Heating Systems in buildings - Design and installation of direct electrical room heating systems

1.   Scope
This document specifies the design criteria for electrical heating systems in individual and collective residential buildings, the commercial and industrial building sector.
This doucment covers fixed electrical heaters which emit heat directly into space by use of electricity only.
The following systems are included:
-   electric instantaneous heating systems:
-   natural or fan convector heaters;
-   radiant panels;
-   radiators / resistance heaters;
-   ceiling heating;
-   infra-red and quartz linear heaters;
-   thin slab floor heating;
-   wall heating.
-   electric non-instantaneous heating systems:
-   full slab floor heating;
-   room storage heaters;
-   room storage fan heaters.
This document does not cover radiant electric fires, movable heaters or electric heating systems that require a transfer medium outside of the appliance to deliver heat into the space. Examples of such systems include:
-   air conditioning or cooling systems;
-   unitary heat pumps;
-   window, through the wall and split system;
-   warm air distribution systems;
-   central storage serving hot w
- electric non-instantaneous heating systems:
- full slab floor heating;
- room storage heaters;
- room storage fan heaters.
This standard does not cover electric heating systems that require a transfer medium to deliver heat into the space. Examples of such systems include:
- air conditioning or cooling systems;
- unitary heat pumps;
- window, through the wall and split system;
- warm air distribution systems;
- central storage serving hot water radiator or warm air systems;
- hot water production, either storage or direct;
- any individual appliance serving more than one room;
- movable heaters.
Requirements for installation, commissioning, and operation maintenance and use of direct electrical heating systems are excluded from this document.
This standard does not overwrite national regulation.
This standard does not override or add to requirements in appliance standards

Heizungssysteme in Gebäuden - Planung und Einbau von elektrischen Direkt-Raumheizungen

Dieses Dokument legt Planungs- und Installationshinweise für elektrische Direktheizsysteme in Einzelhäusern
oder Mehrfamilienwohnhäusern sowie in Geschäftshäusern und Industriebauten fest.
Dieses Dokument gilt für fest eingebaute elektrische Heizungen, die ihre nur elektrisch erzeugte Wärme direkt an
den Raum abgeben.
Folgenden Systeme werden erfasst:
. kontinuierliche elektrische Heizsysteme:
. Natürliche oder gebläseunterstützte Konvektoren;
. Flachheizkörper;
. Radiatoren/Widerstandsheizgeräte;
. Deckenstrahlheizungen;
. Infrarot- und Quarzheizstrahler;
. Fußbodenheizungen mit geringer Speichermasse;
. Wandheizungen.
. diskontinuierliche elektrische Heizsysteme:
. Fußbodenheizungen mit großer Speichermasse;
. Speicherheizungen;
. gebläseunterstützte Speicherheizungen.
Das Dokument gilt nicht für elektrische Heizstrahler, bewegliche Heizgeräte oder elektrische Heizsysteme, die ein
Wärmetauschermedium benötigen, um die Wärme an den Raum abzugeben. Beispiele solcher Heizsysteme sind:
. Klima- oder Kühlanlagen;
. Unit-Wärmepumpen;
. Fensterbeheizungen, wanddurchdringende Heizungen und Hybridsysteme;
. Warmluftheizungen;
. zenrale Speicher für Warmwasserheizungsradiatoren oder Warmluftheizsysteme;
. direkte Warmwasserbereitung oder Warmwasserspeicher;
. alle Einzelheizgeräte, die mehr als einen Raum beheizen.
Die Norm enthält keine Anforderungen für Installations-, Abnahme- und Betriebs-, Wartungs- und
Bedienungsanleitungen von elektrischen Direktheizungen.
Die Norm ersetzt keine nationalen Vorschriften.
Die Norm ersetzt oder ergänzt auch nicht Anforderungen in den Gerätenormen.

Systèmes de chauffage dans les bâtiments - Conception et installation des systèmes de chauffage électrique direct

