Gas-Specific Environmental Document - Guideline for incorporating within standards to minimize the environmental impact of gas infrastructure across the whole life cycle

The gas supply companies, in the widest sense of their activities (production, transport, distribution), have a long tradition in ensuring that networks and facilities are operated according to well-defined procedures. These procedures are the centrepiece of quality management systems. They are based on the general criteria of the series ISO 9000 and are currently being developed gas-specifically as EQAS (European Quality Assurance System) in CEN/TC 234 in order to adhere more efficiently to the procedures peculiar to the gas activities. Companies are more and more inclined to take into account environmental aspects, since the series ISO 14000 resulting in EMAS (Environment Management System) have a similar structure, and the measures to be taken are directly linked to the technical operations and therefore cannot be dissociated from them.
Environmental issues are expected to feature increasingly in CEN standardisation as the European Commission and its affiliated Member States press ahead with an array of proposals for potential directives. These directives are aimed at boosting the reduction of energy consumption, reducing emissions to air/water and, more generally, at forcing industry to consider any process which may have adverse impacts on the environment.
The CEN Sector Forum Gas Infrastructure (CEN/SFG_I) will take this opportunity to demonstrate through EQAS, the effectiveness of gas companies in this area who are continuously looking for the best technologies (although natural gas is by nature an environmentally friendly energy in comparison with other fossil fuels).
Environmental guides are other tools which CEN has introduced through its Technical Board Resolution C108/2000, by requesting the sector forums and their attached Technical Committees to implement the European Commission policy regarding standardisation.
This Technical Report, intended to be used when drafting or reviewing the standards of CEN/TC 234, does not claim to either lay down dedicated requirements for each operation described in each standard nor to set limit values (e.g. emissions) that would be the specific task of the experts in the working group concerned.
Rather, it serves the purpose of triggering an in-depth reflection on the environmental consequences whenever an operative action is planned or being executed. As a way of implementing the basic scheme it was agreed to accommodate the environmental indicators (EIs marked a to i) in the fields of Table 1 (numbered 1 to 49) which match operations/processes with installation/plant. For each field of the Table referenced then by a number and letters, the corresponding requirements are precisely described in Table 2 "Gas-specific Environmental Requirements".

Gasspezifisches Umweltdokument - Leitfaden, der die Aufnahme von Empfehlungen in Normen beschreibt, welche die Umweltauswirkungen der Gasinfrastruktur über den gesamten Lebenszyklus vermindern

Document environnemental spécifique au gaz - Lignes directrices à incorporer dans les normes afin de réduire l'impact environnemental des infrastructures gazières lors de leur cycle de vie

Les compagnies d'approvisionnement en gaz, au sens large de leurs activités (production, transport, distribution) ont une longue tradition garantissant que les réseaux et les installations sont exploités selon des procédures bien définies. Ces procédures sont au cœur des systèmes de gestion de la qualité. Elles sont basées sur les critères généraux de la série ISO 9000 et sont actuellement développées spécifiquement pour le gaz comme EQAS (Système européen d'assurance qualité) au sein du CEN/TC 234 afin de respecter plus efficacement les procédures propres à l'activité gaz. Les compagnies sont de plus en plus enclines à prendre en compte les aspects environnementaux, puisque la série ISO 14000 aboutissant à l'EMAS (Système de Management Environnemental). Comme la série et le système ont tous les deux une structure similaire, les mesures à prendre sont directement liées à l'exploitation technique et ne peuvent donc être dissociées entre elles.
Les questions environnementales devraient figurer de plus en plus dans la normalisation CEN car la Commission Européenne et ses États membres affiliés font pression en amont avec une collection de propositions de directives. Ces directives visent à stimuler la réduction de la consommation d'énergie, la réduction des émissions dans l'air/l’eau et d'une manière générale obligent l'industrie à étudier un processus qui peut avoir des impacts négatifs sur l'environnement.
Le Secteur Forum Gaz infrastructures du CEN (CEN/SFG_I) va profiter de cette occasion pour démontrer par EQAS l'efficacité des compagnies gazières qui sont dans cette région continuellement à la recherche de la meilleure des technologies (bien que le gaz naturel soit, par nature, une énergie écologique en comparaison avec d'autres combustibles fossiles).
Les guides environnementaux sont d'autres outils que le CEN a introduit par la Résolution du bureau technique C108/2000, en demandant aux secteurs forums et leurs comités techniques attachés de mettre en œuvre la politique de la Commission Européenne en matière de normalisation.
Ce rapport technique, destiné à être utilisé lors de la rédaction ou la révision des normes du CEN/TC 234, ne prétend pas fixer des exigences spécifiques pour chaque opération décrite dans chacune des normes ni fixer des valeurs limites (par exemple les émissions) qui serait la tâche spécifique des experts dans le groupe de travail concerné.
Au contraire, il a pour but de déclencher une réflexion de fond sur les conséquences environnementales à chaque fois qu’une action est prévue ou en cours d'exécution. Comme une façon de mettre en œuvre le schéma de base il a été convenu de mettre en place des indicateurs environnementaux (IE marqués de a à i) dans les domaines du Tableau 1 (numérotés de 1 à 49) qui correspondent aux opérations/processus avec l'installation/usine. Pour chaque champ du tableau référencé, puis les prescriptions correspondantes sont décrites précisément par un numéro et des lettres dans le Tableau 2 « exigences environnementales spécifiques au gaz ».

