CEN/TC 121/WG 21 - Testing of welds
Standardization providing uniform procedures for non-destructive testing of welded joints and acceptance criteria for the individual methods.
Testing of welds
Standardization providing uniform procedures for non-destructive testing of welded joints and acceptance criteria for the individual methods.
General Information
This document specifies a method for making transverse root, face and side bend tests on test specimens taken from butt welds, butt welds with cladding (subdivided into welds in clad plates and clad welds) and cladding without butt welds, in order to reveal imperfections on or near the surface of the test specimen which is under tension during bend testing and/or assess ductility. It also gives the dimensions of the test specimen.
In addition, this document specifies methods to be used instead of transverse bend tests with a former for welded joints when base materials, heat affected zones and/or weld metal have a significant difference in their physical and mechanical properties in relation to bending.
This document applies to metallic materials in all forms of product with welded joints made by any welding process.
- Standard31 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the sizes of test specimen and the procedure for carrying out transverse tensile tests in order to determine the tensile strength and the location of fracture of a welded butt joint.
This document applies to metallic materials in all forms of product with joints made by any welded butt joint.
- Standard17 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies acceptance levels for the phased array ultrasonic testing technique (UT-PA) of full-penetration welds in low-alloy and/or fine-grained steels in the wall thickness range from 3,2 mm to 8 mm which correspond to the quality levels of ISO 5817.
These acceptance levels are applicable to indications detected according to ISO 20601.
- Standard15 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the techniques for manual ultrasonic testing of claddings on steel applied by welding, rolling and explosion using single-transducer or dual-transducer probes.
The test is intended to cover detection of two-dimensional or three-dimensional discontinuities in the cladding and in the region of the interface.
This document does not give acceptance criteria nor define the extent of testing.
- Standard18 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the method to be used when describing test specimen location and notch orientation for the testing and reporting of impact tests on welded butt joints.
This document applies to impact tests on metallic materials in all forms of product made by any fusion and pressure welding process.
It is used in addition to the ISO 148 series and includes test specimen denomination and additional reporting requirements.
- Standard15 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies techniques of digital radiography with the object of enabling satisfactory and repeatable results. The techniques are based on generally recognized practice and fundamental theory of the subject.
This document applies to the digital radiographic testing of fusion welded joints in metallic materials. It applies to the joints of plates and pipes. Besides its conventional meaning, “pipe”, as used in this document, covers other cylindrical bodies such as tubes, penstocks, boiler drums and pressure vessels.
This document specifies the requirements for digital radiographic X- and gamma-ray testing by either computed radiography (CR) or radiography with digital detector arrays (DDAs) of the welded joints of metallic plates and tubes for the detection of imperfections. It includes manual and automated inspection with DDAs.
Digital detectors provide a digital grey value image which can be viewed and evaluated using a computer (Annex E). This document specifies the recommended procedure for detector selection and radiographic practice. Selection of computer, software, monitor, printer and viewing conditions are important, but are not the main focus of this document. The procedure specified in this document provides the minimum requirements for radiographic practice which permits exposure and acquisition of digital radiographs with equivalent sensitivity for the detection of imperfections as film radiography (specified in ISO 17636-1).
This document does not specify acceptance levels for any of the indications found on the digital radiographs. ISO 10675 provides information on acceptance levels for weld inspection.
If contracting parties apply lower test criteria, it is possible that the quality achieved will be significantly lower than when this document is strictly applied.
- Standard73 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Standard73 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document gives recommendations for specimen preparation, test procedures and their main objectives for macroscopic and microscopic examination.
- Standard16 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies techniques of radiographic testing of fusion-welded joints in metallic materials using industrial radiographic film techniques with the object of enabling satisfactory and repeatable results. The techniques are based on generally recognized practice and fundamental theory of the subject.
It applies to the joints of plates and pipes in metallic materials. Besides its conventional meaning, “pipe” as used in this document covers other cylindrical bodies, such as tubes, penstocks, boiler drums and pressure vessels.
This document does not specify acceptance levels for any of the indications found on the radiographs. The ISO 10675 series provides information on acceptance levels for weld evaluation.
