This document provides requirements and recommendations for the design, construction and operation of newly installed liquefied natural gas (LNG) railway loading and unloading facilities for use on onshore LNG terminals, LNG satellite plants, handling LNG tank wagons or tank containers engaged in international trade.
The designated boundary limits of this document are between the LNG terminal’s inlet/outlet piping headers at the beginning of the rail loading or unloading area and the rail track area used for LNG tank wagons and containers. It is applicable to all rail loading bays, weighbridge(s) and related subsystems.

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This European Standard gives general guidelines for the design, material selection, qualification, certification, and testing details for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) transfer hoses for offshore transfer or on coastal weather-exposed facilities for aerial, floating and submerged configurations or a combination of these. Whilst this European Standard is applicable to all LNG hoses, it is acknowledged that there may be further specific requirements for floating and submerged hoses.
The transfer hoses will be designed to be part of transfer systems (it means that they will be fitted with ERS, QCDC, handling systems, hydraulic and electric components etc.) To avoid unnecessary repetition, cross-references to EN 1474-1 and EN 1474-3, are made for all compatible items, and for references, definitions and abbreviations. Where additional references, definitions and abbreviations are required specifically for LNG hoses, they are listed in this European Standard.
Transfer hoses need to be durable when operating in the marine environment and to be flexible with a minimum bending radius compatible with handling and the operating requirements of the transfer system.

  • Corrigendum
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This document specifies requirements for LNG bunkering transfer systems and equipment used to bunker LNG fuelled vessels, which are not covered by the IGC Code. This document is applicable to vessels involved in international and domestic service regardless of size, and addresses the following five elements:
a) hardware: liquid and vapour transfer systems;
b) operational procedures;
c) requirement for the LNG provider to provide an LNG bunker delivery note;
d) training and qualifications of personnel involved;
e) requirements for LNG facilities to meet applicable ISO standards and local codes.

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This document provides specific requirements and guidance for the design and operation of floating LNG storage and regasification units (FSRU) described in ISO 20257-1.
This document is applicable to offshore, near-shore or docked FSRUs and to both new-built and converted FSRUs.
This document includes requirements to the jetty when an FSRU is moored to a jetty.

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This document gives guidelines for the design, construction and operation of all onshore liquefied natural gas (LNG) installations for the liquefaction, storage, vaporization, transfer and handling of LNG and natural gas (NG).
This document is applicable for plants with an LNG storage capacity above 200 t.
The designated boundary limits are LNG inlet/outlet by the ship’s manifold including vapour return connection, the truck loading/unloading connection including vapour return, the rail car loading/unloading connection including vapour return and the natural gas in and outlet boundary by piping systems.
Terminals or plant types have one or more boundary limits as described in this scope (see Figure 1).
A short description of each of these installations is given in Annex G.
Feed gas for LNG liquefaction installations (plant) can be from gas field, associated gas from oil field, piped gas from transportation grid or from renewables.
Floating solutions (for example FPSO, FSRU, SRV), whether off-shore or near-shore, are not covered by this document even if some concepts, principles or recommendations could be applied. However, in case of berthed FSRU with LNG transfer across the jetty, the following recommendations apply for the jetty and topside facilities.
In case of solutions using floating storage unit (FSU) and land-based re-gasification solution, the on-shore part is covered by these standard recommendations.
Plants with a storage inventory from 5 t up to 200 t are covered by [5].

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This European Standard gives general guidelines for the design, material selection, qualification, certification, and testing details for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) transfer hoses for offshore transfer or on coastal weather-exposed facilities for aerial, floating and submerged configurations or a combination of these. Whilst this European Standard is applicable to all LNG hoses, it is acknowledged that there may be further specific requirements for floating and submerged hoses.
The transfer hoses will be designed to be part of transfer systems (it means that they will be fitted with ERS, QCDC, handling systems, hydraulic and electric components etc.) To avoid unnecessary repetition, cross-references to EN 1474-1 and EN 1474-3, are made for all compatible items, and for references, definitions and abbreviations. Where additional references, definitions and abbreviations are required specifically for LNG hoses, they are listed in this European Standard.
Transfer hoses need to be durable when operating in the marine environment and to be flexible with a minimum bending radius compatible with handling and the operating requirements of the transfer system.

