
    17 pages
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This document applies to all goggles with plano lenses, intended for eye protection against hazards including ultraviolet and visible solar radiation, rain, snow and wind, during downhill skiing, snowboarding and other similar activities.
This document applies to downhill skiing and snowboarding goggles fitted with an insert to carry prescription lenses.
It specifies requirements and testing for materials, performance, marking of goggles and information to be supplied by the manufacturer.
Information on the selection and use of downhill skiing and snowboarding goggles is given in Annex A.
This document does not apply to
a)   eye protectors for protection when operating or travelling on a motorized vehicle,
b)   eye protectors for protection against optical radiation from artificial sources, such as those used in solaria,
c)   eye protectors for direct observation of the sun, and
d)   eye protectors intended for sports with unrelated hazards and risks.

  • Standard
    34 pages
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This document specifies general requirements for eye and face protectors. These protectors are intended to provide protection for the eyes and faces of persons against one or more common occupational hazards such as impacts from flying particles and fragments, optical radiation, dusts, splashing liquids, molten metals, heat, flame, hot solids, harmful gases, vapours and aerosols.
Additional requirements for eye and face protectors used during welding and related techniques and for mesh protectors are given in ISO 16321-2 and ISO 16321-3, respectively. ISO 16321-4 provides requirements and guidance on protectors against biological hazards1).
This document applies to:
— all plano as well as corrective and prescription lensed protectors and components;
— those eye and face protectors used for occupational-type tasks that are performed similarly to an occupation, e.g. "do-it-yourself";
— those eye and face protectors used in educational establishments.
This document does not apply to:
— protectors specifically intended for protection against only solar radiation and used in non- occupational environments for which the ISO 12312 series applies;
— protectors for medically prescribed applications (not occupational), e.g. eye protection for severe dry eye, tints prescribed for medical conditions;
— patient eye protectors during diagnosis or treatment (e.g. ISO/TR 22463);
— protectors for use during medical or e.g. aesthetic applications, e.g. intense light sources (ILS) for which the ISO 12609 series applies;
— protectors specifically intended for sports for which the ISO 18527 series applies;
— laser protectors;
— face protectors intended for live-working to protect against short-circuit electric arcs for which IEC 62819 applies;
— protectors intended to protect against ionizing radiation, e.g. X-rays, for which IEC 61331-3 applies.
1) In preparation.

  • Standard
    52 pages
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This document gives guidance to specifiers and users on the control of eye and face hazards including physical, mechanical, chemical, optical radiation and biological and on the selection, use and maintenance of eye and face protectors.
This document applies to
—     occupational use,
—      tasks that are performed similarly to those in an occupation but not in the workplace, e.g. "do-it-yourself", and
—     schools, educational and research establishments.
This document does not apply to eye and face protection for
—     ionizing radiation,
—     low frequency radio waves,
—     microwaves,
—     sports or vehicular usage, and
—     sunglasses for general (not occupational) use ? see ISO 12312-1.
NOTE     The ISO 18527 (all parts) sets requirements for eye protectors for some sports.
Brief advice on protection when using lasers is included but for detailed advice, see IEC/TR 60825-14.
This document is neither a whole nor partial substitute for risk assessment, which is an essential part of any eye and face protection programme.
Although this document has been written to help specifiers and users, any recommendations in this document are to be interpreted as guidance only and not intended to replace any national regulatory requirements. Risk assessment is the sole responsibility of the employer and not the PPE manufacturer or its authorised representative.

  • Standard
    59 pages
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This document specifies additional material, design, performance and marking requirements for eye and face protectors designed to provide protection for the eyes and faces of persons against occupational hazards, such as optical radiation, impacts from flying particles and fragments, and hot solids during welding and related techniques. The other applicable requirements for welding protectors are given in ISO 16321‑1.
This document also applies to welding protectors used in educational establishments.
This document also applies to those eye and face protectors used for occupational-type tasks that are performed similarly to an occupation, e.g. "do-it-yourself".

