IEC TS 60825-19:2024 specifies the velocity-dependent closest points of human access (VCPHA) for the classification of moving platform laser products when considering the movement of the platform with respect to a stationary frame of reference. This presupposes that the inherent kinetic hazard of the moving platform creates a zone in which persons would not be reasonably expected to be located. Additionally, it takes neighbouring moving platforms into account by defining stationary and moving apertures. This document is applicable to all laser products whose laser apertures are on a moving platform.
Laser products are sometimes used on moving platforms. Currently the standard IEC 60825-1:2014 considers only a stationary aperture; it does not address the situations where the emitting aperture is mounted on a platform, such as a vehicle, that can be in motion. Failure to consider the effects of the motion of the platform can result in overly restrictive assessment of the hazard.
Although accounting for a platform’s movement during the assessment of a laser product’s classification can lead to less restrictive measurement conditions, it is important not to overlook that there can be apertures, even on other moving platforms, moving at a relative speed of zero or close to zero with respect to the moving platform laser product being classified.

  • Technical specification
    15 pages
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IEC 60601-2-57:2023 applies to basic safety and essential performance of equipment incorporating one or more sources of optical radiation in the wavelength range 200 nm to 3 000 nm, with the exception of laser radiation, and intended to create photobiological effects in humans for therapeutic, diagnostic, monitoring, and cosmetic or aesthetic applications; hereafter referred to as light source equipment (ls equipment).

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    59 pages
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IEC 60825-12:2022 This part is applicable to products that emit laser radiation for the purpose of free space optical data transmission. This document does not apply to laser products designed for the purposes of transmitting optical power for applications such as material processing or medical treatment. This document also does not apply to the use of laser products in explosive atmospheres (see IEC 60079-0). Light-emitting diodes employed by free space optical communication systems, used for the purpose of free space optical data transmission, do not fall into the scope of this document. The contents of the corrigendum 1 (2024-07) have been included in this copy.

  • Standard
    107 pages
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IEC 62471-6:2022 IEC 62471:2006/CIE S009:2002. IEC 62471 covers light emitting diodes (LEDs), incandescent, low- and high- pressure gas-discharge, arc and other lamps. It also covers lamps which are designed primarily to emit ultraviolet radiant energy, such as ultraviolet sources intended to excite fluorescence of irradiated materials, for insect light traps, for scientific studies, mineral identification, for non-destructive testing, germicidal irradiation, and other purposes.
This part of IEC 62471 provides the optical radiation safety requirements for ultraviolet lamp products, including UV LED lamp products.
This document provides requirements for:
optical radiation safety assessment and ultraviolet-product risk groups;
user information for safety measures;
appropriate labelling of ultraviolet lamp products.
This document addresses those lamps and lamp products where the ultraviolet emission serves the primary purpose of the product and where more than half of the radiant power emitted between 180 nm and 3 000 nm is in the spectral region 180 nm to 400 nm. If more than half of the optical radiation emitted between 180 nm and 3 000 nm is outside of the spectral region 180 nm to 400 nm, then the base standard IEC 62471 should be used. This document covers medical diagnostic and cosmetic devices/products that emit primarily UV radiation.

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    104 pages
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IEC 62471-4:2022, which is a Technical Report, provides manufacturers, test houses, safety personnel and others with practical guidance on methods to perform radiometric and spectroradiometric measurements to determine the level of accessible optical radiation emitted by lamps and lamp systems in accordance with IEC 62471.

  • Technical report
    63 pages
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IEC 60825:2022, which is a Technical Report, serves as a guide to the employer, the responsible person, the laser safety officer, the laser user and other persons involved, on the safe use of lasers and laser equipment classified as laser class 1C, 3B or 4 in interventional applications of laser beams on humans, excluding use of consumer products. This document explains the control measures recommended for the safety of the laser user, patients, clients, staff, maintenance personnel and others. Engineering controls which form part of the laser equipment or the installation are also briefly described to provide an understanding of the general principles of protection.

  • Technical report
    45 pages
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IEC 60825-4:2022 deals with basic issues concerning laser guards, including human access, interlocking and labelling, and gives general guidance on the design of protective housings and enclosures for high-power lasers. Laser guards may also comply with standards for laser protective eyewear, but such compliance is not necessarily sufficient to satisfy the requirements of this document. This part of IEC 60825 specifies the requirements for laser guards, permanent and temporary (for example for service), that enclose the process zone of a laser processing machine, and specifications for proprietary laser guards. This document applies to all component parts of a guard including clear (visibly transmitting) screens and viewing windows, panels, laser curtains and walls. In addition, this document indicates
- how to assess and specify the protective properties of a laser guard, and
- how to select a laser guard.

