Water quality - Method for assessment of fish damage in pumps and turbines used in pumping stations and hydropower plants

This document is concerned with the assessment of fish survival in pumping stations and hydropower plants, defined as the fraction of fish that passes an installation without significant injury. It does not concern indirect consequences of such installations, usually included in the notions ‘fish safety’ or ‘fish-friendliness’, like avoidance of fish affecting migration, behavioural changes, injury during attempted upstream passage, temporary stunning of fish resulting in potential predation, or depleted oxygen levels.
This document applies to pumps and turbines in pumping stations and hydropower plants that operate in or between bodies of surface water, in rivers, in streams or estuaries containing resident and/or migratory fish stocks. Installations include centrifugal pumps (radial type, mixed-flow type, axial type), Archimedes screws, and water turbines (Francis type, Kaplan type, Bulb type, Straflo type, etc.).
The following methods to assess fish survival are described:
—   Survival tests involving the paired release of live fish, introduced in batches of test and control fish upstream and downstream of an installation, and the subsequent recapture in full-flow collection nets. The method is applicable to survival tests in the field and in a laboratory environment. (Clause 6);
—   A validated model-based computational method consisting of a blade encounter model and correlations that quantify the biological response to blade strike (Clause 7).
The computational method can be used to scale results from laboratory fish survival tests to full-scale installations operating under different conditions (Clause 8).
The survival tests and computational method can also be applied to open-water turbines, with the caveats mentioned in Annex C.
The results of a survival test or a computed estimation can be compared with a presumed maximum sustainable mortality rate for a given fish population at the site of a pumping station or hydropower plant. However, this document does not define these maximum rates allowing to label a machine as “fish-friendly”, nor does it describe a method for determining such a maximum.
This document offers an integrated method to assess fish survival in pumping stations and hydropower plants by fish survival tests and model-based calculations. It allows (non-)government environmental agencies to evaluate the impact on resident and migratory fish stocks in a uniform manner. Thus the document will help to support the preservation of fish populations and reverse the trend of declining migratory fish stocks. Pump and turbine manufacturers will benefit from the document as it sets uniform and clear criteria for fish survival assessment. Further, the physical model that underlies the computational method in the document, may serve as a tool for new product development. To academia and research institutions, this document represents the baseline of shared understanding. It will serve as an incentive for further research in an effort to fill the omissions and to improve on existing assessment methods.

Wasserbeschaffenheit - Verfahren zur Ermittlung der Fischdurchgängigkeit von Wasserförderschnecken, Pumpen und Spiralturbinen, die in Pumpwerken und Wasserkraftwerken verwendet werden

