ISO 19019:2005 provides ship owners, designers, shipbuilders and trial crew with basic instructions for the planning, carrying out and reporting of sea trials.
ISO 19019:2005 provides general information for achieving a unified format for sea trials to be executed as identified in the contract.
ISO 19019:2005 is applicable to sea trials generally adopted for types of mechanically propelled vessels.
ISO 19019:2005 is not applicable to submarines.

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ISO 15749-4:2004 applies to the design of sewage disposal pipes within the framework of sanitary drainage on ships and marine structures.
For planning and basic requirements, see ISO 15749-1:2004.

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ISO 15749-2:2004 applies to the design of sanitary drain lines in gravity systems (gravity drainage) on ships and marine structures.
For planning and basic requirements, ISO 15749-1 is applicable.

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ISO 15749-5:2004 applies to the planning and design of drain lines for gravity-operated conveyance of grey water from weather decks and non-weathertight spaces on ships and marine structures, ro-ro spaces, cargo spaces and swimming pools.

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ISO 15749-1:2004 is valid, in conjunction with ISO 15749-2 to ISO 15749-4, for planning and designing drainage systems which evacuate wastewater from accommodation and commissary areas (sanitary drainage) on ships and marine structures.
Drainage of weather decks, cargo holds and swimming pools is covered by ISO 15749-5.
This series of standards takes into consideration the basic regulations and minimum requirements concerning hygienic requirements and the protection of the marine environment.
ISO 15749-1:2004 does not apply to pipe systems carrying oily, chemically contaminated wastewater capable of forming flammable gas/oxygen mixtures.

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ISO 15749-3:2004 applies to the design of sanitary drain lines in vacuum systems on ships and marine structures.
For planning and basic requirements, see ISO 15749-1.

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This part of ISO 3715 gives terms and definitions for screw propellers used in the propulsion plants of ships and other vessels (such as mobile offshore drilling units) that are self-propelled or propulsion-assisted.
The definitions are valid only for the hydrodynamically effective part of the propeller. No definitions are given for the mechanical construction of the hub.

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This part of ISO 3715 gives terms and definitions applicable exclusively to continuously variable and hydraulic
operated controllable-pitch propeller units. It does not cover controllable-pitch propeller units for which only a few
specified pitch settings apply.
General vocabulary for the geometry of screw propellers is given in ISO 3715-1 and is also valid for controllablepitch

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This International Standard specifies methods of calculating the theoretical quantity of outdoor air required in cargo spaces of ships where vehicles with internal combustion engines are driven, in order to dilute the polluted air to within the permitted occupational exposure limits.
Annex A specifies average values of the amounts of pollutants in exhaust gases from vehicles with internal combustion engines driven in cargo spaces in ships.
Annex B gives general information and guidance as to good practice for the ventilation of cargo spaces in ships where vehicles with internal combustion engines may be driven.
Users of this International Standard should note that, while observing the requirements of the standard, they should at the same time ensure compliance with such statutory requirements, rules, and regulations as may be applicable to the individual ship concerned. Users should also refer to guidelines developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) contained in the Maritime Safety Committee Circular 729 (MSC Circ. 729), Guidelines and Recommendations for Ventilation systems in RO-RO Cargo Spaces.

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ISO 15748-1 applies to the planning, design and configuration of potable water supply systems on ships, stationary or floating marine structures and inland waterway vessels.
It specifies the minimum requirements for potable water supply systems to be met in order to protect the potable water and to maintain its quality.
ISO 15748-1 also provides hints on components to be used and on laying of the pipelines.

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ISO 15748-2 applies to the planning, design and configuration of potable water supply systems on ships, stationary or floating marine structures and inland waterway crafts.
It serves to determine the quantity of potable water to be carried on board, the capacity of the pressurized reservoirs and water heaters, the pumping capacity, etc.

