IEC 60684-3-116:2024 gives the requirements for non-heat-shrinkable sleeving, extruded from compounds based on polychloroprene elastomer. This sleeving has been found suitable for temperatures up to 95 °C. Sleeving of this type is normally available with internal diameters up to 25 mm, and in the following opaque colours: black, brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, grey, white and pink. Sizes or colours other than those specifically listed in this document can possibly be available as custom items. These items are considered to comply with this document if they comply with the other property requirements listed in Table 2. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application will be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in the application and not based on the specification alone. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2010 and constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) update of clause references in Table 2;
b) addition of resistance to fluids test.

  • Standard
    36 pages
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  • Standard
    24 pages
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IEC 60763-2:2007 gives methods of test applicable for the material classified in IEC 60763-1. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
The standard has generally been revised editorially and brought into line with IEC 60641-2;
The test method for the determination of the internal ply strength has been replaced with an alternative method; and
The test method for the determination of the thermal resistance has been enlarged in its scope.

  • Standard
    19 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    37 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    80 pages
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IEC 60793-2: 2023 Amendment 1

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    8 pages
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IEC 60893-2:2023 describes methods of test for the materials defined in IEC 60893-1 (referred to also as Part 1). This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2003. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) removal of reference to withdrawn specification IEC 60167:1964;
b) inclusion of reference to IEC 62631-3-3:2015, which supersedes IEC 60167:1964. Details in 6.3 have been updated accordingly. The actual performance of the test has not changed;
c) normative references have been updated.

  • Standard
    109 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    73 pages
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IEC 60674-3-3: 2023 gives the requirements for polycarbonate films used for electrical insulation. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application can be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone. Safety warning: It is the responsibility of the user of the methods contained or referred to in this document to ensure that they are used in a safe manner. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1992. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) the title of the standard has been changed to unify the name within the IEC 60674 series;
b) update of the normative references.

  • Standard
    28 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60674-3-7:2023 gives the requirements for fluoroethylene-propylene (FEP) films used for electrical insulation. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application can be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone. Safety warning: It is the responsibility of the user of the methods contained or referred to in this document to ensure that they are used in a safe manner. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1992. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) the title of the standard has been changed to unify the name within the IEC 60674 series;
b) update of the normative references.

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    24 pages
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IEC 60626-1:2023 contains the definitions related to and the general requirements to be fulfilled by combined flexible materials for electrical insulation. This document does not include mica papers used as a primary component, which are covered by the IEC 60371 series, but insulation materials based on mica paper can be used as component of a combined flexible material. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of material by a user for a specific application is based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2009. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) the materials available for use within this series of standards have been updated;
b) a framework has been created to allow test methods beyond those used for quality control specifications to allow for testing for qualification purposes.

  • Standard
    37 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    24 pages
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IEC 60455-2:2023 specifies methods of test to be used for testing resin based reactive compounds, their components and cured compounds used for electrical insulation. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2015. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Introduction of test methods related to IEC 60455-3-8;
b) Additional and updated test methods for resins.

  • Standard
    110 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    71 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60674-3-4:2022 gives the requirements for polyimide films used for electrical purposes. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application is based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone.Safety warning: it is the responsibility of the user of the methods contained or referred to in this document to ensure that they are used in a safe manner. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1993. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
this document has been completely revised editorially and technically and included in the IEC 60674 series of standards;
new types have been included;
the ranges of thickness have been expanded;
changes have been made to the requirements of some existing types.

  • Standard
    28 pages
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IEC 60674-3-1:2021 gives the requirements for biaxially oriented polypropylene film having a smooth or rough surface, corona treated when required for vacuum metallization. The films are for use as dielectric in capacitors. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application is based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone. Safety warning: It is the responsibility of the user of the methods contained or referred to in this document to ensure that they are used in a safe manner. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1998 and Amendment 1:2011. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- this document has been completely revised editorially and technically and included in the IEC 60674 series of standards;
- the test methods have been updated to reflect today’s state of the art.

