IEC 61000-4-2: 2025 relates to the immunity requirements and test methods for electrical and electronic equipment subjected to static electricity discharges from operators directly and from personnel to adjacent objects. It additionally specifies ranges of test levels which relate to different environmental, and installation conditions and establishes test procedures. The objective of this document is to establish a common and reproducible basis for evaluating the performance of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to electrostatic discharges. In addition, it includes electrostatic discharges which can occur from personnel to objects near the equipment. This document specifies:
- ideal waveform of the discharge current;
- range of test levels;
- test equipment;
- test setup;
- test procedure;
- calibration procedure;
- measurement uncertainty.
This document gives specifications for tests performed in laboratories and guidance to post-installation tests. This document is not intended to specify the tests to be applied to particular apparatus or systems. The main aim is to give a general basic reference to all concerned product committees. The product committees remain responsible for the appropriate choice of the tests and the severity level to be applied to their equipment. This document excludes tests intended to evaluate the ESD sensitivity of devices during handling and packaging. It is not intended for use in characterizing the performance of ESD protection circuit IEC Guide 107.
This document forms Part 4-2 of IEC 61000. It has the status of a basic EMC publication in accordance with IEC Guide 107. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2008. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) added a calibration requirement for ESD generators with air discharge tip;
b) added a normative annex for test setups for particular kind of equipment (see Annex I);
c) added an informative annex for wearable devices (see Annex J);
d) added an informative annex on how to select test points and give guidance on how to specify the number of pulses for direct contact discharges (see Annex E);
e) moved Clause 9 into a new informative annex (see Annex K);
f) improvement of the current calibration procedure;
g) improvement of the measurement uncertainty considerations with examples of uncertainty budgets;
h) because post-installation tests cannot be performed in a controlled environment, this test method has been moved into a new informative Annex G.

  • Standard
    163 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-41:2024 relates to broadband radiated disturbances generated by, for example, communication devices or services, transmitters or industrial electromagnetic sources or any other devices capable of generating such a signal.
The object of this document is to establish a common reference for evaluating the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to broadband radiated electromagnetic fields.
This document specifies testing in the frequency ranges above 80 MHz, limited only by the capabilities of commercially available test instrumentation.
It forms Part 4-41 of IEC 61000. It has the status of a basic EMC publication in accordance with IEC Guide 107.

  • Standard
    103 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-6: 2023 relates to the conducted immunity requirements of electrical and electronic equipment to electromagnetic disturbances coming from intended radio-frequency (RF) transmitters in the frequency range 150 kHz up to 80 MHz.
NOTE 1 Product committees might decide to use the methods described in this document also for frequencies up to 230 MHz (see Annex B) although the methods and test instrumentation are intended to be used in the frequency range up to 80 MHz.
Equipment not having at least one conducting wire or cable (such as mains supply, signal line or earth connection) which can couple the equipment to the disturbing RF fields is excluded from the scope of this document.
NOTE 2 Test methods are specified in this part of IEC 61000 to assess the effect that conducted disturbing signals, induced by electromagnetic radiation, have on the equipment concerned. The simulation and measurement of these conducted disturbances are not adequately exact for the quantitative determination of effects. The test methods specified are structured for the primary objective of establishing adequate repeatability of results at various facilities for quantitative analysis of effects.
The object of this document is to establish a common reference for evaluating the functional immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to conducted disturbances induced by RF fields. The test method in this document describes a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against a specified phenomenon.
NOTE 3 As described in IEC Guide 107, this document is a basic EMC publication for use by product committees of the IEC. As also stated in Guide 107, the IEC product committees are responsible for determining whether this immunity test standard should be applied or not, and if applied, they are responsible for determining the appropriate test levels and performance criteria.
This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition published in 2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) selection of injection devices revised;
b) need of AE impedance check for clamp injection removed and Annex H deleted;
c) saturation check revised;
d) new Annex H on testing with multiple signals;
e) level-setting only with feedback loop.

