Package has 4 documents
ISO 3864 - Graphical Symbols Package
ISO 3864-1, ISO 3864-2, ISO 3864-3 And ISO 3864-4
The Graphical Symbols - Safety Colours and Safety Signs Package provides the users with the design principles for product safety labels, safety signs in work / public places and graphical symbols for use in safety signs. The package also identifies the purpose, colors, hazard severity panel, signal words, types / layout of product safety labels and safety signs plus so much more. This collection contains the following ISO documents:
- ISO 3864-1:2011
- ISO 3864-2:2016
- ISO 3864-3:2012
- ISO 3864-4:2011.
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Package has 4 documents
General Information
ISO 3864-1:2011 - Graphical symbols -- Safety colours and safety signs
English language
17 pages
ISO 3864-2:2016 - Graphical symbols -- Safety colours and safety signs
English language
19 pages
ISO 3864-3:2012 - Graphical symbols -- Safety colours and safety signs
English language
30 pages
ISO 3864-4:2011 - Graphical symbols -- Safety colours and safety signs
English language
23 pages