IEC TR 63515:2025 provides a conceptual framework for power system resilience. It covers the definition, evaluation metrics and methods, improvement strategies and uses cases of power system resilience. This document is applicable to developing resilient power system and implementing resilience improvement strategies.
This document is not exhaustive, and it is possible to consider other aspects, such as different application scenarios, evaluation methods, and improvement measures.

  • Technical report
    39 pages
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IEC TR 63411:2025 discusses the challenges of connecting offshore wind farms via VSC-HVDC, key technical issues and emerging technologies. The potential solutions include new technologies, methods and practices to provide more flexibility and improve the efficiency of power systems. The primary objective of this document is to provide a comprehensive overview of challenges, potential solutions, and emerging technologies for grid integration of large-scale offshore wind farms via VSC-HVDC. It is expected that this document can also provide guidance for further standardization on relevant issues. The purpose of this document is not intended to hinder any further development of state-of-art technologies in this field. This Technical report is not an exhaustive document in itself to specify any scope of work or similar, between a purchaser and a supplier, for any contractual delivery of a HVDC project/equipment. It is expected that this document is used for pre-study and then to make studies, specification for delivery of specific HVDC project, as applicable.

  • Technical report
    72 pages
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IEC TS 63276:2024 specifies methods for the evaluation of the maximum export capacity of distributed energy resources (DER) that distribution networks can accommodate. It provides guidance on the technical constraints that should be considered in evaluating hosting capacity, information required to be collected to undertake a hosting capacity evaluation, and evaluation methods. This document is applicable to AC distribution networks operating at a nominal frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
This document does not specify allowable values of system parameters that can be impacted by the addition of DER on a distribution network, such as maximum or minimum voltage, maximum current, etc. These values are to be determined by the user, from international or national standards, local regulations or the like, and used as an input to the evaluation methods described in this document. This document is mainly used by distribution system operators (DSO) and other organizations with corresponding qualifications and capabilities. The evaluation results can serve the DER investors, DSO, energy sector regulators and other stakeholders as a decision-making basis.

  • Technical specification
    30 pages
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IEC TR 63282:2024, which is a technical report, collects information and report experience for the standardization of voltage levels and related aspects (power quality, EMC, measurement, etc.) for LVDC systems (systems with nominal voltage up to and including 1 500 V DC).
Rationale for the proposed voltage values is given. Variation of parameters for the voltage (power quality) for their boundaries are defined. Nevertheless, some of the technical items are not exhaustively explained in this document and some gaps are identified for future work.
Attention is paid to the definition of DC voltage.
Systems in which a unipolar voltage is interrupted periodically for certain purposes, e.g. pulse voltage, are not considered.
Traction systems are excluded from this document.
This document gives technical inputs to TCs in charge of the standardization of different issues and coordinated by SyC LVDC.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2020. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Optimized terms and definitions in Clause 3: DC system nominal voltage is modified. Oscillation is added. Active distribution system, passive distribution system are deleted.
b) Modified the definition of voltage bands: In Clause 5, the definition of voltage limits in voltage bands is added, from U1 to U6. The definition of voltage bands, from B4 to B7, is modified.
c) Distinguished the difference between oscillation and power quality phenomenon: In Clause 3, the definition of oscillation is added based on IEV 103-05-04. In 6.3, relationship between oscillation and power quality is clarified. Annex B gives a LDC oscillation typical example which has really happened in a MV&LVDC system in China.
d) Modified the recommended voltage for distribution DC network: The factors considered in voltage values definition is clarified. And the voltage is divided in two domains, distribution domain and installation domain. The voltage recommendation in LVDC is listed corresponding to voltage bands.
e) Modified the voltage immunity level assessment: It is mentioned in 7.2 that the assessment of voltage immunity levels of mass LVDC power electronic devices need to be further discussed, ripple as an example is introduced.
f) Added DC power quality measurement methods: In 7.3, DC power quality measurement methods is introduced based on AC methodologies. And some additional DC power quality indices are recommended to assess the DC system. DC electric power and power quality measurement methods are introduced in 7.4, defining the electric value integration time and frequency ranges. Typical electric power and power quality computation methods are modified in Annex D.
g) Added an annex on MVDC system: A use case of a typical MV&LVDC distribution system is added in Annex F, to support developments of TS of 8A and 8B on DC microgrids.
h) Added an annex on CurrentOS voltage level: The voltage level applied in CurrentOS is introduced in Annex L to give more information on the LVDC voltage level recommendation.

