Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems - Part 4: Mechanical magnetic tape properties

Applies to non-perforated magnetic tape used for professional and domestic analogue sound recording and reproduction. Lists and defines the methods of measurement and equipment necessary to determine the mechanical characteristics of magnetic recording tape. Will also enable users of magnetic tapes to compare technical product data of different manufacturers, produced in accordance with this standard.

Systeme für Tonaufzeichnung und -wiedergabe auf Magnetband - Teil 4: Mechanische Eigenschaften von Magnetbändern

Systèmes d'enregistrement et de lecture du son sur bandes magnétiques - Partie 4: Propriétés mécaniques des bandes magnétiques

S'applique aux bandes magnétiques non perforées à usages professionnels et domestiques pour l'enregistrement analogique et la lecture du son. Etablit la liste et définit les méthodes de mesure et l'équipement nécessaire pour déterminer les caractéristiques mécaniques des bandes magnétiques d'enregistrement. Permet à l'utilisateur de bandes magnétiques de comparer les spécifications techniques des produits de divers fabricants, établies conformément à cette norme.

Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems -- Part 4: Mechanical magnetic tape properties ((IEC 60094-4:1986)

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Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems -- Part 4: Mechanical
magnetic tape properties ((IEC 60094-4:1986)
Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing systems -- Part 4: Mechanical magnetic
tape properties
Systeme für Tonaufzeichnung und -wiedergabe auf Magnetband -- Teil 4: Mechanische
Eigenschaften von Magnetbändern
Systèmes d'enregistrement et de lecture du son sur bandes magnétiques -- Partie 4:
Propriétés mécaniques des bandes magnétiques
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 60094-4:1994
33.160.30 Avdio sistemi Audio systems
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

Première édition
First edition
Systèmes d'enregistrement et de lecture du son
sur bandes magnétiques —
Quatrième partie:
Propriétés mécaniques des bandes magnétiques
Magnetic tape sound recording and reproducing
systems —
Part 4:
Mechanical magnetic tape properties
© IEC 1986 Droits de reproduction réservés — Copyright - all rights reserved
Aucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite ni No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in
utilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucun any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
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copie et les microfilms, sans l'accord écrit de l'éditeur. writing from the publisher.
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Commission Electrotechnique Internationale
International Electrotechnical Commission
IEC MeninyHapoxmaH 3rleKTpoTexHH4ecKaR HOMHCCHR
Pour prix, voir catalogue en vigueur
• • For price, see current catalogue