If contracting parties apply lower test criteria, it is possible that the quality achieved will be significantly lower than when this document is strictly applied.
- Standard45 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the application of the FMC/TFM technology for the ultrasonic testing of
fusionwelded joints in metallic materials of minimum thickness 3.2 mm. It's is applicable only to
components with welds fabricated using metals which lead to isotropic (constant properties in all
directions) and homogeneous conditions. These classes of materials include welds in low carbon
alloy steels and common aerospace grade aluminum and titanium alloys, provided they are
homogeneous and isotropic.
- Standard40 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies acceptance levels for indications from imperfections in aluminium butt welds detected by radiographic testing. If agreed, the acceptance levels can be applied to other types of welds (such as fillet welds etc.) or materials.
The acceptance levels can be related to welding standards, application standards, specifications or codes. This document assumes that the radiographic testing has been carried out in accordance with ISO 17636‑1 for RT-F (F = film) or ISO 17636‑2 for RT-S (S = radioscopy) and RT-D (D = digital detectors).
- Standard21 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies acceptance levels for indications from imperfections in butt welds of steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys detected by radiographic testing. If agreed, the acceptance levels can be applied to other types of welds (such as fillet welds, etc.) or materials.
The acceptance levels can be related to welding standards, application standards, specifications or codes. This document assumes that the radiographic testing has been carried out in accordance with ISO 17636‑1 for RT-F (F = film) or ISO 17636‑2 for RT-S (S = radioscopy) and RT-D (D = digital detectors).
- Standard21 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 22826:2005 specifies the requirements for hardness testing of transverse sections of narrow laser and electron beam welded joints in metallic materials. It covers Vickers and Knoop hardness tests in accordance with ISO 6507-1 and ISO 4545, respectively, with test forces of 0,098 N to just under 98 N (HV 0,01 to just under HV 10) for the Vickers hardness test and test forces up to and including 9,8 N (just under HK 1) for the Knoop hardness test.
It is applicable to welds made with or without filler wire. It may not be applicable to the testing of wider hybrid laser/arc welds.
- Standard24 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the application of the time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD) technique to the semi- or fully automated ultrasonic testing of fusion-welded joints in metallic materials of minimum thickness 6 mm.
It applies to full penetration welded joints of simple geometry in plates, pipes, and vessels, where both the weld and the parent material are low-alloyed carbon steel. Where specified and appropriate, TOFD can also be used on other types of materials that exhibit low ultrasonic attenuation (especially that due to scatter).
Where material-dependent ultrasonic parameters are specified in this document, they are based on steels having a sound velocity of (5 920 ± 50) m/s for longitudinal waves and (3 255 ± 30) m/s for transverse waves. It is necessary to take this fact into account when testing materials with a different velocity.
This document makes reference to ISO 16828 and provides guidance on the specific capabilities and limitations of TOFD for the detection, location, sizing and characterization of discontinuities in fusion-welded joints. TOFD can be used as a stand-alone method or in combination with other non-destructive testing (NDT) methods or techniques, for manufacturing inspection, and for in-service inspection.
This document specifies four testing levels (A, B, C, D) in accordance with ISO 17635 and corresponding to an increasing level of testing reliability. Guidance on the selection of testing levels is provided.
This document permits assessment of TOFD indications for acceptance purposes. This assessment is based on the evaluation of transmitted, reflected and diffracted ultrasonic signals within a generated TOFD image.
This document does not include acceptance levels for discontinuities.
- Standard45 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Standard45 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the application of the phased array technology for the semi- or fully automated ultrasonic testing of fusion-welded joints in metallic materials of minimum thickness 6 mm. It applies to full penetration welded joints of simple geometry in plates, pipes, and vessels, where both the weld and the parent material are low-alloy and/or fine grained steel. For the testing of welds in other steel materials this document gives guidance. For coarse-grained or austenitic steels, ISO 22825 applies in addition to this document.
This document provides guidance on the specific capabilities and limitations of the phased array technology for the detection, location, sizing and characterization of discontinuities in fusion-welded joints. Phased array technology can be used as a stand-alone technology or in combination with other non-destructive testing (NDT) methods or techniques, for manufacturing inspection, pre-service and for in-service inspection.
