Technical product documentation - Lettering - Part 5: CAD lettering of the Latin alphabet, numerals and marks (ISO 3098-5:1997)

Technische Produktdokumentation - Schriften - Teil 5: CAD-Schrift des lateinischen Alphabetes sowie der Ziffern und Zei chen (ISO 3098-5:1997)

Dieser Teil von ISO 3098 enthält in Übereinstimmung mit den weiteren Teilen t dieser internationalen Norm die allgemeinen Regeln für die Ausführung von Schriften bei der rechnerunterstützten Anfertigung der technischen Produktdokumentation (insbesondere von technischen Zeichnungen). Er beinhaltet sowohl Grund- als auch Anwendungsregeln für CAD-Schriften in numerisch gesteuerten Beschriftungs- und Zeichensystemen.

Documentation technique de produits - Ecriture - Partie 5: Ecriture en conception assistée par ordinateur de l'alphabet latin, des chiffres et des signes (ISO 3098-5:1997)

La présente partie de l'ISO 3098 fixe, en conformité avec toutes les autres parties de l'ISO 3098, les prescriptions générales de l'écriture en conception et dessin assistés par ordinateur (CDAO) devant être appliquées dans le domaine de la documentation technique de produits (en particulier aux dessins techniques). Elle comprend des principes conventionnels de base, ainsi que des règles relatives à l'écriture en CAO mettant en oeuvre les techniques des systèmes d'écriture et de dessin à commande numérique.

Tehnična dokumentacija izdelkov - Pisava - 5. del: Računalniško podprto konstruiranje (CAD) pisave latinske abecede, števil in oznak

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EN ISO 3098-5:1998
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Standards Content (Sample)

Technical product documentation - Lettering - Part 5: CAD lettering of the Latin alphabet,
numerals and marks (ISO 3098-5:1997)
Technische Produktdokumentation - Schriften - Teil 5: CAD-Schrift des lateinischen
Alphabetes sowie der Ziffern und Zei chen (ISO 3098-5:1997)
Documentation technique de produits - Ecriture - Partie 5: Ecriture en conception
assistée par ordinateur de l'alphabet latin, des chiffres et des signes (ISO 3098-5:1997)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 3098-5:1997
01.110 7HKQLþQDGRNXPHQWDFLMD]D Technical product
L]GHONH documentation
01.140.10 3LVDQMHLQSUHþUNRYDQMH Writing and transliteration
35.240.10 5DþXQDOQLãNRSRGSUWR Computer-aided design
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

