Road vehicles — Braking of automotive vehicles and their trailers — Vocabulary

Cancels and replaces the second edition (1980). Defines the principal terms in braking and braking equipment. These terms may designate either the systems or elements involved during the operation of braking, or the values characterizing the whole or a part of the operation. They apply to road vehicles, i. e. automotive vehicles, to towed vehicles and to combinations of vehicles as defined in ISO 3833.

Véhicules routiers — Freinage des véhicules automobiles et de leurs remorques — Vocabulaire

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ISO 611:1994
English language
12 pages
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Third edition
Troisikme Edition
TpeTbe M3,QakiMe
Road vehicles - Braking of automotive
vehicles and their trailers - Vocabulary
Whicules routiers - Freinage des vehicules
automobiles et de leurs remorques -
flOPO>KHblüi TpaHCnOpT - TopMO>KeHm?
afwoMo6umeiii M flpI/I~eflOB - CJlOBapb
Reference number
km&-0 de r&5rence
i-iOh/lep CCblJlKM

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ISO 611:1994(E/F/R)
ISQ (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bedies). The
werk of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Esch member bsdy interested in a
subject for which a technical committee has been established has the
right to be represented on that committee. International organizations,
governmental and non-governmental, in liaissn with ISO, also take
part in the werk. ISO collaborates closely with the International
Electrstechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters sf electrotechnical
Qraft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
LInternational Standard requires approval by at least 75 % sf the
member bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO 611 was prepared by Technical Committee
lSO/TC 22, Woad vehicles, Subcommittee SC 2, BB-ake systems and
equipmen t.
This third edition cancels and replaces the secsnd edition
(ISO 611:1980), of which it constitutes a technical revision.
Annex A forms an integral part of this International Standard.
0 ISO 1994
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‘international Organization for Standardization
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Printed in Switzerland / Imprime en Suisse

---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------
ISO 611: 1994( E/F/R)
Avant propos
L ’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation
mondiale d ’organismes nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de
I ’ISO). L ’elaboration des Normes internationales est en general confiee
aux comites techniques de I ’ISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par
une etude a Ie droit de faire Partie du comite technique cr& 3 cet effet.
Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouverne-
mentales, en liaison avec I ’ISO patticipent egalement aux travaux.
L ’ISO collabore etroitement avec Ia Commission electrotechnique inter-
nationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne Ia normalisation electrotechnique.
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptes par les comites techniques
sont soumis aux comites membres psur vote. Leur publication comme
Normes internationales requiett I ’approbation de 75 % au moins des
comites membres vstants.
La Norme internationale ISO 611 a etc elaboree par Ie comite technique
lSO/TC 22, Whicules routiers, sous-comite SC 2, Systemes de freinage
et equipements.
Cette troisieme edition annule et remplace Ia deuxieme edition
(ISO 611: 1980), dont elle constitue une revision technique.
L ’annexe A fait Partie integrante de Ia presente Norme internationale.
. . .

---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
0 ISO ISO 611: 1994( E/F/R)
Vehicules routiers -
Road vehicles - ~OpOXHblii
Braking of Freinage des
TpaHCnOpT -
automotive vehicles vehicules automobiles TopMoxeHMe
and their trailers - et de leurs remorques
Vocabulary - Vocabulaire
Ul npul~erloB -
Qbnac-rb IlpUlMeHeHVlSIl
1 Scope Domaine d ’application
H~CTOFIUMYI h/kmnytiapO~Hbl~
This International Standard de- La presente Norme internationale
CTaHflapT OnpefieJlFleT OCHOBHble
fines the principal terms in brak- definit les principaux termes re-
ing and braking equipment. latifs au freinage et a l’equipe-
XeHL ’ItO M TOpM03HOMy 06opy-
These terms may designate either ment de freinage. Ces termes
~OBaHMtO. 3TM TepMMHbl M0ry-r
the Systems or elements involved peuvent designer soit des dispo-
OflpefleJlFlTb KaK CMCTeMbl M Nie-
during the Operation of braking, sitifs ou elements qui intervien-
MeHTbl, yraCTBytO~Vle B flpOueCCe
nent au cours de Poperation de
or the values characterizing the
whole or a part of the Operation. freinage, soit des grandeurs qui TaK VI WlCJleHHble
caracterisent tout ou Partie de la- llapaMeTpbl, xapaKTepM3ytouMe
The terms thus defined apply to
dite Operation. Les termes ainsi npOUeCC TOpMOXeHWl B UeJIOM
road vehicles, i.e. automotive
MJIM OTfleJlbHble er0 YaCTlA (CTa-
definis s ’appliquent aux vehicules
vehicles, to towed vehicles and to
routiers, c ’est-a-dire aux vehicules flWl). YKa3aHHble TepMVlHbl OTHO-
combinations of vehicles as
automobiles, CATCFl K flOpOXHOMy TpaHCflOpTy,
defined in ISO 3833. aux vehicules
tractes et aux ensembles de T.e. aBTOM06VlnFIM, npMueflaM v1
vehicules tels que definis dans i3BTOnOe3JJaM, KJlaCCVlC#WllJ4pOBaH-
HblM B Mc0 3833.
