This document specifies the characteristics of solid parquet elements with grooves and/or tongues for internal use as flooring. This document is applicable to elements of parquet panels.
This document covers elements with or without surface treatment.

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This document specifies the characteristics, requirements and test methods of multi-layer parquet elements for internal use as flooring.

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This document specifies a test method to determine the resistance of the surface of an element of wood flooring, panelling and cladding, to a predetermined list of chemical agents they may be exposed to during their service life.

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This document specifies a test method to determine the top layer delamination of multilayer parquet elements according to EN 13489 with different structures, dimensions and adhesives for internal use as flooring, at the time of the first delivery of the product.
The document specifies a test method with three aging-treatments (AT1, AT2 and AT3) of the test specimens.
The test method described in this document allows to determine a top layer bonding quality, also for parquet used on floor heating, and for the identification of bonding failure.
NOTE 1 For bottom layer of three layers elements the test method is applicable even if the experience is limited.
AT1 is a suitable treatment for the prognosis of multilayer parquets under dry indoor conditions and can be applied for all type of glues of parquets. It can be used for main underfloor heating systems.
AT2 is a suitable treatment for the assessment of multilayer parquets with PVAc-glues for top layer bonding.
AT3 is a suitable treatment for the assessment of multilayer parquets with different type of glues other than PVA-c for top layer bonding.
This document does not apply to the bonding quality of plywood if it is in use in the multilayer parquet construction.
NOTE 2 This document does not allow to estimate the compatibility of use in wet conditions.

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    11 pages
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This document specifies methods of measuring the geometrical characteristics of wood flooring and wood panelling and cladding elements.
This document does not specify sampling, which is intended to be found in the product standards or test methods and it does not apply to elements which are installed.

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This document specifies the characteristics of individual hardwood boards and pre-assembled hardwood boards with grooves and/or tongues for internal use as flooring. This document covers hardwood boards with or without surface coating.
This document does not cover solid parquet elements. (See Annex C).

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This document specifies a method, derived from the test, for determining the resistance to indentation of wood flooring.

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    10 pages
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This European Standard defines general terms relating to sawn timber and round timber used in European Standards.

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    100 pages
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This European Standard defines and specifies the relevant characteristics and the appropriate test methods to determine these characteristics for solid wood products to be used as panelling and cladding (including siding) for:
-   wall and ceiling panelling for internal use,
-   wall and ceiling cladding for external uses.
It provides for the assessment and verification of constancy of performance and the requirements for marking these products.
This European Standard does not cover panels intended for use as stiffening elements.
This European Standard does not cover suspended ceiling in wood panelling and cladding.
This European Standard does not cover the processes for treatment, surface coating or modification.
This European standard does not cover products which are produced from laminated layer section.
This European Standard covers treated, untreated and surface coated products, including those made of thermally or chemically modified wood, as well as finger jointed and edge glued products.
NOTE   Prescriptions for surface coating and treatment can be found in documents valid in the place of use.
This European Standard covers products in compliance with EN 14519, EN 15146 and EN 14951, and other solid timber products manufactured for use as panelling and cladding.

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This European Standard defines and specifies the relevant characteristics, requirements and appropriate test methods for determination of the suitability of floorings made with at least a top layer of lignified material other than wood for use as internal flooring including in fully enclosed public transport premises.
The European Standards for specific flooring products made of lignified material other than wood to which this European Standard applies, and which provide product definitions, requirements for dimensional tolerances and other technical specifications, are the following:
- Bamboo flooring products (EN YYYYY),
- Palm flooring products (EN ZZZZZ).
This European Standard provides also for the assessment and verification of constancy of performance and the requirements for marking these products.
This European Standard covers flooring products made of lignified material other than wood which may or may not be treated to improve their reaction to fire performance or their durability against biological agents.
This European Standard does not apply to:
- flooring products specifically manufactured for enhanced tactile and recognition,
- wood flooring products covered by EN 14342,
- laminate flooring products covered by EN 14041.

  • Standard
    45 pages
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This document defines terms and their definitions relating to wood flooring and parquet.

  • Standard
    76 pages
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This European Standard specifies the methodology for measurement of features - in relation to wood structure, biological agencies and other damage - taken into account in the visual grading:
a)   for appearance - of sawn, processed and round timber;
b)   for serviceability - of sawn and processed timber (identified in EN 1611-1 as the integrity of the timber).
When the standard is applied the methodology of measurement used shall be stated.
It is not applicable to structural timber for which strength grading in accordance with EN 14081-1 is required.
This standard applies to hardwood and softwood sawn timber, both square edged and un-edged, to processed timber and to round timber.
It does not apply to tropical timber.

