Eurocode 7 - Geotechnical design - Part 2: Ground investigation and testing

TC - Modifications in the English mother reference version to the Table of Contents, Clauses 1, 4, 5 and Annexes A, B, D, E, F, I, J, K and X.
2013: Originator of XML version: first setup pilot of CCMC in 2012

Eurocode 7 - Entwurf, Berechnung und Bemessung in der Geotechnik - Teil 2: Erkundung und Untersuchung des Baugrunds

Eurocode 7 - Calcul géotechnique - Partie 2: Reconnaissance des terrains et essais

Evrokod 7: Geotehnično projektiranje - 2. del: Preiskovanje in preskušanje tal

Ta EN 1997-2 je namenjen za uporabo skupaj z EN 1997-1 in zagotavlja pravila, ki dopolnjujejo EN 1997-1, povezana z: načrtovanjem in poročanjem glede preiskovanja tal, splošne zahteve za številne splošno uporabljene laboratorijske in terenske preskuse, tolmačenje in ocenjevanje preskusnih rezultatov, izpeljano iz vrednosti geotehničnih parametrov in koeficientov. Dodatno so podani primeri uporabe rezultatov terenskih preskusov za načrtovanje.

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EN 1997-2:2007/AC:2010
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Eurocode 7 - Entwurf, Berechnung und Bemessung in der Geotechnik - Teil 2: Erkundung und Untersuchung des BaugrundsEurocode 7 - Calcul géotechnique - Partie 2: Reconnaissance des terrains et essaisEurocode 7 - Geotechnical design - Part 2: Ground investigation and testing93.020Zemeljska dela. Izkopavanja. Gradnja temeljev. Dela pod zemljoEarthworks. Excavations. Foundation construction. Underground works91.010.30Technical aspectsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 1997-2:2007/AC:2010SIST EN 1997-2:2007/AC:2010en,fr,de01-september-2010SIST EN 1997-2:2007/AC:2010SLOVENSKI
EN 1997-2:2007/AC
June 2010
Juin 2010
Juni 2010 ICS 91.120.20; 91.060.01 English version Version Française Deutsche Fassung
Eurocode 7 - Geotechnical design - Part 2: Ground investigation and testing
Eurocode 7 - Calcul géotechnique - Partie 2: Reconnaissance des terrains et essais
Eurocode 7 - Entwurf, Berechnung und Bemessung in der Geotechnik - Teil 2: Erkundung und Untersuchung des Baugrunds This corrigendum becomes effective on 2 June 2010 for incorporation in the three official language versions of the EN.
Ce corrigendum prendra effet le 2 juin 2010 pour incorporation dans les trois versions linguistiques officielles de la EN.
Die Berichtigung tritt am 2.Juni 2010 zur Einarbeitung in die drei offiziellen Sprachfassungen der EN in Kraft.
Management Centre:
Avenue Marnix 17,
B-1000 Brussels © 2010 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Tous droits d'exploitation sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit réservés dans le monde entier aux membres nationaux du CEN. Alle Rechte der Verwertung, gleich in welcher Form und in welchem Verfahren, sind weltweit den nationalen Mitgliedern von CEN vorbehalten. Ref. No.:EN 1997-2:2007/AC:2010 D/E/FSIST EN 1997-2:2007/AC:2010

"6 to be published". Just after the reference EN ISO 22476-6, add the following reference: "EN ISO 22476-76 Geotechnical investigation and testing – Field testing – Part 7: Borehole jack test". Reference to EN ISO 22476-12, delete footnote mark "6". 3) Modification to 1.6 Replace footnote number “6” with “T”, in the text (i.e. at the end of Paragraph (2)) and at the bottom of the page. 4) Modifications to 1.8 Paragraph (1), Latin letters, between KDMT and IL, add: "k coefficient of permeability". Paragraph (1), Greek letters, definition of , replace "EOED" with "Eoed". Paragraph (1), Greek letters, definition of 'p, replace "effective pre-consolidation pressure" with "effective pre-consolidation pressure or effective vertical yield stress in situ". Paragraph (1), Greek letters, definition of v0, replace "total vertical stress" with "initial vertical total stress". Paragraph (1), Greek letters, definition of ’v0, replace "effective vertical stress" with "initial vertical effective stress". Paragraph (1), Abbreviations, definition of CPT, replace "cone penetration test" with "electrical cone penetration test". Paragraph (1), Abbreviations, between the definition of CPT and that of CPTU, add: "CPTM
mechanical cone penetration test". 5) Modification to 4.2.2 Paragraph (1)P, replace "EN ISO 22476-1, EN ISO 22476-8, EN ISO 22476-9" with "EN ISO 22476-1 to EN ISO 22476-9". SIST EN 1997-2:2007/AC:2010

"NOTE 2 An example of a correlation to estimate the angle of shearing resistance (') of quartz and feldspar sands is given in Annex H." with:
"NOTE 2 Examples for correlations to estimate the drained Elong term) Young’s modulus of elasticity EE’) and the angle of shearing resistance (') of quartz and feldspar sands are given in Annex H.". 10) Modification to 5.4.2 Paragraph (4), replace "(4)" with "(4)P". 11) Modification to Paragraph (3), last sentence, replace "compression curves" with "test curves". 12) Modification to Paragraph (1), replace "(1)P" with "(1)". 13) Modification to Annex A Table A.1, 2nd column Test results, replace "Value of organic content" with "Loss on ignition". 14) Modification to B.2 Replace Table B.1 with the following table: SIST EN 1997-2:2007/AC:2010

Preliminary investigations Design investigations Control investigations Desk study of topographical,

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