I ’ISO 3833.
2 Normative reference Rbfkrence normative kiQPMaTMBHaR CcblnKa
i-ipVlBeneHHblii CTaHflapT BKJllOYaeT
The following Standard contains La norme suivante contient des
nonoxetim, t-ia KoTopbie nenaeTcfi
provisions which, through ref- dispositions qui, par Suite de Ia
erence in this text, constitute reference qui en es4 faite, consti- CCblJlKa B TeKCTe M KOTOpble CTaHO-
provisions of this International tuent des dispositions valables BFlTCFl octior3ononaratoqvrrvrvr mn
pour Ia presente Norme interna- Hacroflurero MemnyHaponHoro
Standard. At the time of publi-
tionale. Au moment de Ia publi- CTaHnapTa. Ha MOMeHT nydnvlka-
cation, the edition indicated was
valid. All Standards are subject to cation, l’edition indiquee etait en qMr4 yka3aririoe M3gaHMe flf3nfinocb

---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------
ISO 611: 1994( E/F/R)
revision, and Parties to agree- vigueur. Toute norme est sujette JJemBytoqvlM. nto6oM craHnapT
ments based on this Inter- a revision et les Parties prenantes noneepraexfl nepecMoTpy, a CTO-
national Standard are encour- des accords fondes sur Ia pOHaM, llpMHMMatOqMM peqeHPl54
aged to investigate the possibility presente Norme internationale no nepechno-rpy t-racToAuero Mex-
of applying the most recent sont invitees a rechercher Ia nyHaponHor0 CTatinapTa, npema-
edition of the Standard indicated possibilite d ’appliquer I ’edition Ia raeTCfi M3blCKaTb B03MOJKHOCTb IlpVl-
below. Members of IEC and ISO plus recente de Ia norm e indiquee MeHeHL ’W nocnenHeii penaKum
maintain registers sf curren ci-ap res. Les m embres de Ia CEI cTat-rflapTa, npr4seneHHoro HMxe.
valid inte national Standards. et de I ’ISO possedent YneHbl M3K M MC0 MMelOT cnucKI/1
Ie registre des Normes inter- neiicrsy~~~x Ha flaHHoe BpeMfl
ISO 3833:1977, Road vehicles - nationales en vigueur a un MemyHapOnHblX CTaHflapTOB.
Terms and definitions. moment donne.
Types -
vtco 3833:1977, AOPOXHblii TpaHC-
ISO 3833: 1977, Whicules routiers
IlOpT - Timbr - kpMMtib/ M Onpe-
- Types - Dbnominations et flef7eHm.
d6 finitions.
3 Braking equipment Equipement et dispositifs ToprvmIm? o6opyfloBakibIe
and Systems de freinage M TOPM03HbIe CMCTeMbl
3.1 braking equipment: All the hquipement der freinage: En- TopMo3Hoe o6opyAosaHMe: Bce
braking Systems fitted to a ve- semble des dispositifs de freinage TOpM03Hble CLlCTeM bl, yCTaHOB-
hicle whose function is to reduce equipant un vehicule et qui ont JIeHHble Ha TpaHCnOpTHOM Cpefl-
its Speed or to bring it to a halt, pour fonction de diminuer ou CTBe Pl npent-ra3tia~er-itibie nflfl
or to hold the vehicle stationary. d ’annuler sa vitesse ou de Ie yMeHbUleHWl CKO~OCTM er0 nsvl-
maintenir immobile. meHm, OCTaHOBKL ’l vm ynep-
IKaHM54 er0 B HenOnBM>KHOM CO-
CT~FIHMM nocne ocTaHoBKi4.