  • Standard
    26 pages
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This document applies to all eye protectors intended for eye protection against hazards during playing or instructing in the sports of squash, racquetball and squash 57 and sports with similar hazards and no greater risks. It applies to eye protectors that incorporate prescription lenses but has no specific tests for eye protectors designed for use over spectacles.
It specifies requirements and testing for materials, performance, marking of eye protectors and information to be supplied by the manufacturer.
Information on the selection and use of eye protectors for squash, racquetball and squash 57 is given in Annex A.
This document does not apply to
a)   sports eye protectors designed for use over prescription spectacles,
b)   eye protectors for other occupational applications,
c)   eye protectors without lenses,
d)   eye protectors for sports where the hazards are unrelated to the hazards in or involve greater risks than squash, racquetball and squash 57, and
e)   eye protectors with gradient-tinted lenses because they are not appropriate for squash, racquetball or squash 57.

  • Standard
    31 pages
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This document is applicable to protectors intended to provide protection against accidental exposure to laser radiation within the wavelength range 180 nm to 1 mm. It specifies the requirements, test methods and marking. Protectors intended for adjustment work on lasers are included in the scope of this document and are marked in the same way as other protectors, but selection of appropriate eyewear for a specific application is a choice of the user. Laser protective filters used as viewing windows in laser equipment machinery or incorporated into optical instruments such as operating microscopes and loupes that may be used for deliberate viewing of laser radiation as part of their function are outside the scope of this document.
Laser radiation in the wavelength range below 180 nm is absorbed in air, therefore eye and face protection should not be required.
This document is applicable to devices intended for patient protection during medical laser procedures except for treatment in the periorbital area. Guidance on eye protectors for patients (including those used for periorbital treatment) is given in ISO/TR 22463.

  • Standard
    27 pages
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  • Draft
    26 pages
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This document specifies the reference test methods for determining the spherical, cylindrical, and prismatic refractive power properties of unmounted and mounted plano lenses (non-corrective lenses) for eye and face protectors.
This document does not apply to any eye and face protection product requirement standards for which other test methods are specified.
Other test methods can be used provided they have been shown to be equivalent and include uncertainties of measurement no greater than those required by the reference method.

  • Standard
    23 pages
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This document specifies the reference test methods for determining the physical optical properties of personal eye and face protectors.
This document does not apply to any eye and face protection products for which the requirements standard(s) specifies other test methods.
Other test methods can be used provided they have been shown to be equivalent and include uncertainties of measurement no greater than those required of the reference method.

  • Standard
    88 pages
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This document specifies the dimensions and tolerances of the headforms used for the testing of eye and face protectors.
Additional information is given for:
—     anthropometric measurement methods;
—     anthropometric data for head and face dimensions;
—     human test panels.

  • Standard
    25 pages
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This document defines and explains the principal terms used in the field of personal eye and face protection.

  • Standard
    82 pages
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This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements for visors designed specifically to be used only with protective helmets, including but not limited to those conforming to EN 443, EN 14052, EN 16471 and EN 16473 as the situation dictates. These visors may be permanently fitted to, or removable from, the helmet. See the scope of the various helmet standards for applications.
These visors are not intended to protect against smoke and gas /vapour hazards.
Three types of visors in two forms are described in this document.
The two forms are:
-   face guards provide both eye and face protection, and
-   eye guards that are shorter and effectively provide only eye protection.
The three types are:
-   Visors for general use: Eye guards and face guards providing resistance and/or protection against mechanical, liquid chemical and basic physical hazards.
-   Visors with increased thermal performance: Face guards that additionally provide resistance and/or protection against higher than basic levels of heat and flame. This additional requirement is not applicable for eye guards.
-   Mesh visors: Eye guards and face guards that incorporate mesh oculars with defined levels of performance from EN 1731, and other additional mechanical requirements described in this standard.
Visors for sporting use, those with corrective effect, and goggles used with a protective helmet are not covered by this standard.