94-4 © I E C 1986 – 3 –
1. Scope 9
2. Object 9
Standard atmospheric conditions for testing 9
4. Information to be supplied by the magnetic tape manufacturer 9
4.1 Recommended form for published data 9
5. Parameters to be measured 11
5.1 Tape width 11
5.2 Tape thickness 11
5.3 Static longitudinal curvature 13
5.4 Transverse cupping 15
5.5 Wavy edge 15
5.6 Longitudinal coiling 17
5.7 Electrical resistance of magnetic and back coating(s) 19
5.8 Layer-to-layer adhesion 19
5.9 Light transmittance 19
5.10 Tensile tests 19
5.11 Residual elongation 21
94-4 © I E C 1986 — 5 —
Part 4: Mechanical magnetic tape properties
1) The formal decisions or agreements of the I E C on technical matters, prepared by Technical Committees on which all the
National Committees having a special interest therein are represented, express, as nearly as possible, an international
consensus of opinion on the subjects dealt with.
2) They have the form of recommendations for international use and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense.
3) In order to promote international unification, the I E C expresses the wish that all National Committees should adopt the text
of the I
E C recommendation for their national rules in so far as national conditions will permit. Any divergence between the
I E C recommendation and the corresponding national rules should, as far as possible, be clearly indicated in the latter.
4) The I E C has not laid down any procedure concerning marking as an indication of approval and has no responsibility when an
item of equipment is declared to comply with one of its recommendations.
This standard has been prepared by Sub-Committee 60A : Sound Recording, of I E C Technical Committee No. 60 : Recording.
This standard should be read in conjunction with I E C Publication 38 (1983) : I E C Standard Voltages, I E C Publication 65
(1985): Safety Requirements for Mains Operated Electronic and Related Apparatus for Household and Similar General Use,
I E C Publication 268-1 (1985) : Sound System Equipment, Part 1: General, I E C Publication 268-3 (1969) : Sound System
Equipment, Part 3 : Sound System Amplifiers, E C Publication 386 (1972) : Method of Measurement of Speed Fluctuations in
Sound Recording and Reproducing Equipment, I E C Publication 651 (1979) : Sound Level Meters, ISO Recommendation R527
(1966): Plastics – Determination of Tensile Properties, and ISO Standard 4057 (1979): Information Processing – Data
Interchange on 6.30 mm (0.25 in) Magnetic Tape Cartridge, 63 bpmm (1600 bpi) Phase-encoded.
The text of this standard is based on the following documents:
Six Months' Rule Report on Voting
60A(CO)78 60A(CO)90
Further information can be found in the Report on Voting indicated in the table above.
I E C Publication 94 and its supplements are under revision. The new I E C Publication 94 will be issued in several parts, of
which this is Part 4.
It will have the following parts:
Part 1: General conditions and requirements
General: electrical requirements for the magnetic tape recording and reproducing systems; mechanical requirements for
the magnetic tape; tape identification; programme identification (Fourth edition, 1981).
Part 2: Calibration tapes
Minimum requirements for calibration tapes for making adjustments and comparative assessments of the reproducing
performance (First edition, 1975).
Part 3: Methods of measuring the characteristics of recording and reproducing equipment for sound on magnetic tape (First edition,
94-4 © I E C 1986 — 7
Part 4: Mechanical magnetic tape properties
Characteristics to be specified and relevant methods of measurement. Equipment to be used to determine the mechanical
properties of magnetic tapes (object of this standard).
Part 5: Electrical magnetic tape properties
Characteristics to be specified, methods of measurement and equipment to be used for the determination of the electrical
properties of magnetic tape for analogue sound recording and reproduction (in preparation).
Part 6: Reel-to-reel systems
Mechanical requirements and dimensions, including reels, hubs and relevant track allocations (First edition, 1985).
Part 7: Cassette for commercial tape records and domestic use
Mechanical requirements and dimensions, including track allocation (First edition, 1986).
Part 8: Eight-track magnetic tape cartridge for commercial tape records and domestic use
Mechanical requirements and dimensions, including track allocation (in preparation).
Part 9: Magnetic tape cartridge for professional use
Mechanical requirements and dimensions, including track allocation (in preparation).
Part 10: Time and address codes (in preparation).

94-4 © I E C 1986 – 9 –
Part 4: Mechanical magnetic tape properties
This standard applies to non-perforated magnetic tape used for professional and domestic
analogue sound recording and reproduction.
2. Object
The object of this standard is to list and define the methods of measurement and equipment
necessary to determine the mechanical characteristics of magnetic recording tape. It will also
enable users of magnetic tapes to compare technical product data of different manufacturers,
produced in accordance with this standard.
3. Standard atmospheric conditions for testing
Ambient temperature : 20 ± 5 °C
Relative humidity : 60 ± 15
The sample roll of tape shall be incubated for 24 h at the stated conditions before the test is
Information to be supplied by the magnetic tape manufacturer
Information supplied by the manufacturer shall fall into two distinct categories :
mandatory information to be clearly shown in the presentation of technical data, indicated by
the word "mandatory" on the right-hand side of the page, in this standard;
b) optional information which may be given at the discretion of the manufacturer, indicated by
the word "optional" on the right-hand side of the page, in this standard.
Recommended form for published data
Where data obtained in accordance with this standard or with any other I E C publication form
part of publicity material, they should be clearly set apart and should be preceded by the following
particulars :
the number of the appropriate I E C publication ;
ii) maker's name or trade mark ;
iii) maker's type reference and/or description ;
iv) base material (a generic name is sufficient).