  • Standard
    83 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    189 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    184 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-20:2022 focuses on emission and immunity test methods for electrical and electronic equipment using various types of transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waveguides. These types include open structures (for example striplines and electromagnetic pulse simulators) and closed structures (for example TEM cells). These structures can be further classified as one-port, two-port, or multi-port TEM waveguides. The frequency range depends on the specific testing requirements and the specific TEM waveguide type. The object of this document is to describe
TEM waveguide characteristics, including typical frequency ranges and equipment-under-test (EUT) size limitations;
TEM waveguide validation methods for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) tests;
the EUT (i.e. EUT cabinet and cabling) definition;
test set-ups, procedures, and requirements for radiated emission measurements in TEM waveguides; and
test set-ups, procedures, and requirements for radiated immunity testing in TEM waveguides.
NOTE Test methods are defined in this document to measure the effects of electromagnetic radiation on equipment and the electromagnetic emissions from the equipment concerned. The simulation and measurement of electromagnetic radiation is not adequately exact for the quantitative determination of effects for all end-use installations. The test methods defined are structured for a primary objective of establishing adequate reproducibility of results at various test facilities for qualitative analysis of effects.
This document does not intend to specify the tests to be applied to any particular apparatus or system(s). The main intention of this document is to provide a general basic reference for all interested product committees of the IEC. For radiated emission measurements, product committees select emission limits and measurement methods in consultation with CISPR standards. For radiated immunity testing, product committees remain responsible for the appropriate choice of immunity tests and immunity test limits to be applied to equipment within their scope. This document describes test methods that are separate from those of IEC 61000‑4‑3.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2010. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
provide information on the testing of large EUTs (including cables);
apply the work on measurement uncertainties by adapting the work completed in CISPR and TC 77 (for emissions and immunity);
update the validation procedure for the test volume regarding field uniformity and TEM mode verification;
provide information concerning two-port and four-port TEM waveguides;
add a new informative annex (Annex I) dealing with transient TEM waveguide characterization; and
add information dealing with dielectric test stands for EUTs.

  • Standard
    229 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-3:2020 is applicable to the immunity requirements of electrical and electronic equipment to radiated electromagnetic energy. It establishes test levels and the required test procedures. The object of this document is to establish a common reference for evaluating the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to radiated, radio-frequency electromagnetic fields. The test method documented in this part of IEC 61000 describes a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against RF electromagnetic fields from RF sources not in close proximity to the EUT. The test environment is specified in Clause 6. NOTE 1 As described in IEC Guide 107, this is a basic EMC publication for use by product committees of the IEC. As also stated in Guide 107, the IEC product committees are responsible for determining whether this immunity test standard should be applied or not, and if applied, they are responsible for determining the appropriate test levels and performance criteria. TC 77 and its sub-committees are prepared to co-operate with product committees in the evaluation of the value of particular immunity tests for their products. NOTE 2 Immunity testing against RF sources in close proximity to the EUT is defined in IEC 61000-4-39. Particular considerations are devoted to the protection against radio-frequency emissions from digital radiotelephones and other RF emitting devices. NOTE 3 Test methods are defined in this part for evaluating the effect that electromagnetic radiation has on the equipment concerned. The simulation and measurement of electromagnetic radiation is not adequately exact for quantitative determination of effects. The test methods defined in this basic document have the primary objective of establishing an adequate reproducibility of testing configuration and repeatability of test results at various test facilities. This document is an independent test method. It is not possible to use other test methods as substitutes for claiming compliance with this document. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2006, Amendment 1:2007 and Amendment 2:2010. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- testing using multiple test signals has been described;
- additional information on EUT and cable layout has been added;
- the upper frequency limitation has been removed to take account of new services;
- the characterization of the field as well as the checking of power amplifier linearity of the immunity chain are specified.

  • Standard
    81 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    164 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-18: 2019 focuses on the immunity requirements and test methods for electrical and electronic equipment, under operational conditions, with regard to:
a) repetitive slow damped oscillatory waves occurring mainly in power, control and signal cables installed in high voltage and medium voltage (HV/MV) substations;
b) repetitive fast damped oscillatory waves occurring mainly in power, control and signal cables installed in gas insulated substations (GIS) and in some cases also air insulated substations (AIS) or in any installation due to high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) phenomena.
The object of this document is to establish a common and reproducible reference for evaluating the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to damped oscillatory waves on supply, signal, control and earth ports. The test method documented in this part of IEC 61000 describes a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against a defined phenomenon. NOTE As described in IEC Guide 107, this is a basic EMC publication for use by product committees of the IEC. As also stated in Guide 107, the IEC product committees are responsible for determining whether this immunity test standard is applied or not, and if applied, they are responsible for determining the appropriate test levels and performance criteria. The document defines:
test voltage and current waveforms;
ranges of test levels;
test equipment;
calibration and verification procedures of test equipment;
test setups;
test procedure.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2006 and its Amendment 1:2010. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) addition of a mathematical modelling of damped oscillatory wave waveform;
b) new Annex B on measurement uncertainty;
c) addition high speed CDN;
d) addition of calibration procedures for CDNs;
e) addition of the use of the capacitive coupling clamp on interconnection lines for fast damped oscillatory waves;
f) addition of a test procedure for DC/DC converters in case the CDN does not work;
g) new Annex C on issues relating to powering EUTs having DC/DC converters at the input.
Keywords: immunity requirements and test methods for electrical and electronic equipment
The contents of the corrigendum of August 2019 have been included in this copy.