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This European Standard specifies the characteristics of solid lamparquet products for internal use as flooring. It applies to elements. This European Standard does not apply to panels made from elements, for which EN 13810 1 applies.
This European Standard covers products without surface treatment.

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This European Standard defines a method of assessment of drying quality. It applies to a lot of dried sawn timber (surfaced or not). It applies to both softwood and hardwood with a thickness not greater than 100 mm.
The quality of drying is expressed in terms of moisture content: target, average of the lot and variation between the pieces of the lot.
An option for specifying the degree of case-hardening is included.
NOTE 1   Other features related to drying, e.g. check, shake, warp, stain, etc., are specified in documents for visual grading of sawn timber or in product specifications and are not covered by this document.
NOTE 2   In the following the term "sawn timber" is used for all dried timber covered by this scope.

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This European Standard describes the characteristics for fire-retardant treated wood products.
NOTE 1   It is based on maintaining performance undiminished throughout the desired service life in the anticipated conditions of use.
The European Standard prescribes the classification requirements for the durability of the reaction to fire performance of fire-retardant treated wood products to be used in interior and exterior end use conditions.
This European Standard applies to wood which has been treated during a production process with fire retardant products applied either by a penetration process or by a superficial process, such as with a film forming or intumescent fire retardant coating. It covers fire-retardant treated products that are coated with an ordinary paint.
Mechanical properties and biological durability of fire-retardant treated wood products are not covered by this European Standard.
NOTE 2   This standard can be used for other manufactured wood products.
This standard covers wood products. It doesn’t cover wood-based panels.
NOTE 3   Wood based panels for construction are described in EN 13986.

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This European Standard specifies a method of test to determine the dimensional changes and warp of the elements of wood flooring and wood panelling and cladding.

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This European Standard constitutes a frame standard for the design of timber stairs as well as wood and wood-based components used in stairs by calculation methods. Some calculation methods can be derived from testing results, for example CEN/TS 15680. This document specifies the design and the requirements for materials and components to be used in these calculation methods. It may be complemented by national application documents based on this European Standard.
This European Standard applies to coated and uncoated components. This document covers load-bearing components such as strings, treads, risers, posts and guardrails. Requirements for a timber stair are defined in the product standard, EN 15644. This document does not cover stairs that contribute to the overall stability of the works or the strength of the structure.
This European Standard is valid for the verification of mechanical performance characteristics, usability and load-bearing capacity and their related durability. Other requirements, e.g. requirements for acoustic properties, are not covered by this European Standard.
For the design, calculation and determination of not solely resting actions, additional requirements need to be taken into account (to be checked).
For the dimensioning with special reference to resistance to fire and earthquake/seismic action, additional requirements may be taken into account.
Without further verification, the methods in this European Standard are valid for different types of stair structures and their components, as illustrated in Figure 1:

  • Standard
    58 pages
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This European Standard provides general Product Category Rules (PCR) for Type III environmental declarations for wood and wood-based products for use in construction and related construction and in-service processes.
This European Standard complements the core rules for the product category of construction products as defined in EN 15804 and is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 15804.
NOTE    The assessment of social and economic performances at product level is not covered by this standard.
The core PCR:
—   define the parameters to be declared and the way in which they are collated and reported;
—   describe which stages of a product’s life cycle are considered in the EPD and which processes are to be included in the life cycle stages;
—   define rules for the development of scenarios;
—   include the rules for calculating the Life Cycle Inventory and the Life Cycle Impact Assessment underlying the EPD, including the specification of the data quality to be applied;
—   include the rules for reporting predetermined, environmental and health information, that is not covered by LCA for a product, construction process and construction service where necessary;
—   define the conditions under which construction products can be compared based on the information provided by EPD.
For the EPD of construction services, the same rules and requirements apply as for the EPD of construction products.
Additionally to the common parts of EN 15804, this European Standard for wood and wood-based products:
—   defines the system boundaries;
—   defines the rules for modelling and assessment of material-specific characteristics such as carbon storage and energy content of wood;
—   defines allocation procedures for multi-output processes along the wood chain;
—   defines allocation procedures for reuse, recycling and energy recovery;
—   includes the rules for calculating the Life Cycle Inventory and the Life Cycle Impact Assessment underlying the EPD, including the assessment of carbon and energy content of wood;
—    provides guidance/specific rules for the determination of the Reference Service Life (RSL).
This European Standard is intended to be used for cradle to gate or cradle to grave assessment, provided the intention is properly stated in the system boundary description.