94-4 © I E C 1986 – 11 –
5. Parameters to be measured
5.1 Tape width
The tape width is the perpendicular distance between its longitudinal edges.
The width of the tape, covered with a glass, is measured without tension at a minimum of five
different positions along the tape using a calibrated microscope or profile projector having an
accuracy of at least 2.5 µ.m.
The tape width is the arithmetical average of the five measurements, and is expressed in
5.2 Tape thickness
Total tape thickness
The total tape thickness is the overall thickness of the tape, and is composed of base thickness,
magnetic coating thickness and back coating thickness (if any).
The total tape thickness shall be measured by means of a micrometer having an accuracy of
at least 0.5 µm.
Ten measurements shall be made at intervals of approximately 1 m along the tape length.
d. is
The total tape thickness is the arithmetical average of the ten measurement results, an
expressed in micrometres.
(optional) 5.2.2 Magnetic coating thickness
The magnetic coating thickness is the total thickness of the magnetic layer(s) of a tape.
The magnetic layer(s) shall be removed with a suitable solvent, and the remaining tape
thickness measured using a micrometer having an accuracy of at least 0.5 µm.
Ten measurements shall be made at intervals of approximately 1 m along the tape length.
The magnetic coating thickness is calculated from the difference between the total tape
thickness (Sub-clause 5.2.1) and the arithmetical average of the ten measurement results obtained
from this Sub-clause 5.2.2. It is expressed in micrometres.

– 13 –
94-4 © I E C 1986
5.2.3 Back coating thickness
The back coating thickness is the total thickness of any coating applied to the tape side opposite
to that carrying the magnetic layer(s).
The back coating layer shall be removed with a suitable solvent, and the remaining tape
thickness measured using a micrometer having an accuracy of at least 0.5 µm.
Ten measurements shall be made at intervals of approximately 1 m along the tape length.
The back coating thickness is calculated from the difference between the total tape thickness
and the arithmetical average of the ten measurement results obtained from this
(Sub-clause 5.2.1)
Sub-clause 5.2.3. It is expressed in micrometres.
5.2.4 Base thickness
The base thickness is the thickness of the film carrying the magnetic and back coating (if any)
The magnetic and back coating (if any) layer(s) shall be removed with a suitable solvent, and
0.5 tm.
the film thickness measured using a micrometer having an accuracy of at least
Ten measurements shall be made at intervals of approximately 1 m along the tape length.
The base thickness is the arithmetical average of the ten measurement results, and is expressed
in micrometres.
5.3 Static longitudinal curvature
Static longitudinal curvature is the deviation of one edge of unit length of tape from a straight
Two tape samples are allowed to unroll and assume their natural curvature on a flat surface (see
Figure 2, page 22).
The flat surface shall consist of an anodized precision base plate mounted at an angle of 1° to the
horizontal plane.
The surface contains a scale in millimetres and two engraved reference lines of 1 m in length
2. The upper end of each reference line is
which are perpendicular to the scale as shown in Figure
referenced to one edge of a groove, having the specified width for the particular type of tape

94-4 © I E C 1986 – 15 –
sample. (See I E C Publication 94-1: Magnetic Tape Sound Recording and Reproducing Systems,
Part 1: General Conditions and Requirements, Clause 9).
Two samples of tape having a length greater than 1 m are placed in the grooves, clamped and
aligned with the reference lines.
A precision roller is placed on the zero line and a section of both tapes is formed into a
semicircle by hand. Both semicircles of tape are released and at the same time the roller is allowed
to move in the direction indicated by the arrow in Figure 2.
The deviation at the end of both tape samples shall be measured five times with the magnetic
coating uppermost and five times with the magnetic coating in contact with the flat surface.
The deviation of the edge of the tape from the reference line is the arithmetical average of the
twenty measurements obtained from the two tape samples, and is expressed in millimetres per
5.4 Transverse cupping (for professional tapes only) (optional)
Transverse cupping is the radius of the curvature in the transverse direction of the tape sample.
A tape sample of 30 cm in length is freely suspended from a clamp and placed between the
measuring equipment guides with its concave side facing the rotating template as shown in
Figure 3, page 23.
The template has a sector periphery of various radii and is rotated until a sector of the same
radius as the tape is found.
A lamp is fitted to facilitate the measurement.
Note. — It is necessary to ensure that heat generated by the lamp does not influence the measurement.
The radius of the tape curvature is derived fro

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