  • Standard
    115 pages
    English and French language
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Applies to electronic direct a.c. converter systems with electrical energy storage means in the d.c. link. Ensures continuity of an alternating power source. Also includes the method of specifying all power switches that form integral parts of a UPS and are associated with its output. Included are interrupters, bypass switches, isolating switches, load transfer switches and tie switches. does not refer to cnventional mains distirbution boards, rectifier input switches or d.c. switches or UPS based on rotating machines. Defines a complete uninterruptible power system in terms of its performance and not individual UPS functional units.[
]The contents of the corrigendum of July 2003 have been included in this copy.

  • Standard
    10 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-12:2017 relates to the immunity requirements and test methods for electrical and electronic equipment, under operational conditions, to ring waves occurring in low-voltage power, control and signal lines supplied by public and non-public networks.
The object of this document is to establish a common reference for evaluating the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to ring waves. The test method documented in this part of IEC 61000 describes a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against a defined phenomenon.
It has the status of a basic EMC publication in accordance with IEC Guide 107.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) addition of a mathematical modelling of ring wave waveform;
b) new Annex B on selection of generators and test levels;
c) new Annex C on explanatory notes;
d) new Annex D on measurement uncertainty;
e) addition of high speed CDN;
f) addition of a calibration procedure for CDN.

  • Standard
    158 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    95 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-39:2017 specifies immunity requirements for electrical and electronic equipment when it is exposed to radiated electromagnetic energy from RF transmitters used in close proximity. It establishes test levels and the required test procedures. The applicable frequency range is 9 kHz to 6 GHz. It has the status of a basic EMC publication in accordance with IEC Guide 107.

  • Standard
    82 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-31:2016 relates to the conducted immunity of electrical and electronic equipment to electromagnetic disturbances coming from intended and/or unintended broadband signal sources in the frequency range 150 kHz up to 80 MHz. It has the status of a basic EMC publication in accordance with IEC Guide 107.

  • Standard
    86 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-9:2016 specifies the immunity requirements, test methods, and range of recommended test levels for equipment subjected to impulse magnetic disturbances mainly encountered in industrial installations, power plants, railway installations, and medium voltage and high voltage sub-stations. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1993 and Amendment 1:2000. This edition constitutes a technical revision.

  • Standard
    181 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    109 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-10:2016 specifies the immunity requirements, test methods, and range of recommended test levels for equipment subjected to damped oscillatory magnetic disturbances related to medium voltage and high voltage sub-stations. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1993 and Amendment 1:2000. This edition constitutes a technical revision.

  • Standard
    143 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    83 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-5:2014 relates to the immunity requirements, test methods, and range of recommended test levels for equipment with regard to unidirectional surges caused by over-voltages from switching and lightning transients. Several test levels are defined which relate to different environment and installation conditions. These requirements are developed for and are applicable to electrical and electronic equipment. The object of this standard is to establish a common reference for evaluating the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to surges. The test method documented describes a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against a defined phenomenon. This standard defines a range of:
- test levels;
- test equipment;
- test setups; and
- test procedures. The task of the described laboratory test is to find the reaction of the equipment under test (EUT) under specified operational conditions to surge voltages caused by switching and lightning effects. It is not intended to test the capability of the EUT's insulation to withstand high-voltage stress. Direct injections of lightning currents, i.e. direct lightning strikes, are not considered in this standard. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2005, and constitutes a technical revision which includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- a new Annex E on mathematical modelling of surge waveforms;
- a new Annex F on measurement uncertainty;
- a new Annex G on method of calibration of impulse measuring systems; and
- a new Annex H on coupling/decoupling surges to lines rated above 200 A. Moreover while surge test for ports connected to outside telecommunication lines was addressed in 6.2 of the second edition (IEC 61000-4-5:2005), in this third edition (IEC 61000-4-5:2014) the normative Annex A is fully dedicated to this topic. In particular it gives the specifications of the 10/700 µs combined wave generator. Keywords: electromagnetic compatibility, EMC, TC77, SC77B