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This European Standard provides a calculation method to quantify the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide based on the biogenic carbon content of wood.

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This European Standard defines general terms relating to timber stairs or to timber in prefabricated stairs, including wood-based materials for dwellings and buildings other than dwellings for permanent use.  
NOTE   This European Standard contains terms relating to stairs in general and these terms could be reviewed when a general document becomes available.

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This European Standard defines and specifies the relevant characteristics and requirements of flat surface wood flooring products and parquets as well as the appropriate test methods for determination of their suitability for use as internal flooring, including fully enclosed public transport premises.
The European Standards for specific wood flooring products and parquets to which this European Standard relates, and which provide product definitions and requirements for dimensional tolerances, include the following:
-   solid parquet elements with tongues and grooves (EN 13226);
-   solid lamparquet products (EN 13227);
-   solid wood overlay elements including blocks with an interlocking system (EN 13228);
-   mosaic parquet elements (EN 13488);
-   multi-layer parquet elements (EN 13489);
-   solid pre-assembled hardwood board (EN 13629);
-   solid softwood floor boards (EN 13990);
-   wood veneer floor coverings (EN 14354);
-   solid wood parquet — vertical finger, wide finger and module brick (EN 14761).
This European Standard may also apply to other wood flooring products and parquets than those standards above. However, it does not specify any requirements for dimensional limits of tolerances of such products.
This European Standard provides also for the evaluation of conformity and the requirements for marking the wood flooring products and parquets.
This European Standard covers wood flooring products and parquets which may or may not be treated to improve their reaction to fire performance or their durability against biological agents.
This European Standard does not apply to:
-   wood flooring products and parquets specifically manufactured for enhanced tactile and recognition;
-   bamboo flooring products;
-   laminate flooring products;
-   product made with plants such as aloe or cork or coconut.
This European Standard covers wood flooring products and parquets with or without paint, varnish, lacquer, wax or oil.

  • Standard
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  • Standard – translation
    35 pages
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This European Standard specifies a qualitative classification and grade designations for felled round timber of oak and beech presented in the form of long poles or logs.
The classifications describe quality classes of round timbers for which the intended use is not known.
The classification applies for the following species: Oaks, Quercus sessiliflora SALISB. (or Quercus petraea LIEBL.), Quercus robur L. (or Quercus pedunculata EHRH.) and Beech (Fagus sylvatica L).

  • Standard
    9 pages
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This European Standard specifies a qualitative classification and grade designations for felled round timber of poplar in the form of long poles or logs. The classifications describe quality classes of round timbers for which the intended use is not known. This classification is applicable to all merchantable clones of poplar.

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This European Standard specifies the characteristics of solid wood overlay flooring including blocks with an interlocking system for internal use as flooring. It applies to elements.
This standard covers elements with and without surface coating.

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This European Standard specifies methods of determining the bending strength of wood and parquet flooring under static loads: a method with a static line load and a method with a static point load.
The methods apply to wood and parquet flooring installed on a non-continuous support and thus assuming static load-bearing conditions.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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TC - text to be deleted in the teable headers of Tables 3, 4, 6 and 7 - Building and civil engineering

  • Corrigendum
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This European Standard specifies a dimensional classification for round timber (softwood and hardwood) for which the intended use is not known.

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This European Standard specifies permitted deviations for thickness and width at reference moisture content and adjustments for changes in size due to changes in moisture content. Preferred sizes for thicknesses of 38 mm and over are also specified.
This standard applies to softwood sawn timber.
An informative annex gives complementary national sizes.
NOTE   A.5 includes for France the concept of preferred size for green timber.

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This Technical Specification defines a destructive method of assessing the case-hardening of a piece of sawn timber with reference to the distortion measured in a slice taken from the piece.
This Technical Specification is applicable to sawn timber and timber which has been planed or surfaced by other means. It applies to both hardwood and softwood with a thickness not greater than 100 mm.

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This Technical Specification specifies the method of control and tests for glue bond performance of lamination and finger jointing processes employed in the production of timber blanks and semi-finished profiles (products) for joinery applications.
The methods of control are set out to ensure the durability of the glue line according to the service class.
The specific requirements for dimensions, stability and moisture content are given in EN 13307-1.