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This document provides requirements and guidance for the design and operation of floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) installations, including installations for the liquefaction, storage, vaporisation, transfer and handling of LNG, in order to have a safe and environmentally acceptable design and operation of floating LNG installations.
This document is applicable to:
—     floating LNG liquefaction installations (plant) — FLNG;
—     floating LNG regasification installations (plant) — FSRU;
—     floating storage units — FSU.
This document is applicable to offshore, near-shore or docked floating LNG installations.
This document includes any jetty in the scope in case of docked floating LNG installations with regards to the mooring. This document briefly describes floating LNG mooring concepts.
This document is applicable to both newbuilt and converted floating LNG installations, and addresses specific requirements.
This document is not applicable to:
—     onshore LNG storage, liquefaction and/or regasification installations/plants, except for docked FSRU and/or FLNG installations;
—     offshore LNG plants based on non-floating structure (such as gravity based structure [GBS] principle); and
—     support onshore based facilities (such as support vessels, tugs, etc.).
This document is not intended for design floating power generation facilities though relevant parts of this document can be used.
This document is not intended to cover LNG as fuel bunkering applications.

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This document describes a method for determining the resistance of Cryogenic Spill Protection (CSP) systems to vapour generated from a cryogenic liquid release where the liquid content is practically zero. It is applicable where CSP systems are installed on carbon steel.
The test provided in this document is not applicable to high pressure cryogenic liquid releases that can be found in refrigeration circuits and in LNG streams immediately post-liquefaction.

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This document describes a method for determining the resistance of a cryogenic spill protection (CSP) system to a cryogenic jet as a result of a pressurized release which does not result in immersion conditions. It is applicable where CSP systems are installed on carbon steel and will be in contact with cryogenic fluids.
A cryogenic jet can be formed upon release from process equipment operating at pressure (e.g. some liquefaction processes utilize 40 to 60 bar operating pressure). Due to high pressure discharge, the cryogenic spillage protection can be compromised by the large momentum combined with extreme cryogenic temperature.
Although the test uses liquid nitrogen as the cryogenic liquid, the test described in this document is representative of a release of LNG, through a 20 mm orifice or less, at a release pressure of 6 barg or less, based upon simulated parameters 1 m from the release point. Confidence in this test being representative is based upon a comparison of the expected dynamic pressure of the simulated release in comparison with dynamic pressure from releases in accordance with this document.
It is not practical in this test to cover the whole range of cryogenic process conditions found in real plant conditions; in particular the test does not cover high pressure cryogenic jet releases that might be found in refrigeration circuits and in LNG streams immediately post-liquefaction.
Liquid nitrogen is used as the cryogenic medium due to the ability to safely handle the material at the pressures described in this document. The test condition is run at nominally 8 barg pressure.
ISO 20088-1 covers cryogenic release scenarios which can lead to pooling conditions for steel work protected by cryogenic spill protection as a result of a jet release or low pressure release of LNG or liquid nitrogen. ISO 20088-2 covers vapour phase exposure conditions as a result of a jet release or low pressure release of LNG or liquid nitrogen.

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This document specifies the design, minimum safety, functional and marking requirements, as well as the interface types and dimensions and testing procedures for dry-disconnect/connect couplings for LNG hose bunkering systems intended for use on LNG bunkering ships, tank trucks and shore-based facilities and other bunkering infrastructures. It is not applicable to hydraulically operated quick connect/disconnect couplers (QCDC) used for hard loading arms, which is covered in ISO 16904.
Based on the technology used in industrial manufacturing at the time of development of this document, it is applicable to sizes of couplings ranging from DN 25 to DN 200.

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ISO 20088-1:2016 describes a method for determining the resistance to liquid cryogenic spillage on cryogenic spillage protection (CSP) systems. It is applicable where CSP systems are installed on carbon steel and will be in contact with cryogenic fluids.
Liquid nitrogen is used as the cryogenic medium since it has a lower boiling point than liquid natural gas or liquid oxygen and it is not flammable. Additionally, it can be safely used for experiment.
Future parts of the standard will cover vapour phase and jet exposure conditions.
The test laboratory is responsible to conduct an appropriate risk assessment according to local regulation in order to consider the impact of liquid and gaseous nitrogen exposure to equipment and personnel.