  • Standard
    155 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    334 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-6:2013 relates to the conducted immunity requirements of electrical and electronic equipment to electromagnetic disturbances coming from intended radio-frequency (RF) transmitters in the frequency range 150 kHz up to 80 MHz. Equipment not having at least one conducting wire and/or cable (such as mains supply, signal line or earth connection) which can couple the equipment to the disturbing RF fields is excluded from the scope of this publication. The object of this standard is to establish a common reference for evaluating the functional immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to conducted disturbances induced by RF fields. The test method documented in IEC 61000-4-6:2013 describes a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against a defined phenomenon. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2008 and constitutes a technical revision. It includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- use of the CDNs;
- calibration of the clamps;
- reorganization of Clause 7 on test setup and injection methods;
- Annex A which is now dedicated to EM and decoupling clamps;
- Annex G which now addresses the measurement uncertainty of the voltage test level;
- and informative Annexes H, I and J which are new. The contents of the corrigendum of June 2015 have been included in this copy.

  • Standard
    168 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-4:2012 relates to the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment to repetitive electrical fast transients. It has the status of a basic EMC publication in accordance with IEC Guide 107. It gives immunity requirements and test procedures related to electrical fast transients/bursts. It additionally defines ranges of test levels and establishes test procedures. The object of this standard is to establish a common and reproducible reference in order to evaluate the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to electrical fast transient/bursts on supply, signal, control and earth ports. The test method documented in this standard describes a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against a defined phenomenon. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2004 and its amendment 1 (2010). It constitutes a technical revision which improves and clarifies simulator specifications, test criteria and test setups.

  • Standard
    140 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    87 pages
    English and French language
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Establishes a common and reproducible reference for evaluating the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to electrical fast transient/bursts on supply, signal, control and earth ports. The test method documented in this part of IEC 61000-4 describes a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against a defined phenomenon. The standard defines: - test voltage waveform; - range of test levels; - test equipment; - verification procedures of test equipment; - test set-up; - test procedure. The standard gives specifications for laboratory and post-installation tests. The contents of the corrigenda of August 2006 and June 2007 have been included in this copy.

  • Standard
    31 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    31 pages
    French language
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  • Standard
    63 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    65 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-21:2011 considers tests of immunity and intentional or unintentional emissions for electric and/or electronic equipment and tests of screening effectiveness in reverberation chambers. It establishes the required test procedures for performing such tests. Only radiated phenomena are considered. The objective of IEC 61000-4-21:2011 is to establish a common reference for using reverberation chambers to evaluate the performance of electric and electronic equipment when subjected to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields and for determining the levels of radio-frequency radiation emitted from electric and electronic equipment. IEC 61000-4-21:2011 does not intend to specify the tests to be applied to a particular apparatus or system. Its main aim is to give a general basic reference to all concerned product committees of the IEC. The product committees should select emission limits and test methods in consultation with CISPR. The product committees remain responsible for the appropriate choice of the immunity tests and the immunity test limits to be applied to their equipment. Other methods, such as those covered in IEC 61000-4-3, CISPR 16-2-3 and CISPR 16-2-4 may be used. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2003. This edition constitutes a technical revision and includes the following significant technical changes with respectto the first edition:
- In Clause 8, the use and specifications of E-field probes for application to reverberation chambers has been added.
- In Annex A, additional guidance and clarifications on the use of reverberation chambers at relatively low frequencies of operation (i.e., close to the lowest usable frequency of a given chamber) are given, and its implications on the estimation of field uncertainty are outlined.
- In Annex B, symmetric location of the field probes when the chamber exhibits cylindrical symmetry has been disallowed, as such placement could otherwise yield a false indication of field uniformity and chamber performance at different locations.
- Annex C now contains more quantitative guidance on the setting of the maximum permissible stirring speeds that warrant quasi-static conditions of operation for chamber validation and testing.
- In Annex D, a requirement for the EUT and equipment not to occupy more than 8 % of the total chamber volume in immunity testing has been added.
- Annex E has been extended with further guidance on the value of EUT directivity to be used in the estimation of radiated power and field.
- In Annex I, some clarifications on antenna efficiency measurements have been added.
- A new Annex K has been added that covers measurement uncertainty in reverberation chambers.