Okoljski dokument za področje plina - Smernice za pripravo standardov z namenom zmanjšanja vpliva plinske infrastrukture na okolje v celotnem življenjskem obdobju

Podjetja za oskrbo s plinom, v najširšem smislu njihovih dejavnosti (proizvodnja, prevoz, distribucija), imajo dolgo tradicijo zagotavljanja, da se omrežja in obrati upravljajo v skladu z dobro opredeljenimi postopki. Ti postopki so v središču sistemov vodenja kakovosti. Temeljijo na splošnih merilih skupine standardov ISO 9000, odbor CEN/TC 234 pa jih za učinkovitejše upoštevanje postopkov, značilnih za dejavnosti na področju plina, trenutno pripravlja posebej za to področje, in sicer kot EQAS (Evropska mreža za zagotavljanje kakovosti). Po izdaji skupine standardov ISO 14000, so podjetja vse bolj začela upoštevati okoljske vidike, zato je bil vzpostavljen sistem EMAS (sistem okoljskega ravnanja). Ker imata skupina standardov in sistem podobno strukturo, so ukrepi, ki jih je treba sprejeti, neposredno povezani s tehničnimi operacijami, pri čemer jih zato od njih ni mogoče ločiti. Pričakuje se, da bodo okoljska vprašanja v okviru standardizacije CEN vse bolj prisotna, saj Evropska komisija in pridružene države članice pospešeno pripravljata sklop predlogov za morebitne direktive. Cilj teh direktiv je spodbuditi zmanjšanje porabe energije, omejiti emisije v zrak/vodo in v splošnejšem okviru doseči, da industrija spremeni vse procese, ki imajo negativne vplive na okolje. V sektorskem forumu odbora CEN za infrastrukturo za plin (CEN/SFG_I) bodo to priložnost izkoristili, da prek sistema EQAS dokažejo učinkovitost plinskih družb na tem področju, saj družbe nenehno iščejo najboljše tehnologije (čeprav je zemeljski plin sam po sebi okolju prijazna energija v primerjavi z drugimi fosilnimi gorivi). Okoljska vodila so drugo orodje, ki ga je odbor CEN uvedel z resolucijo tehničnega odbora C108/2000, pri čemer od sektorskih forumov in njihovih povezanih tehničnih odborov zahteva izvajanje politike Evropske komisije v zvezi s standardizacijo. To tehnično poročilo, ki je namenjeno za uporabo pri pripravi ali pregledu standardov odbora CEN/TC 234, ne določa ustreznih zahtev za vse oblike delovanja, opisane v posameznem standardu, ali mejnih vrednosti (npr. emisij), ki spadajo med posebne naloge strokovnjakov v zadevni delovni skupini. Njegov namen je spodbuditi poglobljen razmislek o posledicah za okolje pri načrtovanju ali izvajanju operativnega ukrepa. Po dogovoru se osnovni sistem izvaja s sprejetjem okoljskih kazalnikov (EI, označeni s črkami a do i) v poljih preglednice 1 (oštevilčenimi od 1 do 49), ki operacije/procese povezujejo z naravo/obratom. Za vsako polje preglednice, označeno s številko in črkami, so ustrezne zahteve natančno opisane v preglednici 2 »Okoljske zahteve za plin«.

