Plastics piping systems for the transport of water intended for human consumption - Migration assessment - Guidance on the interpretation of laboratory derived migration values

This Technical Report is applicable to plastics pipes, joints and fittings to be used for the transport of water intended for human consumption and raw water used for the manufacture of water intended for human consumption.
It gives guidance on:
a)   the number of successive migration periods to be carried out;
b)   how to interpret M values calculated from successive migration periods;
c)   a method for converting M values into values that reflect field use conditions;
d)   acceptance criteria for the duplicate M values obtained by testing in accordance with EN ISO 8795.

Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssysteme für den Transport von Trinkwasser für den menschlichen Verzehr - Bewertung der Migration - Anleitung für die Beurteilung von aus Laborversuchen abgeleiteten Migrationswerten

Dieser Technische Bericht ist auf Rohre, Formstücke und Verbindungen aus Kunststoff anwendbar, die zum Transport von Wasser für den menschlichen Verzehr und von Rohwasser, das zur Herstellung von Wasser für den menschlichen Verzehr vorgesehen ist, verwendet werden.
Er gibt Anleitung für:
a)   Anzahl durchzuführender aufeinander folgender Migrationsphasen;
b)   Art und Weise der Beurteilung der aus den aufeinander folgenden Migrationsphasen berechneten Migrationswerte;
c)   Verfahren zur Umwandlung von Migrationswerten in Werte, die Gebrauchsbedingungen widerspiegeln;
d)   Annahmekriterien für die bei der Prüfung nach EN ISO 8795 erhaltenen doppelt bestimmten Migrationswerte.

Systèmes de canalisations plastiques pour le transport d'eau destinée à la consommation humaine - Évaluation de la migration - Guide d'interprétation des valeurs de migration déterminées en laboratoire

Le présent Rapport Technique est applicable aux tubes, raccords et assemblages plastiques utilisables pour le
transport de l'eau destinée à la consommation humaine et de l'eau brute utilisée pour la production d'eau potable.
Il donne des indications sur :
a) le nombre de périodes de migration successives à effectuer ;
b) la façon d’interpréter les valeurs de M, calculées à partir des périodes de migration successives ;
c) une méthode permettant de convertir les valeurs calculées de M en valeurs reflétant les conditions d’utilisation
sur le terrain ;
d) les critères d’acceptation des contre-valeurs de M obtenues en effectuant des essais conformément à
l’EN ISO 8795.

Cevni sistemi iz polimernih materialov za transport pitne vode - Vrednotenje migracije - Navodilo za razlago laboratorijsko pridobljenih migracijskih vrednosti

To tehnično poročilo velja za polimerne pipe, spoje in fitinge za uporabo pri transportu pitne vode in neobdelane vode za uporabo pri proizvodnji pitne vode. Podaja navodila za: a) število zaporednih migracijskih obdobij za izvajanje; b) kako razlagati vrednosti M, izračunane iz zaporednih migracijskih obdobij; c) metodo pretvarjanja vrednosti M v vrednosti, ki odražajo pogoje terenske uporabe; merila sprejemljivosti za podvojene vrednosti M, pridobljene s preskušanjem v skladu z EN ISO 8795.

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SIST ENV 852:2002
Cevni sistemi iz polimernih materialov za transport pitne vode - Vrednotenje
migracije - Navodilo za razlago laboratorijsko pridobljenih migracijskih vrednosti
Plastics piping systems for the transport of water intended for human consumption -
Migration assessment - Guidance on the interpretation of laboratory derived migration
Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssysteme für den Transport von Trinkwasser für den menschlichen
Verzehr - Bewertung der Migration - Anleitung für die Beurteilung von aus
Laborversuchen abgeleiteten Migrationswerten
Systèmes de canalisations plastiques pour le transport d'eau destinée à la
consommation humaine - Évaluation de la migration - Guide d'interprétation des valeurs
de migration déterminées en laboratoire
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 852:2010
13.060.20 Pitna voda Drinking water
23.040.20 Cevi iz polimernih materialov Plastics pipes
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 852
December 2010
ICS 67.250; 83.140.30 Supersedes ENV 852:2001
English Version
Plastics piping systems for the transport of water intended for
human consumption - Migration assessment - Guidance on the
interpretation of laboratory derived migration values
Systèmes de canalisations plastiques pour le transport Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssysteme für den Transport von
d'eau destinée à la consommation humaine - Évaluation de Trinkwasser für den menschlichen Verzehr - Bewertung der
la migration - Guide d'interprétation des valeurs de Migration - Anleitung für die Beurteilung von aus
migration déterminées en laboratoire Laborversuchen abgeleiteten Migrationswerten

This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 15 May 2010. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 155.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.



Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2010 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 852:2010: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
Foreword .3
Introduction .3
1 Scope .4
2 Normative references .4
3 Terms, definitions and symbols .4
3.1 Terms and definitions .4
3.2 Symbols .6
4 Principle .6
5 Field use .6
5.1 General .6
5.2 Factors .7
5.3 Determination of the conversion factor, F, for pipes, fittings and joints .8
6 Number of migration periods and assessment procedure .8
6.1 Number of migrations .8
6.2 Assessment procedure .9
7 Calculation of the field concentration, C and the acceptance migration limit, M . 10
f;n al
7.1 Calculation of the field concentration, C . 10
7.2 Calculation of the acceptance migration limit, M . 10
8 Assessment report . 10
Annex A (informative) Alternative schedules for successive migration periods . 12
Annex B (informative) Determination of the operational factor . 13
B.1 General . 13
B.2 Pipes . 13
B.3 Fittings and joints . 14
Annex C (informative) Example of the determination of the conversion factor, F, for pipes, fittings
and joints . 16
Bibliography . 17

