This document specifies testing, inspection and marking for the type approval, initial inspection, periodic inspection, intermediate inspection and exceptional check of metallic tanks (shell and equipment) of fixed tanks (tank vehicles), demountable tanks, tank-wagons, portable tanks and tank containers for the transport of dangerous goods.
This document is not applicable to battery-vehicles and battery-wagons comprising cylinders, tubes, pressure drums, bundles of cylinders, and multiple element gas containers (MEGCs), independent of whether the elements are receptacles or tanks.

  • Standard
    64 pages
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This document specifies the minimum requirements for the design and construction of metallic
pressure tanks for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail and sea. It is not
applicable to gravity-discharge tanks according to RID/ADR (a).
This document includes requirements for openings, closures and structural equipment; it does not cover requirements of service equipment. For tanks for the transport of cryogenic liquids, EN 13530-1 and EN 13530-2 apply.
Design and construction of pressure tanks according to the Scope of this document are primarily subject to the requirements of RID/ADR, Subsections, and 6.8.5, as relevant. In addition, the relevant requirements of RID/ADR, Table A, columns 12 and 13, to Chapters 3.2, 4.3 and Subsection apply. For the structural equipment RID/ADR, Subsections and apply, as relevant. The definitions of RID/ADR, Subsection 1.2.1, are referred to. For portable tanks see also RID/ADR, Chapter 4.2 and Sections 6.7.2 and 6.7.3. In addition, the relevant requirements of RID/ADR, Table A, Columns 10 and 11 to Chapters 3.2, 4.2, and Sections 6.7.2 and 6.7.3 apply. The paragraph numbers above relate to the 2017 issue of RID/ADR which are subject to regular revisions. This can lead to temporary non-compliances with EN 14025.
This document is applicable to liquefied gases including LPG; however for a dedicated LPG standard see EN 12493.
If not otherwise specified, provisions which take up the whole width of the page apply to all kind of tanks. Provisions contained in a single column apply only to:
-tanks according to RID/ADR Chapter 6.8 (left-hand column);
-portable tanks according to RID/ADR Chapter 6.7 (right-hand column).

  • Standard
    64 pages
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This document specifies the requirements for valves useable on tanks with a minimum working pressure greater than 50 kPa for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail for the following functions:
Tanks for transport of liquid products:
- secondary closure of bottom discharge lines;
- primary closure on top of the tank (liquid, air, other connections);
- aeration valve on top of the tank;
- and other valves as specified in Annex F of EN 14564:2019 according to the scope of this document.
Tanks for gases:
- secondary closure of bottom discharge lines;
- secondary closure on top of the tank for poisonous gases: liquid phase and gas phase;
- and other valves as specified in Annex F of EN 14564:2019.
This includes the following types of closures:
- valves (e.g. spindle operated valves, plug and ball valves, butterfly valves and gate valves);
- dry disconnect couplings.
Primary closures of the gas phase at the foot of a tank for liquefied gas are covered by the requirements of foot valves in EN 14433.
NOTE The standard is also applicable to liquefied gases including LPG, however, for a dedicated LPG standard see EN 13175 [3]

  • Standard
    12 pages
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This document specifies the requirements for foot valves for use on tanks with a minimum working pressure greater than 50 kPa for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail.
It is applicable to metallic equipment on tanks for the following functions for internal stop valves:
- primary closure of gravity discharge lines (liquid substances);
- primary closure of bottom discharge lines (liquid gases: liquid phase and gas phase);
- primary closure of top discharge (poisonous liquefied gases: liquid phase and gas phase);
- and other internal valves as specified in Annex F of EN 14564:2019 according to the scope of this document.
NOTE 1 The document is also applicable to liquefied gases including LPG; however, for a dedicated LPG standard see EN 13175 [3].
NOTE 2 Valves according to this document can be used as primary closure in case of top discharge of liquids and other products.

