Plastics - Smoke generation - Part 1: Guidance on optical-density testing (ISO 5659-1:1996)

Part 1 constitutes the guidance document of ISO 5659 for the test procedure described in part 2.

Kunststoffe - Rauchentwicklung - Teil 1: Anleitung zur Prüfung der optischen Dichte (ISO 5659-1:1996)

Diese Anleitung stellt den Teil 1 von ISO 5659 dar. In Teil 2 dieser internationalen Norm wird ein statisches (oder kumulatives) Verfahren durch Einkammerprüfung beschrieben. Zum gegenwärtigen Zeitpunkt beschränkt sich der Anwendungsbereich dieser Anleitung auf das in Teil 2 beschriebene Prüfverfahren. Anmerkung 1: Sollte die zukünftige Arbeit den Anwendungsbereich der Norm erweitern, um weitere Prüfungen der optischen Dichte zu behandeln (z.B. dynamische Verfahren), wird der Anwendungsbereich von Teil 1 entsprechend erweitert.

Plastiques - Production de fumée - Partie 1: Guide sur les essais de densité optique (ISO 5659-1:1996)

Le présent guide constitue la partie 1 de l'ISO 5659.La partie 2 de la présente Norme internationale décrit une méthode d'essai statique (ou cumulative) en enceinte unique. Actuellement, le domaine d'application du présent guide se limite à la méthode d'essai décrite dans la partie 2.NOTE 1 Si les études futures devaient étendre le domaine d'application de la présente norme à d'autres essais de fumée (méthodes d'essai dynamiques, par exemple), le domaine d'application de la partie 1 serait développé en conséquence

Polimerni materiali - Nastajanje dima - 1. del: Navodila za merjenje optične gostote (ISO 5659-1:1996)

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Plastics - Smoke generation - Part 1: Guidance on optical-density testing (ISO 5659-
Kunststoffe - Rauchentwicklung - Teil 1: Anleitung zur Prüfung der optischen Dichte (ISO
Plastiques - Production de fumée - Partie 1: Guide sur les essais de densité optique (ISO
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 5659-1:1999
13.220.40 Sposobnost vžiga in Ignitability and burning
obnašanje materialov in behaviour of materials and
proizvodov pri gorenju products
83.080.01 Polimerni materiali na Plastics in general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