This document specifies four testing levels, each corresponding to a different probability of detection of imperfections.
This document permits assessment of discontinuities for acceptance purposes based either on amplitude (equivalent reflector size) and length, or on height and length.
This document does not include acceptance levels for discontinuities.
This document is not applicable for automated testing of welds during the production of steel products covered by ISO 10893-8, ISO 10893-11 and ISO 3183.
- Standard32 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the application of phased array technology for the semi- or fully automated ultrasonic testing of fusion-welded joints in steel parts with thickness values between 3,2 mm and 8,0 mm. This meets the typical range of tube wall thickness values in boilers, which is an important application of this testing technology. The minimum and maximum value of the wall thickness range can be exceeded, when testing level "D" of this document is applied. This document applies to full penetration welded joints of simple geometry in plates, tubes, pipes, and vessels, where both the weld and parent material are low-alloy and/or fine grained steel.
NOTE "Semi-automated testing" encompasses a controlled movement of one or more probes on the surface of a component along a fixture (guidance strip, ruler, etc.), whereby the probe position is unambiguously measured with a position sensor. The probe is moved manually. "Fully automated testing" includes mechanized propulsion in addition.
Where material-dependent ultrasonic parameters are specified in this document, they are based on steels having a sound velocity of (5 920 ± 50) m/s for longitudinal waves, and (3 255 ± 30) m/s for transverse waves. It is necessary to take this fact into account when testing materials with a different velocity.
This document provides guidance on the specific capabilities and limitations of phased array technology for the detection, location, sizing and characterization of discontinuities in fusion-welded joints. Ultrasonic phased array technology can be used as a stand-alone technique or in combination with other non-destructive testing (NDT) methods or techniques, during manufacturing and testing of new welds/repair welds (pre-service testing).
This document specifies two testing levels:
— level "C" for standard situations;
— level "D" for different situations/special applications.
This document describes assessment of discontinuities for acceptance purposes based on:
— height and length;
— amplitude (equivalent reflector size) and length;
— go/no-go decision.
This document does not include acceptance levels for discontinuities.
- Standard26 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies techniques for the manual ultrasonic testing of fusion-welded joints in metallic materials of thickness ≥8 mm which exhibit low ultrasonic attenuation (especially that due to scatter) at object temperatures from 0 °C to 60 °C. It is primarily intended for use on full penetration welded joints where both the welded and parent material are ferritic.
Where material-dependent ultrasonic values are specified in this document, they are based on steels having an ultrasonic sound velocity of (5 920 ± 50) m/s for longitudinal waves and (3 255 ± 30) m/s for transverse waves.
This document specifies four testing levels, each corresponding to a different probability of detection of imperfections. Guidance on the selection of testing levels A, B, and C is given in Annex A.
This document specifies that the requirements of testing level D, which is intended for special applications, be in accordance with general requirements. Testing level D can only be used when defined by specification. This includes tests of metals other than ferritic steel, tests on partial penetration welds, tests with automated equipment, and tests at object temperatures outside the range 0 °C to 60 °C.
This document can be used for the assessment of discontinuities, for acceptance purposes, by either of the following techniques:
a) evaluation based primarily on length and echo amplitude of the discontinuity;
b) evaluation based on characterization and sizing of the discontinuity by probe movement techniques.
- Standard37 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies acceptance levels for the time‑of‑flight diffraction technique (TOFD) of full penetration welds in ferritic steels from 6 mm up to 300 mm thickness which correspond to the quality levels of ISO 5817.
These acceptance levels are applicable to indications classified in accordance with ISO 10863.
- Standard18 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 11666:2018 specifies two ultrasonic acceptance levels known as acceptance level 2 (AL 2) and acceptance level 3 (AL 3) for full penetration welded joints in ferritic steels, which correspond to ISO 5817:2014, quality levels B and C. An acceptance level corresponding to ISO 5817:2014, quality level D is not included in this document, as ultrasonic testing is generally not requested for this weld quality.