  • Standard
    39 pages
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This European Standard applies to eye-protectors used for protection against accidental exposure to laser radiation as defined in EN 60825-1:2007 in the spectral range 180 nm (0,18 µm) to 1 000 µm. It defines the requirements, test methods and marking. A guide is given in Annex B for the selection and use of laser eye protectors.
This European Standard does not apply to protectors for intentional exposure to laser radiation.
EN 208 applies for laser adjustment eye-protectors.
Before selecting eye protection according to this European Standard, a risk assessment should first be undertaken (see Annex B).

  • Standard
    28 pages
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ISO 12312-2:2015 applies to all afocal (plano power) products intended for direct observation of the sun, such as solar eclipse viewing.
ISO 12312-2:2015 does not apply to the following:
a)    afocal (plano power) sunglasses and clip-ons for general use intended for protection against solar radiation;
b)    eyewear for protection against radiation from artificial light sources, such as those used in solaria;
c)    eye protectors specifically intended for sports (e.g. ski goggles or other types);
d)    sunglasses that have been medically prescribed for attenuating solar radiation;
e)    prescription sunglass lenses.

  • Standard
    20 pages
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This European Standard specifies functional requirements and a product labelling applicable to temporary and permanent passive guards (in the following called screens) for protection against laser radiation. This standard includes test methods for testing functional performance and the specification of the user documentation to be supplied with the product. The screens are designed to protect the user from: unintentional exposure to direct and/or diffuse laser radiation; a time limited exposure to laser radiation, based on the functional requirements determined by risk assessment. This European Standard applies to supervised screens for installations in working places at which laser radiation up to a maximum mean power of 100 W or single pulse energy of 30 J occurs within the spectral range between 180 nm (0,18 μm) and 106 nm (1 000 μm). This European Standard applies to the protection against laser radiation only. This standard does not apply to other hazards including hazards from secondary radiation that can arise during, for example, material processing. This European Standard gives guidance on how to select such screens. Laser enclosures and housings that are supplied as part of the laser product or are supplied to be fitted to a laser system to form a laser product (according to EN 60825-1) are not considered to be within the scope of the standard.

  • Corrigendum
    2 pages
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This European Standard specifies requirements and test methods for goggles for use by all motorcycle and moped drivers and passengers, intended for eye-protection during the use of motorcycle and moped, both on the road and for off-road sport or leisure use, subject to the following exclusion. The goggles for official races and competitions are not included within the scope of this standard.

  • Standard
    34 pages
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This European Standard applies to laser adjustment filters and eye-protectors. These are filters and eye-protectors for use in adjustment work on lasers and laser systems as defined in EN 60825-1:2007 where hazardous radiation occurs in the visible spectral range of 400 nm to 700 nm. Filters specified in this European Standard reduce this radiation to values defined for lasers of class 2 (<= 1 mW for CW (continuous wave) lasers).
This European Standard defines the requirements, test methods and marking. A guide is given in Annex B with regard to selection and use.
EN 207 applies to eye-protection against accidental exposure to laser radiation.
NOTE   Before selecting eye protection according to this European Standard a risk assessment should first be undertaken (see Annex B).

  • Standard
    23 pages
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This standard specifies functional requirements and a product labelling applicable to temporary and permanent passive guards (in the following called screens) for protection against laser radiation. This standard includes test methods for testing functional performance and the specification of the user documentation to be supplied with the product. The screens are designed to protect the user from:
-   unintentional exposure to direct and/or diffuse laser radiation;
-   a time limited exposure to laser radiation, based on the functional requirements determined by risk assessment.
This standard applies to supervised screens for installations in working places at which laser radiation up to a maximum mean power of 100 W or single pulse energy of 30 J occurs within the spectral range between 180 nm (0,18 µm) and 106 nm (1 000 µm).
This standard applies to the protection against laser radiation only. This standard does not apply to other hazards including hazards from secondary radiation that can arise during, for example, material processing.
This standard gives guidance on how to select such screens.
Laser enclosures and housings that are supplied as part of the laser product or are supplied to be fitted to a laser system to form a laser product (according to EN 60825-1) are not considered to be within the scope of the standard.