  • Standard
    14 pages
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This document specifies requirements for the design and construction of metallic gravity-discharge tanks intended for the carriage of substances having a vapour pressure not exceeding 110 kPa (1,1 bar) (absolute pressure) at 50 °C.
NOTE 1   Gravity-discharge tanks have no maximum working pressure. However, during operation, pressure in the shell may occur, for example due to flow restrictions in vapour recovery systems or opening pressures of breather devices. It is important that these operating pressures do not exceed the test pressure of the tank or 0,5 bar, whichever is the highest.
This document specifies requirements for openings, closures, pipework, mountings for service equipment and structural equipment.
NOTE 2   This document does not specify requirements for items of service equipment other than pipes passing through the shell.
This document is applicable to aircraft refuelers that are used on public roads. It is also applicable to inter-modal tanks (e.g. tank containers and tank swap bodies) for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail.
NOTE 3   This document is not applicable to fixed rail tank wagons.

  • Standard
    96 pages
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This document specifies the data structure needed for tour management, scheduling orders of measured and unmeasured products online to the truck. Processed orders are transferred back to the host in the office at once or later every time the truck is online.
It specifies the transfer of commercial and logistic data between transport vehicle equipment, on board computer of the tank vehicle and stationary facilities for all communication channels between these parties.
This document is used in conjunction with EN 15969-1 and does not modify or override any of the requirements of EN 15969-1.

  • Standard
    46 pages
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This document specifies data protocols and data format for the communication between electronic equipment (TVE), on-board computer (OBC) of the tank vehicle and stationary equipment.
This document specifies the basic protocol FTL used in the communication (basic protocol layer), the format and structure of FTL-data to be transmitted (data protocol layer) and describes the content of the FTL-data.
This data protocol can be used for other application e.g. between stationary tank equipment and offices.

  • Standard
    114 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies the following points regarding the minimum requirements for an overfill prevention system:
-   functions;
-   major components;
-   characteristics;
-   test methods.
This document is applicable to overfill prevention systems for liquid fuels having a flash point up to but not exceeding 100 °C, excluding liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
NOTE   Vapour path detection is not part of this standard but can be provided as an option.

  • Standard
    34 pages
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    1 day

This document gives guidance and recommendations for loading at terminals and discharge at service stations or customer premises of tank-vehicles transporting dangerous substances of Class 3 of ADR – European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road [2] – (flammable liquids) which have a vapour pressure not exceeding 110 kPa at 50 °C and petrol, and which have no sub-classification as toxic or corrosive.

  • Technical report
    51 pages
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This document provides additional terms and definitions to those written in the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) or the Regulations concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail (RID), appearing as Appendix C to the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF).
This document forms part of series of documents prepared by CEN/TC 296 regarding the transport of dangerous goods. The series supports the proper application of the ADR and RID.
This document is applicable to tanks used for the transport of dangerous goods.
This document does not apply to carriage in bulk of dangerous goods.
For convenience, Annex A (informative) repeats some horizontal definitions taken from ADR 2017 chapter 1.2, and Annex B (informative) repeats some definitions from ADR 2017 chapter 6.7, specific to portable tanks.
NOTE   The ADR is updated on a regular basis, therefore Annexes A and B might become out of date.
Annexes C, D and E (informative) provide alphabetical trilingual indexes of terms in English, French and German where the key is English, French and German respectively.
Annex F (normative) is a schematic diagram of tank openings and closures according to the tank code.

  • Standard
    39 pages
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This document covers the vapour manifold vent valve used to provide controlled venting of the vapour manifold to atmosphere.
It specifies the performance requirements and the critical dimensions of the vapour manifold vent valve. It also specifies the tests necessary to verify compliance of the equipment with this document.
The service equipment specified by this document is suitable for use with liquid petroleum products and other dangerous substances of Class 3 of ADR [1] which have a vapour pressure not exceeding 110 kPa at 50 °C and petrol, and which have no sub-classification as toxic or corrosive.

  • Standard
    12 pages
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    1 day

This document covers the emergency pressure relief valve.
It specifies the performance requirements and the critical dimensions of the emergency pressure relief valve. It also specifies the tests necessary to verify the compliance of the equipment with this document.
The service equipment specified by this document is suitable for use with liquid petroleum products and other dangerous substances of Class 3 of ADR [2] which have a vapour pressure not exceeding 110 kPa at 50 °C and petrol, and which have no sub-classification as toxic or corrosive.