pa6orag TopMo3HaA cMcTeMa: Bce
3.2 Service braking System: All dispositif de freinage de Service:
WeMeHTbl, no3Bonmoque Bonw
the elements, the action of which Ensemble des elements, dont
Tento npflM0 vm4
may be modulated, allowing the I ’action est moderable, permet- KOCBeHHO
driver to reduce, directly or indi- tant au conducteur de diminuer
rectly, the Speed of a vehicle ou d ’annuler, directement ou
during normal driving or to bring indirectement, Ia vitesse d ’un 3KC-
the vehicle to a halt. vehicule Pendant sa conduite nnyaiauim. Ee AeiicTBMe nBmeTcfi
normale. perynvlpyeMblM.
3ar!aCHaA [BTOpWHaSl] TOpM03Hafi
3.3 secondary braking system: dispositif de freinage de secours:
CsncTeMa: Bce NleMeHTbl, nO3-
All the elements, the action of Ensemble des elements, dont
BonmoqVIe BonHTenso npflM0 mM
which may be modulated, allow- I ’action est moderable, permet-
ing the driver to reduce, directly tant au conducteur de diminuer
or indirectly, the Speed sf a ve- ou d ’annuler, directement ou OCTaHOBlATb TpaHCllOpTHOe
hicle or to bring the vehicle to a indirectement, Ia vitesse d ’un cpencTB0 B cnyqae rier4cnpast4ocri4
halt in case of failure of the ser- vehicule en cas de defaillance du pa6oreei TOpMO3HOii CMCTeMbl. Ee
dispositif de freinage de Service. fleGicTBvle WBnFIeTCfi
vice braking System.
3.4 parking braking System: Al dispositif de freinage de station-
Bce 3WeMeHTbl, no3BonmoqMe yflep-
the elements allowing the ve nement: Ensemble des elements
hicle to be held stationary mech permettant de maintenir mecani-

---------------------- Page: 5 ----------------------
ISO 611: 1994( E/F/R)
anically, even on an inclined sur- quement un vehicule immobile, COCTOFlHMM flaXe
face, and particularly in the meme sur sol incline, notamment Ha HaKJlOHHOti nOBepXHOCTl4 M, B
absence of the driver. en I ’absence du conducteur. qaCTHOCTM, npM ~TC~TCTBVWI BOJJM-
dispositif de freinage additionnel BcnoanoraTen bHafl TopM03Hafl CM-
3.5 additional retarding braking
de ralentissement: Ensemble des CTeMa; 3aMeJylvlTenb:
System: All the elements allowing Bce 3ne-
elements permettant au conduc- MeHTbl, ll03BOJl5VO~Vle BO~MTeJllO
the driver, directly or indirectly,
npFIM0 WIM KOCBeHHO cTa6vrnM3r+
to stabilize or to reduce the Speed teur, directement ou indirecte-
of the vehicle, particularly on a ment, de stabiliser ou de reduire
long incline. Ia vitesse d ’un vehicule, notam- TpaHCflOpTHOrO CpeflCTBa, B YaCT-
ment sur une longue pente. HOCTIA, Ha ~JlL ’lHHOM yKJlOHf2.
3.6 automatic braking System: dispositif de freinage automa- aBTOMaTW4eCKaSl TOpM03HaSl CM-
All the elements which brake the tique: Ensemble des elements qui CTeMa: Bce NleMeHTbl, aBTOMa-
freinent automatiquement Ie ve- TMYeCKM 3aropMamr4Barour4e TpaHC-
vehicle automatically.
hicule. IlOpTHOe CpeflCTBO.
In the case of towed vehicles, the
llpr4 Hanr0iMr4 npuuena aBroMa-
automatic braking System acti- Dans Ie cas de vehicules tractes,
vated by intended or accidental Ie freinage automatique resulte TOpMO3HaF1 CMCTeMa
fle@iCTByeT B pe3ynbTaTe HaMepeH-
Separation from the towing ve- d ’une Separation voulue ou acci-
Hora Mnr4 asapGHor0 0TneneHrirn
hicle. dentelle du vehicule tracteur.
er0 0~ Tfiraqa.
