Metallic and non-metallic coatings - Measurement of thickness - Beta backscatter method (ISO 3543:2000)

IEC 61010-2-061:2015 applies to electrically powered laboratory atomic spectrometers with thermal atomization. It has the status of a group safety publication in accordance with IEC Guide 104. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2003. It constitutes a technical revision and includes the following change from the second edition:
- exclusion of equipment, whose size and weight make unintentional movement unlikely, from the drop test in Clause 8.
- notes have been re-phrased according to ISO/IEC Directives.

Metallische und andere anorganische Schichten - Dickenmessung - Betarückstreu-Verfahren (ISO 3543:2000)

Diese internationale Norm legt ein Verfahren zur zerstörungsfreien Messung von Schichtdicken mit Hilfe von Betarückstreu-Meßgeräten fest. Sie gilt sowohl für metallische als auch nichtmetallische Schichten auf metallischen und nichtmetallischen Grundwerkstoffen. Um dieses Verfahren anzuwenden, müssen sich die Ordnungszahlen oder die effektiven Ordnungszahlen von Schicht- und Grundwerkstoff um einen hinreichenden Betrag unterscheiden.

Revêtements métalliques et non métalliques - Mesurage de l'épaisseur - Méthode par rétrodiffusion des rayons bêta (ISO 3543:2000)

AVERTISSEMENT Les instruments à rétrodiffusion des rayons bêta, utilisés pour le mesurage de l'épaisseur des revêtements, utilisent un certain nombre de sources radioactives différentes. Bien que les activités de ces sources soient généralement très faibles, elles peuvent présenter un danger pour la santé si elles ne sont pas manipulées correctement. En conséquence, tous les règlements et directives de sécurité prescrits par les autorités locales ou nationales doivent être respectés.  La présente Norme internationale spécifie une méthode de mesurage non destructif de l'épaisseur des revêtements, basée sur le principe de la rétrodiffusion des rayons bêta.   Elle est applicable aux revêtements métalliques ou non métalliques, que les substrats soient ou non métalliques. Pour que la présente méthode soit applicable, il faut que les numéros atomiques ou les numéros atomiques équivalents du revêtement et du substrat diffèrent d'une quantité convenable.  
NOTE La méthode par rétrodiffusion des rayons bêta est de moins en moins utilisée depuis la mise en oeuvre de la méthode par fluorescence X (ISO 3497). Son faible coût en fait néanmoins une méthode très utile pour de nombreuses applications. En outre, sa plage de mesures est plus large.

Kovinske in nekovinske prevleke - Merjenje debeline - Metoda z beta povratnim sipanjem (ISO 3543:2000)

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SIST EN ISO 3543:1999
Kovinske in nekovinske prevleke - Merjenje debeline - Metoda z beta povratnim
sipanjem (ISO 3543:2000)
Metallic and non-metallic coatings - Measurement of thickness - Beta backscatter
method (ISO 3543:2000)
Metallische und andere anorganische Schichten - Dickenmessung - Betarückstreu-
Verfahren (ISO 3543:2000)
Revetements métalliques et non métalliques - Mesurage de l'épaisseur - Méthode par
rétrodiffusion des rayons beta (ISO 3543:2000)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 3543:2000
25.220.20 Površinska obdelava Surface treatment
25.220.40 Kovinske prevleke Metallic coatings
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

Second edition
Metallic and non-metallic coatings —
Measurement of thickness — Beta
backscatter method
Revêtements métalliques et non métalliques — Mesurage de l'épaisseur —
Méthode par rétrodiffusion des rayons beta
Reference number
ISO 3543:2000(E)
ISO 2000
ISO 3543:2000(E)
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ii © ISO 2000 – All rights reserved

ISO 3543:2000(E)
Contents Page
1 Scope .1
2 Terms and definitions .1
3 Principle.4
4 Apparatus .6
5 Factors relating to measurement uncertainty .6
6 Calibration of instruments .9
7 Measuring procedure .10
8 Measurement uncertainty .11
9 Test report .11
Annex A (informative) General information.13
ISO 3543:2000(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
International Standard ISO 3543 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 107, Metallic and other inorganic
coatings, Subcommittee SC 2, Methods of inspection and coordination of test methods.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 3543:1981), which has been technically revised.
Annex A of this International Standard is for information only.
iv © ISO 2000 – All rights reserved

