Tanks for transport of dangerous goods - Terminology

This European Standard gives the terminology for all tanks and does not cover carriage in bulk for the transport of dangerous goods. This document is part of the standards on tanks for transport of dangerous goods, prepared by CEN/TC 296 in application of the RID/ADR [2, 3]:
-   Annex A gives some definitions taken from RID/ADR chapter 1.2 ; and
-   Annex B gives some definitions taken from RID/ADR chapter 6.7.
NOTE   Annexes A and B are based on the 2013 edition of RID/ADR which are updated every two years. This includes the potential of temporary inconsistencies with these annexes.

Tanks für die Beförderung gefährlicher Güter - Begriffe

Diese Europäische Norm enthält Begriffe für alle Tanks, aber keine Begriffe für die Beförderung in loser Schüttung. Dieses Dokument ist Teil der von CEN/TC 296 erarbeiteten Normen für die Beförderung gefährlicher Güter zur Anwendung mit RID/ADR [2, 3].
-   Anhang A enthält einige aus RID/ADR, Kapitel 1.2, übernommene Definitionen; und
-   Anhang B enthält einige aus RID/ADR, Kapitel 6.7, übernommene Definitionen.
ANMERKUNG   Die Anhänge A und B beruhen auf den RID/ADR-Ausgaben von 2013, die alle 2 Jahre aktualisiert werden. Dies beinhaltet die Möglichkeit vorübergehender Widersprüche mit diesen Anhängen.

Citernes pour le transport des matières dangereuses - Terminologie

La présente Norme européenne donne la terminologie relative à toutes les citernes mais ne couvre pas le transport en vrac de matières dangereuses. Elle constitue une partie de l'ensemble de normes sur les citernes de transport de produits dangereux, préparées par le CEN/TC 296 en application de la Directive RID/ADR [2], [3] :
-   l'Annexe A donne certaines définitions issues du RID/ADR, paragraphe 1.2 ; et
-   l'Annexe B donne certaines définitions issues du RID/ADR, paragraphe 6.7
NOTE   Les Annexes A et B sont basées sur l’édition 2013 des RID/ADR qui sont mis à jour tous les deux ans. Ceci implique l’existence d'incohérences temporaires potentielles au sein de ces annexes.

Cisterne za prevoz nevarnega blaga - Terminologija

Ta evropski standard določa terminologijo za vse cisterne in ne zajema prevoza nevarnega blaga v razsutem stanju. Ta dokument je del standardov o cisternah za prevoz nevarnega blaga, ki jih je pripravil odbor CEN/TC 296 pri uporabi RID/ADR [2, 3]: – dodatek A navaja definicije iz poglavja 1.2 RID/ADR, – dodatek B navaja definicije iz poglavja 6.7 RID/ADR.

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Cisterne za prevoz nevarnega blaga - TerminologijaTanks für die Beförderung gefährlicher Güter - BegriffeCiternes pour le transport des matières dangereuses - TerminologieTanks for transport of dangerous goods - Terminology23.020.20Posode in vsebniki, montirani na vozilaVessels and containers mounted on vehicles13.300Varstvo pred nevarnimi izdelkiProtection against dangerous goods01.040.23Fluid systems and components for general use (Vocabularies)ICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 14564:2013SIST EN 14564:2013en,fr,de01-november-2013SIST EN 14564:2013SLOVENSKI

EN 14564
February 2013 ICS 01.040.13; 01.040.23; 13.300; 23.020.20 Supersedes EN 14564:2004English Version
Tanks for transport of dangerous goods - Terminology
Citernes pour le transport des matières dangereuses - Terminologie
Tanks für die Beförderung gefährlicher Güter - Begriffe This European Standard was approved by CEN on 24 November 2012.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.
Management Centre:
Avenue Marnix 17,
B-1000 Brussels © 2013 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. EN 14564:2013: ESIST EN 14564:2013

RID/ADR definitions . 8 Annex B (informative)
RID/ADR definitions . 14 Annex C (informative)
Alphabetical index for English terms . 21 Annex D (informative)
Alphabetical index for French terms . 24 Annex E (informative)
Alphabetical index for German terms . 27 Bibliography. 30
Note 1 to entry: When it is impossible to fill completely the shell or shell compartment because of its shape or construction, this reduced capacity is used for the determination of the degree of filling and for the marking of the tank. 3.6 cold forming forming at temperatures not less than 25 °C below the maximum permissible temperature for stress relieving, in accordance with the applicable material specifications SIST EN 14564:2013

section of a shape which has a side radius of curvature lower than or equal to the radius of curvature of a circular section tank of the same width 3.11 end
head part of the shell shutting off the longitudinal section 3.12 fastenings structural equipment used for fixing the tank on the chassis, frame or auxiliary frame 3.13 flame arrester
flame trap device fitted to the opening of an enclosure or to the connecting pipework of a system of enclosures and whose intended function is to allow flow but prevent the transmission of flame 3.14 hydraulic pressure test
strength test carried out with liquid (generally water) 3.15 inspector individual of an inspection body approved by the competent authority 3.16 leak proof able to contain the fluid in accordance with Table A.5 of EN 12266-1:2012, Rate A 3.17 nominal capacity maximum volume intended to be carried 3.18 partition hermetically sealed dividing wall between adjacent compartments in compartmented tanks 3.19 pressure balanced equilibrium of substance pressure on both sides of the internal stop valve 3.20 product sensor device which detects the presence of product in liquid phase and whose output signal can be used to display whether liquid is present SIST EN 14564:2013

RID/ADR definitions A.1 battery-vehicle/battery-wagon vehicle/wagon containing elements which are linked to each other by a manifold and permanently fixed to a transport unit The following elements are considered to be elements of a battery-vehicle/wagon: cylinders, tubes, bundles of cylinders (also known as frames), pressure drums as well as tanks destined for the carriage of gases of Class 2 with a capacity of more than 450 l. A.2 calculation pressure theoretical pressure at least equal to the test pressure which, according to the degree of danger exhibited by the substance being carried, may to a greater or lesser degree exceed the working pressure It is used solely to determine the thickness of the walls of the shell, independently of any external or internal reinforcing device (See also "Discharge pressure”, “Filling pressure”, “Maximum working pressure (gauge pressure)” and “’Test pressure”). A.3 carriage in bulk carriage of unpackaged solids or articles in vehicles/wagons or containers The term does not apply to packaged goods nor to substances

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