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  • Standard
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ISO 16904:2016 specifies the design, minimum safety requirements and inspection and testing procedures for liquefied natural gas (LNG) marine transfer arms intended for use on conventional onshore LNG terminals, handling LNG carriers engaged in international trade. It can provide guidance for offshore and coastal operations. It also covers the minimum requirements for safe LNG transfer between ship and shore.
Although the requirements for power/control systems are covered, this International Standard does not include all the details for the design and fabrication of standard parts and fittings associated with transfer arms.
ISO 16904:2016 is supplementary to local or national standards and regulations and is additional to the requirements of ISO 28460.
ISO 16904:2016 needs not be applied to existing facilities.

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ISO 16903:2015 gives guidance on the characteristics of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and the cryogenic materials used in the LNG industry. It also gives guidance on health and safety matters. It is intended to act as a reference document for the implementation of other standards in the liquefied natural gas field. It is intended as a reference for use by persons who design or operate LNG facilities.

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ISO 28460:2010 specifies the requirements for ship, terminal and port service providers to ensure the safe transit of an LNG carrier through the port area and the safe and efficient transfer of its cargo. It is applicable to
          pilotage and vessel traffic services (VTS);
          tug and mooring boat operators;
          terminal operators;
          ship operators;
          suppliers of bunkers, lubricants and stores and other providers of services whilst the LNG carrier is moored alongside the terminal.
ISO 28460:2010 includes provisions for
       a ship's safe transit, berthing, mooring and unberthing at the jetty;
       cargo transfer;
       access from jetty to ship;
       operational communications between ship and shore;
       all instrumentation, data and electrical connections used across the interface, including OPS (cold ironing), where applicable;
       the liquid nitrogen connection (where fitted);
       ballast water considerations.
ISO 28460:2010 applies only to conventional onshore LNG terminals and to the handling of LNGC's in international trade. However, it can provide guidance for offshore and coastal operations.

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This European Standard gives general guidelines for the design of liquefied natural gas (LNG) transfer systems intended for use on offshore transfer facilities or on coastal weather exposed transfer facilities. The transfer facilities considered may be between floating units, or between floating and fixed units. The specific component details of the LNG transfer systems are not covered by this European Standard.
Reference is made to EN 1474-1 and EN 1474-2 where appropriate.
As a general statement the present standard applies to all transfer systems given in the scope. However, some transfer system designs may require a deviation from the full standard as described in normative
Annex A.

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This European Standard specifies requirements for the design and construction of onshore stationary liquefied natural gas (LNG) installations with a total storage capacity between 5 t and 200 t. This standard is not applicable to liquefaction process facilities based on hydrocarbon refrigerants. Larger installations are treated according to EN 1473:1997.
If other dangerous substances are present in the facility, the aforementioned storage capacity thresholds may be reduced.
NOTE   It is essential that the designer refer to local regulation to determine the new values.
The installations to which this standard is applicable include the following:
- LNG satellite plants. The LNG may be supplied by road tankers, barge or rail carriers. After storage, LNG is vaporized and sent out to consumers;
- LNG gas fuelling stations for vehicles.
The installation is limited from the gas inlet or the loading LNG area to the gas outlet or the unloading LNG area. Filling systems are not covered here.
For the purposes of clause 4 «Environment Impact» and clause 5 «Safety Plan», this standard applies where LNG storage capacity exceeds the threshold specified in the local regulation. If this value is not available, a threshold of 50 t is recommended.
It is recalled that, in any case, local regulations prevail.
For the purposes of clause 4 «Environment Impact» and clause 5 «Safety Plan», this standard applies where LNG storage capacity exceeds the threshold specified in the local regulation. If this value is not available, a threshold of 50 t is recommended.
It is recalled that, in any case, local regulations prevail.