4 Constituent elements Elements constitutifs
Un dispositif de freinage se Toprvmtm CMCTeMa BmtoweT B
A braking System comprises de-
compose des dispositifs d ’ali- ce6H yCTpOiCTBa flnfl cHa6meHvm
vices for supplying energy, for its
mentation en energie, de com- 3tieprMei& ynpaBneHMfi, nepeflaivl,
control, for its transmission, for
TOpMOJKeHW& M, tieo6xo-
braking, and, if necessary, a mande et de transmission, du
JJMMOCTM, n0nonHMTenbHoe yc~-
supplementary device on the frein et, eventuellement, d ’un
poFK-rr30 Ha Tnraqe flnH npMuena.
towing vehicle for the towed dispositif complementaire sur Ie
vehicle. vehicule tracteur pour Ie vehicule
4.1 energy-supplying device: dispositif d ’alimentation en YCTpOiiCTBO 3HeprocHa6xeHlllx
Parts of a braking System which hergie: Parties d ’un dispositif de
supply, regulate and, if necess- freinage qui generent, regulent et pafl noflaer, perynvrpye-r M, npu
condition the energy re- eventuellement traitent I ’energie tieO6xoflMMocTM, npeo6pa3yer
quired for braking. lt terminates necessaire au freinage. ll se ter- 3rieprvrto, Tpe6yervryto flnfl TOP-
at the Point where the transmis- mine Ia ou Ie dispositif de MO>KeHMFl. OHO 3aKaHWlBaeTCFl B
transmission commence, c ’est-5- MeCTe, rne HaYMHaeTcfl yc-rpoi%
sion device Starts, i.e. where the
dire Ia ou les divers circuits des em0 nnfl nepenaqr4 3rieprMr4, T.e.
various circuits of the braking
dispositifs de freinage (voir 5.2), y rne pa3nMclHble KOHT)/PbI (CM. 5.2)
Systems (see 5.2), including the
compris les circuits des acces- TOpM03HblX CMCTeM, BKJllOYaFl KOH-
circuits of accessories if fitted,
soires eventuels, sont proteges nOCTOpOHHMX noTpe6M-
are protected either towards the
TeneM, 3aurr4~atoTcfl KaK OT 3Hep-
energy-supplying device or from soit par rapport au dispositif
rocria6marourero yCTpOfiCTBa, TaK
each other. d ’alimentation en energie, soit les
uns par rapport aux autres. ~/1 npyr 0~ npyra.
NOTE 1 This also applies to the
case of a towed vehicle.
NOTE 1 Ceia s ’applique kgalement I-lPVlMEclAHVlE 1 OHO B PaBHOi? ne-
au cas d ’un vbhicule tractb. fleHVl IlPMMeHMMO L ’l AJlFl ilpVlUenHOr0

---------------------- Page: 6 ----------------------
ISO 611:1994(E/F/R)
MCTOYHVlK 3HepWWl: YaCTb 3Hep-
4.2 energy Source: Part of the Source d ’bnergie: Partie du dis-
which roctia6matouero YCTpOkTBa, KO-
ene rgy-su device positif d ’alimentation en energie
TOpaFI BblpadaTbl BaeT 3Heprwo.
erates the ene qui genere I ’energie.
wn rgy-
NOTE 2 It may be located away NOTE 2 Elle peut se trouver hors du llPVlMEYAHV1E 2 Oria MOXeT 6blTb
from the vehicle (for example in the vehicule (par exemple dans Ie cas pacnonomeHa BHe TpaHCnOpTHOrO
case of a compressed air braking d ’un dispositif de freinage a air cpecrcrsa (HanpMMep, B cnyccae nHer3-
comprime d ’une remorque) et peut MaTWeCKOh TOpM03HOi CVICTeMbI
System for a trailer) and may also be
egalement etre Ia forte musculaire npMWla) M MOXeT 6blTb TaKXe B Bvlae
the muscular strength of an individ-
d ’une Personne. MyckynbHoM 3HeprMM Yenof3eka.
4.3 control device: Parts of a dispositif de commande: Parties YCTPOtiCTBO yllpaBJleHklX %CTb
d ’un dispositif de freinage qui TOpM03HOti CMCTeM bl, KOTOpaFl
braking System which initiate the
Provoquent Ia mise en action et 06eCnewBaeT Bcrynnerivre B pa-
Operation and control the effect
commandent I ’effet de ce dis- 60~~ vI KotirponMpyeT neFrcrBt4e
of this braking System.
positif de freinage. 3TOLi TOpM03HOti CVlCTeMbl.