Dieses Dokument behandelt die Beurteilung der Überlebensrate von Fischen in Pump- und Wasserkraftwerken, die definiert ist als der Anteil der Fische, die eine Anlage ohne signifikante Verletzung passieren. Es behandelt nicht die indirekten Auswirkungen solcher Anlagen, die üblicherweise in Ausdrücken wie „Fischsicherheit“ oder „Fischfreundlichkeit“ zum Ausdruck kommt, etwa eine die Migration beeinflussende Meidung durch Fische; Verhaltensänderungen; Verletzungen bei Aufstiegsversuchen; vorübergehende Lähmung von Fischen, die dazu führt, dass sie Raubtieren zum Opfer fallen; oder die Erschöpfung der Sauerstoffkonzentration.
Dieses Dokument gilt für Pumpen und Turbinen in Pump- und Wasserkraftwerken, die in oder zwischen Oberflächengewässern, in Flüssen, in Strömen oder Ästuaren, die stationäre und/oder migrierende Fischbestände beherbergen, betrieben werden. Zu den Anlagen zählen (radiale, axiale und gemischte) Kreiselpumpen, archimedische Schrauben und Wasserturbinen (vom Typ Francis, Kaplan, Straflo, Rohrturbine usw.).
Es werden die folgenden Verfahren zur Beurteilung der Überlebensrate von Fischen beschrieben:
-   Prüfung der Überlebensrate mit losweiser Aussetzung von lebenden Prüf- und Kontrollfischen auf der Zu- und Ablaufseite einer Anlage sowie mit nachfolgendem Wiedereinfangen in Vollstrom-Fangnetzen. Das Verfahren ist anwendbar auf Feld- und Laborprüfungen der Überlebensrate. (Abschnitt 6);
-   Ein validiertes modellbasiertes Berechnungsverfahren, bestehend aus einem Schaufelkollisionsmodell und Korrelationen, die die biologischen Auswirkungen von Schaufelkollisionen quantifizieren (Abschnitt 7).
Das Berechnungsverfahren kann dazu verwendet werden, die Ergebnisse aus Laborprüfungen der Überlebensrate von Fischen auf unter verschiedenen Bedingungen betriebene originalmaßstäbliche Anlagen zu übertragen (Abschnitt 8).
Die Prüfungen der Überlebensrate und das Berechnungsverfahren können unter den in Anhang C genannten Vorbehalten auch auf Freiwasserturbinen angewendet werden.
Die Ergebnisse einer Prüfung der Überlebensrate oder einer berechneten Abschätzung können mit der angenommenen maximal hinnehmbaren Mortalitätsrate eines gegebenen Fischbestands am Standort eines Pump- oder Wasserkraftwerks verglichen werden. In diesem Dokument werden jedoch weder solche maximalen Raten, die die Kennzeichnung einer Maschine als „fischfreundlich“ erlauben, noch ein Verfahren für deren Bestimmung definiert.
Dieses Dokument bietet ein integriertes Verfahren für die Beurteilung der Überlebensrate von Fischen in Pump- und Wasserkraftwerken mithilfe von Prüfungen der Überlebensrate von Fischen und modellbasierten Berechnungen. Es erlaubt öffentlichen und anderen Umweltagenturen eine einheitliche Bewertung der Auswirkungen auf stationäre und migrierende Fischbestände. Daher hilft dieses Dokument dabei, Fischbestände zu schützen und den Trend schrumpfender migrierender Fischbestände umzukehren. Pumpen- und Turbinenhersteller werden von dem Dokument profitieren, weil es einheitliche und klare Kriterien für die Bewertung der Überlebensrate von Fischen setzt. Darüber hinaus kann das dem im Dokument vorgestellten Berechnungsverfahren zugrundeliegende physikalische Modell als Werkzeug für die Entwicklung neuer Produkte dienen. Das Dokument bildet für Bildungs- und Forschungseinrichtungen die Grundlage eines gemeinsamen Verständnisses. Es dient als Anreiz für weitere Forschungsanstrengungen, um Wissenslücken zu schließen und bestehende Bewertungsverfahren zu verbessern.

Kakovost vode - Metoda za oceno prehodnosti črpalk in turbin, ki se uporabljajo v črpalnih postajah in hidroelektrarnah, za ribe

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Technical Committee
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Standards Content (Sample)

Kakovost vode - Metoda za oceno prehodnosti črpalk in turbin, ki se uporabljajo v
črpalnih postajah in hidroelektrarnah, za ribe
Water quality - Method for assessment of fish damage in pumps and turbines used in
pumping stations and hydropower plants
Fischdurchgängigkeit - Verfahren zur Ermittlung der Fischdurchgängigkeit von
Wasserförderschnecken, Pumpen und Spiralturbinen, die in Pumpwerken und
Wasserkraftwerken verwendet werden
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN 18110
13.060.01 Kakovost vode na splošno Water quality in general
23.080 Črpalke Pumps
27.140 Vodna energija Hydraulic energy engineering
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

July 2024
English Version
Water quality - Method for assessment of fish damage in
pumps and turbines used in pumping stations and
hydropower plants
Fischdurchgängigkeit - Verfahren zur Ermittlung der
Fischdurchgängigkeit von Wasserförderschnecken,
Pumpen und Spiralturbinen, die in Pumpwerken und
Wasserkraftwerken verwendet werden
This draft European Standard is submitted to CEN members for enquiry. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee
CEN/TC 230.
If this draft becomes a European Standard, CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations
which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.