  • Standard
    14 pages
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This document covers the manhole cover assembly and specifies the performance requirements, dimensions and tests necessary to verify the compliance of the equipment to this standard.
The equipment specified by this standard is suitable for use with liquid petroleum products and other dangerous substances of Class 3 of ADR - European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road which have a vapour pressure not exceeding 110 kPa at 50 °C and petrol, and which have no sub-classification as toxic or corrosive.

  • Standard
    14 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard covers the digital interface at the product loading and/or discharge coupling which is used for the transfer of product related information and specifies the performance requirements, critical safety aspects and tests to provide compatibility of devices.

  • Standard
    43 pages
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This European Standard specifies the minimum performance and construction requirements for overfill prevention controllers located on the tank vehicle.
This European Standard applies to overfill prevention controllers for liquid fuels, having a flash point up to but not exceeding 100 °C.
The requirements apply to overfill prevention controllers suitable for use at ambient temperatures in the range from  25 °C to +60 °C, and subject to normal operational pressure variations.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard covers the breather device used to ensure normal tank compartment breathing.
It specifies the performance requirements and the critical dimensions of the breather device. It also specifies the tests necessary to verify compliance of the equipment with this document.
The service equipment specified by this document is suitable for use with liquid petroleum products and other dangerous substances of Class 3 of ADR [1] which have a vapour pressure not exceeding 110 kPa (absolute) at 50 °C and petrol, and which have no sub-classification as toxic or corrosive.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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This European Standard specifies the interoperability requirements for the tractor/trailer and/or transport tank/trailer plug/socket for the use in hazardous areas, being:
-   the connection used for the supply Type A and supply Type S electrical power to service equipment; and
-   the supply characteristics for each operating mode.
This plug/socket combination includes provisions for future connections including data transfer.
The plug/socket connection is not used for purposes which are specified in other standards for truck - trailer connections e.g. ISO 12098 and ISO 7638-1.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard defines the minimum requirements for flame arresters fitted to tanks for the transport of dangerous goods.
This European Standard specifies the type of flame arrestor to be used for breather devices as part of the service equipment of fixed tanks and demountable tanks for the transport of liquid petroleum products. The equipment specified by this European Standard is suitable for use with liquid petroleum products and other dangerous substances of Class 3 of ADR which have a vapour pressure not exceeding 110 kPa at 50 °C and petrol, and which have no subclassification as toxic or corrosive. It also specifies the tests necessary to verify the compliance of the equipment with this European Standard.
Emergency pressure relief valves in accordance with EN 14596 are excluded from the requirements of this European Standard.

  • Standard
    7 pages
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This European Standard is applicable to sealed parcel delivery systems used with transport tanks and specifies the performance requirements, critical safety aspects, data transfer methods between loading gantries and transport tank, transport tank and delivery points, other optional communications and tests to provide functional and compatible systems.
Sealed parcel delivery systems covered by this European Standard is for bottom loaded transport tanks.
The systems specified by this European Standard are suitable for use with liquid petroleum products and other dangerous substances of Class 3 of ADR which have a vapour pressure not exceeding 110 kPa at 50 °C and petrol, and which have no sub-classification as toxic or corrosive.

  • Standard
    70 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard is applicable to the cap used to provide protection and end closing for the adaptor for bottom loading and unloading of tanks for the transport of dangerous goods. It specifies the performance requirements, critical dimensions and tests necessary to verify the compliance of the equipment with this European Standard.
The equipment specified by this European Standard is suitable for use with liquid petroleum products and other dangerous substances of Class 3 of ADR  ) (flammable liquids) that have a vapour pressure not exceeding 110 kPa at 50 °C, including petrol, and that are not sub-classified as toxic or corrosive.

  • Standard
    10 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard covers externally actuated and self actuated adaptors for bottom loading and unloading.
This European Standard specifies the performance requirements and the critical dimensions of the adaptor for bottom loading and unloading. It also specifies the tests necessary to verify the compliance of the equipment with this European Standard. The equipment specified by this standard is suitable for use with liquid petroleum products and other dangerous substances of Class 3 of ADR [2] which have a vapour pressure not exceeding 110 kPa at 50 °C and petrol, and which have no subclassification as toxic or corrosive.