The control device Starts
YCTp0ik~~0 ynpasneHr4fi HaqMt-ia-
Le dispositif de commande com-
- at the Point of application,
when directly operated by the
- B Meere npr4nometitifl ynpa-
driver (or another person); - au Point d ’application, lors
d ’une intervention directe du snFttor4ero B03@iCTBMFl
- at the Point where the control HenOCpeflCTBeHHOM ynpasne-
conducteur (ou d ’une autre
Signal is fed into the braking Hm Bont4TeneM vrnr4 npyrr4rvr
System when indirectly oper- JlM~OM;
ated by the driver or when - Ia ou Ie Signal de commande
BM ecre, rne cr4rHan y
without hrs est introduit dans Ie dispositif npasne-
de freinage, lors d ’une inter- HMFl M03HytO
vention indirecte du conduc- CVlCTeMy npL ’l HenpAMOM (KOC-
teur ou s ’il agit sans aucune BeHHOM) ynpasneHMr4 BonvlTe-
lt terminates either at the Point
intervention de sa part. nervr MnM npM ynpasneHMM 6e3
where the energy necessary to
el-0 BMeUJaTeJlbCTBa.
produce the application forte is
II se termine soit Ia ou I ’energie
distributed or where a patt of
OHO 3aKaHWlBaeTCFl B MecTe, rne
necessaire a Ia production de Ia
that energy is distributed for
3Heprm, Heo6xonwM afl nnn nony-
the control of that application forte de serrage est distribuee,
YeHHn npviBonHoro ycMnMH, nH6o
forte. soit Ia ou une Partie de cette
YaCTb 3TOti 3Heprm pacnpe-
energie est distribuee pour Ie
nenfrerc53 nnfl ynpasneHr4R yka-
controle de cette forte de serrage.
3aHHblM npMBOflHblM yCPlJWleM.
3 The control Signal may be con-
veyed within the control device by,
for example, mechanical, pneumatic,
3 Au sein du dispositif de com-
3 Ynpasnsrro~vGi ctirtian MOXeT
hydraulic or electrical means, in-
mande, Ie Signal de commande peut
nepenasa-rbcA BHYTpM YCTpOilCTBa
cluding the use of auxiliary or non-
etre transmis, par exemple, par des
ynpaBneHMn, t-ianpuMep, MexaHMYec-
muscular energy.
moyens mecaniques, pneumatiques,
KMMM, IlHeBMaTWieCKVlMVl, WlflpaBJlVl-
hydrauliques ou electriques, incluant
4 Th e control device may be oper-
L(eCKMMVl MJlM 3JleKTpWieCKVlMM Cpefl-
I ’utilisation d ’energie auxiliaire ou
CTBaMM, BKnloYa$l Mcnonb30f3aHMe
non musculaire.
BCnOMOraTeJlbHOh WlL ’l HeMyCKyJlbHOl?
of an in-
- by the direct action
4 be disposit if de commande peut 3Heprwk
dividual, either by hand or foot;
et re actionne:
- by the indirect action of the driver
VlBOjJvlTbCFi B neikns~e:
- directement a Ia main ou au pied;
or without any action (only in the
case of towed vehicles);
MJlM MHOrO FlVlUa, KaK pyKOh, TaK L ’l

---------------------- Page: 7 ----------------------
ISO 611: 1994( E/F/R)
- by Variation of the pressure in a - par intervention indirecte du con-
TenR MnM 6e3 BcRKoro BOweti-
connecting pipe or of the electric ducteur, ou sans aucune inter-
current in a cable between the vention de sa patt, dans Ie cas de
cnyqae npm~enrioro TpaHcnopT-
towing and towed vehicles at the vehicules tractes;
tioro cpeacrea:
time of Operation of one of the
braking Systems of the towing
- par Variation de Pression dans
vehicle, or in the case of a failure; - M3MeHeHMeM JJaBneHVlFl B COejWl-
une conduite de liaison, ou de
courant electrique dans un cable HMTenbHOM Tpy6OnpOBOne vlnvI
entre vehicule tracteur et vehicule 3netcrpr4qeckoro roka B npoBone
- by the inertia of the vehicle or by
tracte lors de I ’actionnement d ’un Memy Tfiraqorvr M npuuenohn ~0
its weight or that of one of its
BpeM5l ZJeikTBVlR OflHOlÄ l1l3 TOp-
constituent elements (e.g. by ap- des dispositifs de freinage du ve-
hicule tracteur, ou en cas de de- M03HblX ClilCTeM TFIrWEI, m6o B
proach or Separation of the tow-
CJlyWe HeVlCllpaBHOCTlA;
ing and towed vehicles or by the faillance;
Iowering of a constituent el-
ement). - r4tiepLcr4eiYr TpaHcnoprrioro cpenffsa
- par inertie du vehicule ou par Ie
MnM er0 BeCOM WlVl yKa3aHHblMVl
poids du vehicule ou d ’un de ses
elements constitutifs (par exemple C@aKTOpaMVl OL1HOM Pl3 er0
par rapprochement ou eloignement COCTaBHblX Yacreii (Hanpuirvrep,
c6nMmeHrAeM Mnlrl pa3nenetWIeM
entre Ie vehicule tracteur et Ie vehi-
cule tracte, ou par abaissement d ’un rgraqa M npuuena nM6o onyc-
element constitutif).