  • Standard
    232 pages
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  • Standard
    156 pages
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IEC TR 60825-3:2022 gives guidance on the planning and design, set-up and conduct of laser displays and shows that make use of high power lasers emitting output between 380 nm and 780 nm.
This document is a code of practice for the design, installation, operation and evaluation of the safety of laser light shows and displays, and the equipment employed in their production. This document is also intended for persons who modify laser display installations or equipment.
The laser power needed to produce visually effective theatrical or artistic displays in large spaces such as theatres, arenas, or architectural sites is great enough to pose a severe accidental exposure hazard, even when personal exposure is very brief. For this reason, IEC TR 60825-14 states that only laser products that are Class 1, Class 2 or visible-beam Class 3R should be used for demonstration, display or entertainment purposes in unsupervised areas. Only under carefully controlled conditions and under the control of a trained experienced operator can laser products of higher classes be used for visual entertainment.
This document expands upon the principles considered in IEC TR 60825-14, providing specific technical guidance appropriate for the safe use of laser products used for the purposes of visual entertainment.

  • Technical report
    37 pages
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IEC TR 60825-14:2022 This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2004. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
incorporates changes made in IEC 60825-1:2014;
adds information to users of laser equipment on administrative controls to ensure safety in the workplace, including the training and appointment of people to specific laser safety management roles;
updates an approach to risk assessment;
includes updated guidance on the management of incidents and accidents;
includes updated guidance on medical surveillance for laser workers;
includes revised examples of calculations.
This document is intended to help laser users and their employers to understand the general principles of safety management, to identify the hazards that can be present, to assess the risks of harm that can arise, and to set up and maintain appropriate control measures. Although the guidance given in this document is aimed principally at organizations (whether private, corporate or public), where systems of safety management would be expected to be in place, it can be applied by anyone using lasers.
Laser control measures vary widely. They depend on the type of laser equipment in use, the task or process being performed, the environment in which the equipment is used and the personnel who are at risk of harm. Specific requirements for certain laser applications are given in other documents in the IEC 60825 series.

  • Technical report
    109 pages
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This document is applicable to protectors intended to provide protection against accidental exposure to laser radiation within the wavelength range 180 nm to 1 mm. It specifies the requirements, test methods and marking. Protectors intended for adjustment work on lasers are included in the scope of this document and are marked in the same way as other protectors, but selection of appropriate eyewear for a specific application is a choice of the user. Laser protective filters used as viewing windows in laser equipment machinery or incorporated into optical instruments such as operating microscopes and loupes that may be used for deliberate viewing of laser radiation as part of their function are outside the scope of this document.
Laser radiation in the wavelength range below 180 nm is absorbed in air, therefore eye and face protection should not be required.
This document is applicable to devices intended for patient protection during medical laser procedures except for treatment in the periorbital area. Guidance on eye protectors for patients (including those used for periorbital treatment) is given in ISO/TR 22463.

  • Standard
    19 pages
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  • Standard
    20 pages
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IEC 60825-2:2021 provides requirements and specific guidance for the safe operation and maintenance of optical fibre communication systems (OFCSs). In these systems, optical power is possibly accessible outside the confines of the transmitting equipment and/or at great distance from the optical source.
This document requires the assessment of hazard level at each accessible location of the OFCS as a replacement for product classification according to IEC 60825-1. It applies to the installed OFCS as an engineered, end-to-end assembly for the generation, transfer and receipt of optical radiation arising from lasers, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or optical amplifiers, in which the transference is by means of optical fibre for communication and/or control purposes.
Individual components and subassemblies that fall under the definition of a laser product are subject to the applicable subclause(s) of IEC 60825-1. This document is applicable to individual components and subassemblies intended to be installed within OFCSs.
This document does not apply to optical fibre systems primarily designed to transmit optical power for applications such as material processing or medical treatment.
In addition to the hazards resulting from laser radiation, OFCSs possibly give rise to other hazards, such as fire.
This document does not address safety issues associated with explosion or fire with respect to OFCSs deployed in explosive atmospheres.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2004, Amendment 1:2006 and Amendment 2:2010. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition.
a) Recommendations for individual components and subassemblies have been clarified; see Clause 1, paragraph 3.
b) C7 has been revised in accordance with IEC 60825-1:2014, but with an additional limitation related to the skin MPE; see 4.7.2.
c) Condition 2 has been changed, and a detailed description of the measurement and determination method for hazard level has been added; see 4.7.1 and 4.7.2.
d) Annex B has been moved into 4.9. Annex F has been moved forward as Annex B.
e) Clause D.4 Hazard level evaluation examples – Additional examples have been added.
f) Clause D.5 Fault analysis – Explanation and guidance has been simplified.
The contents of the corrigendum of June 2021 have been included in this copy.