These acceptance levels are applicable to testing carried out in accordance with ISO 17640.
ISO 11666:2018 applies to the testing of full penetration ferritic steel welds, with thicknesses from 8 mm to 100 mm. It can also be used for other types of welds, materials and thicknesses, provided the tests have been performed with necessary consideration of the geometry and acoustic properties of the component, and an adequate sensitivity can be employed to enable the acceptance levels of this document to be applied. The nominal frequency of probes used in this document is between 2 MHz and 5 MHz, unless attenuation or requirements for higher resolution call for other frequencies. It is important to consider the use of these acceptance levels in conjunction with frequencies outside this range carefully.
- Standard24 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 9017:2017 specifies the sizes of test specimen and the procedures for carrying out fracture tests in order to obtain information about types, sizes and distribution of internal imperfections such as porosities, cracks, lack of fusion, lack of penetration and solid inclusions on the fracture surface.
ISO 9017:2017 applies to metallic materials in all forms of product with joints made by any fusion welding process with a thickness greater or equal to 2 mm.
- Standard22 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 15653:2018 specifies methods for determining fracture toughness in terms of stress intensity factor (K), crack tip opening displacement or CTOD (δ) and experimental equivalent of the J-integral for welds in metallic materials (J).
ISO 15653:2018 complements ISO 12135, which covers all aspects of fracture toughness testing of parent metal and which needs to be used in conjunction with this document. This document describes methods for determining point values of fracture toughness. It should not be considered a way of obtaining a valid R-curve (resistance-to-crack-extension curve). However, the specimen preparation methods described in this document could be usefully employed when determining R-curves for welds. The methods use fatigue precracked specimens which have been notched, after welding, in a specific target area in the weld. Methods are described to evaluate the suitability of a weld for notch placement within the target area, which is either within the weld metal or within the weld heat-affected zone (HAZ), and then, where appropriate, to evaluate the effectiveness of the fatigue crack in sampling these areas.
- Standard54 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 22825:2017 specifies the approach to be followed when developing procedures for the ultrasonic testing of the following welds:
- welds in stainless steels;
- welds in nickel-based alloys;
- welds in duplex steels;
- dissimilar metal welds;
- austenitic welds.
The purposes of the testing can be very different, for example:
- for the assessment of quality level (manufacturing);
- for the detection of specific discontinuities induced in service.
Acceptance levels are not included in ISO 22825:2017, but can be applied in accordance with the scope of the testing (see 4.1).
The requirements of ISO 22825:2017 are applicable to both manual and mechanized testing.
- Standard31 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 23279:2017 specifies how to characterize indications from discontinuities by classifying them as originating from planar or non-planar embedded discontinuities.
This procedure is also suitable for indications from discontinuities that break the surface after removal of the weld reinforcement.
- Standard21 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 19285:2017 specifies acceptance levels for the phased array ultrasonic testing technique (PAUT) of full penetration welds in ferritic steels of minimum thickness of 6 mm which correspond to the quality levels of ISO 5817.
These acceptance levels are applicable to indications classified in accordance with ISO 13588.
- Standard29 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 17637:2016 specifies the visual testing of fusion welds in metallic materials. It may also be applied to visual testing of the joint prior to welding.
- Standard17 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Draft14 pagesGerman languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 17635:2016 gives guidelines for the choice of non-destructive testing (NDT) methods for welds and evaluation of the results for quality control purposes, based on quality requirements, material, weld thickness, welding process and extent of testing.
ISO 17635:2016 also specifies general rules and standards to be applied to the different types of testing, for either the methodology or the acceptance levels for metallic materials.
Acceptance levels cannot be a direct interpretation of the quality levels defined in ISO 5817 or ISO 10042. They are linked to the overall quality of the produced batch of welds.
Requirements for acceptance levels for NDT comply with quality levels stated in ISO 5817 or ISO 10042 (moderate, intermediate, stringent) only on a general basis and not in detail for each indication.
Annex A gives correlations between quality, NDT and acceptance level standards.
Annex B gives an overview of the standards linked to quality levels, acceptance levels and NDT methods.
