oSIST prEN 12299:2023
(Main)Railway applications - Ride comfort for passengers - Measurement and evaluation
Railway applications - Ride comfort for passengers - Measurement and evaluation
The purpose of this document is to provide methods for quantifying the ride comfort of a passenger in a rail vehicle in response to the track sections it is operated over.
The methods aim to quantify the effects of vehicle body motions on ride comfort and to make the assessment of passenger comfort predictable, repeatable, objective and meaningful.
The methods and comfort scales are validated for people of good health.
This document applies to passengers in rail vehicles operating on heavy rail networks.
This document may also be used as a guide for example on urban rail systems, but their operational routes/environments may make it difficult to comply with the requirements of the test methods.
This document applies to measurements of motions. It also applies to simulated motions. Guidance is provided on:
- which method described within the document should be used for different scenarios;
- typical values for different comfort levels;
- the application of simulation.
This document excludes health and safety issues, non-passenger carrying vehicles, vehicle homologation and safety, limit values, motion sickness, discomfort caused by accelerating and braking, design guidelines and measurement technology.
Bahnanwendungen - Fahrkomfort für Fahrgäste - Messung und Auswertung
Diese Europäische Norm legt Methoden zur Bewertung der Auswirkungen von Bewegungen des Wagenkastens auf den Fahrkomfort für die Fahrgäste und für die Fahrzeugbemessung fest.
Die hier betrachteten Auswirkungen sind:
- Unannehmlichkeiten in Verbindung mit relativ kleinen Beschleunigungen und Rollgeschwindigkeiten.
Andere Einflüsse in Zusammenhang mit höheren Beschleunigungspegeln sind nicht in dieser Norm erfasst:
- Gesundheitsrisiko: körperliche Behinderung und psychische Störung.
Der Anwendungsbereich ist auf den öffentlichen Eisenbahnverkehr beschränkt, die Norm umfasst Schienenfahrzeuge, die zur Beförderung von Fahrgästen ausgelegt sind, einschließlich Neben- und Vorortstrecken. Sie kann aber auch als Leitfaden für andere Eisenbahnfahrzeuge, z. B. Lokomotiven, U Bahnen und Straßenbahnen usw. verwendet werden.
Diese Norm bezieht sich auf Fahrgäste, die sich in einem gesundheitlich guten Allgemeinzustand befinden.
Sie gilt für Bewegungsmessungen, kann aber auch für Simulationen angewendet werden
Applications ferroviaires - Confort de marche des voyageurs - Mesurage et évaluation
La présente Norme européenne spécifie des méthodes de détermination des effets des mouvements de la caisse sur le confort de marche des voyageurs et d’évaluation du véhicule du point de vue du confort de marche. L’effet considéré est :
- l’inconfort, lié à des niveaux d’accélération et une vitesse de roulis relativement faibles.
Les autres effets, non couverts par la présente norme, sont liés à des niveaux d’accélération plus élevés :
- risques pour la santé : Dommages physiques et psychologiques.
L’objet de la présente norme se limite au service ferroviaire public ; la norme concerne les véhicules ferroviaires de transport de voyageurs sur des lignes ferroviaires, incluant les lignes secondaires et les lignes de banlieue. Le présent document peut toutefois être utilisé comme guide pour d’autres véhicules ferroviaires comme par exemple les locomotives, les métros, les tramways, etc.
La norme s’applique à des voyageurs en bonne santé.
La présente norme s’applique aux mesurages des mouvements, mais elle peut également être utilisée pour des simulations.
Železniške naprave - Udobnost vožnje potnikov - Meritve in vrednotenje
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Železniške naprave - Udobnost vožnje potnikov - Meritve in vrednotenje
Railway applications - Ride comfort for passengers - Measurement and evaluation
Bahnanwendungen - Fahrkomfort für Fahrgäste - Messung und Auswertung
Applications ferroviaires - Confort de marche des voyageurs - Mesurage et évaluation
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 12299
13.160 Vpliv vibracij in udarcev na Vibration and shock with
ljudi respect to human beings
45.060.20 Železniški vagoni Trailing stock
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
December 2022
ICS Will supersede EN 12299:2009
English Version
Railway applications - Ride comfort for passengers -
Measurement and evaluation
Applications ferroviaires - Confort de marche des Bahnanwendungen - Fahrkomfort für Gäste - Messung
voyageurs - Mesurage et évaluation und Auswertung
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 256.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.
Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2022 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 12299:2022 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.
Contents Page
European foreword . 6
1 Scope . 7
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms and definitions . 7
4 Symbols, units and abbreviations . 9
5 General description. 13
5.1 General. 13
5.2 Passenger exposure to vibrations . 13
5.3 Application . 14
5.4 Characteristics of rail vehicle motions . 14
5.5 Ride comfort . 15
5.6 Direct and indirect measurements . 15
5.7 Summary table of procedures . 15
5.8 Application of comfort indices . 16
6 Mean comfort and continuous comfort . 17
6.1 General. 17
6.2 Basis of the method . 18
6.3 Methodology . 18
6.4 Test conditions . 18
6.4.1 General. 18
6.4.2 Selection of test sections . 19
6.4.3 Test speed . 19
6.4.4 Wheel-rail contact geometry . 19
6.4.5 Vehicle condition . 19
6.5 Parameters to be measured . 19
6.5.1 General. 19
6.5.2 Location of measuring points . 19
6.5.3 Filtering . 20
6.6 Definition of intermediate quantities . 20
6.6.1 Symbols and indices . 20
6.6.2 Rms-values of weighted accelerations . 22
6.6.3 95th and 50th percentiles . 22
6.7 Definition of comfort indexes . 23
6.7.1 Continuous comfort. 23
6.7.2 Mean comfort standard method . 23
6.7.3 Mean comfort complete method . 23
6.8 Test report . 23
7 Comfort on Curve Transitions . 24
7.1 General. 24
7.2 Basis of the method . 24
7.3 Methodology . 24
7.4 Test conditions . 25
7.4.1 General. 25
7.4.2 Selection of test sections . 25
7.4.3 Test speed . 25
7.4.4 Wheel-rail contact geometry . 25
7.4.5 Vehicle condition . 25
7.5 Parameters to be measured . 25
7.5.1 General . 25
7.5.2 Location of measuring points . 26
7.5.3 Filtering . 26
7.6 Definition of intermediate quantities . 26
7.6.1 Symbols and indices . 26
7.6.2 y Averaging procedure . 26
7.6.3 Identification of transition periods. 27
7.6.4 Intermediate quantities . 27
7.7 Definition of comfort index P . 27
7.8 Alternative comfort index ‘sliding P over 3 s’ . 28
7.9 Test report . 29
7.10 Example diagrams . 29
8 Comfort on Discrete Events . 31
8.1 General . 31
8.2 Basis of the method . 31
8.3 Methodology . 31
8.4 Test conditions . 32
8.4.1 General . 32
8.4.2 Selection of test sections . 32
8.4.3 Test speed . 32
8.4.4 Wheel-rail contact geometry . 32
8.4.5 Vehicle condition . 32
8.5 Parameters to be measured . 32
8.5.1 General . 32
8.5.2 Location of measuring points .
Questions, Comments and Discussion
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