Railway applications - Fixed installations - D.C. switchgear - Part 7-1: Measurement, control and protection devices for specific use in d.c. traction systems - Application guide

This European Standard provides assistance, guidance and requirements for the design of protection, control and measuring systems in d.c. installations intended to provide a power supply to traction systems. This application guide identifies the characteristics and parameters of equipment used in the measurement, control and protection of d.c. traction systems. Guidance is given concerning the appropriate application of electrical protection systems.

Bahnanwendungen - Ortsfeste Anlagen - Gleichstrom-Schalteinrichtungen - Teil 7-1: Mess-, Steuer- und Schutzeinrichtungen in Gleichstrom-Bahnanlagen - Anwendungsleitfaden

Diese Europäische Norm stellt Unterstützung, Anleitung und Anforderungen für die Auslegung von Schutz-, Steuer- und Messsystemen in Gleichstromanlagen zur Bahnenergieversorgung bereit. Der vorliegende Anwendungsleit¬faden kennzeichnet die Merkmale und Parameter von Einrichtungen, die zur Messung, Steuerung und dem Schutz in Gleichstrom-Bahnnetzen eingesetzt werden. Es wird Hilfestellung für die richtige Verwendung von Schutzeinrichtungen gegeben.

Applications ferroviaires - Installations fixes - Appareillage à courant continu - Partie 7-1: Appareils de mesure, de commande et de protection pour usage spécifique dans les systèmes de traction à courant continu - Guide d'application

La présente Norme européenne fournit une aide, les lignes directrices et les prescriptions de conception pour les systèmes de protection, de commandes et de mesures utilisés dans les installations d'alimentation des réseaux de traction en courant continu. Le présent guide d'application identifie les caractéristiques et les paramètres des matériels de mesure, de commande et de protection des systèmes de traction en courant continu. Les lignes directrices s'applique plus particulièrement aux systèmes de protection électrique.

Železniške naprave – Stabilne naprave električne vleke – Stikalne naprave za enosmerni tok – 7-1. del: Merilne, krmilne in zaščitne naprave za specifično uporabo v vlečnih sistemih za enosmerni tok – Navodila za uporabo

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9093 - Decision to confirm - Review Enquiry
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EN 50123-7-1:2003
English language
25 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST ENV 50123-7-1:1998
Railway applications - Fixed installations - D.C. switchgear -- Part 7-1: Measurement,
control and protection devices for specific use in d.c. traction systems - Application guide
Bahnanwendungen - Ortsfeste Anlagen - Gleichstrom-Schalteinrichtungen -- Teil 7-1:
Mess-, Steuer- und Schutzeinrichtungen in Gleichstrom-Bahnanlagen -
Applications ferroviaires - Installations fixes - Appareillage à courant continu -- Partie 7-1:
Appareils de mesure, de commande et de protection pour usage spécifique dans les
systèmes de traction à courant continu - Guide d'application
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50123-7-1:2003
29.130.99 Druge stikalne in krmilne Other switchgear and
naprave controlgear
29.280 (OHNWULþQDYOHþQDRSUHPD Electric traction equipment
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.


ICS 29.130.99;29.280 Supersedes ENV 50123-7-1:1998

English version
Railway applications –
Fixed installations – D.C. switchgear
Part 7-1: Measurement, control and protection devices
for specific use in d.c. traction systems –
Application guide
Applications ferroviaires –  Bahnanwendungen –
Installations fixes – Ortsfeste Anlagen –
Appareillage à courant continu Gleichstrom-Schalteinrichtungen
Partie 7-1: Appareils de mesure, Teil 7-1: Mess-, Steuer- und
de commande et de protection Schutzeinrichtungen in Gleichstrom-
pour usage spécifique dans Bahnanlagen –
les systèmes de traction Anwendungsleitfaden
à courant continu –
Guide d'application
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2002-09-01. CENELEC members are bound to
comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on
application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and
notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic,
Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels

© CENELEC -2003 All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.

Ref. No. EN 50123-7-1:2003 E
This European Standard was prepared by SC 9XC, Electric supply and earthing systems for
public transport equipment and ancillary apparatus (fixed installations), of the Technical
Committee CENELEC TC 9X, Electrical and electronic applications for railways.
The text of the draft was submitted to the Unique Acceptance Procedure and was approved by
CENELEC as EN 50123-7-1 on 2002-09-01.
This European Standard supersedes ENV 50123-7-1:1998.
The following dates were fixed:
- latest date by which the EN has to be implemented
at national level by publication of an identical
national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2003-09-01
- latest date by which the national standards conflicting
with the EN have to be withdrawn (dow) 2005-09-01
This Part 7-1 is to be used in conjunction with EN 50123-1:2003.
Annexes designated “informative” are given for information only.
In this standard, annexes A, B and C are informative.
– 3 – EN 50123-7-1:2003
1 Scope. 4
2 Normative references. 4
3 Definitions. 4
4 Measurement. 4
4.1 General. 4
4.2 Current. 4
4.3 Voltage dividers. 7
5 Control systems. 7
5.1 General. 7
5.2 Anti-pumping. 7
5.3 Auto-reclose with variable reclose time and final lock out. 7
5.4 Line test device. 8
5.5 Undervoltage close inhibit . 9
6 Protection systems. 10
6.1 General. 10
6.2 Protection system for line circuit breakers (L) . 10
6.3 Protection system for rectifier circuit breaker (R). 11
6.4 Direct acting (series trip). 12
6.5 Indirect acting. 15