  • Standard
    39 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    25 pages
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IEC 60455-3-8:2021 gives the requirements for resins for power cable accessories that conform to this specification and meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application will be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not on this specification alone. These materials are designed to be used in low and medium voltage cable accessories and as such, electrical performance is proven as part of the assembly. Examples of this are described in EN 50393 and IEC 60502-4. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- Clause 1: a link to assemblies according to IEC 60502-4 and EN 50393 was introduced;
- designation: the categories, especially the mechanical ones, were redefined;
- type tests: the testing was updated based on the chemical basis of the material;
- type tests: additional materials were introduced;
- Annex A: an examination grid was established.

  • Standard
    58 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    37 pages
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IEC 60667-2:2020 gives methods of test for vulcanized fibre sheets for electrical purposes. Material made by combining with an adhesive several thicknesses of vulcanized fibre is not covered by this document. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application is based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone. Safety warning: It is the responsibility of the user of the methods contained or referred to in this document to ensure that they are used in a safe manner. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1982. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) added Terms and definitions
b) added General notes on tests
c) added Thickness instead of dimension
d) changed Apparent density from Density
e) added Arc resistance
f) deleted Sulphate content
g) added method (Bending) for flexibility
h) changed test method for internal ply adhesion
i) added Shrinkage

  • Standard
    28 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60667-1:2020 gives the definitions and general requirements for vulcanized fibre sheets for electrical purposes. Materials made by combining with an adhesive several thicknesses of vulcanized fibre are not covered by this document. Materials that conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application is based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone. Safety warning: it is the responsibility of the user of the methods contained or referred to in this document to ensure that they are used in a safe manner. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1980. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
deletion of "corrugated, round rods, and round tubes" from the Scope;
types A, B and C replaced by general and fishpaper types and addition of a symbol for each type in the classification;
addition of white, blue, brown, and addition of a symbol for each colour;
deletion of the thickness of 15,0 mm, the length, the mass and the dimension of rolls from the general requirements;
addition of the manufacturer's name, trademark (if any), nominal thickness, manufacture date, and lot number in the conditions of supply.

  • Standard
    17 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60667-3-1: 2020 gives requirements for vulcanized fibre sheets for electrical purposes. Materials made by combining with an adhesive several thicknesses of vulcanized fibre are not covered by this document. Materials that conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application is based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone. Safety warning: it is the responsibility of the user of the methods contained or referred to in this document to ensure that they are used in a safe manner. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1986. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
change to the range of thickness deviation in Table 1;
addition of apparent density in Table 1;
change to the range of thickness for tensile strength in Table 1;
addition of flexibility and shrinkage in Table 1;
change test method and property value of internal ply adhesion on Table 1.

  • Standard
    16 pages
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IEC 60684-3-283:2019 gives the requirements for two types of heat-shrinkable, polyolefin sleeving for bus-bar insulation, with a nominal shrink ratio of 2,5:1. This sleeving has been found suitable up to temperatures of 100 °C.
Type A: Medium wall - internal diameter up to 170,0 mm typically
Type B: Thick wall - internal diameter up to 165,0 mm typically
These sleevings are normally supplied in colour, red or brown. Since these types of sleeving cover a significantly large range of sizes and wall thicknesses, Annex A (Tables A.1 and A.2) provides guidance to the range of sizes available. The actual size and wall thickness will be agreed between the user and supplier depending on the electric strength of the installed tubing offered and the requirements of the user. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application will be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2010 and Amendment 1:2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- change of moulded plaque thickness for resistance to tracking and weathering tests to (6 ± 0,5) mm.
Keywords: Heat-shrinkable, polyolefin sleeving for bus-bar insulation

  • Standard
    38 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    25 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 69684-3-280:2019 gives the requirements for heat-shrinkable, polyolefin sleeving, anti-tracking with a nominal shrink ratio of 3:1. This sleeving has been found suitable for use at temperatures up to 100 °C. Typically: medium wall, internal diameter up to 110 mm. This sleeving is normally supplied in the colours red or brown. Since these types of sleeving cover a significantly large range of sizes and wall thicknesses, Annex A (Table A.1) provides guidance on the range of sizes available. The actual size will be agreed between the user and the supplier. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application will be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone. This sleeving is designed to be used in medium voltage cable accessories and as such electrical performance willbe proven as part of the assembly. Examples of this are described in HD 629.1 and IEC 60502 (all parts). This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2010 and Amendment 1:2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- change of moulded plaque thickness for resistance to tracking and weathering tests to (6 ± 0,5) mm.
Keywords: Heat-shrinkable, polyolefin sleeving, anti-tracking

