Flame arresters - Performance requirements, test methods and limits for use (ISO 16852:2008, including Cor 1:2008 and Cor 2:2009)

ISO 16852:2008 specifies the requirements for flame arresters that prevent flame transmission when explosive gas-air or vapour-air mixtures are present. It establishes uniform principles for the classification, basic construction and information for use, including the marking of flame arresters, and specifies test methods to verify the safety requirements and determine safe limits of use.
ISO 16852:2008 is valid for pressures ranging from 80 kPa to 160 kPa and temperatures ranging from -20 °C to +150 °C.
ISO 16852:2008 is not applicable to the following:
external safety-related measurement and control equipment that might be required to keep the operational conditions within the established safe limits;
flame arresters used for explosive mixtures of vapours and gases, which tend to self-decompose (e.g. acetylene) or which are chemically unstable;
flame arresters used for carbon disulphide, due to its special properties;
flame arresters whose intended use is for mixtures other than gas-air or vapour-air mixtures (e.g. higher oxygen-nitrogen ratio, chlorine as oxidant, etc.);
flame arrester test procedures for internal-combustion compression ignition engines;
fast acting valves, extinguishing systems and other explosion isolating systems;
flame arresters integrated or combined with explosion-protected equipment, such as blowers, fans, compressors and pumps.

Flammendurchschlagsicherungen - Leistungsanforderungen, Prüfverfahren und Einsatzgrenzen (ISO 16852:2008, einschließlich Cor 1:2008 und Cor 2:2009)

Diese Internationale Norm legt die Anforderungen an Flammendurchschlagsicherungen fest, die Flammen-durchschläge bei Vorhandensein von explosionsfähigen Gas-Luft- oder Dampf-Luft-Gemischen verhindern. Sie stellt einheitliche Grundsätze für die Klassifizierung, die grundlegende Konstruktion und die Informationen für den Einsatz einschließlich der Kennzeichnung von Flammendurchschlagsicherungen auf und legt Prüfverfahren zur Über¬prüfung der Sicherheitsanforderungen und zur Bestimmung der sicheren Einsatzgrenzen fest.
Diese Internationale Norm gilt für Drücke von 80 kPa bis 160 kPa und für Temperaturen von 20 °C bis 150 °C.
ANMERKUNG 1   Diese Internationale Norm kann für Betriebsbedingungen, die von den oben festgelegten abweichen, als Leitlinie für die Auslegung und Prüfung von Flammendurchschlag¬sicherungen, dienen. Zusätzliche Prüfungen, insbesondere hinsichtlich der vorgesehenen Einsatzbedingungen, sind jedoch ratsam. Dies ist besonders bei hohen Temperaturen und Drücken wichtig. Die Prüfgemische müssen in diesen Fällen möglicherweise verändert werden.
Diese Internationale Norm gilt nicht für:
-   externe sicherheitsrelevante Mess- und Überwachungseinrichtungen, die erforderlich sind, um die Betriebsbedingungen innerhalb der festgelegten sicheren Grenzen zu halten;
ANMERKUNG 2   Eingebaute Mess- und Überwachungseinrichtungen, wie z. B. integrierte Temperatur- und Flammen¬messfühler sowie Bauteile bei denen es beispielsweise beabsichtigt ist, dass sie schmelzen (Rückhaltestift), wegbrennen (Wetterhauben) oder sich verformen (Bimetallstreifen), fallen in den Anwendungsbereich dieser Internationalen Norm.
-   Flammendurchschlagsicherungen für explosionsfähige Gemische aus Dämpfen und Gasen, die zum Selbstzerfall neigen (z. B. Acetylen) oder die chemisch instabil sind;
-   Flammendurchschlagsicherungen, die bei Schwefelkohlenstoff eingesetzt werden, da dieser spezielle Eigenschaften besitzt;

Arrête-flammes - Exigences de performance, méthodes d'essai et limites d'utilisation (ISO 16852:2008, Cor 1:2008 et Cor 2:2009 inclus)