Metallic and non-metallic coatings — Measurement of thickness —
Beta backscatter method
1 Scope
WARNING Beta backscatter instruments used for the measurement of coating thicknesses use a number
of different radioactive sources. Although the activities of these sources are normally very low, they can
present a hazard to health, if incorrectly handled. Therefore, reference should be made to current
international and national standards, where these exist.
This International Standard specifies a method for the non-destructive measurement of coating thicknesses using
beta backscatter gauges. It applies to both metallic and non-metallic coatings on both metallic and non-metallic
substrates. To make use of this method, the atomic numbers or equivalent atomic numbers of the coating and the
substrate need to differ by an appropriate amount.
NOTE Since the introduction of the X-ray fluorescence method (ISO 3497), the beta backscatter method has been used
less and less for the measurement of coating thickness. However, because of its lower cost, it is still a very useful method of
measurement for many applications. In addition it has a wider measuring range.
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
radioactive decay
spontaneous nuclear transformation in which particles or gamma radiation are emitted or X-radiation is emitted
following orbital electron capture, or the nucleus undergoes spontaneous fission
[ISO 921:1997, definition 972]
beta particle
electron or positron which has been emitted by an atomic nucleus or neutron in a nuclear transformation
[ISO 921:1997, definition 81]
beta-emitting isotope
beta-emitting source
beta emitter
material, the nuclei of which emit beta particles
NOTE 1 It is possible to classify beta emitters by the maximum energy level of the particles that they release during their
NOTE 2 Table A.1 lists some isotopes used with beta backscatter gauges.
ISO 3543:2000(E)
unit of energy equal to the change in energy of an electron in passing through a potential difference of 1 V
NOTE 1 1 eV = 1,602 19 � 10 J
[ISO 921:1997, definition 393]
NOTE 2 Since the electron-volt is too small for the energies encountered with beta particles, the mega-electron-volt (MeV) is
commonly used.
disintegration rate
number of spontaneous nuclear disintegrations occurring in a given quantity of material during a suitably small
interval of time divided by that interval of time
[ISO 921:1997, definition 23]
NOTE 1 In beta backscatter measurements a higher activity corresponds to a greater emission of beta particles.
NOTE 2 The SI unit of activity is the becquerel (Bq). The activity of a radioactive element used in beta backscatter gauges is
4 4
generally expressed in microcuries (�Ci) (1 �Ci = 3,7 � 10 Bq, which represents 3,7 x 10 disintegrations per second).
radioactive half-life
time required for the activity to decrease to half its value by a single radioactive decay process
[ISO 921:1997, definition 975]
process in which a change in direction or energy of an incident particle or incident radiation is caused by a collision
with a particle or a system of particles
[ISO 921:1997, definition 1085]
scattering as a result of which a particle leaves a body of matter from the same surface at which it entered
NOTE Radiations other than beta rays are emitted or backscattered by a coating and substrate and some of these can be
included in the backscatter measurement. In this International Standard the term “backscatter” is used to mean the total
radiation measured.
backscatter coefficient (of a body)
ratio of the number of particles backscattered to that entering the body
NOTE The value of R is independent of the activity of the isotope and of the measuring time.
2 © ISO 2000 – All rights reserved

ISO 3543:2000(E)
backscatter count
absolute backscatter count
number of particles backscattered during a fixed interval of time, and received by a detector
NOTE X depends on the activity of the isotope, the measuring time, the geometric configuration of the measuring system
and the properties of the detector. The count produced by the uncoated substrate is generally designated by X , and that of the
coating material by X . To obtain these values, both these materials have to be available with a thickness greater than the
saturation thickness (see 2.13).
normalized backscatter count
quantity that is independent of the activity of the isotope, the measuring time and the properties of the detector and
defined by the equation:
X �
X is the absolute backscatter count of the saturation thickness of the substrate material;
X is the absolute backscatter count of the saturation thickness of the coating material;
X is the absolute backscatter count of the coated specimen;
each of these counts being taken over the same interval of time
NOTE 1 The value of X is valid between 0 and 1.
NOTE 2 For simplicity, it is often advantageous to express the normalized backscatter count as a percentage by multiplying
X by 100.
normalized backscatter curve
curve obtained by plotting the coating thickness as a function of X
equivalent (apparent) atomic number
for a material, which can be an alloy or a compound, the atomic number of an element that has the same
backscatter coefficient R as the material
saturation thickness
minimum thickness of a material that, if exceeded, does not produce a change in backscatter
NOTE Figure A.1 shows saturation thickness, s, plotted as a function of density for different isotopes.
ISO 3543:2000(E)
sealed source
radioactive source sealed in a container or having a bonded cover, the container or cover being strong enough to
prevent contact with and dispersion of the radioactive material under the conditions of use and wear for which it
was designed
[ISO 921:1997, definition 1094]
NOTE Also referred to as “sealed isotope”.
opening of the mask abutting the test specimen and that determines the size of the area on which the coating
thickness is to be measured
NOTE This mask is also often referred to as a platen, an aperture platen or a specimen support.
source geometry
spatial arrangement of the source, the aperture and the detector, with respect to each other
dead time
time period during which a Geiger-Müller detector is unresponsive to the receipt of further beta particles
resolving time
recovery time of the Geiger-Müller detector tube and associated electronic equipment during which the counting
circuit is unresponsive to further pulses
basis material
basis metal
material upon which coatings are deposited or formed
[ISO 2080:1981, definition 134]
material upon which a coating is directly deposited
NOTE For a single or first coating the substrate is identical with the basis material; for a subsequent coating the
intermediate coating is the substrate
[ISO 2080:1981, definition 630]
When beta particles impinge upon a material, a certain portion of particles is backscattered. This backscatter is
essentially a function of the atomic number of the material.
If the body has a surface coating, and if the atomic numbers of the substrate and of the coating material are
sufficiently different, the intensity of the backscatter will be between two limits: the backscatter intensity of the
substrate and that of the coating. Thus, with proper instrumentation and, if suitably displayed, the intensity of the
backscatter can be used for the measurement of mass per unit area of the coating, which, provided that it is of
uniform density, is directly proportional to the thickness, i.e., to the mean thickness within the measuring area.
4 © ISO 2000 – All rights reserved

ISO 3543:2000(E

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