Cette norme précise les critères de conception et d'installation des systèmes de chauffage électrique dans les bâtiments résidentiels individuel et collectif, tertiaires et industriels.
Cette norme concerne les systèmes de chauffage fournissant directement la chaleur au local dans lequel l'émetteur se trouve implanté, à partir de l'utilisation exclusive de l'électricité.
Sont inclus les systèmes suivants :
¾ systèmes de chauffage électriques instantanés
¾ émetteurs à convection naturelle ou forcée ;
¾ panneaux rayonnants ;
¾ plafonds chauffants ;
¾ émetteurs infrarouges et " quartz linear " ;
¾ planchers rayonnants électriques (plancher chauffant en dalle mince) ;
¾ murs chauffants ;
¾ systèmes de chauffage électrique non-instantané
¾ plancher à accumulation (plancher chauffant en dalle épaisse) ;
¾ radiateurs électriques à accumulation statique ;
¾ radiateurs électriques à accumulation dynamique.
Cette norme ne concerne pas les systèmes de chauffage électrique qui utilisent un fluide caloporteur pour transmettre la chaleur dans l'espace chauffé. Par exemple, sont exclus de la norme :
¾ les systèmes d'air conditionné ou de rafraîchissement ;
¾ les pompes à chaleur ;
¾ les unités monobloc et les splits-systems ;
¾ les systèmes de ventilation ou de traitement d'air ;
¾ les systèmes à accumulation centralisée d'eau ou d'air ;
¾ les systèmes de production d'ECS (à accumulation ou instantané) ;
¾ les émetteurs desservant plus d'une pièce ;
¾ les émetteurs mobiles.
Les exigences d'installation, de mise au point et celles relatives aux opérations de maintenance et d'utilisation des systèmes de chauffage électrique direct sont exclus de ce document.
Cette norme ne se substitue pas aux règlements nationaux.
Cette norme ne retire ni n'ajoute rien aux exigences des normes produits.

Grelni sistemi v stavbah – Načrtovanje in vgradnja neposrednih električnih sistemov za gretje prostorov

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EN 14337:2006
English language
16 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

Heating Systems in buildings - Design and installation of direct electrical room heating
Heizungssysteme in Gebäuden - Planung und Einbau von elektrischen Direkt-
Systemes de chauffage dans les bâtiments - Conception et installation des systemes de
chauffage électrique direct
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 14337:2005
91.140.10 Sistemi centralnega Central heating systems
97.100.10 (OHNWULþQLJUHOQLNL Electric heaters
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 14337
December 2005
ICS 91.140.10; 97.100.10
English Version
Heating Systems in buildings - Design and installation of direct
electrical room heating systems
Systèmes de chauffage dans les bâtiments - Conception et Heizungssysteme in Gebäuden - Planung und Einbau von
installation des systèmes de chauffage électrique direct elektrischen Direkt-Raumheizungen
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 14 February 2005.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Central Secretariat or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2005 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 14337:2005: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Foreword_____________________________________________________________________________ 3
1. Scope _________________________________________________________________________ 4
2. Normative references ____________________________________________________________ 5
3. Terms and definitions____________________________________________________________ 5
4. System design requirements______________________________________________________ 7
Annex A (informative) Control system classification _______________________________________ 14
Annex B informative) Examples of wiring arrangements and control _________________________ 16

This document (EN 14337:2005) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 228 ”Heating Systems in
Buildings”, the secretariat of which is held by DS.
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or
by endorsement, at the latest by June 2006, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by
June 2006.
The subjects covered by CEN/TC 228 are the following:
- design of heating systems (water based, electrical etc.);
- installation of heating systems;
- commissioning of heating systems;
- instructions for operation, maintenance and use of heating systems;
- methods for calculation of the design heat loss and heat loads;
- methods for calculation of the energy performance of heating systems.
Heating systems also include the effect of attached systems such as hot water production systems.
All these standards are systems standards, i.e. they are based on requirements addressed to the system as a
whole and not dealing with requirements to the products within the system.
Where possible, reference is made to other European or International Standards, a.o. product standards. However,
use of products complying with relevant product standards is no guarantee of compliance with the system
The requirements are mainly expressed as functional requirements, i.e. requirements dealing with the function of
the system and not specifying shape, material, dimensions or the like.
The guidelines describe ways to meet the requirements, but other ways to fulfil the functional requirements might be
used if fulfilment can be proved.
Heating systems differ among the member countries due to climate, traditions and national regulations. In some
cases requirements are given as classes so national or individual needs may be accommodated.
In cases where the standards contradict with national regulations, the latter should be followed.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.