First edition
1996-04-o 1
- Smoke generation -
Part 1:
Guidance on optical-density testing
P/as tiques - Production de fum&e -
Partie 7: Guide sur /es essais de densit optique
Reference number
IS0 5659-l : 1996(E)
IS0 5659=1:1996(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an Intern.ational
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.
International Standard IS0 5659 was prepared by Technical Committee
ISO/TC 61, Plastics, subcommittee SC 4, Burning behaviour.
IS0 5659 consists of the following parts, under the general title Plastics -
Smoke generation:
Part I: Guidance on optical-density testing
- Part 2: Determination of optical density by a single-chamber test
Annexes A and B of this part of IS0 5659 are for information only.
0 IS0 1996
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be
electronic or mechanical, including
reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
IS0 5659=1:1996(E)
@ IS0
Smoke represents a major hazard in fires due to its capacity to obscure
vision by the absorption and scattering of light. Consequently, two threats
are obvious: the inhalation of hazardous gases and fumes and the obscur-
ation of light by smoke particulates leading to disorientation. These threats
interact in a complicated manner, but are usually dealt with by separate
Smoke particulates reduce the visibility due to light absorption and scatter-
ing. Consequently, people may experience difficulties in finding exit signs,
doors and windows. Visibility is often determined as the distance at which
an object is no longer visible. It depends on many factors, but close rela-
tionships have been established between visibility and measurements of
the optical density of smoke, as depicted in figure 1.
The production of smoke and its optical properties are often measured
simultaneously with other fire properties, such as heat release and flame
spread. The measurements may be in small or full scale. They may be
performed in small-scale, closed systems and are called cumulative or
static methods. They may also be performed in a flow-through system,
and these are called dynamic methods.
A distinction is sometimes made between smoke and soot (see 7.2), with
the former being measured by optical means, while the latter is
determined by actual weighing of particulates collected (gravimetric
means). Since fire safety concerns are often with optical smoke meas-
urements, the guidance on smoke tests will focus on obscuration of visi-
@ IS0
IS0 5659=1:1996(E)
E 5
’ 2
on1 I --
0,01 0,os 081 02 OS
Optical density (per metre smoke path)
Figure ‘I - Relationship between optical density and visibility
(after Jin 1978[5] - see annex B)
IS0 5659-l :1996(E)
Plastics - Smoke generation -
Part 1:
Guidance on optical-density testina
3.2 optical density of smoke, D: A measure of the
1 Scope
degree of opacity; the negative common logarithm of
the relative transmission of light.
This guidance document constitutes part 1 of
IS0 5659. Part 2 of this International Standard de-
3.3 specific optical density, Ds: The optical density
scribes a static (or cumulative) single-chamber test
multiplied by a factor which depends on the
procedure. At present, the scope of this guide is Iim-
instrument and on the specimen size.
ited to the test procedure described in part 2.
3.4 fire model: Means for the decomposition and/or
NOTE 1 Should future work expand the scope of the stan-
combustion of test specimens under defined
dard to cover other smoke tests (for example, dynamic pro-
conditions to represent known stage(s) of a fire in or-
cedures), the scope of part 1 will be extended accordingly.
der to generate fire effluents for assessment.
NOTE 2 This term should be distinguished from the term
2 Normative references “fire modelling” which is used by the fire science com-
munity in the mathematical simulation of fire character-
The following standards contain provisions which,
through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this part of IS0 5659. At the time of publication, the
3.5 fire scenario: A detailed description of the
editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject
conditions prevailing at certain stages in an actual fire,
to revision, and parties to agreements based on this
or in a full-scale fire simulation.
part of IS0 5659 are encouraged to investigate the
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the
standards indicated below. Members of IEC and IS0
4 Objectives
maintain registers of currently valid International
It is the objective of this document to provide guid-
ance on the applicability of the smoke density meas-
IS0 5659-2:1994, Plastics - Smoke generation -
urements described in part 2 of this International
Part 2: Determination of optical density by a single-
chamber test.
IS0 5659-2 has been developed for improved as-
lSO/IEC Guide 52:1990, Glossary of fire terms and
sessment of the smoke-generating potential of
burning materials under a wider range of heat flux
conditions than alternative single-chamber smoke
tests, as well as to allow thermoplastics to be tested
in a horizontal orientation.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this part of IS0 5659, the defini-
5 Fire scenarios and fire models
tions in lSO/IEC Guide 52 apply, together with the
following definitions:
During recent years, major advances have been made
3.1 mass optical density (MOD): A measure of the
in the analysis of fire effluents. It is recognized that
degree of opacity of smoke in terms of weight loss of
the composition of the mixture of combustion prod-
the material under the conditions of the test.
ucts is dependent particularly upon the nature of the
0 IS0
IS0 5659=1:1996(E)
ture. Ignition and smoke generation are the main
cornbusting materials, the prevailing temperatures and