First edition
Technical product documentation —
Lettering —
Part 5:
CAD lettering of the Latin alphabet, numerals
and marks
Documentation technique de produits — Écriture —
Partie 5: Écriture en conception assistée par ordinateur de l'alphabet latin,
des chiffres et des signes
Reference number
ISO 3098-5:1997(E)
ISO 3098-5:1997(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of
preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which
a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented
on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-
governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.
International Standard ISO 3098-5 was prepared by Technical Committee
ISO/TC 10, Technical drawings, product definition and related
documentation, Subcommittee SC 1, Basic conventions.
ISO 3098 consists of the following parts, under the general title Technical
product documentation — Lettering:
— Part 0: General requirements
— Part 1: Currently used characters
— Part 2: Greek characters
— Part 3: Diacritical and particular marks for the Latin alphabet
— Part 4: Cyrillic characters
— Part 5: CAD lettering of the Latin alphabet, numerals and marks
©  ISO 1997
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced
or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Genève 20 • Switzerland
X.400 c=ch; a=400net; p=iso; o=isocs; s=central
Printed in Switzerland
Technical product documentation — Lettering —
Part 5:
CAD lettering of the Latin alphabet, numerals and marks
1  Scope
This part of ISO 3098 specifies the general requirements for computer-aided design and draughting (CADD)
lettering, in accordance with all other parts of this International Standard, to be used in technical product
documentation (in particular on technical drawings).
It includes basic conventions as well as rules for the application of CAD lettering using the techniques of numerically
controlled lettering and draughting systems.
2  Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this part of
ISO 3098. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and
parties to agreements based on this part of ISO 3098 are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent editions of the standards indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid
International Standards.
ISO 3098-0:1997, Technical product documentation — Lettering — Part 0: General requirements.
ISO/TR 10623:1991, Technical product documentation — Requirements for computer-aided design and
draughting — Vocabulary.
3  Definitions
For the purposes of this part of ISO 3098, the definitions given in ISO 3098-0 apply. Further definitions used in
computer-aided design and draughting are given in ISO/TR 10623.
3.1  proportional spacing arrangement: Arrangement of graphic characters in the direction of writing spaced
according to their natural width.
3.2  tabular spacing arrangement: Arrangement of graphic characters in the direction of writing within a
constant-width space at predetermined positions, independent of the natural width of the characters.
ISO 3098-5:1997(E) ISO
4  General requirements
The general requirements for CAD lettering are specified in ISO 3098-0.
5  Requirements for CAD lettering
5.1  The types of CAD lettering are as follows:
— lettering type CB, vertical (V): see figure 1 (preferred application);
— lettering type CB, sloped (S);
— lettering type CA, vertical (V): see figure 2;
— lettering type CA, sloped (S).
The dimensions of these types of CAD lettering are specified in table 1.
NOTE —  In contrast with type CB, the character width (in the direction of lettering) and the line width of lettering type CA
may be reduced by a factor of 2 (to give approximately lettering type A in accordance with ISO 3098-0).
Figure 1 Figure 2
ISO ISO 3098-5:1997(E)
5.2  The types of spacing arrangements are as follows:
— tabular spacing (T): see figure 3;
— proportional spacing (P): see figure 4.
5.3  Each member of a graphic character set is established within a character box. The elements of the characters
shall be positioned by means of a grid system. The following criteria for any member of a graphic character set shall
be met:
a) dimensions (see figures 5 and 6), shape and location;
b) type of spacing arrangement (see figures 3 and 4);
c) points of adjustment within the character box (see figure 7).
Figure 3 Figure 4
Figure 5 Figure 6
ISO 3098-5:1997(E) ISO
Table 1 — Dimensioning of lettering types CB and CA
Dimensions in millimetres
Characteristic Dimensions
of h
3) 3) 3)
Lettering height h (10/10)h 1,80 2,5 0 3,50 5,00 07,0 10,0 14,0 20 ,0
Height of lower-case letters
3) 3) 3) 3) 3) 3)
c (7/10)h 1,26 1,75 2,5 3,5005 07,0 10 0 14 ,0
Tail of lower-case letters c
3) 3) 3)
(3/10)h 0,54 0,75 1,05 1,5002,1 03,0 04,2 06 ,0
Stem of lower-case letters c
3) 3) 3)
Area of diacritical marks (upper-case letters) f (4/10)h 0,72 1,00 1,40 2,00 02,8 04,0 05,6 08 ,0
Width of any character (lettering type CB) k — See clause 8 and tables 3 to 6
3) 3) 3)