  • Technical report
    96 pages
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IEC TS 63222-3:2024 is intended to provide provisions regarding recognized engineering practices applicable to assess the user’s characteristics in power quality predicted assessment. It summarizes the best practice in non-linear, unbalanced, impact and fluctuating loads or generations modelling for power quality disturbance anticipation in public power systems at the planning stage.
This document focuses on frequency-domain modelling for AC power quality analysis in electric power networks, typically in the range up to the 50th harmonic (2,5 kHz in 50 Hz systems or 3 kHz in 60 Hz systems). Unbalance is analyzed in three-phase systems and only negative sequence component is considered. The approach and modelling guidelines provided are valid on the representation of user installations connected to power systems acting as sources of disturbance. Modelling of the network elements is out of the scope of the document.
These guidelines will be valuable in the definition of power quality performance specifications for user equipment. They will also assist users when modelling their installation to assess or demonstrate compliance with the emission limits provided by the system owner/operator and to investigate and specify mitigation measures.

  • Technical specification
    37 pages
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IEC TS 62898-3-2:2024 provides technical requirements for the operation of energy management systems of microgrids. This document applies to utility-interconnected or islanded microgrids. This document describes specific recommendations for low-voltage (LV) and medium-voltage (MV) systems.
This document focuses on developing standards of energy management systems aimed for microgrids integrated in decentralized energy systems or public distribution grids. It concerns some particularities that are not totally covered by the existing conventional energy system. The microgrid energy management systems are being studied by various actors (utilities, manufacturers, and energy providers) on actual demonstration projects and application use case. The aims of this document are to make the state of the art of existing energy management systems used in actual microgrids projects, to classify the relevant functions which can be accomplished by microgrid energy management systems, and to recommend necessary technical requirements for energy management systems of future microgrids.
This document includes the following items:
• main performances of key components of microgrid: decentralized energy resources, energy storages and controllable loads),
• description of main functions and topological blocks of microgrid energy management systems (MEMS),
• specification of information exchange protocol between main function blocks, linked to microgrid monitoring and control systems (MMCS).
Main functions of MEMS:
• power and energy management among different resources within microgrid including active and reactive power flows with different time scales,
• power and energy forecasts of microgrid,
• energy balancing between upstream grid and microgrid energy resources according to power and energy forecast and upstream and local constraints,
• economic and environmental optimization,
• possible service capacities such as capacity market auctions and resiliency anticipation: new business models,
• data archiving, trending, reporting and evaluation of operation capacities in various operation modes.
MEMS can have some other additional functions according to microgrid size and actual application cases:
• tariff and market trading management,
• utility ancillary services such as frequency regulation, voltage regulation, power quality and reliability improvement, demand response possibilities, change of operation modes linked to MMCS.

  • Technical specification
    70 pages
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IEC TR 63401-3:2023, which is a Technical Report, provides an insight into the various forms of fast frequency response and frequency ride-through techniques that involve inverter-based generation sources (mainly wind and PV) in a bulk electrical system.
This document first focuses on extracting the clear definition of FFR from different references around the world, while studying the mechanism of FFR acting on system frequency and the unique features of FFR. It then compares various kinds of frequency response and demonstrates the relationship among synchronous inertia response, fast frequency response, and primary frequency response. Several system needs and conditions where FFR is suitable are identified. This document also focuses on the performance objectives, practicality and capabilities of various non-synchronous resources, and discusses the test methods for verifying FFR capability at different levels. Finally, it focuses on the ROCOF issues and on the robust performances of FFR. .

  • Technical report
    78 pages
    English language
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IEC TS 62786-1:2023, which is a Technical Specification, provides principles and general technical requirements for distributed energy resources (DER) connected to an electric power network (in the following: the "network"). It applies to the planning, design, operation and connection of DER to networks. It includes general requirements, connection scheme, choice of switchgear, normal operating range, immunity to disturbances, active power response to frequency deviations, reactive power response to voltage changes, EMC and power quality, interface protection, connection and start to generate electrical power, active power management, monitoring, control and communication, and conformance tests.
It is supplemented by additional parts of IEC 62786 series, covering specific aspects.
This document specifies interface and interoperability requirements for connection of DER to a network operating at a nominal frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz. These requirements are intended for application at the point of connection (POC) of the DER to the grid. In some situations, the requirements can be the applied at the AC terminals of the generator. Additional parts of IEC 62786 provide more specific requirements.
DER include distributed generation and electrical energy storage in the form of synchronous generators, asynchronous generators, power converters, etc., connected to the medium voltage (MV) or low voltage (LV) network.