  • Standard
    117 pages
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This document describes laser radiation hazards arising in laser processing machines, as defined in 3.7. It also specifies the safety requirements relating to laser radiation hazards, as well as the information to be supplied by the manufacturers of such equipment (in addition to that prescribed by IEC 60825).
Requirements dealing with noise as a hazard from laser processing machines are included in ISO 11553‑3:2013.
This document is applicable to machines using laser radiation to process materials.
It is not applicable to laser products, or equipment containing such products, which are manufactured solely and expressly for the following applications:
- photolithography;
- stereolithography;
- holography;
- medical applications (per IEC 60601-2-22);
- data storage.

  • Standard
    22 pages
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IEC 60601-2-22:2019 applies to the Basic Safety and Essential Performance of laser equipment for surgical, therapeutic, medical diagnostic, cosmetic or veterinary applications, intended for use on humans or animals, classified as Laser Product of Class 1C where the Enclosed Laser is of Class 3B or 4, or Class 3B, or Class 4. Medical Electrical Equipment or Medical Electrical Systems which incorporate lasers as sources of energy being transferred to the Patient or animal and where the lasers are specified as above, are referred to as “laser equipment” in this document. Laser Products for these applications classified as a Class 1, Class 1M, Class 2, Class 2M or Class 3R Laser Product, are covered by IEC 60825-1:2014 and by the general standard. If a clause or subclause is specifically intended to be applicable to ME Equipment only, or to ME Systems only, the title and content of that clause or subclause will say so. If that is not the case, the clause or subclause applies to ME Equipment and to ME Systems, as relevant. Hazards inherent in the intended physiological function of laser equipment within the scope of this document are not covered by specific requirements in this document except in 7.2.13, Physiological effects, of the general standard. If the laser equipment is Class 1C according to IEC 60825-1:2014 and is used as a laser appliance in a household, it is covered by IEC 60335-2-113:2016. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2007 and Amendment 1:2012. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) it takes account of IEC 60601-1:2005/AMD1:2012 and IEC 60825-1:2014, which have been published since publication of the third edition;
b) it addresses technical and safety issues which have arisen since publication of the third edition;
c) the scope of this fourth edition differs from the scope of the third edition. It now includes Class 1C laser equipment, as defined in IEC 60825-1:2014, when the Enclosed Laser is Class 3B or 4;
d) LED (light emitting diode) products are now excluded from this document as medical LED products may be covered by IEC 60601-2-57.

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    97 pages
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  • Standard
    62 pages
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IEC TR 60825-5:2019 is applicable to laser products as described in IEC 60825-1:2014.
The checklist is intended for use by manufacturers of laser products and their agents to establish that each new or modified design complies with the requirements of IEC 60825-1:2014. The checklist is used in conjunction with IEC 60825-1, as relevant clauses and subclauses in IEC 60825-1 are referred to in the text.
The layout of the checklist is intended only as a guide. Manufacturers and examiners are encouraged to produce their own document, omitting questions and clauses that are not relevant to the types of product under examination, but noting in the appropriate positions the numbers of such clauses stating, for example: "Subclause 9.11.1: Question omitted – not applicable".
The manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that the examiner is a person competent in the inspection and classification of laser products.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition of IEC TR 60825-5 published in 2003. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a new class, Class 1C, was introduced; the measurement condition 2 ("eye loupe" condition) was removed; for compliance with non-beam hazards (8.14.1) according to relevant product safety standards, a reference was made to corresponding product reports.
This document is to be used in conjunction with IEC 60825-1:2014.