- Standard20 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 17638:2016 specifies techniques for detection of surface imperfections in welds in ferromagnetic materials, including the heat affected zones, by means of magnetic particle testing. The techniques are suitable for most welding processes and joint configurations. Variations in the basic techniques that will provide a higher or lower test sensitivity are described in Annex A.
ISO 17638:2016 does not specify acceptance levels of the indications. Further information on acceptance levels for indications may be found in ISO 23278 or in product or application standards.
- Standard22 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 14273:2016 specifies specimen dimensions and a testing procedure for tensile shear testing of spot and embossed projection welds, in overlapping sheets, in any metallic material of thickness 0,5 mm to 10 mm, where the welds have a maximum diameter of 7√t (where t is the sheet thickness in mm).
The object of tensile shear testing is to determine the tensile shear force that the test specimen can sustain.
- Standard16 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 14270:2016 specifies specimen dimensions and a testing procedure for mechanized peel testing of single spot, seam and embossed projection welds, in overlapping sheets, in any metallic material of thickness 0,5 mm to 3 mm, where the welds have a maximum diameter of 7√t (where t is the sheet thickness in mm).
For welds of diameter between 5√t and 7√t, the peel strength values obtained may be lower than expected when using the recommended test specimen dimensions because the test specimen width is designed for welds of diameter of 5√t or less.
The object of mechanized peel testing is to determine the peel strength that the test specimen can sustain.
- Standard25 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 14272:2016 specifies specimen dimensions and a testing procedure for the cross tension testing of spot and projection welds in overlapping sheets in any metallic material of thickness 0,5 mm to 3 mm, where the welds have a maximum diameter of 7√t (where t is the sheet thickness in mm).
The object of cross tension testing is to determine the tensile force that the test specimen can sustain.
- Standard18 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 9018:2015 specifies the sizes of test pieces and test specimens, and the procedure for carrying out tensile tests, for determining the tensile strength and location of fractures in welded joints with transverse stressed fillet welds.
It is applicable to metallic materials with welded cruciform and lapped joints on plates, where the term plate ? alone or in combination ? refers to plates, sheets, extruded bars or other solid sections.
Information concerning the evaluation of test results is not included in this International Standard.
- Standard15 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Draft11 pagesGerman languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 17641-2:2015 specifies the required specimens, the test piece dimensions, and the procedures to be followed to carry out self-restraint hot cracking tests.
The following tests are described:
- T-joint weld cracking test;
- weld metal tensile test;
- longitudinal bend test.
The tests are designed to provide information about the hot cracking sensitivity of weld metals. The tests are not suitable for the assessment of parent materials.
ISO 17641-2:2015 applies primarily to fully austenitic stainless steels, nickel, nickel base, and nickel copper weld metals. This part of ISO 17641 can also be used for other weld metals.
ISO 17641-2:2015 describes only how to carry out the tests and report the results. It does not give any acceptance criteria.
- Standard20 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Draft16 pagesGerman languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 17643:2015 defines eddy current testing techniques for detection of surface breaking and near surface planar discontinuities, mainly in ferritic materials (weld material, heat-affected zones, base material).
Eddy current testing can also be specified for use with non-ferritic materials, for example in an application standard.
The techniques can be applied to coated and uncoated objects during fabrication and in service, both onshore and offshore.
Eddy current testing can be carried out on all accessible surfaces and on welds of almost any configuration.
Unless otherwise specified at specific items in this International Standard, the general principles of ISO 15549 apply.
NOTE Eddy current testing is usually performed in the as-welded condition. However, the accuracy of the results can be affected by very rough surface finishes.
- Standard21 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 23277:2015 specifies acceptance levels for indications from surface breaking imperfections in metallic welds detected by penetrant testing. The acceptance levels are primarily intended for use during manufacture examination, but where appropriate, they can be used for in-service inspection.
The acceptance levels in ISO 23277:2015 are based on detection capabilities that can be expected when using techniques specified in ISO 3452 series and parameters recommended in annex. The acceptance levels can be related to welding standards, application standards, specifications, or codes. Such a relationship is shown in ISO 17635 for ISO 5817 and ISO 10042.