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This standard specifies the tests to be carried out in order to assess the suitability of LNG sampling systems designed, in combination with an analytical device such as a chromatograph, to determine the composition of Liquefied Natural Gas.

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This European Standard specifies the tests to be carried out in order to assess the suitability of insulating linings used in LNG impounding areas.

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This European Standard specifies the tests to be carried out in order to assess the suitability of foam concentrates used to produce medium expansion foam (made from foam concentrates conforming to prEN 1568-1) or high expansion foam (made from foam concentrates conforming to prEN 1568-2) and fire extinguishing powder conforming to EN 615 when used alone or in combination on liquefied natural gas (LNG) fires. This standard does not specify the general requirements for foam concentrates given in prEN 1568-1 and prEN 1568-2 or fire extinguishing powder given in EN 615.

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This document provides a common approach and guidance to those undertaking assessment of the major safety hazards as part of the planning, design, and operation of LNG facilities onshore and at shoreline using risk-based methods and standards, to enable a safe design and operation of LNG facilities. The environmental risks associated with an LNG release are not addressed in this document.
This document is applicable both to export and import terminals but can be applicable to other facilities such as satellite and peak shaving plants.
This document is applicable to all facilities inside the perimeter of the terminal and all hazardous materials including LNG and associated products: LPG, pressurized natural gas, odorizers, and other flammable or hazardous products handled within the terminal.
The navigation risks and LNG tanker intrinsic operation risks are recognised, but they are not in the scope of this document. Hazards arising from interfaces between port and facility and ship are addressed and requirements are normally given by port authorities. It is assumed that LNG carriers are designed according to the IGC code, and that LNG fuelled vessels receiving bunker fuel are designed according to IGF code.
Border between port operation and LNG facility is when the ship/shore link (SSL) is established.
This document is not intended to specify acceptable levels of risk; however, examples of tolerable levels of risk are referenced.
See IEC 31010 and ISO 17776 with regard to general risk assessment methods, while this document focuses on the specific needs scenarios and practices within the LNG industry.

  • Draft
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This document gives guidance on the risk-based approach to follow for the design and operation of the LNG bunker transfer system, including the interface between the LNG bunkering supply facilities and receiving LNG fuelled vessels.
This document provides requirements and recommendations for the development of a bunkering site and facility and the LNG bunker transfer system, providing the minimum functional requirements qualified by a structured risk assessment approach taking into consideration LNG properties and behaviour, simultaneous operations and all parties involved in the operation.
This document is applicable to bunkering of both seagoing and inland trading vessels. It covers LNG bunkering from shore or ship, mobile to ship and ship to ship LNG supply scenarios, as described in Clause 4.

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ISO 20519:2017 sets requirements for LNG bunkering transfer systems and equipment used to bunker LNG fuelled vessels, which are not covered by the IGC Code. This document includes the following five elements:
a)    hardware: liquid and vapour transfer systems;
b)    operational procedures;
c)    requirement for the LNG provider to provide an LNG bunker delivery note;
d)    training and qualifications of personnel involved;
e)    requirements for LNG facilities to meet applicable ISO standards and local codes.

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This European Standard gives guidelines for the design, construction and operation of all onshore liquefied natural gas (LNG) installations for the liquefaction, storage, vaporization, transfer and handling of LNG.
This European Standard is valid for plants with LNG storage at pressure lower than 0.5 barg and capacity above 200 t and for the following plant types:
-   LNG liquefaction installations (plant), between the designated gas inlet boundary limit, and the outlet boundary limit which is usually the ship manifold and/or truck delivery station when applicable; feed gas can be from gas field, associated gas from oil field, piped gas from transportation grid or from renewables;
-   LNG regasification installations (plant), between the ship manifold and the designated gas outlet boundary limit;
-   peak-shaving plants, between designated gas inlet and outlet boundary limits;
-   the fix part of LNG bunkering station.
A short description of each of these installations is given in Annex G.
Floating solutions (FPSO, FSRU, SRV), whether off-shore or nearby shore, are not covered by this European Standard even if some concepts, principles or recommendations could be applied. However, in case of berthed FSRU with LNG transfer across the jetty, the following recommendations apply for the jetty and topside facilities if the jetty is located within 3 000 m from the shore line.
In case of FSU type solution, the tank safety functions as defined in Clause 6 shall be checked and implemented. The on-shore part is covered by these standard recommendations.
This standard is not applicable for installations not specifically referred or covered by other standards, e.g. LNG fuelling stations, LNG road or rail tankers and LNG bunkering vessels.
The plants with a storage inventory from 50 t up to 200 t with tanks at a pressure higher than 0.5 barg are covered by EN 13645. For plants with a larger inventory and with storage pressure over 0.5 barg, the storage vessels shall comply with EN 13445 and their impacts on the plant safety shall be appraised during the QRA.