  • Technical specification
    47 pages
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IEC TS 62786-3:2023, which is a Technical Specification, provides principles and technical requirements for interconnection of distributed Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) to the distribution network. It applies to the design, operation and testing of BESS interconnected to distribution networks. It includes the additional requirements for BESS, such as connection scheme, choice of switchgear, normal operating range, immunity to disturbance, active power response to frequency deviation, reactive power response to voltage variations and voltage changes, EMC and power quality, interface protection, connection and start to generate electric power, active power management, monitoring, control and communication, and grid-connected tests.
The stationary BESSs considered within the scope of this document include electrical forms such as lead-acid, lithium-ion, liquid flow and sodium-sulfur batteries, interconnected to medium voltage (MV) or low voltage (LV) distribution networks via bidirectional DC to AC power converters. This document will specify active and reactive power response and grid-connected testing for distributed BESS, as a supplement for IEC TS 62786-1:2023.
This document specifies interface requirements for connection of distributed BESS with the distribution network operating at a nominal frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz.

  • Technical specification
    24 pages
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  • Technical specification
    6 pages
    English language
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IEC TS 62898-3-1:2020(E) provides guidelines for the specification of fault protection and dynamic control in microgrids. Protection and dynamic control in a microgrid are intended to ensure safe and stable operation of the microgrid under fault and disturbance conditions.
This document applies to AC microgrids comprising single or three-phase networks or both. It includes both isolated microgrids and non-isolated microgrids with a single point of connection (POC) to the upstream distribution network. It does not apply to microgrids with two or more points of connection to the upstream distribution network, although such systems can follow the guidelines given in this document. This document applies to microgrids operating at LV or MV or both. DC and hybrid AC/DC microgrids are excluded from the scope, due to the particular characteristics of DC systems (extremely large fault currents and the absence of naturally occurring current zero crossings).
This document defines the principles of protection and dynamic control for microgrids, general technical requirements, and specific technical requirements of fault protection and dynamic control. It addresses new challenges in microgrid protection requirements, transient disturbance control and dynamic disturbance control requirements for microgrids. It focuses on the differences between conventional power system protection and new possible solutions for microgrid protection functions.
Depending on specific situations, additional or stricter requirements can be defined by the microgrid operator in coordination with the distribution system operator (DSO).
This document does not cover protection and dynamic control of active distribution systems. This document does not cover product requirements for measuring relays and protection equipment.
This document does not cover safety aspects in low voltage electrical installations, which are covered by IEC 60364 (all parts and amendments related to low-voltage electrical installations). Requirements relating to low voltage microgrids can be found in IEC 60364-8-2.

  • Technical specification
    42 pages
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  • Technical specification
    87 pages
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IEC TS 62898-2:2018 provides guidelines for operation of microgrids. Microgrids considered in this document are alternating current (AC) electrical systems with loads and distributed energy resources (DER) at low or medium voltage level. This document does not cover direct current (DC) microgrids.
IEC TS 62898-2 applies to operation and control of microgrids, including:
• operation modes and mode transfer;
• energy management system (EMS) and control of microgrids;
• communication and monitoring procedures;
• electrical energy storage;
• protection principle covering: principle for non-isolated microgrid, isolated microgrid, anti-islanding, synchronization and reclosing, power quality;
• commissioning, maintenance and test.

  • Technical specification
    38 pages
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  • Technical specification
    77 pages
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IEC TS 63189-2:2023 is applicable to virtual power plants (VPPs) that consist of distributed generation, controllable loads, and electrical energy storages.
This part of IEC 63189 is to provide VPPs use cases that capture the basic information, business roles, actors, scenarios, and processes.