  • Standard
    38 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    25 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60684-3-247:2019 gives the requirements for two types of heat-shrinkable, polyolefin sleeving, dual wall, not flame retarded with a nominal shrink ratio of 3:1. This sleeving has been found suitable for use at temperatures of up to 100 °C.
- Type A: Medium wall, internal diameter up to 200,0 mm typically.
- Type B: Thick wall, internal diameter up to 200,0 mm typically.
These sleevings are normally supplied in colour black. Since these types of sleving cover a significantly large range of sizes and wall thicknesses, Annex A (Tables A.1 and A.2) provides a guide to the range of sizes available. The actual size will be agreed between the user and supplier. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application will be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2011 and Amendment 1:2016. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous editions:
- removal of the colour fastness to light test, as this is covered by the test for carbon black content;
- change of low temperature flexibility test to -20 °C to align with sheet 214;
- change of final conditioning temperature of peel strength samples to 200 ºC to align with the temperature in Clause 5;
- removal of the fungus resistance test as there is no evidence that fungus growth is an issue either by testing or in use.
Keywords: Heat-shrinkable, polyolefin sleeving, dual wall, not flame retarded, thick and medium wall

  • Standard
    45 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    28 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60684-3-216: 2019 gives the requirements for four types of heat-shrinkable, flame-retarded, limited-fire-hazard sleeving with a thermal endurance rating of 105 °C as shown below.
Class A: thin wall shrink ratio 2:1 internal diameter up to 102,0 mm
Class B: medium wall shrink ratio 2:1 internal diameter up to 60,0 mm
Class C: thick wall shrink ratio 2:1 internal diameter up to 51,0 mm
Class D: medium wall shrink ratio 3:1 internal diameter up to 40,0 mm
These sleevings are normally supplied in the following colours: black, red, green, blue, white, yellow and green/yellow. Sizes or colours other than those listed in this document are available as custom items. These items are considered to comply with this document if they comply with the property requirements listed in Tables 5, 6, 7 and 8, excluding dimensions and mass. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application will be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2001, Amendment 1:2005 and Amendment 2:2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
1. the temperature at which the sleeving is shrunk in a forced-air circulation oven for (5 ± 1) min has been increased from (150 ± 5) °C to (200 ± 5) °C.
Keywords: flexible insulating sleeving for electrical purposes

  • Standard
    51 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    32 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60684-3-214:2019 gives the requirements for two types of heat-shrinkable, polyolefin sleeving, not flame retarded, thick and medium wall with a nominal shrink ratio of 3:1. This sleeving has been found suitable for use at temperatures of up to 100 °C.
- Type A: Medium wall - internal diameter up to 200 mm typically.
- Type B: Thick wall - internal diameter up to 200 mm typically.
These sleevings are normally supplied in colour black. Since these types of sleeving cover a significantly large range of sizes and wall thicknesses, Annex A (Tables A.1 and A.2) of this document provides a guide to the range of sizes available. The actual size will be agreed between the user and supplier. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application will be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical change with respect to the previous edition:
- removal of colour fastness to light test, as this is covered by the test for carbon black content.
Keywords: Heat-shrinkable, polyolefin sleeving, not flame retarded, thick and medium wall

  • Standard
    40 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    25 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62677-3-103:2019 is applicable to heat shrinkable low and medium voltage moulded shapes, conductive, in a range of configurations suitable for environmental sealing, mechanical protection, strain relief for power cable terminations, joints and stop ends. These moulded shapes have been found suitable for use for temperatures between -40 ºC and 100 ºC. The moulded shapes can be supplied with a pre-coated adhesive. A guide to adhesive compatibility and temperature performance is given in Annex A. The manufacturers/suppliers can be consulted for options. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application will need to be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone. The tests specified are designed to control the quality of the moulded shapes but it is recognized that they are designed to be used in low and medium voltage cable accessories and as such electrical performance will be proven as part of the assembly. Examples of this are described in EN 50393, HD 629 and IEC 60502 (all parts).
Keywords: heat shrinkable, polyolefin, conductive moulded shapes for medium voltage applications