  • Standard
    224 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-20:2010 relates to emission and immunity test methods for electrical and electronic equipment using various types of transverse electromagnetic (TEM) waveguides. These types include open structures (for example, striplines and electromagnetic pulse simulators) and closed structures (for example, TEM cells). These structures can be further classified as one-, two-, or multi-port TEM waveguides. The frequency range depends on the specific testing requirements and the specific TEM waveguide type. The object of this standard is to describe:
- TEM waveguide characteristics, including typical frequency ranges and EUT-size limitations;
- TEM waveguide validation methods for EMC tests;
- the EUT (i.e. EUT cabinet and cabling) definition;
- test set-ups, procedures, and requirements for radiated emission testing in TEM waveguides and
- test set-ups, procedures, and requirements for radiated immunity testing in TEM waveguides.
IEC 61000-4-20:2010 does not intend to specify the tests to be applied to any particular apparatus or system(s). The main intention of this standard is to provide a general basic reference for all interested product committees of the IEC. For radiated emissions testing, product committees should select emission limits and test methods in consultation with CISPR standards. For radiated immunity testing, product committees remain responsible for the appropriate choice of immunity tests and immunity test limits to be applied to equipment within their scope. This standard describes test methods that are separate from those of IEC 61000-4-3. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2003 and its amendment 1 (2006), and constitutes a technical revision. It has the status of a basic EMC publication in accordance with IEC Guide 107. The main changes with respect to the first edition of this standard and its amendment are the following:
- consistency of terms (e.g. test, measurement, etc.) has been improved;
- clauses covering test considerations, evaluations and the test report have been added;
- references to large TEM waveguides have been eliminated;
- a new informative annex has been added to deal with calibration of E-field probes.

  • Standard
    151 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-3:2006+A1:2007+A2:2010 is applicable to the immunity requirements of electrical and electronic equipment to radiated electromagnetic energy. It establishes test levels and the required test procedures. The object of this standard is to establish a common reference for evaluating the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to radiated, radio-frequency electromagnetic fields. The test method documented in this part of IEC 61000 describes a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against a defined phenomenon. This part deals with immunity tests related to the protection against RF electromagnetic fields from any source. Particular considerations are devoted to the protection against radio-frequency emissions from digital radiotelephones and other RF emitting devices. It has the status of a basic EMC publication. This consolidated version consists of the third edition (2006), its amendment 1 (2007) and its amendment 2 (2010). Therefore, no need to order amendments in addition to this publication.

  • Standard
    150 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-2:2008 relates to the immunity requirements and test methods for electrical and electronic equipment subjected to static electricity discharges, from operators directly, and from personnel to adjacent objects. It additionally defines ranges of test levels which relate to different environmental and installation conditions and establishes test procedures. The object of IEC 61000-4-2:2008 is to establish a common and reproducible basis for evaluating the performance of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to electrostatic discharges. In addition, it includes electrostatic discharges which may occur frompersonnel to objects near vital equipment. IEC 61000-4-2:2008 defines typical waveform of the discharge current, range of test levels, test equipment, test setup, test procedure, calibration procedure and measurement uncertainty. IEC 61000-4-2:2008 gives specifications for test performed in ;laboratories; and ;post-installation tests; performed on equipment in the final installation. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1995, its amendment 1 (1998) and its amendment 2 (2000) and constitutes a technical revision. It has the status of a basic EMC publication in accordance with IEC Guide 107. The main changes with respect to the first edition of this standard and its amendments are the following:
- the specifications of the target have been extended up to 4 GHz. An example of target matching these requirements is also provided;
- information on radiated fields from human-metal discharge and from ESD generators is provided;
- measurement uncertainty considerations with examples of uncertainty budgets are given too.

  • Standard
    129 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-6:2008 relates to the conducted immunity requirements of electrical and electronic equipment to electromagnetic disturbances coming from intended radio-frequency (RF) transmitters in the frequency range 9 kHz up to 80 MHz. Equipment not having at least one conducting cable (such as mains supply, signal line or earth connection) which can couple the equipment to the disturbing RF fields is excluded. The object of IEC 61000-4-6:2008 is to establish a common reference for evaluating the functional immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to conducted disturbances induced by radio-frequency fields. The test method documented in this part of IEC 61000 describes a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against a defined phenomenon. IEC 61000-4-6:2008 has the status of a basic EMC publication in accordance with IEC Guide 107. This third edition of IEC 61000-4-6:2008 cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2003, Amendment 1 (2004) and Amendment 2 (2006). This edition cons titutes a technical revision.