  • Technical specification
    72 pages
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IEC TS 63222-2:2023 defines technical requirements for designing a power quality monitoring system for public power supply networks. It is applicable for LV, MV and HV public power supply networks.
The design procedure of a power quality monitoring system (PQMS) generally includes the following four steps:
• Step 1: purpose and application analysis: Analyse power quality monitoring (PQM) demand and define the purpose of PQM.
• Step 2: preliminary study: Collect background information such as network configuration, the parameters of instrument transformers, e.g. the output levels and performance capabilities, attributes of loads or distributed generations (DG), communication conditions, budgets, and other restrictive conditions, and select the parameters to be monitored and monitoring sites according to corresponding principles.
• Step 3: system structure design: Design the overall structure of the monitoring system according to the monitoring purpose based on the analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of various system structures.
• Step 4: detailed design of functional modules: Design the function modules of data collection, communication, data storage, data processing and analysis in detail according to the functional requirements.
This document defines the main purposes of PQM and gives recommendations for preliminary study, such as how to select monitoring sites and monitoring parameters and whether the instrument transformer is suitable for monitoring. This document also classifies the PQMS structure and specifies the functional requirements of the modules such as data collection, communication, data storage, data processing and analysis.

  • Technical specification
    26 pages
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IEC TS 63189-1:2023 covers the terms and definitions, system composition and control modes of virtual power plant (VPP). It defines the functional requirements for VPPs, including power generation forecasting, load forecasting, generation and consumption scheduling, control and management of energy storage devices and loads, coordinated optimization of distributed energy resources, status monitoring and communication, data collection and analysis, and market transactions.
Since a virtual power plant is a cluster of dispersed energy converting installations, which are aggregated, it uses additional systems to achieve its objectives (e.g. regional energy meteorology forecasting, site specific energy management systems, SCADA and other communication systems).
Local regulations, the electricity market model and the corresponding manner of organising the market related to the utilisation of controllable DER affect the management, control and operation of VPPs.

  • Technical specification
    24 pages
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IEC TS 62898-1:2017(E) provides guidelines for microgrid projects planning and specification. Microgrids considered in this document are alternating current (AC) electrical systems with loads and distributed energy resources (DER) at low or medium voltage level. This document does not cover direct current (DC) microgrids.
Microgrids are classified into isolated microgrids and non-isolated microgrids. Isolated microgrids have no electrical connection to a wider electric power system. Non-isolated microgrids can act as controllable units to the electric power system and can operate in the following two modes:
- grid-connected mode;
- island mode.
This document will cover the following areas:
- microgrid application, resource analysis, generation forecast, and load forecast;
- DER planning and microgrid power system planning;
- high level technical requirements for DER in microgrids, for microgrid connection to the distribution system, and for control, protection and communication systems;
- evaluation of microgrid projects.

  • Technical specification
    33 pages
    English language
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  • Technical specification
    78 pages
    English language
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IEC TR 63222-100:2023, which is a Technical Report, collects relevant information on power quality impacts from, e.g., CIGRE reports, case studies, research findings, etc., in order to uncover the mechanisms of how electrical equipment/installations/system are impacted by power quality disturbances, as well as to fully understand the guidelines for power quality management. The contents of this document aim to help network operators, network users and equipment suppliers make rational investments and actively cooperate to manage power quality and keep it consistent with relevant EMC standards.

  • Technical report
    95 pages
    English language
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IEC TS 62898-3-4:2023 provides technical requirements for the monitoring and control of microgrids. This document applies to non-isolated or isolated microgrids integrated with distributed energy resources. This document describes the specific recommendations for low-voltage (LV) and medium-voltage (MV) microgrids.
This document focuses on standardization of the architecture, functions, and operation of microgrid monitoring and control systems (MMCS). It teases out the general functions of MMCS and provides technical requirements for MMCS. This document includes the following aspects of MMCS:
• system architecture,
• information exchange with other devices/functions in microgrid,
• performance requirement,
• main function descriptions.

  • Technical specification
    40 pages
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IEC TS 62898-3-3:2023 deals with frequency and voltage stabilization of AC microgrids by dispatchable loads, which react autonomously on variations of frequency and voltage with a change in active power consumption. Both 50 Hz and 60 Hz electric power systems are covered. This document gives requirements to emulate the self-regulation effect of loads including synthetic inertia.
The loads recommended for this approach are noncritical loads, this means their power modulation will not significantly affect the user as some kind of energy storage is involved which effectively decouples end energy use from the electricity supply by the electric network. The self-regulation of loads is beneficial both in island mode and grid-connected mode. This document gives the details of the self-regulation behaviour but does not stipulate which loads shall participate in this approach as an optional function.
This document covers both continuously controllable loads with droop control and ON/OFF switchable loads with staged settings. The scope of this document is limited to loads connected to the voltage level up to 35 kV. Reactive power for voltage stabilization and DC microgrids are excluded in this document.