L'ISO 16852:2008 spécifie les exigences applicables aux arrête-flammes qui préviennent la transmission d'une flamme en présence de mélanges explosifs gaz-air ou vapeur-air. Elle établit des principes homogènes pour la classification, la construction de base et les informations pour l'utilisation, y compris le marquage des arrête-flammes et spécifie des méthodes d'essai permettant de vérifier les exigences de sécurité et de déterminer des limites de sécurité d'utilisation.
L'ISO 16852:2008 est valide pour des pressions comprises entre 80 kPa et 160 kPa et des températures comprises entre -20 °C et +150 °C.
L'ISO 16852:2008 n'est pas applicable aux cas suivants:
appareils externes de mesurage et de commande liés à la sécurité qui peuvent être nécessaires pour maintenir les conditions opérationnelles dans les limites de sécurité établies;
arrête-flammes utilisés pour des mélanges explosifs de vapeurs et de gaz qui ont tendance à s'autodécomposer (par exemple l'acétylène) ou qui sont chimiquement instables;
arrête-flammes utilisés pour le disulfure de carbone, du fait de ses propriétés spécifiques;
arrête-flammes destinés à être utilisés pour des mélanges autres que des mélanges gaz-air ou vapeur-air (par exemple avec un rapport oxygène-azote plus élevé, avec du chlore en tant qu'oxydant, etc.);
modes opératoires d'essai des arrête-flammes pour les moteurs à combustion interne et à allumage par compression;
soupapes à action rapide, systèmes de coincement et autres systèmes d'isolement d'explosion;
arrête-flammes intégrés ou combinés à des équipements dotés de protections contre les explosions, par exemple soufflantes, ventilateurs, compresseurs et pompes.

Plamenske zapore - Zahtevane lastnosti, preskusne metode in omejitve uporabe (ISO 16852:2008, vključno s Cor 1:2008 in Cor 2:2009)

Ta mednarodni standard določa zahteve za plamenske zapore, ki preprečujejo prenos plamena, kadar so prisotne eksplozivne mešanice zraka in plina ali hlapov in zraka. Vzpostavlja enotna načela za klasifikacijo, osnovno sestavo in informacije za uporabi, vključno z označevanjem plamenskih zapor, ter opredeljuje preskusne metode za izpolnjevanje varnostnih zahtev in za določevanje varnih omejitev uporabe. Ta mednarodni standard je veljaven za trak v razponu od 80 do 160 kPa in za temperature v razponu od 20 do 150°C. Ta mednarodni standard ne velja za: - zunanjo, z varnostjo povezano meritvijo in nadzor opreme, ki se lahko zahteva za ohranjanje pogojev delovanja v okviru vzpostavljenih omejitev; - plamenske zapore, ki se uporabljajo za eksplozivne mešanice hlapov in plinov, za katere je značilna samorazgraditev (npr. acetilen) ali ki so kemično nestabilne: plamenske zapore, ki se uporabljajo za ogljikov disulfid, in sicer zaradi njegovih posebnih značilnosti; - plamenske zapore, katerih predvidena uporaba je za mešanice, ki niso mešanice plina in zraka ali hlapov in zraka (npr. višje razmerje med kisikom in dušikom, klor kot oksidant, itd.); - preskusne postopke za plamenske zapore za motorje z notranjim izgorevanjem in kompresijskim vžigom; - hitro delujoče ventile, gasilne sisteme in druge sisteme za izolacijo eksplozij; - plamenske zapore, integrirane v in kombinirane z opremo za zaščito pred eksplozijami, kot so pihalniki, ventilatorji, kompresorji in črpalke.

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EN ISO 16852:2010
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SIST EN 12874:2002
Flame arresters - Performance requirements, test methods and limits for use (ISO
16852:2008, including Cor 1:2008 and Cor 2:2009)
Flammendurchschlagsicherungen - Leistungsanforderungen, Prüfverfahren und
Einsatzgrenzen (ISO 16852:2008, einschließlich Cor 1:2008 und Cor 2:2009)
Arrête-flammes - Exigences de performance, méthodes d'essai et limites d'utilisation
(ISO 16852:2008, Cor 1:2008 et Cor 2:2009 inclus)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 16852:2010
13.220.10 Gašenje požara Fire-fighting
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN ISO 16852
April 2010
ICS 13.220.10 Supersedes EN 12874:2001
English Version
Flame arresters - Performance requirements, test methods and
limits for use (ISO 16852:2008, including Cor 1:2008 and Cor
Arrête-flammes - Exigences de performance, méthodes Flammendurchschlagsicherungen -
d'essai et limites d'utilisation (ISO 16852:2008, Cor 1:2008 Leistungsanforderungen, Prüfverfahren und Einsatzgrenzen
et Cor 2:2009 inclus) (ISO 16852:2008, einschließlich Cor 1:2008 und Cor
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 16 April 2010.

CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as the
official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2010 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN ISO 16852:2010: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword .3
Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential
Requirements of EU Directive 94/9/EC concerning equipment and protective systems for
use in potentially explosive atmospheres .6

The text of ISO 16852:2008, including Cor 1:2008 and Cor 2:2009 has been prepared by Technical
Committee ISO/TC 21 “Equipment for fire protection and fire fighting” of the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) and has been taken over as EN ISO 16852:2010 by Technical Committee CEN/TC 305
“Potentially explosive atmospheres - Explosion prevention and protection” the secretariat of which is held by
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical
text or by endorsement, at the latest by October 2010, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at
the latest by October 2010.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes EN 12874:2001.
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this document.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
Endorsement notice
The text of ISO 16852:2008, including Cor 1:2008 and Cor 2:2009 has been approved by CEN as a EN ISO
16852:2010 without any modification.
According to edition 2001 the following fundamental changes are given:
 explosion group IIA1, with a methane-air test mixture included;
 approval of in-line flame arrester (deflagration or detonation) limited to operational pressures less than or
equal to the applied test pressure;
 maximum limit for short time burning of 30 min extended;
 procedure for calculating the critical volume flow rate for endurance burning changed from a temperature
to a time based criterion;
 testing of high velocity vent valves revised;
 testing of flow controlled apertures deleted;
 types of detonation flame arresters extended to four types.
ISO 16852 has been developed from existing national and international standards on flame arresters. These
include the following standards: Z343-98 (Canada), 33CFR 154 (United States Coast Guard), UL 525
(Underwriter Laboratories, USA), IMO MSC/Circ. 677 (International Maritime Organization) and EN 12874
(European Committee for Standardization).
The requirements of ISO 16852 that deviate from those of EN 12874:2001 are detailed described below:
1) According its scope ISO 16852 is not applicable to flame arresters integrated in or combined with
explosion protected equipment. So, in terms of Directive 94/9/EC, ISO 16852 covers protective
systems only and not explosion protected equipment.
Furthermore ISO 16852 also does not cover other protective systems, which prevent flame
transmission by suppression or isolation of explosions; these different techniques find their reflection
in specific CEN standards.
2) ISO 16852 defines atmospheric conditions which comply with the "Guidelines on the Application of
Directive 94/9/EC, Section 4".
3) The requirements for ethylene-air test mixtures when expressed as “percent vapour in air by volume”
have been adjusted slightly as a result of more precise figures from re-evaluations of safe gap data
becoming available.
4) Specific requirements in EN 12874 on the strength of materials do not apply any more. The
international working group took the unanimous view that strength of equipment is sufficiently and
simultaneously proved by the explosion load generated by the flame transmission type tests.
5) All welded constructions are now required to undergo a routine pressure test.
6) An additional explosion group IIA1, with a methane-air test mixture, has been added to take account
of the increasing importance of biogenic generated explosive mixtures.
7) ISO 16852 extends the upper limit of the design series from 400 mm to 1000 mm flange connections.
8) For end-of-line flame arresters with non-measurable elements, the safety margin is achieved by
increasing the severity of the flame transmission test (higher test pressure) rather than requiring
thicker flame arrester elements in the production units.
9) Flame arresters for use with directly combined separate pressure-vacuum-valves shall be tested in
the same way as flame arresters that have integrated pressure-vacuum-valves.
10) For any in-line flame arrester (deflagration or detonation) the approval is limited to operational
pressures less than or equal to the applied test pressure. “Atmospheric testing” and subsequent
approval for operational pressures up to the limit of 1,1 bar absolute is not accepted under ISO 16852.
11) There are minor revisions of the pressure ratios characterizing unstable detonations and the range of
pipe sizes has been extended to 1000 mm and above.
12) For any in-line detonation arrester additional deflagration tests with a run-up length of five pipe
diameters are now required. The number of deflagration tests has also been increased from three to
five for each run-up length tested.
13) The classification of detonation arresters is widened from two types to four types, to include arresters
for stopping detonations in installations with pipe restrictions. Guidance on the proper use of a
detonation arrester type is given in the clause “Limits for use” and in the informative Annex D.
14) The period for the short time burning test has been extended from a 1 min limit to a maximum limit of
30 min. The test period is specified by the manufacturer of the flame arrester and has to be included
in the information marked on the flame arrester.
15) For endurance burn testing of static flame arresters, the procedure for calculating the critical volume
flow rate has been changed from a temperature to a time based criterion. This change was necessary
as a result of problems with applying the temperature criterion when testing large sizes of flame
arrester. The rest of the endurance burn test procedure is unchanged.
16) The procedure for testing high velocity vent valves has been extensively revised as a result of recent
test experience. The undamped oscillation testing of these devices (Annex A.4) has also been
17) The testing of flow controlled apertures is not covered by ISO 16852. This is mainly because the
safety of these devices largely depends on peripheral equipment and how they are installed, which
would not be assessed by the type tests specified in the standard.
18) Extension of the types of detonation arrester to four (Type 1 to Type 4) and the introduction of the
burn time classes (Burning Class a, b and c) were introduced to take account of the requirements of
the North American market. To aid the user in selecting the correct type of arrester for their
application from the many possible combinations of detonation type and burn class a warning label is
now required specifying the arrester type and its application limits.

