Electrical installations of buildings - Part 7-717: Requirements for special installations or locations - Mobile or transportable units

Requirements are applicable to mobile or transportable units. For the purpose of this standard, the term 'unit' is intended to mean a vehicle and/or mobile or transportable structure in which all or part of an electrical installation is contained. Units are : - either of the mobile type, e.g. vehicles (self-propelled or towed); - or of the transportable type,e.g. containers or cabins placed on a base frame. Examples of the intended use are for broadcasting, medical services, advertising, fire fighting, workshops, etc. Two or more units may be electrically connected together. The requirements are not applicable to : - generating sets - marinas and pleasure craft - mobile machinery in accordance with EN 60204-1 - caravans - traction equipment of electric vehicles Where applicable, additional requirements as laid down in clauses of Part 7 shall be taken into consideration, e.g. for showers, medical locations, etc

Elektrische Anlagen von Gebäuden - Teil 7-717: Anforderungen für Betriebstätten, Räume und Anlagen besonderer Art - Elektrische Anlagen auf Fahrzeugen und in transportablen Baueinheiten

Installations électriques des bâtiments - Partie 7-717: Règles pour les installations ou emplacements spéciaux - Unités mobiles ou transportables

Les prescriptions sont applicables aux unités mobiles ou transportables. Dans le cadre de cette norme, le terme "unité" est applicable à un véhicule et/ou à une structure mobile ou transportable dans lesquels une installation électrique ou une partie de celle-ci est incorporée. Les unités sont - soit du type mobile, par exemple véhicules (autopropulsés ou remorqués); - soit du type transportable, par exemple conteneurs ou cabines installées sur chantier. Des exemples d'utilisations prévues sont les émissions de radio, les services médicaux, la publicité, la lutte contre l'incendie, les ateliers, etc. Deux ou plusieurs unités peuvent être électriquement interconnectées. Ces prescriptions ne sont pas applicables - aux groupes générateurs; - aux marinas et navires de plaisance; - aux machines mobiles conformes à la EN 60204-1; - aux caravanes; - aux matériels de traction des véhicules électriques. Les prescriptions complémentaires des autres articles de la partie 7, si elles sont applicables, seront prises en compte, par exemple pour les douches, les emplacements à usages médicaux, etc

Električne inštalacije zgradb – 7-717. del: Zahteve za posebne inštalacije ali lokacije – Premične ali prenosne enote

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SLOVENSKI SIST HD 60364-7-717:2005

maj 2005
Električne inštalacije zgradb – 7-717. del: Zahteve za posebne inštalacije ali
lokacije – Premične ali prenosne enote
Electrical installations of buildings – Part 7-717: Requirements for special
installations or locations – Mobile or transportable units
ICS 91.140.50 Referenčna številka
©  Standard je založil in izdal Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje ali kopiranje celote ali delov tega dokumenta ni dovoljeno


ICS 29.140.50; 91.140.50
English version
Electrical installations of buildings
Part 7-717: Requirements for special installations or locations –
Mobile or transportable units
(IEC 60364-7-717:2001, modified)

Installations électriques des bâtiments Elektrische Anlagen von Gebäuden
Partie 7-717: Règles pour les installations Teil 7-717: Anforderungen für
ou emplacements spéciaux – Betriebstätten, Räume und Anlagen
Unités mobiles ou transportables besonderer Art –
(CEI 60364-7-717:2001, modifiée) Elektrische Anlagen auf Fahrzeugen
und in transportablen Baueinheiten
(IEC 60364-7-717:2001, modifiziert)

This Harmonization Document was approved by CENELEC on 2004-06-01. CENELEC members are
bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for
implementation of this Harmonization Document on a national level.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national implementation may be obtained on
application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.

This Harmonization Document exists in three official versions (English, French, German).

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
Switzerland and United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels

© 2004 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.

Ref. No. HD 60364-7-717:2004 E

The text of the International Standard IEC 60364-7-717:2001, prepared by IEC TC 64,
Electrical installations and protection against electric shock, together with the common
modifications prepared by SC 64A, Protection against electric shock, of Technical Committee
CENELEC TC 64, Electrical installations of buildings, was submitted to the formal vote and was
approved by CENELEC as HD 60364-7-717 on 2004-06-01.

In this Harmonization Document the common modifications to the International Standard are
indicated by a vertical line in the left margin of the text.

The following dates were fixed:

– latest date by which the existence of the HD
has to be announced at national level (doa) 2004-12-01
– latest date by which the HD has to be implemented
at national level by publication of a harmonized
national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2005-06-01

– latest date by which the national standards conflicting
with the HD have to be withdrawn (dow) 2007-06-01
Annexes ZA, ZB and ZC have been added by CENELEC.

