Semiconductor convertors - General requirements and line commutated convertors - Part 1-3: Transformers and reactors

Specifies characteristics wherein convertor transformers differ from ordinary power transformers. In all other respects, the rules specified in HD 398.1 shall apply.

Halbleiter-Stromrichter - Allgemeine Anforderungen und netzgeführte Stromrichter - Teil 1-3: Transformatoren und Drosselspulen

Convertisseurs à semiconducteurs - Spécifications communes et convertisseurs commutés par le réseau - Partie 1-3: Transformateurs et bobines d'inductance

Spécifie les caractéristiques des transformateurs pour convertisseurs qui diffèrent de celles des transformateurs de puissance ordinaires. Dans tous les autres cas, les règles données dans la HD 398.1 s'appliquent.

Semiconductor convertors - General requirements and line commutated convertors - Part 1-3: Transformers and reactors (IEC 60146-1-3:1991)

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Semiconductor convertors - General requirements and line commutated
convertors - Part 1-3: Transformers and reactors (IEC 60146-1-3:1991)
Semiconductor convertors - General requirements and line commutated convertors --
Part 1-3: Transformers and reactors
Halbleiter-Stromrichter - Allgemeine Anforderungen und netzgeführte Stromrichter -- Teil
1-3: Transformatoren und Drosselspulen
Convertisseurs à semiconducteurs - Spécifications communes et convertisseurs
commutés par le réseau -- Partie 1-3: Transformateurs et bobines d'inductance
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 60146-1-3:1993
29.180 Transformatorji. Dušilke Transformers. Reactors
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

Troisième édition
Third edition
Convertisseurs à semiconducteurs
Spécifications communes et
convertisseurs commutés par le réseau
Partie 1-3:
Transformateurs et bobines d'inductance
Semiconductor convertors
General requirements and
line commutated convertors
Part 1-3:
Transformers and reactors
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146- 1 -3 © IEC - 3 -
1 Scope 7
2 Normative references 7
3 Rated values for convertor transformers
3.1 Rated current values
3.2 Temperature limits of cooling media
4 Losses and voltage drops in transformers and reactors
4.1 Losses in the transformer windings
4.2 Losses in interphase transformers, current balancing reactors, ser-
ies-smoothing reactors, transductors and other current regulating acces-
11 sories
4.3 Voltage drops in transformers and reactors
5 Tests for convertor transformers
5.1 Measurement of commutating reactance and determination of inductive
voltage drop (type test)
5.2 Short-circuit test (type test and routine test) 15
5.3 Temperature rise test (type test)
Annex A (normative)
Corrections to be applied when cooling medium temperature is higher than
1 - Temperature rise limits
2 - Connections and calculation factors 21

146-1-3 © IEC - 5 -
General requirements and line commutated convertors
1-3: Transformers and reactors
The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters, prepared by Technical Committees on which all
the National Committees having special interest therein are represented, express, as nearly as possible, an interna-
tional consensus of opinion on the subject dealt with.
They have the form of recommendations for international use and they are accepted by the National Committees in
that sense.
In order to promote international unification, the IEC expresses the wish that all National Committees should adopt the
text of the IEC recommendation for their national rules in so far as national conditions will permit. Any divergence
between the IEC recommendation and the corresponding national rules should, as far as possible, be clearly indicated
in the latter.
This standard has been prepared by Sub-Committee 22B: Semiconductor Convertors, IEC
Technical Committee No. 22: Power Electronics.
The text of this standard is based upon the following documents:
Two Months' Procedure Report on the Voting
Six Months' Rule Report on the Voting
22B(CO)17 22B(CO)19 22B(CO)22 22B(CO)23,23A
Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the Voting
Reports indicated in the above table. It constitutes Part 1-3 of the new edition of IEC 146
and partly replaces IEC 146 (1973) and its Amendment No. 1 (1975).
IEC 146 (1973) has been superseded by Publications 146-1-1 and 146-1-2 except for the
specification regarding transformers and reactors in Chapter III. This chapter is now printed
in this part with the cross references suitably adjusted. For completeness, table 2 (which is
table 1 in IEC 146-1-2 and was table II in the previous issue) and also Annex A (Appendix C
in the previous issue) have been included in this part 1-3.
NOTE - A completely revised convertor transformer specification is being prepared by 1EC Technical Committee No. 14:
Power transformers.
146-1-3 © IEC -7-
General requirements and line commutated convertors
1-3: Transformers and reactors
1 Scope
This Part 1-3 of the International Standard relates, in general, to those characteristics
wherein convertor transformers differ from ordinary power transformers. In all other
respects, the rules specified in IEC 76 shall apply to convertor transformers also, as far as
they are not in contradiction with this standard.
It should be borne in mind that a rectifier transformer operates with non-sinusoidal current
waveshape. In single-way connection, the current in each cell winding contains a d.c.
component which calls for special a ttention in design and testing. In some cases, a special
design is necessary when external short-circuits and cell failures would cause abnormal
For certain types of transformers, the waveshape of the normal operating voltage is
non-sinusoidal. The core loss of such equipment is to be determined by applying a sinu-
soidal voltage having the same half-cycle arithmetic mean value and the same fundamental
frequency as the voltage applied in service.
2 Normative references
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated
rties to agreements based on this
were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and pa
International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most
recent editions of the standards listed below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of
currently valid International Standards.
Power transformers.
IEC 76: 1967,
IEC 146-1-1: 1991, Semiconductor convertors - General requirements and line commutated
1-1, IEC 146-1-1, Specifications of basic requirements.
convertors - Part
Semiconductor convertors - General requirements and line commutated
IEC 146-1-2: 1991,
Part 1-2: Application guide.
convertors -
146-1-3 IEC - 9 -
3 Rated values for convertor transformers
3.1 Rated current values
3.1.1 Single convertor or double convertor supplied from one common cell winding
The convertor transformer shall be capable of carrying current corresponding to rated direct
current of the convertor continuously, followed by overload current (where specified) for the
specified duration (See IEC 146-1-1,, at maximum cooling temperatures without
exceeding its thermal limit.
3.1.2 Double convertor where each thyristor assembly has separate cell windings
The convertor transformer shall be capable of carrying in each secondary group the
appropriate current corresponding to rated direct current of the convertor continuously,
followed by overload current for the specified duration (See IEC 146-1-1,, at
maximum cooling temperatures without exceeding its thermal limit.
Where common line windings are used for the two secondary windings, these should be
rated as in 3.1.1.
3.2 Temperature limits of cooling media
Temperature rise limits are specified in 5.3.
3.2.1 Air cooled outdoor equipment
The convertor transformer shall be designed to operate at an ambient air temperature
which does not exceed +40 °C, does not average more than +20 °C over a year and does
not average more than +30 °C for any 24 h period.
3.2.2 Air cooled indoor equipment
The convertor transformer shall be designed to operate in an ambient air temperature of
+40 °C.
3.2.3 Water cooled equipment
The convertor transformer shall be designed to operate with incoming cooling water tem-
perature which does not exceed +25 °C.