  • Standard
    18 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard is applicable to non-pressure balanced and pressure balanced footvalves intended for loading and unloading and specifies the performance requirements, critical dimensions and tests necessary to verify the compliance of the equipment with this standard.
Footvalves covered by this European standard are unsuitable for use in applications where the product velocity exceeds 5 m/sec
The equipment specified by this standard is suitable for use with liquid petroleum products and other dangerous substances of Class 3 of ADR - European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road – (flammable liquids) which have a vapour pressure not exceeding 110 kPa at 50 °C and petrol, and which have no sub-classification as toxic or corrosive.

  • Standard
    17 pages
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This European Standard covers the vapour collection adaptor and coupler used to achieve a vapour tight path between the transport tank and the stationary loading and unloading facilities.
This European Standard specifies the performance requirements and the critical dimensions of the vapour recovery adaptor fitted to the tank and the mating coupler fitted to a hose or to pipework connected to the stationary loading and unloading facilities. It also specifies the tests necessary to verify the compliance of the equipment with this standard. The equipment specified by this European Standard is suitable for use with liquid petroleum products and other dangerous substances of Class 3 of ADR [2] which have a vapour pressure not exceeding 110 kPa, at 50 °C and petrol, and which have no sub-classification as toxic or corrosive.

  • Standard
    18 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard covers the vapour transfer valve, used for the transfer of vapour between the tank compartment and the pipework connecting to the vapour collection adaptor.
This European Standard specifies the performance requirements and the critical dimensions of the vapour transfer valve. It also specifies the tests necessary to verify the compliance of the equipment with this European Standard. The equipment specified by this standard is suitable for use with liquid petroleum products and other dangerous substances of Class 3 of ADR [2] which have a vapour pressure not exceeding 110 kPa at 50 °C and petrol, and which have no sub-classification as toxic or corrosive.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard covers the non pressure balanced footvalve for bottom loading and unloading and specifies the performance requirements, dimensions and tests necessary to verify the compliance of the equipment to this standard.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard covers the pressure balanced footvalve for bottom loading and unloading and specifies the performance requirements, dimensions and tests necessary to verify the compliance of the equipment to this standard.

  • Standard
    16 pages
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    1 day

This European standard is applicable to fill hole covers and specifies the performance requirements, critical dimensions and tests necessary to verify the compliance of the equipment to this standard. The equipment specified in this standard is suitable for use with liquid petroleum products and other dangerous substances of class 3 (flammable liquids) of ADR - European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods By Road - which have a vapour pressure at 50°C not greater than 110kPa.

  • Standard
    10 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard covers the gravity discharge coupler and specifies the performance requirements, critical dimensions and tests necessary to verify the compliance of the equipment to this standard. The equipment specified by this standard is suitable for use with liquid petroleum products and other dangerous substances of Class 3 (flammable liquids) of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) which have a vapour pressure at 50°C not greater than 110kPa.

  • Standard
    8 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies testing, inspection and marking for the type approval, initial inspection, periodic inspection, intermediate inspection and exceptional check of metallic tanks (shell and equipment) of fixed tanks (tank vehicles), demountable tanks, tank-wagons, portable tanks and tank containers for the transport of dangerous goods.
This document is not applicable to battery-vehicles and battery-wagons comprising cylinders, tubes, pressure drums, bundles of cylinders, and multiple element gas containers (MEGCs), independent of whether the elements are receptacles or tanks.

  • Draft
    9 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies requirements for the design and construction of metallic gravity-discharge tanks intended for the carriage of substances having a vapour pressure not exceeding 110 kPa (1,1 bar) (absolute pressure) at 50 °C.
NOTE 1   Gravity-discharge tanks have no maximum working pressure. However, during operation, pressure in the shell may occur, for example due to flow restrictions in vapour recovery systems or opening pressures of breather devices. It is important that these operating pressures do not exceed the test pressure of the tank or 0,5 bar, whichever is the highest.
This document specifies requirements for openings, closures, pipework, mountings for service equipment and structural equipment.
NOTE 2   This document does not specify requirements for items of service equipment other than pipes passing through the shell.
This document is applicable to aircraft refuelers that are used on public roads. It is also applicable to inter-modal tanks (e.g. tank containers and tank swap bodies) for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail.
NOTE 3   This document is not applicable to fixed rail tank wagons.