  • Standard
    115 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    230 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-3:2006 is applicable to the immunity requirements of electrical and electronic equipment to radiated electromagnetic energy. It establishes test levels and the required test procedures. The object of this standard is to establish a common reference for evaluating the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to radiated, radio-frequency electromagnetic fields. The test method documented in this part of IEC 61000 describes a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against a defined phenomenon. This part deals with immunity tests related to the protection against RF electromagnetic fields from any source. Particular considerations are devoted to the protection against radio-frequency emissions from digital radiotelephones and other RF emitting devices. This standard is an independent test method. Other test methods may not be used as substitutes for claiming compliance with this standard. This consolidated version consists of the third edition (2006) and its amendment 1 (2007). Therefore, no need to order amendment in addition to this publication. It has the status of a basic EMC publication in accordance with IEC Guide 107.

  • Standard
    142 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    4 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    4 pages
    French language
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  • Standard
    7 pages
    English and French language
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This part of IEC 61000-4 relates to the immunity requirements and test methods for electrical and electronic equipment, under operational conditions, with regard to: a) repetitive damped oscillatory waves occurring mainly in power, control and signal cables installed in high voltage and medium voltage (HV/MV) substations; b) repetitive damped oscillatory waves occurring mainly in power, control and signal cables installed in gas insulated substations (GIS) and in some cases also air insulated substations (AIS) or in any installation due to HEMP phenomena. The object of this basic standard is to establish the immunity requirements and a common reference for evaluating in a laboratory the performance of electrical and electronic equipment intended for residential, commercial and industrial applications, as well as of equipment intended for power stations and substations, as applicable. The purpose of this standard is to define: - test voltage and current waveforms; - ranges of test levels; - test equipment; - test setup; - test procedure. The object of this standard is to establish a common reference for evaluating the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to damped oscillatory waves. The test method documented in this part of IEC 61000 describes a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against a defined phenomenon. It has the status of a basic EMC publication in accordance with IEC Guide 107.

  • Standard
    71 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    71 pages
    English and French language
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This part of IEC 61000 relates to the immunity requirements and test methods for electrical and electronic equipment, under operational conditions, to non-repetitive damped oscillatory transients (ring waves) occurring in low-voltage power, control and signal lines supplied by public and non-public networks. The object of this basic standard is to establish the immunity requirements and a common reference for evaluating in a laboratory the performance of electrical and electronic equipment intended for residential, commercial and industrial applications, as well as of equipment intended for power stations and substations, as applicable. The purpose of this standard is to define: - test voltage and current waveforms; - ranges of test levels; - test equipment; - test set-up; - test procedure.

  • Standard
    63 pages
    English and French language
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This part of IEC 61000-4 relates to the conducted immunity requirements of electrical and electronic equipment to electromagnetic disturbances coming from intended radio-frequency (RF) transmitters in the frequency range 9 kHz up to 80 MHz. Equipment not having at least one conducting cable (such as mains supply, signal line or earth connection) which can couple the equipment to the disturbing RF fields is excluded. The object of this standard is to establish a common reference for evaluating the functional immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to conducted disturbances induced by radio-frequency fields. The test method documented in this part of IEC 61000 describes a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against a defined phenomenon. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1996 and its amendment 1 (2000), and constitutes a technical revision.

  • Standard
    47 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    50 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    50 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    47 pages
    French language
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  • Standard
    50 pages
    French language
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  • Standard
    50 pages
    French language
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  • Standard
    93 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    99 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    99 pages
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    3 pages
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    3 pages
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  • Standard
    3 pages
    English and French language
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Is applicable to the immunity requirements of electrical and electronic equipment to radiated electromagnetic energy. It establishes test levels and the required test procedures. The object of this standard is to establish a common reference for evaluating the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to radiated, radio-frequency electromagnetic fields. The test method documented in this part of IEC 61000 describes a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against a defined phenomenon. This part deals with immunity tests related to the protection against RF electromagnetic fields from any source. Particular considerations are devoted to the protection against radio-frequency emissions from digital radiotelephones and other RF emitting devices. It has the status of a basic EMC publication.