yc~poHc~~0 nepeflaw 3Heprm;
dispositif de transmission: Parties
4.4 transmission device: Parts of
IlpMBO~: YaCTVl TOpM03HOi CL ’lCTe-
d ’un dispositif de freinage qui
a braking System which transmit
transmettent I ’energie distribuee Mbl, KoTopble nepenator 3HeprMto,
the energy distributed by the
par Ie dispositif de commande. pacnpenenflervryto ynpasnHtor4Mrvr
control device.
II commence soit Ia ou se termine
lt Starts either at the Point where
Ie dispositif de commande, soit Ia 0~0 HawHaeTcfl B MecTe, rne
the control device terminates or
ou se termine Ie dispositif d ’ali- 3aKaHclMBaeTcn ynpasnfltoqee yc~-
at the Point where the energy-
mentation en energie, et se ter- PO~CTBO, nu6o B MecTe, rne
supplying device terminates, and
3aKaHwlBaeTcFl 3HeprocHa6Xato-
it terminates at the Point where mine Ia ou commence Ie frein.
qee YCTpOiiCTBO, M 3aKaHYVlBaeTCFl
the brake Starts.
NOTE 5 Le dispositif de transmis- B T~M MecTe, rne HawHaeTcfi Hop-
sion peut etre, par exemple, du type
NOTE 5 The transmission device M03HOti MeXaHVl3M.
mecanique, hydraulique, pneuma-
may, for example, be of mechani-
tique (a Pression superieure ou infe-
cal, hydraulic, pneumatic (pressure
IlPL ’lMEYAHVlE 5 fTpHeon MOJKeT 6blTb,
rieure a Ia Pression atmospherique),
above or below atmospheric) electric
HanpMrvrep, MexatiMYeckr4rvr, nInpasnr4-
electrique ou combine (par exemple
or combined (e.g. hydromechanical,
hydromecanique ou hydropneuma-
hydropneumatic) type.
HL ’leM BblWe MJlM HM>Ke aTMOC@epHOrO),
HbiM (HanpMMep, rvmpohnexawwecwm,
frein: Parties d ’un dispositif de TOpM03; TOpMO3HOii MeXaHkl3M:
4.5 brake: Parts of a braking
%CTVl TOpM03HOti CMCTeMbl, B KO-
System in which the forces op- freinage dans lesquelles les for-
TOpblX co3nat0Tcfl CMJlbl, npoTvl-
posing the movement or ten- ces s ’opposant au mouvement ou
BoneMcTBytoq~e m3imiceHmo vlnM
dency to movement of the ve- a Ia tendance au mouvement du
hicle develop. vehicule sont creees. TeHCleHUMM K ~BWKeHMlO TpaHC-
nopTHor0 cpencTBa.
4.5.1 friction brake: Brake in frein h friction: Frein dans lequel Ct)pklK~MOHHblii TOpM03: Top~o3,
which the components attached des pieces solidaires d ’une Partie B KOTOPOM ne-ram, npvwpe-
to a fixed part of the vehicle are fixe du vehicule sont appliquees nneHHble K HenoflBvwHoM YacTM
par Ia forte de serrage contre une TpaHCnOpTHOrO cpenc-rsa, npww
applied by the application forte

---------------------- Page: 8 ----------------------
ISO 611: 1994( E/F/R)
MalOTCJl npMBOflHOfi cwroti K
against one or more components ou des pieces liees ou accouplees
OnHOM wrvr HeCKOnbKL ’lM neTanflM,
attached or coupled to a wheel or a une roue ou a un groupe de
rlpMKperlneHHblM L ’lnVI CBFl3aHHblM
an assembly of wheels. roues.
c konecorvr vlnlrl rpynnoti konec.