  • Technical report
    44 pages
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IEC 60825-12:2019 provides requirements and specific guidance for the manufacture and safe use of laser products and systems used for point-to-point or point-to-multipoint free space optical data transmission in the wavelength range from 180 nm to 1 mm. This document only addresses the open beam portion of the system. If portions of the equipment or system incorporate optical fibre that extends from the confinements of the enclosure(s), the manufacturing and safety requirements in IEC 60825-2 apply to those portions only. This document does not apply to systems designed for the purposes of transmitting optical power for applications such as material processing or medical treatment. This document also does not apply to the use of systems in explosive atmospheres (see IEC 60079-0). Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) employed by free space optical communication systems (FSOCSs), used for the purpose of free space optical data transmission, do not fall into the scope of this document. This document covers lasers employed by FSOCSs used for the purpose of free space optical data transmission. This document:
• provides information to protect people from potentially hazardous optical radiation produced by FSOCSs by specifying engineering controls and requirements, administrative controls and work practices according to the degree of the hazard; and
• specifies requirements for manufacturing, installation, service and operating organizations in order to establish procedures and provide written information so that proper precautions can be adopted.
Because of the nature of FSOCSs, also known as optical wireless or free-air information transmission systems, care is taken in their manufacture as well as their installation, operation, maintenance and service to assure the safe deployment and use of these systems. This document places the responsibility for certain product safety requirements, as well as requirements for providing appropriate information on how to use these systems safely, on the manufacturer of the system and/or transmitters. It places the responsibility for the safe deployment and use of these systems on the installer and/or operating organization. It places the responsibility for adherence to safety instructions during installation and service operations on the installation and service organizations as appropriate, and during operation and maintenance functions on the operating organization. It is recognized that the user of this document may fall into one or more of the categories of manufacturer, installer, service organization and/or operating organization as mentioned above. This document does not apply to a laser product if classification by the manufacturer according to IEC 60825-1 shows that the emission level does not exceed the accessible emission limit (AEL) of Class 1 under all conditions of operation, maintenance, service and reasonably foreseeable failure.
Key words: Laser products, Free space optical data, Free space optical communication.

  • Standard
    109 pages
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  • Standard
    68 pages
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IEC TR 60825-17:2015(E) recommends safety measures to protect against effects caused exclusively by thermal, opto-mechanical and related effects in passive optical components and optical cables used in high power optical fibre communication systems. It does not apply to the use of high power optical systems in explosive atmospheres or the use of optical fibres in material processing machines. Throughout this part of IEC 60825, a reference to laser is taken to include light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and optical amplifiers. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2010. This edition constitutes a technical revision.

  • Technical report
    17 pages
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IEC 62471-5:2015 provides a risk group classification system for image projectors, and measurement conditions for optical radiation emitted by image projectors. It includes manufacturing requirements that may be required as a result of an image projector system being assigned to a particular risk group. Therefore, this part of IEC 62471 provides safety requirements for lamp systems that are intended to produce projected visible optical radiation, such as theatre projectors, data projectors and home-use projectors. The assigned risk group of a projector product also may be used by projector manufacturers to assist with any risk assessments, e.g. for occupational exposure in workplaces. National requirements may exist for the assessment of products or occupational exposure.

  • Standard
    51 pages
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  • Standard
    104 pages
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IEC TR 62471-3:2015(E) which is a technical report, provides guidelines for the safe use of intense pulsed light (IPL) source equipment in professional premises. It describes possible adverse incidents that may occur in respect of the use of IPL devices and recommends measures to avoid them. IEC TR 62471-3:2015 sets out the control measures recommended for the safety of recipients of IPL treatment, staff, service, maintenance personnel and others. Engineering controls which form part of the IPL equipment or the installation are also briefly described to provide an understanding of the general principles of protection.

  • Technical report
    30 pages
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IEC 60825-1:2014 is applicable to safety of laser products emitting laser radiation in the wavelength range 180 nm to 1 mm. A laser product may consist of a single laser with or without a separate power supply or may incorporate one or more lasers in a complex optical, electrical, or mechanical system. Typically, laser products are used for demonstration of physical and optical phenomena, materials processing, data reading and storage, transmission and display of information, etc. Such systems have found use in industry, business, entertainment, research, education, medicine and consumer products. Laser products that are sold to other manufacturers for use as components of any system for subsequent sale are not subject to IEC 60825-1, since the final product will itself be subject to this standard. Laser products that are sold by or for manufacturers of end products for use as repair parts for the end products are also not subject to IEC 60825-1. However, if the laser system within the laser product is operable when removed from the end product, the requirements of this Part 1 apply to the removable laser system. The objectives of this part of IEC 60825 are:
- to introduce a system of classification of lasers and laser products emitting radiation in the wavelength range 180 nm to 1 mm according to their degree of optical radiation hazard in order to aid hazard evaluation and to aid the determination of user control measures;
- to establish requirements for the manufacturer to supply information so that proper precautions can be adopted;
- to ensure, through labels and instructions, adequate warning to individuals of hazards associated with accessible radiation from laser products; and
- to reduce the possibility of injury by minimizing unnecessary accessible radiation and to give improved control of the laser radiation hazards through protective features. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- a new class, Class 1C, was introduced;
- the measurement condition 2 ("eye loupe" condition) was removed;
- a classification of the emission of laser products below a certain radiance level that are intended to be used as replacement for conventional light sources can, as an option, be based on the IEC 62471 series;
- and the accessible emission limits (AELs) for Class 1, 1M, 2, 2M and 3R of pulsed sources, particularly of pulsed extended sources, were updated to reflect the latest revision of the ICNIRP guidelines on exposure limits (accepted for publication in Health Physics Journal 2013, see also
The contents of the Interpretation sheet 1 and 2 of December 2017 have been included in this copy.