  • Draft
    11 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This document specifies the following points regarding the minimum requirements for an overfill prevention system:
-   functions;
-   major components;
-   characteristics;
-   test methods.
This document is applicable to overfill prevention systems for liquid fuels having a flash point up to but not exceeding 100 °C, excluding liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
NOTE   Vapour path detection is not part of this standard but can be provided as an option.

  • Draft
    3 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies the minimum requirements for the design and construction of metallic pressure tanks having a maximum working pressure exceeding 50 kPa (0,5 bar), for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail and sea. This document includes requirements for openings, closures and structural equipment; it does not cover requirements of service equipment. For tanks for the transport of cryogenic liquids, EN 13530 1 and EN 13530 2 apply.
Design and construction of pressure tanks according to the Scope of this document are primarily subject to the requirements of RID/ADR, Subsections, and 6.8.5, as relevant. In addition, the relevant requirements of RID/ADR, Table A, columns 12 and 13, to Chapters 3.2, 4.3 and Subsection apply. For the structural equipment RID/ADR, Subsections and apply, as relevant. The definitions of RID/ADR, Subsection 1.2.1, are referred to. For portable tanks see also RID/ADR, Chapter 4.2 and Sections 6.7.2 and 6.7.2. In addition, the relevant requirements of RID/ADR, Table A, Columns 10 and 11 to Chapters 3.2, 4.2, and Sections 6.7.2 and 6.7.3 apply. The paragraph numbers above relate to the 2017 issue of RID/ADR which are subject to regular revisions. This can lead to temporary non-compliances with EN 14025.
This document is applicable to liquefied gases including LPG; however for a dedicated LPG standard see EN 12493.
If not otherwise specified, provisions which take up the whole width of the page apply to all kind of tanks. Provisions contained in a single column apply only to:
tanks according to RID/ADR Chapter 6.8 (left-hand column);   portable tanks according to RID/ADR Chapter 6.7 (right-hand column).

  • Draft
    4 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard gives the terminology for all tanks and does not cover carriage in bulk for the transport of dangerous goods. This document is part of the standards on tanks for transport of dangerous goods, prepared by CEN/TC 296 in application of the RID/ADR [2, 3]:
-   Annex A gives some definitions taken from RID/ADR chapter 1.2 ; and
-   Annex B gives some definitions taken from RID/ADR chapter 6.7.
NOTE   Annexes A and B are based on the 2013 edition of RID/ADR which are updated every two years. This includes the potential of temporary inconsistencies with these annexes.

  • Draft
    9 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the minimum performance and construction requirements for overfill prevention controllers located on the tank vehicle.
This European Standard applies to overfill prevention controllers for liquid fuels, having a flash point up to but not exceeding 100 °C.
The requirements apply to overfill prevention controllers suitable for use at ambient temperatures in the range from  25 °C to +60 °C, and subject to normal operational pressure variations.

  • Draft
    4 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard covers the vapour transfer valve, used for the transfer of vapour between the tank
compartment and the pipework connecting to the vapour collection adaptor.
This European Standard specifies the performance requirements and the critical dimensions of the vapour
transfer valve. It also specifies the tests necessary to verify the compliance of the equipment with this
European Standard. The equipment specified by this standard is suitable for use with liquid petroleum
products and other dangerous substances of Class 3 of ADR [2] which have a vapour pressure not exceeding
110 kPa at 50 °C and petrol, and which have no sub-classification as toxic or corrosive.