NOTE 6 The friction brake in which NOTE 6 Le frein a friction dans
the effect of application forte(s) is lequel I ’effet de Ia (des) forte(s) de llPVlMEYAHVlE 6 Q)plilKUL ’lOHHbll? TOp-
increased by the friction forces is serrage est augmente par les forces M03, B KOTOpOM 3C@jIIeKT OT nekTBVlFl
called a “self-servo” type. du frottement est appele «frein auto- npHBonHoii cmbl ycmrnBaeTcfi cvrna-
MVl TpeHWl, Ha3blBaeTCA ,,TOpM030M C
caMoycmeHMeM ”.
6apa6atitibi TOPM03: Q)~MK~u~H- drum bra ke: Friction frein 5 tambour: Frein a friction
Hblti TOpM03, B KOTOpOM CWlbl
brake in which the friction forces dans lequel les forces de frotte-
are produced between the com- ment sont produites entre les TpetiMfl co3naroTcn Mexny ne-ra-
nfiMM, npt4KpenneriribiMr4 K Henon-
ponents attached to a fixed part pieces solidaires d ’une Partie fixe
of the vehicle and the internal or du vehicule et Ia surface interne YaCTL+l TpaHCnOpTHOrO
external surface of a drum. ou externe d ’un tambour. cpencrsa M HapyJKHOti vrnM
~MCKOBbIti TOPM03: Q)pMKuVlOH- disc brake: Friction brake frein A disque: Frein a friction
Hblfi TOpM03, B KOTOpOM CMJlbl
in which the friction forces are dans lequel les forces de frotte-
TpetiMfl co3natorcfl MeXny nerann-
produced between the compo- ment sont produites entre les
ranr4, npMkpenneriHbiMr4 K Henon-
nents attached to a fixed part of pieces solidaires d ’une Partie fixe
the vehicle and the faces of one du vehicule et les faces d ’un ou
cpenc-rBa VI ropueBbiMr4 nosepx-
or more discs. de plusieurs disque(s).
HOCTRMVI onHoro vwr 6onee nr/rc-
4.5.2 positive engagement brake frein & engagement positif: Frein TOPM03 C 3aBeAOMblM BKJltO ’te-
Brake in which non- dans lequel des elements non HMeM; CTOnOp: Top~o3, B KOTO-
rotating elements of the vehicle rotatifs du vehicule empechent, pOM HeBpaqatOqHeCFl 3neMeHTbl
par engagement positif, Ie mou- TpaHcnopTHoro cpencTBa npeno-
prevent, by positive engagement,
vement de pieces liees d ’une TBpaqatOT, nyTeM 3aBenoMoro
the movement of components
wnio~eHm, nBwtceHMe neTaneFi,
attached in a permanent manner facon permanente 3 une roue ou
npr4kpenneHHbix rlOCTOnHH0 K KO-
to a wheel or an assembly of a un ensemble de roues.
necy Mnr4 rpynne konec.
NOTE 7 Les freins a engagement
positif ne peuvent normalement etre
NOTE 7 Positive engagement brakes TlPVlMEYAHVlE 7 Toprvrosa c 3aBeno-
mis en action que lorsque Ie vehicule
MblM BKJlKWeHVleM o6blqHo IlpVlBO-
are normally only applied when the
est a l’arret.
nfircfl f3 neMc-rsr4e, korna -rpar-icnopr-
vehicle is stationary.
Hoe cpenc-rso Heno~BlmKHo.
4.5.3 retarder: Mechanism whose ralentisseur: Mecanisme dont Ia ~exat-wM, C~)YHK-
function is to reduce or to fonction est de reduire ou de UVlei;r KOTOpOrO nBnneTCn CHMIKe-
stabilize the Speed of a vehicle, stabiliser Ia vitesse d ’un vehicule, r-rwe MnM cra6mnM3auMH CKO~OCTVI
for example on a long incline, but par exemple sur une longue TpaHCnOpTHOrO CpenCTBa, B YaCT-
pente, mais non de I ’arreter. HOCTM, Ha nnVlTenbHOM YKnOHe, HO
not to stop it.
He OCTaHOBKa er0.