  • Standard
    220 pages
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ISO/IEC 11553-3:2013 describes the requirements to deal with noise hazards and specifies all the information necessary to carry out efficiently and under standardized conditions the determination, declaration and verification of airborne noise emission from laser processing machines and hand-held laser processing devices within the scope of ISO/IEC 11553-1 and ISO/IEC 11553-2. It specifies the safety requirements relating to noise hazards. It specifies noise measurement methods, installation and operating conditions to be used for the test, together with the information to be supplied by manufacturers of such equipment. ISO/IEC 11553-3:2013 applies to those laser processing machines and hand-held laser processing devices included in the scope of ISO/IEC 11553-1 and ISO/IEC 11553-2. Noise emission characteristics include emission sound pressure levels at work stations and the sound power level. Declared noise emission values permit comparison of laser processing machines and hand-held laser processing devices on the market. The use of this noise test code (see Annex A) ensures the reproducibility of the determination of the characteristic noise emission values within specific limits. These limits are determined by the accuracy grade of the noise emission measuring method used. Noise emission measurements specified by ISO/IEC 11553-3:2013 meet the requirements of an engineering method (accuracy grade 2).

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    12 pages
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  • Standard
    12 pages
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IEC 60825-13:2011 provides manufacturers, test houses, safety personnel, and others with practical guidance on methods to perform radiometric measurements or analyses to establish the emission level of laser energy in accordance with IEC 60825-1:2007. The measurement procedures described in this technical report are intended as guidance for classification of laser products in accordance with that standard. Other procedures are acceptable if they are better or more appropriate. Information is provided for calculating accessible emission limits (AELs) and maximum permissible exposures (MPEs), since some parameters used in calculating the limits are dependent upon other measured quantities. This document is intended to apply to lasers, including extended sources and laser arrays. Users of this document should be aware that the procedures described herein for extended source viewing conditions may yield more conservative results than when using more rigorous methods. This second edition brings minor changes and additions in the definitions, the classification flow has been updated, the apparent source sections have been clarified, the scanning has been updated, and more examples and useful conversions have been added to the annexes.
This publication is to be read in conjunction with IEC 60825-1:2007.

  • Technical report
    65 pages
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IEC 60825-4:2006+A1:2008+A2:2011 specifies the requirements for laser guards, permanent and temporary (for example for service), that enclose the process zone of a laser processing machine, and specifications for proprietary laser guards. This standard applies to all component parts of a guard including clear (visibly transmitting) screens and viewing windows, panels, laser curtains and walls. Requirements for beam path components, beam stops and those other parts of a protective housing of a laser product which do not enclose the process zone are contained in IEC 60825-1. In addition this part of IEC 60825 indicates:
a) how to assess and specify the protective properties of a laser guard; and
b) how to select a laser guard. The Amendment 1 adds an Annex G addressing the arrangement, installation and use of guided beam delivery systems. The Amendment 2 updates the Annex D, "Proprietary Laser Guard Testing". This consolidated version consists of the second edition (2006), its amendment 1 (2008) and its amendment 2 (2011). Therefore, no need to order amendments in addition to this publication.

  • Standard
    157 pages
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  • Standard
    13 pages
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IEC 60601-2-57:2011 applies to basic safety and essential performance of equipment incorporating one or more sources of optical radiation in the wavelength range 200 nm to 3 000 nm, with the exception of laser radiation, and intended to create non-visual photo-biological effects in humans or animals for therapeutic, diagnostic, monitoring, cosmetic/aesthetic or veterinary applications; hereafter referred to as light source equipment. IEC 60601-2-57:2011 does not apply to equipment for sun tanning, for ophthalmic instruments or for infant phototherapy. Light source equipment may consist of a single or multiple sources of optical radiation, with or without power supply, or may be incorporated into a complex system that includes optical, electricalor mechanical systems or sources of other radiation.