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This International Standard specifies the main dimensions, location and number of fittings, materials and quality of manufacture for small weathertight steel hatches for application on board ships in order to ensure interchangeability of the hatches. The remaining dimensions are left to the manufacturer. The hatches are suitable for loading operations and for giving access to storage compartments and dry cargo holds.
The hatches are not suitable as an access to any kind of tanks and shall not be used as escape hatches.
These hatches generally conform to the requirements of the International Convention on Load Lines 1966 (LLC66). The possibility for application in position 1 and position 2 has to be considered for each situation and, where necessary, the hatch covers shall be provided with additional stiffening.
NOTE — Users of this International Standard should note that while observing the requirements of this standard, they should, at the same time, ensure compliance with such statutory requirements, rules and regulations as may be applicable to the individual ship concerned.

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Migrated from Progress Sheet (TC Comment) (2000-07-10): WARNING : selected as 'type C' for the experiment in one language ++ (cf CA 7/1997)  (as per Resolution BT 74/1997)

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2014-03-28 GVN : standard to be withdrawn when revision is published at ISO (ISO ID 66059)  in accordance with resolution BT 65/2007.

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DIN - Several mistakes in German translation (No corresponding ISO corrigendum).

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Specifies the general requirements, the composition and the designation of the complete drinking water filling connection aboard ships for attachment of piping from another ship or from a land distribution system and gives a recommendation for the installation aboard ships.

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Specifies requirements and characteristics of single-drum and double-drum trawl winches with electric, electro-hydraulic, hydraulic diesel or externally powered drive.

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Specifies the technical details of the components of the drinking water filling connection aboard ships for attachment of piping from another ship or from a land distribution system and lays down the designation of the main components such as flanges, securing bolts and gasket.

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This International Standard lays down standardized dimensions of clear openings for all types of external singleleaf
doors, on board ships, for which coamings are required.
These dimensions shall be used as nominal sizes for these doors of ships.

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This Standard specifies the performance and type testing of marine echo-sounding equipment required by Regulation 12 of Chapter V of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS 1974) as amended. It establishes, when used in conjunction with IEC 60945, minimum performance requirements, test methods and required test results for marine echo-sounding equipment which measures the depth of water under a ship by transmitting pulsed acoustic energy and timing the return of the echo from the sea-bed.

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  • Standard
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This International Standard specifies general requirements, type tests and individual tests for marine electromagnetic
compasses intended for steering purposes and/or taking bearings on board ships required by Chapter V of SOLAS,
1974 and the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft (HSC Code). The magnetic compasses
specified in this standard shall apply to the ships the overall length of which is normally not less than 24m . In this
context an electromagnetic compass is an item of electronic equipment which uses the geomagnetic field to obtain
information about the ship's heading. This information is conveyed to the main compass (which is used for steering
and taking bearings), to additional repeater indicators and, if required, to other navigational equipment.
NOTE All requirements that are extracted from the recommendations of IMO resolutions are printed in italics.

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2012-06-07 EMA: In accordance with resolution BT 65/2007, this standard has been withdrawn further to ISO decision to launch a revision.

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2010-01-21 SJ: This standard is withdrawn following the publication of ISO 8729-1:2010 (2010-01-14), in accordance with resolution BT 65/2007.
To be withdrawn when ISO 8729-1 is published (SV on 2008-08-07)

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2009-05-25 SJ: Std withdrawn following publication in ISO of ISO 25862 (see resolution BT65/2007).

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2009-05-25 SJ: Std withdrawn following publication in ISO of ISO 25862 (see resolution BT65/2007).

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Covers a group of related two-part connectors for printed boards and cable connectors associated with printed backpanels. The group covers high-density connectors having up to 96 miniature contacts for low-voltage applications, connectors having up to 6 high current contacts, combined with up to 42 signal contacts and a range of 4, 10, 20 and 64 way female cable connectors and associated male parts for making connection to the backpanel or to the printed board.

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This part of EN ISO 14726 specifies the main colours for identifying the content of piping systems in accordance with the conveyed media on board ships and marine structures. This part of EN ISO 14726 does not apply to piping systems for medical gases, industrial gases and cargo. These colours may also be used for piping systems on drawings and diagrams.

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2014-12-03: Standard withdrawn as equivalent ISO standard was replaced by a new edition (ISO 11674:2006) - see BT 65/2007

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  • Standard
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