Sustainability of construction works - Data quality for environmental assessment of products and construction work - Selection and use of data

This document supports the data quality assessment and selection of data for product-level Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) according to the core product category rules of EN 15804 and for the environmental performance assessment of buildings according to prEN 15978 1 in a consistent way. It can also be used to assess and select data for the environmental assessment of civil engineering works according to EN 17472.
It defines data quality requirements with respect to temporal, technological and geographical representativeness for the data used to calculate the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) based indicator results of the EPD and for construction works when applying EPD, life cycle inventory data or other LCA based information, and generates a hierarchy to support the selection of the most appropriate data with regard to data quality. It also addresses the reporting of data quality at product and building level.

Nachhaltigkeit von Bauwerken - Datenqualität für die Erfassung der Umweltqualität von Produkten und Bauwerken - Auswahl und Anwendung von Daten

Dieses Dokument legt die einheitliche Bewertung der Datenqualität und Datenauswahl für Umweltproduktdeklarationen (EPD) entsprechend den Produktkategorie-Grundregeln nach EN 15804 und für die Bewertung der umweltbezogenen Qualität von Gebäuden nach EN 15978 fest. Es kann ebenfalls für die Bewertung und Auswahl von Daten für die Umweltbewertung von Ingenieurbauwerken nach EN 17472 angewendet werden.
Es legt Anforderungen an die Datenqualität hinsichtlich der zeitlichen, technologischen und geografischen Repräsentativität der Daten fest, welche für die Berechnung der auf der Ökobilanz (LCA, en: life cycle assessment) beruhenden Indikatorwerte der EPD und für Bauwerke bei Anwendung einer EPD, von Sachbilanz-Daten oder anderen auf der Ökobilanz basierenden Angaben verwendet werden und gibt eine Anleitung für die Erstellung einer Hierarchie, um die Auswahl der hinsichtlich der Datenqualität am besten geeigneten Daten zu unterstützen. Es behandelt außerdem die Berichterstattung über die Datenqualität auf der Produkt- und Gebäudeebene.

Contribution des ouvrages de construction au développement durable - Qualité des données pour l'évaluation environnementale des produits et des ouvrages de construction - Sélection et utilisation des données

Le présent document aide à évaluer la qualité des données et à sélectionner les données, de manière cohérente, pour les Déclarations environnementales de produits (DEP) au niveau des produits, conformément aux règles propres à la catégorie de produits de l'EN 15804, et pour l'évaluation de la performance environnementale des bâtiments, conformément au projet de norme prEN 15978 1. Il peut également être utilisé pour évaluer et sélectionner les données dans le cadre de l'évaluation environnementale des ouvrages de génie civil, conformément à l'EN 17472.
Le présent document définit les exigences relatives à la qualité des données selon leur représentativité temporelle, technologique et géographique en ce qui concerne les données servant à calculer les résultats des indicateurs ACV de la DEP et des ouvrages de construction utilisant des DEP, données d'inventaire du cycle de vie ou autres informations basées sur l'analyse du cycle de vie (ACV) et génère une hiérarchie visant à faciliter la sélection des données les plus appropriées en matière de qualité des données. Il aborde également la question de l'établissement des rapports sur la qualité des données, au niveau des produits et des bâtiments.

Trajnostnost gradbenih objektov - Kakovost podatkov za okoljsko oceno proizvodov in gradbenih del - Izbor in uporaba podatkov

Ta dokument na dosleden način podpira oceno kakovosti podatkov in izbor podatkov za okoljske deklaracije o proizvodih (EPD) na ravni proizvoda v skladu z osnovnimi pravili za kategorije proizvodov iz standarda EN 15804 ter za oceno okoljskih učinkov stavb v skladu s standardom prEN 15978-1. Uporabiti ga je mogoče tudi za presojo in izbor podatkov za okoljsko oceno gradbenih inženirskih objektov.
Določa zahteve glede kakovosti podatkov v zvezi s časovno, tehnološko in geografsko reprezentativnostjo za podatke, ki se uporabljajo za izračun rezultatov kazalnikov okoljske deklaracije o proizvodih, ki temeljijo na oceni življenjskega cikla (LCA), in za gradbene objekte pri uporabi okoljske deklaracije o proizvodih, podatkov o popisu življenjskega cikla ali drugih informacij, ki temeljijo na oceni življenjskega cikla, ter ustvarja hierarhijo za podporo izbora najprimernejših podatkov glede na njihovo kakovost. Obravnava tudi poročanje o kakovosti podatkov na ravni proizvoda in stavbe.