  • Standard
    20 pages
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This EN specifies requirements and test methods for eye protectors for snowmobile users. They are intended to protect the user from risks of mechanical impacts, corneal freezing, and from factors which may adversely affect the wearer's vision, such as UV radiation, sunglare and fogging.

  • Standard
    14 pages
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This Standard specifies minimum requirements for eye and face protectors designed to provide
protection for the eyes and faces of biological hazards, such as human or animal bodily fluids and
microorganisms including viruses and other particulates.
Requirements for spray, splash and spurt protection are given and appendices describing appropriate
text methods are included in this Standard.
This document applies to all afocal (plano) and prescription lens protectors and components.
This document does not apply to:
• Protectors specifically intended for protection from impact eg from high speed particles and
fragments, non-solar optical radiation, dusts, molten metals, heat, flame, hot solids, harmful gases,
vapours (and aerosols);
• Protectors specifically for sports,
• Protectors for lasers or non-ionizing radiation

  • Draft
    35 pages
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This document specifies general requirements for operators' eye protectors for intense light source (ILS) equipment used on humans and animals for cosmetic and medical applications against excessive exposure to optical radiation in the spectral range 250 nm to 3 000 nm, with the exception of laser radiation.
This document is applicable to devices intended for patient protection during ILS procedures, except for treatment in the periorbital area. For guidance on patient eye protection during ILS procedures, see ISO/TR 22463.
For guidance on the use and selection of ILS eye protectors, see ISO 12609-2.
This document does not apply to:
—    laser protectors, for which ISO 19818-1 applies;
—    protectors for medically prescribed applications (not occupational), e.g. eye protection for severe dry eye, tints prescribed for medical conditions;
—    protectors specifically intended for protection against only solar radiation and used in non-occupational environments for which the ISO 12312 (all parts) applies;
—    protectors used with tanning equipment;
—    protectors intended to protect against ionizing radiation, e.g. X-rays, for which IEC 61331-3 applies.

  • Draft
    19 pages
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This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements for visors designed specifically to be used only with protective helmets, including but not limited to those conforming to EN 443, EN 14052, EN 16471 and EN 16473 as the situation dictates. These visors may be permanently fitted to, or removable from, the helmet. See the scope of the various helmet standards for applications.
These visors are not intended to protect against smoke and gas /vapour hazards.
Three types of visors in two forms are described in this document.
The two forms are:
-   face guards provide both eye and face protection, and
-   eye guards that are shorter and effectively provide only eye protection.
The three types are:
-   Visors for general use: Eye guards and face guards providing resistance and/or protection against mechanical, liquid chemical and basic physical hazards.
-   Visors with increased thermal performance: Face guards that additionally provide resistance and/or protection against higher than basic levels of heat and flame. This additional requirement is not applicable for eye guards.
-   Mesh visors: Eye guards and face guards that incorporate mesh oculars with defined levels of performance from EN 1731, and other additional mechanical requirements described in this standard.
Visors for sporting use, those with corrective effect, and goggles used with a protective helmet are not covered by this standard.

  • Draft
    4 pages
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This European Standard specifies functional requirements for various types of personal eye-protectors and incorporates general considerations such as:
_ designation;
_ classification;
_ basic requirements applicable to all eye-protectors;
_ various particular and optional requirements;
_ allocation of requirements, testing and application;
_ marking;
_ information for users.
The transmittance requirements for various types of filter oculars are given in separate standards (see clause 2).
This European Standard applies to all types of personal eye-protectors used against various hazards, as encountered in industry, laboratories, educational establishments, DIY activities, etc. which are likely to damage the eye or impair vision, with the exception of nuclear radiation, X-rays, laser beams and low temperature infrared (IR) radiation emitted by low temperature sources.
The requirements of this standard do not apply to eye-protectors for which separate and complete standards exist, such as laser eye-protectors, sunglasses for general use, etc. unless such standards make specific reference to this standard.
The requirements of this standard apply to oculars for welding and allied processes but do not apply to equipment for eye and face protection for welding and allied processes, requirements for which are contained in EN 175.
Eye-protectors fitted with prescription lenses are not excluded from the field of application. The refractive power tolerances and other special characteristics dependent upon the prescription requirement are specified in EN ISO 8980-1 and EN ISO 8980-2.