  • Standard
    21 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60674-3-2:2019 gives the requirements for balanced biaxially oriented polyethylene terephthalate (PET) films used for electrical insulation. Safety warning: It is the responsibility of the user of the methods contained or referred to in this document to ensure that they are used in a safe manner.
Keywords: plastic films for electrical purposes, balanced biaxially oriented polyethylene terephthalate (PET) films

  • Standard
    25 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62677-3-101:2018 is applicable to heat shrinkable low voltage moulded shapes in a range of configurations suitable for insulation, environmental sealing, mechanical protection, strain relief for power cable terminations, joints and stop ends. These moulded shapes have been found suitable for use for temperatures between -40 °C and 100 °C. The moulded shapes can be supplied with a pre-coated adhesive. A guide to adhesive compatibility and temperature performance is given in Annex A. The manufacturers/suppliers can be consulted for options. The material is available in two types:
- Type A - Flame retardant
- Type B - Not flame retardant
Materials which conform to this document meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application will be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and will not be based on this document alone. The tests specified are designed to control the quality of the moulded shapes but it is recognized that they are designed to be used in low and medium voltage cable accessories and, as such, electrical performance will be proven as part of the assembly. Examples of this are described in EN 50393, HD 629 and IEC 60502-1.

  • Standard
    21 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62677-3-102:2018 is applicable to heat shrinkable medium voltage moulded shapes in a range of configurations suitable for insulation, environmental sealing, mechanical protection, strain relief for power cable terminations, joints and stop ends. These moulded shapes have been found suitable for use for temperatures between -40 °C and 100 °C. The moulded shapes can be supplied with a pre-coated adhesive. A guide to adhesive compatibility and temperature performance is given in Annex A. The manufacturers/suppliers can be consulted for options. Materials which conform to this document meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application will be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and will not be based on this document alone. The tests specified are designed to control the quality of the moulded shapes but it is recognized that they are designed to be used in low and medium voltage cable accessories and as such electrical performance will be proven as part of the assembly. Examples of this are described in IEC 60502 (all parts), EN 50393 and HD 629.
Keywords: Heat-shrinkable, polyolefin, anti-tracking moulded shapes for medium voltage applications

  • Standard
    21 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60370:2017 covers methods of test for the determination of thermal endurance (temperature index) of electrical insulating resins and varnishes for impregnation purposes. It is done by means of impregnating glass cloth and measuring electric strength or breakdown voltage before and after heat ageing. It covers the materials described in IEC 60455-3-5 and IEC 60464-3-2 and similar materials. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1971. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - this document is now describing two methods, the existing one, following ASTM D1932 and new a method following the requirements of IEC 60455-2 and IEC 60464-2; - the theoretical background and way of calculation were removed, and replaced by reference to IEC 60216; - the layout and numbering system was updated; - for better understanding and illustration purposes examples were added. Keywords: thermal endurance testing

  • Standard
    34 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62677-1:2017 is applicable to heat shrinkable low and medium voltage moulded shapes in a range of configurations and materials suitable for insulation, environmental sealing, mechanical protection, electrical conductance, anti-tracking and strain relief for power cable terminations, joints and stop ends. It specifies the test methods and material requirements. The most commonly available shapes are as shown in the Annex A. Materials which conform to this document meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application will be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and will not be based on this document alone. These moulded shapes are designed to be used in low and medium voltage cable accessories and as such electrical performance will be proven as part of the assembly. Examples of this are described in EN 50393, HD 629.1 and IEC 60502-4.

  • Standard
    20 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62677-2:2017 gives methods of test for heat shrinkable low and medium voltage moulded shapes in a range of configurations and materials suitable for insulation, environmental sealing, mechanical protection and strain relief for connector/cable terminations and multi-way transitions.
The tests specified are designed to control the quality of the moulded shapes but it is recognized that they are designed to be used in low and medium voltage cable accessories and as such electrical performance will be proven as part of the assembly. Examples of this are described in EN 50393, HD 629.1 and IEC 60502-4.