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Standards Content (Sample)

Gas-Specific Environmental Document - Guideline for incorporating within standards to
minimize the environmental impact of gas infrastructure across the whole life cycle
Gasspezifisches Umweltdokument - Leitfaden, der die Aufnahme von Empfehlungen in
Normen beschreibt, welche die Umweltauswirkungen der Gasinfrastruktur über den
gesamten Lebenszyklus vermindern
Document environnemental spécifique au gaz - Lignes directrices à incorporer dans les
normes afin de réduire l'impact environnemental des infrastructures gazières lors de leur
cycle de vie
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 16388:2012
01.120 Standardizacija. Splošna Standardization. General
pravila rules
13.020.10 Ravnanje z okoljem Environmental management
91.140.40 Sistemi za oskrbo s plinom Gas supply systems
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 16388
August 2012
ICS 01.120; 13.020.10; 91.140.40
English Version
Gas-Specific Environmental Document - Guideline for
incorporating within standards to minimize the environmental
impact of gas infrastructure across the whole life cycle
Document environnemental spécifique au gaz - Lignes Gasspezifisches Umweltdokument - Leitfaden, der die
directrices à incorporer dans les normes afin de réduire Aufnahme von Empfehlungen in Normen beschreibt,
l'impact environnemental des infrastructures gazières lors welche die Umweltauswirkungen der Gasinfrastruktur über
de leur cycle de vie den gesamten Lebenszyklus vermindern

This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 9 July 2012. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/SS S12.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United


Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2012 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 16388:2012: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword .3
1 Scope .4
2 Guidance tables .5
2.1 List of environmental indicators .5
2.2 Gas infrastructure specific Environmental Requirements .7
2.3 Environmental Scheme for Gas Companies . 21

This document (CEN/TR 16388:2012) has been prepared by the CEN Sector Forum Gas Infrastructure.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
1 Scope
The gas supply companies, in the widest sense of their activities (production, transport, distribution), have a
long tradition in ensuring that networks and facilities are operated according to well-defined procedures.
These procedures are the centrepiece of quality management systems. They are based on the general criteria
of the series ISO 9000 and are currently being developed gas-specifically as EQAS (European Quality
Assurance System) in CEN/TC 234 in order to adhere more efficiently to the procedures peculiar to the gas
activities. Companies are more and more inclined to take into account environmental aspects since the series
ISO 14000 resulting in EMAS (Environment Management System). As both the series and the system
possess a similar structure, the measures to be taken are directly linked to the technical operations and
therefore cannot be dissociated from them.

Environmental issues are expected to feature increasingly in CEN standardisation as the European
Commission and its affiliated Member States press ahead with an array of proposals for potential directives.
These directives are aimed at boosting the reduction of energy consumption, reducing emissions to air/water
and, more generally, at forcing industry to consider any process which may have adverse impacts on the
The CEN Sector Forum Gas Infrastructure (CEN/SFG_I) will take this opportunity to demonstrate through
EQAS, the effectiveness of gas companies in this area who are continuously looking for the best technologies
(although natural gas is by nature an environmentally friendly energy in comparison with other fossil fuels).

Environmental guides are other tools which CEN has introduced through its Technical Board Resolution
C108/2000, by requesting the sector forums and their attached Technical Committees to implement the
European Commission policy regarding standardisation.

This Technical Report, intended to be used when drafting or reviewing the standards of CEN/TC 234, does
not claim to either lay down dedicated requirements for each operation described in each standard nor to set
limit values (e.g. emissions) that would be the specific task of the experts in the working group concerned.

Rather, it serves the purpose of triggering an in-depth reflection on the environmental consequences
whenever an operative action is planned or being executed. As a way of implementing the basic scheme it
was agreed to accommodate the environmental indicators (EIs marked a to i) in the fields of Table 1
(numbered 1 to 49) which match operations/processes with installation/plant. For each field of the Table
referenced then by a number and letters, the corresponding requirements are precisely described in Table 2
"Gas-specific Environmental Requirements".