This document (CEN/TR 852:2010) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 155 “Plastics piping
systems and ducting systems”, the secretariat of which is held by NEN.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes ENV 852:2001.
This document was originally issued by CEN/TC 155/WG 2 as an ENV. Because of the current developments
relating to contact with water intended for human consumption, CEN/TC 155 has decided not to ask for a
revision of this document as a standard, but to propose instead to keep it as a Technical Report. The main
objective of this is to make the information available as quickly as possible to interested groups, particularly
those involved in designing the regulatory framework of harmonised standards, such as a European
acceptance scheme.
EN ISO 8795 provides instructions on how to produce a migration liquid and how to calculate a migration
value (M) after analysis of a migrating substance. However, EN ISO 8795 does not give information on:
a) the number of successive migration periods to be carried out;
b) how to interpret M values calculated from successive migration periods;
c) a method for converting the calculated M values into values that reflect field use conditions;
d) acceptance criteria for the duplicate M values obtained by testing in accordance with EN ISO 8795.
This information is included in this document (CEN/TR 852:2010). In the case of the conversion of M values
(point c), two factors have been considered:
 a geometrical factor F , which is a property of the product;
 an operational factor F , which is calculated from the residence time of the water in contact with the
product. The values of F quoted in this document are based on certain assumptions and/or risk analysis.
These are explained in the document.
1 Scope
This Technical Report is applicable to plastics pipes, joints and fittings to be used for the transport of water
intended for human consumption and raw water used for the manufacture of water intended for human
It gives guidance on:
a) the number of successive migration periods to be carried out;
b) how to interpret M values calculated from successive migration periods;
c) a method for converting M values into values that reflect field use conditions;
d) acceptance criteria for the duplicate M values obtained by testing in accordance with EN ISO 8795.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
EN ISO 8795, Plastics piping systems for the transport of water intended for human consumption — Migration
assessment — Determination of migration values of plastics pipes and fittings and their joints (ISO 8795:2001)
3 Terms, definitions and symbols
For the purposes of this document, the following terms, definitions and symbols apply.
3.1 Terms and definitions
3.1.1 Terms and definitions related to acceptance limits
concentration acceptance limit (C )
concentration of a constituent which shall not be exceeded
NOTE 1 It is expressed in milligrams per litre (mg/l).
NOTE 2 The limit is specified elsewhere, e.g. in national regulations.
migration acceptance limit (M )
migration value for a constituent which shall not be exceeded
NOTE 1 It is expressed in milligrams per square decimetres per 24 h [mg/(dm × 24 h)].
NOTE 2 The value is either specified elsewhere e.g. in national regulations or calculated from a concentration
acceptance limit C (see and a conversion factor F (see
3.1.2  Terms and definitions related to categorisation of pipe lines
domestic pipe line
pipe line between the service pipe line (see and the tap
NOTE It is assumed to have a nominal size in the range 12 to 25 inclusive.
service pipe line
pipe line between the distribution pipe line (see and the domestic pipe line (see
NOTE It is assumed to have a nominal size in the range 32 and 90 inclusive.
distribution pipe line
pipe line between a trunk main (see and several service pipe lines (see
NOTE It is assumed to have a nominal size in the range 100 to 280 inclusive.
trunk main
pipe line which transports water from the water works to the distribution pipe line (see
NOTE It is assumed to have a nominal size of 300 and larger.
3.1.3 Terms and definitions related to conversion factors
conversion factor (F)

factor used to convert an experimentally derived migration value M (see 3.2) to C (see
NOTE It is expressed in days and decimetres to power minus one (day/dm).
field concentration (C )
calculated concentration of a particular constituent under assumed conditions of field use for migration period
NOTE It is expressed in milligrams per litre (mg/l).
geometrical factor (F )
relationship between the surface area of a component of a pipe line in contact with the water and the volume
of the water contained by that component (see 5.2.2)
NOTE It is expressed in decimetres to the power minus one (dm ).
operational factor (F )
time the water is assumed to be in contact with the component in practice (see 5.2.3)
NOTE It is expressed in days.
3.1.4 Terms and definitions related to products
component other than a pipe which is used in a pipe line (e.g. bends, tees, end caps, valves)
[EN ISO 8795:2001]
connection between the ends of two components, which includes the method of sealing
[EN 1444:2000]
nominal size (DN)
numerical designation of the size of the pipe, fitting or joint, which is whole number approximately equal to the
actual dimensions in millimetres (mm) as specified in the relevant System Standard
water intended for human consumption or raw water used for the manufacture of water intended for human
3.2 Symbols
n : The sequence number of the migration period (see Clause 5);
M : Migration value M at the temperature T in degrees Celsius, for the migration time 24 h and the
migration period n. It is expressed in milligrams per square decimetres per 24 h [mg/(dm × 24 h)];

M : The arithmetic mean value of the results of the duplicate test pieces M .
4 Principle
A maximum of ten migrations is specified.
For assessment purposes the first three and the last three migrations are used.
A procedure for the interpretation of successive migrations is provided.
Procedures are given for the conversion of laboratory derived migration values to values based on assumed
conditions of field use. These values can be compared with either a concentration acceptance limit or with a
migration acceptance limit.
5 Field use
5.1 General
The concentration C shall be calculated using Equation (1):
C = F × M (1)
f, n
C is the calculated concentration of a particular constituent under assumed conditions of field use
in milligrams per litre for migration period n;
F is the conversion fact

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