  • Draft
    4 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements for the design and construction of metallic pressure tanks having a maximum working or test pressure exceeding 50 kPa (0,5 bar), for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail and sea. This European Standard includes requirements for openings,closures and structural equipment; it does not cover requirements of service equipment. For tanks for the
transport of cryogenic liquids, EN 13530-1 and EN 13530-2 apply.
NOTE 1 Design and construction of pressure tanks according to the scope of this European Standard are primarily subject to the requirements of RID/ADR,, and 6.8.5, as relevant. In addition, the relevant requirements of RID/ADR, columns 12 and 13 of Table A to chapter 3.2, 4.3 and apply. For the structural equipment subsections and apply, as relevant. The definitions of RID/ADR 1.2.1 are referred to. For portable tanks see also Chapter 4.2 and Sections 6.7.2 and 6.7.3 of RID and ADR. In addition, the relevant requirements of RID/ADR, columns 10 and 11 of Table A to Chapter 3.2, 4.2, 6.7.2 and 6.7.3 apply. The paragraph numbers above relate to the 2013 issue of RID/ADR which are subject to regular revisions. This can lead to temporary non-compliances with EN 14025. It is
important to know that requirements of RID/ADR take precedence over any clause of this standard.
NOTE 2 This standard is applicable to liquefied gases including LPG, however for a dedicated LPG standard see EN 12493.
If not otherwise specified, provisions which take up the whole width of the page apply to all kind of tanks.
Provisions contained in a single column apply only to:
road and rail pressure tanks according to RID/ADR chapter 6.8 (left-hand column); ortable tanks according to RID/ADR chapter 6.7 right-hand column).

  • Draft
    6 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard covers the digital interface at the product loading and/or discharge coupling which shall be
used for the transfer of product related information and specifies the performance requirements, critical safety
aspects and tests to provide compatibility of devices.
This European Standard specifies a digital interface which is suitable for use with liquid fuels.

  • Draft
    4 pages
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    1 day

This European Standard covers the digital interface at the product loading and/or discharge coupling which is used for the transfer of product related information and specifies the performance requirements, critical safety aspects and tests to provide compatibility of devices.

  • Draft
    4 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard covers the digital interface at the product loading and/or discharge coupling which is used for the transfer of product related information and specifies the performance requirements, critical safety aspects and tests to provide compatibility of devices.
This European Standard specifies a digital interface which is suitable for use with liquid fuels.

  • Draft
    5 pages
    English language
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    1 day

The subject of this amendment shall be the deletion of 5.14 dealing with the cap.

  • Draft
    4 pages
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    1 day

This document specifies testing, inspection and marking for the type approval, initial inspection, periodic inspection, intermediate inspection and exceptional check of metallic tanks (shell and equipment) of fixed tanks (tank vehicles), demountable tanks, tank-wagons, portable tanks and tank containers for the transport of dangerous goods.
This document is not applicable to battery-vehicles and battery-wagons comprising cylinders, tubes, pressure drums, bundles of cylinders, and multiple element gas containers (MEGCs), independent of whether the elements are receptacles or tanks.

  • Standard
    65 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This document specifies the minimum requirements for the design and construction of metallic pressure tanks having a maximum working pressure exceeding 50 kPa (0,5 bar), for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail and sea. This document includes requirements for openings, closures and structural equipment; it does not cover requirements of service equipment. For tanks for the transport of cryogenic liquids, EN 13530 1 and EN 13530 2 apply.
Design and construction of pressure tanks according to the Scope of this document are primarily subject to the requirements of RID/ADR, Subsections, and 6.8.5, as relevant. In addition, the relevant requirements of RID/ADR, Table A, columns 12 and 13, to Chapters 3.2, 4.3 and Subsection apply. For the structural equipment RID/ADR, Subsections and apply, as relevant. The definitions of RID/ADR, Subsection 1.2.1, are referred to. For portable tanks see also RID/ADR, Chapter 4.2 and Sections 6.7.2 and 6.7.2. In addition, the relevant requirements of RID/ADR, Table A, Columns 10 and 11 to Chapters 3.2, 4.2, and Sections 6.7.2 and 6.7.3 apply. The paragraph numbers above relate to the 2017 issue of RID/ADR which are subject to regular revisions. This can lead to temporary non-compliances with EN 14025.
This document is applicable to liquefied gases including LPG; however for a dedicated LPG standard see EN 12493.
If not otherwise specified, provisions which take up the whole width of the page apply to all kind of tanks. Provisions contained in a single column apply only to:
tanks according to RID/ADR Chapter 6.8 (left-hand column);   portable tanks according to RID/ADR Chapter 6.7 (right-hand column).