Annex A (informative) Electronic protection relay features . 20
A.1 Scope. 20
A.2 Failures. 20
Annex B (informative) Rate of rise and ΔI relay Examples for fault characteristic and
setting parameter selection . 22
B.1 Scope. 22
B.2 Rate of rise detection. 22
B.3 ∆I Protection . 23
B.4 Combined di/dt and ΔI protection. 24
Annex C (informative) Bibliography on relays in use. 25
Figure 1 – Example of a split form hall effect sensor .6
Figure 2 – Basic circuit for line test device.8
Figure 3 – Typical impedance device (electromagnetic) - Characteristics and setting .14
Figure 4 – Frame fault protection systems .18
Figure B.1 – Example of rate of rise and ΔI relay discrimination.23

1 Scope
This European Standard provides assistance, guidance and requirements for the design of
protection, control and measuring systems in d.c. installations intended to provide a power
supply to traction systems. This application guide identifies the characteristics and parameters of
equipment used in the measurement, control and protection of d.c. traction systems.
Guidance is given concerning the appropriate application of electrical protection systems.
2 Normative references
This European Standard makes reference to other parts of the EN 50123 series.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this European standard the terms and definitions given in EN 50123-1. apply.
4 Measurement
4.1 General
Two types of measurements are made on traction systems:
a) measurements of current and voltage for connections to instruments and metering;
b) current and voltage signals used for operating protection devices.
NOTE 1  It is necessary to take care that inductive circuits can alter the inherent di/dt response.
NOTE 2  In traction systems with trains supplying regenerative energy and in double end fed line sections, the
current measurement device should be capable of measuring forward and reverse currents.
4.2 Current
4.2.1 d.c. shunt
A shunt is usually used for measurement purposes, but, when used for protection where accuracy
of response is required, the device is preferably of the non-inductive type.
Use of an isolating transducer permits operation of secondary devices at lower voltage and with
lower rated insulation. This is preferable to taking full mains voltage into what may otherwise be
low voltage compartments.
It should be noted that shunts can run very hot when carrying their rated normal current, with one
terminal hotter than the other, dependant on the direction of current flow. Where they are used
inside switchgear assemblies, then temperature rise tests of the assemblies should take this fact
into account.
– 5 – EN 50123-7-1:2003
4.2.2 Isolating transducer
See EN 50123-7-2 and EN 50123-7-3.
This device requires an auxiliary power supply which should be derived from a guaranteed
source whose loss of supply should initiate an alarm.
The output signal is usually not of the same level as the input and is dependant on the
requirements of the secondary device.
4.2.3 Hall effect sensor
This device requires an auxiliary power supply which should be derived from a guaranteed
source whose loss of supply should initiate an alarm.
This device provides an isolated output. The primary insulation is generally provided by
encapsulation of the iron circuit and sensors. The device is sometimes constructed in a split form
for ease of fitting to a main conductor. See Figure 1 for typical example of a split form of Hall
effect sensor.
The output signal from the device is proportional to the current in the main conductor. This
signal is very low in magnitude and usually requires amplification to provide a suitable input to
the secondary device. Thus an auxiliary power supply is required.
Reliability and overall accuracy can be improved by using an average value obtained from
multiple devices. Placing devices at different locations around a conductor can reduce proximity
Figure 1 – Example of a split form hall effect sensor

– 7 – EN 50123-7-1:2003
4.3 Voltage dividers
Dividers have the same insulation voltage requirements as the main circuit. Isolating transducers
should be employed if the secondary device can not withstand the main circuit insulation level.
NOTE  Failure to open circuit of the footing resistor will result in approximately full mains voltage appearing on the
output side of the divider. A voltage limiter connected in parallel to the footing resistor may be employed for
protection against overvoltages
5 Control systems
5.1 General
Control systems are usually only those which involve the electrical closing of switchgear devices.
Their effect is to permit or inhibit a closure depending on the status of the system and the
compliance with specified requirements.
5.2 Anti-pumping
This system permits the closing device to effect a single attempt while the signal to close is
maintained. If the device fails to complete a satisfactory close operation whilst the close signal is
maintained, then attempts at further reclosing (pumping) are inhibited.
Anti-pumping can be achieved in the closing control circuit in various ways, either by using
mechanism auxiliary switches or a timing relay. It only allows a single closing pulse to the
closing device, which resets when the initial closing signal is released.
Anti-pumping should be explicitly requested by the purchaser and may be applied to all types of
switchgear closing device.
5.3 Auto-reclose with variable reclose time and final lock out
Auto-reclose is only applied to the line circuit breaker L. Its purpose is to reclose the line circuit
breaker automatically after an overcurrent release operation.
On traction systems especially light-rail or trolleybus systems, overcurrent release operations of
line circuit breakers are often due to overcurrents at simultaneous accelerations of vehicles or due
to temporary short circuits. An auto-reclose system can enhance the reliability of the system.
Auto-reclose is usually associated with a timing device which initiates several attempts at

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