- 3 - HD 60364-7-717:2004
The requirements of this HD 60364-7-717 modify or replace certain of the general
requirements of HD 384.
The clause numbering follows the pattern and corresponding references of HD 384.
The numbers following the particular number of Part 7-717 are those of the corresponding
parts or clauses of HD 384.
The absence of reference to a chapter, a section or a clause means that the corresponding
general requirements of HD 384 are applicable.

717 Mobile or transportable units

717.1 Scope
The particular requirements as specified in this part of HD 384 are applicable to mobile or
transportable units.
For the purpose of this standard, the term "unit" is intended to mean a vehicle and/or mobile or
transportable structure in which all or part of an electrical installation is contained.
Units are
– either of the mobile type, e.g. vehicles (self-propelled or towed);
– or of the transportable type, e.g. containers or cabins placed on a base frame.
Examples of the intended use are for broadcasting, medical services, advertising, fire fighting,
workshops, etc.
The requirements are not applicable to
– generating sets;
– marinas and pleasure craft;
– mobile machinery in accordance with EN 60204-1;
– caravans, motor caravans and mobile homes;
– traction equipment of electric vehicles;
– vending, trailer and similar mobile units.
Where applicable, additional requirements as laid down in other clauses of Part 7 are to be
taken into consideration, e.g. for showers, medical locations, etc.
717.2 Normative references
See Annex ZA.
717.3 Assessment of general characteristics
717.31 Purposes, supplies and structures
717.312 Types of distribution systems
717.312.2 Types of earthing system

717.312.2.1 TN System
The use of the TN-C system is not permitted inside any unit.

- 5 - HD 60364-7-717:2004
717.313 Supplies
The following methods can be used to supply a unit:
a) connection to a low voltage generating set in accordance with IEC 60364-5-551 (see
Figures 717A.1 and 717A.2), or
b) connection to a fixed electrical installation in which the protective measures are effective
(see Figures 717B.1 and 717B.2), or
c) connection through means providing simple separation, in accordance with EN 61140, from
a fixed electrical installation (see Figures 717C.1, 717C.2 and 717C.3), or
d) connection through means providing electrical separation from a fixed electrical installation
(see example in Figure 717D).
NOTE 1  In cases a), b) and c), an earth electrode may be provided.
NOTE 2  In the case of Figure 717C.1, an earth electrode may be necessary for protective purposes (see
NOTE 3  Simple separation using a TN system or electrical separation is appropriate, for example when
information technology or other high leakage current equipment is used in the unit, or when reduction of
electromagnetic influence is necessary.
A unit may be supplied by any method in accordance with a), b), c), or d), or by the method a)
combined with one of the other methods.
The sources, means of connection or separation may be within the unit.
Where in the cases of supplies a) Figure 717A.2 and b) Figures 717B.1 and 717B.2 the mobile
or transportable unit is connected via a polarised plug and socket connection, overcurrent
protective devices shall be installed in the live conductors at the origin of the unit.
717.4 Protection for safety
717.41 Protection against electric shock
717.412 Protection against direct contact
717.412.4 Protection by placing out of reach is not permitted.
717.412.5 Additional protection by residual current protective devices with a rated residual
operating current not exceeding 30 mA is necessary for all socket-outlets intended to supply
current-using equipment outside the unit, with the exception of socket-outlets which are
supplied from circuits with protection by
– SELV, or
– PELV, or
– electrical separation.
717.413 Protection against indirect contact
717.413.1 Protection by automatic disconnection of supply
a) For supply in accordance with 717.313 a), only TN and IT systems are permitted and
protection shall be provided by automatic disconnection of supply, and
– in a TN system, 717.413.1.3 applies,
– in an IT system, 717.413.1.5 applies.