This draft European Standard was established by CEN in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
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United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a European Standard. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a European Standard.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2024 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. prEN 18110:2024 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 4
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 8
2 Normative references . 8
3 Terms and definitions . 8
4 Drawings of the installations .14
5 Equipment and tools .16
5.1 Collection net .16
5.2 Fish introduction device .16
5.3 Transport tank .18
5.4 Storage tank .18
5.5 Keepnet .18
5.6 Small transport tank .18
5.7 Measuring board .18
5.8 Anaesthetics .18
5.9 Fish welfare journal .18
6 Fish survival test .19
6.1 Authorization and safety .19
6.2 Legislation and directives .19
6.3 Flow charts .20
6.4 Operating conditions .25
6.5 Choice and origin of fish .25
6.6 Preparation of a fish survival test .27
6.7 Execution of a fish survival test .29
6.8 Calculation of passage survival .32
6.9 Report .33
7 Computational method to assess fish survival .35
7.1 Blade strike mortality .35
7.2 Probability of collision .36
7.3 Velocity in the meridional plane .37
7.4 Relative velocity of the fish .38
7.5 Effective fish length .38
7.6 Mutilation ratio .39
7.7 Strike velocity .40
7.8 Blade thickness .42
7.9 Total mortality .42
7.10 Integral mortality .42
8 Scaling of results of fish survival tests .42
8.1 General .42
8.2 Geometric similarity .43
8.3 Kinematic equality .43
8.4 Scaling in case of true similarity .44
8.5 Scaling under practical conditions .44
Annex A (informative) Fish species . 46
Annex B (informative) Causes of damage and mortality to fish passing through pumping
stations and hydropower plants . 47
Annex C (informative) Fish survival assessment for open-water turbines . 53
Annex D (informative) Survival estimates, statistical precision, and sample size . 61
Annex E (normative) Parameters to be described in a fish welfare journal . 67
Annex F (informative) Legislation on the protection of test animals used for scientific
purposes . 69
Bibliography . 70

European foreword
This document (prEN 18110:2024) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 230 “Water
analysis”, the secretariat of which is held by DIN.
This document is currently submitted to the CEN Enquiry.
Drivers of change
In recent years, there has been a growing focus on enhancing ecological water quality, with a specific
emphasis on fish populations. International legal frameworks, such as the Water Framework Directive
(WFD) [1], the European Eel Regulation [2], and the Benelux Free Fish Migration Decision [3], have played
a pivotal role in shaping the measures adopted in this regard. Human activities related to water
management, drinking water supply, irrigation, and electricity production require the installation of
pumps and turbines that can have significant environmental impacts on fish populations. For the
environmental sustainability of these sectors, their impact must be studied and, if needed, the best
available mitigation measures must be applied. It is the reason why significant efforts are being made by
various stakeholders, including water management authorities, resource agencies, pump and turbine
manufacturers, ecological consultancy firms, and research institutions, to enhance the chances of survival
for fish passing through pumping stations and hydropower plants.
Mechanisms of fish mortality
Damage to fish in pumping stations or hydropower plants can have different causes [13]. Mechanical
injury by blade strike is generally regarded as the primary cause of injury and mortality in pumps and
turbines with low to moderate heads. Grinding of fish along rough walls or entrapment in small gaps and
clearances can also lead to damage. Other causes are rapid pressure changes that can result in
barotrauma, and excessive shear forces in a fluid flow with high velocity gradients. The actual pump or
turbine system is often where the risk is highest, but also other parts of a plant can be the source of
damage, for instance at trash racks, in nearly closed guide vanes, long pipelines, or siphons, near butterfly
valves, or oscillating no-return valves.
Methods to assess fish survival
Water management entities are increasingly transitioning to the use of pump and turbine systems that
pose fewer risks to fish. Decisions to that effect are usually based on survival tests done in the field at
existing plants, or on laboratory experiments done in test facilities for new designs of pumps and turbines
that are safer for fish. These survival tests can use either live fish or artificial, dummy fish with integrated
sensors. Another alternative route to estimating fish survival is to use computational models that are
well-validated with information from prior tests. Each of these methods has its advantages and
disadvantages. The final choice depends on the stage of development and the desired level of accuracy.
1. Fish survival tests in the field
Fish survival tests have the highest confidence when done in the field at the actual plant site, using live
fish, and under actual environmental and operational conditions. The fish should be representative of the
population for which the survival is being estimated, and operating conditions should reflect the most
common modes of operation, or worst-case conditions if such conditions occur on a regular basis.
Survival tests like these come closest to reality, where resident fish are entrained naturally into the intake
structure of a plant, are subjected to all stressors during passage, and can display their natural behaviour.
The use of artificial dummy fish with integrated sensors [17], can give additional information but they
cannot replace test

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