  • Standard
    54 pages
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IEC/TR 60893-4:2014(E) serves as a technical report and presents tables of typical values for properties that are not studied and not given in Table 5 of IEC 60893-3-2:2003/AMD1:2011, IEC 60893-3-3:2003/AMD1:2011, IEC 60893-3-4:2003/AMD1:2012, IEC 60893-3-5:2003/AMD1:2009, IEC 60893-3-6:2003/AMD1:2009, IEC 60893-3-7:2003/AMD1:2009. The purpose of these typical values is to give general guidance and should not be considered as specification requirements. The tables give typical values for the different types of industrial laminated sheets for electrical purposes described in the Part 3 sheets of IEC 60893. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2003. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- the typical values of modulus of elasticity in flexure and of comparative tracking index of EPGC (Epoxy Glass Cloth) types have been changed;
- the typical values of new material types introduced in IEC 60893-3-2:2003/AMD1:2011 have been included. Keywords: industrial rigid laminated sheets

  • Technical report
    15 pages
    English language
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  • Technical report
    30 pages
    English language
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Describes the principles, the terminology, the characteristics, the requirements and the testing methods related to instrumentation and measurement of the neutron fluence rate using mean square voltage techniques for nuclear reactor control.

  • Standard
    8 pages
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IEC 60674-2:2016 is applicable to plastic films used for electrical purposes. This part of IEC 60674 gives methods of test. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1988 and Amendment 1 (2001). This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- this document was completely revised editorially and technically and included in the IEC 60674 series of standards;
- the test methods are updated to reflect today's state of the art;
- a method to obtain DC electric strength is now specified according to IEC 60243-2. Keywords: plastic films for electrical purposes
The contents of the corrigendum of December 2017 have been included in this copy.

  • Standard
    41 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    83 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    172 pages
    English and French language
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IEC TS 61463:2016(E), which is a Technical Specification, is applicable to alternating current and direct current bushings for highest voltages above 52 kV (or with resonance frequencies placed inside the seismic response spectrum), mounted on transformers, other apparatus or buildings. For bushings with highest voltages less than or equal to 52 kV (or with resonance frequencies placed outside from the seismic response spectrum), due to their characteristics, seismic qualification is not used as far as construction practice and seismic construction practice comply with the state of the art. This document presents acceptable seismic qualification methods and requirements to demonstrate that a bushing can maintain its mechanical properties, insulate and carry current during and after an earthquake. The seismic qualification of a bushing is only performed upon request.

  • Technical specification
    40 pages
    English language
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IEC 60455-2:2015 specifies methods of test to be used for testing resin based reactive compounds, their components and cured compounds used for electrical insulation. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 1998. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- Introduction of test methods related to IEC 60455-3-8;
- Additional and updated test methods for resins. Keywords: resin based reactive compounds used for electrical insulation

  • Standard
    37 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    74 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60684-3-284:2014 gives the requirements for heat-shrinkable sleevings for oil barrier, medium voltage cable jointing and termination applications, with nominal shrink ratios of up to 3:1. These sleevings have been found suitable for use up to temperatures of 80 °C. Included are Type A: polyolefin based and Type B: fluoropolymer based, enhanced oil resistance. These sleevings are normally supplied as translucent. Since these types of sleevings cover a significantly large range of sizes and wall thicknesses, Annex A, Tables A.1 and A.2, in this document, provide a guide to the range of sizes available. The actual size will be agreed between the purchaser and supplier. Materials which conform to this standard meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application should be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this standard alone. This sleeving is designed to be used in MV cable accessories and as such, electrical performance as defined as part of the assembly. Examples of this are described in HD 629 and IEC 60502 series. Keywords: heat-shrinkable sleevings, oil barrier, medium voltage cable jointing, termination applications

  • Standard
    12 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    25 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60684-3-285:2014 gives the requirements for heat-shrinkable sleeving for medium voltage joint insulation, with a range of shrink ratios. This sleeving has been found suitable up to temperatures of 100 °C. These sleevings are normally supplied in colour, red or brown. Since this type of sleevings covers a significantly large range of sizes and wall thicknesses, the actual size will be agreed between the purchaser and supplier. Materials which conform to this standard meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application should be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this standard alone. This sleeving is designed to be used in medium voltage cable accessories and as such electrical performance will be proven as part of the assembly. Examples of this are described in HD 629 and IEC 60502. Keywords: heat-shrinkable sleeving for medium voltage joint insulation, flexible insulating sleeving for electrical purposes

  • Standard
    10 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    20 pages
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Defines the standard interface dimensions for type SC family of connectors which is characterized by a 2,5 mm nominal ferrule diameter and includes a push-pull coupling mechanism which is spring loaded relative to the ferrule in the direction of the optical axis.