  • Technical specification
    49 pages
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IEC TS 62786-41:2023 (E), which is a Technical Specification, defines minimum requirements for frequency and rate of change of frequency measurements used to control distributed energy resources (DER) and loads connected to electrical power networks.
This document specifies the characteristics of frequency and rate of change of frequency measurements to evaluate their performances. It describes the main use cases of frequency and rate of change of frequency measurements, with associated level of performances. It describes the principle of functional tests to evaluate the specified characteristics and defines the influencing factors that affect these performances, under steady state or dynamic conditions.
This document defines the functional requirements applicable to frequency and rate of change of frequency measurements which can be inside or outside the DER or loads. In the case of DER, this document provides requirements additional to those which are defined in the other parts of IEC 62786 or standards produced by the relevant IEC technical committees (e.g. TC 82 for photovoltaic systems, TC 88 for wind systems, TC 120 for electrical energy storage systems (EES)).
This document is applicable to DER and loads regardless of the voltage level of the point of connection to the grid.
This document does not specify hardware, software or a method for frequency or rate of change of frequency measurement. It does not specify tests linked to environmental conditions associated with hardware devices (climatic, electromagnetic disturbances above 3 kHz, mechanical stress, etc.).
Frequency and rate of change of frequency measurements associated with time stamping are not in the scope of this document. These measurements are already covered by IEC 60255 118 1.
Frequency and rate of change of frequency measurements associated with protection functions or protection relays are not in the scope of this document. These requirements are already covered by IEC 60255-181.

  • Technical specification
    105 pages
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IEC TR 62898-4:2023 which is a technical report, provides a set of use cases related to microgrids, as a form of "decentralized energy system". Decentralized energy systems are small energy systems containing loads and distributed energy resources (generation, storage) with decentralized management for energy supply. This document completes the SC 8B roadmap for decentralized electrical energy systems. The goal is to explain the methodology retained on the microgrid sub-domain, which is a kind of decentralized system. This methodology, based on IEC 62913-1, describes high-level use cases (business use cases) covering the main typical usage of microgrids, and details some of them through system use cases. The proposed list of use cases is a first version, proposed for review; the goal is to cover all use cases with the same level of depth.

  • Technical report
    65 pages
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IEC TR 63410:2023, which is a Technical Report, aims to prepare a road map for categorizing Decentralized Electrical Energy Systems and identifying gaps in the existing standards relevant to Decentralized Electrical Energy Systems. The task of IEC Subcommittee 8B is to develop IEC publications enabling the development of secure, reliable and cost-effective systems with decentralized management for electrical energy supply, which are alternative, complementary or precursors to traditional large interconnected and highly centralized systems. This includes but is not limited to AC, DC, AC/DC hybrid decentralized electrical energy system, such as distributed generation, distributed energy storage, dispatchable loads, virtual power plants and electrical energy systems having interaction with multiple types of distributed energy resources.

  • Technical report
    85 pages
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IEC TS 63384-1:2023 provides guidance for power system stability control framework design. It covers the uniform use of terms and definitions, general objectives and principles for power system stability control, the classification of power system stability control, and the framework combining several types of stability controls in a coordinated and cost-effective (risk-based) manner.
In accordance with this guideline, the framework is designed to cope with disturbances of different probabilities of occurrence and impact on power system security and stability. Effective control approaches are designed to prevent or minimize the scope of future blackouts.