Height of the central line h (19/10)h 1,62 2,25 3,15 4,5006,3 09,0 12,6 18 ,0
3) 3) 3)
T a (11/10)h 1,98 2,75 3,85 5,50 07,7 11,0 15,4 22 ,0
Width of the character box (lettering type CB)
See clause 8 and tables 3 to 6
P a [(2/10)h]+k
Spacing between baselines b (19/10)h
3) 3) 3)
3,42 4,75 6,65 9,50 13,3 19,0 26,6 38 ,0
Height of the character box b (19/10)h
T a (a - k)/2 See clause 8 and tables 3 to 6
Horizontal spacing between character 2 1
box and character (lettering type CB)
P a (1/10)h
Vertical spacing between character box
3) 3) 3) 3)
b (1/10)h
4 0,18 0,25 0,35 0,50 00,7 01 ,0 01,4 02 ,0
and character
type CB d (1/10)h
Line width lettering
3) 3) 3) 3)
type CA d (1/14)h 0,13 0,18 0,25 0,35 00,5 00,7 01,0 01,4
3) 3) 3)
P e (6/10)h 1,08 1,5 0 2,10 3,0 04,2 06, 0 08,4 12 ,0
Spacing between words (lettering type CB)
3) 3) 3)
T e (11/10)h 1,98 2,75 3,85 5,5 07,7 11, 0 15,4 22 ,0
Spacing between character boxes a > 0—
1)  In case of lettering type CA the values of the dimensions k, a , a , a , a , e and e are calculated by dividing the values of
1 3 2 4 1 2
the lettering type CB by 2 .
2)  Lettering style: Upper-case and lower-case letters with diacritical marks; for spacings by b and b , see ISO 3098-0:1997,
2 3
table 2.
3)  Rounded values.
ISO ISO 3098-5:1997(E)
6  Alignment
Each character, each line of text and each area to be filled by several lines of text shall have one point of alignment.
The indication and location of points of alignment are given in table 2 and figures 7 and 8.
If numerical values are written in decimal form, the alignment shall be made with respect to the decimal sign
(comma ). An example is shown in figure 9.
Table 2 — Indication of points of alignment
left centre right
top 147
Vertical centre 258
Figure 7
1)  See IEC/ISO Directives, Part 3, 1997,
ISO 3098-5:1997(E) ISO
Figure 8
Figure 9
ISO ISO 3098-5:1997(E)
Several lines within an area filled by text may be arranged left-aligned, centred or right-aligned (see figure 10). An
example of the location of the point of alignment for a complete area is shown in figure 11.
Figure 10
Figure 11
ISO 3098-5:1997(E) ISO
7  Designation
A graphic character set of a CAD lettering type shall be designated in accordance with ISO 3098-0.
EXAMPLE — A graphic character set of lettering type CB in proportional spacing arrangement, vertical, Latin alphabet, size
3,5 mm, shall be designated as follows:
Lettering ISO 3098 - CB PVL - 3,5
8  Form of characters
The characters of the lettering type CB shown in tables 3 to 6 are presented within an imaginary grid which is
necessary for identification of positioning and proportions.
An example, shown in figure 12, presents a certain character within an imaginary grid.
Figure 12
ISO ISO 3098-5:1997(E)
Indications of characters in tables 3 to 6 are interpreted as follows.
a) Numerals in front of the oblique stroke indicate the kind of character.
001/. to 100/.: upper-case (capital) letters (table 3)
101/. to 200/.: lower-case (small) letters (table 4)
201/. to 300/.: numerals (table 5)
301/. to 400/.: marks (table 6)
b) Numerals behind the oblique stroke indicate the diacritical marks of letters.
.../00: without diacritical mark
.../01: with grave accent
.../02: with acute accent
.../03: with circumflex
.../04: with tilde
.../05: with diaeresis
.../06: circle above
.../07: with double acute accent
.../08: with caron
.../09: with breve
.../10: with macron
.../11: with dot above
.../12: with cedilla
.../13: with oblique stroke
.../14: with stroke soft hyphen
.../15: with stroke
.../16: with eta
.../17: diphthong ligature with E
.../18: special letters
ISO 3098-5:1997(E) ISO
Table 3 — Upper-case letters and accents
001/00 001/01 001/02 001/03 001/04
001/09 001/10 001/12
ISO ISO 3098-5:1997(E)
Table 3 — Upper-case letters and accents (continued)
ISO 3098-5:1997(E) ISO
Table 3 — Upper-case letters and accents (continued)
003/00 003/02 003/03
003/11 003/12
ISO ISO 3098-5:1997(E)
Table 3 — Upper-case letters and accents (continued)
ISO 3098-5:1997(E) ISO
Table 3 — Upper-case letters and accents (continued)
005/00 005/02 005/03
005/05 005/08
005/10 005/11
ISO ISO 3098-5:1997(E)
Table 3 — Upper-case letters and accents (continued)
ISO 3098-5:1997(E) ISO
Table 3 — Upper-case letters and accents (continued)
007/00 007/03
007/09 007/11 007/12
ISO ISO 3098-5:1997(E)
Table 3 — Upper-case letters and accents (continued)
008/00 008/03
ISO 3098-5:1997(E) ISO
Table 3 — Upper-case letters and accents (continued)
009/00 009/01 009/02 009/03 009/04
009/05 009/08
009/10 009/11 009/12
ISO ISO 3098-5:1997(E)
Table 3 — Upper-case letters and accents (continued)
010/00 010/03
ISO 3098-5:1997(E) ISO
Table 3 — Upper-case letters and accents (continued)
ISO ISO 3098-5:1997(E)
Table 3 — Upper-case letters and accents (continued)
012/00 012/02
ISO 3098-5:1997(E) ISO
Table 3 — Upper-case letters and accents (continued)
ISO ISO 3098-5:1997(E)
Table 3 — Upper-case letters and accents (continued)
014/00 014/02 014/04
ISO 3098-5:1997(E) IS

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