Acceptance levels for grouped indications are not covered by ISO 23277:2015.
- Standard11 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 23278:2015 specifies acceptance levels for indications from imperfections in ferromagnetic steel welds detected by magnetic particle testing.
- Standard11 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
- Draft6 pagesGerman languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 14323:2015 specifies specimen dimensions and testing procedures for impact tensile shear and cross-tension testing of resistance spot and embossed projection welds in overlapping sheets, in any metallic material of thickness 0,5 mm to 4 mm.
- Standard23 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies specimen dimensions, testing equipment and the procedure for torsion testing of resistance spot welds with single sheet thicknesses ranging from 0,5 mm to 6,0 mm in steels. It can be used for non-ferrous materials in certain circumstances.
The aim of this International Standard is to determine the weld diameter and the failure type of fractured specimens, and to evaluate the influence of different steel types, welding parameters and other factors on the deformation characteristics of a resistance spot weld.
- Standard12 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 27654:2011 specifies the pressure test method to be applied to resistance-seam-welded specimens of different types of materials with single sheet thicknesses ranging from 0,3 mm to 3,2 mm.
The purpose of this pressure test is to determine the suitability of the material, welding equipment, welding parameters and of other factors on a tank, a vessel or a container for liquids or gases, which are manufactured by resistance seam welding.
- Standard9 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 17642-2:2005 specifies the sizes of the test pieces, the specimens and the procedures for carrying out self-restraint cold cracking tests by:
CTS (controlled thermal severity) test Tekken (Y-groove) or Lehigh (U-groove) test
in order to obtain information about the cold cracking sensitivity during welding.
This International Standard applies primarily, but not exclusively, to C-Mn and low-alloy steels.
- Standard22 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 17642-3:2005 specifies the sizes of the backing plates, specimens and procedures for carrying out externally loaded cold cracking tests by implant testing in order to obtain information about the cold cracking sensitivity during welding.
This International Standard applies primarily, but not exclusively, to C-Mn and low alloy steels.
- Standard15 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This Technical Report is an information document and provides guidance for design and evaluation of various joint types and geometrical configurations concerning the accessibility or ability of the weld to be examined with non-destructive testing methods.
- Technical report20 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO/TR 17641-3:2005 outlines the test methods and procedures for carrying out externally loaded tests to assess susceptibility to hot cracking.
The following tests are described:
Hot tensile testsVarestraint and Transvarestraint testFlat tensile test.
The above tests can provide information about the hot cracking sensitivity of parent materials, weld metals and weldments. Assessment is based upon the measurement of the "brittle temperature range" (BTR) where hot cracks occur.
This document applies primarily to austenitic stainless steels, nickel-, nickel-base and nickel-copper alloys, weldments and welding consumables. However, the principles can be extended to other materials such as aluminium alloys and high-strength steels.
- Technical report17 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 17642-1:2004 describes the fundamentals of cold crack formation and the principles of cold cracking tests.
These tests can be used to determine the cold cracking sensitivity of welding consumables, parent materials and weld metal. The most common tests are described.
In addition, an overview is given of the cold cracking test procedures.
- Standard5 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 17641-1:2004 gives an introduction to the fundamentals of hot cracking in weld metals and parent alloys, and briefly describes the tests available for arc welding processes.
- Standard8 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 14324:2003 specifies test specimens and procedures for fatigue testing spot welds, at ambient conditions, under repeated tensile loading to produce either shear or cross-tension loading of the spot weld, in steel of sheet thicknesses of 0,5 mm to 6 mm. The test results are not, in general, directly applicable to the fatigue behaviour of a spot-welded component or structure. This procedure can be used for other materials provided proper test conditions (e.g., heating) have been determined.
- Standard13 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document gives guidelines for the choice of non-destructive testing (NDT) methods for welds in metals and for the evaluation of the results for quality control purposes, based on quality requirements, material, weld thickness, welding process and extent of testing.
This document also specifies general rules and standards to be applied to the different types of testing, for the selection of the method, the techniques and the acceptance levels.