  • Draft
    43 pages
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This European Standard specifies optical test methods for eye-protectors, the requirements for which are contained in other ENs.

  • Draft
    28 pages
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This European Standard specifies non-optical test methods for eye-protectors, the requirements for which are contained in other European Standards.

  • Draft
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This European standard specifies optical test methods for eye-protectors, the requirements for which are contained in other EN's. Alternative methods may be used if shown to be equivalent. Non-optical test methods are given in EN 168. A definition of terms is given in EN 165.

  • Standard
    27 pages
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This European standard specifies non-optical test methods for eye-protectors, the requirements for which are contained in other European Standards. Alternative test methods may be used if shown to be equivalent. The optical test methods are given in EN 167. A definition of terms is given in EN 165.

  • Standard
    32 pages
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This European Standard specifies safety requirements and test methods for personal protective equipment used to protect the operator's eyes and face against harmful optical radiation and other specific risks or hazards in usual welding, cutting or similar operations. This standard specifies protection including ergonomic aspects against risks or hazards of radiative, flammable, mechanical and electrical nature. The equipment is designed to incorporate protective filters, with or without cover/backing oculars as recommended by the welding protector manufacturer, in accordance with EN 166:1995 and complying with EN 169:1992 or EN 379:1994.   Hoods, inspector face screens, laser protective equipment and welding protection for special applications, are not covered in this standard.  This standard defines the terms used and specifies requirements for materials, design and manufacture.

  • Standard
    18 pages
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ISO 12311:2012 specifies reference test methods for determining the properties of sunglasses given in ISO 12312 (all parts). It is applicable to all sunglasses and related eyewear.
Other test methods may be used if shown to be equivalent.

  • Standard
    94 pages
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  • Standard
    94 pages
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2014-08-04: Draft for // ENQ received at ISO/CS (see ISO notification in dataservice on 2014-08-04).

  • Addendum – translation
    7 pages
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  • Amendment
    8 pages
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ISO 12312-1:2012 is applicable to all afocal (plano power) sunglasses and clip-ons for general use, including road use and driving, intended for protection against solar radiation.

  • Standard
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  • Standard – translation
    31 pages
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This European Standard is applicable to ski goggles which are used for eye-protection during downhill skiing and other downhill activities, like snowboard.
For snow mobile use EN 13178 applies.

  • Standard
    18 pages
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This European standard specifies requirements for automatic welding filters which switch their luminous transmittance to a lower predetermined value when a welding arc is ignited (referred to as welding filters with switchable scale numbers). It also specifies requirements for automatic welding filters which switch their luminous transmittance to a lower value, where the lower value of luminous transmittance is set automatically in dependence on the illuminance generated by the welding arc (referred to as welding filters with automatic scale number setting).
The requirements of this standard apply if such a filter is to be used for continuous viewing of the welding process, (including gas welding and cutting), and if it is to be used only during the period when the arc is being ignited.
These filters are used in welders' eye protectors or are fixed to equipment.
If they are to be used in welders’ eye protectors, other applicable requirements for these types of filters are given in EN 166. The requirements for the frames/mountings to which they are intended to be fitted are given in EN 175.
Guidance on the selection and use of these filters is given in annex A.
The specifications for welding filters without switchable luminous transmittance are given in EN 169.

  • Standard
    23 pages
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This European Standard specifies materials, design, performance requirements, test methods and marking requirements for mesh eye and face protectors.
This standard is not applicable to eye and face protectors for use against liquid splash (including molten metal), hot solid risks, electrical hazards, infrared and ultra violet radiation.
Mesh eye and face protectors for use in sports such as ice hockey and fencing are excluded.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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This European standard specifies the scale numbers and transmittance requirements for filters intended to protect operators performing work involving welding, braze-welding, arc gouging and plasma jet cutting. The other applicable requirements for these types of filters are given in EN 166:1995. Guidance on the selection and use of these filters are given in Annex A. The specifications for welding filters with switchable luminous transmittance and welding filters with dual luminous transmittance are given in EN 379:1994.