General Information

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6060 - Definitive text made available (DAV) - Publishing
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EN 15941:2024
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST-TP CEN/TR 15941:2011
Trajnostnost gradbenih objektov - Kakovost podatkov za okoljsko oceno
proizvodov in gradbenih del - Izbor in uporaba podatkov
Sustainability of construction works - Data quality for environmental assessment of
products and construction work - Selection and use of data
Nachhaltigkeit von Bauwerken - Datenqualität für die Erfassung der Umweltqualität von
Produkten und Bauwerken - Auswahl und Anwendung von Daten
Contribution des ouvrages de construction au développement durable - Qualité des
données pour l'évaluation environnementale des produits et des ouvrages de
construction - Sélection et utilisation des données
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 15941:2024
13.020.20 Okoljska ekonomija. Environmental economics.
Trajnostnost Sustainability
35.240.67 Uporabniške rešitve IT v IT applications in building
gradbeništvu and construction industry
91.010.99 Drugi vidiki Other aspects
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 15941
March 2024
ICS 35.240.67; 91.010.99 Supersedes CEN/TR 15941:2010
English Version
Sustainability of construction works - Data quality for
environmental assessment of products and construction
work - Selection and use of data
Contribution des ouvrages de construction au Nachhaltigkeit von Bauwerken - Datenqualität für die
développement durable - Qualité des données pour Erfassung der Umweltqualität von Produkten und
l'évaluation environnementale des produits et des Bauwerken - Auswahl und Anwendung von Daten
ouvrages de construction - Sélection et utilisation des
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 10 December 2023.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this
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This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by
translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management
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CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
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CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2024 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 15941:2024 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

prEN 15941:2023 (E)
Contents Page
European foreword . 6
1 Scope . 7
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms and definitions . 8
4 Abbreviations . 10
5 Types of data at product, building and construction works level . 10
5.1 General. 10
5.2 Sources of generic data for use at product, building and construction works level. 11
5.3 Examples of data and their uses at building and construction works level . 11
5.4 Types of EPD . 14
6 Data quality criteria and aspects for products and construction works . 17
6.1 General. 17
6.2 International Reference Life Cycle Data System data . 17
6.3 Time-related coverage . 17
6.3.1 General. 17
6.3.2 General time related criteria . 18
6.3.3 Time-related criteria for construction products and buildings . 18
6.3.4 Time related meta-data for ILCD data sets . 19
6.4 Geographical coverage . 20
6.4.1 General geography related criteria . 20
6.4.2 Geography related criteria for construction products and buildings . 21
6.4.3 Geography related meta-data for ILCD data sets. 21
6.5 Technological coverage . 22
6.5.1 General. 22
6.5.2 Technology-related criteria at product level . 22
6.5.3 Technology related criteria for data quality at building level . 22
6.5.4 Technology related meta-data for ILCD data sets . 23
6.6 Aspect of Precision . 24
6.6.1 General. 24
6.6.2 Precision related meta-data for ILCD data sets . 25
6.7 Aspect of Completeness . 25
6.7.1 General. 25
6.7.2 Aspect of Completeness at product level . 26
6.7.3 Aspect of Completeness at building level . 26
6.7.4 Completeness related meta-data for ILCD data sets . 27
6.8 Aspect of Consistency . 27
6.8.1 General. 27
6.8.2 Consistency related meta-data for ILCD data sets . 28
6.9 Sources of the data . 30
6.10 Meta-data for ILCD data sets related to Sources of data . 30
7 Data Quality at Product level . 31
7.1 Assessing Data Quality at product level . 31
7.1.1 General. 31
7.1.2 Relevant data . 31
7.1.3 Assessing data quality of average or specific data. 32
7.1.4 Assessing data quality of generic data . 33
7.1.5 Assessing data quality of the final EPD . 33
7.2 Selecting and Collecting data at product level . 33
7.2.1 General . 33
7.2.2 Selecting raw data . 34
7.2.3 Selection of specific and generic data . 36
7.3 Reporting data quality at Product Level . 39
7.3.1 General . 39
7.3.2 Reporting data quality in the project report . 39
7.3.3 Reporting data quality in the EPD . 40
7.3.4 Other data quality information in the EPD . 42
7.3.5 Providing the EPD in ILCD format . 42
8 Data quality at building level . 42
8.1 General . 42
8.2 Assessment during specific design and decision steps/stages . 43
8.3 Assessing data quality at building level . 43
8.3.1 General . 43
8.3.2 Time related . 44
8.3.3 Geography related . 44
8.3.4 Technology Related . 44
8.3.5 Completeness . 45
8.3.6 Consistency . 47
8.3.7 Plausibility . 48
8.3.8 Precision . 48
8.4 Selection of quantity data, environmental data and other information . 48
8.4.1 General . 48
8.4.2 Selecting data to describe the building . 48
8.4.3 Selection of quantity data for the building assessment . 49
8.4.4 Selection of environmental data for products and processes for the building
assessment . 50
8.5 Data quality of the assessment results of the building’s environmental performance
................................................................................................................................................................... 53
8.5.1 General . 53
8.5.2 Data quality evaluation of quantification . 53
8.5.3 Data quality evaluation during Type 1 and Type 2 Assessments . 54
8.5.4 Data quality evaluation during Type 2, Type 3 and

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