  • Technical specification
    15 pages
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IEC TR 63401-1:2022(E) discusses the challenges of connecting inverter-based resources to low short circuit ratio AC networks, key technical issues and emerging technologies. There are the steady-state stability issue, transient state stability issue, and oscillatory stability issue, which are the most distinct differences compared to inverter-based resources or traditional generators, and accordingly brings new challenges to operation, control, protection, etc. Therefore, technical solutions are needed. The potential solutions will include new technologies, methods and practices, in order to provide more flexibility and improve the efficiency of power systems. It is expected that this document can also provide guidance for further standardization on relevant issues

  • Technical report
    101 pages
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IEC TR 63401-4:2022 (E), which is a technical report, focuses on the fault behaviour of IBRs and performances of the existing relay protection in grids with large-scale integration of IBRs.
This document includes:
The IBR fault current requirements in present grid codes, including the requirements of active and reactive currents in positive- and negative-sequence systems during symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults.
Fault current behaviour of IBRs, including the current components in transient and fundamental frequency in different IBR topology and control schemes.
Adaptability of existing relay protection with the large-scale integration of IBRs, including the performances of distance protection, phase selector, directional relay and over-current protection.

  • Technical report
    49 pages
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IEC TR 63401-2:2022, which is a technical report, covers the "control interactions" in converter interfaced generators e.g, wind and PV with the frequency of the resulting oscillation below twice the system frequency. SSCI can be categorized into:
1) SSCI in DFIG is caused by the interaction between DFIG wind turbine converter controls and the series compensated network.
2) SSCI involving FSC (both type-4 wind turbine or PV generators) is caused by the interaction between wind turbine or solar PV's FSC controls and weak AC grid.
This technical report is organized into nine clauses. Clause 1 gives a brief introduction and highlights the scope of this document. Clause 4 presents the historical background of various types of subsynchronous oscillation (SSO) and revisits the terminologies, definitions, and classification in the context of classical SSR and emerging SSCI issues to better understand and classify the emerging interaction phenomena. Clause 5 provides the description, mechanism, and characteristics of the SSCI phenomenon in the framework of real-world incidents, including the SSCI events in the ERCOT, Guyuan, and Hami wind power systems. Clause 6 proposes two benchmark models to study the SSCI DFIG and FSC-based wind turbines or PV generators. Clause 7 gives an overview of existing and emerging modeling and stability analysis approaches to investigate the SSCI phenomenon. Clause 8 outlines various techniques to mitigate the SSCI. It discusses various SSCI mitigation schemes, such as bypassing the series capacitor, selective tripping of WTGs, generator, and plant-level damping control schemes. Clause 9 highlights the need for future works towards standardization of terms, definitions, classification, analysis methods, benchmark models, and mitigation methods.

  • Technical report
    64 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    16 pages
    English and French language
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IEC TS 63222-1:2021(E), which is a Technical Specification, is intended to provide provisions associated to the main use cases regarding recognized engineering practices applicable to power quality management in public electric power supply networks. It summarizes the operation in power quality management and investigates the current standards, for requirement of power quality assessment work, as well as to promote the development of power quality management best practices.
The power quality management domain groups use cases and associated power quality requirements common to network management, including customer support network operation, network and extension planning.
This document captures possible "common and repeated usage" of power quality management under the format of "use case". Use case implementations are given for information purpose only. This document derives the common requirement as provisions by further standardization activities, in terms of actors interacting with the given system. The interface requirement is considered for later standardization activities. The relationship of the stakeholders in power quality management, such as network operator, network user, etc., are discussed in the document.

  • Technical specification
    81 pages
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IEC 60038:2009 specifies standard voltage values which are intended to serve as preferential values for the nominal voltage of electrical supply systems, and as reference values for equipment and system design. This seventh edition supersedes the sixth edition (1993), its Amendment 1 (1994) and its Amendment 2 (1997). It constitutes a technical revision. The significant technical changes are:
- the addition of the values of 230 V (50 Hz) and 230/400 V (60 Hz) to Table 1;
- the replacement of the utilization voltage range at LV by a reference to the relevant standard and an informative annex;
- the addition of the value of 30 kV to Table 3;
- the replacement of the value of 1 050 kV by 1 100 kV in Table 5.
It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108

  • Standard
    26 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    64 pages
    English and French language
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IEC TS 63102:2021(E) highlights recommended technical methods of grid code compliance assessment for grid connection of wind and PV power plants as the basic components of grid connection evaluation. The electrical behaviour of wind and PV power plants in this technical specification includes frequency and voltage range, reactive power capability, control performance including active power based control and reactive power based control, fault ride through capability and power quality. Compliance assessment is the process of determining whether the electrical behaviour of wind and PV power plants meets specific technical requirements in grid codes or technical regulations. The assessment methods include compliance testing, compliance simulation and compliance monitoring. The input for compliance assessment includes relevant supporting documents, testing results and validated simulation models, and continuous monitoring data. The scope of this technical specification only covers assessment methods from a technical aspect; processes related to certification are not included. This technical specification is applicable to wind and PV power plants connected to the electrical power grid.