  • Standard
    70 pages
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IEC 60825-2:2004+A1:2006+A2:2010 Provides requirements and specific guidance for the safe operation and maintenance of optical fibre communication systems (OFCS). In these systems optical power may be accessible outside the confinements of transmitting equipment or at great distance from the optical source. This Part 2 requires the assessment of hazard levels at accessible locations as a replacement for classification according to IEC 60825-1. It applies to the complete installed end-to-end OFCS, including its components and subassemblies that generate or amplify optical radiation. Individual components and subassemblies that are sold only to OEM vendors for incorporation into a complete installed end-to-end OFCS need not be assessed to this standard, since the final OFCS should itself be assessed according to this standard. The objective of this Part 2 of IEC 60825 is to:
- protect people from optical radiation resulting from OFCS;
- provide requirements for manufacturers, installation organizations, service organizations and operating organizations in order to establish procedures and supply information so that proper precautions can be adopted;
- ensure adequate warnings are provided to individuals regarding the potential hazards associated with OFCS through the use of signs, labels and instructions. This consolidated version consists of the third edition (2004), its amendment 1 (2006), its amendment 2 (2010), interpretation sheet 1 (2008) and 2 (2018). Therefore, no need to order amendments in addition to this publication.

  • Standard
    110 pages
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IEC/TR 60825-17:2010(E) recommends safety measures to protect against effects caused exclusively by thermal, opto-mechanical and related effects in passive optical components and optical cables used in high optical power fibre communication systems. IEC/TR 60825-17:2010 does not apply to the use of high power optical systems in explosive atmospheres or the use of optical fibres in material processing machines. Throughout this part of IEC 60825, a reference to 'laser' is taken to include light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and optical amplifiers.

  • Technical report
    18 pages
    English language
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IEC 60825-4:2006+A1:2008 specifies the requirements for laser guards, permanent and temporary (for example for service), that enclose the process zone of a laser processing machine, and specifications for proprietary laser guards. This standard applies to all component parts of a guard including clear (visibly transmitting) screens and viewing windows, panels, laser curtains and walls. Requirements for beam path components, beam stops and those other parts of a protective housing of a laser product which do not enclose the process zone are contained in IEC 60825-1. In addition this part of IEC 60825 indicates:
a) how to assess and specify the protective properties of a laser guard; and
b) how to select a laser guard. This consolidated version consists of the second edition (2006) and its amendment 1 (2008). Therefore, no need to order amendment in addition to this publication.

  • Standard
    150 pages
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  • Standard
    25 pages
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This part of IEC 60825, which is a technical report, gives guidance on the planning and design, set-up and conduct of laser displays and shows that make use of high power lasers. The laser power needed to produce effective theatrical or artistic displays in large spaces such as theatres, arenas, or architectural sites is great enough to pose a severe accidental exposure hazard, even when personal exposure is very brief. For this reason, subclause 4.1.5 of IEC/TR 60825-14 specifies that only laser products that are Class 1, Class 2 or visible-beam Class 3R should be used for demonstration, display or entertainment purposes in unsupervised areas. Laser products of other classes should only be permitted under carefully controlled conditions and under the control of a trained experienced operator. The guidance provided in this technical report is not intended to include the display or demonstration of scientific, medical or industrial laser products. However, many of the principles in this guidance may be relevant. This guidance provides recommendations for safety for those laser displays or demonstrations that are shows, artistic displays, advertising or light sculptures, or museum pieces used to demonstrate optical principles, etc. Laser products available for use in a domestic environment or for use by people who cannot be expected to have received a suitable level of training should be Class 1, Class 2 or visible beam Class 3R. Therefore, such equipment is outside the scope of this guidance. This guidance is intended to be used by those who:
- design, manufacture, assemble, install or operate laser products that are Class 4, Class 3B, or non-visible beam Class 3R for display and entertainment purposes;
- operate arenas, theatres, planetaria, discotheques or other places where such laser products may be installed and operated; or
- are responsible for reviewing the safety of such equipment, installations or displays.
This guidance is not normative, but rather a code of practice for the design, installation, operation and evaluation of the safety of laser light shows and displays, and the equipment employed in their production. This guidance is also intended for persons who modify laser display installations or equipment. This guidance contains safety criteria for the protection of the public or persons in the vicinity of laser displays in the course of their employment. In some countries, there may be specific requirements, such as government permissions or notifications of shows, or prohibitions, such as against laser scanning of spectators without appropriate safeguards. This guidance is not to be understood as in conflict with such requirements but merely to be supplementary. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1995. It constitutes a technical revision. The main changes since the first edition include
- clarification of the scope;
- specific guidance on factors to take into account regarding scanning safeguards;
- clarification of the records to be maintained; and
- modification of the requirements for the zones where unattended laser projectors are used.