  • Corrigendum
    2 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This document specifies the minimum requirements for the design and construction of metallic pressure tanks having a maximum working pressure exceeding 50 kPa (0,5 bar), for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail and sea. This document includes requirements for openings, closures and structural equipment; it does not cover requirements of service equipment. For tanks for the transport of cryogenic liquids, EN 13530 1 and EN 13530 2 apply.
Design and construction of pressure tanks according to the Scope of this document are primarily subject to the requirements of RID/ADR, Subsections, and 6.8.5, as relevant. In addition, the relevant requirements of RID/ADR, Table A, columns 12 and 13, to Chapters 3.2, 4.3 and Subsection apply. For the structural equipment RID/ADR, Subsections and apply, as relevant. The definitions of RID/ADR, Subsection 1.2.1, are referred to. For portable tanks see also RID/ADR, Chapter 4.2 and Sections 6.7.2 and 6.7.2. In addition, the relevant requirements of RID/ADR, Table A, Columns 10 and 11 to Chapters 3.2, 4.2, and Sections 6.7.2 and 6.7.3 apply. The paragraph numbers above relate to the 2017 issue of RID/ADR which are subject to regular revisions. This can lead to temporary non-compliances with EN 14025.
This document is applicable to liquefied gases including LPG; however for a dedicated LPG standard see EN 12493.
If not otherwise specified, provisions which take up the whole width of the page apply to all kind of tanks. Provisions contained in a single column apply only to:
tanks according to RID/ADR Chapter 6.8 (left-hand column);   portable tanks according to RID/ADR Chapter 6.7 (right-hand column).

  • Standard
    61 pages
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This European Standard specifies the requirements for product discharge and air inlet valves for use on transportable tanks with a minimum working pressure greater than 50 kPa for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail.
NOTE 1   The term 'valve' includes ball valves as well as butterfly valves and similar closure devices.
It is applicable to metallic equipment for use on tanks with gravity and/or pressure filling and discharge for liquid chemicals and liquefied gases. It includes carbon dioxide while excluding refrigerated liquefied gases.
NOTE 2   The standard is also applicable to liquefied gases including LPG, however, for a dedicated LPG standard see EN 13175 [3].

  • Standard
    10 pages
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This European Standard specifies the requirements for foot valves for use on transportable tanks with a minimum working pressure greater than 50 kPa for the transport of dangerous goods by road and rail.
It is applicable to metallic equipment for use on tanks with gravity and/or pressure bottom loading and discharge for liquid chemicals and liquefied gases. It includes carbon dioxide while excluding refrigerated liquefied gases.
NOTE   The standard is also applicable to liquefied gases including LPG, however, for a dedicated LPG standard see EN 13175 [3].

  • Standard
    12 pages
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This European Standard specifies the data structure needed for tour management, scheduling orders of measured and unmeasured products online to the truck. Processed orders are transferred back to the host in the office at once or later every time the truck is online.
It specifies the transfer of commercial and logistic data between transport vehicle equipment, on board computer of the tank vehicle and stationary facilities for all communication channels between these parties.
This document should only be used in conjunction with EN 15969-1 and should not modify or override any of the requirements of EN 15969-1.

  • Standard
    43 pages
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This European Standard specifies data protocols and data format for the interfaces between electronic equipment (TVE), on-board computer (OBC) of the tank vehicle and stationary equipment for all interconnecting communication paths.
This European Standard specifies the basic protocol FTL used in the communication (basic protocol layer), the format and structure of FTL-data to be transmitted (data protocol layer) and describes the content of the FTL-data.
This data protocol may be used for other application e.g. between stationary tank equipment and offices.

  • Standard
    110 pages
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This document specifies the following points regarding the minimum requirements for an overfill prevention system:
-   functions;
-   major components;
-   characteristics;
-   test methods.
This document is applicable to overfill prevention systems for liquid fuels having a flash point up to but not exceeding 100 °C, excluding liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).
NOTE   Vapour path detection is not part of this standard but can be provided as an option.

  • Standard
    34 pages
    English language
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    1 day