Acceptance levels cannot be a direct interpretation of the quality levels defined in ISO 5817 or ISO 10042. They are linked to the overall quality of the produced batch of welds.
The requirements specified in this document for acceptance levels for NDT conform with quality levels stated in ISO 5817 or ISO 10042 (moderate, intermediate, stringent) only on a general basis and not in detail for each indication.
Annex A gives correlations between quality levels, testing levels and acceptance levels for specific testing techniques.
Annex B gives an overview on specific testing techniques of standards linked to quality levels, acceptance levels and testing methods.
- Draft18 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 5173:2009 specifies a method for making transverse root, face and side bend tests on test specimens taken from butt welds, butt welds with cladding (subdivided into welds in clad plates and clad welds) and cladding without butt welds, in order to assess ductility and/or absence of imperfections on or near the surface of the test specimen. It also gives the dimensions of the test specimen.
In addition ISO 5173:2009 specifies a method for making longitudinal root and face bend tests to be used instead of transverse bend tests for heterogeneous assemblies when base materials and/or filler metal have a significant difference in their physical and mechanical properties in relation to bending.
ISO 5173:2009 applies to metallic materials in all forms of product with welded joints made by any fusion arc welding process.
- Standard25 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 17636-2:2013 specifies fundamental techniques of digital radiography with the object of enabling satisfactory and repeatable results to be obtained economically. The techniques are based on generally recognized practice and fundamental theory of the subject.
ISO 17636-2:2013 applies to the digital radiographic examination of fusion welded joints in metallic materials. It applies to the joints of plates and pipes. Besides its conventional meaning, "pipe", as used in this International Standard, covers other cylindrical bodies such as tubes, penstocks, boiler drums, and pressure vessels.
ISO 17636-2:2013 specifies the requirements for digital radiographic X- and gamma-ray testing by either computed radiography (CR) or radiography with digital detector arrays (DDA) of the welded joints of metallic plates and tubes for the detection of imperfections.
Digital detectors provide a digital grey value (GV) image which can be viewed and evaluated using a computer. ISO 17636-2:2013 specifies the recommended procedure for detector selection and radiographic practice. Selection of computer, software, monitor, printer and viewing conditions are important, but are not the main focus of ISO 17636-2:2013. The procedure specified in ISO 17636-2:2013 provides the minimum requirements for radiographic practice which permit exposure and acquisition of digital radiographs with equivalent sensitivity for detection of imperfections as film radiography, as specified in ISO 17636-1.
ISO 17636-2:2013 does not specify acceptance levels for any of the indications found on the digital radiographs.
If contracting parties apply lower test criteria, it is possible that the quality achieved is significantly lower than when ISO 17636-2:2013 is strictly applied.
- Standard60 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 17636-1:2013 specifies techniques of radiographic examination of fusion welded joints in metallic materials using industrial radiographic film techniques.
ISO 17636-1:2013 applies to the joints of plates and pipes. Besides its conventional meaning, "pipe" as used in this International Standard covers other cylindrical bodies such as tubes, penstocks, boiler drums, and pressure vessels.
ISO 17636-1:2013 does not specify acceptance levels for any of the indications found on the radiographs.
If contracting parties apply lower test criteria, it is possible that the quality achieved is significantly lower than when ISO 17636-1:2013 is strictly applied.
- Standard38 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 17639:2003 gives recommendations for specimen preparation, test procedures and their main objectives for macroscopic and microscopic examination.
- Standard16 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
ISO 10675-2:2017 specifies acceptance levels for indications from imperfections in aluminium butt welds detected by radiographic testing. If agreed, the acceptance levels can be applied to other types of welds or materials.
The acceptance levels can be related to welding standards, application standards, specifications or codes. ISO 10675-2assumes that the radiographic testing has been carried out in accordance with ISO 17636‑1 for RT-F (F = film) or ISO 17636‑2 for RT-S (S = radioscopy) and RT-D (D = digital detectors).
When assessing whether a weld meets the requirements specified for a weld quality level, the sizes of imperfections permitted by standards are compared with the dimensions of indications revealed by a radiograph made of the weld.
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