Wood-based panels for use in construction - Characteristics, evaluation of conformity and marking

This document defines wood-based panels for use in construction and specifies the relevant characteristics and the appropriate test methods to determine these characteristics for wood-based panels, unfaced, overlaid, veneered or coated:
· for internal use as structural components in dry conditions ) ;
· for internal (or protected external) use as structural components in humid conditions ) ;
· for external use as structural components ) ;
· for internal use as non-structural components in dry conditions1);
· for internal (or protected external) uses as non structural components in humid conditions2);
· for external use as non-structural components3);
· for use as structural floor decking on joists in dry1) or humid2) or exterior3) conditions;
· for use as structural roof decking on joists in dry1) or humid2) or exterior3) conditions;
· for use as structural wall sheathing on studs in dry1) or humid2) or exterior3) conditions.
It provides for the evaluation of conformity and the requirements for marking these products.
This standard covers wood-based panels in the form of solid wood panels, LVL ) , plywood, OSB, particleboards (chipboards) either resin- or cement-bonded, wet process fibreboards (hardboards, medium boards, softboards) and dry process fibreboards (MDF) for use in construction. They may contain chemical agents to improve their reaction to fire and their resistance to biological attack, e.g. by fungi and insects.
This document is not intended to be applicable to wood-based panels for use in non-constructional applications.

Holzwerkstoffe zur Verwendung im Bauwesen - Eigenschaften, Bewertung der Konformität und Kennzeichnung

Panneaux à base de bois destinés à la construction - Caractéristiques, évaluation de conformité et marquage

Lesne plošče za uporabo v gradbeništvu - Lastnosti, vrednotenje skladnosti in označevanje

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Technical Committee
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5060 - Closure of Vote - Formal Approval
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Wood-based panels for use in construction - Characteristics, evaluation of conformity
and marking
Holzwerkstoffe zur Verwendung im Bauwesen - Eigenschaften, Bewertung der
Konformität und Kennzeichnung
Panneaux à base de bois destinés à la construction - Caractéristiques, évaluation de
conformité et marquage
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 13986:2004/FprA1
79.060.01 /HVQHSORãþHQDVSORãQR Wood-based panels in
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 13986:2004
July 2014
ICS 79.060.01
English Version
Wood-based panels for use in construction - Characteristics,
evaluation of conformity and marking
Panneaux à base de bois destinés à la construction - Holzwerkstoffe zur Verwendung im Bauwesen -
Caractéristiques, évaluation de conformité et marquage Eigenschaften, Bewertung der Konformität und
This draft amendment is submitted to CEN members for unique acceptance procedure. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 112.
This draft amendment A1, if approved, will modify the European Standard EN 13986:2004. If this draft becomes an amendment, CEN
members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for inclusion of this amendment
into the relevant national standard without any alteration.

This draft amendment was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made
by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has
the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are aware and to
provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without notice and
shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2014 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN 13986:2004/FprA1:2014 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword .3
1 Modifications to Clause 2 "Normative references" .4
2 Modifications to Clause 4 "Performance characteristics required for wood-based panels
for use in construction" .4
3 Modifications to Clause 5 "Determination of the performance characteristics " .6
4 Modifications to Clause 6 "Evaluation of conformity".8
5 Modification to Clause 7 "Marking" . 19
6 Modifications to Annex ZA "Clauses of this European Standard addressing the
provisions of the EU Construction Products Directive" . 19

This document (EN 13986:2004/FprA1:2014) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 112
“Wood-based panels”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This document is currently submitted to the Unique Acceptance Procedure.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports basic work requirements of Regulation (EU) No
305/2011(CPR) and the essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
For relationship with EU Regulation and Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA which is an integral part of this
This document amends EN 13986:2004.
Compared with EN 13986:2004 the following modifications have been made to take into account amendment
of mandate M113 (M444) made after the publication of the current 2004 version of the standard:
a) introduction of “Racking resistance”, “Embedment strength” and “Air permeability” in Tables 1 to 7, as
b) introduction of a new sub-clause 4.8 to deal with dangerous substances other than those already covered
in the standard;
c) additional provisions for classification of reaction to fire included in Clause 5, Table 8;
d) Clause 6 and Annex ZA adapted to CEN/BT documents TF N 548 Rev1 and TF N 530 Rev. 2,
respectively, to meet the terminology and requirements of the Construction Products Regulation;
Note: Due to fact that the Framework Partnership Agreement between the Commission and CEN & CENELEC
is not signed yet, there are currently no New Approach Consultants in place for 2014. Therefore the provisions
of CEN-CENELEC Guide 15 cannot be met.
This shall not prevent the processing of draft standards nor the offering of harmonized standards to the
Commission. In particular, draft standards can be sent to vote without Consultant assessment.
This note will be removed from the Foreword of the finalized publication.

