Sustainability of construction works - Environmental product declarations - Core rules for road materials - Part 1: Bituminous mixtures

This document provides core product category rules for type III environmental declaration of bituminous materials for building and civil engineering according to EN 13108-1, EN 13108-2, EN 13108-3, EN 13108-4, EN 13108-5, EN 13108-6, EN 13108-7, EN 13108-9, and prEN 13108-31. The approach taken for these PCR may be considered applicable and adaptable for other bitumen based products.
This document defines the parameters to be reported, what EPD types (and life cycle stages) to be covered, what rules to be followed in order to generate Life Cycle Inventories (LCI) and conduct Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) and the data quality to be used in the development of EPDs.
In addition to the common parts of EN 15804, this document for bituminous materials:
-   defines the system boundaries;
-   defines the modelling and assessment of material-specific characteristics;
-   defines allocation procedures for multi-output processes along the production chain;
-   includes the rules for calculating the LCI and the LCIA underlying the EPD;
-   provides guidance for the determination of the reference service life (RSL);
-   gives guidance on the establishment of default scenarios.
Principles used:
-   PCR covering bituminous materials;
-   from cradle to beyond the building life cycle based on EN 15804;
-   polluter pays: processes of waste processing shall be assigned to the product system that generates the waste until the end-of-waste state is reached;
-   EPD will be based on declared units (e.g. tonnes of material) and not functional units (e.g. km of road);
-   abiotic depletion potential of aggregate should be declared when relevant;
-   all use of inert material in the quarry: reclamation, sound and dust protection have to be included in stages A1 to A3 of the EPD;
-   data quality will be described (e.g. Average yearly value, average 10 years value, or maximum value ever encountered).
NOTE   The Use stage, Informative Module B, depends on the use scenario and this depends on the type of road it is used for, the width of the road, the width of the lane, the total pavement structure and substrate for which the pavement layer it is used, the climate conditions, the maximum and minimum pavement temperatures, the traffic intensity and the number of weights of the axle loadings, etc. The use scenario details are determined by the buyer / user of the bituminous mixture. Therefore, only examples on typical maintenance scenarios are given.
This guideline provides PCRs that can be applied for a particular asphalt mixture, from a specific asphalt plant with a specific production temperature. Hence, the design of the asphalt mixture is necessary to produce the specific EPD.

Nachhaltigkeit von Bauwerken - Umweltproduktdeklarationen - Festlegungen für Straßenbaustoffe - Teil 1: Asphaltmischgut