  • Standard
    111 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    142 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    150 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61000-4-5:2005 relates to the immunity requirements, test methods, and range of recommended test levels for equipment to unidirectional surges caused by overvoltages from switching and lightning transients. Several test levels are defined which relate to different environment and installation conditions. These requirements are developed for and are applicable to electrical and electronic equipment. The object of this standard is to establish a common reference for evaluating the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to surges. The test method documented in this part of IEC 61000 describes a consistent method to assess the immunity of an equipment or system against a defined phenomenon. This standard defines:
- a range of test levels;
- test equipment;
- test setups;
- test procedures.
The task of the described laboratory test is to find the reaction of the EUT under specified operational conditions, to surge voltages caused by switching and lightning effects at certain threat levels. It is not intended to test the capability of the EUT's insulation to withstand high-voltage stress. Direct injections of lightning currents, i.e, direct lightning strikes, are not considered in this standard. It has the status of a basic EMC publication in accordance with IEC Guide 107.
The contents of the corrigendum of October 2009 have been included in this copy.

  • Standard
    48 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    48 pages
    French language
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  • Standard
    95 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    5 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    5 pages
    French language
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  • Standard
    9 pages
    English and French language
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Applies to the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment to radiated electromagnetic energy. Establishes test levels and the required test procedures. Establishes a common reference for evaluating the performance of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields.

  • Standard
    54 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    54 pages
    French language
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  • Standard
    91 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    107 pages
    English and French language
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Subclause 8.1.1 (Climatic conditions) and clause 9 (Evaluation of test results) have been amended. Contains a new clause 10 (Test report).

  • Standard
    5 pages
    English and French language
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Introduces additional requirements for the calibration of the fast transient/ burst generator. The intention is to improve the reproducibility of the test.

  • Standard
    4 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    4 pages
    French language
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  • Standard
    7 pages
    English and French language
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Subclause 8.1 (Climatic conditions) and clause 9 (Evaluation of test results) have been amended. Contains a new clause 10 (Test report).

  • Standard
    5 pages
    English and French language
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Subclause 8.1.1 (Climatic conditions) and clause 9 (Evaluation of test results) have been amended. Contains a new clause 10 (Test report).

  • Standard
    5 pages
    English and French language
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Relates to the conducted immunity requirements of electrical and electronic equipment to electromagnetic disturbances coming from intended radio-frequency (RF) transmitters in the frequency range 9 kHz up to 80 MHz. Equipment not having at least one conducting cable (such as mains supply, signal line or earth connection), which can couple the equipment to the disturbing RF fields is excluded. This standard does not intend to specify the tests to be applied to particular apparatus or systems. Its main aim is to give a general basic reference to all concerned product committes of the IEC. The product committees (or users and manufacturers of equipment) remain responsible for the appropriate choice of the test and the severity level to be applied to their equipment. The contents of the corrigendum of September 1996 have been included in this copy.

  • Standard
    10 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    85 pages
    English and French language
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Relates to the immunity requirements, test methods, and range of recommended test levels for equipment to unidirectional surges caused by overvoltages from switching and lightning transients. Several test levels are defined which relate to different environment and installation conditions. These requirements are developed for and are applicable to electrical and electronic equipment. Establishes a common reference for evaluating the performance of equipment when subjected to high-energy disturbances on the power and inter-connection lines.

  • Standard
    39 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    39 pages
    French language
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  • Standard
    1 page
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    77 pages
    English and French language
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This publication is based on IEC 60801-2 (second edition: 1991). It relates to the immunity requirements and test methods for electrical and electronic equipment subjected to static electricity discharges, from operators directly, and to adjacent objects. It additionally defines ranges of test levels which relate to different environmental and installation conditions and establishes test procedures. The object of this standard is to establish a common and reproducible basis for evaluating the performance of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to electrostatic discharges. In addition, it includes electrostatic discharges which may occur from personnel to objects near vital equipment.

  • Standard
    38 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    38 pages
    French language
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  • Standard
    69 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    75 pages
    English and French language
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Applies to the immunity of electrical and electronic equipment to radiated electromagnetic energy. Establishes test levels and the required test procedures. Establishes a common reference for evaluating the performance of electrical and electronic equipment when subjected to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields.

  • Standard
    73 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    77 pages
    English and French language
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