1 Modifications to Clause 2 "Normative references"
Add the following references:
"EN 383, Timber structures — Test methods — Determination of embedment strength and foundation values
for dowel type fasteners"
"EN 594, Timber structures — Test methods — Racking strength and stiffness of timber frame wall panels"
"EN 12114, Thermal performances of buildings — Air permeability of building components and building
elements — Laboratory test method"
"EN 15197, Wood-based panels — Flaxboards — Specifications"
"prEN 622-5" with "EN 622-5".
"ENV 717-1" with "EN 717-1"
"prEN 789 with EN 789"
"prEN 1995-1-1 with EN 1995-1-1"
"ENV 12872" with "CEN/TS 12872".
"prEN 14279 with EN 14279"
"prEN 14755 with EN 14755"
2 Modifications to Clause 4 "Performance characteristics required for wood-based
panels for use in construction"
4.1 Wood based panels for internal use as structural components in dry conditions
In the last line of the paragraph replace "(7 to 15)" with "(7 to 17)".
Insert the following lines in Table 1:
16 Racking resistance 5.15.3
17 Embedment strength 5.19
4.2 Wood based panels for internal use as structural components in humid conditions
In the last line of the paragraph replace "(8 to 16)" with "(8 to 18)".
Insert the following lines in Table 2:
17 Racking resistance 5.15.3
18 Embedment strength 5.19
4.3 Wood based panels for external use as structural components
In the last line of the paragraph replace "(8 to 15)" with "(8 to 18)":
Insert the following lines in Table 3:
16 Air permeability 5.20
17 Racking resistance 5.15.3
18 Embedment strength 5.19
NOTE 2 Air permeability is relevant only for use as wind barriers.
Rename current NOTE in Table 3 "NOTE 1".
4.6 Wood-based panels for external use as non-structural components
In the last line of the paragraph replace "(6 to 11)" with "(6 to 12)".
Insert the following line in Table 6:
12 Air permeability 5.20
NOTE Air permeability is relevant only for use as wind barriers.
4.7 Wood-based panels for use as structural floor and roof decking on joists and as
structural wall sheathing on studs
In the last line of the paragraph replace "(8 to 18)" with "(8 to 20)".
Insert the following lines in Table 7:
19 Racking resistance 5.15.3
20 Embedment strength 5.19
Add the following new sub-clause after 4.7:
4.8 Other dangerous substances
National regulations on dangerous substances may require, when construction products covered by this
standard are placed on those markets, verification and declaration on release, and sometimes on content, of
other substances than those already covered in other clauses of this standard.
In the absence of European harmonized test methods, verification and declaration on release/content should
be done taking into account national provisions in the place of use.
NOTE An informative database covering European and national provisions on dangerous substances is available at the
Construction web site on EUROPA accessed through:
3 Modifications to Clause 5 "Determination of the performance characteristics "
Replace the existing text in 5.8 with the following:
"The class of reaction to fire performance of a wood-based panel (including the additional classification on
smoke production and flaming droplets/particles, if any) shall be determined, classified and declared:
a) either without the need for further testing (CWFT), as given in Table 8 , if the panel meets the material
characteristics and the end use conditions given therein,
b) or based on testing of the panel according to the relevant test methods, given in standards referred to in
EN 13501-1, when the panel does not meet the requirements of Table 8 or where a higher classification
than the one in a) is sought.
When the option b) is applied and where required by the test method, the panels shall be mounted and fixed
in a manner representative of its intended end use.
Table 8 — Classes of reaction to fire performance for wood-based panels
Minimum Minimum Class
EN product Class
Product End use condition density thickness (excluding
standard (floorings)
kg/m mm floorings)
a EN 634-2 1000 10 B-S1, d0 B -s1
without an air gap behind
the panel
Fibreboard, hard EN 622-2 900 6 D-s2,d0 D -s1
with a closed air gap not
Fibreboard, hard EN 622-2 more than 22 mm behind 900 6 D-s2,d2 -
the wood-based panel
a b e
Particleboard EN 312
Fibreboard, EN 622-2
a b e
hard and medium EN 622-3
600 9 D-s2,d0 D -s1
a b e
MDF EN 622-5
without an air gap behind
a b e
OSB EN 300 the wood-based panel
a b e
Plywood EN 636 9
400 D-s2,d0 D -s1
a b e
Solid wood panel EN 13353 12
a b e
Flaxboard EN 15197 450 15 D-s2,d0 D -s1
c e
Particleboard EN 312
Fibreboard, EN 622-2
c e
hard and medium EN 622-3
with a closed or an open 600 9 D-s2,d2 -
c e
air gap not more than
MDF EN 622-5
22 mm behind the wood-
c e
OSB EN 300
based panel
c e
Plywood EN 636 9
400 D-s2,d2 -
c e
Solid wood panel EN 13353 12
This table is the same as Table 1 of Commission Decision 2003/43/EC of 17 January 2003 (OJEU L13 of 18.1.2003) corrected by
Corrigendum (OJEU L33 of 8-2-2003) and amended by Commission Decision 2007/348/EC of15 May 2007 (OJEU L131 of 23-05-
Table 8 (continued)
Minimum Minimum Class
EN product Class
Product End use condition density thickness (excluding