Dieses Dokument liefert grundlegende Produktkategorieregeln für Typ III Umweltdeklarationen für bitumenhaltige Materialien im Bauwesen nach EN 13108 1, EN 13108 2, EN 13108 3, EN 13108 4, EN 13108 5, EN 13108 6, EN 13108 7, EN 13108 9 und EN 13108 31. Der für diese PCR gewählte Ansatz kann als anwendbar und anpassbar für andere auf Bitumen basierende Produkte betrachtet werden.
Dieses Dokument definiert die anzugebenden Parameter, die abzudeckenden EPD Typen (und Lebens-zyklusphasen), die Regeln, die eingehalten werden müssen, um Sachbilanzen (LCI, en: life cycle inventory) zu erstellen und Wirkungsabschätzungen (LCIA, en: life cycle impact assessment) durchzuführen, und die zu verwendende Datenqualität bei der Entwicklung von EPD.
Zusätzlich zu den gemeinsamen Teilen der EN 15804 liefert dieses Dokument für bitumenhaltige Materialien Folgendes:
—   die Definition der Systemgrenzen;
—   die Definition von Modellierung und Bewertung materialspezifischer Merkmale;
—   die Definition von Allokationsverfahren für Multi-Output-Prozesse entlang der Produktionskette;
—   Berechnungsregeln für die der EPD zugrunde liegenden LCI und LCIA;
—   eine Anleitung zur Bestimmung der Referenz-Nutzungsdauer (RSL, en: reference service life);
—   eine Anleitung zur Festlegung von Standardszenarien.
Angewandte Prinzipien:
—   PCR deckt bitumenhaltige Materialien ab;
—   von „der Wiege“ über den Lebenszyklus des Gebäudes hinaus, auf der Grundlage von EN 15804;
—   Verursacher zahlt: Prozesse zur Abfallbehandlung müssen dem Produktsystem zugeordnet werden, welches den Abfall erzeugt, bis der Status „Abfallende“ (en: end of waste) erreicht ist;
—   EPD basieren auf deklarierten Einheiten (z. B. Material in Tonnen) und nicht auf funktionellen Einheiten (z. B Straßenlänge in km);
—   abiotisches Abbaupotential von Gesteinskörnung sollte gegebenenfalls deklariert werden;
—   gesamte Nutzung von inertem Material im Steinbruch: Rückgewinnung, Schall- und Staubschutz müssen in die EPD Phasen A1 bis A3 aufgenommen werden;
—   Beschreibung der Datenqualität (z. B.: durchschnittlicher Jahreswert, durchschnittlicher Wert über einen Zeitraum von 10 Jahren oder der jemals vorgefundene Höchstwert).
ANMERKUNG   Die Nutzungsphase, Informationsmodul B, hängt vom Nutzungsszenario ab, welches wiederum ab-hängig ist vom Straßentyp, für das es verwendet wird, von der Straßenbreite, der Fahrspurbreite, der gesamten Struktur und Oberfläche der für den Fahrbahnbelag verwendeten Beschichtung, den Klimabedingungen, den Höchst- und Tiefsttemperaturen des Belags, der Verkehrsdichte, der Anzahl der Gewichte der Achslasten usw. Die Details des Nutzungsszenarios werden vom Käufer/Anwender des Asphaltmischguts bestimmt. Aus diesem Grund werden nur Bei¬spiele für typische Instandhaltungsszenarien gegeben.
Dieser Leitfaden liefert PCR, die auf ein bestimmtes Asphaltmischgut eines spezifischen Asphaltwerks mit einer bestimmten Produktionstemperatur angewandt werden können. Deshalb ist die Auslegung des Asphaltmischguts zur Erstellung der spezifischen EPD notwendig.

Contribution des ouvrages de construction au développement durable - Déclarations environnementales sur les produits - Règles régissant les matériaux de structure de chaussée - Partie 1 : mélanges bitumineux