  • Standard
    16 pages
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This European Standard specifies the scale numbers and transmittance requirements for filters for protection against ultraviolet radiation. The other applicable requirements for these types of filters are given in EN 166:1995. Guidance on the selection and use of these filters are given in Annex A. NOTE: The protective filters specified in this standard are not suitable for the direct or indirect observation of an electric arc. For this purpose a welding filter appropriate to the source being observed should be used. Such a filter would not have a scale number less than 6.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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This European Standard specifies the scale numbers and transmittance requirements for filters for protection against infrared radiation.
The other applicable requirements for these types of filters and the frames/mountings to which they are intended to be fitted are given in EN 166.
Guidance on the selection and use of these filters is given in annex B.
NOTE   The protective filters specified in this standard are not suitable for the direct or indirect observation of an electric arc. For this purpose a welding filter appropriate to the source being observed should by used.

  • Standard
    12 pages
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This European standard specifies functional requirements for various types of personal eye-protectors. The transmittance requirements for various types of filter oculars are given in separate standards (see clause 3).

  • Standard
    35 pages
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Migrated from Progress Sheet (TC Comment) (2000-07-10): UAP of 6 months (TC Res 170/1999) (CC/000124)

  • Amendment
    5 pages
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This European standard specifies the scale numbers, transmittances and related requirements for sunglare filters for industrial use. Other valid requirements for these types of filters are specified in EN 166.

  • Amendment
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This European Standard specifies the scale numbers, transmittances and related requirements for sunglare filters for industrial use. Other valid requirements for these types of filters are specified in prEN 166.   Selection criteria and information on use of these filters are given in Annex A.   This standard does not apply to filters for protection against radiation from artificial light sources such as those used in solaria. EN 170 applies for these filters.   This standard does not apply to ski goggles for which a separate standard is in preparation or for other types used for leisure activities.  A separate standard for sunglasses and sunglare filters for general use is in preparation.

  • Standard
    17 pages
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This technical report is intended for information only. It relates to all types of personal eye and face protectors used against various hazards as encountered in industry, commerce, laboratories, educational establishments, DIY activities, etc. which may damage the eye or impair vision with the exception of ionising radiation such as X-rays and low temperature infra-red (IR) radiation. This report does not include guidance on the use of sport, leisure or vehicular eye-protectors.

  • Standardization document
    34 pages
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    1 day

ISO 4007:2012 defines and explains the principal terms used in the field of personal eye and face protection.

  • Standard
    124 pages
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    1 day
  • Draft
    64 pages
    English language
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This document applies to visors designed specifically to be fitted to and/or used with helmets conforming to EN 443 when used by firefighters, or helmets which conform to EN 443 or prEN 14052 when used by ambulance and emergency services, as the situation dictates. They are intended to provide protection against the various hazards expected to be encountered in firefighting, ambulance and emergency service duties, except respiratory, smoke, and gas /vapour hazards.
Three types of visor are described in this document. One provides protection against general hazards; the second additionally provides protection against heat and flame. The third type of visor incorporates mesh oculars, and is intended for use in very limited circumstances. This document also describes two forms for all three types of visors; face guards that provide both eye and face protection; eye guards that are shorter and effectively provide only eye protection.
The requirements of this document do not apply to visors intended for use without a helmet. Such requirements are given in EN 166.
Visors with corrective effect are excluded from the scope of this document.

  • Standard
    31 pages
    English language
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This European Standard applies to eye-protectors used for protection against accidental exposure to laser radiation as defined in EN 60825-1:2007 in the spectral range 180 nm (0,18 μm) to 1 000 μm. It defines the requirements, test methods and marking. A guide is given in Annex B for the selection and use of laser eye-protectors.

  • Corrigendum
    2 pages
    English language
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