---------------------- Page: 9 ----------------------
ISO 611: 1994( E/F/R) retarder by combustion ralentisseur par moteur 6 com- MoTopHblW 3aMeflmTenb: TMn 3a-
engine: Retarder where the bustion: Type de ralentisseur MennMTenq B ~0~0p0~ nBvwaTenb
combustion engine, linked to the dans lequel Ie moteur a combus- BHyTpeHHerO CrOpaHWI, CBFl3aH-
tion, relie aux roues motrices, Hbll? C BenyqMMvl KonecaMvr,
driving wheels, exercises a re-
exerce sur Ie vehicule en mou- OKa3blBaeT 3aMe~RKNlJVIti 3C$@eKT
tarding effect on the moving
vement un effet retardateur pro- Ha nemcyqeecfl TpaHCnOpTHOe
vehicle, caused for example by a
voque, par exemple, par une CpeflCTBO, Bbl3BaHHblti, HarlpL ’lMep,
reduction in the fuel supply, by a
diminution de I ’alimentation en yMeHbwetiMeM nonaqr4 TonnMBa,
throttling of the air supply, by a
flpoccenMpoBaHMefvr nonaclr4 B03-
throttling of the outlet of the ex- combustible, par I ’etranglement
nyxa, flpoccenMpoBaHr4eM noroka
haust gases or by a modification de I ’alimentation en air, par
BblXnOl-lHblX ra3OB L ’lnL ’l L43MeHe-
of the valve opening times. I ’etranglement de Ia sortie des
gaz brules, ou par une modifica-
tion des temps d ’ouverture des CTOFIHMFI KnanatioB (*a3 ra30-
soupapes. pacnpeneneHr4fl). retarder by electric trac- ralentisseur par moteur electri- 3neKTpOMOTOpHblih 3aMeAnMTeJlb:
Tun 3aMemr/rTenfl, B KOTOPOM 3neK-
tion motor: Retarder where the que: Type de ralentisseur dans
TpMYeCKMti TRroBblüi nf3waTenb,
electric traction motor, linked to lequel Ie moteur electrique de
CBn3aHHbIti C BenyllJMMM Kone-
the driving wheels, exercises a traction, relie aux roues motrices,
CaMM, OKa3blBaeT 3aMenn5woqG
retarding effect on the moving exerce sur Ie vehicule en mou-
3$@eKT Ha QBWKyllJeeCA TpaHC-
vehicle, caused for example by vement un effet retardateur pro-
l-lOpTHOe CpeflCTBO, Bbl3BaHHblti,
functioning as a current gener- voque, par exemple, par son
HanpVlMep, C@yHKlJ4OHMpOBaHMeM
ator. fonctionnement en generateur de
er0 B pexvrMe reriepaTopa.
rM~po~ltlHaM#~ecKMn hydrodynamic retarder: ralentisseur hydrodynamique: 3aMe~nk
Mechanism in which a retarding Mecanisme dans lequel un effet Tenb: MexaHM3M, B KOTZIEM 3a-
retardateur est obtenu par I ’action Me~fuoqvri? 3aaeK-r nonyraeTcfi
effect is obtained by the action of
a liquid on components linked to d ’un liquide sur des pieces qui neik-rsvreM mMnK0c-m Ha neTanvr,
sont liees a une ou plusieurs CBFl3aHHble C Oc(HMM VInVI 6onee KO-
one or more wheels, or to
reue(s), ou sur des elements de Ia neCaMP& MnM Ha 3neMeHTbl TpaHC-
elements of the power transmis-
transmission d ’entrainement du ML ’lCCW ’l TpaHCnOpTHOrO CpeflCTBa,
sion of the vehicle which are
vehicule, eux-memes en liaison KOTOpble CaMl4 CBfl3aHbl C KOne-
themselves linked to the wheels.
avec les roues. CaMM.
retarder: ralentisseur aerodynamique: Me- a3po~vlHaMvlrecKvlii 3aMejywTenb: aerodynamic
Mechanism in which a retarding Mexarir43rvr, B KOTOPOM 3aMennwo-
canisme dans lequel un effet
qMM 3*c@ew nonyqaeTcn noBbl-
effect is obtained by causing an retardateur est obtenu en provo-
wetiueM conpoTw3neHvw Bo3nyxa,
increase in the air resistance (e.g. quant I ’accroissement de Ia re-
HallpMMep, pa3BepTblBaHL ’leM I-lOfl-
by the deployment of movable sistance de I ’air comme,
BM>KHblX noBepxHocreG.
surfaces). exemple, par deploiement de
surfaces mobiles. electromagnetic retarder: ralentisseur electroma

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