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This European Standard gives specifications and requirements for prefabricated stairs made of solid wood, i.e. where the components contributing to the fulfilment of mechanical resistance and stability characteristics are made of solid wood. These stairs are traditionally designed.
NOTE 1   If the filling of the guarding does not contribute to the mechanical stability and resistance, the used material is not relevant.
NOTE 2   Examples of traditionally made/designed stairs are given in Annex E.
This European Standard covers: stairs either pre-assembled, partly pre-assembled or in component form including balustrades and handrails for internal or external use.
This European Standard does not consider the contribution of these elements to the overall structure design. The ability of a stair to contribute to the overall stability of the works or to the strength of the structure is not covered by this standard.
Carpets on stairs are not covered by this Standard.
The surfaces of the wooden elements may be exposed or covered by finishes.
Where stairs are supplied with a finish or covering, aesthetic or visual characteristics will not be covered by this Standard and references shall be made to the appropriate product standard (e.g. colour fastness of carpet finishes).

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    47 pages
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This European Standard specifies a test method to determine the resistance to wear of lacquered wood floorings, a method to test the elasticity of the lacquer and a method to determine resistance to impact of lacquered wood floorings.

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TC - Modification to Table 1.

  • Corrigendum
    2 pages
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This European Standard specifies the rules determining the quality of appearance graded sawn timber. It describes various grades of temperate hardwood rough sawn timber and regularized timber for which it lays down denominations and definitions. It also gives rules for composition and acceptance of batches.
This standard gives minimum requirements for each grade classification. Sawn timber not included within limits given in this standard may be defined, if necessary, by contract specifications established on the basis of this standard.
This standard applies to grading of green and dried timber. Characteristics apply at the time of grading.
This standard does not apply to the strength grading of structural timber or to sawn timber for pallets.
This standard is applicable to the following products:
a)   Oak sawn timber, in the following categories:
      1)   Un-edged boards: individual selected pieces and boules;
      2)   Square edged timber and strips (not exceeding 41 mm thickness);
      3)   Baulks (sum of thickness + width greater than or equal to 200 mm and thickness greater than or equal to 80 mm).
b)   Beech sawn timber, in the following categories:
      1)   Un-edged boards: individual selected pieces and boules;
      2)   Square edged timber and strips;
      3)   Prepared timber (dried timber).

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This European Standard specifies the characteristics of solid vertical and wide finger as well as Module brick including the laying units made of softwood or hardwood for internal use as flooring. This standard covers products without surface treatments.
This standard covers also treated or untreated elements.

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This European Standard specifies the qualitative classification for the roundwood of pines. It applies to Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Corsican or Austrian pine (Pinus nigra), maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) and radiata pine (Pinus radiata). The classification is made either using Clauses 4 and 5 or using Annex A. Clauses 4 and 5 describe the qualitative classification of round timber for which the intended use is unknown.
Informative Annex A gives a list of characteristics which serves as a guideline for contracts describing qualities for round timber of pines where the intended use is known.

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This European Standard specifies the qualitative classification for the roundwood of spruces (Picea spp) and firs (Abies spp). The classification is made either using Clauses 4 and 5 or using Annex A. Clauses 4 and 5 describe the qualitative classification of round timber for which the intended use is unknown.
Informative Annex A gives a list of characteristics which serves as a guideline for contracts describing qualities for round timber of spruces and firs where the intended use is known.

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This Standard specifies the qualitative classification for the roundwood of larches (Larix) and Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga). The classification is made either using Clauses 4 and 5 or using informative Annex A. Clauses 4 and 5 describe the qualitative classification of round timber for which the intended use is unknown.
Annex A gives a list of characteristics which serves as guideline for contracts describing qualities for round timber of larches and Douglas fir where the intended use is known.

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This Technical specification gives guidelines for installation of parquet flooring. Products which are defined in EN 13226, EN 13227, EN 13228, EN 13488, EN 13489, EN 13629, and EN 14761 are concerned.
This Technical specification applies for installations indoors, and does not apply to the installation of joists and sub floors.
This Technical specification does not cover installations in service class 3 (see 3.4).

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  • Technical specification
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This document defines the sampling plans and procedures for inspection by attributes (measurable properties) of sawn timber lots exhibiting a homogenous distribution of characteristics. It also gives control regulations and conditions for conformity or non conformity of a lot in view of the agreed specification.
This document applies to any sawn timber products claimed to comply with specifications defined in the sales contract.
It does not cover the spread of different qualities within a grade or between the contracted grades.
In case of a dispute, a sampling carried out only by customer or supplier is not valid as it cannot be guaranteed to be free from manipulation. Furthermore parties    are free to enlarge the sampling or make use of another method provided an agreement is made between the interested parties.