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This European Standard gives general guidelines for the design, material selection, qualification, certification, and testing details for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) transfer hoses for offshore transfer or on coastal weather-exposed facilities for aerial, floating and submerged configurations or a combination of these. Whilst this European Standard is applicable to all LNG hoses, it is acknowledged that there may be further specific requirements for floating and submerged hoses.
The transfer hoses will be designed to be part of transfer systems (it means that they will be fitted with ERS, QCDC, handling systems, hydraulic and electric components etc.) To avoid unnecessary repetition, cross-references to EN 1474-1 and EN 1474-3, are made for all compatible items, and for references, definitions and abbreviations. Where additional references, definitions and abbreviations are required specifically for LNG hoses, they are listed in this European Standard.
Transfer hoses need to be durable when operating in the marine environment and to be flexible with a minimum bending radius compatible with handling and the operating requirements of the transfer system.

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This European Standard defines the tests to be carried out in order to assess the suitability of gaskets designed for flanged joints used on LNG pipes. This European Standard is applicable for gaskets with: - nominal pressure range from PN 16 to PN 100; - nominal diameter range from DN 10 to DN 1000; - class range from Class 150 to Class 900; - nominal diameter range for Class flanges from NPS 1/4 to NPS 42.

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This European Standard gives guidelines for the design, construction and operation of all onshore liquefied natural gas (LNG) installations including those for the liquefaction, storage, vaporisation, transfer and handling of LNG.
This European Standard is valid for the following plant types:
   LNG export installations (plant), between the designated gas inlet boundary limit, and the ship manifold;
   LNG receiving installations (plant), between the ship manifold and the designated gas outlet boundary limit;
   peak-shaving plants, between designated gas inlet and outlet boundary limits.
A short description of each of these installations is given in Annex G.
Satellite plants are excluded from this European Standard. Satellite plants with storage capacity of less than 200 t are covered by EN 13645.

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This European Standard specifies the design, minimum safety requirements and inspection and testing procedures for liquefied natural gas (LNG) transfer arms intended for use on conventional onshore (LNG) terminals  ). It also covers the minimum requirements for safe LNG transfer between ship and shore.
Although the requirements for remote control power systems are covered, the standard does not include all the details for the design and fabrication of standard parts and fittings associated with transfer arms.
The content of this European Standard is supplementary to local or national standards and regulations and is additional to the requirements of EN 1532 and EN 1473.

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This European Standard gives guidance on the characteristics of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and the cryogenic materials used in the LNG industry. It also gives guidance on health and safety matters. It is intended to act as a reference document for the implementation of other standards of CEN/TC 282 "Installations and equipment for liquefied natural gas". It is intended as a reference for use by persons who design or operate LNG facilities.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies what is specified at the terminal and on board the ship to ensure the safe tranfer of LNG at receiving and exporting terminals.It is applicable to the ship/shore LNG transfer system including: - ship to shore connections;ety of transfer operations; - all safety aspects of transfer operations; - any other operations that occur while the ship is moored on the jetty.

  • Standard
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This European Standard defines the design rules, the material selection, the minimum safety requirements, inspection and testing procedures for liquefied natural gas (LNG) loading and unloading arms. It also covers the minimum requirements for safe LNG transfer between ship and shore.

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This European Standard covers the design and construction of all onshore stationary liquefied natural gas (LNG) installations including those for the liquefaction, storage, vaporisation, transfer and handling of LNG.

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