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    10 pages
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Specifies requirements for the electroacoustical performance of systems of instruments used to measure sound for the purposes of aeroplane noise certification, and recommends methods by which tests may be made periodically to verify that the performance continues to comply with the requirements given within stated tolerances. The requirements apply to the instruments used to measure the sound produced by jet-or propeller-driven transport-category aeroplanes of maximum certificated takeoff mass over 9 000 kg, or their propulsion systems when installed on a suitable outdoor engine test stand.[
]This publication supersedes IEC 60561.[
]The contents of the corrigendum of June 1995 have been included in this copy.

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    4 pages
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IEC 60819-3-4:2013 specifies requirements for two types of aramid fibre paper containing mica particles and designated as PAaM:
- type 1: calendered aramid paper containing mica particles;
- type 2: uncalendered aramid paper containing mica particles. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of material by a user for a specific application should be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone. SAFETY WARNING: It is the responsibility of the user of the methods contained or referred to in this document to ensure that they are used in a safe manner. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2001. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: the document was updated including new thicknesses and relevant values as from Table 1. Keywords: aramid fibre paper containing mica particles, PAaM, calendered, uncalendered

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    17 pages
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IEC 60684-3-214:2013 gives the requirements for two types of heat-shrinkable, polyolefin sleeving, not flame retarded, thick and medium wall with a nominal shrink ratio of 3:1. This sleeving has been found suitable for use at temperatures of up to 100 °C.
Type A: Medium wall - internal diameter up to 200 mm typically;
Type B: Thick wall - internal diameter up to 200 mm typically. These sleevings are normally supplied in colour black. Since these types of sleevings cover a significantly large range of sizes and wall thicknesses, Tables A.1 and A.2 of this document provides a guide to the range of sizes available. The actual size will be agreed between the user and supplier. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application should be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2005. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical change with respect to the previous edition: Alignment with IEC 60684-3-247 (dual wall) since this Part 3 specification represents a single wall option using identical material. Keywords: heat-shrinkable, polyolefin sleeving

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    25 pages
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IEC/TR 62655:2013 provides information for understanding the construction, operation and application of high-voltage fuses in general. Current-limiting, expulsion, electronic, and other, non-current-limiting, fuses rated above 1 kV a.c. are all covered, as are North American, European and other application practices. As a technical report, this document contains no requirement and is informative only. Key words: high-voltage fuses

  • Technical report
    269 pages
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IEC 61212-3-1:2013 gives requirements for industrial rigid round laminated rolled tubes for electrical purposes, based on different resins and different reinforcements. Applications and distinguishing properties are given in Table 1. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application should be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2006. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: Details of test for insulation resistance after immersion in water and values for permissible deviation from nominal external diameter of round rolled tubes in the "as rolled and cured" condition are changed. Key words: industrial rigid round laminated rolled tubes

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    32 pages
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IEC 61212-3-2:2013 gives requirements for industrial rigid round laminated moulded tubes for electrical purposes, based on different resins and different reinforcements. Applications and distinguishing properties are given in Table 1. Materials which conform to this specification meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application should be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not based on this specification alone. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2006. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: Details of test for insulation resistance after immersion in water are changed. Key words: industrial rigid round laminated moulded tubes

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    25 pages
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IEC 60455-3-8:2013 gives the requirements for resins for power cable accessories which conform to this specification and meet established levels of performance. However, the selection of a material by a user for a specific application should be based on the actual requirements necessary for adequate performance in that application and not on this specification alone. Key words: requirements for resins for power cable accessories

  • Standard
    25 pages
    English and French language
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