Le présent document fournit des règles de définition des catégories de produits destinées aux déclarations environnementales de type III de matériaux bitumineux pour la construction et le génie civil conformément à l’EN 13108 1, l’EN 13108 2, l’EN 13108 3, l’EN 13108 4, l’EN 13108 5, l’EN 13108 6, l’EN 13108 7, l’EN 13108 9, et l’EN 13108 31. La démarche adoptée pour ces RDCP peut être considérée comme applicable et adaptable à d’autres produits à base de bitume.
Le présent document définit les paramètres à consigner, les types de DEP (et phases du cycle de vie) à couvrir, les règles à suivre afin de créer des inventaires du cycle de vie (ICV) et de réaliser des évaluations de l’impact du cycle de vie (EICV) ainsi que la qualité des données à respecter dans le cadre du développement des DEP.
Outre les parties communes de l’EN 15804, le présent document consacré aux matériaux bitumineux :
- définit les frontières du système ;
- définit la modélisation et l’évaluation des caractéristiques spécifiques au matériau ;
- définit les modes opératoires d’allocation pour les processus à multiples extrants le long de la chaîne de production ;
- intègre les règles de calcul de l’ICV et de l’EICV sous-jacents aux DEP ;
- fournit des indications pour la détermination de la durée de vie documentée (DVD) ;
- fournit des indications sur l’établissement de scénarios par défaut.
Principes exploités :
- RDCP couvrant les matériaux bitumineux ;
- du berceau au-delà du cycle de vie de construction sur la base de l’EN 15804 ;
- principe pollueur-payeur : les processus de traitement des déchets doivent être affectés au système de produit générant le déchet jusqu’à ce que l’état de fin du déchet soit atteint ;
- la DEP sera basée sur les unités déclarées (par ex. tonnes de matériau) et non les unités fonctionnelles (par ex. km de route) ;
- il convient que le potentiel d’appauvrissement abiotique des granulats soit déclaré le cas échéant ;
- tout usage de matériaux inertes en carrière : la réhabilitation et la protection contre le bruit et la poussière doivent être incluses dans les phases A1 à A3 de la DEP ;
- la qualité des données sera décrite (par ex. valeur moyenne annuelle, valeur moyenne à 10 ans, ou valeur maximale historique).
NOTE La phase d’utilisation, module informatif B, dépend du scénario d’utilisation et ce dernier dépend du type de route pour lequel il est utilisé, de la largeur de la route, de la largeur de la voie, de la structure totale de la chaussée et du substrat destiné à la couche de chaussée pour laquelle il est utilisé, des conditions climatiques, des températures minimale et maximale de la chaussée, de l’intensité de trafic et du nombre de poids de charge à l’essieu, etc. Les informations sur le scénario d’utilisation sont déterminées par l’acheteur/l’utilisateur du mélange bitumineux. Par conséquent, seuls des exemples de scénarios de maintenance typiques sont donnés ;
Le présent guide fournit des RDCP pouvant être appliquées pour un mélange d’asphalte particulier, issu d’une centrale d’enrobage particulière employant une température de production spécifique. La conception du mélange d’asphalte est ainsi nécessaire pour produire la DEP spécifique.