b) For supply in accordance with 717.313 b), only TN and TT systems are permitted and
automatic disconnection of the supply shall be provided by a residual current protective
device, with a rated residual current not exceeding 30 mA. This is not required for circuits
inside units having a non-conductive enclosure where protection by earth-free local
equipotential bonding is applied (see Figure 717B.2).
A label shall be fixed in proximity of socket-outlets supplying equipment within the unit
stating that the socket-outlets shall not be used to supply equipment outside the unit.
c) In all cases a) to d) of 717.313, any equipment installed between the source of supply and
the protective devices providing the automatic disconnection of the supply within the unit,
including these protective devices themselves, shall be protected by use of Class II
equipment or by equivalent insulation.
717.413.1.2 Equipotential bonding
717.413.1.2.1 Main equipotential bonding
Accessible conductive parts of the unit, such as chassis, body structure or tube systems, shall
be interconnected and, through the main equipotential bonding conductors, connected to the
protective conductor of the TT, IT or TN systems within the unit.
The main equipotential bonding conductor shall be finely stranded. Type 227 IEC 02 in
accordance with IEC 60227-3 is appropriate.
717.413.1.3 TN system
717.413.1.3.1 In the case of use of the TN system in units with a conductive enclosure and
supplied according to 717.313 a) or c), this enclosure shall be connected to the neutral point
or, if not available, a phase conductor (see Figures 717A.1, 717A.2 and 717C.3).
In the case of use of the TN system in a unit without a conductive enclosure, the exposed
conductive parts of the equipment inside the unit shall be connected by means of a protective
conductor to the neutral point or, if not available, to a live conductor.
717.413.1.5 IT system
717.413.1.5.3 In the case of use of the IT system in units with a conductive enclosure, a
connection of the exposed conductive parts of the equipment to the conductive enclosure is
In the case of units without a conductive enclosure, the exposed conductive parts inside shall
be connected to one another and to a protective conductor.
An IT system can be provided by
a) an isolating transformer or a low voltage generating set in accordance with EN 61557-8,
with an insulation monitoring device installed,
b) a transformer providing simple separation, e.g. in accordance with EN 61558-1, only in the
following cases:
– an insulation monitoring device is installed with or without an earth electrode, providing
automatic disconnection of the supply in case of a first fault between live parts and the
frame of the unit (see Figure 717C.2); or
– a residual current device and an earth electrode are installed to provide automatic
disconnection in the case of failure in the transformer providing the simple separation
(see Figure 717C.1). Each circuit provided for the supply of equipment for use outside
the unit shall be protected by a separate residual current protective device with rated
residual current not exceeding 30 mA.

- 7 - HD 60364-7-717:2004
717.413.3 Protection by non conducting location
Protection by non conducting location is not permitted.
717.413.5 Protection by electrical separation
(See Figure 717D).
717.473 Measures of protection against overcurrent
717.473.3 Protection according to the type of circuits
717.473.3.1 In the case where the supply is in accordance with 717.313 a) or c), and where a
line conductor is connected to the conductive enclosure of the unit, no overcurrent protective
device is required in this line conductor which is connected to the conductive enclosure of the
717.5 Selection and erection of electrical equipment
717.51 Common requirements
717.514 Identification
A plate shall be affixed at a location which is clearly visible to the user of the unit, stating in
clear and unambiguous terms the types of supply which may be connected to the unit. The
descriptions set out in 717.313 shall be used.
717.52 Wiring systems
717.52.01 Cables type H07RN-F according to HD 22.4 or cables of equivalent design having
a minimum cross-sectional area of 2,5 mm² Cu shall be used for connecting the unit to the
supply. The flexible cable shall enter the unit by an insulating inlet in such a way as to minimize
the possibility of any insulation damage or fault which might energize the exposed conductive
parts of the unit. The cable sheath shall be firmly gripped by the cable gland of the connector
or otherwise anchored to the unit.
717.52.02 The following or other equivalent cable types are permitted for the internal wiring of
the unit:
a) PVC insulated single-core cable in accordance with HD 21.3 or insulated conductor in
accordance with HD 21.7 and laid in conduits in accordance with EN 50086-1;
b) PVC insulated cables in accordance with HD 21.3 or rubber insulated cables in accordance
with HD 22.4, if precautionary measures are taken that no mechanical damage is likely to
occur due to the sharp-edged parts or abrasion.
The requirements of this subclause do not apply to information technology equipment.
Flexible cables should be used.

717.55 Other equipment
717.55.01 Plugs and socket-outlets shall comply with EN 60309-1 or with other national
Connecting devices used to connect the unit to the supply shall comply with EN 60309-2 and
with the following requirements:
– plugs shall have an enclosure of insulating material;
– plugs and socket-outlets shall afford a degree of protection of not less than IP44, if located
– appliance inlets with their enclosures shall provide a degree of protection of at least IP55;
– the plug part shall be situated on the unit.
717.55.02 Socket-outlets located outside the unit shall be provided with an enclosure
affording a degree of protection not less than IP54.

- 9 - HD 60364-7-717:2004
15 15 15
13 6
≤ 30
7b 7d 7c and/or 7e
15 15
10 10
IEC  2668/2000
NOTE Protection by automatic disconnection of supply by residual current protective devices (RCD).
Figure 717A.1 – Example of connection to a Class I or Class II low voltage generating set
located inside the unit with or without an earth electrode
Class II - LV
generating set

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