146-1-3 © IEC - 11 -
4 Losses and voltage drops in transformers and reactors
4.1 Losses in the transformer windings
The losses in the windings which appear under normal service conditions are composed of
the losses in the winding resistance as measured by d.c. and the additional losses (de-
pending on frequency) caused by eddy currents as well as the stray flux in the windings
s. Due to the harmonics, the actual losses in the windings
and in the construction pa rt
would require to be measured with the transformer in normal operation with the assembly.
This method of measurement cannot be recommended because it is too complicated and
inaccurate, unless total losses of transformer and assembly are taken as one measure-
ment. In such cases and for units not exceeding a rated output of 300 kW, the losses may
be measured at normal rated load operation.
In all other cases, the losses in the windings are to be calculated from the results of
short-circuit measurement carried out with sinusoidal currents. The method is based on the
passage of sinusoidal currents in the winding having the same r.m.s. values as those which
would exist in operation with the assembly if the overlap was disregarded (see table 2).
Owing to the fact that the r.m.s. values of the currents during normal operation with the
assembly are somewhat smaller than those in the test, a positive error is encountered. This
positive error is assumed to be compensated for by the negative error resulting from the
fact that the additional stray losses caused by the harmonics in operation with the assembly
are disregarded.
4.2 Losses in interphase transformers, current balancing reactors, series-smoothing
reactors, transductors and other current regulating accessories
4.2.1 Interphase transformers
The supplier shall measure the iron losses at a frequency and voltage calculated to provide
the magnetic flux corresponding to operation of the convertor at rated current, voltage and
specified phase control, corrected to the available frequency nearest to the principal fre-
quency of the interphase transformer.
The losses in the winding are to be calculated as the product of the d.c. resistance and the
square of the direct current in the winding.
4.2.2 Current balancing reactors
The iron losses in current balancing reactors are by convention to be ignored.
of the convertor loss measurement or calculated
The losses in the winding are either a pa rt
as the product of the d.c. measured resistance and the square of the r.m.s. current in the
winding, calculated on the basis of rectangular shaped current waveform.

146-1-3 © IEC - 13 -
4.2.3 Series-smoothing reactors
The iron losses are, by convention, to be ignored.
The losses in the winding are either a pa rt of the convertor loss measurement or calculated
as the product of the d.c. resistance and the square of the direct current in the winding.
4.2.4 Transductors and other current regulating accessories
The iron losses shall be measured or calculated at magnetic flux conditions corresponding
to operation of the convertor at rated current, rated line voltage and specified direct voltage.
Measurement is made at a frequency corrected to the available frequency nearest to the
principal frequency nearest of the transductor core flux.
The losses in the power winding are to be calculated as the product of the d.c. measured
resistance and the square of the r.m.s. current in the winding, calculated on the basis of
idealized current waveform (ignoring stray inductances). When the power winding consists
of heavy conductors, the eddy current losses should be estimated by calculation and
These losses are for use in efficiency calculations and not for design.
Voltage drops in transformers and reactors
The voltage drops are calculated from the loss measurements by the formulae given in 3.5
of IEC 146-1-1.
5 Tests for convertor transformers
All tests specified for power transformers in IEC 76 shall apply to convertor transformers if
not in contradiction with the tests specified in this clause. The tests specified below are to
be regarded as additional or special tests applicable to convertor transformers.
Measurement of commutating reactance and determination of inductive voltage drop
(type test)
Commutating reactance
To measure commutating reactance, the line-side terminals of the transformer are
short-circuited. An alternating current of rated frequency is passed through two consecutive
phases of the same commutating group of the cell winding and the voltage between the
t is equal to the inductive
terminals thus fed is measured. The commutating reactance 2 x X
component of the impedance calculated from this measurement. At least two tests should
be carried out with different pairs of phases in each commutating group and the arithmetic
mean value of these measurements is taken.

146-1-3 © IEC - 15 -
The same line winding may feed a commutating group assembly connected in parallel or in
series and which commutates simultaneously. In this case, the cell windings corresponding
to these groups shall be connected phase by phase in parallel for the above tests.
5.1.2 Inductive voltage regulatio

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