2 Guidance tables
2.1 List of environmental indicators

Table 1
Ref. Environmental Indicator Definition of impact Examples of source of impact
a Resources used All resources to carry out the work, including pipeline materials Building new equipments (pipes,
(steel, PE…) and reinstatement of materials. In particular those terminal, compressor station…)
resources that come from non-sustainable sources.
b Energy consumption/use All fuels and other energy sources used to complete the work, Civil engineering, (compressors,
particularly those from non-sustainable sources e.g. electricity, motorized tools)
vehicle fuel, natural gas.…
c Emissions to air All gaseous and vapour releases to atmosphere that may have a Venting of gas, flaring (NO, CO ,
x 2
detrimental effect upon Air Quality or Greenhouse Gas effect, CH ,…); actions of 3rd
essentially CO , CH , NO , CO, Volatile Organic Compounds
2 4 X
(VOC) for natural gas.
d Emissions to water All liquid discharges resulting from the work and in particular those Waste water of treatment process, …
that are released to controlled waters, i.e. streams, rivers,
groundwater, seas etc. All emissions to water, defined by
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Biological Oxygen Demand
(BOD), metal concentration…
Ref. Environmental Indicator Definition of impact Examples of source of impact
e Waste All unwanted materials and equipment removed for disposal or Excavation, removal of equipment,
recycling, e.g. Excavated materials, removed equipment, oil. use or maintenance of engines,
f Nuisances The release of unpleasant odours, dust or the generation of noise Installation, operation, maintenance or
and vibration. removal of the gas plant and
equipment (regulating stations,
compressors, pipelines)
g Risk to environment by The impact on the normal operation of gas plant and equipment Third party intervention (excavator)
accident or misuse from unwanted and uncontrolled acts. The effect of these acts natural risks (earthquake,…), human
should be considered on the other environmental indicators in this or equipment failure
h Environmental impact on The requirement to enter temporarily or to permanently take land The impact of activities (e.g.
land to install, operate, or maintain the gas network and the impact this construction of station on a protected
may have on the biodiversity of the area, including environmentally land)
sensitive areas (e.g. forests, protected areas, etc.).
i Migration of dangerous The exceptional release of inappropriate substances to the ground The impact of past, present or future
substances with the potential to migrate into the soil. activities (e.g. decommissioning and
removal of mostly former gas
production plants)
Impact on soil
2.2 Gas infrastructure specific Environmental Requirements
Table 2
Reference Guidance for implementing Environmental Requirements

(See subsequent matrix "Environmental scheme for gas companies" for the numbering of activities 1 to 49)
general risk assessment (a to i) : considering the use of natural resources required by the new asset across its life cycle and seek

Planning minimising their use; equally considering the use of energy required ; considering the quality of materials with respect to the life
Designing time
(1 and 8) for 8: giving particular attention to con-urbanisation
Reference Guidance for implementing Environmental Requirements

(See subsequent matrix "Environmental scheme for gas companies" for the numbering of activities 1 to 49)
Construction natural resources (a) : limiting importation of materials (sand, stones), considering possible deviation from planning and higher
impact on environment
(2 and 9)
energy consumption (b) : using high efficiency equipment and targeting the best use of equipment

water contamination (d) : taking into account weather conditions, avoiding potential contamination of ground water

waste (e) : using separation of disposal (materials, welds, soil)
for 9 : considering the variety of materials the pipelines are made of, including still existing obsolete ones (e.g. tar-coated metal
noise, dust (f) : particularly for 9 giving attention to con-urbanisation, minimizing disturbances and impact on local surroundings
(noise, dust, traffic)
risk assessment (g) : following procedure to eliminate/mitigate any possible accident/incident
land (h): limiting the access to sites
Commissioning resources (a) : choosing a source of water not used for another activity
(3 and 10) air (c) : minimizing the release of CH , N , CO
4 2 2
waste water (e) : using a disposal of test water
risk assessment (g) : following procedures to eliminate/mitigate any possible accident/incident
Reference Guidance for implementing Environmental Requirements

(See subsequent matrix "Environmental scheme for gas companies" for the numbering of activities 1 to 49)
Operation air –CH (c) : minimizing gas leakages/losses
(4 and 11) risk (g) : mitigating the risk of 3 party interference, failure of pipeline, natural occurrences (landslide, flooding)
for 11 :particularly with regards to cast iron and polyethylene
Maintenance air (c) : minimizing the release of CH (e.g. valves)
(5 and 12) waste (e) : reducing to small quantities → consideration at the discretion of the gas companies
dust (f) : avoiding dust emissions during pigging operations
risk (g) : minimizing the risk during maintenance operations (spillage)
Repair resources (a) : limiting importation of materials (sand, stones), considering possible deviation from planning
Renovation energy (b) : using high efficiency equipment and targeting at the best use of equipment
(6 and 13) water (d) : taking into account weather conditions to avoid potential contamination of ground water

waste (e) : use separation of disposal (materials, welding, soil)
noise (f) : minimizing disturbances and impact on local surroundings (noise, dust, traffic), particularly for 13 given con-urbanisation
risk (g) : following procedures to eliminate/mitigate any possible accident/incident
land (h) : limiting access to sites
Reference Guidance for implementing Environmental Requirements

(See subsequent matrix "Environmental scheme for gas companies" for the numbering of activities 1 to 49)
Decommission- air (c) : minimizing release of CH by using appropriate techniques (e.g. recompression)
ing, Disposal
e, h, g: considering all environmental (and safety) risks, including long-term, of the decommissioning and disposal activities;
(7 and 14) selecting the most appropriate solutions, preferably recycling

Planning resources (a) : for seismic and geological study; considering the quality of materials with respect to the life time
energy (b) : limiting use of fuels, possibly explosives
air (c) : limiting emissions from fuels and explosives

waste (e) : removing debris, reusing salty wate

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