  • Technical specification
    38 pages
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IEC 62934:2021 provides terms and definitions in the subject area of grid integration of renewable energy generation. The technical issues of grid integration mainly focus on the issues caused by renewable energy generation with variable sources and/or converter based technology, such as wind power and photovoltaic power generation. Some renewable energy generations such as hydro power and biomass power with a relatively continuously available primary energy source and a rotating generator are conventional sources of generation, and are therefore not covered in this document.
The intention of this document is to answer the question "what do the words mean" and not "under what conditions do the terms apply".

  • Standard
    76 pages
    English and French language
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IEC TR 63043:2020(E), which is a technical report, describes common practices and state of the art for renewable energy power forecasting technology, including general data demands, renewable energy power forecasting methods and forecasting error evaluation. For the purposes of this document, renewable energy refers to variable renewable energy, which mainly comprises wind power and photovoltaic (PV) power – these are the focus of the document. Other variable renewable energies, like concentrating solar power, wave power and tidal power, etc., are not presented in this document, since their capacity is small, while hydro power forecasting is a significantly different field, and so not covered here.
The objects of renewable energy power forecasting can be wind turbines, or a wind farm, or a region with lots of wind farms (respectively PV systems, PV power stations and regions with high PV penetration). This document focuses on providing technical guidance concerning forecasting technologies of multiple spatial and temporal scales, probabilistic forecasting, and ramp event forecasting for wind power and PV power.
This document outlines the basic aspects of renewable energy power forecasting technology. This is the first IEC document related to renewable energy power forecasting. The contents of this document will find an application in the following potential areas:
• support the development and future research for renewable energy power forecasting technology, by showing current state of the art;
• evaluation of the forecasting performance during the design and operation of renewable energy power forecasting system;
• provide information for benchmarking renewable forecasting technologies, including methods used, data required and evaluation techniques

  • Technical report
    138 pages
    English language
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IEC TR 63282:2020(E) collects information and reports experience in order to make recommendations for the standardization of voltage levels and related aspects (power quality, EMC, measurement …) for LVDC systems (systems with voltage level lower than 1 500 V d.c.).
Rationale for the proposed voltage values are given. Variation of parameters for the voltage (power quality) and recommendation for their boundaries are defined. Nevertheless, some of the technical items are not exhaustively explained in this document and some gaps are identified for future work.
Attention is paid to the definition of DC voltage.
Systems in which a unipolar voltage is interrupted periodically for certain purposes, e.g. pulse voltage, are not considered.
Traction systems are excluded from this document

  • Technical report
    66 pages
    English language
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IEC TS 62749:2020 specifies the expected characteristics of electricity at the SUPPLY TERMINALS of public low, medium and high voltage, 50 Hz or 60 Hz, networks.
NOTE 1 The boundaries between the various voltage levels can be different for different countries/regions. In the context of this TS, the following terms for system voltage are used:
- low voltage (LV) refers to less than or equal to 1 kV;
- medium voltage (MV) refers to between 1 kV and 35 kV;
- high voltage (HV) refers to between 35 kV and 230 kV.
While power quality is related to EMC in a number of ways this document is not an EMC publication. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2015. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) minimum number of remaining data for weekly analysis,
b) improvement of the compatibility between EN 50160 and IEC TS 62749,
c) further explanation of the conception of daily sliding window,
d) further explanation of the aggregation method used for events,
e) further explanation of the relation between Power Quality and EMC,
f) addition of a new definition of mains communicating system (MCS),
g) addition of a new Annex G: Other phenomena,
h) transfer of the main content of IEC TR 62510 to IEC TS 62749.

  • Technical specification
    58 pages
    English language
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  • Technical specification
    119 pages
    English language
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IEC TS 63060:2019(E) provides guidance to develop maintenance requirements of installations and equipment in electric power networks. It is primarily meant for the operators of electric power networks, particularly those of public power supplies, including High-Voltage DC transmission (HVDC). This scope does not include:
– railway networks,
– installations of end consumer networks,
– installations for electric power generation.
Crises handling, e.g. in emergency situations, is not within the scope of this document.