Trajnostnost gradbenih objektov - Okoljske deklaracije za proizvode - Skupna pravila za materiale za ceste - 1. del: Bitumenske zmesi

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prEN 17392-1:2020 - BARVE
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Standards Content (Sample)

Trajnostnost gradbenih objektov - Okoljske deklaracije za proizvode - Skupna
pravila za materiale za ceste - 1. del: Bitumenske zmesi
Sustainability of construction works - Environmental product declarations - Core rules for
road materials - Part 1: Bituminous mixtures
Nachhaltigkeit von Bauwerken - Umweltproduktdeklarationen - Festlegungen für
Straßenbaustoffe - Teil 1: Asphaltmischgut
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 17392-1
13.020.20 Okoljska ekonomija. Environmental economics.
Trajnostnost Sustainability
93.080.20 Materiali za gradnjo cest Road construction materials
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

March 2020
ICS 91.100.01; 93.080.20
English Version
Sustainability of construction works - Environmental
product declarations - Core rules for road materials –
Part 1: Bituminous mixtures
Nachhaltigkeit von Bauwerken -
Umweltproduktdeklarationen - Festlegungen für
Straßenbaustoffe - Teil 1: Asphaltmischgut
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 227.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
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United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2020 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 17392-1:2020 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 3
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 5
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms and definitions . 6
4 Abbreviations . 8
5 General aspects . 8
5.1 Objective of the PCR . 8
5.2 Types of EPD with respect to life cycle stages covered . 9
5.3 Comparability of EPD of construction products . 9
5.4 Additional environmental information . 10
5.5 Ownership, responsibility and liability for the EPD. 10
5.6 Communication formats . 10
6 Product category rules for LCA . 10
6.1 Product category . 10
6.2 Life cycle stages and their information modules to be included . 10
6.3 Calculation rules for the LCA . 12
6.4 Inventory analysis . 23
6.5 Impact assessment . 25
7 Content of the EPD . 26
7.1 Declaration of general information. 26
7.2 Declaration of environmental indicators derived from the LCA . 27
7.3 Scenarios and additional technical information . 32
7.4 Additional information on release of dangerous substances to indoor air, soil and
water during the use stage . 34
8 Project report . 34
9 Verification and validity of an EPD . 34
Annex A (normative) Requirements and guidance on the reference service life . 35
Annex B (informative) Waste . 36
Annex C (normative) Impact categories and related indicators, methodologies and
characterization factors (CF) . 37
Annex D (informative) End of life formulae . 40
Bibliography . 41
European foreword
This document (prEN 17392-1:2020) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 227 “Road
materials”, the secretariat of which is held by BSI.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
European standard EN 15804 provides Product Category Rules (PCR) for Type III environmental
declarations for any construction product and services.
It provides a structure to ensure that all Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) of construction
products, construction services and construction processes are derived, verified and presented in a
harmonized way.
This document provides additional rules for Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) specifically for
bituminous mixtures. It complements the core product category rules for all construction products and
services as established in EN 15804.
An EPD communicates verifiable, accurate, non-misleading environmental information for products and
their applications, thereby supporting scientifically based, fair choices and stimulating the potential for
market-driven continuous environmental improvement.
The standardization process has taken place in accordance with ISO 14025. All common issues are
covered horizontally for all product types in order to minimize vertical (branch specific) deviations.
All common issues are covered horizontally for all bituminous mixtures in order to minimize intra-
sectoral deviations.
EPD information is expressed in information modules as defined in EN 15804, which allow easy
organization and expression of data packages throughout the life cycle of bituminous mixtures. The
approach requires that the underlying data should be consistent, reproducible and comparable.
In line with EN 15804, the EPD is expressed in a form that allows aggregation (addition) to provide
complete information for construction works. This document does not deal with aggregation at the
construction level nor does this document describe the rules for applying EPD in a construction
The document deals with a limited number of quantifiable parameters as predefined in EN 15804.
Future revisions of EN 15804 may lead to the incorporation in this document of additional
predetermined parameters.
NOTE Producers and users of EPDs need to be aware that as each product sector develops its own EPDs,
under their own PCR, then it is generally not possible to compare the outputs of different products or product
types e.g. EPDs for asphalt concrete and surface dressing cannot be directly compared. Comparison between EPDs
can only be realized between mixes that are used in the same application and provide the same performance.
1 Scope
This document provides core product category rules for type III environmental declaration of
bituminous materials for building and civil engineering according to EN 13108-1, EN 13108-2,
EN 13108-3, EN 13108-4, EN 13108-5, EN 13108-6, EN 13108-7, EN 13108-9, and EN 13108-31. The
approach taken for these PCR may be considered applicable and adaptable for other bitumen based
This document defines the parameters to be reported, what EPD types (and life cycle stages) to be
covered, what rules to be followed in order to generate Life Cycle Inventories (LCI) and conduct Life
Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) and the data quality to be used in the development of EPDs.
In addition to the common parts of EN 15804, this document for bituminous materials:
— defines the system boundaries;
— defines the modelling and assessment of material-specific characteristics;
— defines allocation procedures for multi-output processes along the production chain;
— includes the rules for calculating the LCI and the LCIA underlying the EPD;
— provides guidance for the determination of the reference service life (RSL);
— gives guidance on the establishment of default scenarios.
Principles used:
— PCR covering bituminous materials;
— from cradle to beyond the building life cycle based on EN 15804;
— polluter pays: processes of waste processing shall be assigned to the product system that generates
the waste until the end-of-waste state is reached;
— EPD will be based on declared units (e.g. tonnes of material) and not functional units (e.g. km of
— abiotic depletion potential of aggregate should be declared when relevant;
— all use of inert material in the quarry: reclamation, sound and dust protection shall be included in
stages A1 to A3 of the EPD;
— data quality will be described (e.g. Average yearly value, average 10 years value, or maximum value
ever encountered).
NOTE The Use stage, Informative Module B, depends on the use scenario and this depends on the type of road
it is used for, the width of the road, the width of the lane, the total pavement structure and substrate for which
pavement layer it is used, the climate conditions, the maximum and minimum pavement temperatures, the traffic
intensity and the number of weights of the axle loadings, etc. The use scenario details are determined by the buyer
/ user of the bituminous mixture. Therefore, only examples on typical maintenance scenarios are given.
This guideline provides PCRs that can be applied for a particular asphalt mixture, from a specific asphalt
plant with a specific production temperature. Hence, the design of the asphalt mixture is necessary to
produce the specific EPD.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 15804:2012+A2:2019, Sustainability of construction works — Environmental product declarations —
Core rules for the product category of construction products
EN 15978:2011, Sustainability of construction works - Assessment of environmental performance of
buildings - Calculation method
ISO 21930, Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works — Core rules for environmental product
declarations of construction products and services
EN 13108-1, Bituminous mixtures - Material specifications – Part 1: Asphalt Concrete
EN 13108-2, Bituminous mixtures - Material specifications – Part 2: Asphalt Concrete for

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