  • Technical report
    16 pages
    English language
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  • Technical report
    16 pages
    English language
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Applies to the safety and essential performance of laser equipment for either surgical, therapeutic, medical diagnostic, cosmetic, or veterinary applications, intended for its use on humans or animals, classified as a class 3B or class 4 laser product as defined by 3.22 and 3.23 in IEC 60825-1, hereafter referred to as laser equipment. Throughout this International Standard, light emitting diodes (LED) are included whenever the word "laser" is used. This standard can also be applied to surgical, cosmetic, therapeutic and diagnostic laser equipment used for compensation or alleviation of disease, injury or disability. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition of IEC 60601-2-22, published in 1995. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This third edition takes account of the recently published new editions of the General Standard IEC 60601-1 and publication IEC 60825-1. Additionally, it addresses technical and safety issues which have arisen in the time following the previous second edition.

  • Standard
    52 pages
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  • Standard
    53 pages
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IEC 60825-1 is applicable to safety of laser products emitting laser radiation in the wavelength range 180 nm to 1 mm. A laser product may consist of a single laser with or without a separate power supply or may incorporate one or more lasers in a complex optical, electrical, or mechanical system. Typically, laser products are used for demonstration of physical and optical phenomena, materials processing, data reading and storage, transmission and display of information, etc. Such systems have found use in industry, business, entertainment, research, education, medicine and consumer products. Laser products that are sold to other manufacturers for use as components of any system for subsequent sale are not subject to IEC 60825-1, since the final product will itself be subject to this standard. However, if the laser system within the laser product is operable when removed from the equipment, the requirements of this Part 1 apply to the removable unit. Any laser product is exempt from all further requirements of this Part 1 if classification by the manufacturer of that product according to Clauses 3, 8 and 9 shows that the emission level does not exceed the AEL (accessible emission limit) of Class 1 under all conditions of operation, maintenance, service and failure. In addition to the hazards resulting from laser radiation, laser equipment may also give rise to other hazards such as fire and electric shock. This Part 1 describes the minimum requirements. Compliance with this Part 1 may not be sufficient to achieve the required level of product safety. Laser products must conform to the applicable performance and testing requirements of the applicable product safety standards. Where a laser system forms a part of equipment which is subject to another IEC product safety standard (e.g. for medical equipment (IEC 60601-2-22), IT equipment (IEC 60950), audio and video equipment (IEC 60065), equipment for use in hazardous atmospheres (IEC 60079), or electric toys (IEC 62115)), this Part 1 will apply in accordance with the provisions of IEC Guide 104 ) for hazards resulting from laser radiation. If no product safety standard is applicable, then IEC 61010-1 applies. In previous editions, LEDs were included in the scope of IEC 60825-1, and they may be still included in other parts of the IEC 60825 series. However, with the development of lamp safety standards, optical radiation safety of LEDs in general can be more appropriately addressed by lamp safety standards. The removal of LEDs from the scope of this Part 1 does not preclude other standards from including LEDs whenever they refer to lasers. CIE S009 may be applied to determine the risk group class of an LED or product incorporating one or more LEDs. The MPE (maximum permissible exposure) values of this Part 1 were developed for laser radiation and do not apply to collateral radiation. However, if a concern exists that accessible collateral radiation might be hazardous, the laser MPE values may be applied to conservatively evaluate this potential hazard. The MPE values are not applicable to intentional human exposure to laser radiation for the purpose of medical or cosmetic/aesthetic treatment. The objectives of this part of IEC 60825 are the following: - to introduce a system of classification of lasers and laser products according to their degree of optical radiation hazard in order to aid hazard evaluation and to aid the determination of user control measures; - to establish requirements for the manufacturer to supply information so that proper precautions can be adopted; - to ensure, through labels and instructions, adequate warning to individuals of hazards associated with accessible radiation from laser products; - to reduce the possibility of injury by minimizing unnecessary accessible radiation and to give improved control of the laser radiation hazards through protective features. This second edition of IEC 60825-1 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1993,

  • Standard
    199 pages
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ISO 11553-2:2007 specifies the requirements for laser processing devices, as defined in ISO 11553-1, which are hand-held or hand-operated. The purpose of ISO 11553-2:2007 is to draw attention to the particular hazards related to the use of hand-held laser and hand-operated laser processing devices and to prevent personal injury. This includes both the areas of hazard analysis and risk assessment as well as protective measures.