  • Technical specification
    35 pages
    English language
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IEC TS 62786:2017(E) provides principles and technical requirements for distributed energy resources (DERs) connected to the distribution network. It applies to the planning, design, operation and connection of DERs to distribution networks. It includes general requirements, connection scheme, choice of switchgear, normal operating range, immunity to disturbances, active power response to frequency deviation, reactive power response to voltage variations and voltage changes, EMC and power quality, interface protection, connection and start to generate electrical power, active power management, monitoring, control and communication, and conformance tests.
This document specifies interface requirements for connection of generating plants with the distribution network operating at a nominal frequency of 50 Hz or 60 Hz.
DERs include distributed generation and permanently connected electrical energy storage in the form of synchronous generators, asynchronous generators, converters, etc., connected to the medium voltage (MV) or low voltage (LV) distribution network.

  • Technical specification
    25 pages
    English language
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IEC TS 62749:2015(E) specifies the expected characteristics of electricity at the SUPPLY TERMINALS of public low, medium and high voltage, 50 Hz or 60 Hz, networks.

  • Technical specification
    43 pages
    English language
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IEC TR 62511:2014(E) provides guidelines in planning and design of the interconnected power system (IPS) and consequently achieve the delivery of reliable supply service. The guidelines for the design of interconnected power systems within this document will enhance system reliability, mitigate many of the adverse impacts associated with the loss of a major portion of the system or unintentional separation of a major portion of the system, and will not be consequential because of normal design contingencies. In the context of this Technical Report, interconnected power system means an entity's (control area or a system operator) high-voltage transmission system that can adversely impact other connected systems due to faults and disturbances within its area. In the case of large areas, the system operator may define a subset of its area to keep the adverse impact contained within a smaller portion of its system. This Technical Report specifies the recommended techniques for securing an IPS to ensure a high level of reliability. Generally, interconnected power systems are synchronously connected or asynchronously connected through DC interconnections. This document aims to ensure that the interconnections are designed and operated consistently on both ends. The recommendations include design and operation requirements to withstand the primary contingencies specified in this document.

  • Technical report
    30 pages
    English language
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IEC 60059:1999+A1:2009 is a consolidated version and consists of the second edition (1999) and and its amendment 1 (2009). The technical content is therefore identical to the base edition and its amendment and has been prepared for user convenience. This consolidated version consists of the second edition (1999) and its amendment 1 (2009). Therefore, no need to order amendment in addition to this publication. It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.

  • Standard
    8 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60196:2009 specifies the standard frequencies. The standard frequencies are the frequencies to be adopted for single-phase and three-phase a.c. systems, for installations in ships, for a.c. traction systems, for tools and for aircraft. This standardization is limited to frequencies up to 10 000 Hz. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1965. It constitutes a technical revision. The main change is the removal of the standard frequencies for the rayon industry. It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.

  • Standard
    9 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    4 pages
    English and French language
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Applies to: a.c. transmission, distribution and utilization systems and equipment with standard frequencies 50 Hz and 60 Hz and a nominal voltage above 100 V; a.c. and d.c. traction systems; a.c. and d.c. equipment with nominal voltages below 120 V a.c. or below 750 V d.c.

  • Standard
    11 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    11 pages
    French language
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  • Standard
    21 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60059:1999 standard specifies standard current ratings for electrical devices, apparatus, instruments. This standard does not apply to current ratings of components and parts used within electrical devices or items of equipment. It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.

  • Standard
    5 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    8 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    3 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    9 pages
    English and French language
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This technical report IEC/TR 62510:2008(E) outlines the way in which electricity is now described as a product. Particularly, in Europe and several other areas, for example Brazil and Argentina, as well as in some states in the United States of America. It is, however, rather a unique product because of its intangible and transient nature. Strictly, it is a product that exists only for an instant at a given point of delivery, comes into existence at the same instant at which it is being used and is replaced immediately by a new product with rather different characteristics. Its characteristics are different at each separate point of delivery. Moreover, it is a product whose quality depends not only on the elements that go into its production, but also in the way in which it is being used at any instant by the equipment of multiple users.

  • Technical report
    10 pages
    English language
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