1. Scope
This document specifies the design criteria for electrical heating systems in individual and collective residential
buildings, the commercial and industrial building sector.
This doucment covers fixed electrical heaters which emit heat directly into space by use of electricity only.
The following systems are included:
— electric instantaneous heating systems:
— natural or fan convector heaters;
— radiant panels;
— radiators / resistance heaters;
— ceiling heating;
— infra-red and quartz linear heaters;
— thin slab floor heating;
— wall heating.
— electric non-instantaneous heating systems:
— full slab floor heating;
— room storage heaters;
— room storage fan heaters.
This document does not cover radiant electric fires, movable heaters or electric heating systems that require a
transfer medium outside of the appliance to deliver heat into the space. Examples of such systems include:
— air conditioning or cooling systems;
— unitary heat pumps;
— window, through the wall and split system;
— warm air distribution systems;
— central storage serving hot water radiator or warm air systems;
— hot water production, either storage or direct;
— any individual appliance serving more than one room.
Requirements for installation, commissioning, and operation maintenance and use of direct electrical heating
systems are excluded from this document.
This document does not overwrite national regulations.
This document does not override or add to requirements in appliance standards.
2. Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references,
only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any
amendments) applies.
EN 12098-3, Controls for heating systems - Part 3: Outside temperature compensated control equipment for
electrical heating systems
prEN 12098-4, Controls for heating systems - Part 4: Optimum start-stop control equipment for electrical systems
prEN 12098-5, Controls for heating systems - Part 5: Start-stop schedulers for heating systems
EN 12170, Heating systems in buildings – Procedure for the preparation of documents for operation, maintenance
and use – Heating systems requiring a trained operator
EN 12171, Heating systems in buildings – Procedure for the preparation of documents for operation, maintenance
and use – Heating systems not requiring a trained operator
EN 12831, Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of the design heat load
EN 14335, Heating systems in buildings - Method for calculation of system energy requirements and system
EN 60531, Household electric thermal storage room heaters - Methods of measuring the performance (IEC
60531:1999 modified)
EN 60675, Household electric direct-acting room heaters - Methods for measuring performance (IEC 60675:1994)
EN ISO 7730, Moderate thermal environments – Determination of the PMV and PPD indices and specification of the
conditions for thermal comfort (ISO 7730:1994)
prHD 60364-1, Electrical installations of buildings – Part 1:Fundamental principles, assessment of general
characteristics, definitions
3. Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this doucment, the following terms and definitions apply :
central control
method of controlling the heat flow to a heat emission system by varying the power input
design heat load
required heat flow necessary to achieve the specified design conditions
design heat loss
quantity of heat per unit time leaving the building to the external environment under specified design conditions
external design temperature
external air temperature which is used for the calculation of the design heat loss
external air temperature
air temperature outside the building
heat gain
quantity of heat generated within or entering into the heated space from heat sources other than the heating system
heating period
time when heating is needed to maintain the internal design temperature
internal design temperature
operative temperature at the center of the zone, used for the calculation of the design heat loss
local control
method of controlling the heat flow to a heat emission system locally on the basis of the temperature of the heated
operating temperature(s)
temperature(s) at which the system (or parts of the system) is designed to be operated
operative temperature
arithmetic average of the air temperature and the mean radiant temperature
temperature control
method of controlling the system temperature in a zone or heated space by automatic means (setting of temporary
override of the control is possible)
timing control
operation which switches heating modes to affect the heating control system according to a program
optimization of timing control
optimum start-up and shut-down times in order to reduce energy consumption and to take into account
where necessary variations in tarifs without reducing thermal comfort defined by the user.

space or groups of spaces with similar thermal characteristics
zone control
local control of a zone consisting of more than one space
charging control of room storage heaters
method of controlling the heat content of a storage heating system within an allowed charging period as a function
of internal and external conditions and varying tarifs where applicable
reheat period
time necessary to bring heating level to the design temperature
data transmission bus
communication connection transmitting data between components
remote appliance controller
control located and away from the appliance
integral appliance controller
control located within the appliance or the casing
electric instantaneous heating systems
heating systems using heat emitters from which heat is directly emitted into the space where they are located
electric non-instantaneous heating systems
systems which store heat obtained from electric energy by charging an accumulating core before a heat demand in
a room occurs, the heat being discharged at any time (e.g. storage heating)
State of a device or system defining the manner by which it performs ist functions. A heating system or a heating
controller should have many heating modes (or heating operation modes), e.g.: nominal, reduced, on, off, start,
standby. Noting than other modes can also exist
4. System design requirements
4.1 Requirements for preliminary design information
The electrical heating system shall be designed to be installed and operated in a way that will not cause any
damage to the building or other installations and with due consideration for costs and energy use.
The electrical heating system shall be designed with due consideration for installation, commissioning, operation,
maintenance and repair of components, appliances and the system.
The design shall always be carried out in accordance with the specification agreed between the contracting parties.
At the planning stage or during progress of design work the following items shall be agreed upon and documented:
a) clarification of the responsibilities of the designer and the installer and whether or not a trained operator is
b) the need for compliance with relevant local or statutory regulations;
c) thermal characteristics of the building for calculation of heat requirements and possible improvements in energy
d) external design temperature;
e) internal design temperature;
f) energy supply;
g) location of incoming supply;
h) electricity installation requirements including routing;
i) building occupational use and requirements;
j) type and position of heat emitters;
k) control of the heating system;
l) economic considerations;
m) local and national needs and requirements as applicable from time to time.
4.2 Heat supply
The electrical heating supply shall be designed to at least satisfy the design heat loads of the building calculated in
accordance with EN 12831, where applicable.
Electricity supply and power shall be available to serve the heat supply taken into consideration at the design stage.
4.3 Heat emission
4.3.1 General
Heat emitters shall be selected on the basis of the design heat load and consideration shall be given to the
— design heat load including transmission and ventilation heat loss;
— thermal comfort and noise le

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