the ventilation conditions, especially access of oxygen hazards during this stage. The second stage
to the seat of the fire. A number of factors which are (developing fire) starts with ignition and ends with an
important in categorizing fire atmospheres and in exponential rise in fire room temperature. Spread of
flame and heat release are the main hazards in
comparing atmospheres between laboratory-scale and
addition to smoke during this stage. The third stage
full-scale fire studies are listed in table 1.
(fully developed fire) starts when the surface of all of
the combustible contents of the room has
Fire involves a complex and interrelated array of
decomposed to such an extent that sudden ignition
physical and chemical phenomena. As a result, it is
occurs all over the room, with a rapid and large
essentially impossible to simulate all aspects of a real
increase in temperature (flashover).
fire in laboratory-scale apparatus. This problem of fire
model validity is perhaps the single most perplexing
At the end of stage 3, the combustibles and/or oxygen
technical problem associated with all of fire testing.
have been largely consumed and hence the tempera-
ture decreases at a rate which depends on the venti-
After ignition, fire development may occur in different
lation and the heat- and mass-transfer characteristics
ways, depending on the environmental conditions as
of the system.
well as on the physical arrangement of the combust-
ible materials. However, a general pattern can be es-
In each of these stages, a different mixture of decom-
tablished for fire development within a compartment,
position products may be formed (see figure 1) and
where the general temperature-time curve shows
this, in turn, influences the smoke density produced
three stages (see figure 2).
during that stage. Moreover, information is required
on the fire scenario being considered, in particular the
Stage 1 is the incipient stage of the fire prior to sus- conditions of incident heat flux, oxygen availability and
tained flaming, with little rise in the fire room tempera- smoke-venting facilities.
Table 1 - General classification of real fire stages in accordance with lSO/TR $3122~l[*]
Stage or phase of fire within a compartment
1) Smouldering (self-sustaining) 21 not available > 100 not available
2) Non-flaming (oxidative)
5 to 21 not available > 500 < 25
3) Non-flaming (pyrolytic) <5 not available
> 1 000 not available
b) Flaming, developing fire 10to15 100 to 200 400
to 600 20 to 40
c) Flaming, fully developed fire
1) Relatively low ventilation 1 to 5
< 10 600 to 900 40 to 70
2) Relatively high ventilation 5to10
< 100 600 to 1 200 50 to 150
1) Mean value in fire plume.
2) General environmental condition (average) within compartment, assuming some homogenization.
3) Radiation incident on the exposed surface (average).
Stage 1 I Stage 2
Incipient stage I Develop
lgni tion Flashover
0 Time, t
Figure 2 - Diagram showing the different phases in the development of a fire within a compartment
0 IS0 IS0 5659=1:1996(E)
6 Principles of smoke density
6.1 The main measurement made when carrying out
testing to IS0 5659-Z is the amount of light transmit-
ted by the smoke as a fraction (or percentage) of the
V is the volume, in cubic metres, of the chamber;
initial light transmitted by the optical system. The
A is the exposed area, in square metres, of the
minimum percent light transmitted is then used to
calculate the maximum specific optical density for specimen;
each mode of specimen exposure, e.g irradiance of
L is the length, in metres, of the light path.
25 kW/m2 with pilot flame or irradiance of 50 kW/m2
without pilot flame. The choice of specimen exposure
For the IS0 5659-Z single-chamber procedure,
conditions may be critical in determining the onset of
V/AL = 132.
ignition, and the smoke generated from the specimen
may vary considerably depending on whether the
NOTE 3 Some test methods report smoke simply in terms
specimen combusts in a non-flaming or a flaming
of light transmission. The problem with such a reporting
mode (see 7.2).
procedure is that people not familiar with the characteristics
of smoke aerosols may assume that the percentage light
6.2 No means are provided for predicting the ability
transmittance is a reciprocal, linear function of the quantity
of the human eye to see through smoke and the ef- of smoke produced. If they assumed that, as the quantity of
smoke produced is doubled, the percentage light transmit-
fect of eye irritants in further restricting visual range.
tance would be cut in half, they would be wrong.
Some limited research suggests that eye irritants
might reduce vision by 50 % to 95 %.
6.4 The concept of specific optical density allows
6.3 The use of maximum specific optical density as
smoke development to be understood in terms that
a unit of smoke measurement is based on Bouguer’s
recognize the area of specimen involved, the volume
law of light attenuation which is expressed as follows:
of the smoke chamber, and the optical path length of
the photometer. Specific optical density is dimension-
T = Toe-OL
less, but its value relates to the thickness of the
specimen tested. Hence, the thickness of the speci-
men should always be reported whenever specific
optical density for a material is quoted.
T is the percentage transmission;
is the initial transmission (100);
6.5 The relationship between obscuration and speci-
CT is the attenuation coefficient;
men mass loss is measured by a term called the mass
optical density (MOD) which can be obtained using
L is the length, in metres, of the optical path;
the IS0 5659-2 single-chamber apparatus modified
e is the base of natural logarithms.
with a load cell so that the loss in mass of the
specimen may be determined during the test. Mass
For a mono-dispersed aerosol, the

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