standard 3 (floorings)
(kg/m ) (mm) floorings)
d e
Particleboard EN 312
d e
Fibreboard, medium EN 622-3
600 15 D-s2,d0 D -s1
d e
MDF EN 622-5
with a closed air gap
d e
OSB EN 300
behind the wood-based
d e
Plywood EN 636 D-s2,d1
400 15 D -s1
d e
Solid wood panel EN 13353 D-s2,d0
d e
Flaxboard EN 15197 450 15 D-s2,d0 D -s1
d e
Particleboard EN 312
d e
Fibreboard, medium EN 622-3
600 18 D-s2,d0 D -s1
d e
MDF EN 622-5
with an open air gap
d e
OSB EN 300 behind the wood-based
d e
Plywood EN 636
400 18 D-s2,d0 D -s1
d e
Solid wood panel EN 13353
d e
Flaxboard EN 15197 450 18 D-s2,d0 D -s1
Particleboard EN 312
600 3 E E
OSB EN 300
400 3 E E
MDF EN 622-5
250 9 E E
Plywood EN 636 400 3 E E
Fibreboard, hard EN 622-2 900 3 E E
Fibreboard, medium EN 622-3 400 9 E E
Fibreboard, soft EN 622-4 250 9 E E
a 3
Mounted without an air gap directly against class A1 or A2-s1, d0 products with minimum density 10kg/m or at least class D-s2, d2
products with minimum density 400 kg/m .
A substrate of cellulose insulation material of at least class E may be included if mounted directly against the wood-based panel, but

not for floorings.
Mounted with an air gap behind. The reverse face of the cavity shall be at least class A2-s1, d0 products with minimum density
10 kg/m .
Mounted with an air gap behind. The reverse face of the cavity shall be at least class D-s2, d2 products with minimum density
400 kg/m .
Veneered, phenol- and melamine-faced panels are included for class excl. floorings.
f 2
A vapour barrier with a thickness up to 0,4 mm and a mass up to 200 g/m can be mounted in between the wood-based panel and a
substrate if there are no air gaps in between.
Class as provided for in Table 1 of the Annex to Decision 2000/147/EC.
Class as provided for in Table 2 of the Annex to Decision 2000/147/EC.

The classes given in Table 8 are for unjointed panels, tongue and groove jointed panels, installed according to
CEN/TS 12872 and fully supported joints, installed according to CEN/TS 12872."
Add the following new sub-clause:
5.15.3 Racking resi

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