  • Standard
    20 pages
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  • Standard
    20 pages
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Provides requirements and specific guidance for the safe operation and maintenance of optical fibre communication systems (OFCS). In these systems optical power may be accessible outside the confinements of transmitting equipment or at great distance from the optical source. This Part 2 requires the assessment of hazard levels at accessible locations as a replacement for classification according to IEC 60825-1. It applies to the complete installed end-to-end OFCS, including its components and subassemblies that generate or amplify optical radiation. Individual components and subassemblies that are sold only to OEM vendors for incorporation into a complete installed end-to-end OFCS need not be assessed to this standard, since the final OFCS should itself be assessed according to this standard. The objective of this Part 2 of IEC 60825 is to:
- protect people from optical radiation resulting from OFCS;
- provide requirements for manufacturers, installation organizations, service organizations and operating organizations in order to establish procedures and supply information so that proper precautions can be adopted;
- ensure adequate warnings are provided to individuals regarding the potential hazards associated with OFCS through the use of signs, labels and instructions. This consolidated version consists of the third edition (2004), its amendment 1 (2006) interpretation sheet 1 (2008) and 2 (2018). Therefore, no need to order amendment in addition to this publication.

  • Standard
    111 pages
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This part of IEC 60825 serves as a guide to the employer, the responsible organisation, the laser safety officer, the laser operator and other persons involved, on the safe use of lasers and laser equipment classified as class 3B or class 4. It covers all applications of laser beams on humans in, but not limited to, health-care facilities, cosmetic and hair removal centres and dental practices, including applications in vehicles and domestic premises. This technical report explains the control measures recommended for the safety of patients, staff, maintenance personnel and others. Engineering controls which form part of the laser equipment or the installation are also briefly described to provide an understanding of the general principles of protection. The subject areas covered in this guide include - beam delivery systems; - biological effects of laser radiation; - reporting of accidents and dangerous situations; - checklists. The object of this report is to enhance the protection of persons from laser radiation and other associated hazards by providing guidance on how to establish safety procedures, precautions and user control measures.

  • Technical report
    40 pages
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  • Technical report
    40 pages
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Specifies the requirements for laser guards, permanent and temporary (for example for service), that enclose the process zone of a laser processing machine, and specifications for proprietary laser guards. This standard applies to all component parts of a guard including clear (visibly transmitting) screens and viewing windows, panels, laser curtains and walls. Requirements for beam path components, beam stops and those other parts of a protective housing of a laser product which do not enclose the process zone are contained in IEC 60825-1. In addition this part of IEC 60825 indicates: a) how to assess and specify the protective properties of a laser guard; and b) how to select a laser guard.

  • Standard
    133 pages
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  • Standard
    150 pages
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  • Standard
    157 pages
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This Technical Report provides manufacturers, test houses, safety personnel, and others with practical guidance on methods to perform radiometric measurements or analyses to establish the emission level of laser energy in accordance with IEC 60825-1 (herein referred to as "the standard"). The measurement procedures described in this technical report are intended as guidance for classification of laser products in accordance with, that standard. Other procedures are acceptable if they are better or more appropriate. Information is provided for calculating accessible emission limits (AELs) and maximum permissible exposures (MPEs), since some parameters used in calculating the limits are dependent upon other measured quantities. This document is intended to apply to lasers, including extended sources and laser arrays. Users of this document should be aware that the procedures described herein for extended source viewing conditions may yield more conservative results than when using more rigorous methods.

  • Technical report
    37 pages
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Gives guidance for evaluating the photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems including luminaires. Specifically it specifies the exposure limits, reference measurement technique and classification scheme for the evaluation and control of photobiological hazards from all electrically powered incoherent broadband sources of optical radiation, including LEDs but excluding lasers, in the wavelength range from 200 nm through 3000 nm. This standard was prepared as Standard CIE S 009:2002 by the International Commission on Illumination.

  • Standard
    89 pages
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ISO 11553-1:2005 describes hazards generated by laser processing machines, and specifies the safety requirements relating to radiation hazards and hazards generated by materials and substances. It also specifies the information to be supplied by the manufacturers of such equipment. Requirements dealing with noise as a hazard from laser processing machines are not included in ISO 11553-1:2005. They will be included in a subsequent amendment. ISO 11553-1:2005 is not applicable to laser products, or equipment containing such products, which are manufactured solely and expressly for the following applications: photolithography, stereolithography, holography, medical applications and data storage.

  • Standard
    16 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    16 pages
    French language
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