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This Technical Specification gives test methods for prefabricated timber stairs. These stairs are made from timber and/or wood-based materials.
The methods included in this document can also be used for single components used in stairs (e.g. steps, handrails, balusters, …).
This document does not consider the overall structure design of these elements. Stairs that are designed to contribute to the overall stability of the works or to the strength of the structure are not covered by this standard.
The surfaces of the timber elements may be exposed or covered by finishes.
NOTE 1   Where stairs are supplied with a finish or covering, some basic characteristics will not be covered by this standard and references should be made to the appropriate product standard (e.g. colour fastness of carpet finishes)
NOTE 2   Where the term "stair" is used in this document, it may also apply to individual element or component where appropriate
Tests can be carried out on a complete fully assembled system according to manufacturer installation instructions or on individual components.
A fully assembled stair test cannot be used to evaluate individual components.
There is no particular hierarchy of sequences or the need to carry out all the tests.
NOTE   The nature of used tests and elements can be given by national regulations.

  • Technical specification
    29 pages
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La présente Spécification technique donne les définitions et les caractéristiques relatives au bois modifié thermiquement. Le bois modifié thermiquement est utilisé dans des milieux intérieurs (secs, humides) et extérieurs. NOTE 1 Le bois modifié thermiquement est généralement un produit semi-fini dont les applications sont, par exemple, les planchers, les lambris, les bardages, les platelages, les fenêtres, les portes, le mobilier et autre menuiserie intérieure et extérieure. Les normes de produits spécifient les exigences et les méthodes d’essai devant être prises en compte. NOTE 2 Utilisation dans des applications porteuses – il convient de se référer aux normes EN pertinentes.

  • Technical specification
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This Technical Specification specifies the method of applying the pendulum test to wood flooring, in order to determine the slip resistance.

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This European Standard specifies the general requirements including in particular the grading and classification by appearance quality of timber in joinery products or individual joinery parts.
This European Standard is intended to be used at the time of manufacture of a product.  However this Standard may be used to evaluate products at a later stage, but in these situations storage and service conditions, subsequent to manufacture, shall be taken into account (surface checks).
Where European product standards exist their timber requirements shall take precedence, unless an alternative improved specification is given as identified in Annex D.  If reference to this European Standard is made the specific grade and requirements shall be identified.
This European Standard covers solid, finger-jointed, end-jointed, edge-jointed and laminated timber products.
Matters relating to the influence of timber characteristics on strength and durability are not covered in this Standard.

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This European Standard specifies principle material requirements for timber and wood-based products in external windows, external door leaves and external doorframes (with or without fixed parts), including those relating to appearance, biological durability and other physical characteristics.
This European Standard applies to assembled windows, external door leaves and external doorframes uncoated or intended to be coated.
If windows or doors are covered by other decorative veneers or films their respective veneer of film Product Standard shall apply.
NOTE   For example: Timber veneers may be graded to EN 635: Parts 1, 2, 3 and 5, and ENV 635 4.

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This European Standard specifies requirements for timber blanks and semi-finished profiles for non-structural uses, including glued laminated and glued finger jointed products.  This Standard gives specific requirements for dimensions, stability and moisture content.  This Standard applies to hardwood and to softwood for use in joinery.
Production control requirements and tests are given in prCEN/TS 13307-2.

  • Standard
    12 pages
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This European Standard specifes principle material requirements for timber and wood-based products in internal windows, doors and doorframes (with or without fixed parts), including appearance, biological durability and other physical characteristics.
This European Standard applies to factory assembled internal windows, door leaves and doorframes uncoated or intended to be coated.
If doors are covered by other decorative veneers or films the respective veneer or film Product Standard shall apply.
EXAMPLE   Timber veneers may be graded to EN 635: Parts 1, 2, 3 and 5, and ENV 635 4.

  • Standard
    20 pages
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This European Standard defines the characteristics of solid wood panelling and cladding without tongue and groove on edges, machined from the following most common European species of softwood: spruce/fir, pine, larch, European Douglas fir and maritime pine.
Products are intended for interior or exterior use.
Coatings and finishings are not dealt with in this European Standard.
NOTE   products sold in the European Economic Area will have to comply with EN 14915.

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    18 pages
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This document defines the characteristics of solid hardwood panelling and cladding elements with or without grooves and/or tongues, for interior or exterior use.
It does not cover characteristics of the possible coating system.
NOTE 1   Products sold in The European Economic Area will have to comply with prEN 14915.
NOTE 2   For softwood see EN 14519.

  • Standard
    25 pages
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