Flame arresters shall be used as an integral part of a package of explosion protection measures to fulfil the
European ATEX directives. A risk assessment shall be used to develop a safety concept for the system to be
protected. This can then be used for selecting the correct type of arrester, for example a deflagration flame
arrester, stable detonation flame arrester or unstable detonation flame arrester, to provide the required level of
If the risk of an explosion is high it may be necessary to use more than one flame arrester, of different types,
to protect the system and in some cases in combination with other explosion protection measures.

Annex ZA
Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of
EU Directive 94/9/EC concerning equipment and protective systems for use in
potentially explosive atmospheres
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission
and the European Free Trade Association to provide a means of conforming to Essential Requirements of the
New Approach Directive 94/9/EC concerning equipment and protective systems for use in potentially
explosive atmospheres
Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union under that Directive and has been
implemented as a national standard in at least one Member State, compliance with the clauses of this
standard given in table ZA confers, within the limits of the scope of this standard, a presumption of conformity
with the corresponding Essential Requirements of that Directive and associated EFTA regulations.
Table ZA — Correspondence between this European Standard and Directive 94/9/EC concerning
equipment and protective systems for use in potentially explosive atmospheres
Clause(s)/sub-clause(s) of this Essential Requirements (ERs) of Qualifying remarks/Notes
EN Directive 94/9/EC
Clause 5; 6.2; Annex D 1.0.1 Principles of integrated

explosion safety
6.2; 7.1 1.0.2 Design and manufacture

Annex C 1.0.3 Special checking and

maintenance conditions
6.2 1.0.4 Surrounding area
11.2 1.0.5 Marking
7.4; 8.4; 9.4; 10.3; 11.1 1.0.6 Instructions

6.2; 7.1; Annex C 1.1.1 Operational stresses on

6.2; Annex C 1.1.2 Reaction of material

6.2; 7.1 1.1.3 Wear of material

5.1; 6.2; 6.3; 6.4; 6.5; 7.1; 1.2.1 Design and construction

for safe operation
6.6 1.2.3 Enclosed structures and

prevention of leaks
11.1 1.2.5 Additional mans of
7.3.4; 10.1 1.2.8 Overloading of equipment

6.3; 6.4; 1.2.9 Flameproof enclosure

6.2 1.3.1 Hazards arising from

different ignition sources
Annex B; Annex C 1.3.2 Hazards arising from static

6.2 1.4.1 External effects
6.2 1.4.2 Mechanical, thermal and

chemical stresses
6.4 1.6.4 Hazards arising from

6; 7; 8; 9; 10 3.0.1 Dimensioning

6; 7; 8; 9; 10 3.0.2 Design and position

6.5; 7.3.3 3.1.2 Shock waves
WARNING — Other requirements and other EU Directives may be applicable to the product(s) falling within
the scope of this standard.

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